August 2018, Volume 55, Issue 10
- 2197-2225 Rapid transit, transit-oriented development, and the contextual sensitivity of land value uplift in Toronto
by Christopher Higgins & Pavlos Kanaroglou - 2226-2244 Telecommuting and sustainable travel: Reduction of overall travel time, increases in non-motorised travel and congestion relief?
by Ugo Lachapelle & Georges A Tanguay & Léa Neumark-Gaudet - 2245-2260 Rural migrants in villages-in-the-city in Guangzhou, China: Multi-positionality and negotiated living strategies
by H Chung - 2261-2285 Urban preservation and the queerying spaces of (un)remembering: Memorial landscapes of the Miami Beach art deco historic district
by Martin Zebracki - 2286-2299 An application of two non-parametric techniques to the prices of British dwellings: An examination of cyclicality
by David Gray - 2300-2316 Contested framings of urban qualities: Dis/qualifications of value in urban development controversies
by Jonathan Metzger & Sofia Wiberg
July 2018, Volume 55, Issue 9
- 1839-1858 Promoting investment in sustainable urban development with JESSICA: Outcomes of a new EU policy initiative
by Michael Nadler & Claudia Nadler - 1859-1874 Spatially integrated and socially segregated: The effects of mixed-income neighbourhoods on social well-being
by Amie Thurber & Claire Riehle Bohmann & Craig Anne Heflinger - 1875-1903 Municipality attraction and commuter mobility in urban Sweden: An analysis based on longitudinal population data
by Siv Schéele & Gunnar Andersson - 1904-1923 The decline of ‘advantageous disadvantage’ in gateway suburbs in Australia: The challenge of private housing market settlement for newly arrived migrants
by Hazel Easthope & Wendy Stone & Lynda Cheshire - 1924-1942 Risk, commercialism and social purpose: Repositioning the English housing association sector
by Tony Manzi & Nicky Morrison - 1943-1966 Financialising space through transferable development rights: Urban renewal, Taipei style
by Daniel You-Ren Yang & Jung-Che Chang - 1967-1982 A theoretical framework of the governance institutions of low-income housing in China
by Feng Deng - 1983-1999 Assessing the public transport service to urban parks on the basis of spatial accessibility for citizens in the compact megacity of Shanghai, China
by Huilin Liang & Qingping Zhang - 2000-2019 Multiple creators of knowledge-intensive service networks: A case study of the Pearl River Delta city-region
by Xu Zhang - 2020-2039 The impact of neighbourhood environments on quality of life of elderly people: Evidence from Nanjing, China
by Jianxi Feng & Shuangshuang Tang & Xiaowei Chuai - 2040-2056 Looking for big ‘fry’: The motives and methods of middle-class international property investors
by Hang Kei Ho & Rowland Atkinson - 2057-2072 The spatial stereotype: The representation and reception of urban films in Johannesburg
by Alexandra Parker - 2073-2075 Book review: Mobility, Sociability and Well-being of Urban Living
by Jonathan Corcoran - 2075-2078 Book review: Gentrifier
by Aysegul Can - 2078-2081 Book review: The Creative Destruction of New York City: Engineering the City for the Elite
by Catalina Neculai
June 2018, Volume 55, Issue 8
- 1599-1614 Pushed off the map: Toponymy and the politics of place in New York City
by David J Madden - 1615-1635 Extremely low-income households, housing affordability and the Great Recession
by Michael C Lens - 1636-1654 Differing house price linkages across UK regions: A multi-dimensional recursive ripple model
by Chris Hudson & John Hudson & Bruce Morley - 1655-1671 Investification: Financialisation of housing markets and persistence of suburban socio-economic disadvantage
by Kath Hulse & Margaret Reynolds - 1672-1689 Does zoning help or hinder transit-oriented (re)development?
