2018, Issue 1
- 111-140 Universities and technology transfer. Reconsidering the Professor's Privilege Rule seventeen years later its implementation
by Marianna Capitti - 141-148 Monopolio e prezzo eccessivo: oltre la tutela della concorrenza?
by Annachiara Mastrorilli - 149-158 Costi minimi nell'autotrasporto merci e art. 41 Cost.: continuità o innovazione?
by Anna Argentati - 159-186 A Comparison of F/Rand licensing between Us, Eu and China: Towards a Private Ordering solution?
by Oscar Borgogno - 187-188 Notizie sui collaboratori di questo numero
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole
2017, Issue 3
- 419-424 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 425-434 The Constitutional Court and Competition
by Giuliano Amato - 435-450 À l'économie comme à la guerre. Remarks on golden powers, competition, and geoeconomics
by Luca Arnaudo - 451-478 Waves of commitments - and disengagement - in Italian antitrust. Behave, if you can..
by Carlo Scarpa - 479-494 Now it is Intel against everybody: the Court of Justice's unanswered questions
by Cecilia Carli - 495-526 Contract law, financial markets and global crisis. Cause for reflection on a legal glocalization
by Federico Onnis Cugia - 527-546 Zero rating: European Nras Decisions and Net Neutrality Challenges. Introduction and Overview
by Carlo Edoardo Cazzato & Stefano De Luca - 547-582 «The times are a-changing»: For a renewed approach on fidelity discounts
by Chiara Muraca - 583-624 The process of centralization of public purchases: Regulatory evolution and empirical evidence
by Lorenzo Castellani & Francesco Decarolis & Gabriele Rovigatti
2017, Issue 2
- 209-214 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 215-248 Payment cards systems and two-sided markets: the MasterCard and American Express judgements
by Giuseppe Colangelo & Mariateresa Maggiolino - 249-272 How much do insurance institutions risk?
by Giulia Giordano & Francesco Vella - 273-306 Patents and injuctions in high technology industries. A comparative perspective
by Valerio Torti - 307-332 The Big Data antitrust story: theoretical approaches and the first enforcement cases
by Andrea Giannaccari - 333-356 Collusion in procurement: The case «CONSIP - pulizia delle scuole»
by Pierluigi Sabbatini - 357-378 Comparison Websites in the Insurance Market: What Rules?
by Donatella Porrini - 379-384 Il caso STX France/Fincantieri: «l'Europe c'est moi (?)»
by Andrea Giannaccari - 385-398 Abuse of tax law, competition and market
by Mario Miscali - 399-412 Creation of the group of cooperative banks in Italy and antitrust merger control regulation
by Luciano Vasques
2017, Issue 1
- 3-8 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 9-36 Private and Public Enforcement in the Aftermath of the Transposition of the Damages Directive
by Ginevra Bruzzone & Aurora Saija - 37-60 Coase, Hayek and the Classical Conception of Competition
by Antonio Cucinotta - 61-78 Taxi, Ncc, Uber: Final Clash or Dawn of Coexistence?
by Andrea Boitani & Stefano Colombo - 79-104 Notaries: public officers or private professionals? Evidence from a randomized experiment
by Luciano Lavecchia & Carlo Stagnaro - 105-116 Brennercom vs. Telecom: atto secondo
by Cecilia Carli - 117-142 Utilità macroeconomica (ma non solo) dell'istituzione notariato
by Cesare Licini & Giovanni Liotta - 143-148 In tema di private enforcement: sulla rotta giusta?
by Andrea Giannaccari - 149-168 Was the Commission right, or (actually) not?
