March 2015, Volume 226, Issue 1
- 379-396 Measuring Olympics achievements based on a parallel DEA approach
by Xiyang Lei & Yongjun Li & Qiwei Xie & Liang Liang - 397-416 Joint dynamic pricing and investment strategy for perishable foods with price-quality dependent demand
by Guowei Liu & Jianxiong Zhang & Wansheng Tang - 417-441 Analysis of assembly/disassembly queueing networks with blocking after service and general service times
by Michael Manitz - 443-461 Nurse preference rostering using agents and iterated local search
by Chiaramonte Michael & Cochran Jeffery & Caswell David - 463-478 Characteristics of optimal solutions to the sensor location problem
by David Morrison & Susan Martonosi - 479-503 A supply chain network game theory model with product differentiation, outsourcing of production and distribution, and quality and price competition
by Anna Nagurney & Dong Li - 505-525 Ranking decision-making units by using combination of analytical hierarchical process method and Tchebycheff model in data envelopment analysis
by Seyed Rakhshan & Ali Kamyad & Sohrab Effati - 527-550 Random-order-of-service for heterogeneous customers: waiting time analysis
by W. Rogiest & K. Laevens & J. Walraevens & H. Bruneel - 551-563 A network approach modeling of multi-echelon spare-part inventory system with backorders and quantity discount
by Parvaneh Samouei & Amir Kheirkhah & Parviz Fattahi - 565-588 Sensitivity analysis of gas supply optimization models
by Sergei Schreider & Jonathan Plummer & Daniel McInnes & Boris Miller - 589-621 A hybrid fuzzy MCDM method for measuring the performance of publicly held pharmaceutical companies
by Madjid Tavana & Kaveh Khalili-Damghani & Rahman Rahmatian - 623-642 Selective measures in data envelopment analysis
by Mehdi Toloo & Mona Barat & Atefeh Masoumzadeh - 643-657 Optimal capacity design under $$k$$ k -out-of- $$n$$ n and consecutive $$k$$ k -out-of- $$n$$ n type probabilistic constraints
by Merve Unuvar & Eren Ozguven & András Prékopa - 659-668 Integer compromise allocation in multivariate stratified surveys
by Rahul Varshney & M. Khan & Ummatul Fatima & M. Ahsan - 669-694 A road map to new product success: warranty, advertisement and price
by Arda Yenipazarli - 695-726 The assessment of cities’ livability integrating human wellbeing and environmental impact
by A. Zanella & A. Camanho & T. Dias - 727-739 A mean-CVaR-skewness portfolio optimization model based on asymmetric Laplace distribution
by Shangmei Zhao & Qing Lu & Liyan Han & Yong Liu & Fei Hu - 741-745 Incompleteness of results for the slow-server problem with an unreliable fast server
by Erhun Özkan & Jeffrey Kharoufeh
February 2015, Volume 225, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial: Contributions to game theory and social choice
by Jean-François Caulier & Michel Grabisch & Agnieszka Rusinowska - 3-25 Coalition configurations and share functions
by Nicolas Andjiga & Sebastien Courtin - 27-44 Harsanyi power solutions for games on union stable systems
by E. Algaba & J. Bilbao & R. Brink - 45-63 An axiomatic approach in minimum cost spanning tree problems with groups
by Gustavo Bergantiños & María Gómez-Rúa - 65-82 Compensation rules for multi-stage sequencing games
by Imma Curiel - 83-89 The bargaining set for almost-convex games
by Jesús Getán & Josep Izquierdo & Jesús Montes & Carles Rafels - 91-109 Allocating multiple defensive resources in a zero-sum game setting
by B. Golany & N. Goldberg & U. Rothblum - 111-123 Complexity results for extensions of median orders to different types of remoteness
by Olivier Hudry - 125-140 Almost common value auctions and discontinuous equilibria
by Gisèle Umbhauer - 141-160 A parametric family of two ranked objects auctions: equilibria and associated risk
by Estrella Alonso & Joaquin Sanchez-Soriano & Juan Tejada - 161-171 Using Brouwer’s continuity principle to pick stocks
by Jack Stecher & Mark Atten
January 2015, Volume 224, Issue 1
