2024, Issue 1-2
- 3-8 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 9-39 Il ruolo del "private enforcement" per la piena attuazione delle regole di tutela della concorrenza. Grandi aspettative a confronto con la realtà
by Vincenzo Meli - 41-79 Il merito del «sui meriti»: indagine sulla giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia
by Cristoforo Osti - 81-100 Gli enti territoriali e l'approntamento delle infrastrutture autostradali
by Giulio Rivellini - 101-121 I costi fissi: il capitolo mancante nella «storia» della doppia marginalizzazione
by Pierluigi Sabbatini - 123-150 ITA Airways e le «nozze» con Lufthansa: via col vento (ovvero il canto dell’odio)?
by Agenore Giacco & Lorenzo Stecchetti - 151-174 Fondi Sovrani e concorrenza sleale nello sport
by Mario Passaretta - 175-224 Il rischio sistemico ESG delle attività della FinTech
by Vito Bevivino & Gabriella Gimigliano - 225-249 Le aziende FinTech e il «rischio» di contagio nel mercato finanziario: un modello epidemico
by Lucianna Cananà & Paolo Pardolesi - 251-262 "The times they are a-changin’?" Le pratiche aggressive di Amazon sanzionate dall’AGCM (con alcune linee d’ombra)
by Francesco Petrocelli - 263-274 Antitrust e disuguaglianze. Replica ai commenti
by Andrea Boitani & Andrea Pezzoli - 275-304 La protezione dei cavi sottomarini fra intervento pubblico e interesse alla libertà dei mari
by Francesca Martini - 305-317 Le clausole di parità di prezzo al vaglio della Corte di giustizia nel caso "Booking". Verso un «less economic approach» per l’allocazione dell’onere della prova?
by Nicolò Muciaccia - 319-320 Notizie sui collaboratori di questo numero
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole
2023, Issue 3
- 359-364 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 365-390 The Role of the Agcm in Promoting Sustainability
by Elisabetta Iossa & Francesca Mattonai - 391-422 Dalle tariffe dei voli insulari durante le festività all’intera economia. La rocambolesca genesi della market investigation all’italiana
by Marco Cappai - 423-442 Winter 2023-’24 and the Curious Case of Fast-Depleting European Natural Gas Stocks
by Domenicantonio De Giorgio - 443-468 The Abuse of Economic Dependence in Digital Markets
by Susanna Lopopolo - 469-486 La Corte Costituzionale e la cultura antitrust. A proposito di due recenti pronunce in tema di servizi di mobilità non di linea
by Anna Argentati - 487-508 Superleague. Il canto di Natale della Corte di giustizia
by Roberto Pardolesi & Cristoforo Osti - 509-524 Wolf in sheep's clothing: the deceptive neutrality of chatGPT
by Umberto Nizza - 525-526 Notizie sui collaboratori di questo numero
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole
2023, Issue 1-2
- 5-10 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 11-18 Su «Mercato Concorrenza Regole»
by Giovanni Pitruzzella - 19-48 Antitrust: Should Contrasting Inequalities Be a Forthright Objective or a «Conscientious» Externality of Competition Enforcement?