by Cecilia Carli - 169-202 Markets Regulation and Supervision: The Role of ISVAP/IVASS
by Maria Lucia Passador
2016, Issue 3
- 419-424 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 425-460 Big data, digital platforms and antitrust
by Giuseppe Colangelo - 461-478 The Single supervisory mechanism: from theory to practice
by Benedetto Brancoli Busdraghi - 479-498 On just price, between Aquino and Aspen
by Luca Arnaudo & Roberto Pardolesi - 499-514 La riforma della distribuzione del gas naturale: i primi 15 anni e i rischi di un eterno transitorio
by Claudia Checchi - 515-538 Software and hardware: «individually together»? A polyhedral reconstruction of the Deroo-Blanquart/Sony case
by Cecilia Carli - 539-548 Farmaci, prezzi iniqui, concorrenza: il caso Aspen
by Margherita Colangelo - 549-560 Abuso di dipendenza economica: la prima volta dell'Autorità
by Chiara Medici - 561-566 The gas distribution reform: the first 15 years and the risk of a never ending story
by Gabriele Mazzantini - 567-578 Sharing economy before the administrative court. The case of non-hotel accommodation services
by Anna Argentati - 579-602 Dipendenza economica e potere della domanda nel diritto spagnolo
by Carmen Estevan De Quesada
2016, Issue 2
- 211-216 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 217-248 Farewell Utopia? Why The European Union Should Take The Economics Of Federalism Seriously
by Roger van den Bergh - 249-278 Getting closer: patent settlements in the US and in the EU after the Servier case
by Claudia Desogus - 279-288 The Monopolist Leviathan
by Valerio Cosimo Romano - 289-312 Search neutrality between regulation and abuse of dominant position
by Massimiliano Granieri & Valeria Falce - 313-328 In vino Auctoritas. The Wine Industry between consortia and co-opetition
by Luca Arnaudo - 329-338 L'autonomia dei programmi di clemenza in Europa: la sentenza DHL
by Emma Salemme - 339-344 Un'Autorità per giuristi?
by Alfredo Macchiati - 345-372 State Aid rules and renewal of Italian state-owned television (Rai) concession
by Luciano Vasques - 373-386 How banking crises will be addressed in the Banking Union?
by Virginia Giglio - 387-400 The potential infringements of competition law in the collection of local practices concerning the real estate agency services
by Gianluca Scaramuzzino - 401-411 Competition Regulation in the Arab Gulf States
by Maria Casoria
2016, Issue 1
- 3-6 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 7-34 Antitrust, Competition Policy, and Inequality
by Jonathan B. Baker & Steven C. Salop - 35-58 Competition and Market Costs
by Antonio Cucinotta - 59-78 From convergence between digital and energy markets' regulation the evolution of the species: the «hyper-connected» consumer
by Fabiana Di Porto - 79-108 Apple, Amazon and e-books: an illegal, procompetitive, story
by Andrea Giannaccari - 109-140 The bailouts of Italian banks and the European Antitrust
by Anna Argentati - 141-144 Alla volta dell'Antitrust
by Roberto Pardolesi - 145-166 Tavola rotonda su J.B. Baker e S.C. Salop, Antitrust, politica della concorrenza e disuguaglianza
by Giuliano Amato & Roberto Pardolesi & Antonio Nicita & Cristoforo Osti & Pierluigi Sabbatini - 167-180 Pratica restrittiva della concorrenza e prescrizione
by Chiara Medici - 181-204 L'abuso di potere negoziale nella Grande Distribuzione Organizzata. Un paradigma a geometria variabile
by Cecilia Carli
2015, Issue 3
- 39-404 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 405-422 Peer to peer businesses, regulation and competition
by John Fingleton & David Stallibrass - 423-440 Post-expiration royalties after Kimble: An antitrust and Ip analysis
by Giuseppe Colangelo & Eleonora Pierucci - 441-474 No one can judge me ... or: The financial fair-play and the peculiar Striani case
by Stefano Bastianon - 475-484 Faraway, so close: proprietà intellettuale ed essential facility in Cina (e altrove...)
by Giuseppe Colangelo & Roberto Pardolesi - 485-512 The Italian Antitrust Authority's Guidelines on the method of setting fines: A good, or nearly good, first take
by Luigi Nascimbene & Alessandro Bardanzellu - 513-524 Low cost e dominio (abusato?) dei cieli
by Anna Lisa Bitetto - 525-538 Ipse dixit (Brulotte): Post-expiration royalties between contractual freedom and antitrust analysis
by Cecilia Carli - 539-560 Interlocking directorates: still an issue?