- 1-23 Maintenance optimization with duration-dependent costs
by Markus Bohlin & Mathias Wärja - 25-50 The stochastic opportunistic replacement problem, part I: models incorporating individual component lives
by Michael Patriksson & Ann-Brith Strömberg & Adam Wojciechowski - 51-75 The stochastic opportunistic replacement problem, part II: a two-stage solution approach
by Michael Patriksson & Ann-Brith Strömberg & Adam Wojciechowski - 77-100 Aggregate overhaul and supply chain planning for rotables
by Joachim Arts & Simme Flapper - 101-110 Optimal test planning for High Cycle Fatigue limit testing
by Anders Holst - 111-119 Maintenance for reliability—a case study
by Sara Lorén & Jacques Maré - 121-145 An approximate approach for the joint problem of level of repair analysis and spare parts stocking
by R. Basten & M. Heijden & J. Schutten & E. Kutanoglu - 147-169 A new approximate evaluation method for two-echelon inventory systems with emergency shipments
by Erhun Özkan & Geert-Jan Houtum & Yasemin Serin - 171-192 Hierarchical multiple criteria optimization of maintenance activities on power distribution networks
by Fábio Usberti & Christiano Lyra & Celso Cavellucci & José González - 193-196 Editorial: Optimization of Maintenance Activities—Models, Methods, and Applications
by Michael Patriksson & Ann-Brith Strömberg
December 2014, Volume 223, Issue 1
- 1-52 The effect of supplier capacity on the supply chain profit
by Elodie Adida & Georgia Perakis - 53-79 Relief distribution networks: a systematic review
by A. Anaya-Arenas & J. Renaud & A. Ruiz - 81-93 On Cournot–Bertrand competition with differentiated products
by S. Askar - 95-108 Influential DMUs and outlier detection in data envelopment analysis with an application to health care
by Ali Bahari & Ali Emrouznejad - 109-119 Khintchine–Pollaczek formula for random walks whose steps have one geometric tail
by Robert Bauer - 121-136 Finding maxmin allocations in cooperative and competitive fair division
by Marco Dall’Aglio & Camilla Luca - 137-154 Order and static stability into the strip packing problem
by Thiago Queiroz & Flávio Miyazawa - 155-171 Algorithmic aspects of Steiner convexity and enumeration of Steiner trees
by Mitre Dourado & Rodolfo Oliveira & Fábio Protti - 173-193 A constraint programming-based approach to the crew scheduling problem of the Taipei mass rapid transit system
by Anthony Han & Elvis Li - 195-216 Time-dependent and independent control rules for coordinated production and pricing under demand uncertainty and finite planning horizons
by Avi Herbon & Konstantin Kogan - 217-237 Benchmarking non-first-come-first-served component allocation in an assemble-to-order system
by Kai Huang - 239-254 Multi-criteria decision analysis for emergency medical service assessment
by Gang Kou & Wenshuai Wu - 255-272 Cooperative oligopoly games with boundedly rational firms
by Paraskevas Lekeas & Giorgos Stamatopoulos - 273-290 Optimal excess-of-loss reinsurance and investment polices under the CEV model
by Qicai Li & Mengdi Gu & Zhibing Liang - 291-308 Profitability analysis using IDEA–DA framework
by Hung-Tso Lin & Tsung-Yu Chou & Yen-Ting Chen & Yin-Chi Huang - 309-328 Stochastic vs deterministic programming in water management: the value of flexibility
by Yousaf Muhammad & Georg Pflug - 329-353 A location-routing problem in glass recycling
by Fatih Rahim & Canan Sepil - 355-378 A cutting plane method for bilevel linear programming with interval coefficients
by Aihong Ren & Yuping Wang - 379-401 Location of speed-up subnetworks
by Marie Schmidt & Anita Schöbel - 403-432 High frequency trading, liquidity, and execution cost
by Edward Sun & Timm Kruse & Min-Teh Yu - 433-449 Probability-free solutions to the non-stationary newsvendor problem
by Yong Zhang & Vladimir Vovk & Weiguo Zhang - 451-459 An improved operator of combination with adapted conflict
by Xinyang Deng & Yong Deng & Felix Chan - 461-469 A note on upper bounds to the robust knapsack problem with discrete scenarios
