2001, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 409-430 Debt Collection, Foreclosure and Bankruptcy in the Czech Republic: An Economic Analysis
by Bruno Schonfelder - 431-443 Can State-owned Banks Promote Enterprise Restructuring? Evidence from One Polish Bank's Experience
by John Bonin & Bozena Leven - 445-457 The International Competitiveness of Polish Agriculture
by Matthew Gorton & Alina Daniłowska & Sławomir Jarka & Sławomir Straszewski & Aldona Zawojska & Edward Majewski - 459-484 Small Business Policy in St Petersburg and the Development of this Sector in the 1990s
by Alessandro Kihlgren - 485-503 Age/Earnings Profiles in Transition Economies: The Estonian Case
by Kenneth Smith - 505-524 The Impact of State Resource Allocation on Urbanisation in Socialist China
by Li Zhang & Simon Xiaobin Zhao
2001, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 265-288 Integration into Global Production and Distribution Networks through FDI: The Case of Poland
by Bartlomiej Kaminski & Beata Smarzynska - 289-311 Regional Disparities in Transition Economies: A Typology for East Germany and Poland
by Franz Barjak - 313-330 Institutional Change and the Problems of Restructuring the Russian Fishing Industry
by Frode Nilssen & Geir Hønneland - 331-344 Transitional Adjustment of Large Companies in Slovenia and Economic Policy
by Maks Tajnikar - 345-372 China: A Major Economic Power?
by Dick Nanto & Radha Sinha - 373-388 Foreign Participation in Privatisation: What does it Mean? Empirical Evidence from the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland
by Wilhelm Schollmann - 389-400 Riding the 'J' Curve—Tourism and Successful Transition in Estonia?
by Barry Worthington
2001, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 133-146 The Nature of Institutional Change in Transition
by Rasto Ovin - 147-169 How the Hungarian State-owned Banks were Privatised
by C. W. Neale & S. Bozsik - 171-187 Human Capital, Gender and Organisation in Transition Agriculture: Measuring and Explaining the Technical Efficiency of Bulgarian and Hungarian Farms
by Erik Mathijs & Liesbet Vranken - 189-203 Post-privatisation Enterprise Restructuring
by Morris Bornstein - 205-227 Dual-track Ownership Reforms: Lessons from Structural Change in China, 1978-1997
by Sonja Opper - 229-241 Township and Village Enterprises, Openness and Regional Economic Growth in China
by Maria Dacosta & Wayne Carroll - 243-261 Restructuring China's Petrochemical Enterprises: A Case Study of the Fushun Petrochemical Company
by Russell Smyth & Zhai Qingguo & Hu Wenguo
2001, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 5-39 The Emergence of Non-monetary Means of Payment in the Russian Economy
by Mario Gara - 41-55 Assessing Macroeconomic Vulnerability in Central Europe
by Libor Krkoska - 57-70 Economic Integration between the European Union and the Transition Economies of Central European Initiative Countries
by Panagiotis Liargovas & Dionysios Chionis - 71-83 The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Poland's Trade with the European Union
by Marzenna Weresa - 85-99 Restructuring of the Hungarian Electricity Industry
by Radmilo Pesic & Diana Urge-Vorsatz - 101-119 The Rise and Fall of Foreign Direct Investment in Laos, 1988-2000
by Nick Freeman - 121-128 Three Measures of Corporate Restructuring in a Transition Economy: The Case of Newly Privatised Romanian Companies
by Calin Valsan
2000, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 389-407 Path Dependence in Russian Policy Making: Constraints on Putin's Economic Choice
by Stefan Hedlund - 409-424 Implications of the Russian Crisis
by Olga Butorina - 425-443 Privatisation in Poland: Ten Years After
by Maciej Baltowski & Tomasz Mickiewicz - 445-462 The Intersectoral Terms of Trade and Their Impact on Urbanisation in China
by Li Zhang & Simon Zhao - 463-484 Hidden Unemployment in Estonia: Experience from the Early Years of Transition (1989-1996)
by Raul Eamets & Kadri Ukrainski - 485-496 Privatisation of the Russian Defence Industry: Ownership and Control Issues
by Alexei Izyumov & Leonid Kosals & Rosalina Ryvkina
2000, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 261-278 Solving Foreign Trade Puzzles in Post-Communist Transition
by Jan Winiecki - 279-291 Barter in the Russian Economy: Classifications and Implications (Evidence from Case Study Analyses)
by Andrei Yakovlev - 293-306 Western Rules for Eastern Banking
by Neven Borak - 307-335 Determinants of Enterprise Restructuring in Transition: Description of a Survey in Russian Industry
by Luc Moers - 337-363 Does Privatisation Improve Performance of Industrial Enterprises? Empirical Evidence from Russia
by Yurii Perevalov & Ilya Gimadii & Vladimir Dobrodei - 365-384 Can Russia Resettle the Far East?
