October 2012, Volume 49, Issue 13
- 2853-2871 From Hong Kong’s Capitalist Fundamentals to Singapore’s Authoritarian Governance: The Policy Mobility of Neo-liberalising Shenzhen, China
by Jun Zhang - 2873-2888 Articulating Intra-Asian Urbanism: The Production of Satellite Cities in Phnom Penh
by Tom Percival & Paul Waley - 2889-2912 Planning a Future for Phnom Penh: Mega Projects, Aid Dependence and Disjointed Governance
by Willem Paling - 2913-2935 Circulating Visions of ‘High Islam’: The Adoption of Fantasy Middle Eastern Architecture in Constructing Malaysian National Identity
by Sarah Moser - 2937-2953 Projecting Post-colonial Conditions at Shanghai Expo 2010, China: Floppy Ears, Lofty Dreams and Macao’s Immutable Mobiles
by Chin-Ee Ong & Hilary du Cros - 2955-2973 The Metonymic Urbanism of Twenty-first-century Mumbai
by Andrew Harris
September 2012, Volume 49, Issue 12
- 2557-2575 Housing Differentiation and Renewal in Middle-ring Suburbs: The Experience of Sydney, Australia
by Bill Randolph & Robert Freestone - 2577-2596 Exploring the ‘Notional Property Developer’ as a Policy Construct
by David Adams & Robert Croudace & Steve Tiesdell - 2597-2615 A Spatial Hedonic Analysis of the Value of Urban Land Cover in the Multifamily Housing Market in Los Angeles, CA
by Wei Li & Jean-Daniel Saphores - 2617-2632 Residential Segregation and Socioeconomic Neighbourhood Sorting: Evidence at the Micro-neighbourhood Level for Migrant Groups in Germany
by Lutz Sager - 2633-2650 Tiered Housing Markets and their Relationship to Labour Market Areas
by Colin Jones & Mike Coombes & Neil Dunse & David Watkins & Colin Wymer - 2651-2668 University Students Sharing Flats: When Studentification Becomes Vertical
by Maddi Garmendia & José M. Coronado & José M. Ureña - 2669-2691 Safe and Satisfied? External Effects of Homeownership in Rotterdam
by Dirk Brounen & Ruben Cox & Peter Neuteboom - 2693-2709 Creative Employment and Jet Set Cities: Disentangling Causal Effects
by Zachary Neal - 2711-2731 The Impacts of Transport Accessibility on Population Change across Rural, Suburban and Urban Areas: A Case Study of Wisconsin at Sub-county Levels
by Guangqing Chi - 2733-2750 Municipal Preferences for State-imposed Amalgamations: An Empirical Study Based on the Swedish Municipal Reform of 1952
by Niklas Hanes & Magnus Wikström & Erik Wångmar - 2751-2767 Social Networking as a Development Tool: A Critical Reflection
by Kathryn Scott & Tess Liew - 2769-2771 Book Review: Zimbabwe’s Exodus: Crisis, Migration, Survival
by N/A - 2771-2773 Book Review: Writing the City into Being: Essays on Johannesburg 1998–2008 and Johannesburg: The Elusive Metropolis
by N/A - 2774-2775 Book Review: White Flight/Black Flight: The Dynamics of Racial Change in an American Neighborhood
by N/A - 2775-2777 Book Review: Personal Connections in the Digital Age
by N/A - 2779-2780 Books Received
by N/A - 2781-2782 Corrigendum
by N/A
November 2012, Volume 49, Issue 11
- 2315-2330 Rescue Geography: Place Making, Affect and Regeneration
by Phil Jones & James Evans - 2331-2356 The Geography of Intrametropolitan KIBS Innovation: Distinguishing Agglomeration Economies from Innovation Dynamics
by Richard Shearmur - 2357-2376 Collaborative and Collective: Reflexive Co-ordination and the Dynamics of Open Innovation in the Digital Industry Clusters of the Paris Region
by Ludovic Halbert - 2377-2397 Workers and the City: Rethinking the Geographies of Power in Post-socialist Urbanisation
by Norbert Petrovici - 2399-2417 Political Decision-making and the Local Provision of Public Goods: The Case of Municipal Climate Protection in the US