by Marc Goerigk - 471-481 On column generation approaches for approximate solutions of quadratic programs in intensity-modulated radiation therapy
by Fredrik Carlsson & Anders Forsgren
November 2014, Volume 222, Issue 1
- 1-3 An overview of ORP $$^3$$ 3 -OR for young researchers and practitioners
by Justo Puerto & Antonio Rodríguez-Chía & Arie Tamir - 5-28 Modeling profit sharing in combinatorial exchanges by network flows
by Heiner Ackermann & Hendrik Ewe & Karl-Heinz Küfer & Michael Schröder - 29-44 On the optimal parking lot subscription policy problem: a hybrid simulation-optimization approach
by Raha Akhavan-Tabatabaei & Manuel Bolívar & Jorge Hincapie & Andrés Medaglia - 45-71 Location and allocation based branch and bound algorithms for the capacitated multi-facility Weber problem
by M. Akyüz & İ. Altınel & Temel Öncan - 73-87 A cost minimization heuristic for the pooling problem
by Mohammed Alfaki & Dag Haugland - 89-105 On modeling the air traffic control coordination in the collision avoidance problem by mixed integer linear optimization
by A. Alonso-Ayuso & L. Escudero & F. Martín-Campo - 107-123 Nurse rostering at a Danish ward
by Jonas Baeklund - 125-141 Branch-and-price and beam search algorithms for the Variable Cost and Size Bin Packing Problem with optional items
by Mauro Baldi & Teodor Crainic & Guido Perboli & Roberto Tadei - 143-152 Stable sets in one-seller assignment games
by Dezső Bednay - 153-173 A Randomized Granular Tabu Search heuristic for the split delivery vehicle routing problem
by Leonardo Berbotto & Sergio García & Francisco Nogales - 175-195 Single-facility huff location problems on networks
by Rafael Blanquero & Emilio Carrizosa & Amaya Nogales-Gómez & Frank Plastria - 197-211 Regression tasks in machine learning via Fenchel duality
by Radu Boţ & André Heinrich - 213-226 Reformulation of a model for hierarchical divisive graph modularity maximization
by Sonia Cafieri & Alberto Costa & Pierre Hansen - 227-237 Optimal halting policies in Markov population decision chains with constant risk posture
by Pelin Canbolat - 239-260 A column generation approach for Multicast Routing and Wavelength Assignment with Delay Constraints in heterogeneous WDM networks
by Fabio Colombo & Marco Trubian - 261-277 Decomposition algorithms for data placement problem based on Lagrangian relaxation and randomized rounding
by Maciej Drwal & Jerzy Jozefczyk - 279-291 Fast approximation algorithms for routing problems with hop-wise constraints
by Amir Elalouf - 293-315 Robust UAV mission planning
by Lanah Evers & Twan Dollevoet & Ana Barros & Herman Monsuur - 317-339 Enumeration of weighted games with minimum and an analysis of voting power for bipartite complete games with minimum
by Josep Freixas & Sascha Kurz - 341-359 Evader interdiction: algorithms, complexity and collateral damage
by Matthew Johnson & Alexander Gutfraind & Kiyan Ahmadizadeh - 361-387 Value-at-Risk model for hazardous material transportation
by Yingying Kang & Rajan Batta & Changhyun Kwon - 389-418 Modelling counter-intuitive effects on cost and air pollution from intermittent generation
by Javad Khazaei & Anthony Downward & Golbon Zakeri - 419-438 Tailored Lagrangian Relaxation for the open pit block sequencing problem
by W. Lambert & A. Newman - 439-455 Locating optimal timetables and vehicle schedules in a transit line
by Juan Mesa & Francisco Ortega & Miguel Pozo - 457-481 History-dependence in production-pollution-trade-off models: a multi-stage approach
by Elke Moser & Andrea Seidl & Gustav Feichtinger - 483-516 Solving multi-objective traffic assignment
by Andrea Raith & Judith Wang & Matthias Ehrgott & Stuart Mitchell - 517-533 Solution algorithms for unrelated machines minmax regret scheduling problem with interval processing times and the total flow time criterion
by Marcin Siepak & Jerzy Józefczyk - 535-549 On the multicriteria allocation problem
