September 2015, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 395-410 Employment effects of tax cuts in a transition country: evidence from Serbia
by Jelena Zarkovic-Rakic - 411-427 Consolidation of communist bad loans through state-operated institutions in the Czech Republic, 1990-2013
by Aleš Rod
June 2015, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 129-152 Austerity and growth in Central and Eastern Europe: understanding the link through contrasting crisis management in Hungary and Latvia
by D�ra Győrffy - 153-169 Marginalisation and participation in the informal economy in Central and Eastern European nations
by Colin C. Williams & Ioana Horodnic - 170-187 GDP and life satisfaction in European countries - focus on transition
by Jiř� VeČern�k & Martina Mys�kov� - 188-204 Russia's flat tax reform: redefining its effects on employment
by Iryna Kryvoruchko - 205-215 Are new EU member states catching up with older ones on global agri-food markets?
by Štefan Bojnec & Imre Fertő - 216-232 Benefits of entry control: the Russian case
by Anton Oleinik - 233-246 Structural problems of the Czech economy
by Marek Loužek & Jan SkopeČek - 247-255 The corruption mark-up: is corruption cost incorporated in the prices of goods and services in emerging and developed countries?
by Jelena Budak & Maruška Vizek - 256-267 Has foreign investment played a role in Mongolia's export success?
by Oyunbadam Davaakhuu & Kishor Sharma & Edward Oczkowski - 268-281 A note on poverty among ethnic minorities in the Northwest region of Vietnam
by Tuyen Quang Tran & Son Hong Nguyen & Huong Van Vu & Viet Quoc Nguyen
March 2015, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-22 Trade in services and tertiarisation of the Visegr�d Four economies
by Yulia Melikhova & Ladislav Baz˘� & Ivana Holubcova & Jos� A. Camacho - 23-40 Opportunities for fiscal devaluation in small open economies: the case of Ukraine
by Artem Vdovychenko & Artur Zubrytskyi - 41-59 In search of the elusive Chinese urban middle class: an exploratory analysis
by C�line Bonnefond & Matthieu Cl�ment & Fran�ois Combarnous - 60-75 The costs of EU club membership: agri-food and economy-wide impact in Croatia
by George Philippidis & Pierre Boulanger & Emanuele Ferrari & Jerzy Michalek & Helena Resano & Ana I. Sanju�n & Cristina Vinyes - 76-90 Formalisation of organisational structure as a subject of path dependency: an example from Central and Eastern Europe
by K. Sakowski & M. Vadi & J. Merik�ll - 91-105 Capital structure and liquidity during the financial crisis in Serbia: implications for the sustainability of the economy
by Ksenija Denčić-Mihajlov & Dejan Malinić & Konrad Grabiński - 106-128 Cutting the red ribbon but not the red tape: the failure of business environment reform in Croatia
by Ružica Šimić Banović
December 2014, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 437-458 Challenges of Russian economic policy: modernisation or acceleration? ( perestroika or uskorenie )
by Vladimir Mau - 459-476 Testing the 'trilemma' in post-transition Europe - a new empirical measure of capital mobility
by Tomislav Globan - 477-497 Systemic competitiveness of post-socialist and capitalist economies: a broader look at the competitiveness debate
by Velibor Mačkić & Blanka Škrabić Perić & Petar Sorić - 498-521 Could Russia become more innovative? Coordinating key actors of the innovation system
by Julien Vercueil - 522-536 Social capital in Russian agricultural production co-operatives
by Svetlana Golovina & Sebastian Hess & Jerker Nilsson & Axel Wolz - 537-554 Human capital and Russia's agricultural future
by Stephen K. Wegren - 555-568 Price transmission along the food supply chain in Slovakia
by Jan Pokrivcak & Miroslava Rajcaniova
September 2014, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 297-323 Government size and efficiency as constraints to economic growth: comparing Croatia with other European countries
by Marijana Bađun & Vedrana Pribičević & Milan Deskar-Škrbić - 324-340 Private governance under public constraints
by Feng Deng - 341-358 Do economic crises impede or advance regional economic integration in the post-Soviet space?
