February 2017, Volume 249, Issue 1
- 433-448 A decision support model for staff allocation of mobile medical service
by Paveena Chaovalitwongse & Krongsin Somprasonk & Naragain Phumchusri & Joseph Heim & Zelda B. Zabinsky & W. Art Chaovalitwongse
January 2017, Volume 248, Issue 1
- 1-24 A Lagrangian relaxation-based heuristic for the multi-ship quay crane scheduling problem with ship stability constraints
by Noura Al-Dhaheri & Ali Diabat - 25-73 Minimizing value-at-risk in single-machine scheduling
by Semih Atakan & Kerem Bülbül & Nilay Noyan - 75-91 Dynamic pricing and promotion expenditures in an EOQ model of perishable products
by Tal Avinadav & Tatyana Chernonog & Yael Lahav & Uriel Spiegel - 93-121 An illustration of multiple-stakeholder perspective using a survey across Australia, China and Japan
by Necmi Kemal Avkiran - 123-142 Service outsourcing under different supply chain power structures
by Junsong Bian & Kin Keung Lai & Zhongsheng Hua - 143-161 Studying a set of properties of inconsistency indices for pairwise comparisons
by Matteo Brunelli - 163-187 A mixed integer linear program to compress transition probability matrices in Markov chain bootstrapping
by Roy Cerqueti & Paolo Falbo & Cristian Pelizzari & Federica Ricca & Andrea Scozzari - 189-207 Setting handicaps to industrial sectors in DEA illustrated by Ethiopian industry
by Kidanemariam Berhe Hailu & Kaoru Tone - 209-237 Time symmetry of resource constrained project scheduling with general temporal constraints and take-give resources
by Zdeněk Hanzálek & Přemysl Šůcha - 239-251 A non-linear non-weight method for multi-criteria decision making
by Ping Heidi Huang & Tzuong-tsieng Moh - 253-280 Credit financing in economic ordering policies for non-instantaneous deteriorating items with price dependent demand and two storage facilities
by Chandra K. Jaggi & Sunil Tiwari & Satish K. Goel - 281-304 A two-storage multi-item inventory model with hybrid number and nested price discount via hybrid heuristic algorithm
by Dipak Kumar Jana & Barun Das - 305-343 Properties, formulations, and algorithms for portfolio optimization using Mean-Gini criteria
by Ran Ji & Miguel A. Lejeune & Srinivas Y. Prasad - 345-363 Endogenous interval games in oligopolies and the cores
by Aymeric Lardon - 365-403 A multiple search operator heuristic for the max-k-cut problem
by Fuda Ma & Jin-Kao Hao - 405-427 A supply chain network game theory model of cybersecurity investments with nonlinear budget constraints
by Anna Nagurney & Patrizia Daniele & Shivani Shukla - 429-447 Order acceptance and scheduling with consideration of service level
by Jinwen Ou & Xueling Zhong - 449-470 Service performance evaluation using data envelopment analysis and balance scorecard approach: an application to automotive industry
by Youchao Tan & Yang Zhang & Roohollah Khodaverdi - 471-491 Option pricing and coordination in the fresh produce supply chain with portfolio contracts
by Chong Wang & Xu Chen - 493-514 An algorithm for approximating the Pareto set of the multiobjective set covering problem
by Lakmali Weerasena & Margaret M. Wiecek & Banu Soylu - 515-529 Robust DEA to assess the reliability of methyl methacrylate-hardened hybrid poplar wood
by Dexiang Wu & WeiDan Ding & Ahmed Koubaa & Abdelkader Chaala & CuiCui Luo - 531-552 Sustainability-based selection decisions for e-waste recycling operations
by Yan Xu & Chung-Hsing Yeh - 553-578 On $$M^{X}/G(M/H)/1$$ M X / G ( M / H ) / 1 retrial system with vacation: service helpline performance measurement
by Wee Meng Yeo & Xue-Ming Yuan & Joyce Mei Wan Low - 579-588 41 Counterexamples to property (B) of the discrete time bomber problem
by Takashi Kamihigashi
December 2016, Volume 247, Issue 2
- 391-394 Operations research confronting the crisis
by Nikolaos Matsatsinis & Yannis Siskos & John Psarras - 395-413 Environmental corporate responsibility for investments evaluation: an alternative multi-objective programming model
by Panos Xidonas & Haris Doukas & George Mavrotas & Olena Pechak - 415-449 Explicit formula for the optimal government debt ceiling