by Rachel M. Krause - 2419-2437 The Impact of Carbon Emission Reducing Design Features on Office Occupiers’ Choice of Premises
by Chris Leishman & Allison Orr & Giuseppe Pellegrini-Masini - 2439-2457 The Changing Meaning of Neighbourhood Attachment in Chinese Commodity Housing Estates: Evidence from Guangzhou
by Yushu Zhu & Werner Breitung & Si-ming Li - 2459-2477 Australian Aboriginal Urban Residents’ Satisfaction with Living in Their Neighbourhood: Perceptions of the Neighbourhood Socio-cultural Environment and Individual Socio-demographic Factors
by Katy Osborne & Anna M. Ziersch & Fran Elaine Baum & Gilbert Gallaher - 2479-2499 The Correlation among Immigrant Homeownership, Objective and Subjective Characteristics, and Civic Participation: New Evidence from the Israeli Experience
by Yuval Arbel & Danny Ben-Shahar & Yossef Tobol - 2501-2521 Explaining Racial/Ethnic Gaps in Spatial Mismatch in the US: The Primacy of Racial Segregation
by Michael A. Stoll & Kenya Covington - 2523-2542 Building Community Resiliency: Spatial Links between Household and Business Post-disaster Return
by Yu Xiao & Shannon Van Zandt - 2543-2545 Book Review: Crossing Borders: International Exchange and Planning Practices
by N/A - 2545-2547 Book Review: Remembering, Forgetting and City Builders
by N/A - 2547-2549 Book Review: Regenerating Culture and Society: Architecture, Art and Urban Style within the Global Politics of City-branding
by N/A - 2549-2551 Book Review: Saturday Night & Sunday Morning: The 2001 Bradford Riot and Beyond
by N/A - 2553-2553 Books Received
by N/A
August 2012, Volume 49, Issue 10
- 2019-2030 Critical Commentary. Informality in Space: Understanding Agglomeration Economies during Economic Development
by Ana Moreno-Monroy - 2031-2047 Social Trust in Urban Neighbourhoods: The Effect of Relative Ethnic Group Position
by Linda Bakker & Karien Dekker - 2049-2066 Spatialities of Ethnocultural Relations in Multicultural East London: Discourses of Interaction and Social Mix
by Penny-Panagiota Koutrolikou - 2067-2083 Territorial Stigma and the Politics of Resistance in a Parisian Banlieue: La Courneuve and Beyond
by David Garbin & Gareth Millington - 2085-2107 ‘Latino Gentrification’?: Focusing on Physical and Socioeconomic Patterns of Change in Latin American Inner Cities
by Jorge Inzulza-Contardo - 2109-2136 The Effects of Racial Segregation on Trust and Volunteering in US Cities
by Jonathan T. Rothwell - 2137-2152 Parental Wealth and First-time Homeownership: A Cohort Study of Family Background and Young Adults’ Housing Situation in Sweden
by Cecilia Enström Öst - 2153-2168 The Effect of Residential Location on Retirement Age: Theory and Some Evidence on Male Behaviour in the US
by Jorge González Chapela - 2169-2198 By Community or Design? Age-restricted Neighbourhoods, Physical Design and Baby Boomers’ Local Travel Behaviour in Suburban Boston, US
by Christopher Zegras & Jae Seung Lee & Eran Ben-Joseph - 2199-2217 Hollowing Out Neighbourhood Governance? Rescaling Revitalisation in Baltimore and Bristol
by Jonathan S. Davies & Madeleine Pill - 2219-2235 Assessing the Impacts of Smart Growth Policies on Home Developers in a Bi-state Metropolitan Area: Evidence from the Portland Metropolitan Area
by Hongwei Dong & John Gliebe - 2237-2264 Transformative Metropolitan Development Models in Large Canadian Urban Areas: The Predominance of Nodes
by Pierre Filion & Anna Kramer - 2265-2283 Governing Farmland Conversion for Urban Development from the Perspective of Transaction Cost Economics
