October 1993, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 399-414 A Probabilistic Approach To Joint Cost Allocation in Public Projects
by John G. Hof & Doug Rideout - 415-433 The Nonprofit Sector's Capital Constraint: Does It Provide a Rationale for the Tax Exemption Granted To Nonprofit Firms?
by Timothy J. Goodspeed & Daphne A. Kenyon - 434-448 A Note On the Estimation of Capitalization
by J.M. Pogodzinski & David L. Sjoquist - 449-469 The Welfare Significance and Nonsignificance of General Equilibrium Demand and Supply Curves
by Walter N. Thurman - 470-478 Interest Rates, Government Purchases, and Budget Deficits: a Forward-Looking Model
by Pami Dua - 479-487 Optimal Commodity Taxation and Household Consumption Activities
by Firouz Gahvari & C.C. Yang
July 1993, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 235-259 Housing Demand and Property Tax Incidence in a Life-Cycle Framework
by Seth B. Sacher - 260-275 Optimal Taxation: the Mix of Alcohol and Other Taxes
by Larry G. Sgontz - 276-304 Federal Income Tax and Its Effects On Inter- and Intracity Resource Allocation
by Oded Hochman & David Pines - 305-321 Fiscal Illusion and the Output Expansion Hypothesis
by Geoffrey K. Turnbull - 322-333 Tax Incidence With Variable Labor Supply
by Muhammad Q. Islam - 334-350 A Spatially Autoregressive Median Voter Model of Recreation Expenditures
by James C. Murdoch & Morteza Rahmatian & Mark A. Thayer
April 1993, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 123-140 The Cross Effects of Lottery Taxes On Alternative State Tax Revenue
by Mary O. Borg & Paul M. Mason & Stephen L. Shapiro - 141-162 Work Requirements and Income Transfers
by Christopher B. Colburn - 163-177 Estimates of Tax-Favored Retirement Saving Behavior of the Self-Employed
by James E. Long - 178-195 Matching Grants and Public Goods: a Closed-Ended Contingent Valuation Experiment
by J. Paul Combs & Rickey C. Kirkpatrick & Jason F. Shogren & Joseph A. Herriges - 196-209 Price and Income Elasticities of Charitable Giving: How Should Income Be Measured?
by Daphne T. Greenwood - 210-226 Businesses and the Incidence of Sales and Use Taxes
by Frederick W. Derrick & Charles E. Scott
January 1993, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 3-32 The Marginal Cost of Redistribution
by Edgar K. Browning - 33-47 Are There Ratchets in the Growth of Federal Government Spending?
by Randall G. Holcombe - 48-83 Tests of Median Voter and Political Support Maximization Models: the Case of Federal/State Welfare Programs
by James R. Baumgardner - 84-99 An Economic Investigation of Interstate Variation in Legislative Turnover
by Kenneth V. Greene - 100-114 Representative Versus Direct Democracy: a Test of Allocative Efficiency in Local Government Expenditures
by Steven C. Deller & David L. Chicoine - 115-118 A Further Perspective on Neutrality in a Public Goods Economy with Conjectural Variations
by Wolfgang Buchholz
October 1992, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 413-419 Financing Local Government in the 1990s
by William H. Oakland - 420-432 Central City-Suburban Fiscal Disparities
by Roy Bahl & Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & David L. Sjoquist - 433-449 State-Local Fiscal Behavior: Analysis of Interjurisdictional Differences, 1962-1987
by Ronald C. Fisher & John C. Navin - 450-467 Mimicking of Local Tax Burdens Among Neighboring Counties
by Helen F. Ladd - 468-482 Intergovernmental Aid To Reduce Fiscal Disparities: Problems of Definition and Measurement
by Thomas A. Downes & Thomas F. Pogue - 483-498 Evaluating the Success of Need-Based State Aid in the Presence of Property Tax Limitations
by Andrew Reschovsky & Amyellen Schwartz - 499-511 Differences in Reliance On User Charges By American State and Local Governments
by Dick Netzer - 512-527 The Revenue Potential of User Charges in Municipal Finance
