March 2018, Volume 52, Issue 2
- 253-267 Rent Sharing and the Compensation of Head Coaches in Power Five College Football
by Michael A. Leeds & Eva Marikova Leeds & Aaron Harris - 269-281 State of Play: How Do College Football Programs Compete for Student Athletes?
by Jill S. Harris - 283-303 Strategic Interaction in a Repeated Game: Evidence from NCAA Football Recruiting
by Brad R. Humphreys & Jane E. Ruseski - 305-321 The Role of Broadcasting in National Collegiate Athletic Association Sports
by Allen R. Sanderson & John J. Siegfried - 323-335 The NCAA and the Rule of Reason
by Herbert Hovenkamp - 337-350 Whither the NCAA: Reforming the System
by Andrew Zimbalist - 351-368 The NCAA Cartel and Antitrust Policy
by Roger D. Blair & Wenche Wang
February 2018, Volume 52, Issue 1
- 1-53 Is “Delitigation” Associated with a Change in Product Safety? The Case of Vaccines
by Gayle DeLong - 55-84 Settlements and Appeals in the European Commission’s Cartel Cases: An Empirical Assessment
by Michael Hellwig & Kai Hüschelrath & Ulrich Laitenberger - 85-100 Product Similarity and Cross-Price Elasticity
by Sreya Kolay & Rajeev K. Tyagi - 101-137 Analyzing the Impact of Electricity Market Structure Changes and Mergers: The Importance of Forward Commitments
by David P. Brown & Andrew Eckert - 139-160 Strategic Choice of Network Externality and Its Impact on Digital Piracy
by Yuanzhu Lu & Sougata Poddar - 161-177 A Welfare Analysis of Location Space Constraints with Vertically Separated Sellers
by Youping Li & Jie Shuai
December 2017, Volume 51, Issue 4
- 395-396 General Editor’s Note: Antitrust and Regulatory Update
by Lawrence J. White - 397-422 Recent Developments at DG Competition: 2016/2017
by Benno Buehler & Daniel Coublucq & Cyril Hariton & Gregor Langus & Tommaso Valletti - 423-449 Recent Developments at the CMA: 2016–2017
by Chris Doyle & Alex Moore & Borbala Szathmary & Mike Walker - 451-486 Economics at the FCC, 2016–2017: Auction Designs for Spectrum Repurposing and Universal Service Subsidies
by Evan Kwerel & Paroma Sanyal & Katja Seim & Martha Stancill & Patrick Sun - 487-513 Economics at the FTC: Deceptive Claims, Market Definition, and Patent Assertion Entities
by Julie Carlson & Ginger Zhe Jin & Matthew Jones & Jason O’Connor & Nathan Wilson - 515-528 Economics at the Antitrust Division 2016–2017: Healthcare, Nuclear Waste, and Agriculture
by Ari D. Gerstle & Helen C. Knudsen & June K. Lee & W. Robert Majure & Dean V. Williamson
November 2017, Volume 51, Issue 3
- 235-256 Targeted Advertising and Cumulative Exposure Effects: The Impact of Banning Advertising to Children in Quebec
by Lynne Pepall & Joseph Reiff - 257-290 Consumer Payment Preferences, Network Externalities, and Merchant Card Acceptance: An Empirical Investigation
by David Bounie & Abel François & Leo Van Hove - 291-313 Endogenous Cartel Organization and Antitrust Fine Discrimination
by Tim Reuter - 315-341 The Weekend Effect in Television Viewership and Prime-Time Scheduling
by Jungwon Yeo - 343-380 Airline Deregulation and Its Impacts on Air Travel Demand and Airline Competition: Evidence from Korea
by Joo Yeon Sun - 381-394 Unilateral Effects of Horizontal Mergers with Vertical Relations Between Firms and Other Structural Market Changes
by Magne K. Asphjell & Harald N. Bergh & Tyra Merker & Jostein Skaar