by Rong Tan & Volker Beckmann & Futian Qu & Cifang Wu - 2285-2300 An Analysis of the Feasibility of Private Land Assembly for Special Economic Zones in India
by Triyakshana Seshadri - 2301-2302 Book Review: The City, the River, the Bridge: Before and after the Minneapolis Bridge Collapse
by Julie Cidell - 2302-2304 Book Review: Culture, Heritage and Representation: Perspectives on Visuality and the Past
by Hannah Neate - 2305-2306 Book Review: City Limits: Perspectives on the Historical European City
by Anđelka Mirkov - 2306-2308 Book Review: Villes et organisation de l’espace en République démocratique du Congo
by Theodore Trefon - 2309-2309 Books Received
by N/A - 2311-2311 Corrigendum
by N/A
July 2012, Volume 49, Issue 9
- 1855-1872 Introduction: Problematising Urban Social Cohesion: A Transdisciplinary Endeavour
by Konrad Miciukiewicz & Frank Moulaert & Andreas Novy & Sako Musterd & Jean Hillier - 1873-1889 Social Cohesion: A Conceptual and Political Elucidation
by Andreas Novy & Daniela Coimbra Swiatek & Frank Moulaert - 1891-1907 Social Polarisation, the Labour Market and Economic Restructuring in Europe: An Urban Perspective
by Jonathan Pratschke & Enrica Morlicchio - 1909-1924 Socio-spatial Inequalities and Social Cohesion in European Cities
by Tim Cassiers & Christian Kesteloot - 1925-1940 Local Welfare Systems: A Challenge for Social Cohesion
by Alberta Andreotti & Enzo Mingione & Emanuele Polizzi - 1941-1957 Mobility and Social Cohesion in the Splintered City: Challenging Technocentric Transport Research and Policy-making Practices
by Konrad Miciukiewicz & Geoff Vigar - 1959-1979 Cities, Social Cohesion and the Environment: Towards a Future Research Agenda
by Ian R. Cook & Erik Swyngedouw - 1981-1997 Towards Social Cohesion: Bridging National Integration Rhetoric and Local Practice: The Case of the Netherlands
by Thea Dukes & Sako Musterd - 1999-2016 Multilevel Governance and Social Cohesion: Bringing Back Conflict in Citizenship Practices
by Santiago Eizaguirre & Marc Pradel & Albert Terrones & Xavier Martinez-Celorrio & Marisol GarcÃa
June 2012, Volume 49, Issue 8
- 1625-1641 The Redevelopment of Olympic Sites: Examining the Legacy of Sydney Olympic Park
by Mark Davidson & Donald McNeill - 1643-1658 Housing Market Equilibrium (almost) without Vacancies
by Philippe Thalmann - 1659-1678 The Changing Route to Owner-occupation: The Impact of Borrowing Constraints on Young Adult Homeownership Transitions in Britain in the 1990s
by Mark Andrew - 1679-1694 Student Impacts on Urban Neighbourhoods: Policy Approaches, Discourses and Dilemmas
by Moira Munro & Mark Livingston - 1695-1710 Almost Invisible: Glimpsing the City and its Residents in the Urban Sustainability Discourse
by Suzanne Vallance & Harvey C. Perkins & Jacky Bowring & Jennifer E. Dixon - 1711-1724 Post-industrialisation, Immigration and Unemployment: How and Why the Impact of Immigration on Unemployment Differs between Dutch Cities
by Jeroen van der Waal - 1725-1740 ‘Where Is the Global City?’ Visual Narratives of London among East European Migrants
by Ayona Datta - 1741-1766 Concentration or Diffusion? The Changing Geography of Ethnic Minority Pupils in English Secondary Schools, 1999–2009
by Chris Hamnett - 1767-1790 Is Economic Transition Harmful to China’s Urban Environment? Evidence from Industrial Air Pollution in Chinese Cities
by Canfei He & Fenghua Pan & Yan Yan - 1791-1810 The Economic Costs and Transport Benefits of Seoul’s Industrial Land Use Controls
by Myung-Jin Jun - 1811-1835 The Arts and Local Economic Development: Can a Strong Arts Presence Uplift Local Economies? A Study of 135 Canadian Cities