by Jenny Schuetz & Genevieve Giuliano & Eun Jin Shin - 1690-1710 Who owns Chinatown: Neighbourhood preservation and change in Boston and Philadelphia
by Arthur Acolin & Domenic Vitiello - 1711-1728 ‘Mexicans love red’ and other gentrification myths: Displacements and contestations in the gentrification of Pilsen, Chicago, USA
by Winifred Curran - 1729-1748 Modelling urban expansion in the transitional Greater Mekong Region
by Han Li & Yehua Dennis Wei & Kim Korinek - 1749-1765 Home of last resort: Urban land conflict and the Nubians in Kibera, Kenya
by Emma Elfversson & Kristine Höglund - 1766-1782 Urban climate adaptation and the reshaping of state–society relations: The politics of community knowledge and mobilisation in Indore, India
by Eric K Chu - 1783-1799 Immobility and insecure labour markets: An active response to precarious employment
by Jenny Preece - 1800-1820 Spatial mismatch beyond black and white: Levels and determinants of job access among Asian and Hispanic subpopulations
by Janeria Easley - 1821-1835 A conversation about land rent, financialisation and housing
by Manuel B Aalbers & Anne Haila
May 2018, Volume 55, Issue 7
- 1375-1382 People and plans in urbanising China: Challenging the top-down orthodoxy
by John R Logan - 1383-1399 Planning centrality, market instruments: Governing Chinese urban transformation under state entrepreneurialism
by Fulong Wu - 1400-1419 Emerging selective regimes in a fragmented authoritarian environment: The ‘three old redevelopment’ policy in Guangzhou, China from 2009 to 2014
by Bin Li & Chaoqun Liu - 1420-1438 (De-)Activating the growth machine for redevelopment: The case of Liede urban village in Guangzhou
by Youliang Guo & Chengguo Zhang & Ya Ping Wang & Xun Li - 1439-1459 Governing the countryside through state-led programmes: A case study of Jiangning District in Nanjing, China
by Mingrui Shen & Jianfa Shen - 1460-1476 A great leap of faith: Limits to China’s university cities
by Chun-Yi Sum - 1477-1483 Ethnographic perspectives on the mediation of informality between people and plans in urbanising China
by Alan Smart - 1484-1503 Residential segregation and perceptions of social integration in Shanghai, China
by Lin Liu & Youqin Huang & Wenhong Zhang - 1504-1524 The influence of hukou and college education in China’s labour market
by Yang Xiao & Yanjie Bian - 1525-1540 The urbanisation of rural migrants and the making of urban villages in contemporary China
by Yang Zhan - 1541-1560 Agency and social construction of space under top-down planning: Resettled rural residents in China
by Min Zhang & Weiping Wu & Weijing Zhong - 1561-1578 Gentrification and its contentment: An anthropological perspective on housing, heritage and urban social change in Shanghai
by Non Arkaraprasertkul - 1579-1594 ‘Rigid demand’: Economic imagination and practice in China’s urban housing market
by Mengqi Wang
May 2018, Volume 55, Issue 6
- 1143-1162 Controlled environments: An urban research agenda on microclimatic enclosure
by Simon Marvin & Jonathan Rutherford - 1163-1184 Ethnic and class residential segregation: exploring their intersection – a multilevel analysis of ancestry and occupational class in Sydney
by Kelvyn Jones & Ron Johnston & James Forrest & Chris Charlton & David Manley - 1185-1202 Innovation strategy choices in the urban economy
by Sverre J Herstad - 1203-1222 Mind the gaps! A research agenda for urban interstices
by Nicholas A Phelps & Cristian Silva - 1223-1241 Africa’s new cities: The contested future of urbanisation
by Femke van Noorloos & Marjan Kloosterboer - 1242-1256 Contesting access to power in urban Pakistan
by Ijlal Naqvi - 1257-1273 Cities in music videos: Audiovisual variations on London’s neoliberal skyline
by Tania Rossetto & Annalisa Andrigo - 1274-1289 Encounters with difference in the subdivided house: The case of secondary suites in Vancouver
by Pablo Mendez - 1290-1312 Home-ownership as a social norm and positional good: Subjective wellbeing evidence from panel data
by Chris Foye & David Clapham & Tommaso Gabrieli - 1313-1328 Tenure change in London’s suburbs: Spreading gentrification or suburban upscaling?