by Rosella Creatini & Ombretta Main
2015, Issue 2
- 213-216 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 217-244 Apple v. Samsung: A Law and Economics Perspective of the Entire Profit Rule
by Giuseppe Colangelo & Eleonora Pierucci - 245-278 The case for regulating the sharing economy
by Guido Smorto - 279-290 The decline of Italian Telecommunications
by Sandro Frova - 291-314 Dominant mass media and advertising caps
by Andrea Mangani - 315-336 Deposit guarantee schemes and banking crisis: is there State aid?
by Anna Argentati - 337-344 Private enforcement: il cuore (del giudice) oltre l'ostacolo?
by Maria Casoria - 345-362 Whistleblowing: The words and the things
by Luca Arnaudo - 363-391 Payment cards between antitrust and regulation
by Andrea Minuto Rizzo
2015, Issue 1
- 3-8 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 9-40 Public-Private Partnerships in the Motorways Sector in Lombardy: Expectations, Rules and Market
by Oliviero Baccelli - 41-84 Italian Competition Authority and Constitutional Court: the Dialogue in the Time of the Crisis
by Anna Argentati - 85-106 French State's Crash Exemplified by Its Road Sector Policy
by Philippe Cossalter - 107-132 Political Origin and Evolution of Corporate Governance
by Sergio Di Nola & Massimiliano Vatiero - 133-140 Nuove tecnologie per il mitridatismo regolamentare: il caso Uber Pop
by Valerio Cosimo Romano - 141-180 Exchange of informations and antitrust in the United States and in the European Union
by Luciano Vasques - 181-206 Public Procurement: Enforcement of the Rules and the Extent of Judicial Control. Is There Room for Efficiency Considerations?
by Alberto Heimler - 207-207 Errata corrige
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole
2014, Issue 3
- 389-392 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 393-434 The More Economic Approach in European Competition Law: Is More Too Much or Not Enough?
by Roger Van Den Bergh & Andrea Giannaccari - 435-488 Waiting for Huawei Technologies: Standards, SEPs and F/Rand Commitments
by Giuseppe Colangelo - 489-502 Luxurious Drugs and Low-Cost Medicaments
by Annachiara Mastrorilli - 503-560 The Protection of Competition in the Italian Constitution
by Mario Libertini - 561-570 «Pay for delay» nel settore farmaceutico: il caso Lundbeck
by Andrea Giannaccari - 571-590 The Liability of Credit Rating Agencies: A Contractual Solution
by Alessio M. Pacces & Alessandro Romano & Angela Troisi
2014, Issue 2
- 197-200 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 201-240 The antitrust fines in the enforcement practice: going to the grief wracked city
by Andrea Giannaccari & Camilla Landi - 241-264 New frontiers for competition advocacy and the potential role of competition authorities in competition impact assessment
by Nicoletta Rangone - 265-282 The price of pharmaceutical products in Italy. On some recent trends
by Fabio Pammolli & Gianluca Baio & Armando Rungi - 283-310 The Usual Suspects: a Story of Liberalizations and Abuses
by Gianluca Faella - 311-328 Esselunga v. Coop Estense and the supermarkets war: the abuse of dominant position as abuse of right
by Stefano Bastianon - 329-354 Regional rail transport: travelling towards competition?
by Simona Benedettini & Carlo Stagnaro - 355-364 Il patent linkage nel settore farmaceutico e nell'ordinamento italiano
by Luca Arnaudo - 365-382 Parent Company Liability for the Antitrust Infringements of Subsidiaries
by Maria Casoria
2014, Issue 1
- 3-8 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 9-24 The intellectual roots of «law and economics»
by Franco Romani - 25-68 Competition and the local needs in public procurement
by Francesco Decarolis & Cristina Giorgiantonio - 69-100 The regulation of the pharmaceutical retail market in the light of recent liberalization measures
by Gaetano Molica - 101-116 The European electricity market killed in its cot: short story of the Cronus of Brussels
by Alfredo Macchiati & Carlo Scarpa - 117-138 Competition, regulation and auctions: The case of local public transport
by Gian Luigi Albano & Alberto Heimler & Marco Ponti - 139-148 La concentrazione Microsoft-Skype (vs Facebook- WhatsApp?). Ovvero una guerra per bande alle spalle delle Telcos
by Andrea Giannaccari - 149-190 Internet and the protection of published news contents: an overview on possible solutions
by Silvia Scalzini
2013, Issue 3
- 425-428 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 429-448 Lack of defence of the undertakings involved in antitrust follow on action. The «war» inside the Italian Supreme Court
by Aldo Frignani - 449-472 Lack of defence of the undertakings involved in antitrust follow on action and compliance with the Italian constitutional principles
by Luciano Vasques - 473-501 Minimal stories on antitrust fines: crime and (which) punishment?