by Mario Polèse - 1837-1852 Nocturnal Rights to the City: Property, Propriety and Sex Premises in Inner Sydney
by Jason Prior & Spike Boydell & Philip Hubbard
May 2012, Volume 49, Issue 7
- 1411-1434 District House Price Movements in England and Wales 1997–2007: An Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis Approach
by David Gray - 1435-1451 New Supply and Price Dynamics in the Singapore Housing Market
by Joseph T. L. Ooi & Thao T. T. Le - 1453-1470 The Impact of the London Olympics Announcement on Property Prices
by Georgios Kavetsos - 1471-1488 Street Centrality and the Location of Economic Activities in Barcelona
by Sergio Porta & Vito Latora & Fahui Wang & Salvador Rueda & Emanuele Strano & Salvatore Scellato & Alessio Cardillo & Eugenio Belli & Francisco CÃ rdenas & Berta Cormenzana & Laura Latora - 1489-1506 Centripetal and Centrifugal Movement: Shopping Centres in Denver, USA, and Brisbane, Australia
by Yuk Lee & Michael McCracken - 1507-1526 ‘Gentrification with Justice’: An Urban Ministry Collective and the Practice of Place-making in Atlanta’s Inner-city Neighbourhoods
by Katherine Hankins & Andy Walter - 1527-1548 Social Networks in ‘Neighbourhood Tokyo’
by Bart Wissink & Arjan Hazelzet - 1549-1569 Interjurisdictional Competition and Local Public Finance: Assessing the Modifying Effects of Institutional Incentives and Fiscal Constraints
by Shanthi Karuppusamy & Jered B. Carr - 1571-1594 Capitalisation of Fiscal Variables and Land Scarcity
by David Stadelmann & Steve Billon - 1595-1612 Employment Outcomes and Plant Closure in a Post-industrial City: An Analysis of the Labour Market Status of MG Rover Workers Three Years On
by David Bailey & Caroline Chapain & Alex de Ruyter - 1613-1615 Book Review: The Naked City: The Death and Life of Authentic Urban Places
by N/A - 1615-1617 Book Review: Building Cycles: Growth and Instability
by N/A - 1617-1619 Book Review: Lost Youth in the Global City: Class, Culture and the Urban Imaginary
by N/A - 1619-1621 Book Review: Brokered Boundaries: Creating Immigrant Identity in Anti-Immigrant Times
by N/A
May 2012, Volume 49, Issue 6
- 1163-1177 Housing Densities and Consumer Choice
by Alan Evans & Rachael Unsworth - 1179-1200 Knowledge in Cities
by Todd Gabe & Jaison Abel & Adrienne Ross & Kevin Stolarick - 1201-1227 An Evaluation of the Layering and Legacy of Area-based Regeneration Initiatives in England: The Case of Wolverhampton
by Steven Henderson - 1229-1250 The Potential Effects of Spatial Strategies on Urban Sprawl in Istanbul
by Fatih Terzi & Fulin Bölen - 1251-1273 The Home, Pension Savings and Risk Aversion: Intentions of the Defined Contribution Pension Plan Participants of a London-based Investment Bank at the Peak of the Bubble
by Gordon L. Clark & Stephen Almond & Kendra Strauss - 1275-1296 Differentiated Markets: Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong in China’s Financial Centre Network
by Karen Lai - 1297-1313 Socio-technical Systems, Public Space and Urban Fragmentation: The Case of ‘Cybercafés’ in China
by Gilles Puel & Valérie Fernandez - 1315-1331 Transport Impacts of Clustered Development in Beijing: Compact Development versus Overconcentration
by Jiawen Yang & Qing Shen & Jinzhen Shen & Canfei He - 1333-1355 Negotiating the Polycentric City-region: Developmental State Politics of New Town Development in the Seoul Capital Region
by Yong-Sook Lee & HaeRan Shin - 1357-1376 T-communities and Sense of Community in a University Town: Evidence from a Student Sample using a Spatial Ordered-response Model