by Antoine Paccoud & Alan Mace - 1329-1345 The politics of urban renewal in Sydney’s residential apartment market
by Laurence Troy - 1346-1363 Using proxies to describe the metropolitan freight landscape
by Genevieve Giuliano & Sanggyun Kang & Quan Yuan - 1364-1366 Book review: People’s Spaces: Coping, Familiarizing, Creating
by Asha L Abeyasekera - 1366-1369 Book review: Marxist Thought and the City
by Jose Francisco Vergara Perucich - 1369-1371 Book review: The Space Between Us: Social Geography and Politics
by Ron Johnston
April 2018, Volume 55, Issue 5
- 947-964 Understanding the dynamics of Nigeria’s urban transition: A refutation of the ‘stalled urbanisation’ hypothesis
by Sean Fox & Robin Bloch & Jose Monroy - 965-986 Urban data and definitions in sub-Saharan Africa: Mismatches between the pace of urbanisation and employment and livelihood change
by Deborah Potts - 987-993 Informing Africa’s urban transformation: A response to Fox et al. and Potts
by Ivan Turok - 994-996 Analysing African urban data: Refining the arguments and the (mis)understandings of end users: A response to Turok
by Deborah Potts - 997-1012 Iconic architecture and place-specific neoliberal governmentality: Insights from Hamburg’s Elbe Philharmonic Hall
by Jan Balke & Paul Reuber & Gerald Wood - 1013-1032 Examining the dynamics of the interaction between the development of creative industries and urban spatial structure by agent-based modelling: A case study of Nanjing, China
by Helin Liu & Elisabete Silva - 1033-1055 Critical mass matters: The long-term benefits of retail agglomeration for establishment survival in downtown Detroit and The Hague
by Conrad Kickert & Rainer vom Hofe - 1056-1075 Do ‘city shapers’ really support urban consolidation? The case of Brisbane, Australia
by Katrina Raynor & Severine Mayere & Tony Matthews - 1076-1092 ‘Opening for business’? Neoliberalism and the cultural politics of modernising planning in Scotland
by Andy Inch - 1093-1110 Temporary use of space: Urban processes between flexibility, opportunity and precarity
by Ali Madanipour - 1111-1120 Crime, insecurity and corruption: Considering the growth of urban private security
by Jeff Garmany & Ana Paula Galdeano - 1121-1138 Embeddedness and locational choices: A study of creative workers in a dance organisation
by Fabrizio Montanari & Annachiara Scapolan & Lorenzo Mizzau
March 2018, Volume 55, Issue 4
- 679-701 The ideological alignment of smart urbanism in Singapore: Critical reflections on a political paradox
by Lily Kong & Orlando Woods - 702-719 Enhancing urban autonomy: Towards a new political project for cities
by Harriet Bulkeley & Andrés Luque-Ayala & Colin McFarlane & Gordon MacLeod - 720-732 Thinking through heterogeneous infrastructure configurations
by Mary Lawhon & David Nilsson & Jonathan Silver & Henrik Ernstson & Shuaib Lwasa - 733-750 Migrant place-making in super-diverse neighbourhoods: Moving beyond ethno-national approaches
by Simon Pemberton & Jenny Phillimore - 751-766 The discursive uses of Jane Jacobs for the genderfying city: Understanding the productions of space for post-Fordist gender notions
by Marguerite van den Berg - 767-789 The theory and reality of urban slums: Pathways-out-of-poverty or cul-de-sacs?