by Andrea Boitani & Andrea Pezzoli - 49-76 When Competition and Its Protection Benefit Workers
by Valeria Caforio & Mariateresa Maggiolino - 77-116 The (Inscrutable?) Appeal of Non-Fungible Tokens, between Market Dynamics and Digital Property Rights
by Andrea Giannaccari - 117-138 Energy Communities and Legal Forms of Business Organisation
by Riccardo Piselli - 139-146 Antitrust patibolare? Anche no
by Roberto Pardolesi - 147-156 Dagli Appennini alle Ande: divagazioni su concorrenza e meritocrazia
by Cristoforo Osti - 157-164 Un antitrust contro Riccolandia? L’opinione de minimis di un consumer lawyer
by Stefano Pagliantini - 165-178 Considerazioni critiche su esternalità consapevoli e confini istituzionali del diritto della concorrenza. La lotta alla disuguaglianza come effetto diretto e indiretto dell’azione antitrust
by Antonio Davola & Fabrizio Esposito - 179-202 The Course of Liquefied Natural Gas Infrastructures. A Reflection on the Urgent Need to Invest in New Lng Terminals
by Tommaso Salonico - 203-222 Health, Food Security, Land: Limits and Boundaries for a Proportionate Protection Strategy
by Luca Arnaudo - 223-242 Enhancing Corporate Compliance through Carrots Rather Than Sticks: The Legality Rating System
by Ombretta Main - 243-300 The Advocacy Function of the Italian Competition Authority
by Gabriele Mazzantini - 301-312 Il caso Super Bock: verso la rule of reason (euro-unitaria) degli accordi verticali di prezzo minimo?
by Andrea Giannaccari - 313-332 Il caso Superlega. Dal monopolio delle federazioni sportive al monopolio del mercato?
by Anna Argentati - 333-352 Redistributive Efficiency and «Optional Law»: Law and Economics in the Italian Civil Code
by Martina Troisi & Luca Micheli - 353-354 Notizie sui collaboratori di questo numero
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole
2022, Issue 3
- 451-456 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 457-490 Vertical Agreements in the Digital Age: The 2022 EU Regulatory Framework
by Ginevra Bruzzone - 491-522 Prohibition, Permission, and Persuasion. Travel Notes in Contemporary Regulation
by Fabrizio Cafaggi - 523-544 The Ephemeral Antitrust. A Bank Path
by Gianni Colangelo - 545-566 Maritime Concessions and Circularity Defects: Looking for a (New) Right of First Refusal
by Andrea Giannaccari - 567-584 Public Administration: Procedural Rules and Efficiency
by Alberto Heimler - 585-610 The Antitrust (Residual) Regulation of U.S. Labor Markets
by Lorenzo G. Luisetto - 611-620 Contrordine, gatekeepers: il Tar sospende gli obblighi di neutralità imposti ad Amazon dall’Agcm
by Francesco Petrocelli - 621-638 Consumer Contracts and Standardizationa and Personalization: To Hell and Back
by Antonio Davola & Roberto Pardolesi - 639-660 Data Access at the Crossroad of Gdpr, Competition Law and the Dma: A Mirrors’ Game
by Cecilia Carli - 661-662 Notizie sui collaboratori di questo numero
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole
2022, Issue 2
- 231-235 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 237-270 An Attempted Murder of Italian Competition Law? The Timing of Antitrust Proceedings in the Strict Interpretation of Italian Administrative Judges
by Federico Ghezzi - 271-290 Corporate Governance and the Governance of Artificial intelligence
by Maria Lillà Montagnani - 291-322 A Crisis Waiting to Happen. An Economic Analysis of the Italian National Health System after the Pandemics
by Mario Noera & Marco Onado - 323-334 Long live to Ttf! Speculation and market structure in the European gas crisis
by Bernardo Bortolotti & Domenicantonio De Giorgio & Andrea Paltrinieri - 335-351 The Italian Antitrust Authority’s Fine on Poste Italiane for Abuse of Economic Dependence: The First Step towards «Back to Future»?
by Cecilia Carli - 353-379 The Fba Amazon Case between Tying Conduct and Self-Preferencing (I Wish I Could but I Can’t!)
