May 2011, Volume 48, Issue 6
- 1273-1290 Unemployment During a Recession and Later Earnings
by Timo M. Kauppinen & Matti Kortteinen & Mari Vaattovaara - 1291-1293 Book review: Adapting Cities to Climate Change: Understanding and Addressing the Development Challenges
by Wendy Steele - 1293-1295 Book review: Toward the Healthy City: People, Places, and the Politics of Urban Planning
by Samer Bagaeen - 1295-1297 Book review: Moving to Opportunity: The Story of an American Experiment to Fight Ghetto Poverty
by Katrin B. Anacker - 1297-1299 Book review: Mass Housing in Europe: Multiple Faces of Development, Change and Response
by Kemal Ozden - 1299-1301 Book review: Gated Communities: Social Sustainability in Contemporary and Historical Gated Developments
by Darren P. Smith - 1303-1303 Books Received
by N/A
April 2011, Volume 48, Issue 5
- 843-845 Obituary
by Iain Boyd Whyte - 847-875 Institutions, Property Taxation and Local Government Finance in China
by Bo-sin Tang & Siu-wai Wong & Sing-cheong Liu - 877-890 Squatting in Camps
by Romola Sanyal - 891-909 Examining Commuting Patterns
by Sunhee Sang & Morton O’Kelly & Mei-Po Kwan - 911-927 Spatial Mobility Intentions, the Labour Market and Incapacity Benefit Claimants
by Ian Shuttleworth & Anne Green - 929-946 Constructing Legitimacy in the New Community Governance
by Steve Connelly - 947-957 Urbanisation, Poverty and Sexual Behaviour
by Meredith J. Greif & F. Nii-Amoo Dodoo & Anuja Jayaraman - 959-976 Bridging and Linking in a Divided Society
by Jenny Muir - 977-996 Determinants of Neighbourhood Satisfaction and Perception of Neighbourhood Reputation
by Matthieu Permentier & Gideon Bolt & Maarten van Ham - 997-1015 The Impact of Rail Transport on Real Estate Prices
by Ghebreegziabiher Debrezion & Eric Pels & Piet Rietveld - 1017-1035 Deviations from Zipf’s Law for American Cities
by Rafael González-Val - 1037-1057 Smoke and Mirrors
by Tony Chapman - 1059-1060 Book review: Infectious Fear: Politics, Disease, and the Health Effects of Segregation
by Roger Keil - 1060-1062 Book review: Housing and Social Transition in Japan
by Paul Waley - 1062-1064 Book review: Intelligent Cities and Globalisation of Innovation Networks
by Yves Laberge - 1064-1065 Book review: Les Paradoxes de la Mobilité, Bouger, s’Enraciner [The Paradoxes of Mobility, to Move, to Root Oneself]
by Susan Ball - 1065-1067 Book review: A City of One’s Own: Blurring the Boundaries between Private and Public
by Emma Street - 1069-1069 Books Received
by N/A
March 2011, Volume 48, Issue 4
- 611-639 Bringing Proximate Neighbours into the Study of US Residential Segregation
by Samantha Friedman - 641-660 The Temporary Permanence of Dominican Bodegueros in Philadelphia
by Adam Marc Pine - 661-680 Residential Outcomes of Forced Relocation
by Wenda Doff & Reinout Kleinhans - 681-697 Post-Industrialisation, Job Opportunities and Ethnocentrism
by Jeroen van der Waal & Jack Burgers - 699-717 The Politicisation of Suburbanisation in Belgium
by Filip De Maesschalck - 719-735 Exploring Spatial Dynamics with Land Price Indexes
by Jamie Spinney & Pavlos Kanaroglou & Darren Scott - 737-747 Optimisation of City Size
by Hannu Laurila - 749-764 Searching for Economic Rationale behind Gated Communities
by Zoltán Cséfalvay - 765-791 Bidding Conventions and the Degree of Overpricing in the Market for Houses
by Gwilym Pryce - 793-810 A Neglected Aspect of the Housing Market
by Katherine V. Gough & Paul Yankson - 811-825 External Legitimacy, Goal Congruence and Collective Resistance
