January 1998, Volume 76, Issue 0
- 109-154 Design and operational issues in AGV-served manufacturing systems
by Tharma Ganesharajah & Nicholas Hall & Chelliah Sriskandarajah - 155-185 Mathematical models in airline schedule planning: A survey
by Ram Gopalan & Kalyan Talluri - 187-200 Part selection and tool allocation in discrete parts manufacturing
by Eleftherios Iakovou & Christos Koulamas & Kavindra Malik - 201-217 Solution methods for material requirement planning with lot-size dependent lead times
by Raj Jagannathan & Lung Juang - 219-232 Robustness of single machine scheduling problems to earliness and tardiness penalty errors
by R.J.W. James & J.T. Buchanan - 233-259 Job shop scheduling with group-dependent setups, finite buffers, and long time horizon
by Peter Luh & Ling Gou & Yuanhui Zhang & Takaaki Nagahora & Makoto Tsuji & Kiyoshi Yoneda & Tetsuo Hasegawa & Yuji Kyoya & Toshiyuki Kano - 261-286 Routing helicopters for crew exchanges on off-shore locations
by Gerard Sierksma & Gert Tijssen - 287-321 Scheduling large robotic cells without buffers
by Chelliah Sriskandarajah & Nicholas Hall & Hichem Kamoun - 323-342 Solution procedures for the dynamic facility layout problem
by Timothy Urban
January 1997, Volume 75, Issue 0
- 0 Preface
by Robert Blanning & Michael Shaw - 3-23 A graph-theoretic approach to analyzing knowledge bases containing rules, models and data
by Amit Basu & Robert Blanning - 25-47 Organizational adaptation
by Kathleen Carley - 49-68 New directions in genetic algorithm theory
by Gary Koehler - 69-101 "Go to the ant": Engineering principles from natural multi-agent systems
by H. Van Dyke Parunak - 105-122 Active training of backpropagation neural networks using the learning by experimentation methodology
by Fu-Ren Lin & Michael Shaw - 123-145 Representing and reasoning with traceability in model life cycle management
by Balasubramaniam Ramesh - 147-169 An object-oriented method and language for implementing cooperative distributed problem solving
by Stephen Liddle & James Hansen - 171-188 A machine learning method for multi-expert decision support
by Clyde Holsapple & Anita Lee & Jim Otto - 189-208 Learning to recognize (un)promising simulated annealing runs: Efficient search procedures for job shop scheduling and vehicle routing
by Norman Sadeh & Yoichiro Nakakuki & Sam Thangiah - 209-232 A hybrid approach of linear programming and logic modeling for the market core of sealed bid auctions
by Ho Geun Lee & Ronald Lee - 235-289 Coordination of multiple agents for production management
by Jyi-Shane Liu & Katia Sycara - 291-301 Neural network models: Foundations and applications to an audit decision problem
by Rebecca Wu - 303-324 Optimization of high-mix printed circuit card assembly using genetic algorithms
by Aristides Dikos & Peter Nelson & Thomas Tirpak & Weihsin Wang - 325-333 Decentralized control in the customer focused enterprise
by Bill Fulkerson & Gilbert Staffend - 335-353 A stock selection DSS combining AI and technical analysis
by Seng-cho Chou & Hsien-jung Hsu & Chau-chen Yang & Feipei Lai - 355-372 An intelligent modeling system for generalized network flow problems: With application to planning for multinational firms
by Richard McBride & Daniel O'Leary
November 1997, Volume 74, Issue 0
- 0 Preface
by William Gehrlein - 1-36 Nontraditional approaches to statistical classification: Some perspectives on L_p-norm methods
by Antonie Stam - 37-50 Dimensionality representation of linear discriminant function space for the multiple-group problem: An MIP approach
by Robert Pavur - 51-64 Solving mixed integer classification problems by decomposition
by Paul Rubin - 65-88 Constrained discriminant analysis via 0/1 mixed integer programming
by Richard Gallagher & Eva Lee & David Patterson - 89-112 Mathematical programming formulations for two-group classification with binary variables
by Ognian Asparoukhov & Antonie Stam - 113-127 Alternative discriminant vectors in LP models and a regularization method
by B. Xiao & Y. Feng - 129-157 A mixed integer programming algorithm for minimizing the training sample misclassification cost in two-group classification
by A. Duarte Silva & Antonie Stam - 159-171 A two-stage least cost credit scoring model