by Francesco Petrocelli - 381-390 Buoni Fruttiferi Postali: trasparenza, obblighi di comunicazione e pratica commerciale scorretta
by Susanna Lopopolo - 391-424 First Remarks on the New Italian Leniency Discipline after the Transposition of the Eu Directive n. 1 of 2019
by Cristina Lo Surdo - 425-444 30 Years of Competition Law Enforcement in Italy: Anticompetitive Agreements
by Clara Calini - 445-446 Notizie sui collaboratori di questo numero
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole
2022, Issue 1
- 3-8 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 9-49 Public Procurement and Bid Rigging: Corruption, Cartels, and Organized Crime in the Decisions of the Italian Supreme Court
by Elisabetta Iossa & Biancamaria Raganelli & Federica Marconi - 51-84 «Parallel Markets», Balance in Relationships and Prospect of Efficiency
by Giovanna Ginex - 85-121 «What’s Past Is Prologue?» The European Antitrust to the Test of «Necessities»
by Gustavo Ghidini & Maria Bianca Armiento - 123-142 The General Court’s Renvoi Judgment Closing the Loop Within the Intel Saga. What’s Next For The As-Efficient-Competitor Test?
by Cecilia Carli - 143-162 The (Visible) Fil Rouge Between Competition Restrictive Agreement and the Downstream Contracts
by Maria Barela - 163-176 «Downstream» Omnibus Guarantees Based on an Anticompetitive «Upstream» Agreement: Old and New Issues
by Marta Magliulo - 177-190 L’abuso di dipendenza economica al vaglio dell’Agcm: i casi Poste Italiane, Benetton e McDonald’s
by Susanna Lopopolo - 191-208 The Case of Unilever Under the Spotlight of the Court of Justice (Alias the Fine Line Between Use and Abuse of Distribution Agreements)
by Elisabetta Cecchet - 209-223 30 Years of Competition Law Enforcement in Italy: Abuse of a Dominant Position
by Clara Beatrice Calini - 225-226 Notizie sui collaboratori di questo numero
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole
2021, Issue 3
- 429-436 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 437-471 The New Antitrust Class Action?
by Giorgio Afferni - 473-500 The Eu Regulation for Digital Markets: Ratio, Pitfalls, and Possible Evolution
by Antonio Manganelli - 501-532 Dma: Digital Markets Act or Digital Markets Armistice?
by Michele Polo & Antonio Sassano - 533-550 The Autostrade Come Full Circle: From the State to the Market, and Back
by Carlo Scarpa - 551-560 Selecting the Counterpart for Public-to-Private Technology Transfer. Awaiting for the «Bureaucratic» Transition of the Rrp
by Massimiliano Granieri - 561-580 A Compass to Navigate Out of the Storm. The Enforcement Activity of the Italian Competition Authority During the Covid-19 Emergency
by Veronica Piccolo - 581-591 À la guerre comme à la guerre. Concessioni demaniali marittime, Adunanza plenaria e procedure selettive (al 2023?)
by Andrea Giannaccari - 593-610 Trucks Cartel: A New All-Italian Chapter
by Susanna Lopopolo - 611-639 The Professional Associations in Italy: Measurement and Effects of the Regulation
by Sauro Mocetti & Giacomo Roma - 641-642 Notizie sui collaboratori di questo numero
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole
2021, Issue 2
- 201-204 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 205-231 The Interplay between Regulation and Competition Law Enforcement: The «28-Day Billing» Case in the Telecom Sector
by Antonio Manganelli - 233-235 The «Sorrows» of Antitrust Damages
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 237-254 Il danno antitrust. In risposta al prezioso invito di Roberto Pardolesi
by Andrea Montanari - 255-273 Danno antitrust (ancora e sempre) in cerca d’identità
by Roberto Pardolesi - 275-290 Adversus dogmaticos: la post-pandettistica alla prova del diritto della concorrenza
by Cristoforo Osti - 291-306 L’illecito antitrust nella prospettiva della crisi. Riflessioni a margine del «Danno antitrust» di Andrea Montanari
by Maria Barela - 307-341 The Italian Marine Concessions: A History of Defective Competition
by Andrea Giannaccari - 343-366 Lessons from a Pandemic: On Shared Development and Equal Access to Essential Cures and Vaccines
by Luca Arnaudo & Cinzia Caporale & Enrico Costa & Franco Locatelli & Nicola Magrini - 367-384 Public Contracts: Derogate from the Rules or Teach How to Respect Them?