by Chang Bum Ju & Shui-Yan Tang - 827-829 Book review: Immigration and Integration in Urban Communities: Renegotiating the City
by Karen Escott - 829-831 Book review: America Town: Building the Outposts of Empire
by Oliver Belcher - 831-832 Book review: Invisible City: Poverty, Housing and New Urbanism
by Jill L. Grant - 832-835 Book review: Urban Regions: Ecology and Planning beyond the City
by Sohyun Park - 835-837 Book review: Shanghai Rising: State Power and Local Transformation in a Global Megacity
by Zhigang Li - 839-839 Books Received
by N/A
February 2011, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 459-469 Introduction: Real Rights to the City—Cases of Property Rights Changes towards Equity in Eastern Asia
by Annette M. Kim - 471-491 Evolving Property Rights in Japan: Patterns and Logics of Change
by André Sorensen - 493-508 Talking Back: The Role of Narrative in Vietnam’s Recent Land Compensation Changes
by Annette M. Kim - 509-528 Property Rights Reforms and Changing Grassroots Governance in China’s Urban—Rural Peripheries: The Case of Changping District in Beijing
by Lanchih Po - 529-551 Land Dispossession and Enrichment in China’s Suburban Villages
by Yanjing Zhao & Chris Webster - 553-568 Transitional Property Rights and Local Developmental History in China
by Daniel Abramson - 569-587 Values in Land: Fiscal Pressures, Land Disputes and Justice Claims in Rural and Peri-urban China
by Susan Whiting - 589-594 Commentary: Journey through Six Property Rights Stories along the Pacific Rim
by Lawrence Lai - 595-604 Commentary: Theorising Dialogical Property Rights in Socialist East Asia
by John Gillespie - 605-608 Commentary: Post-socialist Property Rights: Whose Rights, to What and How?
by Peter Marcuse
February 2011, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 235-252 Partners Forever? An Empirical Study of Relational Ties in Two Small-firm Clusters
by Udo Staber - 253-271 Urban Wages: Does City Size Matter?
by Elsie L. Echeverri-Carroll & Sofia G. Ayala - 273-296 Conceptualising Sustainability in UK Urban Regeneration: a Discursive Formation
by D. Rachel Lombardi & Libby Porter & Austin Barber & Chris D.F. Rogers - 297-329 Silver Bullet or Trojan Horse? The Effects of Inclusionary Zoning on Local Housing Markets in the United States
by Jenny Schuetz & Rachel Meltzer & Vicki Been - 331-347 Housing and Location Choices of Retiring Households: Evidence from France
by Laurent Gobillon & Francois-Charles Wolff - 349-362 Planning Delay and the Responsiveness of English Housing Supply
by Michael Ball - 363-382 Estimation and Analysis of Preference Heterogeneity in Residential Choice Behaviour
by Tadao Hoshino - 383-406 Gentrification and Community Fabric in Chicago
by John Betancur - 407-425 Ethnic Diversity and Employment Growth in English Cities
by Neil Lee - 427-437 Bicycle Use in Germany: Explaining Differences between Municipalities with Social Network Effects
by Frank Goetzke & Tilmann Rave - 439-441 Book Reviews: State, Space, World: Selected Essays/ Henri Lefebvre Neil Brenner and Stuart Elden (Eds), 2009 Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press 344 pp. No price given, hardback; US$28.50 paperback ISBN 978 0 8166 5316 4 hardback; 978 0 8166 5317 1 paperback
by Neil Gray - 442-445 Book Reviews: Foreclosed: High-risk Lending, Deregulation, and the Undermining of America’s Mortgage Market Dan Immergluck, 2009 Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press 272 pp. £16.50/US$29.95 hardback ISBN 978 0 8014 4772 3 hardback