by Paul B. Downing - 528-542 Patterns of Exclusion of Personal Property From American Property Tax Systems
by John L. Mikesell - 543-556 The Effect of Earmarked Revenues On the Level and Composition of Expenditures
by Richard F. Dye & Therese J. McGuire - 557-571 The Effect of Federal Policies On Local Public Infrastructure Investment
by Randall W. Eberts & William F. Fox - 572-585 A Model of the Distributional Incidence of State and Local Taxes
by Howard Chernick
July 1992, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 275-297 Budgetary Deficits and Government Expenditure Growth: Toward a More Accurate Empirical Specification
by George Tridimas - 298-320 Private School Enrollment in Metropolitan Areas
by Amy B. Schmidt - 321-337 Donor-Determined Intergovernmental Grants Structure
by Dennis Patrick Leyden - 338-358 Tax Neutrality Under Parallel Tax Systems
by Andrew B. Lyon - 359-377 Empirical Tests for Allocative Efficiency in the Local Public Sector
by Anwar M. Shah - 378-389 Does It Make Sense To Double Count? Problems in Assessing Rent-Seeking Costs
by John G. Cullis & Philip R. Jones - 390-401 Noncompliance Behavior of Risk-Averse Firms Under the Minimum Wage Law
by Yang-Ming Chang
April 1992, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 139-151 Rational Conjectures Equilibria in the Private Provision of Public Goods
by Allenj. Scafuri - 152-174 Withholding Position and Income Tax Compliance: Some Experimental Evidence
by Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Gordon B. Harwood & Ernest R. Larkins - 175-194 In-Kind Distribution, Uncertainty, and Merit Wants: a Simple Model
by Alistair Munro - 195-215 Productive Efficiency and Contract Management: Some Evidence From Public Transit Agencies
by David H. Good - 216-230 Fixed Grants and the Supply of Public Goods: the Case of Agricultural Research
by Jyoti Khanna - 231-242 The Voluntary Nongame Check-Off as a Revenue Source
by Charles F. Revier & David A. Harpman - 243-255 Optimal Extractive Taxes Under Demand Uncertainty
by James R. Fain & Mary N. Gade - 256-270 Disabilities, Mandatory Worksite Modifications, and Employment: Some Potential Policy Dilemmas
by Paul R. Flacco & Lester A. Zeager - 271-271 Call for Papers
by Werner W. Pommerehne
January 1992, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 3-23 On the Definition of Tax Neutrality: Distributional and Welfare Implications of Policy Alternatives
by John P. Formby & W. James Smith & Paul D. Thistle - 24-46 The Treatment of Transfers in the Measurement of Sales Tax Incidence: the Case of Canada's Manufacturers' Sales Tax
by Giuseppe C. Ruggeri & Kellya. Bluck - 47-63 Exploring the Tax Revolt: an Analysis of the Effects of State Tax and Expenditure Limitation Laws
by Harold W. Elder - 64-76 Form of Government and Collective Bargaining Outcomes
by Kevin M. O'Brien - 77-92 Global Tax Progressivity
by Udo Ebert - 93-102 Residential Demand for Water and the Pricing of Municipal Water Services
by Randolph C. Martin & Ronald P. Wilder - 103-113 Pigouvian Taxation, Risk Aversion, and Avoidance
by Robert E. Kohn - 114-128 Urban Transit Provision in Ontario: a Public/Private Sector Cost Comparison
by Harry Kitchen
October 1991, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 379-392 Property Tax Incidence in a Multijurisdictional Neoclassical Model
by Karl E. Case & James H. Grant - 393-411 Measuring the Effect of Structural Change on Long-Term Public Expenditure Growth: the United States, 1929 to 1981
by A. Dale Tussing & John A. Henning - 412-436 Demand for Local Public Services Revisited: the Case of Fire Protection
by William D. Duncombe - 437-443 A Brief Empirical Note on the Impact of Budget Deficits on the Real Municipal Bond Rate
by Richard J. Cebula - 444-456 Does the Decision to Retire Increase the Amount of Political Shirking?