by Francesco Decarolis & Alberto Heimler - 385-394 La decisione della Corte Suprema nel caso Google v. Oracle. Il copyright alla prova della concorrenza dinamica
by Gabriele Bernardini & Oscar Borgogno - 395-422 Still on Uber: The Dilemma of the Judge and the Inertia of the Legislator
by Samuel Scandola - 423-424 Notizie sui collaboratori di questo numero
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole
2021, Issue 1
- 3-7 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 9-53 Company Crisis and Competition Law
by Mario Libertini - 55-78 Numquam nega, raro adfirma: The «Renewed» State Intervention in the Economy
by Michela Passalacqua - 79-96 Fiat , Torino to Paris Via Detroit, Trajectory of a Dynasty
by Salvatore Bragantini - 97-112 Big G and the French Dispute on Online Contents – Interim Measures, Not Antitrust Unicorns (Anymore)!
by Cecilia Carli - 113-125 4-Week Billing: A Behavioural Antitrust Analysis
by Luigi Di Gaetano - 127-146 He Seeketh Proportionality, Which Is So Dear..
by Marco Onado - 147-155 La sentenza della Corte di Giustizia sul caso Tercas
by Anna Argentati - 157-174 Surveillance and Commitments with Regard to the Single National Network. A Match for Two
by Fabrizio Dalle Nogare - 175-194 Matters of Priorities: The E cn + Directive and the Competition Authority’s Discretion in Selecting Cases
by Giulia Codacci Pisanelli - 195-196 Notizie sui collaboratori
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole
2020, Issue 3
- 433-437 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 439-470 Public Interest in EU Competition Law
by Vincenzo Meli - 471-506 Il ritorno dello Stato salvatore. Nuovi paradigmi (post Covid ) nel rapporto fra Stato e mercato?
by Vittorio Minervini - 507-537 Facebook and the «Konditionenmissbrauch» Sins
by Roberto Pardolesi & Roger van den Bergh & Franziska Weber - 539-579 And then there Were None. Agatha Christie, the Italian Southern Banking System and the Banca Popolare di Bari
by Marco Onado - 581-597 Antitrust in crisis. National Exceptions to the Ordinary Assessment of Mergers during Pandemic
by Anna Argentati - 599-607 La contesa Mediaset-Vivendi tra libertà di stabilimento e pluralismo informativo. Tanto tuonò che piovve
by Andrea Giannaccari - 609-616 A Story of Crumbled Seeds
by Antonio Iannarelli - 617-656 From the Code of the Enterprise Crisis and Insolvency to the Emergency Discipline Covid -19: The Need for Market Intervention
by Edgardo Ricciardiello - 657-658 Note sui collaboratori
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole
2020, Issue 2
- 231-234 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 235-252 Concorrenza e giustizia sociale
by Marco D'Alberti - 253-280 Camere di commercio, borse merci, Cun, rilevazioni e definizioni di prezzi. Una guida per diventare perplessi
by Luca Arnaudo - 281-303 L’amministrazione «diversamente» pubblica e la selezione del contraente. Il nodo dei contratti di ricerca, sviluppo e trasferimento di tecnologia
by Massimiliano Granieri & Roberto Pardolesi - 305-331 La saga Alitalia e il mantello dello Stato salvatore
by Agenore Giacco & Lorenzo Stecchetti - 333-370 Bail-in, diritti dei creditori e Convenzione europea
by Pierre de Gioia Carabellese - 371-402 Intelligenza artificiale e processi decisionali. La responsabilità degli amministratori di società
by Rosa Maria Agostino - 403-409 Facebook e l’abuso da sfruttamento al vaglio del Bundesgerichtshof
by Andrea Giannaccari - 411-426 Il danno antitrust: prescrizione e valore probatorio delle decisioni di accettazione degli impegni