by Andrea Giannaccari - 501-532 Antitrust law and judicial review
by Luisa Torchia - 533-540 Gli aiuti sardi all'industria alberghiera. Una brutta figura italiana
by Alice Pisapia - 541-570 Google and the market of search engines
by Vincenzo Visco Comandini - 571-605 Government Guarantees and the European Model of Financial Assistance to Member States
by Fabio Bassan & Carlo Domenico Mottura
2013, Issue 2
- 1-8 Ronald H. Coase (1910-2013)
by Giuliano Amato & Antonio Nicita - 231-236 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 237-266 Sconti fedeltà tra approccio economico e danno per il consumatore
by Danilo Samà - 267-286 L'incerto status dei prezzi predatori e degli sconti selettivi nel diritto antitrust europeo
by Gianluca Faella - 287-298 La Cassa Depositi e Prestiti dopo la trasformazione: ovvero «ai posteri l'ardua sentenza»
by Alfredo Macchiati - 299-324 Le reti di imprese nel settore dell'energia
by Giuseppe Bellantuono - 325-332 Calcio, diritti audiovisivi e il mantra della competitive balance
by Stefano Bastianon - 333-356 Dall'esclusiva all'esclusione: le lezioni del caso Intel e le ragioni della Commissione
by Pietro Crocioni - 357-362 Perché la Commissione aveva ragione. Oppure no?
by Roberto Pardolesi - 363-370 Sconti escludenti: un doppio salto della Commissione nel caso Intel?
by Antonio Nicita - 371-396 Servire il popolo
by Pierluigi Sabbatini - 397-418 Equivalenti, biosimilari, gare. Appunti di governo concorrenziale della spesa farmaceutica
by Luca Arnaudo
2013, Issue 1
- 3-8 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 9-44 Behavioral antitrust: not ready for the main stage
by Roger van den Bergh - 45-82 Search algorithms and the boundaries of antitrust law and economics
by Alberto Urso - 83-118 Is the Google Platform a Two-Sided Market?
by Giacomo Luchetta - 119-148 E-books and publishing agreements in the digital Eden: is Apple the fruit of sin?
by Andrea Giannaccari - 149-182 The resale price maintenance on books: limiting competition in order to protect culture?
by Vincenzo Meli - 183-190 Commissione Ue vs. Microsoft: «ancora una volta sulla breccia, cari amici!»
by Andrea Giannaccari - 191-196 La saga Alitalia e l'Autorità «sdoppiata»
by Giovanni Pitruzzella - 196-214 Universal services and leverage of the dominant position in the liberalized postal services
by Luciano Vasques - 215-226 The boundary of the universal service, relevant market definition, and the postal network organization: three missing issues in the Italian Antitrust case Tnt Post Italy/Poste Italiane
by Vincenzo Visco Comandini
2012, Issue 3
- 427-430 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 431-462 Predatory conduct: optimal deterrence and false positive errors (Jel: L40, L41, K41)
by Micol Manenti - 463-482 Adam Smith in the courts of the United States (Jel: B12; K0; N31)
by Robin Paul Malloy - 483-494 Voli e monopoli. Le molte anime dell'Agcm
by Lorenzo Stecchetti - 495-518 On the (ir)relevance of the relevant market (Jel: K21, L40)
by Pierluigi Sabbatini - 518-554 Il criterio dell'investitore privato in economia di mercato: il caso Commissione c. Électricité de France (Edf)
by Piero De Luca - 533-575 Pyramid promotional schemes and consumer protection (Jel: D180)
by Luca Biffaro & Francesco Paolo Russo - 577-606 Good faith in pre-contractual liability: opportunistic behaviour in ex ante contract negotiations (Jel: K12, K42, D82, D86)
by Angelo Castaldo & Elisabetta Conte & Gianluigi Galeotti
2012, Issue 2
- 195-199 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 199-230 Interlocking directorates in the banking and financial industry: The Italian way
by Federico Ghezzi - 231-272 Antitrust?, Thanks, but we have other commitments
by Andrea Giannaccari & Camilla Landi - 273-296 Antitrust on the "G" String
