September 2004, Volume 16, Issue 5
- 351-368 Networks and linkages among firms and organizations in the Ottawa-region technology cluster
by Judith J. Madill & George H. Haines & Allan L. Riding - 369-390 High technology localization and extra-regional networks
by John N. H. Britton - 391-412 Entrepreneurs’ networks and the success of start-ups
by Peter Witt - 413-432 Creating space for play/invention -- concepts of space and organizational entrepreneurship
by Daniel Hjorth - 433-437 Book review of Economic Geography of Higher Education: Knowledge Infrastructure and Learning Regions . Edited by R OEL R UTTEN , F RANS B OEKEMA and E LSA K UIJPERS (London: Routledge, 2003). [Pp. 258]
by Edward J. Malecki
July 2004, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 251-269 Networks, weak signals and technological innovations among SMEs in the land-based transportation equipment sector
by Pierre-André Julien & Eric Andriambeloson & Charles Ramangalahy - 271-287 Is small beautiful? The case of the Swedish IT industry
by Dan Johansson - 289-305 International entrepreneurship and the small business
by Denise Fletcher - 307-333 Financial bootstrapping and venture development in the software industry
by Richard T. Harrison & Colin M. Mason & Paul Girling - 335-350 Self-employment in the era of the new economic model in Latin America: a case study from Nicaragua
by Michael J. Pisani & José A. Pagán
May 2004, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 179-196 Reclaiming the space of entrepreneurship in society: geographical, discursive and social dimensions
by Chris Steyaert & Jerome Katz - 197-215 A cross-national study of culture, organization and entrepreneurship in three neighbourhoods
by Lauretta Conklin Frederking - 217-233 Depleted communities and community business entrepreneurship: revaluing space through place
by Harvey Johnstone & Doug Lionais - 235-250 ‘Znakomstva I Svyazi’ (Acquaintances and connections) -- Blat , the Soviet Union, and mundane entrepreneurship
by Alf Rehn & Saara Taalas
March 2004, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 87-106 Networking, trust and embeddedness amongst SMEs in the Aberdeen oil complex
by Danny Mackinnon & Keith Chapman & Andrew Cumbers - 107-128 Human capital, social capital, and innovation: a multi-country study
by Mourad Dakhli & Dirk De Clercq - 129-144 State entrepreneurship and regional development: Singapore's industrial parks in Batam and Suzhou
by Alexius A. Pereira - 145-159 An assessment of a venture creation programme: the case of Shell Live WIRE
by F. J. Greene & D. J. Storey - 161-178 Strategic marketing practices and the performance of Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Taiwan
by Wai-Sum Siu & Wenchang Fang & Tingling Lin
January 2004, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editorial
by Edward J. Malecki & Peter Nijkamp & Roger Stough - 5-19 Cities and cyberspace: new entrepreneurial strategies
by Marina Van Geenhuizen - 21-39 Fibre tracks: explaining investment in fibre optic backbones
by Edward J. Malecki - 41-54 Pizza over the Internet: e-commerce, the fragmentation of activity and the tyranny of the region
by Helen Couclelis - 55-75 ICT policies for SMEs and regional disparities. The Spanish case
by Juan R. Cuadrado-Roura & Antonio Garcia-Tabuenca - 77-86 Breeding places for ethnic entrepreneurs: a comparative marketing approach
by Enno Masurel & Peter Nijkamp & Gabriella Vindigni
October 2003, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 273-298 Institutional endowment, localized capabilities and the emergence of SMEs: from mining to recycling, the case of Freiberg (Saxony)
by Bernard Musyck - 299-307 The Marshallian Industrial District, an organizational and institutional answer to uncertainty
by Frédéric Corolleur & Claude Courlet - 309-331 Local developers as virtual entrepreneurs - do difficult surroundings need initiating interventions?