by Vladimir Kontorovich
2000, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 141-163 The Russian Crisis: A Debt Perspective
by Niko Gobbin & Bruno Merlevede - 165-185 Asymmetric Information and the Russian Individual Savings Market
by Svetlana Avdasheva & Andrei Yakovlev - 187-199 New Private Enterprises in Three Transitional Contexts: Central Europe, the Former Soviet Union and China
by Ken Roberts & Changcheng Zhou - 201-214 The Nature of China's Economic Growth in the Past Two Decades
by Zhiqiang Liu - 215-228 Defence Industry Transformation in Russia: Evidence from a Longitudinal Survey
by Alexei Izyumov & Leonid Kosals & Rosalina Ryvkina - 229-240 Restructuring Russian Industry: Can It Really Be Done?
by Gennady Polonsky & Zaven Aivazian - 241-249 A Note on Building a Database on Russian Banks: Fieldwork Against the Odds
by Koen Schoors
2000, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 5-24 The Structural Origins of the Russian Economic Crisis
by David Dyker - 25-46 Currency Boards in the Baltic Countries: What Have We Learned?
by Iikka Korhonen - 47-60 Disintegration of Russian Grain Markets in Transition: Political and Economic Dimensions
by Michael Kopsidis - 61-75 Foreign Direct Investment, Technological Spillovers and the Agricultural Transition in Central Europe
by Peter Walkenhorst - 77-90 Structural Economic Change and the Natural Environment in the Russian Federation
by Jonathan Oldfield - 91-117 What Type of Transition is Cuba Undergoing?
by M. March-Poquet - 119-130 A Note on Investment Incentives in the WTO and the Transition Economies
by Jai Mah & Donatas Tamulaitis
1999, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 421-443 Employment in the New Private Sector in Russia
by Simon Clarke & Veronika Kabalina - 445-462 Investment, Restructuring and Performance in Transition Economies
by Vladimir Popov - 463-485 Foreign Banks' Entry into Central and East European Markets: Motives and Activities
by Lukasz Konopielko - 487-501 Strategic Technology Alliances: A Way to Innovative Enterprises in Russia?
by Petra Opitz & Thomas Sauer - 503-517 Who is Running Croatian Enterprises?
by Branimir Kristofic - 519-539 Firm Level Restructuring in the Slovenian Food Industry
by Emil Erjavec & Matthew Gorton & Ales Kuhar & Vesna Valant - 541-549 Training Needs in Russian Industrial Companies: Assessment by CEOs
by Igor Gurkov
1999, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 277-298 The May 1997 Currency Crisis in the Czech Republic
by Julius Horvath - 299-318 An Assessment of Real Exchange Rate Movements in the Transition Economies of Central and Eastern Europe
by Panagiotis Liargovas - 319-336 Exchange Rate Policy and Output Growth: The Experience of the Transition Economies of Central and Eastern Europe
by Christos Papazoglou - 337-372 The Chinese and Russian Energy Sectors: Comparative Change and Potential Interaction
by David Kerr - 373-397 The Crippling Cost of an Incomplete Transformation: The Case of Moldova
by Nina Orlova & Per Ronnas - 399-415 The Albanian Economy in Transition: The Role of Remittances and Pyramid Investment Schemes
by James Korovilas
1999, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 149-159 Regional Inequality and Branch Employment in Russia Between 1990 and 1995
by Michael Paul Sacks - 161-172 Market Orientation and Regional Economic Disparities in China
by Xiaowen Tian - 173-192 The Impact of Economic Reform on Industrial Labour Relations in China and Vietnam
by Ying Zhu & Stephanie Fahey - 193-217 The Use of Policies for Competition in the Promotion of Structural Change in Transforming Economies
by Piotr Jasinski & Cathryn Ross - 219-235 Water and Waste Water Services in the Russian Federation: A Study of Four Vodokanaly
by David Parker - 237-252 Economic Migration in Post-Soviet Central Asia: The Case of Kyrgyzstan
by Rafis Abazov - 253-265 Corporate Governance in Bulgarian State-owned Banks, 1992-1997
by Sonya Dilova-Kirkowa
1999, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 5-25 Can Eastern Europe Catch Up?