by Ivan Turok & Jackie Borel-Saladin - 790-806 Deindustrialisation and the polarisation of household incomes: The example of urban agglomerations in Germany
by Martin Gornig & Jan Goebel - 807-825 Gentrification, displacement and the arts: Untangling the relationship between arts industries and place change
by Carl Grodach & Nicole Foster & James Murdoch - 826-843 Foreign-born population concentration and neighbourhood growth and development within US metropolitan areas
by Matt Ruther & Rebbeca Tesfai & Janice Madden - 844-869 Los Angeles employment concentration in the 21st century
by Kevin Kane & John R Hipp & Jae Hong Kim - 870-890 Linking residential relocation desires and behaviour with life domain satisfaction
by Beata Nowok & Allan Findlay & David McCollum - 891-916 The politicisation of diversity planning in a global city: Lessons from London
by Mike Raco & Jamie Kesten - 917-934 Changes in housing among older women: Latent class analysis of housing patterns in older Australian women
by Julie Byles & Cassie Curryer & Kha Vo & Peta Forder & Deborah Loxton & Deirdre McLaughlin - 935-937 Book review: Spatializing Blackness: Architectures of Confinement and Black Masculinity in Chicago
by Austin Cummings - 938-940 Book review: Seeing Like a City
by Robert Beauregard - 940-942 Book review: Practicing Utopia: An Intellectual History of the New Town Movement
by Michael Kordas
February 2018, Volume 55, Issue 3
- 491-504 Introduction: Urban friendship networks: Affective negotiations and potentialities of care
by Laavanya Kathiravelu & Tim Bunnell - 505-521 Friendship fears and communities of convenience in Africa’s urban estuaries: Connection as measure of urban condition
by Loren B Landau - 522-537 Tentative friendships among low-income migrants in São Paulo’s commercial districts
by Megha Amrith - 538-553 Friendship networks and encounters in student-migrants’ negotiations of translocal subjectivity
by Shanthi Robertson - 554-569 Distant friends and intimate strangers: On the perils of friendship in a Malaysian apartment building
by Olivia Killias - 570-588 Between ‘face’ and ‘faceless’ relationships in China’s public places: Ludic encounters and activity-oriented friendships among middle- and old-aged urbanites in Beijing public parks
by Lisa Richaud - 589-604 Friendship in a ‘Russian bar’ in London: An ethnography of a young Russian-speaking migrant community
by Darya Malyutina - 605-622 Youthful socialities in Australia’s urban multiculture
by Anita Harris - 623-638 Re-framing the creative city: Fragile friendships and affective art spaces in Darwin, Australia
by Michele Lobo - 639-654 Friendship, curiosity and the city: Dementia friends and memory walks in Liverpool
by Richard Phillips & Bethan Evans - 655-661 Commentary: Unsettling friendship and using friendship to unsettle
by Halleh Ghorashi - 662-674 Commentary: Urban friendship: Towards an alternative anthropological genealogy
by Pnina Werbner
February 2018, Volume 55, Issue 2
- 263-273 Agglomeration and assemblage: Deterritorialising urban theory
by Kim Dovey & Fujie Rao & Elek Pafka - 274-295 Politics/matter: Governing Cape Town’s informal settlements
by Ash Amin & Liza Rose Cirolia - 296-315 The socialities of everyday urban walking and the ‘right to the city’
by Jennie Middleton - 316-331 The tent: The uncanny architecture of agonism for Israel–Palestine, 1910–2011
by Yael Allweil - 332-348 Divergent responses to sustainability and climate change planning: The role of politics, cultural frames and public participation
by Ann Foss - 349-364 Urbanism and happiness: A test of Wirth’s theory of urban life
by Adam Okulicz-Kozaryn & Joan Maya Mazelis - 365-383 Segregation and the effects of adolescent residential context on poverty risks and early income career: A study of the Swedish 1980 cohort
by Eva K Andersson & Bo Malmberg - 384-405 Experiencing intentional recognition: Welcoming immigrants in Dayton, Ohio
by Jacqueline Housel & Colleen Saxen & Tom Wahlrab - 406-426 Who actually decides? Parental influence on the housing tenure choice of their children