by William Gehrlein & Bret Wagner - 173-189 Examination of the classificatory performance of MIP models with secondary goals for the two-group discriminant problem
by Robert Pavur & Pradit Wanarat & Constantine Loucopoulos - 191-209 Experimental evaluation of the classificatory performance of mathematical programming approaches to the three-group discriminant problem: The case of small samples
by Constantine Loucopoulos & Robert Pavur - 211-222 Evaluation of an adaptive discriminant procedure
by Carol Markowski & Edward Markowski - 223-238 One-tailed Type I error rates for balanced two-category UniODA with a random ordered attribute
by Lowell Carmony & Paul Yarnold & Frank Naeymi-Rad - 239-257 Estimation and testing in least absolute value regression with serially correlated disturbances
by Terry Dielman & Elizabeth Rose - 259-268 Permutation-based multivariate regression analysis: The case for least sum of absolute deviations regression
by Paul Mielke & Kenneth Berry - 269-276 Using non-traditional approaches to statistical classification and regression in DSS model analysis
by David Steiger - 277-288 Deriving the partial values in MCDM by goal programming
by Jane Moy & Kim Fung Lam & Eng Ung Choo - 289-304 Total factor efficiency/productivity ratio fitting as an alternative to regression and canonical correlation models for performance data
by M.D. Troutt & Aimao Zhang & S.K. Tadisina & Arun Rai - 305-319 W-efficient partitions and the solution of the sequential clustering problem
by Anito Joseph & Noel Bryson - 321-332 Enhancing graphical simulation output using cluster analysis
by James DeArmon
October 1997, Volume 73, Issue 0
- 0 Preface and Foreword
by Arie Lewin & Lawrence Seiford - 1-11 Extending the frontiers of Data Envelopment Analysis
by Arie Lewin & Lawrence Seiford - 13-34 Weights restrictions and value judgements in Data Envelopment Analysis: Evolution, development and future directions
by R. Allen & A. Athanassopoulos & R.G. Dyson & E. Thanassoulis - 35-66 DEA and primary care physician report cards: Deriving preferred practice cones from managed care service concepts and operating strategies
by Jon Chilingerian & H. David Sherman - 67-89 An analysis of staffing efficiency in U.S. manufacturing: 1983 and 1989
by Peter Ward & James Storbeck & Stephen Mangum & Patricia Byrnes - 91-115 Applications of DEA to measure the efficiency of software production at two large Canadian banks
by J.C. Paradi & D.N. Reese & D. Rosen - 117-140 Restricted best practice selection in DEA: An overview with a case study evaluating the socio-economic performance of nations
by Boaz Golany & Sten Thore - 141-155 A new measure of baseball batters using DEA
by Timothy Anderson & Gunter Sharp - 157-175 Efficiency of families managing home health care
by Carol Smith & Susan Kleinbeck & Karen Fernengel & Linda Mayer - 177-189 A DEA-based analysis of productivity change and intertemporal managerial performance
by E. Grifell-Tatjé & C.A.K. Lovell - 191-213 Use of Data Envelopment Analysis in assessing Information Technology impact on firm performance
by Chien Wang & Ram Gopal & Stanley Zionts - 215-232 Comparative advantage and disadvantage in DEA
by Agha Iqbal Ali & Catherine Lerme - 233-252 Model misspecification in Data Envelopment Analysis
by Peter Smith - 253-276 Dominant Competitive Factors for evaluating program efficiency in grouped data
by John Rousseau & John Semple - 277-298 DEA-based yardstick competition: The optimality of best practice regulation
by Peter Bogetoft - 299-321 A Data Envelopment Analysis approach to Discriminant Analysis
by Donna Retzlaff-Roberts - 323-338 Derivation of the Maximin Efficiency Ratio model from the maximum decisional efficiency principle
by M.D. Troutt - 339-372 Parallel and hierarchical decomposition approaches for solving large-scale Data Envelopment Analysis models
by Richard Barr & Matthew Durchholz - 373-387 Abraham Charnes remembered
by S.C. Littlechild & Arie Lewin - 389-391 In memoriam Abraham Charnes, 1917-1992
by Fred Phillips - 393-438 A bibliography for Data Envelopment Analysis (1978-1996)
by Lawrence Seiford
January 1997, Volume 72, Issue 0
- 5-27 Aiding DSS users in the use of complex OR models
by Danièle Thomassin Singh & Pavan Pratap Singh - 29-50 Integrating OR models for decision making by introducing qualitative knowledge of the problem contexts