by Evgeny Vinokurov & Alexander Libman - 359-375 Productivity and factor misallocation in Ukraine: the role of state ownership
by Umut Kılın� - 376-400 Explaining money demand in China during the transition from a centrally planned to a market-based monetary system
by Anne-Laure Delatte & Julien Fouquau & Carsten Holz - 401-414 Age-productivity patterns in talent occupations for men and women: a decomposition
by Magdalena Smyk & Joanna Tyrowicz & Barbara Liberda - 415-435 Informal credit institutions in transition countries: a study of urban money lenders in post-communist Uzbekistan
by Kobil Ruziev & Peter Midmore
June 2014, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 149-175 Russian housing finance policy: state-led institutional evolution
by Marina Khmelnitskaya - 176-200 Can cooperation with the BRICs and other Growth Markets help EU member states exit the crisis?
by Staša Tkalec & Marjan Svetličič - 201-219 Quality of life and social exclusion in rural Southern, Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS
by Max Spoor & Luca Tasciotti & Mihail Peleah - 220-240 Management practices in Russian manufacturing subsidiaries of foreign multinational corporations: challenging some beliefs about contemporary Russian industrial management
by Igor Gurkov - 241-256 True regional purchasing power: evidence from the Czech Republic
by Jan Cadil & Petr Mazouch & Petr Musil & Jana Kramulova - 257-276 Income underreporting by households with business income: evidence from Estonia
by Merike Kukk & Karsten Staehr - 277-295 Demand for food during economic transition: an AIDS econometric model for Slovenia, 1988-2008
by Miroslav Verbič & Mitja Čok & Ana Božič
March 2014, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-16 Dualism and growth in transition economies: a two-sector model with efficient and subsidised enterprises
by Luigi Bonatti & Kiryl Haiduk - 17-38 Innovation strategies and productivity in the Polish services sector
by Krzysztof Szczygielski & Wojciech Grabowski - 39-52 Step or trap? Transition from fixed-term contracts in Central Eastern Europe
by Pavol Babos - 53-66 The Russian gas industry: challenges to the 'Gazprom model'?
by Catherine Locatelli - 67-88 Religion and economic attitudes in post-communist transition
by Pavol Minarik - 89-102 Pension reform in the Czech Republic after 2010
by Marek Loužek - 103-121 Determinants of foreign direct investment in Vietnamese provinces: a spatial econometric analysis
by Hong Hiep Hoang & Michaël Goujon - 122-136 The effect of industry maturity, turnover and competition on firm survival: evidence from Slovenian firms
by Katja Zajc Kejžar & Nina Ponikvar - 137-148 Perpetuation of subsistence farming in Kosovo: the role of farm integration in input markets
by Laure Latruffe & Yann Desjeux
December 2013, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 425-447 The sources of economic growth and relative backwardness in the Central Eastern European countries between 1995 and 2007
by �kos Dombi - 448-464 Between modernisation and stagnation: Russian economic policy and global crisis
by Vladimir Mau - 465-491 Members' choice of production co-operatives in Russian agriculture
by Svetlana Golovina & Jerker Nilsson & Axel Wolz - 492-511 Dynamics of the global competitiveness of Chinese industries
by Jianhong Zhang & Haico Ebbers & Arjen van Witteloostuijn - 512-528 Economic activity, saving, credit and income polarisation in Poland
by Marek Kośny - 529-538 Assessing the sensitivity of consumption expenditure to inflation sentiment in post-communist economies
by Petar Sorić - 539-556 Job satisfaction across Europe: differences between and within regions
by Martina Mys�kov� & Jiř� Večern�k - 557-568 Determinants of the financial performance of microfinance institutions in Central Asia
by Karel Janda & Batbayar Turbat
September 2013, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 267-288 Economic freedom, democracy and economic growth: a causal investigation in transition countries
by Dawid Piątek & Katarzyna Szarzec & Michał Pilc - 289-308 Cyclical properties of fiscal policy in new member states of the EU
by Martina Dalic - 309-324 The Fisher effect at the borders of the European Monetary Union: evidence from post-communist countries
by Blanka Škrabic Peric & Petar Soric & Josip Arneric - 325-342 The impact of EU accession: lessons from the agriculture of the new member states
by Csaba Cs�ki & Attila J�mbor - 343-356 Farm income sources, farm size and farm technical efficiency in Slovenia
by Štefan Bojnec & Imre Fertő - 357-370 Myanmar's two decades of partial transition to a market economy: a negative legacy for the new government
by Koji Kubo - 371-391 Fragmentation and parts and components trade in the Western Balkan countries