by Martin Lux & Tomáš Samec & Vojtech Bartos & Petr Sunega & Jan Palguta & Irena Boumová & Ladislav Kážmér - 427-442 Long run urban analysis using property records: A methodological case study of land use change
by Joe Hurley & Gavin Wood & Lucy Groenhart - 443-460 Megalopolis unbound: Knowledge collaboration and functional polycentricity within and beyond the Yangtze River Delta Region in China, 2014
by Yingcheng Li & Nicholas Phelps - 461-480 Rethinking place in the study of societal responses to terrorism: Insights from Boston, Massachusetts (USA)
by Kevin Keenan - 481-486 Book review essay
by Elsa Noterman & Heather Rosenfeld
January 2018, Volume 55, Issue 1
- 3-18 Urban debates for climate change after the Kyoto Protocol
by Yong Tu - 19-52 Towards a new vocabulary of urbanisation processes: A comparative approach
by Christian Schmid & Ozan Karaman & Naomi C Hanakata & Pascal Kallenberger & Anne Kockelkorn & Lindsay Sawyer & Monika Streule & Kit Ping Wong - 53-70 Urban upgrading in Rio de Janeiro: Evidence from the Favela-Bairro programme
by Laura H Atuesta & Yuri Soares - 71-90 A Cohort Location Model of household sorting in US metropolitan regions
by Hossein Estiri & Andy Krause - 91-115 Does accessibility matter? Understanding the effect of job accessibility on labour market outcomes
by Jangik Jin & Kurt Paulsen - 116-132 Locating neighbourhood diversity in the American metropolis
by Kyle Walker - 133-150 Neighbourhood income inequality and property crime
by Neil Metz & Mariya Burdina - 151-174 Lingering neighbourhood effects: A framework to account for residential histories and temporal dynamics
by Emily M Miltenburg & Tom WG van der Meer - 175-194 Scaling-up low-carbon urban initiatives: Towards a better understanding
by Didi van Doren & Peter PJ Driessen & Hens Runhaar & Mendel Giezen - 195-211 Effects of urban spatial structure on level of excess commutes: A comparison between Seoul and Los Angeles
by Myung-Jin Jun & Simon Choi & Frank Wen & Ki-Hyun Kwon - 212-225 The urban metabolism of airline passengers: Scaling and sustainability
by Zachary P Neal - 226-243 Rent burden and the Great Recession in the USA
by Gregg Colburn & Ryan Allen - 244-260 Protest in the city: Urban spatial restructuring and dissent in New York, 1960–2006
by Patrick Rafail
December 2017, Volume 54, Issue 16
- 3639-3654 Mapping urban networks through inter-firm service relationships: The case of China
by Fenghua Pan & Wenkai Bi & James Lenzer & Simon Zhao - 3655-3680 Churn and change along commercial strips: Spatial analysis of patterns in remodelling activity and landscapes of local business
by Jennifer S Minner & Xiao Shi - 3681-3699 Is something better than nothing? The impact of foreclosed and lease-purchase properties on residential property values
by Youngme Seo & Michael Craw - 3700-3717 Individual-, household- and neighbourhood-level characteristics associated with life satisfaction: A multilevel analysis of a population-based sample from Hong Kong
by Chia-Yueh Hsu & Shu-Sen Chang & Paul Yip - 3718-3737 Exploring residential mobility in Chinese cities: An empirical analysis of Guangzhou
by Si-ming Li & Sanqin Mao - 3738-3754 Spatial variations in personal insolvency choices: The role of stigma and social capital
by Paul Bishop - 3755-3771 Dealing with disturbances: Intervention and adaptation in Finnish neighbourhoods
by Antti Kouvo & Risto Haverinen - 3772-3788 Community leadership and engagement after the mix: The transformation of Toronto’s Regent Park
by Shauna Brail & Nishi Kumar - 3789-3805 The double bind of social innovation: Relational dynamics of change and resistance in neighbourhood governance
by Koen Bartels - 3806-3825 From protest to collaboration: The evolution of the community movements amid sociopolitical transformation in South Korea
by Sangmin Kim - 3826-3842 The UK community anchor model and its challenges for community sector theory and practice
by James Henderson & Christopher McWilliams - 3843-3862 Can new urbanism infill development contribute to social sustainability? The case of Orlando, Florida
by Jeongseob Kim & Kristin Larsen - 3863-3867 Book review: Global Heartland: Displaced Labor, Transnational Lives, and Local Placemaking