by Gianluca Faella & Valerio Cosimo Romano - 427-428 Notizie sui collaboratori di questo numero
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole
2020, Issue 1
- 3-6 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 9-33 Large Hydroelectric Derivation Concessions: Perspectives for the Market and Public Sector Undertakings
by Anna Argentati - 35-55 Abuse of a Dominant Position and Absence of Domain: The Ryanair Case
by Maria Barela - 57-71 Towards the Reshape of the Large Retail Chains: The Conad-Auchan Merger
by Andrea Giannaccari - 73-98 Banking Crisis Regulation after the General Court’s Ruling in Tercas
by Vittorio Minervini - 99-118 Foreign Investments Control and Antitrust: A Marriage to Be Done
by Luciano Di Via & Leone Pasquale - 119-137 Governmental Control on Foreign Investments in Italy in a Pre and Post Covid 19 Scenario
by Luciano Vasques - 139-155 Competition Policy in the Times of Virus and a New Legitimacy for Public Intervention
by Andrea Pezzoli - 157-162 Covid-19 e failing firm defence: l’operazione Amazon/ Deliveroo
by Andrea Giannaccari - 163-194 Something in the Air: For an Integrated Approach to Air Quality Regulation in Italy and in Europe
by Massimiliano Granieri & Marialuisa Volta - 195-205 The Delicate Relationship between Antitrust Nullity and «Downstream» Contracts: The Competence of the Business Tribunal
by Stefano Bastianon - 207-223 Of Elevators and Financing, and Damages «Outside the Umbrella», I Sing
by Cecilia Carli - 225-226 Notizie sui collaboratori di questo numero
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole
2019, Issue 3
- 389-393 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 395-433 Art. 16(1), Regulation n. 1/2003: un revirement nécessaire
by Gabriele Carovano - 435-473 FinTech and Financial Regulation: Main Regulatory Issues and Proposals for an Optimal Regulation of the Phenomenon
by Eugenia Macchiavello - 475-483 The CoVid-19 pandemic outbreak: The precautionary principle and institutional failures
by Marcello Basili - 485-490 CoVid-19 Ephidemic: A case of tragic choices?
by Matteo Rizzolli - 491-512 The Impact of the rules on relationships between companies and stakeholders on the market
by Guglielmo Bevivino - 513-535 Industrial Organisation and Public Policy in the Water Sector
by Alfredo Macchiati & Pierpaolo Perna & Francesco Tucci - 537-545 Verso il 5G a stelle e strisce: la concentrazione T-Mobile/Sprint
by Andrea Giannaccari - 547-577 The Adoption of a Eu Regulatory Sandbox on the Way to RegTech 3.0
by Brando Maria Cremona - 579-580 Notizie sui collaboratori di questo numero
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole
2019, Issue 2
- 191-194 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 195-218 Antitrust in the Time of Facebook
by Cristoforo Osti & Roberto Pardolesi - 219-250 The Art of (trade) War on China: Chinese Offensive and Western Defenses
by Bruno Paolo Amicarelli - 251-272 Grow on Markets and Platforms: Small Medium Enterprises between Rules and Industrial Policy
by Francesco Vella - 273-292 Facebook, between Privacy and Antitrust: (Not Just) an American Story
by Andrea Giannaccari - 293-314 Free Flow of Data – at the Crossroad between Protection of Personal Data and Promotion of a European Artificial Intelligence
by Maria Lillà Montagnani - 315-336 Big Data Collection and Sharing: What Are the Effects on Collusion?
by Stefano Colombo & Aldo Pignataro - 337-342 Corte Suprema Us: Apple, «App Store» e responsabilità antitrust nei confronti degli acquirenti (diretti)
by Andrea Giannaccari - 343-352 Nefarious Algorithm?