by Bojan Shimbov & Maite Alguacil & Celestino Su�rez - 392-406 The role of corporations in economic development: Albania on its way to internationalisation
by Janez Prašnikar & Fatmir Memaj & Tjaša Redek & Damjan Voje - 407-424 Evolution of private returns to tertiary education during transition: evidence from Slovenia
by Tjaša Bartolj & Aleš AhCan & Aljoša Feldin & Sašo Polanec
June 2013, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 133-158 The impact of corruption and ownership on the performance of firms in Central and Eastern Europe
by Sandra Blagojević & Jože P. Damijan - 159-174 The public utilities war and corruption in Ukraine
by O. Leipnik & S. Kyrychenko - 175-189 The role of non-tariff measures in EU dairy trade with Russia
by Jan Pokrivcak & Siemen van Berkum & Lenka Drgova & Marian Mraz & Pavel Ciaian - 190-205 Land development right and collective ownership in China
by Feng Deng - 206-224 The determinants of regional exports in Poland -- a panel data analysis
by Piotr Ciżkowicz & Andrzej Rzońca & Stanisław Umiński - 225-240 A new look into the prevalence of balance sheet or competitiveness effect of exchange rate depreciation in a highly euroised economy
by Marina Tkalec & Miroslav Verbič - 241-252 Agricultural households, poverty and the rural labour market in Kosovo
by Faton Osmani & Matthew Gorton & John White - 253-266 Microfinance institution activities in Central Asia: a case study of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan
by Manijeh Sabi
March 2013, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-17 Adjustment mechanisms and exchange rate regimes in 2004 new EU members during the financial crisis
by Kosta Josifidis & Jean-Pierre Allegret & Emilija Beker Pucar - 18-36 Deviation of the Ukrainian hryvnia from the equilibrium exchange rate
by Valentyna Ozimkovska & Stanislaw Kubielas - 37-58 Eastern Germany's economic development revisited: path dependence and economic stagnation before and after reunification
by Ulrich Blum - 59-81 Why are agroholdings so pervasive in Russia's Belgorod oblast '? Evidence from case studies and farm-level data
by David Epshtein & Konstantin Hahlbrock & Jürgen Wandel - 82-98 Why are spillovers through backward linkages from multinational corporations in the Czech motor industry still limited?
by Eric Rugraff - 99-118 Retirement decisions in transition: microeconometric evidence from Slovenia
by Sašo Polanec & Aleš Ahčan & Miroslav Verbič - 119-131 The extent of poverty in the Czech and Slovak Republics 15 years after the split
by Jitka Bartošová & Tomáš Želinský
March 2012, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 535-554 A selection analysis of returns to education in China
by Lili Kang & Fei Peng
August 2012, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 477-502 Reduction of the effective corporate tax burden in Romania 1992--2012 and Romania's current ranking among the Central and Eastern European EU member states
by Christoph Spengel & Sebastian Lazar & Lisa Evers & Benedikt Zinn
June 2012, Volume 24, Issue 4
February 2012, Volume 24, Issue 3
March 2012, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 365-382 Internationalisation of innovative SMEs in the Hungarian medical precision instruments industry
by Magdolna Sass
May 2012, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 309-325 Russia and China facing the ‘Great Wall’: how to succeed in the second structural transition
by Jan Winiecki
September 2012, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 383-401 The effectiveness of investment incentives: the Slovenian FDI Co-financing Grant Scheme
by Anže Burger & Andreja Jaklič & Matija Rojec
October 2012, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 327-349 Spatial complementarity of FDI: the example of transition countries
by Oleksandr Shepotylo - 419-432 Price transmission in the milk sectors of Poland and Hungary
by Zoltán Bakucs & Jan Fałkowski & Imre Fertő
November 2012, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 351-363 A free trade agreement between Ukraine and the European Union: potential effects on agricultural markets and farmers' revenues
by Olexandr Nekhay & Thomas Fellmann & Stephan Hubertus Gay
November 2012, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 177-190 The role of the informal sector, flexible working time and pay in the Russian labour market model
by Rostislav Kapelyushnikov & Andrei Kuznetsov & Olga Kuznetsova
February 2012, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 291-307 Conditionality or specificity? Bulgaria and Romania's economic transition performance in comparative perspective
by Achim Ahrens & Joachim Zweynert
September 2012, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 277-289 Does international trade provide incentives for efficient behaviour of Russian manufacturing firms?