by Abel Cadenillas & Ricardo Huamán-Aguilar - 451-469 Forecasting macroeconomic fundamentals in economic crises
by Maurizio Bovi & Roy Cerqueti - 471-502 Coupling input–output analysis with multiobjective linear programming models for the study of economy–energy–environment–social (E3S) trade-offs: a review
by C. Oliveira & D. Coelho & C. H. Antunes - 503-521 Large exposure estimation through automatic business group identification
by Sigríður Benediktsdóttir & Margrét V. Bjarnadóttir & Guðmundur A. Hansen - 523-547 Credit default swaps and systemic risk
by Rama Cont & Andreea Minca - 549-580 Multi-criteria decision making for choosing socially responsible investment within a behavioral portfolio theory framework: a new way of investing into a crisis environment
by Amelia Bilbao-Terol & Mar Arenas-Parra & Verónica Cañal-Fernández & Celia Bilbao-Terol - 581-598 The challenge in managing new financial risks: adopting an heuristic or theoretical approach
by Pascal Damel & Hoai An Le Thi & Nadège Peltre - 599-615 Assessing e-Participation via user’s satisfaction measurement: the case of OurSpace platform
by Loukas Kipenis & Dimitris Askounis - 617-633 Redesigning product lines in a period of economic crisis: a hybrid simulated annealing algorithm with crossover
by Stelios Tsafarakis - 635-655 Using multiobjective mathematical programming to link national competitiveness, productivity, and innovation
by Elias G. Carayannis & Evangelos Grigoroudis - 657-675 Assessment and improvement of employee job-satisfaction: a full-scale implementation of MUSA methodology on newly recruited personnel in a major French organisation
by Bérangère Gosse & Christian Hurson - 677-692 Private labels and retail assortment planning: a differential evolution approach
by Stelios Tsafarakis & Charalampos Saridakis & Nikolaos Matsatsinis & George Baltas - 693-713 Connecting a population dynamic model with a multi-period location-allocation problem for post-disaster relief operations
by Christophe Duhamel & Andréa Cynthia Santos & Daniel Brasil & Eric Châtelet & Babiga Birregah - 715-734 Dynamic conditional value-at-risk model for routing and scheduling of hazardous material transportation networks
by Shahrzad Faghih-Roohi & Yew-Soon Ong & Sobhan Asian & Allan N. Zhang - 735-757 A multiple attribute group decision making framework for the evaluation of lean practices at logistics distribution centers
by Zhibin Wu & Jiuping Xu & Zeshui Xu - 759-785 Reserving relief supplies for earthquake: a multi-attribute decision making of China Red Cross
by Feng Yang & Qianqian Yuan & Shaofu Du & Liang Liang - 787-806 Operational and economic efficiency analysis of public hospitals in Greece
by George Fragkiadakis & Michael Doumpos & Constantin Zopounidis & Christophe Germain - 807-822 Factors affecting primary health care centers’ economic and production efficiency
by Panagiotis Mitropoulos & Kostas Kounetas & Ioannis Mitropoulos - 823-831 Deriving advantage over a crisis by incorporating a new class of stochastic models for risk control operations
by Panagiotis T. Artikis - 833-851 Experimental analysis of crossover and mutation operators on the quadratic assignment problem
by Zakir Hussain Ahmed - 853-866 A new concept for fuzzy variable based non-linear programming problem with application on system reliability via genetic algorithm approach
by G. S. Mahapatra & B. S. Mahapatra & P. K. Roy
December 2016, Volume 247, Issue 1
- 1-2 Retrial queues and related models
by Antonio Gómez-Corral & Tuan Phung-Duc - 3-36 A survey of retrial queueing systems
by Jeongsim Kim & Bara Kim - 37-63 Retrial queueing models in discrete time: a short survey of some late arrival models
by Rein Nobel - 65-95 A sufficient condition for the subexponential asymptotics of GI/G/1-type Markov chains with queueing applications
by Hiroyuki Masuyama - 97-120 Exact tail asymptotics: revisit of a retrial queue with two input streams and two orbits
by Yang Song & Zaiming Liu & Yiqiang Q. Zhao - 121-140 Steady state analysis of the M/G/1//N queue with orbit of blocked customers
by Velika I. Dragieva - 141-167 MRSPN analysis of Semi-Markovian finite source retrial queues