by Isaac Megbolugbe - 445-447 Book Reviews: The Global Architect: Firms, Fame and Urban Form Donald McNeill, 2009 London: Routledge 180 pp. £81.00 hardback; £23.99 paperback ISBN 978 0 415 95640 6 hardback; 978 0 415 95641 3 paperback
by Leslie Sklair - 447-448 Book Reviews: Achieving Sustainable Mobility: Everyday and Leisure-time Travel in the EU Erling Holden, 2007 Farnham: Ashgate 262 pp. £55.00 hardback ISBN 978 0 7546 4941 0 hardback
by Ana Bastos Silva - 448-450 Book Reviews: Regulating Sex for Sale: Prostitution Policy Reform in the UK Jo Phoenix (Ed.), 2009 Bristol: The Policy Press 197pp. £65.00 hardback; £23.99 paperback ISBN 978 1 84742 106 7 hardback; 978 1 84742 105 0 paperback
by Kyja Noack-Lundberg - 451-451 Books Received
by N/A
January 2011, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 3-21 Occupational Attainment of Migrants and Local Workers: Findings from a Survey in Shanghai’s Manufacturing Sector
by Yu Chen - 23-40 Street-level Informal Economic Activities: Estimating the Yield of Begging in Brussels
by Stef Adriaenssens & Jef Hendrickx - 41-60 Opening up or Closing down Opportunities?: The Role of Social Networks and Attachment to Place in Informing Young Peoples’ Attitudes and Access to Training and Employment
by Richard J. White & Anne E. Green - 61-83 The Impact of Gentrification on Ethnic Neighbourhoods in Toronto: A Case Study of Little Portugal
by Robert Murdie & Carlos Teixeira - 85-100 Vauxhall’s Post-industrial Pleasure Gardens: ‘Death Wish’ and Hedonism in 21st-century London
by Johan Andersson - 101-127 The Impact of Transit-oriented Development on Housing Prices in San Diego, CA
by Michael Duncan - 129-159 Retrofitting the Suburbs to Increase Walking: Evidence from a Land-use-Travel Study
by Marlon G. Boarnet & Kenneth Joh & Walter Siembab & William Fulton & Mai Thi Nguyen - 161-176 Institutions in Theories of Land Markets: Illustrated by the Dutch Market for Agricultural Land
by Barrie Needham & Arno Segeren & Edwin Buitelaar - 177-195 Where Is the Café? The Challenge of Making Retail Uses Viable in Mixed-use Suburban Developments
by Jill Grant & Katherine Perrott - 197-214 Resisting Urban Spectacle: The 1984 Louisiana World Exposition and the Contradictions of Mega Events
by K.F. Gotham - 215-217 Book Review: Public Housing and the Legacy of Segregation
by Edward G. Goetz - 217-218 Book Review: Global Electrification: Multinational Enterprise and International Finance in the History of Light and Power, 1878-2007
by Judith Clifton - 219-220 Book Review: Conservation in the Age of Consensus
by Rebecca Madgin - 220-222 Book Review: Living Cities in Japan: Citizens’ Movements, Machizukuri and Local Environments
by Paul Waley - 222-224 Book Review: Urban Assemblages: How Actor-Network Theory Changes Urban Studies
by Martin Müller - 225-226 Books Received
by N/A
December 2010, Volume 47, Issue 14
- 2915-2944 Who Is Affected by Neighbourhood Income Mix? Gender, Age, Family, Employment and Income Differences
by George Galster & Roger Andersson & Sako Musterd - 2945-2963 Cosmopolitanism, Geographical Imaginaries and Belonging in North London
by Ranji Devadason - 2965-2982 Locating Chinese Urban Housing Policy in an International Context
by Mark Stephens - 2983-3012 Housing Supply and Residential Segregation in Ireland
by Zoua M. Vang - 3013-3033 Road Pricing and Relocation Decisions of Dutch Households
by Taede Tillema & Bert van Wee & Dick Ettema - 3035-3056 Employment Decentralisation: Polycentricity or Scatteration? The Case of Barcelona