by Mauri Laukkanen & Hannu Niittykangas - 333-350 Entrepreneurship in biodiversity conservation and regional development
by Irmi Seidl & Oliver Schelske & Jasmin Joshi & Markus Jenny - 351-370 Regional differences in structural characteristics of start-ups
by Franz Tödtling & Herta Wanzenböck
July 2003, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 183-206 Enterprise clusters in developing countries: mechanisms of transition and stagnation
by Meine Pieter Van Dijk & Árni Sverrisson - 207-228 A longitudinal study of habitual entrepreneurs: starters and acquirers
by Deniz Ucbasaran & Mike Wright & Paul Westhead - 229-252 Acquisition, assessment and use of business information by small- and medium-sized businesses: a demand perspective
by Kurtis G. Fuellhart & Amy K. Glasmeier - 253-271 Traditional SMEs and innovation: the role of the industrial policy in Italy
by Secondo Rolfo & Giuseppe Calabrese
January 2003, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 99-102 Special Issue
by Monder Ram & David Smallbone - 103-118 Beyond Chinese, beyond food: unpacking the regulated Chinese restaurant business in Germany
by Maggi W. H. Leung - 119-135 Self-employment policies and migrants' entrepreneurship in Germany
by Maria Kontos - 137-149 Cultural diversity and entrepreneurship: policy responses to immigrant entrepreneurs in Australia
by Jock Collins - 151-166 Policies to support ethnic minority enterprise: the English experience
by Monder Ram & David Smallbone - 167-181 Creating opportunities. Policies aimed at increasing openings for immigrant entrepreneurs in the Netherlands
by Robert C. Kloosterman
January 2003, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-26 Firm networks: external relationships as sources for the growth and competitiveness of entrepreneurial firms
by Christian Lechner & Michael Dowling - 27-47 Modelling different types of multilateral co-operation between SMEs
by Elina VaramÄki & Jukka Vesalainen - 49-67 Globalization, competitive advantages and the evolution of production systems: rural food processing and localized agri-food systems in Latin-American countries
by Denis Requier-Desjardins & FranÇOis Boucher & Claire Cerdan - 69-82 Input/output ranges and performance: an examination of US machine tool producers
by Ronald V. Kalafsky & Alan D. MacPherson - 83-98 Public advisory services - theory and practice
by Dan Hjalmarsson & Anders W. Johansson
October 2002, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 297-315 The institutional embeddedness of local inter-firm networks: a leverage for business creation
by Bengt Johannisson & Marcela Ramírez-Pasillas & Gösta Karlsson - 317-335 Industrial districts and innovation: the case of the Spanish ceramic tiles industry
by F. Xavier Molina-Morales - 337-353 Types of innovation and inter-firm co-operation
by Lisa De Propris - 355-372 A quintessential immigrant niche? The non-case of immigrants in the Dutch construction industry
by Jan Rath
July 2002, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 193-210 The articulation of social capital in entrepreneurial networks: a glue or a lubricant?