by James R. Vanbeek - 457-465 The Algebra of a Class of Transformations with Applications to Log-Log Models of School Spending
by Paul Rothstein - 466-476 Tax Rates, Labor Supply, and the Structure of Preferences
by Firouz Gahvari - 477-485 Horizontaland Vertical Inequities in the Capital Gains Taxation of Owner-Occupied Housing
by J. Sa-Aadu & James D. Shilling & C.F. Sirmans
July 1991, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 251-292 Tax Policies and the Real and Financial Decisions of the Firm: the Effects of the Tax Reform Act of 1986
by Serge Nadeau & Robert P. Strauss - 293-315 Excludability and the Effects of Free Riders: Right-To-Work Laws and Local Public Sector Unionization
by Jeffrey S. Zax & Casey Ichniowski - 316-333 A Time-Series Analysis of the Relationship Between Government Expenditure and Gdp in Canada
by Panayiotis C. Afxentiou & Apostolos Serletis - 334-346 The Search for Leviathan Revisited
by James B. Heil - 347-354 Optimal-Sized Tuition Tax Credits Reconsidered: Comment
by Donald E. Frey - 355-368 Education Budget Reductions Via Tax Credits: Some Further Considerations
by F. Martinello & E.G. West - 369-376 Demand and Supply Elasticities for Private Education: a Rejoinder
by Donald E. Frey
April 1991, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 123-146 Valuation of In-Kind Transfers and the Measurement of Poverty
by Edgar K. Browning - 147-165 The Structure of State and Local Government Production
by Paul R. Blackley & Larry DeBoer - 166-192 Economic Effects of Including Services in the Sales Tax Base: an Applied General Equilibrium Analysis
by Donald N. Baum - 193-208 Economies of Scope and Multiproduct Clubs
by Jan K. Brueckner & Kangoh Lee - 209-232 Intergovernmental Grants and the Demand for Local Educational Expenditures
by Michael F. Addonizio - 233-237 Product Quality and Taxation: a Reconciliation
by Cecil E. Bohanon & T. Norman Van Cott - 238-247 Product Quality Under Specific and Ad Valorem Taxation
by John Kay & Michael Keen
January 1991, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 3-21 The Long-Run Impact on Federal Tax Revenues and Capital Allocation of a Cut in the Capital Gains Tax Rate
by Patric H. Hendershott & Yunhi Won - 22-42 The Private Provision of Public Goods: a Perspective on Neutrality
by Todd Sandler & John Posnett - 43-66 The Cost-Benefit Analysis of Government Loams
by Robert J. Brent - 67-79 Rewards Versus Penalties: on a New Policy against Tax Evasion
by Josef Falkinger & Herbert Walther - 80-93 State Growth Rates: Taxes, Spending, and Catching Up
by Wei Yu & Myles S. Wallace & Clark Nardinelli - 94-108 A Comparative Analysis of Tax Progressivity in the United States: a Reexamination
by Donald W. Kiefer - 109-113 A Re-Reexamination of Comparative Tax Progressivity in the United States
by Kenneth V. Greene & Erol M. Balkan - 114-115 A Comparative Analysis of Tax Progressivity in the United States: a Further Comment
by Donald W. Kiefer
October 1990, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 371-394 Public Education via Exclusive Territories
by Edwin G. West - 395-419 Perceived Government Waste and Government Structure: an Empirical Examination of Competing Explanations
by Gary J. Reid - 420-432 Married Women's Labor Supply and the Marriage Penalty
by Deenie Kinder Neff - 433-453 Tax Amnesties and Tax Revenues
by James Alm & William Beck - 454-464 A Note on Private Corporate Investment and Effective Tax Rates
by Raghbendra Jha & Nisha Wadhwa - 465-479 The Distributive Effect of Expanding the Sales Tax
by Lung-Fai Wong & Joel Michael & Doug Wilson - 480-487 Tax Evasion and Monopoly Output Decisions with Endogenous Probability of Detection
by Leonard F.S. Wang - 488-491 Book Review : The Impact of Intergovernmental Grants on the Aggregate Public Sector. By Daniel P. Schwallie. Quorum Books, Greenwood Press, Inc., 1989
by Mary N. Gade
July 1990, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 259-272 The Tax Reform Act of 1986 and the Progressivity of the Individual income Tax
by Beth B. Kern - 273-290 Publicness, Scale, and Spillover Effects in Defense Spending
by Rodolfo A. Gonzalez & Stephen L. Mehay - 291-312 An Economic Comparison of Gambling behavior in Atlantic City and Las Vegas