by Miquel-Àngel Garcia-López & Ivan Muñiz - 3057-3077 Outsourcing Decisions, Product Innovation and the Spatial Dimension: Evidence from the Spanish Footwear Industry
by Jose A. Belso-Martinez - 3079-3101 Hospitality, Culture and Regeneration: Urban Decay, Entrepreneurship and the ‘Ruin’ Bars of Budapest
by Peter Lugosi & David Bell & Krisztina Lugosi - 3103-3130 Accessibility and Residential Land Values: Some Tests with New Measures
by Genevieve Giuliano & Peter Gordon & Qisheng Pan & JiYoung Park - 3131-3156 Marshall’s Scale Economies and Jacobs’ Externality in Korea: the Role of Age, Size and the Legal Form of Organisation of Establishments
by Bun Song Lee & Soomyung Jang & Sung Hyo Hong - 3157-3159 Book Reviews: Dublin Docklands Reinvented: The Post-industrial Regeneration of a European City Quarter
by Michael Punch - 3159-3160 Book Reviews: Planning, Projects, Practice: A Human Geography of the Stockholm Local Investment Programme in Hammarby Sjöstad
by Ross Beveridge - 3161-3163 Book Reviews: City between Worlds: My Hong Kong
by Non Arkaraprasertkul - 3163-3165 Book Reviews: World Tourism Cities: Developing Tourism off the Beaten Track
by Catherine M. Matheson - 3165-3167 Book Reviews: Public Universities and Regional Development
by Ivan Turok - 3169-3170 Books Received
by N/A
November 2010, Volume 47, Issue 13
- 2723-2735 Introduction. Urban Networks and Network Theory: The City as the Connector of Multiple Networks
by Géraldine Pflieger & Céline Rozenblat - 2737-2745 Globalisation, Networking, Urbanisation: Reflections on the Spatial Dynamics of the Information Age
by Manuel Castells - 2747-2783 Does Distance Matter in the Age of the Internet?
by Diana Mok & Barry Wellman & Juan Carrasco - 2785-2802 Switzerland as a Single Metropolitan Area? A Study of its Commuting Network
by Pierre Dessemontet & Vincent Kaufmann & Christophe Jemelin - 2803-2818 External Urban Relational Process: Introducing Central Flow Theory to Complement Central Place Theory
by Peter J. Taylor & Michael Hoyler & Raf Verbruggen - 2819-2839 Simulating Urban Networks through Multiscalar Space-Time Dynamics: Europe and the United States, 17th-20th Centuries
by Anne Bretagnolle & Denise Pumain - 2841-2865 Opening the Black Box of Agglomeration Economies for Measuring Cities’ Competitiveness through International Firm Networks
by Céline Rozenblat - 2867-2894 The Pharma-biotech Complex and Interconnected Regional Innovation Arenas
by Christian Zeller - 2895-2911 Powerful City Networks: More than Connections, Less than Domination and Control
by John Allen
November 2010, Volume 47, Issue 12
- 2491-2515 Addressing Fear of Crime in Public Space: Gender Differences in Reaction to Safety Measures in Train Transit
by Nilay Yavuz & Eric W. Welch - 2517-2536 What is the ‘Neighbourhood’ in Neighbourhood Satisfaction? Comparing the Effects of Structural Characteristics Measured at the Micro-neighbourhood and Tract Levels
by John Hipp - 2537-2554 ‘God’s Golden Acre for Children’: Pastoralism and Sense of Place in New Suburban Communities
by Mary P. Corcoran - 2555-2572 Professions, Occupational Roles and Skills in Urban Policy: A Reworking of the Debates in England and France
by Barry Goodchild & Gilles Jeannot & Paul Hickman - 2573-2596 Ethnic Differences in Housing Opportunities in Athens
by Nick Drydakis - 2597-2614 The Politics of Housing Consumption: Renters as Flawed Consumers on a Master Planned Estate