by Rachel Brahinsky
November 2017, Volume 54, Issue 15
- 3403-3422 The hegemony of the real estate industry: Redevelopment of ‘Government/Institution or Community’ (G/IC) land in Hong Kong
by Joanna Wai Ying Lee & Wing-Shing Tang - 3423-3445 Traffic congestion, accessibility to employment, and housing prices: A study of single-family housing market in Los Angeles County
by Yuting Hou - 3446-3463 Mandatory savings, credit access and home ownership: The case of the housing provident fund
by Yilan Xu - 3464-3479 Identifying consumerist privately owned public spaces: The ideal type of mass private property
by Xuefan Zhang - 3480-3499 Exploring the synergistic economic benefit of enhancing neighbourhood bikeability and public transit accessibility based on real estate sale transactions
by Wei Li & Kenneth Joh - 3500-3523 Smart growth characteristics and the spatial pattern of multifamily housing in US metropolitan areas
by Andrew McMillan & Sugie Lee - 3524-3541 The price premium for green-labelled housing: Evidence from China
by Li Zhang & Hongyu Liu & Jing Wu - 3542-3559 Pharmaceuticalisation in the city
by Darrin Hodgetts & Amanda Young-Hauser & Kerry Chamberlain & Jonathan Gabe & Kevin Dew & Pauline Norris - 3560-3578 RETRACTED: Analysis of the factors that disrupt dietary habits in the elderly: A case study of a Japanese food desert
by Nobuyuki Iwama & Tatsuto Asakawa & Koichi Tanaka & Nobuhiko Komaki - 3579-3596 Urbanisation and the geographic concentration of industrial SO2 emissions in China
by Zekai He & Xiuzhen Shi & Xinhao Wang & Yuwei Xu - 3597-3614 Public support for hosting the Olympic Summer Games in Germany: The CVM approach
by Pamela Wicker & John C Whitehead & Daniel S Mason & Bruce K Johnson - 3615-3635 Regeneration and networks in the Arts District (Los Angeles): Rethinking governance models in the production of urbanity
by Sébastien Darchen
November 2017, Volume 54, Issue 14
- 3159-3177 The global urban housing affordability crisis
by Steffen Wetzstein - 3178-3198 ‘If everyone says so …’ Press narratives and image change in major event host cities
by Beatriz Garcia - 3199-3217 City economies and microbusiness growth
by Donald Houston & Darja Reuschke - 3218-3238 The market value of energy efficiency in buildings and the mode of tenure
by Konstantin A Kholodilin & Andreas Mense & Claus Michelsen - 3239-3259 The local distribution of endowments matters: Modelling tax competition with heterogeneous local residents
by Dae Jin Kim & In Kwon Park - 3260-3280 Market heterogeneity and the determinants of Paris apartment prices: A quantile regression approach
by Charles-Olivier Amédée-Manesme & Michel Baroni & Fabrice Barthélémy & Francois des Rosiers - 3281-3298 Planning discourses, local state commitment, and the making of a new state space (NSS) for China: Evidence from regional strategic development plans in the Pearl River Delta
by Yi Sun & Roger CK Chan - 3299-3317 How does parking interplay with the built environment and affect automobile commuting in high-density cities? A case study in China
by Qian Liu & James Wang & Peng Chen & Zuopeng Xiao - 3318-3336 Normative and image motivations for transportation policy compliance
by Jingkang Gao & Jinhua Zhao - 3337-3359 A hierarchical estimation of school quality capitalisation in house prices in Orange County, California
by Sylvia Y He - 3360-3379 Local house prices, parental background and young adults’ homeownership in England and Wales
by Rory Coulter - 3380-3398 Beyond the post-industrial city: Valuing and planning for industry in London
by Jessica Ferm & Edward Jones
October 2017, Volume 54, Issue 13
- 2919-2934 Urban development and visual culture: Commodifying the gaze in the regeneration of Tigné Point, Malta
by Janet Speake - 2935-2954 Neighbourhood artistic disaffiliation in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
by Alison L Bain - 2955-2972 Benchmarking gentrification near commuter rail stations in New Jersey
by Devajyoti Deka - 2973-2997 Place attachment as a motivation for community preservation: The demise of an old, bustling, Dubai community