by Mary O. Borg & Paul M. Mason & Stephen L. Shapiro - 313-327 The Impact of Federal and State Grants on Local Government Spending: a Test of the Fiscal Illusion Hypothesis
by Philip J. Grossman - 328-338 The Political Business Cycle and Republican Administrations: an Empirical Investigation
by David W. Findlay - 339-359 The Effect of Servicing the Public DEBT on Private Capital Formation
by Donald F. Vitaliano & Y.E. Mazeya - 360-368 The Feasibility of the Projected Federal DEBT
by Thomas J. Finn
April 1990, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 139-156 The Alaska Permanent Fund and Dividend Distribution Program
by J. Patrick O'Brien & Dennis O. Olson - 157-181 Micro-Based Examination of the Demand for Income-Redistribution Benefits
by Thomas A. Husted - 182-197 The Impact of Federal Income Taxes and Cash Transfers On the Distribution of Lifetime Household Income, 1969-1981
by John Fitzgerald & Tim Maloney - 198-220 Regulating Bureaucratic Polluters
by Randolph M. Lyon - 221-235 The Effect of Establishment and Firm Size On Public Wage Differentials
by Dale Belman & John S. Heywood - 236-255 Explaining Recent Declines in Afdc Participation
by Philip K. Robins
January 1990, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 3-24 The Average Tax Burden and the Welfare Implications of Global Tax Progressivity
by John P. Formby & W. James Smith & Paul D. Thistle - 25-46 The Effect of the Elimination of Sales Tax Deductibility on State Fiscal Decisions
by Janet G. Stotsky - 47-64 A Diagrammatic Representation of Inequality
by Thomas Stratmann - 65-76 Is a Consumption Tax Equivalent to a Wage Tax?
by Laurence S. Seidman - 77-91 Finite Horizons, Intertemporal Substitution, and Fiscal Policy
by David Alan Aschauer - 92-103 The Government Revenue-Expenditure Nexus: Evidence from a State
by David Joulfaian & Rajen Mookeriee - 104-113 Efficient Lobbying and Earmarked Taxes
by Mwangi S. Kimenyi & Dwight R. Lee & Robert D. Tollison - 114-122 Differential Effects of Taxation in Cournot and Bertrand Models of Duopoly: an Example
by Allen J. Scafuri - 123-134 A Public Choice Explanation for the Decline in Real income Transfers
by Christopher B. Colburn
October 1989, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 357-374 Capital Labor Substitution in Municipal Government
by Larrye Huckins - 375-390 Two-Stage Optimization, Tax Rates, and Saving: Some Time Series Evidence
by Timothy P. Roth - 391-408 Proposition 13 and Effective Property Tax Rates
by Michael Wiseman - 409-428 Measuring School District Performance
by Rolf Färe & Shawna Grosskopf & William L. Weber - 429-444 A Welfare-Theoretic Evaluation of Unemployment Insurance
by Jon R. Neill - 445-461 A Note On the Public Choice Approach To the Growth in Government Expenditure
by Jack Diamond
July 1989, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 243-263 The Effect of the 1986 Tax Act On Personal Interest Deductions
by James E. Long - 264-280 Government By Contract
by Donald J. Boudreaux & Randall G. Holcombe - 281-303 An Analysis of the Formation and Behavior of Partnerships
by Harry Watson - 304-322 The Efficacy of State and Local Governments' Redistributional Policies
by Kathy Hayes & Daniel J. Slottje - 323-348 A New View of the Incidence of the Property Tax: the Case of New Jersey
by Oskar Ragnar Harmon
April 1989, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 123-157 Federal Tex Reform and the Taxation of Urban Residents
by Andrew Reschovsky & Howard Chernick - 158-184 Modeling Interest-Group Campaign Contributions
by John H. Goddeeris - 185-203 Measuring the Effects of Federal Grants-in-Aid on Total Public Sector Size
by Daniel P. Schwallie - 204-215 Leviathan and Federalism in the United States
by Henry J. Raimondo - 216-226 Limitations of the with and without Principle in Benefit-Cost Analysis
by John G. Hof & Douglas B. Rideout - 227-235 Government DEBT, Immigration, and Durable Public Goods
by Michael A. Leeds
January 1989, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 3-27 The Return To Tax Simplification: an Econometric Analysis
by Joel Slemrod - 29-54 Technical Standards as Public Goods: Demand Incentives for Cooperative Behavior
by Sanford V. Berg - 55-83 The Medical Uninsured: a Case of Market Failure?