by Andrea Renda - 297-324 The duty to invest in the development of infrastructures: Some considerations on two parallel stories
by Pietro Merlino & Gianluca Faella - 325-336 Dominanza e regulatory gaming: il caso Pfizer
by Margherita Colangelo - 337-366 The process of services liberalization in Italy
by Anna Argentati - 367-376 The Italian Competition Authority and Monti's government decreees
by Alberto Heimler - 377-392 Merger control regime in Italy after the amendment of the turnover thresholds mechanism: from excessive control to a dangerous "laissez-faire"
by Luciano Vasques - 393-420 Regulated industry, consumer law
by Elisa Brodi
2012, Issue 1
- 3-6 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 7-38 Transformations of firm organization: network enterprise and employment regulation
by Tiziano Treu - 39-68 Starting a business in Italy: recent reforms to cut time and costs
by Roberta Occhilupo - 69-116 Commitment decisions and private antitrust enforcement
by Alberto Pera & Giulia Codacci Pisanelli - 97-116 Arenaways and other (non-edifying) railways stories
by Andrea Boitani & Francesco Ramella - 117-142 Competition and regulation in the European airport sector
by Anna Bottasso & Maurizio Conti - 145-150 Vendite online nei networks di distribuzione selettiva: il caso Pierre Fabre
by Valerio Cosimo Romano - 151-166 Behavioral science findings to improve the quality of regulation
by Nicoletta Rangone - 167-188 The New Italian Bankruptcy Law: The Right Way to Reform Insolvency Procedures
by Marianna Succurro
2011, Issue 3
- 42-426 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 427-462 Recent Developments of Private Antitrust Enforcement
by Claudio Tesauro - 463-481 Uneasy Complements: Public and Private Enforcement of Competition Law
by Roberto Pardolesi - 481-498 News of the World: Murphy's Law and TV Rights before the Court of Justice
by Andrea Giannaccari - 499-520 The Bankers' Fight: Against Tougher Rules. In latin: frangar non flector
by Marco Onado - 521-548 Market failures and regulatory failures before the banking act of 1936
by Giuseppe Conti - 549-564 The US Measures to Save the Banks in the Great Crash of 1929
by Giuliano Fonderico - 565-574 Il caso AT&T/T-Mobile USA. Note su competition policy e divergenza tra ordinamenti
by Fabio Di Cristina - 575-592 Electronic Communications Networks and Copyright Protection: Remarks about the AGCOM Regulation
by Giuseppe Colangelo
2011, Issue 2
- 197-200 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 201-234 The IPOS in the Italian stock market. A bargain, mainly for old shareholders
by Marco Onado - 235-272 The awarding of public works in Italy: an analysis of the mechanisms for the selection of contractors
by Francesco Decarolis & Cristina Giorgiantonio & Valentina Giovanniello - 273-294 Merger control regulation in Italy: what is part of an Undertaking?
by Luciano Vasques - 295-314 Pay what you want!
by Antonio Nicita & Sara Rinaldi - 315-332 The New EC Guidelines on Horizontal Co-operation Agreements
by Michele Grillo - 333-358 Antitrust and Regulation in Commitment Decisions Regarding Energy Markets
by Alessandro Noce - 359-366 Abuso di leniency: il caso del GPL in Francia
by Francesco Russo - 367-378 Il margin squeeze in Europa dopo Deutsche Telekom e TeliaSonera
by Giuseppe Colangelo - 379-400 On-line Sales and Selection of Distribution Networks: Darwin or Posner?
by Stefano Grassani - 401-416 The Commission Guidance on Exclusionary Abuses: Born Under a Bad Sign?
by Marco D'Ostuni
2011, Issue 1
- 3-6 Editoriale
by Mercato Concorrenza Regole - 7-28 Modernization of the public administration or abuse of dominance? The public sector information agencies in Italy
by Carlo Scarpa - 29-64 Adelante con juicio: limits and missed opportunities of the new block exemption regulation on vertical restraints
by Gianluca Faella