by Annachiara Mastrorilli - 353-382 Algorithms, «Verifiability» of Automated Processing of Personal Data and Trade Secrets in the European Union
by Giulia Schneider - 383-384 Notizie sui collaboratori di questo numero
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole
2019, Issue 1
- 3-8 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 9-30 The «Invisible Hand» and Antitrust between Science and Myth
by Antonio Cucinotta - 31-56 How Much Do We Gain from Antitrust Enforcement? An Assessment from 3 Different Perspectives
by Pierluigi Sabbatini - 57-80 Antitrust Analysis of Two-Sided Platforms: The Scenario After the AmEx Case
by Oscar Borgogno & Giuseppe Colangelo - 81-94 Hipster Antitrust and Tectonic Upheavals: «Back to the Future»?
by Roberto Pardolesi - 95-124 Why the Agcm Cannot Raise a Question of Constitutionality. The Lack of a Judge-Like Impartiality and the Inadequacy of the «Vertical» Debate
by Annalisa D'Urbano - 125-148 Shared Enforcement of the European Regulation Facing Political Accountability: Italy and the Common Fisheries Policy
by Federica Cacciatore & Mariolina Eliantonio - 149-156 Apple, obsolescenza tecnologica (programmata) e diritti dei consumatori
by Andrea Giannaccari - 157-162 Corte di giustizia Ue, tutela della concorrenza e principio del «ne bis in idem»
by Andrea Giannaccari - 163-184 Collusive Algorithms and European Antitrust Law
by Pietro Manzini - 185-186 Notizie sui collaboratori di questo numero
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole
2018, Issue 3
- 391-396 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 397-418 Big (Digital): Is it Really Bad?
by Cecilia Carli - 419-440 Apple Sate Aid Case and the Like
by Marco Boccaccio - 441-466 Banks and new Competitive Scenario: FinTech, the Open Banking Paradigm and the Threat of Big Tech Companies
by Anna Argentati - 467-486 OFCOM Sanctions Royal Mail for Abuse of Dominance. Good First?
by Cecilia Carli & Roberto Pardolesi - 487-514 The Judicial Review of Antitrust Fines: A Swing Between Technical and Methodological Discretionality
by Angelo Castaldo & Marco Grantaliano & Nicola M.F. Faraone - 515-536 Information, Capital Market Union and Private Placement
by Carlo Emanuele Pupo - 537-546 Siae, gestione collettiva dei diritti e monopolio al vaglio antitrust
by Andrea Giannaccari - 547-554 Relevant Market in The Maritime Freight Transport Service: A Note on the Agcm Measure N. A487 of March 23rd, 2018
by Marco Percoco - 555-590 The Saving Betrayed, Between General Regulation and Special Rules
by Nicoletta Michieli - 591-592 Notizie sui collaboratori di questo numero
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole
2018, Issue 2
- 193-198 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 199-222 The Nature of Markets, Behavioral Economics and Antitrust
by Antonio Cucinotta - 223-247 Data Portability and Regulation of Digital Markets
by Maurizio Borghi - 247-268 How Many Days Are There in a Month?
by Paolo Lupi & Antonio Perrucci - 269-298 The Struggle for a Legal Model Regarding Gas Distribution: A Comparison with England and France
by Piergiorgio Novaro - 299-316 Il caso Avastin-Lucentis alla prova della Corte di Giustizia
by Margherita Colangelo & Mariateresa Maggiolino - 317-342 Abuse of Regulation in the Energy Law
by Marco Q. Silvi - 343-384 The Development of Infrastructure Competition and Regulation of Oligopolies in Electronic Communications Markets
by Felipe Florez Duncan & Roberto Alimonti & Sumit Sharma - 385-386 Notizie sui collaboratori di questo numero
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole
2018, Issue 1
- 3-8 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 9-26 Unfair terms and abusive exploitation
by Alessandro Palmieri & Roberto Pardolesi - 27-74 Islamic banking system of the Arab Gulf States. Regulation, supervision and relations with the European Union
by Sandra Antoniazzi - 75-88 The Court of Justice and the (Re)wind of online selective distribution: The Coty Germany case
by Maria Casoria & Roberto Pardolesi - 89-110 Nudging towards Vaccination
by Giovanni Pascuzzi