by Michael Stiglmayr & José Figueira & Kathrin Klamroth - 551-569 Preprocessing for a map sectorization problem by means of mathematical programming
by Xin Tang & Ameur Soukhal & Vincent T’kindt
October 2014, Volume 221, Issue 1
- 1-8 Operations research in the public sector and nonprofit organizations
by Zilla Sinuany-Stern & H. Sherman - 9-31 Location-allocation models for traffic police patrol vehicles on an interurban network
by Nicole Adler & Alfred Hakkert & Jonathan Kornbluth & Tal Raviv & Mali Sher - 33-45 Computing the probabilities of HLA-like matching
by Amir Alalouf & Israel David & Joseph Pliskin - 47-71 Performance measurement in nonprofit governance: an empirical study of the Minnesota independent school districts
by Rajiv Banker & Hsihui Chang & Ehsan Feroz - 73-88 Hospital efficiency with risk adjusted mortality as undesirable output: the Turkish case
by Murat Bilsel & Nurhan Davutyan - 89-106 Decision support for hospital evacuation and emergency response
by Douglas Bish & Esra Agca & Roger Glick - 107-132 Handling estimated proportions in public sector data envelopment analysis
by Mehmet Ceyhan & James Benneyan - 133-159 Improving emergency service in rural areas: a bi-objective covering location model for EMS systems
by Sunarin Chanta & Maria Mayorga & Laura McLay - 161-172 Incorporating health outcomes in Pennsylvania hospital efficiency: an additive super-efficiency DEA approach
by Juan Du & Justin Wang & Yao Chen & Shin-Yi Chou & Joe Zhu - 173-195 Do internal controls improve operating efficiency of universities?
by Rong-Ruey Duh & Kuo-Tay Chen & Ruey-Ching Lin & Li-Chun Kuo - 197-210 Nonparametric measurement of productivity and efficiency in education
by Andrew Johnson & John Ruggiero - 211-238 Heuristics for flight and maintenance planning of mission aircraft
by George Kozanidis & Andreas Gavranis & George Liberopoulos - 239-254 Accounting disclosure quality, capital market intensity and national productivity
by Yu-Chen Lin & Hsihui Chang & Jengfang Chen & Guan-Syun Wu - 255-271 Combining optimization with simulation to obtain credible models for intensive care units
by Fermín Mallor & Cristina Azcárate - 273-283 On centralized resource utilization and its reallocation by using DEA
by Cecilio Mar-Molinero & Diego Prior & Maria-Manuela Segovia & Fabiola Portillo - 285-307 Modeling social services performance: a four-stage DEA approach to evaluate fundraising efficiency, capacity building, service quality, and effectiveness in the nonprofit sector
by Alexandra Medina-Borja & Konstantinos Triantis - 309-329 Modeling recreational systems using optimization techniques and information technologies
by Oleg Shcherbina & Elena Shembeleva - 331-356 A survey of optimization models on cancer chemotherapy treatment planning
by Jinghua Shi & Oguzhan Alagoz & Fatih Erenay & Qiang Su - 357-376 Quadratic model for allocating operational budget in public and nonprofit organizations
by Zilla Sinuany-Stern - 377-406 Red Blood Cell Transfusion Safety: Probabilistic Risk Assessment and Cost/ Benefits of Risk Reduction Strategies
by Anthony Slonim & Ebru Bish & Ryan Xie - 407-426 The stop-and-drop problem in nonprofit food distribution networks
by Senay Solak & Christina Scherrer & Ahmed Ghoniem - 427-447 Impacts of earmarked private donations for disaster fundraising
by Fuminori Toyasaki & Tina Wakolbinger - 449-468 A combined evaluation model for encouraging entrepreneurship policies
by Wen-Hsien Tsai & Pei-Ling Lee & Yu-Shan Shen & Elliott Hwang - 469-491 Publicity vs. impact in nonprofit disclosures and donor preferences: a sequential game with one nonprofit organization and N donors
by Jun Zhuang & Gregory Saxton & Han Wu
September 2014, Volume 220, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editorial: collaborative environmental management and modelling
by Alain Haurie & David Yeung & Georges Zaccour - 5-23 Simulating a sequential coalition formation process for the climate change problem: first come, but second served?