by Andrzej Brzeski & Enrico Colombatto - 27-46 Transition and Active Investors: Venture Capital in Hungary, Poland and Slovakia
by Mike Wright & Judit Karsai & Zbigniew Dudzinski & Jan Morovic - 47-77 Framework Issues in the Privatisation Strategies of the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland
by Morris Bornstein - 79-98 Foreign Trade Arrangements in Russia and its Regions: Relying on Foreign Capital to Generate Growth?
by Peter Kirkow - 99-125 Privatisation and Transition in Albania
by Iraj Hashi & Lindita Xhillari - 127-141 Inflation and Stabilisation in Albania
by Sulo Haderi & Harry Papapanagos & Peter Sanfey & Mirela Talka
1998, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 421-449 Will Russia achieve fast economic growth?
by Vladimir Popov - 451-465 Industrial restructuring in Ukraine seven years after independence: From socialism to a planning economy?
by Christian VonHirschhausen - 467-493 Banks as 'agents of change': Experience with restructuring of bad debts in Poland
by Robert Chudzik - 495-517 Dominant shareholders, restructuring and performance of privatised companies in Russia: An analysis and some policy implications
by Sergei Aukutsionek & Igor Filatochev & Rostislav Kapelyushnikov & Vladimir Zhukov - 519-537 Small business in the Russian provinces: Case study evidence from Volgograd
by Gennady Polonsky - 539-555 An analysis of milk processing in Bulgaria: Policy implications of market structure, prices and production trends during economic transition
by Margarita Mihaylova & Keith Howe - 557-560 A note on associations of small entrepreneurs in the market economy of St Petersburg
by E. M. Belova & T. V. Khabarina - 561-563 Dismantling the state sector: A supplementary note
by Tomasz Mickiewicz
1998, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 285-304 Understanding regional patterns of economic change in Russia: An introduction
by Michael Bradshaw & Philip Hanson - 305-318 Statistical overview
by Gleb Bylov & Douglas Sutherland - 319-340 Kostroma oblast': An average-Russian, averagely-depressed region
by Andrei Treivish - 341-361 Samara oblast': A governor and his Guberniya
by Pavel Romanov & Irina Tartakovskaya - 363-374 Krasnodar Krai: A 'growth pole' in the transitional economy of Russia?
by Arbakhan Magomedov - 375-389 Resource-rich regions—irkutsk oblast' on the road to the market
by Alexander Chernikov - 391-404 A primorsky republic: Myth or reality?