by Lynda Cheshire & Peter Walters & Ted Rosenblatt - 2615-2640 Misleading Comparisons of Homeownership Rates when the Variable Effect of Household Formation Is Ignored: Explaining Rising Homeownership and the Homeownership Gap between Blacks and Asians in the US
by Zhou Yu & Dowell Myers - 2641-2664 Corporate Location, Concentration and Performance: Large Company Headquarters in the Australian Urban System
by Matthew Tonts & Michael Taylor - 2665-2682 Political Institutionalisation and Economic Specialisation in Polycentric Metropolitan Regions: The Case of the East German ‘Saxony Triangle’
by Peter Franz & Christoph Hornych - 2683-2703 Agglomeration Effects and Financial Performance
by Maarten Jennen & Patrick Verwijmeren - 2705-2708 Book Review: African Cities: Competing Claims on Urban Spaces
by Deborah Potts - 2708-2710 Book Review: Black on the Block: The Politics of Race and Class in the City
by Elizabeth Higginbotham - 2710-2711 Book Review: Colored Property: State Policy and White Racial Politics in Suburban America
by Owen Crankshaw - 2711-2713 Book Review: The Housing Divide: How Generations of Immigrants Fare in New York’s Housing Market
by Milton Vickerman - 2713-2716 Book Review: City Bound: How States Stifle Urban Innovation
by Todd Swanstrom - 2717-2718 Books Received
by N/A
October 2010, Volume 47, Issue 11
- 2259-2278 Class Transformation and Work-Life Balance in Urban Britain: The Case of Manchester
by Kevin Ward & Colette Fagan & Linda McDowell & Diane Perrons & Kathryn Ray - 2279-2324 Job Accessibility, Residential Segregation and Risk of Long-term Unemployment in the Paris Region
by Emre Korsu & Sandrine Wenglenski - 2325-2346 Population Decline in Polish and Czech Cities during Post-socialism? Looking Behind the Official Statistics
by Annett Steinführer & Adam Bierzynski & Katrin Großmann & Annegret Haase & Sigrun Kabisch & Petr Klusácek - 2347-2366 Living in a Mixed-Income Development: Resident Perceptions of the Benefits and Disadvantages of Two Developments in Chicago
by Mark Joseph & Robert Chaskin - 2367-2388 Homeownership in South Korea: Examining Sector Underdevelopment
by Richard Ronald & Mee-Youn Jin - 2389-2408 Spatial Justice and the Translation of European Strategic Planning Ideas in the Urban Sub-region of South Yorkshire
by Gordon Dabinett - 2409-2426 Comparing the Capitalisation Benefits of Light-rail Transit and Overlay Zoning for Single-family Houses and Condos by Neighbourhood Type in Metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona
by Carol Atkinson-Palombo - 2427-2443 Airport Activity and Local Development: Evidence from Italy
by Marco Percoco - 2445-2459 Investigating Contextual Variability in Mode Choice in Chicago Using a Hierarchical Mixed Logit Model
by Liang Long & Jie Lin & Kimon Proussaloglou - 2461-2472 Quantile Regression Estimates of Hong Kong Real Estate Prices
by Stephen Mak & Lennon Choy & Winky Ho - 2473-2475 Book Review: New Directions in Surveillance and Privacy
by Francisco R. Klauser - 2475-2477 Book Review: Community, Conflict and the State: Rethinking Notions of ‘Safety’, ‘Cohesion’ and ‘Wellbeing’
by Sarah Blandy - 2478-2480 Book Review: The Theory and Practice of Local Governance and Economic Development
by Stephen Syrett - 2480-2482 Book Review: Faith in the Public Realm: Controversies, Policies and Practices
by Angus Paddison - 2482-2484 Book Review: Non-places: An Introduction to Supermodernity
by David W. Hill - 2485-2486 Books Received
by N/A
September 2010, Volume 47, Issue 10
- 2027-2050 Why Does a City Grow? Specialisation, Human Capital or Institutions?