by Alistair R. Anderson & Sarah L. Jack - 211-228 ‘Territorial systems of small firms in Spain: an analysis of productive and organizational characteristics in industrial districts’
by Jose Miguel Giner & Maria Jesus Santa María - 247-269 Ownership and management issues in first generation and multi-generation family firms
by Paul Westhead & Carole Howorth & Marc Cowling
July 2002, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 89-115 Technological patterns among Spanish manufacturing firms
by Pilar Beneito - 117-134 National differences in entrepreneurial networking
by Sarah Drakopoulou Dodd & Eleni Patra - 135-154 The dynamics of limited breaking out: the case of the Arab manufacturing businesses in Israel
by Israel Drori & Miri Lerner - 155-174 Emergence-based local Economic Development Model: a way forward in responding to turbulent operating environments
by Quaye Botchway & George Goodall & David Noon & Mark Lemon - 175-191 Foreign direct investment and small firm employment in northern Mexico: 1987-1996
by Cynthia J. Brown
January 2002, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-30 Network evolution and the growth of artisanal firms: a tale of two regional cheese makers
by Richard Blundel - 31-47 Explaining business groups started by habitual entrepreneurs in the Italian manufacturing sector
by Donato Iacobucci - 49-65 Regional development and inter-industry recycling linkages: some historical perspectives
by Pierre Desrochers - 67-87 A comparative analysis of corporate entrepreneurial orientation between selected firms in the Netherlands and the USA
by Bruce H. Kemelgor
October 2001, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 287-314 Regional competence and economic recovery: divergent growth paths in Boston's high technology economy
by Harald Bathelt - 315-331 Incubator, technology, and innovation centres in Switzerland: features and policy implications
by Alain Thierstein & Beate Willhelm - 333-350 Online business development services for entrepreneurs: an exploratory study
by Daniel Evans & Thierry Volery - 351-370 Informal investors - A categorization, with policy implications
by Roger Sørheim & Hans Landström
July 2001, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 189-210 Local development and embedded large firms
by Marco Bellandi - 211-228 The booster function and the entrepreneurial quality: an application to the province of Seville
by Joaquín Guzmán & F. Javier Santos - 229-245 Managing the locals: employee relations in South Asian restaurants
by Monder Ram & Sue Marlow & Dean Patton - 247-267 Innovation in service internationalization: the crucial role of the frantrepreneur
by Jon Sundbo & Robert Johnston & Jan Mattsson & Bruce Millett - 269-285 Networking strategy of boards: implications for small and medium-sized enterprises
by Gerard George & D. Robley Wood & Raihan Khan
April 2001, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 97-116 Realizing new regional core competencies: establishing a customer-oriented SME network
by Wim Vanhaverbeke - 117-145 With and without co-operation: two alternative strategies in the food-processing industry in the Italian South
by Tito Bianchi - 147-161 Immigrant self-employment in Sweden - its variation and some possible determinants
by Mats Hammarstedt - 163-185 Outcomes reported by students who participated in the 1994 Shell Technology Enterprise Programme
by Paul Westhead & David J. Storey & Frank Martin
January 2001, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-16 Closing the innovative loop: moving from the laboratory to the shop floor in biotechnology manufacturing
by Maryann P. Feldman & Cynthia R. Ronzio - 17-46 International market selection strategies of manufacturing and services firms
by Paul Westhead & Mike Wright & Deniz Ucbasaran & Frank Martin - 47-63 Small enterprises as complex adaptive systems: a methodological question?
by Ted Fuller & Paul Moran - 65-80 Localized capabilities and the internationalization of manufacturing activities by SMEs
by Sergio Mariotti & Lucia Piscitello - 81-95 Are entrepreneurs' forecasts of economic indicators biased?
by Cees Gorter & Peter Nijkamp & Eric Pels & Sytze Rienstra
October 2000, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 271-290 Boards of directors in SMEs: a review and research agenda
by Morten Huse - 291-309 The adoption of outside boards by small private US firms
by Mark K. Fiegener & Bonnie M. Brown & Dirk R. Dreux & William J. Dennis - 311-330 Boards of directors in small and medium-sized industrial firms: examining the effects of the board's working style on board task performance
by Jonas Gabrielsson & Henrik Winlund - 331-351 Effects of agency risks and procedural justice on board processes in venture capital-backed firms
by Harry J. Sapienza & M. Audrey Korsgaard & Philip K. Goulet & Jeffrey P. Hoogendam - 353-378 Recruiting outside board members in the small family business: an ideological challenge
by Bengt Johannisson & Morten Huse
July 2000, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 179-194 Hong Kong's entrepreneurship: behaviours and determinants
by Tony Fu-Lai Yu - 195-215 Networking, entrepreneurship and microbusiness behaviour
by Elizabeth Chell & Susan Baines - 217-244 Knowlege networks for innovation in small Scottish software firms
by Simon Collinson - 245-266 External linkages and product innovation in small manufacturing firms
by Mark Freel
April 2000, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 91-109 Paradox in the periphery: an entrepreneurial reconstruction?