by Lyes Ikhlef & Ouiza Lekadir & Djamil Aïssani - 169-192 A repairable retrial queue under Bernoulli schedule and general retrial policy
by Shan Gao & Jinting Wang & Tien Van Do - 193-210 Analysis of the $$M^X/G/1$$ M X / G / 1 retrial queue
by Bara Kim & Jeongsim Kim - 211-227 A functional approximation for retrial queues with two way communication
by Sofiane Ouazine & Karim Abbas - 229-256 Scaling limits for single server retrial queues with two-way communication
by Hiroyuki Sakurai & Tuan Phung-Duc - 257-289 Waiting time in the M/M/ $$ m $$ m LCFS nonpreemptive priority queue with impatient customers
by Hideaki Takagi - 291-317 Preventive maintenance in an unreliable M/G/1 retrial queue with persistent and impatient customers
by Samira Taleb & Amar Aissani - 319-364 Performance analysis of a multiprogramming–multiprocessor retrial queueing system with orderly reattempts
by B. Krishna Kumar & A. Thanikachalam & V. Kanakasabapathi & R. Rukmani - 365-389 On a queueing-inventory with reservation, cancellation, common life time and retrial
by A. Krishnamoorthy & Dhanya Shajin & B. Lakshmy
November 2016, Volume 246, Issue 1
- 1-3 Location analysis
by Dolores R. Santos-Peñate - 5-18 Sequential location of two facilities: comparing random to optimal location of the first facility
by Tammy Drezner & Zvi Drezner - 19-30 On competition in a Stackelberg location-design model with deterministic supplier choice
by Eligius M. T. Hendrix - 31-55 On agglomeration in competitive location models
by Vladimir Marianov & H. A. Eiselt - 57-75 Profit maximization and reduction of the cannibalization effect in chain expansion
by Blas Pelegrín & Pascual Fernández & María Dolores García Pérez - 77-100 The stochastic capacitated branch restructuring problem
by Diego Ruiz-Hernández & David Delgado-Gómez - 101-126 A Lagrangian relaxation approach for expansion of a highway network
by Eusebio Angulo & Ricardo García-Ródenas & José Luis Espinosa-Aranda - 127-144 A general rapid network design, line planning and fleet investment integrated model
by David Canca & Alicia De-Los-Santos & Gilbert Laporte & Juan A. Mesa - 145-166 A short-turning policy for the management of demand disruptions in rapid transit systems
by David Canca & Eva Barrena & Gilbert Laporte & Francisco A. Ortega - 167-179 The 1-Center and 1-Highway problem revisited
by J. M. Díaz-Báñez & M. Korman & P. Pérez-Lantero & I. Ventura - 181-203 New local searches for solving the multi-source Weber problem
by Zvi Drezner & Jack Brimberg & Nenad Mladenović & Said Salhi - 205-226 The wisdom of voters: evaluating the Weber objective in the plane at the Condorcet solution
by Zvi Drezner & Mozart B. C. Menezes - 227-251 Up- and downgrading the euclidean 1-median problem and knapsack Voronoi diagrams
by Frank Plastria - 253-272 A parallelized Lagrangean relaxation approach for the discrete ordered median problem
by Juana L. Redondo & Alfredo Marín & Pilar M. Ortigosa - 273-288 Balancing the arrival times of users in a two-stage location problem
by Maria Barbati & Giuseppe Bruno & Alfredo Marín - 289-312 Multi-period hub network design problems with modular capacities
by Sibel A. Alumur & Stefan Nickel & Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama & Yusuf Seçerdin - 313-348 Facility location models to locate data in information networks: a literature review
by Goutam Sen & Mohan Krishnamoorthy & Narayan Rangaraj & Vishnu Narayanan - 349-362 Maximizing the minimum cover probability by emergency facilities
by Zvi Drezner & Vladimir Marianov & George O. Wesolowsky - 363-369 A short note on locating facilities on a path to minimize load range equity measure
by Rongbing Huang
October 2016, Volume 245, Issue 1
- 1-5 Multiple criteria decision making and economics: an introduction
by Rafael Caballero & Carlos Romero & Francisco Ruiz - 7-29 Multiobjective project portfolio selection with fuzzy constraints
by F. Perez & T. Gomez - 31-46 Fuzzy portfolio selection with non-financial goals: exploring the efficient frontier
by Clara Calvo & Carlos Ivorra & Vicente Liern - 47-66 An interactive approach to stochastic programming-based portfolio optimization