by Kate E. Whalen & Antonio Páez & Chandra Bhat & Md Moniruzzaman & Rajesh Paleti - 1377-1396 Growing Unequal? Changes in the Distribution of Earnings across Canadian Cities
by Kenyon Bolton & Sébastien Breau - 1397-1398 Book Review: Houses in Motion: the Experience of Place and the Problem of Belief in Urban Malasia
by Sandra Smeltzer - 1398-1400 Book Review: Circular Migration in Zimbabwe and Contemporary Sub-Saharan Africa
by Loren B. Landau - 1400-1402 Book Review: A Seventh Man
by Anna Cieslik - 1402-1404 Book Review: Towers of Capital: Office Markets & International Financial Services
by Patrick Lecomte - 1405-1405 Books Received
by N/A - 1407-1407 Corrigendum
by N/A
April 2012, Volume 49, Issue 5
- 931-943 Critical Commentary. The Urban Age
by Brendan Gleeson - 945-960 Invisible Walls and Visible Youth
by Jonny Pickering & Keith Kintrea & Jon Bannister - 961-978 The Price of Victory
by Constantine Kontokosta - 979-1002 Immigrant Settlement and Employment Suburbanisation in the US
by Cathy Yang Liu & Gary Painter - 1003-1025 Counting and Understanding the Contingent Workforce
by Cathy Yang Liu & Ric Kolenda - 1027-1044 Street Vendor Livelihoods and Everyday Politics in Hanoi, Vietnam
by Sarah Turner & Laura Schoenberger - 1045-1064 Analysing the Relationship between Urban Livelihoods and Water Infrastructure in Three Settlements in Cusco, Peru
by Catherine Crawford & Sarah Bell - 1065-1087 Resilience Planning, Economic Change and The Politics of Post-recession Development in London and Hong Kong
by Mike Raco & Emma Street - 1089-1105 Re-assessing the Results of the London Congestion Charging Scheme
by Moshe Givoni - 1107-1125 The New Demographic Growth of Cities
by Patrick Rérat - 1127-1149 Form Follows Function? Linking Morphological and Functional Polycentricity
by Martijn Burger & Evert Meijers - 1151-1153 Book Review: Reconstructing Kobe: The Geography of Crisis and Opportunity
by Paul Waley - 1153-1155 Book Review: Violent Acts and Urban Space in Contemporary Tel Aviv: Revisioning Moments
by Elizabeth Mavroudi - 1155-1157 Book Review: Power at the Roots: Gentrification, Community Gardens, and the Puerto Ricans of the Lower East Side
by Marit Rosol - 1157-1159 Book Review: Urban Microclimate: Designing the Spaces Between Buildings
by Robert D. Brown
March 2012, Volume 49, Issue 4
- 705-720 Housebuilder Networks and Residential Land Markets
by David Adams & Chris Leishman & Craig Watkins - 721-740 Pairwise Convergence of District-level House Prices in London
by Andrew Abbott & Glauco De Vita - 741-755 Region-specific Estimates of the Determinants of Real Estate Investment in China
by Stephen Mak & Lennon Choy & Winky Ho - 757-776 Unit Roots and Structural Change
by Giorgio Canarella & Stephen Miller & Stephen Pollard - 777-793 Housing Conditions and Their Structural Determinants
by Srna Mandic & Andreja Cirman - 795-819 The Changing Geography of Privately Rented Housing in England and Wales
by Donald Houston & Paul Sissons - 821-844 The Impact of Housing Assistance on the Employment Outcomes of Labour Market Programme Participants in Australia
by Simon Feeny & Rachel Ong & Heath Spong & Gavin Wood - 845-860 The ‘Black Metropolis’ Revisited
by Robert L. Boyd - 861-875 ‘Multicultural Planning’ as a Contested Device in Urban Renewal and Housing
by Hilje van der Horst & André Ouwehand - 877-896 Why Have Poorer Neighbourhoods Stagnated Economically while the Richer Have Flourished? Neighbourhood Income Inequality in Canadian Cities
by Wen-Hao Chen & John Myles & Garnett Picot - 897-915 Ethnic Concentration in the Neighbourhood and Ethnic Minorities’ Social Integration