by Alistair R. Anderson - 111-135 The success and failure of policy-implanted inter-firm network initiatives: motivations, processes and structure
by Robert Huggins - 137-161 Strategies for local and regional NGO development: combining sustainable outcomes with sustainable organizations
by Allan Gibb & Deepak Adhikary - 163-177 Emergence and growth of high-tech activity in Cambridge and Grenoble
by Celine Druilhe & Elizabeth Garnsey
January 2000, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-23 Where do they come from? Prevalence and characteristics of nascent entrepreneurs
by Frederic Delmar & Per Davidsson - 25-47 Exploring alternative approaches in high-level entrepreneurship education: creating micromechanisms for endogenous regional growth
by Mauri Laukkanen - 49-67 Revisiting the concentration versus spreading debate as a successful export growth strategy: the case of UK SMEs exporting agricultural-related products
by Dave Crick & Shiv Chaudhry & Stephen Batstone - 69-87 Territory, research and technology linkages - is the Shannon region a propitious local system of innovation?
by Bernadette Andreosso-O'Callaghan
October 1999, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 281-300 Types of technological scanning in manufacturing SMEs: an empirical analysis of patterns and determinants
by Pierre-Andre Julien & Louis Raymond & Real Jacob & Charles Ramangalahy - 301-315 Transnational technology transfer of SMEs and its impact on regional development
by Christian Weikl & Reinhold Grotz - 317-333 Starting a business after unemployment: characteristics and chances of success (empirical evidence from a regional German labour market)
by Thomas Hinz & Monika Jungbauer-Gans - 335-349 Virtual organization and the SMEs: a review and model development
by Timo Pihkala & Elina Varamaki & Jukka Vesalainen - 351-371 Probing into the social layers of entrepreneurship: outlines of the sociology of enterprise
by Milan Zafirovski
July 1999, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 187-202 Regional differences in environments for enterprises
by Jari J. Ritsila - 203-229 The virtual web as a new entrepreneurial approach to network organizations
by Ulrich J. Franke - 231-246 Reciprocated community support and small town - small business success
by Maureen Kilkenny & Laura Nalbarte & Terry Besser - 247-268 Extroverts and introverts: small manufacturers and their information sources
by Edward J. Malecki & Ryan M. Poehling - 269-280 Self-employment intentions among Russian students
by Alexei Tkachev & Lars Kolvereid
April 1999, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 95-108 Trading places: the ethnographic process in small firms' research
by Monder Ram - 109-127 Adapting to peripherality: a study of small rural manufacturing firms in northern England
by David Smallbone & David North & Christos Kalantaridis - 129-154 Perceived benefits of a managed science park location
by Paul Westhead & Stephen Batstone - 155-180 The use of external business advice by SMEs in Britain
by Robert J. Bennett & Paul J. A. Robson
January 1999, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-19 The small firm as a temporary coalition
by Michael Taylor - 21-37 The prevalence of multiple owners and directors in the SME sector: implications for our understanding of start-up and growth
by Peter Rosa - 39-55 Spatial variations in markets served by UK-based small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
by Matthew Gorton - 57-78 Processes of innovation among manufacturing SMEs: the experience of Bedfordshire
by Christos Kalantaridis - 79-93 Inward investment and endogenous development. The convergence of the strategies of large firms and territories?