by Jyun-Cheng Wang & Sang Chan Park - 51-73 A framework for retrieval in case-based reasoning systems
by Ali Reza Montazemi & Kalyan Moy Gupta - 75-101 An interdisciplinary approach for exploring the impact of individual characteristics in the context of GSS research
by Anne Massey & Danial Clapper & Jennifer Blue - 105-124 The Water Resource Management System (WREMS): Linking data management and operational optimization
by Rick Wilson & Blaine Reely & Mike Cox - 125-147 Staff rostering at a large international airport
by D. Dowling & M. Krishnamoorthy & H. Mackenzie & D. Sier - 151-182 Managing operations research models for decision support systems applications in a database environment
by Michael Ball & Anindya Datta - 183-208 Providing information system support for simulations using the Cassandra + system
by P. Balasubramanian & Alexander Tuzhilin - 211-240 The design and implementation of OR/SM: A prototype integrated modeling environment
by Myong Kang & Gordon Wright & Radha Chandrasekharan & Radha Mookerjee & N. Dan Worobetz - 241-264 OMAC: An environment for modeling and analysis
by Kenneth McKay & David Kletter & Stephen Graves - 265-298 Connectionist approaches for solver selection in constrained project scheduling
by Dan Zhu & Rema Padman - 299-313 The state of multiple criteria decision support software
by H. Roland Weistroffer & Subhash Narula
January 1997, Volume 71, Issue 0
- 0 Preface
by R. Ramesh & H. Raghav Rao - 3-14 The future of information systems
by Herbert Simon - 17-35 Systematic measurements: At the interface between information and systems management, systems engineering, and operations research
by Andrew Sage - 41-74 Voting mechanisms and their implications in a GDSS environment
by Bezalel Gavish & John Gerdes - 75-91 Supporting consensus formation in Group Support Systems using the Qualitative Discriminant Process
by Noel Bryson - 95-113 A design approach for analyzing interorganizational information systems
by Ronald Rasch & James Hansen - 115-142 Quality differentiation and adoption costs: The case for interorganizational information system pricing
by Barrie Nault - 143-175 Strategic joint ventures in Information Technology
by P.S. Giridharan - 179-198 An algebraic model for the representation of accounting systems
by Robert Nehmer & Derek Robinson - 199-228 Optimizing distributed join queries: A genetic algorithm approach
by Sangkyu Rho & Salvatore March - 229-258 A parallel algorithm manager for networked workstations
by Margaret Mayer & Louis Plebani - 259-289 Data structures for topological and geometric operations on networks
by N. Christofides & H.O. Badra & Y.M. Sharaiha - 293-315 Generating and evaluating process redesign options: A network modeling approach
by Deb Ghosh & Mohan Tanniru - 317-334 Hierarchical constraint satisfaction of multilateral trade matching in commodity auction markets
by Young Ryu - 335-372 Logic, modeling, and programming
by Ken McAloon & Carol Tretkoff
April 1997, Volume 70, Issue 0
- 0 Preface
by Chung-Yee Lee & Lei Lei - 1-41 Current trends in deterministic scheduling
by Chung-Yee Lee & Lei Lei & Michael Pinedo - 43-55 Preemptive multiprocessor task scheduling with release times and time windows
by L. Bianco & J. Blazewicz & P. Dell'Olmo & M. Drozdowski - 57-73 Complexity of scheduling problems with multi-purpose machines
by Peter Brucker & Bernd Jurisch & Andreas Krämer - 75-92 Single machine scheduling with batch set-up times to minimize maximum lateness
by A.M.A. Hariri & C.N. Potts - 93-113 Rescheduling on a single machine with part-type dependent setup times and deadlines
by Ali Tamer Unal & Reha Uzsoy & Ali Kiran - 115-125 Rolling horizon procedures for the single machine deterministic total completion time scheduling problem with release dates
by Suresh Chand & Rodney Traub & Reha Uzsoy - 127-143 Single machine hierarchical scheduling with customer orders and multiple job classes
by Jatinder Gupta & Johnny Ho & Jack van der Veen - 145-154 A single machine scheduling problem with common due window and controllable processing times
by Surya Liman & Shrikant Panwalkar & Sansern Thongmee - 155-170 Job shop scheduling with separable sequence-dependent setups
by In-Chan Choi & Osman Korkmaz - 171-189 Scheduling permutation flow shops using the Lagrangian relaxation technique