by Khaled Alawadi - 2998-3021 Place-based correlates of Motor Vehicle Theft and Recovery: Measuring spatial influence across neighbourhood context
by Eric Piza & Shun Feng & Leslie Kennedy & Joel Caplan - 3022-3057 Neighbourhood differences in retail turnover: Evidence from New York City
by Rachel Meltzer & Sean Capperis - 3058-3070 Is the housing market blind to religion? A perceived substitutability approach to homophily and social integration
by Nema Dean & Gwilym Pryce - 3071-3084 A Coasian perspective on informal rights assignment among waste pickers in the Philippines
by Mark Hansley Chua - 3085-3100 Empty spaces in the crowd. Residential vacancy in São Paulo’s city centre
by Vanessa Nadalin & Danilo Igliori - 3101-3118 Smart subjects for a Smart Nation? Governing (smart)mentalities in Singapore
by Ezra Ho - 3119-3137 Did US regions with manufacturing design generate more production jobs in the 2000s? New evidence on innovation and regional development
by Marc Doussard & Greg Schrock & T William Lester - 3138-3156 Local economic development opportunities from NHS spending: Evidence from Wales
by Kevin Morgan & Max Munday & Annette Roberts
September 2017, Volume 54, Issue 12
- 2683-2700 The impact of urban regrowth on the built environment
by Manuel Wolff & Annegret Haase & Dagmar Haase & Nadja Kabisch - 2701-2718 Urban shrinkage and resurgence in Germany
by Florian Bartholomae & Chang Woon Nam & Alina Schoenberg - 2719-2738 Industrial brownfields: An unsolved problem in post-socialist cities. A comparison between two mono industrial cities: ReÅŸiÅ£a (Romania) and PanÄ evo (Serbia)
by Liviu Jigoria-Oprea & Nicolae Popa - 2739-2762 Policy learning and sustainable urban transitions: Mobilising Berlin’s cycling renaissance
by Alistair Sheldrick & James Evans & Gabriele Schliwa - 2763-2779 Cycling the city, re-imagining the city: Envisioning urban sustainability transitions in Thailand
by Frans Sengers - 2780-2799 Driving reduction after the introduction of light rail transit: Evidence from an experimental-control group evaluation of the Los Angeles Expo Line
by Steven Spears & Marlon G Boarnet & Douglas Houston - 2800-2817 Impacts of airport traffic volumes on house prices of New Zealand’s major regions: A panel data approach
by Wai Hong Kan Tsui & David Tat Wei Tan & Song Shi - 2818-2834 China’s development policies and city size distribution: An analysis based on Zipf’s law
by Li Fang & Peng Li & Shunfeng Song - 2835-2855 A hedonic approach to burial plot value in French cemeteries
by Benoit Faye & Frédérique Channac - 2856-2873 Selling the family silver? Institutional entrepreneurship and asset disposal in the English housing association sector
by Nicola Morrison - 2874-2893 An integrated framework for managing the complex interdependence between infrastructures and the socioeconomic environment: An application in metropolitan Atlanta
by Zhongming Lu & John Crittenden & Frank Southworth & Ellen Dunham-Jones - 2894-2909 Eco-financing for low-carbon buildings and cities: Value and limits
by Jeroen van der Heijden - 2910-2912 Book review: Hydraulic City: Water and the Infrastructures of Citizenship in Mumbai
by Usmaan M Farooqui - 2912-2914 Book review: From World City to the World in One City: Liverpool Through Malay Lives
by Nihal Perera - 2914-2916 Book review: The Rise and Fall of Urban Economies: Lessons from San Francisco and Los Angeles
by Michael B Teitz
August 2017, Volume 54, Issue 11
- 2431-2431 Urban Studies Best Article 2016
by N/A - 2432-2447 From central to marginal: The trajectory of Israel’s public-housing policy
by Ravit Hananel - 2448-2471 The ASHA model: An alternative to the Markovian approach to housing vacancy chains: An application to the study of population in Lille (Nord, France)
by Jean-Pierre Lévy & Olivier Boisard & Julien Salingue - 2472-2489 Squatters and migrants in Madrid: Interactions, contexts and cycles
by Miguel Angel MartÃnez López - 2490-2503 More than just a bus ride: The role of perceptions in travel behaviour
by Nicholas Klein - 2504-2520 Influences of LRT on travel behaviour: A retrospective study on movers in Minneapolis
by Jason Cao & Alireza Ermagun