by Miranda Vervoort - 917-919 Book review: Housing Policy and Housing Finance in the Czech Republic during Transition: An Example of the Schism between the Still-living Past and the Need of Reform
by N/A - 919-921 Book review: The Gentrification Reader
by N/A - 921-923 Book review: China’s Local Public Finance in Transition
by N/A - 923-925 Book review: Saigon’s Edge: On the Margins of Ho Chi Minh City
by N/A - 927-927 Books Received
by N/A
February 2012, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 467-487 Evaluating the Economic Impacts of Light Rail by Measuring Home Appreciation
by Daniel G. Chatman & Nicholas K. Tulach & Kyeongsu Kim - 489-504 Labour Mobility and Housing
by Martin Lux & Petr Sunega - 505-525 Perception of Insecurity in French Poor Neighbourhoods
by Jean-Louis Pan Ké Shon - 527-542 Urban Policy Engagement with Social Sustainability in Metro Vancouver
by Meg Holden - 543-561 Metropolitan Fragmentation and Neo-localism in the Periphery
by Jeroen Klink & Rosana Denaldi - 563-585 Spatial Variations in US Poverty
by Man Wang & Rachel Garshick Kleit & Jane Cover & Christopher S. Fowler - 587-594 Introduction
by Nelarine Cornelius & Miguel MartÃnez Lucio - 595-612 Negotiating Networks of Self-employed Work
by Tara Fenwick - 613-630 Union Decline and Voice among Minority Ethnic Workers
by Jane Holgate & Anna Pollert & Janroj Keles & Leena Kumarappan - 631-647 Networks of Support for New Migrant Communities
by Robert MacKenzie & Chris Forde & Zinovijus Ciupijus - 649-667 Trade Union Learning Strategies and Migrant Workers
by Robert Perrett & Miguel MartÃnez Lucio & Jo McBride & Steve Craig - 669-684 Transformation and Continuities in Urban Struggles
by Miguel MartÃnez Lucio & Heather Connolly - 685-701 CFTC/CFDT Attitudes towards Immigration in the Parisian Region
by Laure Blévis & Eric Pezet
February 2012, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 235-237 Obituary: William John Money, 1932–2011
by Bill Lever - 239-254 Urban Competitiveness and US Metropolitan Centres
by Peter Kresl & Balwant Singh - 255-270 New State Space Formation in Morocco: The Example of the Bouregreg Valley
by Koenraad Bogaert - 271-288 The Demand for Land Regularisation: Theory and Evidence from Tijuana, Mexico
by Paavo Monkkonen - 289-306 Post-socialist Urban Trends: New Patterns and Motivations for Migration in the Suburban Areas of RÄ«ga, Latvia
by Zaiga Krisjane & Maris Berzins - 307-318 A Minority-status Perspective on Intergroup Relations: A Study of an Ethnic Chinese Population in a Small Italian Town
by Ingrid Nielsen & Olga Paritski & Russell Smyth - 319-336 Estimating Preferences for Local Public Services Using Migration Data
by Matz Dahlberg & Matias Eklöf & Peter Fredriksson & Jordi Jofre-Monseny - 337-352 Different Effects of Ethnic Diversity on Social Capital: Density of Foundations and Leisure Associations in Amsterdam Neighbourhoods
by Floris Vermeulen & Jean Tillie & Robert van de Walle - 353-367 Residential Segregation and Interethnic Contact in the Netherlands
by Sanne Boschman - 369-382 Historic Preservation and Residential Property Values: Evidence from Quantile Regression
by Velma Zahirovic-Herbert & Swarn Chatterjee - 383-397 Disneyfication and Localisation: The Cultural Globalisation Process of Hong Kong Disneyland
by Kimburley Choi - 399-414 New Media and Urban Motilities: A Territoriologic Point of View
by Andrea Mubi Brighenti - 415-433 No Place, New Places: Death and its Rituals in Urban Asia
by Lily Kong - 435-450 Environmentally Influenced Urbanisation: Footprints Bound for Town?