by Michael Storper - 2051-2068 Managing the Parameters of Visibility: The Revelations of Katrina
by James Rhodes - 2069-2091 Visibilities and Invisibilities in Urban Development: Small Business Communities and the London Olympics 2012
by Mike Raco & Emma Tunney - 2093-2109 Citizens’ Intermunicipal Political Orientations: Evidence from Swedish City-regions
by Anders Lidström - 2111-2128 Unpacking Preference: How Previous Experience Affects Auto Ownership in the United States
by Rachel Weinberger & Frank Goetzke - 2129-2147 Planning Responds to Gender Violence: Evidence from Spain, Mexico and the United States
by Elizabeth L. Sweet & Sara Ortiz Escalante - 2149-2171 Designing Development Planning Charges: Settlement Patterns, Cost Recovery and Public Facilities
by J. Peter Clinch & Eoin O'Neill - 2173-2193 Effects of Urban Growth Controls on Intercity Commuting
by Laudo M. Ogura - 2195-2215 Refining the Air Traffic Approach to City Networks
by Zachary Neal - 2217-2236 Land Leasing and Local Public Finance in China’s Regional Development: Evidence from Prefecture-level Cities
by Ran Tao & Fubing Su & Mingxing Liu & Guangzhong Cao - 2237-2239 Book Review: Five Ring Circus: Myths and Realities of the Olympic Games C.A. Shaw, 2008 Gabriola Island, BC: New Society Publishers 320 pp. US$19.95 paperback ISBN 978 0 86571 592 9 paperback
by Libby Porter - 2239-2240 Book Review: Beijing: From Imperial Capital to Olympic City L. M. Li, A. J. Dray-Novey, and H. Kong, 2008 New York: Palgrave Macmillan 321 pp. £12.99 paperback ISBN 9780 230 60527 5 paperback
by Libby Porter - 2240-2242 Book Review: Olympic Tourism Mike Weed, 2008 Oxford: Elsevier Ltd 236 pp. No price given, hardback ISBN 978 0 7506 8161 2 hardback
by Rob Croudace - 2243-2245 Book Review: Olympic Cities: City Agendas, Planning and the World’s Games, 1896—2012 J. R. Gold and M. M. Gold (Eds), 2007 London: Routledge 368 pp. £75.00 hardback; £25.99 paperback ISBN 978 0 415 37406 4 hardback; 978 0 415 37407 1 paperback
by Annette Hastings - 2245-2247 Book Review: Systemic Action Research: A strategy for Whole System Change Danny Burns, 2007 Bristol: The Policy Press 94 pp. £65.00 hardback; £26.99 paperback ISBN 978 1 86134 738 1 hardback; 978 1 86134 737 4 paperback
by Kate Lindsay - 2249-2249 Books Received
by N/A
August 2010, Volume 47, Issue 9
- 1835-1841 Introduction: Mapping Changes in Urban Systems
by Ben Derudder & Michael Timberlake & Frank Witlox - 1843-1860 Changes at the Top: A Cross-country Examination over the 20th Century of the Rise (and Fall) in Rank of the Top Cities in National Urban Hierarchies
by Mario Polèse & Jonathan Denis-Jacob - 1861-1877 Pathways of Change: Shifting Connectivities in the World City Network, 2000—08
by Ben Derudder & Peter Taylor & Pengfei Ni & Anneleen De Vos & Michael Hoyler & Heidi Hanssens & David Bassens & Jin Huang & Frank Witlox & Wei Shen & Xiaolan Yang - 1879-1897 World Cities of Scientific Knowledge: Systems, Networks and Potential Dynamics. An Analysis Based on Bibliometric Indicators
by Christian Wichmann Matthiessen & Annette Winkel Schwarz & Søren Find - 1899-1923 Intercity Relations and Globalisation: The Evolution of the Global Urban Hierarchy, 1981—2007
by Arthur S. Alderson & Jason Beckfield & Jessica Sprague-Jones - 1925-1947 Economic Globalisation and the Structure of the World City System: The Case of Airline Passenger Data
by Matthew C. Mahutga & Xiulian Ma & David A. Smith & Michael Timberlake - 1949-1967 Determinants of Dynamics in the World City Network, 2000-2004
by Renato A. Orozco Pereira & Ben Derudder - 1969-1984 The Geography of Internet Infrastructure: An Evolutionary Simulation Approach Based on Preferential Attachment
by Sandra Vinciguerra & Koen Frenken & Marco Valente - 1985-2002 Trajectories of North—South City Inter-relations: Johannesburg and Cape Town, 1994—2007
by Gordon Pirie - 2003-2021 Latin American Cities and Globalisation: Change and Permanency in the Context of Development Expectations
by Juan A. Córdoba Ordóñez & Cándida Gago GarcÃa
July 2010, Volume 47, Issue 8
- 1603-1623 The Ambivalent Nature of Ethnic Segregation in France’s Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods
by Jean-Louis Pan Ké Shon - 1625-1642 Immigration and Socio-spatial Segregation in Dublin, 1996-2006
by Tony Fahey & Bryan Fanning - 1643-1661 Evolving Residential and Employment Locations and Patterns of Commuting under Hyper Growth: The Case of Guangzhou, China
by Si-ming Li - 1663-1686 Commuting Times: Is There Any Penalty for Immigrants?