by Michael Finus & Bianca Rundshagen & Johan Eyckmans - 25-48 Model predictive control, the economy, and the issue of global warming
by Thierry Bréchet & Carmen Camacho & Vladimir Veliov - 49-68 Sticks and carrots for the design of international climate agreements with renegotiations
by Hans-Peter Weikard & Rob Dellink - 69-86 Game theoretic formalization of the concept of sustainable development in the hierarchical control systems
by Guennady Ougolnitsky - 87-109 LP models for pricing diffuse nitrate discharge permits
by R. Ranga Prabodanie & John Raffensperger & E. Read & Mark Milke - 111-133 Controlling pollution and environmental absorption capacity
by Fouad Ouardighi & Hassan Benchekroun & Dieter Grass - 135-157 Environmental collaboration in a closed-loop supply chain with a reverse revenue sharing contract
by Pietro Giovanni - 159-180 Consistent conjectures in a dynamic model of non-renewable resource management
by N. Quérou & M. Tidball - 181-204 Dynamically consistent collaborative environmental management with production technique choices
by David Yeung - 205-221 Bargaining over a climate deal: deadline and delay
by Pierre Courtois & Tarik Tazdaït - 223-237 Climate policy under fat-tailed risk: an application of FUND
by David Anthoff & Richard Tol - 239-262 International environmental cooperation: a new eye on the greenhouse gas emissions’ control
by Mélanie Heugues - 263-278 On variable discounting in dynamic programming: applications to resource extraction and other economic models
by Anna Jaśkiewicz & Janusz Matkowski & Andrzej Nowak
August 2014, Volume 219, Issue 1
- 1-3 Methods and applications in natural resources management
by Lluís Plà-Aragonés & Béla Vizvári & Anders Kristensen - 5-23 New opportunities in operations research to improve pork supply chain efficiency
by Sara Rodríguez & Lluis Plà & Javier Faulin - 25-47 Mathematical formulation and validation of the Be-FAST model for Classical Swine Fever Virus spread between and within farms
by Benjamin Ivorra & Beatriz Martínez-López & José Sánchez-Vizcaíno & Ángel Ramos - 49-62 A new decision support framework for managing foot-and-mouth disease epidemics
by Lan Ge & Anders Kristensen & Monique Mourits & Ruud Huirne - 63-84 Markov Limid processes for representing and solving renewal problems
by Erik Jørgensen & Anders Kristensen & Dennis Nilsson - 85-99 Simulation of the shift from marine netcages to inland recirculating aquaculture systems
by Ilan Halachmi & Yitzhak Simon & Noam Mozes - 101-121 Combating eutrophication in coastal areas at risk for oil spills
by Kari Hyytiäinen & Anni Huhtala - 123-140 Simulation and multicriteria optimization modeling approach for regional water restoration management
by Angel Udías & Roman Efremov & Lorenzo Galbiati & Israel Cañamón - 141-167 An improved decomposition-based heuristic to design a water distribution network for an irrigation system
by Graça Gonçalves & Luís Gouveia & Margarida Pato - 169-185 Combined land-use and water allocation planning
by Dimitris Fotakis & Epameinondas Sidiropoulos - 187-202 Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms to identify highly autocorrelated areas: the case of spatial distribution in financially compromised farms
by Carlos García-Alonso & Leonor Pérez-Naranjo & Juan Fernández-Caballero - 203-229 Application of Decision Theory methods for a soil classification in the Community of Madrid (Spain)
by José Antón & Ana Tarquis & Juan Grau & Elena Sánchez & Antonio Saa & Mari-Cruz Díaz - 231-242 A stochastic programming based analysis of the field use in a farm
by Béla Vizvári & Zoltán Lakner - 243-264 A portfolio theory approach to crop planning under environmental constraints