by Victoria Golikova & Ksenia Gonchar & Boris Kuznetsov
October 2012, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 257-275 Banking system liquidity absorption and monetary base backing in the context of exchange rate policy in the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary
by Karel Bruna & Jaroslava Durc�kov�
December 2012, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 241-256 Taxation of labour: the effect of labour taxes and costs on employment in Macedonia
by Nikica Mojsoska-Blazevski
January 2012, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 155-175 Regional unemployment in the EU before and after the global crisis
by Enrico Marelli & Roberto Patuelli & Marcello Signorelli - 191-217 Determinants of youth unemployment in Russian regions
by Olga Demidova & Marcello Signorelli - 219-239 Self-employment and the business cycle: evidence from Poland
by Stanislaw Cichocki
August 2012, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-14 External shocks and limited absorption in a small open economy: the case of Hungary
by Istvan Magas - 125-131 Do exports cause growth? Some evidence for the new EU members
by Oscar Bajo-Rubio & Carmen D�az-Roldán - 133-143 Innovation propensity of the SME sector in emerging markets: evidence from Poland
by Darek Klonowski
July 2012, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 111-123 Western Balkans agriculture and European integration: unused potential and policy failures?
by Tina Volk & Miroslav Rednak & Emil Erjavec
June 2012, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 15-37 An analysis of income polarisation in rural and urban China
by C�line Bonnefond & Matthieu Cl�ment - 73-85 Does housing wealth affect private consumption in European post-transition countries? Evidence from linear and threshold models
by Amina Ahec �onje & Anita Ceh Casni & Maru�ka Vizek - 87-109 Tajik labour migrants and their remittances: is Tajik migration pro-poor?
by Kazuhiro Kumo
September 2012, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 39-72 Matching, adverse selection and labour market flows in a (post)transition setting: the case of Croatia
by Iva Tomić & Polona Domadenik - 145-154 Internationalisation through the Warsaw Stock Exchange: an empirical analysis
by Witold Wilinski
December 2011, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 465-475 Accounting for recent trends in absolute poverty in Poland: a decomposition analysis
by Michal Brzezinski
November 2011, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 433-439 The dual challenge still ahead: economic theory and economic policy in Bulgaria after accession to the European Union
by Zoya Mladenova - 503-515 Distribution of personal income tax changes in Slovenia
by Mitja Čok & Jože Sambt & Marko Košak & Miroslav Verbič & Boris Majcen - 517-534 University efficiency and public funding for higher education in Bulgaria
by Kiril Tochkov & Nikolay Nenovsky & Karin Tochkov
June 2011, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 469-492 Is it really different? Patterns of regionalisation in post-Soviet Central Asia
by Alexander Libman & Evgeny Vinokurov - 493-505 Russian anti-trust policy: power of enforcement versus quality of rules
by Svetlana Avdasheva & Andrei Shastitko - 539-551 Conditions for structural change in the Macedonian dairy industry -- the dairy farmers' choice of processors
by Ana Simonovska & Jerker Nilsson
April 2011, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 415-432 Central and Eastern European countries in the global financial crisis: a typical twin crisis?
by Diemo Dietrich & Tobias Knedlik & Axel Lindner
May 2011, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 433-447 EU enlargement and monetary regimes from the insurance model perspective
by Nikolay Nenovsky & Patrick Villieu - 449-468 Determinants of economic growth in Central and Eastern Europe: the global crisis perspective
by Mariusz Próchniak - 507-516 Innovative actions and innovation (in)capabilities of Russian industrial companies: a further extension of observations
by Igor Gurkov - 517-537 Granger causality and innovation accounting analysis of the monetary transmission mechanism in Croatia
by Djula Borozan
2011, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 271-310 Wage inequality, labour market flexibility and duality in Eastern and Western Europe
by Jens Holscher & Cristiano Perugini & Fabrizio Pompei - 311-325 The Russian growth path and TFP changes in light of estimation of the production function using quarterly data
by Masaaki Kuboniwa - 327-342 The effects of social policy on income inequality in Serbia
by Olgica Ivancev & Milena Jovicic - 343-357 What drives FDI in Central-Eastern Europe? Evidence from the IWH-FDI-Micro database
by A. Gauselmann & M. Knell & J. Stephan - 359-376 Self-employment in the Czech Republic and CEE countries: persons and households
by Jiri Vecernik - 377-398 Emigration from the South Caucasus: who goes abroad and what are the economic implications?
by Zvezda Dermendzhieva - 399-413 Is there a consensus among Hungarian agricultural economists?