by David L. Cleeton - 84-95 Pay Differentials Between the Private and the Public Sector in the Netherlands
by M. Peter Van Der Hoek - 96-107 A Note On Congressional Military Pay Setting
by Larry DeBoer & B. Wade Brorsen - 108-118 Explaining Challengers' Campaign Expenditures: the Importance of Sunk Nontransferable Brand Name
by John R. Lott JR
October 1988, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 387-424 The Windfall Recapture Tax: Issues of Theory and Design
by George R. Zodrow - 425-438 The Optimal Size of the Tuition Tax Credit
by F. Martinello & E. G. West - 439-463 The Growth of Government under Different Redistributive Rules: A Long Term Study of the Italian Case
by Giorgio Brosio & Carla Marchese - 464-481 Free-Riding versus Paying under Uncertainty
by Vincy Fon - 482-492 Invariant Resource Supply and Tax Incidence in a Lifecycle Growth Model
by M. Kevin McGee - 493-507 Further Evidence on the Shifting of Corporate Income Tax in Privately Owned Electric Utilities, 1948–1984
by Bharat R. Kolluri
July 1988, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 259-283 Why Some States Adopt Lotteries and others Don'T
by John E. Filer & Donald L. Moak & Barry Uze - 284-300 The Effect of Local Administrative Stringency on the Provision of AFDC
by William F. Stine - 301-314 Measuring Regressivity of Excise Taxes: A Buyers Index
by John B. Loomis & Charles F. Revier - 315-329 The Political Economy of Taxation: Some Evidence for Canada
by André Blais & François Vaillancourt - 330-340 Hidden Tax Preferences and the Real Costs of Tuition Tax Credits
by Robert A. Blewett - 341-356 Long-Term Interest Rates: The Role of Expected Budget Deficits
by Lloyd B. Thomas Jr. & Ali Abderrezak - 357-373 Default Risk and the Effects of Fiscal Policy on Interest Rates: 1929–1945
by David Bowles & Holley Ulbrich & Myles Wallace - 374-384 Tax Rates, Deficits, and Intertemporal Efficiency
by David Alan Aschauer
April 1988, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 131-157 An Overview of the Contractarian Public Finance of James Buchanan
by Roger D. Congleton - 158-177 Location Choice and Urban Growth in a Rent-Seeking Society
by Bruce L. Benson & M. D. Faminow - 178-202 On Aggregate Measures of the Net Redistributive Impact of Taxation and Government Expenditure
by Peter J. Lambert & Wilhelm Pfähler - 203-218 Tax Effort as an Indicator of Fiscal Stress
by Earl D. Benson & Barry R. Marks & K. K. Raman - 219-243 Aggregate Business Failures and Federal Credit Activity
by Robert B. Archibald & Samuel H. Baker - 244-252 A New Measure of Fiscal Privilege
by A. Das-Gupta
January 1988, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 3-30 The Economic Evaluation of Food Stamps: An Intertemporal Analysis with Nonlinear Budget Constraints
by Alan S. Caniglia - 31-66 Compliance Costs and the Tax Avoidance-Tax Evasion Decision
by James Alm - 67-77 Shared Tax Sources in a Leviathan Model of Federalism
by Marilyn R. Flowers - 78-100 Growth of Government Expenditure: The Case of Canada
by Sohrab Abizadeh & Mahmood Yousefi - 101-128 The Impact of Recessions on Two-Parent Families: An Analysis of Earnings-Sensitivity by Family Income Class
by W. Rayack
October 1987, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 371-385 Commodity Taxation for Maximum Revenue
by John Kay & Michael Keen - 386-396 Tax Incentives and Charitable Giving: Evidence from New Survey Data