by Marius Rădulescu & Constanta Rădulescu & Gheorghiţă Zbăganu - 265-283 Sustainable vegetable crop supply problem with perishable stocks
by Alysson Costa & Lana Santos & Douglas Alem & Ricardo Santos - 285-297 A decision support system to manage the supply chain of sugar cane
by Esteban López-Milán & Lluis Plà-Aragonés - 299-315 Fuzzy random regression based multi-attribute evaluation and its application to oil palm fruit grading
by A. Nureize & J. Watada & S. Wang - 317-331 Optimal post-stratification for the study of the sustainability: An application to the monitoring of diversity in Sierra de Guerrero
by Sira Allende & Carlos Bouza & Dante Covarubias - 333-357 Portfolio value-at-risk estimation in energy futures markets with time-varying copula-GARCH model
by Xun Lu & Kin Lai & Liang Liang - 359-377 A stochastic approach to optimize Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) stand management scheduling under fire risk. An application in Portugal
by L. Ferreira & M. Constantino & J. Borges - 379-395 Integrating fire risk in stand management scheduling. An application to Maritime pine stands in Portugal
by J. Garcia-Gonzalo & T. Pukkala & J. Borges - 397-414 Influence of temporal aggregation on strategic forest management under risk of wind damage
by Nicklas Forsell & Ljusk Eriksson - 415-431 Introducing cost-plus-loss analysis into a hierarchical forestry planning environment
by Karl Duvemo & Tomas Lämås & Ljusk Eriksson & Peder Wikström - 433-456 Compactness and flow minimization requirements in reforestation initiatives: a heuristic solution method
by Pablo Vanegas & Dirk Cattrysse & Anja Wijffels & Jos Orshoven - 457-475 Application of Robust Optimization to the Sawmill Planning Problem
by Pamela Alvarez & Jorge Vera - 477-489 Application of a primarily deductive framework describing time consumption for hauling of logs to road-side
by Lars Sängstuvall & Tomas Lämås & Tomas Nordfjell
July 2014, Volume 218, Issue 1
- 1-2 The practice and theory of automated timetabling
by Barry McCollum & Edmund Burke - 3-21 A constructive approach to examination timetabling based on adaptive decomposition and ordering
by Syariza Abdul-Rahman & Edmund Burke & Andrzej Bargiela & Barry McCollum & Ender Özcan - 23-50 Memetic techniques for examination timetabling
by Mohammed Al-Betar & Ahamad Khader & Iyad Doush - 51-69 Bridging the gap between self schedules and feasible schedules in staff scheduling
by Eyjólfur Ásgeirsson - 71-91 Curriculum-based course timetabling with SAT and MaxSAT
by Roberto Asín Achá & Robert Nieuwenhuis - 93-106 Optimizing the Simplon railway corridor
by Ralf Borndörfer & Berkan Erol & Thomas Graffagnino & Thomas Schlechte & Elmar Swarat - 107-114 Network flow models for intraday personnel scheduling problems
by Peter Brucker & Rong Qu - 115-128 Round-robin tournaments with homogeneous rounds
by Bregje Buiteveld & Erik Holland & Gerhard Post & Dirk Smit - 129-145 Adaptive selection of heuristics for improving exam timetables
by Edmund Burke & Rong Qu & Amr Soghier - 147-163 The generalized balanced academic curriculum problem with heterogeneous classes
by Sara Ceschia & Luca Di Gaspero & Andrea Schaerf - 165-183 A heuristic algorithm based on multi-assignment procedures for nurse scheduling
by Ademir Constantino & Dario Landa-Silva & Everton Melo & Candido Mendonça & Douglas Rizzato & Wesley Romão - 185-199 A variable neighborhood search based matheuristic for nurse rostering problems
by Federico Della Croce & Fabio Salassa - 201-219 A comparison of three heuristics on a practical case of sub-daily staff scheduling
by Maik Günther & Volker Nissen - 221-236 The first international nurse rostering competition 2010