by Murat Köksalan & Ceren Tuncer Şakar - 67-95 An interactive algorithm to find the most preferred solution of multi-objective integer programs
by Banu Lokman & Murat Köksalan & Pekka J. Korhonen & Jyrki Wallenius - 97-119 An interactive approach for Bi-attribute multi-item auctions
by Gülşah Karakaya & Murat Köksalan - 121-135 An extended goal programming model for site selection in the offshore wind farm sector
by Dylan F. Jones & Graham Wall - 137-162 A group decision making model based on goal programming with fuzzy hierarchy: an application to regional forest planning
by Amelia Bilbao-Terol & Mariano Jiménez & Mar Arenas-Parra - 163-175 Photovoltaic power plants: a multicriteria approach to investment decisions and a case study in western Spain
by Ana Garcia-Bernabeu & Antonio Benito & Mila Bravo & David Pla-Santamaria - 177-207 A participatory multi-criteria approach for power generation and transmission planning
by Valentin Bertsch & Wolf Fichtner - 209-226 Stable solutions for multiple scenario cost allocation games with partial information
by D. V. Borrero & M. A. Hinojosa & A. M. Mármol - 227-244 How relevant is the lack of reciprocity in pairwise comparisons? An experiment with AHP
by Pedro Linares & Sara Lumbreras & Alberto Santamaría & Andrea Veiga - 245-259 The precise consistency consensus matrix in a local AHP-group decision making context
by Juan Aguarón & María Teresa Escobar & José María Moreno-Jiménez - 261-284 Systemic decision making in AHP: a Bayesian approach
by José María Moreno-Jiménez & Manuel Salvador & Pilar Gargallo & Alfredo Altuzarra - 285-313 Selection of optimum maintenance strategy based on FAHP integrated with GRA–TOPSIS
by B. Kirubakaran & M. Ilangkumaran - 315-336 Discrete multi-criteria methods for lands use and conservation planning on La Colacha in Arroyos Menores (Río Cuarto, Province of Córdoba, Argentina)
by J. M. Antón & J. B. Grau & J. M. Cisneros & A. M. Tarquis & F. V. Laguna & J. J. Cantero & D. Andina & E. Sánchez - 337-358 An ELECTRE approach for evaluating secondary education profiles: evidence from PISA survey in Serbia
by Mladen Stamenković & Ivan Anić & Marijana Petrović & Nataša Bojković - 359-378 Security economics: an adversarial risk analysis approach to airport protection
by Javier Cano & David Ríos Insua & Alessandra Tedeschi & Ug̃ur Turhan - 379-400 Multiattribute decision analysis using strict preference relations
by Ichiro Nishizaki & Tomohiro Hayashida & Masakazu Ohmi - 401-426 Determining attribute weights to improve solution reliability and its application to selecting leading industries
by Chao Fu & Dong-Ling Xu - 427-456 Non Additive Robust Ordinal Regression for urban and territorial planning: an application for siting an urban waste landfill
by Silvia Angilella & Marta Bottero & Salvatore Corrente & Valentina Ferretti & Salvatore Greco & Isabella M. Lami
September 2016, Volume 244, Issue 2
- 257-294 A manufacturer distribution issue: how to manage an online and a traditional retailer
by Nawel Amrouche & Ruiliang Yan - 295-312 Static target search path planning optimization with heterogeneous agents
by Jean Berger & Nassirou Lo & Mohamed Barkaoui - 313-348 Exact methods for solving the elementary shortest and longest path problems
by Quoc Trung Bui & Yves Deville & Quang Dung Pham - 349-365 Managing customer arrivals with time windows: a case of truck arrivals at a congested container terminal
by Gang Chen & Liping Jiang - 367-383 A class of nonsmooth fractional multiobjective optimization problems
by Thai Doan Chuong & Do Sang Kim - 385-405 A new heuristic for learning Bayesian networks from limited datasets: a real-time recommendation system application with RFID systems in grocery stores
by Esma Nur Cinicioglu & Prakash P. Shenoy - 407-427 Tactical supply chain planning models with inherent flexibility: definition and review
by Masoud Esmaeilikia & Behnam Fahimnia & Joeseph Sarkis & Kannan Govindan & Arun Kumar & John Mo - 429-454 A tactical supply chain planning model with multiple flexibility options: an empirical evaluation