by Tamara Troyakova - 405-413 Networks, linkages and legacies: Evidence from an elite survey in six Russian provinces in 1996-1997
by Peter Kirkow & Philip Hanson & Andrei Treivish
1998, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 133-155 Russia's 'ministry of cash': Sberbank in transition
by William Tompson - 157-177 Monetary disruptions and the emergence of barter in FSU economies
by Jan Amrit Poser - 179-188 Industrial barter in Russia
by Sergei Aukutsionek - 189-202 Fiscal crisis and macroeconomic policy in Russia
by S. Sinel'nikov-Murilev & G. Trofimov - 203-215 Macroeconomic stabilisation and central bank policy in Latvia
by Alf Vanags - 217-239 Poland's transition from the perspective of performance in EU markets
by Bartlomiej Kaminski - 241-258 Romania 1990-2002: Stop-go transformation
by Gabor Hunya - 259-270 Ownership and control in Russian privatised companies: New evidence from a repeated survey
by Igor Gurkov - 271-277 Stretching the concept of 'social capital': Comment on Peter Kirkow, 'Russia's regional puzzle: Institutional change and economic adaptation'
by Stefanie Harter
1998, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 5-19 Strategic planning in St Petersburg
by I. A. Karelina & L. E. Limonov & B. S. Zhikharevich - 21-34 Obstacles to efficiency
by N. Oding & T. Vlasova - 35-46 The interrelationship between inter-enterprise arrears and macroeconomic aggregates in post-soviet economies
by Jan Amrit Poser - 47-62 Dismantling the state sector in Eastern Europe: Implications for unemployment
by Tomasz Mickiewicz - 63-79 Why institutional change should be rapid — A transaction costs perspective
by Rasto Ovin - 81-93 Developing efficient financial institutions in russia
by Joachim Bald & Jim Nielsen - 95-109 Integration of the Baltic States in the European union in the light of the theory of institutional competition
by Bernhard Seliger - 111-118 Economic cooperation between members of the European union and the new democratic countries in Europe
by Gerhard Prosi - 119-128 The collapse of the CMEA and Hungary's agro-food external trade
by Marc Duponcel
1997, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 413-421 The Russian market for financial services for small business: The banking segment
by Irina Evseeva & Elena Lupinovich - 423-430 State support for the development of small business in Russian regions
by Viktoriya Golikova & Agnessa Avilova - 431-448 Formation of the non-state sector and privatisation in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
by Rafis Abazov - 449-467 Foreign capital inflow and private enterprise development in Poland: A survey
by Valentijn Bilsen & Wim Lagae - 469-490 Economic success in Estonia: The centre versus periphery pattern of regional inequality
by Michael Harter & Reiner Jaakson - 491-499 Banking in transition: Development and current problems in Azerbaijan
by Manijeh Sabi - 501-517 The Ukrainian economy and the process of reform
by Mohammed Ishaq
1997, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 261-287 Russia's regional puzzle: Institutional change and economic adaptation
by Peter Kirkow - 289-336 Some characteristics of the transition economy
by Sergei Aukutsionek - 337-357 A review of bank performance during transition in central Europe
by Michael Borish & Wei Ding & Michel Noël - 359-382 Bank rehabilitation in Slovenia: Why it was undertaken and what its effects have been
by Evan Kraft - 383-406 Accounting and societal transition: The bohemian accountant and the velvet revolution
by Willie Seal & Pat Sucher & Ivan Zelenka & Marcela Zarova
1997, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 141-172 Measuring progress towards a Market economy
by Sergei Aukutsionek - 173-181 Economic dynamism in transition economies: Lessons from Germany
by Jens Holscher - 183-207 Czech import demand for agricultural products differentiated by degree of processing
by Karel Janda - 209-218 Reserve requirements as an implicit tax: The case of Poland and Hungary
by Lukasz Konopielko - 219-231 The rise of non-state owned enterprises in China
by Xiaowen Tian - 233-255 North Korea as an economy under multiple severe stresses: Analogies and lessons from past and recent historical experience
by Nicholas Eberstadt
1997, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 5-25 The political economy of Russian regionalism
by Vladimir Mau & Vadim Stupin - 27-42 What sort of capitalism is developing in Russia?
by Philip Hanson - 43-59 Science, technology and Russia's future: Two legacies
by John Moore - 61-85 The legacy of party-states for the transformation
by Maria Csanadi - 87-99 Employers' workforce formation practices, young people's employment opportunities and labour market behaviour in post-communist Poland
by K. Roberts & A. Kurzynowski & T. Szumlicz & B. Jung - 101-116 Privatisation and foreign direct investment in Bulgaria: Present characteristics and future trends
by Marin Alexandrov Marinov & Svetla Trifonova Marinova - 117-130 Cuba's economic restructuring, 1990-1995
by Ruben Berrios