by Guandong Liu & Peter Luh & Richard Resch - 191-220 Stochastic scheduling of a batch processing machine with incompatible job families
by Izak Duenyas & John Neale - 221-239 Multi-objective stochastic scheduling of job ready times
by Paul Stanfield & Russell King & Thom Hodgson - 241-260 Sequencing jobs with random processing times to minimize weighted completion time variance
by X. Cai & S. Zhou - 261-279 Local search heuristics for single machine scheduling with batch set-up times to minimize total weighted completion time
by H.A.J. Crauwels & C.N. Potts & L.N. Van Wassenhove - 281-306 An integrated approach for modeling and solving the general multiprocessor job-shop scheduling problem using tabu search
by Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès & Jan Paulli - 307-326 Problem space search algorithms for resource-constrained project scheduling
by Kedar Naphade & S. David Wu & Robert Storer - 327-357 Applying constraint satisfaction techniques to job shop scheduling
by Cheng-Chung Cheng & Stephen Smith - 359-378 On the design and development of object-oriented scheduling systems
by Michael Pinedo & Benjamin Yen - 379-397 Using beam search techniques for sequencing mixed-model assembly lines
by Yow-yuh Leu & Philip Huang & Roberta Russell - 399-413 Preemptive scheduling with finite capacity input buffers
by Nicholas Hall & Marc Posner & Chris Potts - 415-438 No-wait flow shop scheduling with large lot sizes
by Alessandro Agnetis - 439-472 An analysis of heuristics for the parallel-machine flexible-resource scheduling problem
by Richard Daniels & Barbara Hoopes & Joseph Mazzola - 473-492 Sizing and scheduling a full-time and part-time workforce with off-day and off-weekend constraints
by Hamilton Emmons & Du-Shean Fuh
January 1997, Volume 69, Issue 0
- 0 Preface
by Rainer Burkard & Toshihide Ibaraki & Maurice Queyranne - 1-31 Concurrent operations assignment and sequencing for particular assembly problems in flow lines
by Alessandro Agnetis & Claudio Arbib - 33-46 The aircraft rotation problem
by Lloyd Clarke & Ellis Johnson & George Nemhauser & Zhongxi Zhu - 47-64 Hitting or avoiding balls in Euclidean space
by Yves Crama & Toshihide Ibaraki - 65-84 Optimization of nuclear reactor reloading patterns
by E. de Klerk & C. Roos & T. Terlaky & T. Illés & A.J. de Jong & J. Valkó & J.E. Hoogenboom - 85-104 Skeleton-based facility layout design using genetic algorithms
by Hugues Delmaire & André Langevin & Diane Riopel - 105-114 A variation of the generalized assignment problem arising in the New Zealand dairy industry
by L.R. Foulds & J.M. Wilson - 115-134 A new single model and derived algorithms for the satellite shot planning problem using graph theory concepts
by Virginie Gabrel & Alain Moulet & Cécile Murat & Vangelis Paschos - 135-156 A dynamic programming algorithm for single machine scheduling with ready times
by Sylvie Gélinas & Francois Soumis - 157-169 Cost optimization for the slitting of core laminations for power transformers
by A. Gerstl & S.E. Karisch - 171-191 Scheduling a two-stage hybrid flow shop with parallel machines at the first stage
by J.N.D. Gupta & A.M.A. Hariri & C.N. Potts - 193-207 Vehicle scheduling on a tree with release and handling times
by Yoshiyuki Karuno & Hiroshi Nagamochi & Toshihide Ibaraki - 209-226 Minimizing the number of robots to meet a given cyclic schedule
by Vladimir Kats & Eugene Levner - 227-239 DGAP - The Dynamic Generalized Assignment Problem
by Konstantin Kogan & Avraham Shtub - 241-259 Optimal level schedules for mixed-model, multi-level just-in-time assembly systems
by Wieslaw Kubiak & George Steiner & Julian Scott Yeomans - 261-276 A parametric approach for maximum flow problems with an additional reverse convex constraint
by Takahito Kuno - 277-297 A mixed-integer model for solving ordering problems with side constraints
by Francesco Maffioli & Anna Sciomachen - 299-322 Queues with switchover - A review and critique
by Wanda Rosa-Hatko & Eldon Gunn - 323-349 Rolling horizon scheduling in a rolling-mill
by L. Stauffer & Th. Liebling - 351-377 Shop scheduling problems under precedence constraints
by V.A. Strusevich - 379-403 A modeling approach to a JIT-based ordering system
by Norio Watanabe & Shusaku Hiraki