by Antonio Vazquez-Barquero
January 1998, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 261-276 Academic-industry linkages and small firm innovation: evidence from the scientific instruments sector
by Alan D. MacPherson - 277-296 Geographic ‘clustering’ in the German opto electronics industry
by Robert Hassink & Michelle Wood - 297-312 Personal networks in emerging knowledge-based firms: spatial and functional patterns
by Bengt Johannissson - 313-334 Who gets the goodies? An examination of microenterprise credit in Jamaica
by Benson Honig - 335-351 The association between information gathering and success in industrial SMEs:the case of Belgium
by Lybaert Nadine
January 1998, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 171-188 Humanistic entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial career commitment
by Feiwel Kupferberg - 189-202 The survival of firms over the critical first 3 years and the local environment
by Hannu Littunen & Esa Storhammar & Tuomo Nenonen - 203-224 Screening and valuing venture capital investments: evidence from Hungary, Poland and Slovakia
by Judit Karsai & Mike Wright & Zbigniew Dudzinski & Jan Morovic - 225-242 The financing of male-- and female--owned businesses
by Carter Sara & Rosa Peter - 243-260 Business associations and their potential contribution to the competitiveness of SMEs
by Robert J. Bennett
January 1998, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 93-116 Requiem for the Third Italy? Rise and Fall of a too succesful concept
by Giuliano Bianchi - 117-135 Does gender affect business ‘performance’? A study of microbusinesses in business services in the UK
by chell Elizabeth & susan baines - 137-149 Evolution, innovation and learning: evidence from case studies
by Mark S. Freel - 151-165 Market failure and the estimation of subsidy size in a regional entrepreneurship programme
by Daniel Felsenstein & Aliza Fleischer & Adi Sidi
January 1998, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-16 Innovative milieux and new generations of regional policies
by Denis Maillat - 17-32 Portfolio entrepreneurship in the farm sector: indigenous growth in rural areas?
by Sara Carter - 33-49 Collective dynamism and firm strategy: Study of an Indian industrial cluster
by Keshabanada Das - 51-69 Case analysis of Canadian self--employment assistance programming-super-1
by Barbara Orser & Sandy Hogarth-Scott - 71-92 New, technology--based firms as agents of technological rejuvenation
by Autio Erkko & Yli--Renko Helena
January 1997, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 273-298 The forms and determinants of technological change in US manufacturing†
by David L. Rigby & Micheal J. Webber - 299-318 The Orangi Pilot Project: the evaluation of a micro-enterprise credit institution
by Jawad Inayatullah & Sue Birley - 319-334 A psychological typology and its relationship to entrepreneurial success
by John B Miner - 335-352 Evaluating European support for business development: evidence from the structural funds in Scotland
by Ivan Turok - 353-364 Strategic initiatives and small business performance: an exploratory analysis of Irish companies
by Stephen Roper
January 1997, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 179-182 Guest editorial
by Holmquist Carin - 183-198 Gender, self-employment and weak-tie networking through formal organizations
by Jerome A. Katz & Pamela M. Williams - 199-210 Self--employed women — new opportunities, old challenges?
by Susan Marlow - 211-220 Size determinants of women-owned businesses: choice or barriers to resources?
by Nancy M. Carter & Kathleen R. Allen - 221-238 Invisible entrepreneurs:the neglect of women business owners by mass media and scholarly journals in the USA
by Ted baker & howard E. aldrich & liou nina - 239-258 Business counselling services directed towards female entrepreneurs - some legitimacy dilemmas
by Nilsson Pernilla - 259-268 Gender, place and entrepreneurship
by Berg Nina Gunnerud
January 1997, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 93-112 Business service firms, service space and the management of change
by John R. Bryson - 113-126 Business start-ups in today's Poland:who and how?
by Can Erutku & Luc Vallée - 127-158 Ambitions, external environment and strategic factor differences between family and non--family companies
by Paul. Westhead - 159-174 Sustainable regional development the squaring of the circle or a gimmick?
by Alain Thierstein & Manfred Walser
January 1997, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-24 The promotion of innovation in regional policy: Proposals for a regional innovation strategy-super-1
by Mikel Landabaso - 25-44 Between the Community and the World market: garment entrepreneurs in rural Greece
by Christos Kalantaridis - 45-64 An ecological perspective on entrepreneurship in industrial districts
by Udo Staber - 65-90 Technical entrepreneurship, experience and the management of small technology--based firms --exploratory evidence from the UK
by Dylan Jones-Evans