by Stefaan Haspeslagh & Patrick De Causmaecker & Andrea Schaerf & Martin Stølevik - 237-247 A 2.75-approximation algorithm for the unconstrained traveling tournament problem
by Shinji Imahori & Tomomi Matsui & Ryuhei Miyashiro - 249-259 Timetable construction: the algorithms and complexity perspective
by Jeffrey Kingston - 261-293 A survey of school timetabling research
by Nelishia Pillay - 295-301 XHSTT: an XML archive for high school timetabling problems in different countries
by Gerhard Post & Jeffrey Kingston & Samad Ahmadi & Sophia Daskalaki & Christos Gogos & Jari Kyngas & Cimmo Nurmi & Nysret Musliu & Nelishia Pillay & Haroldo Santos & Andrea Schaerf - 303-326 Modelling and evaluation issues in nurse rostering
by Pieter Smet & Burak Bilgin & Patrick De Causmaecker & Greet Vanden Berghe - 327-345 The design and implementation of an interactive course-timetabling system
by Anthony Wehrer & Jay Yellen - 347-360 A 5.875-approximation for the Traveling Tournament Problem
by Stephan Westphal & Karl Noparlik
June 2014, Volume 217, Issue 1
- 1-29 Optimal maintenance scheduling for a complex manufacturing system subject to deterioration
by Reza Ahmadi - 31-53 Identifying distress among banks prior to a major crisis using non-oriented super-SBM
by Necmi Avkiran & Lin Cai - 55-76 Relations between capacity utilization, minimal bin size and bin number
by Torsten Buchwald & Kirsten Hoffmann & Guntram Scheithauer - 77-94 A data model for algorithmic multiple criteria decision analysis
by Olivier Cailloux & Tommi Tervonen & Boris Verhaegen & François Picalausa - 95-116 Multi-project scheduling with two-stage decomposition
by Anıl Can & Gündüz Ulusoy - 117-136 Optimality conditions and duality in nonsmooth multiobjective optimization problems
by Thai Chuong & Do Kim - 137-164 Dealing with interaction between bipolar multiple criteria preferences in PROMETHEE methods
by Salvatore Corrente & José Figueira & Salvatore Greco - 165-211 Weighted matching as a generic pruning technique applied to optimization constraints
by Radosław Cymer - 213-231 Reformulation and a Lagrangian heuristic for lot sizing problem on parallel machines
by Diego Fiorotto & Silvio Araujo - 233-252 Pyramidal values
by Ramón Flores & Elisenda Molina & Juan Tejada - 253-262 Maximum weight archipelago subgraph problem
by Peter Hammer & Péter Majlender & Bruno Simeone & Béla Vizvári - 263-279 Scheduling for fabrication and assembly in a two-machine flowshop with a fixed job sequence
by F. Hwang & M. Kovalyov & B. Lin - 281-297 Structure of demand and consistent conjectural variations equilibrium (CCVE) in a mixed oligopoly model
by Vyacheslav Kalashnikov & Vladimir Bulavsky & Vitaliy Kalashnikov & Nataliya Kalashnykova - 299-318 A noncooperative approach to bankruptcy problems with an endogenous estate
by Emin Karagözoğlu - 319-335 Optimal processing rate and buffer size of a jump-diffusion processing system
by Xindan Li & Dan Tang & Yongjin Wang & Xuewei Yang - 337-355 Pavement rehabilitation scheduling and toll pricing under different regulatory regimes
by Zhi-Chun Li & Dian Sheng - 357-383 A hybrid framework for optimizing beam angles in radiation therapy planning
by Gino Lim & Laleh Kardar & Wenhua Cao - 385-397 Restricted coloring problems on Graphs with few P 4 ’s
by Cláudia Linhares-Sales & Ana Maia & Nicolas Martins & Rudini Sampaio - 399-423 Analysis of inventory policies for perishable items with fixed leadtimes and lifetimes
by Fredrik Olsson - 425-445 The optimal harvesting problem under price uncertainty
by Adriana Piazza & Bernardo Pagnoncelli - 447-462 On optimal bidding and inventory control in sequential procurement auctions: the multi period case
by Kartikeya Puranam & Michael Katehakis