by Masoud Esmaeilikia & Behnam Fahimnia & Joeseph Sarkis & Kannan Govindan & Arun Kumar & John Mo - 455-474 Power in voting rules with abstention: an axiomatization of a two components power index
by Josep Freixas & Roberto Lucchetti - 475-503 Assessing mutual funds’ corporate social responsibility: a multistakeholder-AHP based methodology
by Mónica García-Melón & Blanca Pérez-Gladish & Tomás Gómez-Navarro & Paz Mendez-Rodriguez - 505-523 Strategic bidding in an accumulating priority queue: equilibrium analysis
by Moshe Haviv & Liron Ravner - 525-544 An examination of performance relations among selected consistency measures for simulated pairwise judgments
by Paul Thaddeus Kazibudzki - 545-569 Multi-period cardinality constrained portfolio selection models with interval coefficients
by Yong-Jun Liu & Wei-Guo Zhang & Jun-Bo Wang - 571-581 Choquet integral with respect to a symmetric fuzzy measure of a function on the real line
by Yasuo Narukawa & Vicenç Torra & Michio Sugeno - 583-601 A k-level data structure for large-scale traveling salesman problems
by Colin Osterman & César Rego - 603-617 On second order duality of minimax fractional programming with square root term involving generalized B-(p, r)-invex functions
by Sonali & N. Kailey & V. Sharma - 619-646 Risk-pooling strategy, lead time, delivery reliability and inventory control decisions in a stochastic multi-objective supply chain network design
by Peyman Taki & Farnaz Barzinpour & Ebrahim Teimoury - 647-676 Loyal customer bases as innovation disincentives for duopolistic firms using strategic signaling and Bayesian analysis
by Madjid Tavana & Debora Di Caprio & Francisco J. Santos-Arteaga - 677-696 An interactive approach for biobjective integer programs under quasiconvex preference functions
by Diclehan Tezcaner Öztürk & Murat Köksalan - 697-718 Bargaining powers of buyers and sellers on the online diamond market: a double perspective non-parametric analysis
by François-Charles Wolff
September 2016, Volume 244, Issue 1
- 1-2 Reliability management and computing
by Hoang Pham - 3-22 A novel reliability allocation approach using the OWA tree and soft set
by Kuei-Hu Chang - 23-47 Optimal two-threshold replacement policy in a cumulative damage model
by Shey-Huei Sheu & Tzu-Hsin Liu & Zhe-George Zhang & Hsin-Nan Tsai & Jung-Chih Chen - 49-66 Optimal replacement policy for a repairable system with deterioration based on a renewal-geometric process
by Caiyun Niu & Xiaolin Liang & Bingfeng Ge & Xue Tian & Yingwu Chen - 67-83 A simple algorithm to evaluate supply-chain reliability for brittle commodity logistics under production and delivery constraints
by Yi-Kuei Lin & Cheng-Ta Yeh & Cheng-Fu Huang - 85-101 NHPP-based change-point modeling for software reliability assessment and its application to software development management
by Yuka Minamino & Shinji Inoue & Shigeru Yamada - 103-116 Over-time and over-level replacement policies with random working cycles
by Xufeng Zhao & Toshio Nakagawa - 117-132 Optimal warranty policies considering repair service and replacement service under the manufacturer’s perspective
by Minjae Park & Ki Mun Jung & Dong Ho Park - 133-162 Double resource optimization for a robust computer network subject to a transmission budget
by Yi-Kuei Lin & Shin-Guang Chen - 163-176 Reliability computing and management considering the network traffic for a cloud computing
by Yoshinobu Tamura & Shigeru Yamada - 177-208 Phase-type software reliability model: parameter estimation algorithms with grouped data
by Hiroyuki Okamura & Tadashi Dohi - 209-220 Bivariate change-point modeling for software reliability assessment with uncertainty of testing-environment factor
by Shinji Inoue & Jun Ikeda & Shigeru Yamada - 221-240 Reliability evaluation according to a routing scheme for multi-state computer networks under assured accuracy rate
by Yi-Kuei Lin & Cheng-Fu Huang - 241-255 Trivariate Bernoulli distribution with application to software fault tolerance
by Lance Fiondella & Panlop Zeephongsekul
August 2016, Volume 243, Issue 1
- 1-3 Optimization models with economic and game theoretic applications
by S. K. Neogy & R. B. Bapat & A. K. Das & B. Pradhan - 5-18 Optimal iterative QP and QPQC algorithms