by Imre Fertő
2011, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 139-162 What is success and what is failure of transition? A critical review of two decades of agricultural reform in the Europe and Central Asia region
by Jurgen Wandel & Agata Pieniadz & Thomas Glauben - 163-189 Trade liberalisation and economic geography in CEE countries: the role of FDI in the adjustment pattern of regional wages
by Joze Damijan & Crt Kostevc - 191-201 Revisiting purchasing power parity for nine transition countries: a Fourier stationary test
by Su-Yuan Lin & Horng-Jinh Chang & Tsangyao Chang - 203-217 The impact of governance and infrastructure on innovation
by Rudolf Sivak & Anetta Caplanova & John Hudson - 219-236 Public policies and private initiatives in transition: evidence from the Polish dairy sector
by Liesbeth Dries & Jan Fałkowski & Agata Malak-Rawlikowska & Dominika Milczarek-Andrzejewska - 237-255 Human capital and wage inequality during transition: evidence from Bulgaria
by Penka Kovacheva - 257-270 The determinants of disparities in inward FDI flows to the three macro-regions of China
by Ping Zheng
2011, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-13 Financial institutions in transition: the long view
by Laszlo Csaba - 15-34 The Central and Eastern European model of capitalism
by Beata Farkas - 35-53 Foreign direct investment in weak intellectual property rights regimes - the example of post-socialist economies
by Johannes Stephan - 55-67 The Russian top-down organised co-operatives - reasons behind the failure
by Svetlana Golovina & Jerker Nilsson - 69-85 Nabucco and the Russian gas strategy vis-a-vis Europe
by Rafael Fernandez - 87-103 Potential impact of the EU Single Area Payment on farm restructuring and efficiency in Lithuania
by Elodie Douarin & Laure Latruffe - 105-118 Cross-region FDI productivity spillovers in transition economies: evidence from China
by Xiaowen Tian & Vai Io Lo & Shuanglin Lin & Shunfeng Song - 119-137 Are exogenous requirements sufficient to induce corporate risk management activities?
by Ales Berk & Igor Loncarski
2010, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 427-447 Introduction of the euro in CEE countries - is it economically justifiable? The Croatian case
by Tanja Broz - 449-470 Organisational culture and corporate governance in Russia: a study of managerial turnover
by Naohito Abe & Ichiro Iwasaki - 471-481 Russia's federal fiscal grants: regional equalisation and growth
by Karen Vartapetov - 483-497 Informal social networks and spatial mobility: the enduring impact of communist history in Eastern Germany
by Peter Boenisch & Lutz Schneider - 499-511 Eastern Germany on the brink of closing the productivity gap? Firm level evidence from manufacturing
by Bernd Gorzig & Martin Gornig & Ramona Voshage & Axel Werwatz - 513-529 Price transmission and market power in a transition context: evidence from the Polish fluid milk sector
by Jan Fałkowski - 531-545 Legal regulations and agricultural production: the case of Cuba's cattle sector
by Mercedes Jaffe & Manfred Zeller - 547-558 The macroeconomic implications of emigrants' remittances in Romania, Bulgaria and Albania
by Anastasia Blouchoutzi & Christos Nikas
2010, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 267-282 Restricting imports to the Russian food market: simply an act of protectionism?
by Christel Elvestad & Frode Nilssen - 283-302 Economic diversification and Dutch disease in Russia
by Victoria Dobrynskaya & Edouard Turkisch - 303-322 EU enlargement and real economic convergence
by Borut Vojinovic & Zan Oplotnik & Mariusz Prochniak - 323-343 Geographical agglomeration and co-agglomeration of foreign and domestic enterprises: a case study of Chinese manufacturing industries
by Canfei He & Junsong Wang - 345-365 Regional poverty disparity and economic performance in Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia
by Christina Peters & Ron Sprout & Robyn Melzig - 367-385 Electricity sector reform in South-East European countries in transition
by Dubravko Sabolic & Branko Grcic - 387-409 What happened to the East German housing market? A historical perspective on the role of public funding
by Claus Michelsen & Dominik Weiss - 411-426 Start-up size and subsequent firm growth in Kosova: the role of entrepreneurial and institutional factors
by Joan-Lluis Capelleras & Durim Hoxha
2010, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 129-140 The Russian corporation: patterns of behaviour during the crisis
by Andrei Yakovlev & Yuri Simachev & Yuri Danilov - 141-164 Does public expenditure on education matter for growth in Europe? A comparison between old EU member states and post-communist economies
by Mariya Neycheva - 165-175 The impact of EU accession on farms' technical efficiency in Hungary
by Lajos Zoltan Bakucs & Laure Latruffe & Imre Fertő & Jozsef Fogarasi - 177-192 Is East Germany catching up? A time series perspective
by Bernd Aumann & Rolf Scheufele - 193-206 Post-disaster reconfiguration of property rights in a transition economy
by Feng Deng - 207-227 Agricultural efficiency, technical change and productivity in China
by Xiaobing Wang & Supawat Rungsuriyawiboon - 229-245 The effectiveness of government-sponsored programmes in supporting the SME sector in Poland
by Darek Klonowski - 247-265 Returns to education of young people in Mongolia
by Francesco Pastore
2010, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-17 Strengths and weaknesses of the outward FDI paths of the Central European countries
by Eric Rugraff - 19-31 Growth in Russia's federal districts, 1994-2003
by Gregory Brock - 33-53 The Belarusian case of transition: whither financial repression?