by Eleanor Brown - 397-416 A Comparative Analysis of Tax Progressivity in the United States
by Kenneth V. Greene & Erol M. Balkan - 417-427 Tax Incentives for Innovative Energy Sources: Extensions of E-K Complementarity
by G. Thomas Sav - 428-440 Revenue Potential of State Lotteries
by Mark Edward Stover - 441-459 Tax Effects on the Net Income of Wives in Dual-Earner Households, 1980–1983
by Rose M. Rubin & Bobye J. Riney & Todd Johansen - 460-471 Option Demand Revisited
by Michael Krashinsky - 472-499 Federal-State-Local Fiscal Relations: A Review of the Treasury Report
by Davide Wildasin
July 1987, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 235-258 Measuring the Sensitivity of Net Interest Paid to the Business Cycle and to Inflation
by Thomas M. Holloway - 259-281 Intercohort and Intracohort Redistribution under Old Age Insurance: The 1962–1972 Retirement Cohorts
by Charles W. Meyer & Nancy L. Wolff - 282-297 The Effect of Various Intergovernmental aid Types on Local Own-Source Revenues: The Case of Property Taxes in Minnesota Cities
by Michael E. Bell & John H. Bowman - 298-321 Basic Needs: Paternalistic Government Welfare Policy with Distortionary Taxation
by Thomas D. Birch - 322-338 A Theory of Intergovernmental Grants and their Effect on Aggregate Grantor-Recipient Spending
by Daniel P. Schwallie - 339-351 The Redistributive Effects of Lotteries: Evidence from Canada
by John R. Livernois - 352-365 An Alternative Measure of the Degree of Inequity in Assessed Values for Individual Properties: A Theoretical Perspective
by Melvin V. Borland
April 1987, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 123-137 On the Excess Burden of Tax Evasion
by Shlomo Yitzhaki - 138-165 The Benefit Incidence of Consumption Public Goods
by Daniel P. Hewitt - 166-187 On the Measurement of Tax Progressivity: Relative Share Adjustment
by Sandra R. Baum - 188-198 The Impact of Income Tax Progressivity On Tax Revenue
by William J. Hunter & Charles E. Scott - 199-218 Some Short-Run Microeconomic Effects of a Market Incentive Anti-Inflation Plan
by Kenneth Koford - 219-228 Fiscal Illusion and "Excessive" Budgets: Some Indirect Evidence
by John G. Cullis & Philip R. Jones
January 1987, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 5-25 The Incidence and Effects of Public Debt in the Absence of Fiscal Illusion
by James M. Buchanan & Jennifer Roback - 27-44 Who Benefits from Indexation?
by James Alm & Reuben A. Zubrow - 45-60 Alternative Local Public Education Expenditure Functions: An Econometric Evaluation
by Geoffrey K. Turnbull - 61-75 Outside Information and the Monopoly Power of a Public Bureau: An Empirical Analysis
by Stephen L. Mehay & Rodolfo A. Gonzalez - 76-97 Cost-Effective Redistribution: Implications of a Basic Needs Approach to Public Assistance
by Walter S. Misiolek & Harold W. Elder - 98-104 Joint Products and a Positive Response to a Profit Tax
by David Kreutzer & Dwight R. Lee - 105-115 Cost-Benefit Analysis in a Situation of Unemployment: Calculating the Decline in Unemployment as a Result of the Realization of a Government Project
by Thijs Zuidema
October 1986, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 371-393 Effects of Scale and Market Structure on the Costs of Residential Solid Waste Collection in Canadian Cities
by Glen Tickner & James C. Mcdavid - 394-414 The Community Influence on Corporate Contributions
by Katherine Maddox Mcelroy & John J. Siegfried