by Zdeněk Dostál & Lukáš Pospíšil - 19-35 On transition matrices of Markov chains corresponding to Hamiltonian cycles
by Konstantin Avrachenkov & Ali Eshragh & Jerzy A. Filar - 37-53 Axiomatizations of symmetrically weighted solutions
by John Kleppe & Hans Reijnierse & Peter Sudhölter - 55-70 On double cycling for container port productivity improvement
by Dusan Ku & Tiru S. Arthanari - 71-87 A game theoretical analysis of the impact of income inequality and ethnic diversity on fiscal corruption
by Roy Cerqueti & Raffaella Coppier - 89-94 A shrinking projection method for nonexpansive mappings with nonsummable errors in a Hadamard space
by Yasunori Kimura - 95-115 A model for equilibrium in some service-provider user-set interactions
by Nandyala Hemachandra & Kamma Sri Naga Rajesh & Mohd. Abdul Qavi - 117-146 Impact of risk aversion and belief heterogeneity on trading of defaultable claims
by Jinbeom Kim & Tim Leung - 147-177 Belief distorted Nash equilibria: introduction of a new kind of equilibrium in dynamic games with distorted information
by Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel - 179-198 An Owen-type value for games with two-level communication structure
by René Brink & Anna Khmelnitskaya & Gerard Laan - 199-210 Loan origination decisions using a multinomial scorecard
by Lu Gao & Kanshukan Rajaratnam & Peter Beling - 211-228 Single asset optimal trading strategies with stochastic dominance constraints
by Reshma Khemchandani & Avikant Bhardwaj & Suresh Chandra - 229-243 More results on column sufficiency property in Euclidean Jordan algebras
by J. Tao & I. Jeyaraman & G. Ravindran - 245-248 On an extension of Fu-Markham matrix theory result to simple Euclidean Jordan algebras
by Bo Zhong & Yongqiang Chen & Jiyuan Tao - 249-272 On duality for mathematical programs with vanishing constraints
by S. K. Mishra & Vinay Singh & Vivek Laha - 273-300 Testing market efficiency on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange using the overlapping serial test
by Michael A. Noakes & Kanshukan Rajaratnam - 301-321 Optimal decisions in a dual-channel supply chain under simultaneous demand and production cost disruptions
by Fariba Soleimani & Alireza Arshadi Khamseh & Bahman Naderi - 323-334 Optimal inventory model under stock and time dependent demand for time varying deterioration rate with shortages
by Krishna Prasad & Bani Mukherjee - 335-348 Sufficient optimality conditions and duality theory for interval optimization problem
by A. K. Bhurjee & G. Panda - 349-363 A new approach for solving intuitionistic fuzzy transportation problem of type-2
by Sujeet Kumar Singh & Shiv Prasad Yadav - 365-373 On a quadratic programming problem involving distances in trees
by R. B. Bapat & S. K. Neogy - 375-382 Properties of some matrix classes based on principal pivot transform
by A. K. Das
July 2016, Volume 242, Issue 2
- 195-206 Evolutionary algorithms for supply chain management
by Kannan Govindan - 207-221 A multi-period ordering and clearance pricing model considering the competition between new and out-of-season products
by Xiang Li & Guohua Sun & Yongjian Li - 223-237 A hybrid evolutionary algorithm to solve the job shop scheduling problem
by T. C. E. Cheng & Bo Peng & Zhipeng Lü - 239-263 Differential evolution to solve the lot size problem in stochastic supply chain management systems
by Kris Lieckens & Nico Vandaele - 265-283 Heuristic approach on dynamic lot-sizing model for durable products with end-of-use constraints
by Yongjian Li & Xiaoqiang Cai & Lei Xu & Wenxia Yang - 285-301 A simulation-based genetic algorithm approach for reducing emissions from import container pick-up operation at container terminal
by Ngoc Anh Dung Do & Izabela Ewa Nielsen & Gang Chen & Peter Nielsen - 303-320 An improved particle swarm optimization for carton heterogeneous vehicle routing problem with a collection depot
by Baozhen Yao & Bin Yu & Ping Hu & Junjie Gao & Mingheng Zhang - 321-354 A hybrid genetic algorithm for sequence-dependent disassembly line balancing problem
by Can B. Kalayci & Olcay Polat & Surendra M. Gupta - 355-372 Parallel ant colony optimization for resource constrained job scheduling