by Julia Korosteleva & Colin Lawson - 55-72 Foreign direct investment as an agent of change in Russian agrifood business - consequences of the export of chain management concepts by foreign investors
by Vera Belaya & Jon Henrich Hanf - 73-97 Remittances matter: longitudinal evidence from Albania
by Laetitia Duval & Francois-Charles Wolff - 99-117 Interrelations between housing supply agents: the metropolitan housing market in Prague
by Martin Lux & Petr Sunega - 119-128 Individual farm exit decisions in Croatian family farms
by Judith Mollers & Jana Fritzsch
2009, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 383-398 From Sovietology to neo-institutionalism
by Laszlo Csaba - 399-423 Hierarchy of governance institutions and the pecking order of privatisation: Central-Eastern Europe and Central Asia reconsidered
by Tomasz Mickiewicz - 425-438 The obstacles in the way of stabilising the Russian oil model
by Sylvain Rossiaud & Catherine Locatelli - 439-451 The strategy process in Russian 'non-strategic' companies: coping with economic recession
by Igor Gurkov - 453-474 The poverty effect of remittance flows: evidence from Georgia
by Ainura Uzagalieva & Antonio Menezes - 475-494 Export strategies and performance in the CIS: case study evidence from the dairy sector
by Matthew Gorton & John White - 495-511 Past and future effects of the Common Agricultural Policy in the Czech Republic
by Christoph Sahrbacher & Ladislav Jelinek & Konrad Kellermann & Tomas Medonos - 513-530 Industry concentration and regional innovative performance: empirical evidence for Eastern Germany
by Christoph Hornych & Michael Schwartz
2009, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 249-282 Soviet legacies in post-Soviet Russia: insights from crisis management
by Silvana Malle - 283-306 Chronic and transient poverty in the Russian Federation
by Bradford Mills & Elton Mykerezi - 307-326 Real beta and sigma convergence in 27 transition countries, 1990-2005
by Ryszard Rapacki & Mariusz Prochniak - 327-343 House price determinants in transition and EU-15 countries
by Petra Posedel & Maruska Vizek - 345-359 The Czech privatisation after 20 years
by Marek Louzek - 361-371 When East meets West: corporate governance challenges in emerging markets of Central and Eastern Europe - the case of Polish Aggregate Processors
by Daria Golebiowska-Tataj & Darek Klonowski - 373-382 A note on varying the parameters of the Slovenian pension system: an analysis of supplementary pension insurance
by Miroslav Verbic
2009, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 125-142 Goods market integration in Russia during the economic upturn
by Konstantin Gluschenko - 143-156 Privatisation and foreign direct investment in 10 transition countries
by Bruno Merlevede & Koen Schoors - 157-173 Purchasing Power Parity in transition economies: evidence from the Commonwealth of Independent States
by Erdinc Telatar & Mubariz Hasanov - 175-189 The transition experience in retrospect: the labour market transformation was vital
by Marjan Senjur - 191-201 Transaction costs, product specialisation and farm structure in Central and Eastern Europe
by Pavel Ciaian & Jan Pokrivcak & Dusan Drabik - 203-225 China's informal urbanisation: conceptualisation, dimensions and implications
by Li Zhang - 227-247 State-owned enterprises in Vietnam: are they 'crowding out' the private sector?
by Nguyen Van Thang & Nick Freeman
2009, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-29 What beyond oil and gas? Russian trade specialisation in manufactures
by Olga Garanina - 31-39 Duration of trade of former communist countries in the EU market
by Imre Fertő & Karoly Attila Soos - 41-46 Does the balance of payments constrain economic growth? Some evidence for the new EU members
by Oscar Bajo-Rubio & Carmen Diaz-Roldan