by Lezlie Morinière - 451-453 Book Review: Social Cohesion and Counter-terrorism: A Policy Contradiction?
by N/A - 453-455 Book Review: Site Fights: Divisive Facilities and Civil Society in Japan and the West
by N/A - 455-458 Book Review: Hobos, Hustlers, and Backsliders: Homeless in San Francisco
by N/A - 458-460 Book Review: An Introduction to Sustainable Transportation: Policy, Planning and Implementation
by N/A - 461-462 Books Received
by N/A - 463-463 Corrigendum
by N/A
January 2012, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 3-21 Socialist Summer-home Settlements in Post-socialist Suburbanisation
by Kadri Leetmaa & Isolde Brade & Kristi Anniste & Mari Nuga - 23-41 Making Scents of Transition
by Martyna Åšliwa & Kathleen Riach - 43-60 Multiple Transformations
by Luděk Sýkora & Stefan Bouzarovski - 61-76 Ambassadors, Business Improvement District Governance and Knowledge of the Urban
by Randy Lippert & Mark Sleiman - 77-95 Network Accessibility and Employment Centres
by Genevieve Giuliano & Chris Redfearn & Ajay Agarwal & Sylvia He - 97-114 Cultural Industries in Small-sized Canadian Cities
by Jonathan Denis-Jacob - 115-132 Neighbourhood Disorder and Social Cohesiveness among Immigrants in a New Destination
by R. S. Oropesa - 133-151 Developing a Framework for Assessing the Socioeconomic Impacts of Museums
by Jane Bryan & Max Munday & Richard Bevins - 153-168 Femininity As a City Marketing Strategy
by Marguerite van den Berg - 169-184 Lessons from the Volunteering Legacy of the 2002 Commonwealth Games
by Geoff Nichols & Rita Ralston - 185-202 ‘One Size Fits All’? An Empirical Study into the Multidimensionality of Social Cohesion Indicators in Belgian Local Communities
by Sarah Botterman & Marc Hooghe & Tim Reeskens - 203-218 β-convergence and the Cyclical Dynamics of UK Regional House Prices
by Steve Cook - 219-224 Review Article
by Franklin Obeng-Odoom - 225-227 Book Review: A Women’s Berlin: Building the Modern City
by Helen F. Wilson - 227-229 Book Review: Transport for Suburbia: Beyond the Automobile Age
by Erling Holden - 231-232 Books Received
by N/A
December 2011, Volume 48, Issue 16
- 3371-3383 Critical Commentary. Sub-prime Crisis, Policy Response and Housing Market Restructuring
by Dan Immergluck - 3385-3398 From Dutch Dispersal to Ethnic Enclaves in the UK
by Ilse van Liempt - 3399-3413 Challenging the Norm? The ‘Ethopolitics’ of Low-cost Homeownership in Scotland
by Kim McKee - 3415-3431 Urban Alchemy
by Floris Müller - 3433-3447 A Difficult Mix
by Joanne Bretherton & Nicholas Pleace - 3449-3465 Dilemmas of the Nightlife Fix
by Laam Hae - 3467-3486 Civic Culture, Sub-cultures, Non-traditionalism and Progressive Policy
by Donald Rosdil