by Dhananjay Thiruvady & Andreas T. Ernst & Gaurav Singh - 373-398 A hybrid tabu search based heuristic for the periodic distribution inventory problem with perishable goods
by Ali Diabat & Tarek Abdallah & Tung Le - 399-421 A new multi-criteria scenario-based solution approach for stochastic forward/reverse supply chain network design
by Hamed Soleimani & Mirmehdi Seyyed-Esfahani & Mohsen Akbarpour Shirazi - 423-456 Integrated strategic and tactical supply chain planning with price-sensitive demands
by M. Fattahi & M. Mahootchi & S. M. Moattar Husseini - 457-487 Optimizing of bullwhip effect and net stock amplification in three-echelon supply chains using evolutionary multi-objective metaheuristics
by K. Devika & A. Jafarian & A. Hassanzadeh & R. Khodaverdi - 489-504 Meta-heuristics for placing strategic safety stock in multi-echelon inventory with differentiated service times
by Jörn Grahl & Stefan Minner & Daniel Dittmar - 505-528 Pricing decisions for substitutable products with horizontal and vertical competition in fuzzy environments
by Jie Wei & Jing Zhao - 529-557 An agent-based negotiation model on price and delivery date in a fashion supply chain
by An Pan & Tsan-Ming Choi
July 2016, Volume 242, Issue 1
- 1-17 Machine reassignment problem: the ROADEF/EURO challenge 2012
by H. Murat Afsar & Christian Artigues & Eric Bourreau & Safia Kedad-Sidhoum - 19-31 An efficient local search with noising strategy for Google Machine Reassignment problem
by Haris Gavranović & Mirsad Buljubašić - 33-62 A hybrid MIP-based large neighborhood search heuristic for solving the machine reassignment problem
by W. Jaśkowski & M. Szubert & P. Gawron - 63-91 Constraint-based large neighborhood search for machine reassignment
by Felix Brandt & Jochen Speck & Markus Völker - 93-114 Simulated annealing for the machine reassignment problem
by Gabriel M. Portal & Marcus Ritt & Leonardo M. Borba & Luciana S. Buriol - 115-132 An optimization-based heuristic for the machine reassignment problem
by Mehdi Mrad & Anis Gharbi & Mohamed Haouari & Mohamed Kharbeche - 133-160 Fast machine reassignment
by Franck Butelle & Laurent Alfandari & Camille Coti & Lucian Finta & Lucas Létocart & Gérard Plateau & Frédéric Roupin & Antoine Rozenknop & Roberto Wolfler Calvo - 161-194 Vector bin packing with heterogeneous bins: application to the machine reassignment problem
by Michaël Gabay & Sofia Zaourar
June 2016, Volume 241, Issue 1
- 1-1 Preface: Optimization under uncertainty—costs, risks and revenues Cyrus Derman memorial volume II
by Michael N. Katehakis & Sheldon M. Ross & Jian Yang - 3-22 Kolmogorov forward equation and explosiveness in countable state Markov processes
by F. M. Spieksma - 23-34 Using the M/G/1 queue under processor sharing for exact simulation of queues
by Karl Sigman - 35-51 Optimal pricing and inventory policies with reliable and random-yield suppliers: characterization and comparison
by Xiuli Chao & Xiting Gong & Shaohui Zheng - 53-82 On a make-to-stock production/mountain modeln with hysteretic control
by O. Boxma & A. Löpker & D. Perry - 83-107 Resource capacity allocation to stochastic dynamic competitors: knapsack problem for perishable items and index-knapsack heuristic
by Peter Jacko - 109-126 Decentralized stochastic control
by Aditya Mahajan & Mehnaz Mannan - 127-165 Four proofs of Gittins’ multiarmed bandit theorem
by Esther Frostig & Gideon Weiss - 167-200 The shorter queue polling model
by Ivo J. B. F. Adan & Onno J. Boxma & Stella Kapodistria & Vidyadhar G. Kulkarni - 201-224 On the method of images and the asymptotic behavior of first-passage times
by Paul Zipkin - 225-247 Project-driven supply chains: integrating safety-stock and crashing decisions for recurrent projects
by Xin Xu & Yao Zhao & Ching-Yu Chen - 249-293 Uniform ergodicity of continuous-time controlled Markov chains: A survey and new results
by Tomás Prieto-Rumeau & Onésimo Hernández-Lerma - 295-318 Continue, quit, restart probability model
by Isaac M. Sonin & Constantine Steinberg - 319-356 Perspectives of approximate dynamic programming
by Warren B. Powell