by Maite Blázquez & Carlos Llano & Julian Moral - 1687-1702 Personal Insolvency in England and Wales: A Spatial Analysis
by Paul Bishop & Peter Gripaios - 1703-1723 Revanchist Sanitisation or Coercive Care? The Use of Enforcement to Combat Begging, Street Drinking and Rough Sleeping in England
by Sarah Johnsen & Suzanne Fitzpatrick - 1725-1744 Crashes in Real Estate Prices: Causes and Predictability
by Qin Xiao - 1745-1771 Neighbourhood Valuation Effects from New Construction of Low-income Housing Tax Credit Projects in Iowa: A Natural Experiment
by Richard Funderburg & Heather MacDonald - 1773-1792 People Power as Exception: Three Controversies of Privatisation in Post-handover Hong Kong
by Cecilia Chu - 1793-1817 The Built Environment and Motor Vehicle Ownership and Use: Evidence from Santiago de Chile
by Christopher Zegras - 1819-1820 Book Reviews: Urban Green Belts in the Twenty-first Century
by Carlos Nunes Silva - 1820-1822 Book Review: Cities, Agglomeration and Spatial Equilibrium
by Roberta Capello - 1822-1824 Book Review: Unequal Crime Decline: Theorizing Race, Urban Inequality and Criminal Violence
by Steve Hall - 1824-1826 Book Review: America’s Waterfront Revival: Port Authorities and Urban Redevelopment
by Kim Dovey - 1826-1828 Book Review: New York for Sale: Community Planning Confronts Global Real Estate
by Anders Lund Hansen - 1829-1829 Books Received
by N/A
June 2010, Volume 47, Issue 7
- 1371-1390 Migration, Livelihood and Well-being: Evidence from Indian City Slums
by Arup Mitra - 1391-1413 Public Housing and Poverty Concentration in Urban Neighbourhoods: The Case of Hong Kong in the 1990s
by Claudio O. Delang & Ho Cheuk Lung - 1415-1438 Relative Accessibility Deprivation Indicators for Urban Settings: Definitions and Application to Food Deserts in Montreal
by Antonio Páez & Ruben Gertes Mercado & Steven Farber & Catherine Morency & Matthew Roorda - 1439-1457 Social Inclusion at Different Scales in the Urban Environment: Locating the Community to Empower
by Simon Smith & Paul Bellaby & Sally Lindsay - 1459-1478 ‘Community Empowerment’ in the Context of the Glasgow Housing Stock Transfer
by Louise Lawson & Ade Kearns - 1479-1499 ‘Urban Transformation’ as State-led Property Transfer: An Analysis of Two Cases of Urban Renewal in Istanbul
by Tuna Kuyucu & Özlem Ünsal - 1501-1512 Local Public Expenditures and Housing Prices
by Jaume GarcÃa & Daniel Montolio & Josep Maria Raya - 1513-1540 Does Urban Sprawl Increase the Costs of Providing Local Public Services? Evidence from Spanish Municipalities
by Miriam Hortas-Rico & Albert Solé-Ollé - 1541-1569 Impact of Land Use Regulations: Evidence from India’s Cities
by Kala Seetharam Sridhar - 1571-1586 Growth and Change in Human Capital across the Canadian Urban Hierarchy, 1996—2001
by W. Mark Brown & K. Bruce Newbold & Desmond Beckstead - 1587-1589 Book Review: Where the Other Half Lives: Lower Income Housing in a Neoliberal World
by Franklin Obeng-Odoom - 1589-1590 Book Review: Towards a More Equal Society? Poverty, Inequality and Policy Since 1997
by Gerry Mooney - 1590-1592 Book Review: Education in a Global City: Essays from London
by Margaret Camina - 1592-1595 Book Review: Sport & Tourism: A Reader
by Rob Croudace - 1595-1596 Book Review: Climate Resilient Cities: A Primer on Reducing Vulnerabilities to Disasters
by Shivanand Balram & Jennifer A. McRae