September 2017, Volume 51, Issue 2
- 147-149 Introduction to the Special Issue
by Jeroen Hinloopen & Stephen Martin - 151-172 A Comparison of the Wholesale Model and the Agency Model in Differentiated Markets
by Liang Lu - 173-191 Sylvania’s Indian Precursor and Its Legacy
by Aditya Bhattacharjea - 193-215 Vertical Restraints, the Sylvania Case, and China’s Antitrust Enforcement
by Zhiyong Liu & Yue Qiao - 217-233 GTE Sylvania and Interbrand Competition as the Primary Concern of Antitrust Law
by Stephen Martin & John T. Scott
August 2017, Volume 51, Issue 1
- 1-24 Agency and Incentives: Vertical Integration in the Mortgage Foreclosure Industry
by Lauren Lambie-Hanson & Timothy Lambie-Hanson - 25-42 How Much Vertical Integration? Contractual Choice and Public–Private Partnerships in the United States
by Daniel Albalate & Germà Bel & R. Richard Geddes - 43-73 The Nonlinear Effects of Market Structure on Service Quality: Evidence from the U.S. Airline Industry
by Kang Hua Cao & Betty Krier & Chia-Mei Liu & Brian McNamara & Jerrod Sharpe - 75-101 IP-for-IP or Cash-for-IP? R&D Competition and the Market for Technology
by Patrick Herbst & Eric Jahn - 103-125 Informative Advertising in a Mixed Oligopoly
by Shaohua Han & John S. Heywood & Guangliang Ye - 127-145 Optimal Product Placement
by Chia-Ling Hsu & Rafael Matta & Sergey V. Popov & Takeharu Sogo
June 2017, Volume 50, Issue 4
- 389-391 Introduction to the RIO Special Issue on Net Neutrality
by Scott Wallsten - 393-416 The Evolution of “Competition”: Lessons for 21st Century Telecommunications Policy
by Amanda B. Delp & John W. Mayo - 417-429 Law, Social Welfare, and Net Neutrality
by Keith N. Hylton - 431-440 Some Simple Analytics of Vertically Linked Markets
by Joseph Farrell - 441-468 Wither U.S. Net Neutrality Regulation?
by Michael L. Katz - 469-486 The Post-Internet Order Broadband Sector: Lessons from the Pre-Open Internet Order Experience
by Timothy Brennan - 487-507 The Effect of Regulation on Broadband Markets: Evaluating the Empirical Evidence in the FCC’s 2015 “Open Internet” Order
by Thomas W. Hazlett & Joshua D. Wright - 509-536 Avoiding the Pitfalls of Net Uniformity: Zero Rating and Nondiscrimination
by Christopher S. Yoo - 537-554 The Digital Divide and Other Economic Considerations for Network Neutrality
by Michelle Connolly & Clement Lee & Renhao Tan - 555-582 The FCC’s Net Neutrality Decision and Stock Prices
by Robert W. Crandall
May 2017, Volume 50, Issue 3
- 263-285 Variety and the Cost of Search in Supermarket Retailing
by Timothy J. Richards & Stephen F. Hamilton & Koichi Yonezawa - 287-301 Collusion in Markets with Imperfect Price Information on Both Sides
by Christian Schultz - 303-322 Does Bundling Decrease the Probability of Switching Telecommunications Service Providers?
by Stephanie Lee - 323-344 Firms’ Information Acquisition with Heterogeneous Consumers and Trend
by Yukiko Hirao - 345-366 Pricing Strategies with Costly Customer Arbitrage
by Hugh Sibly - 367-388 Price Discrimination in Input Markets and Quality Differentiation
by Chin-Sheng Chen
March 2017, Volume 50, Issue 2
- 129-131 Resale Price Maintenance and the Tenth Anniversary of Leegin
by Kenneth G. Elzinga - 133-151 Online RPM and MFN Under Antitrust Law and Economics
by Pinar Akman & D. Daniel Sokol - 153-168 Resale Price Maintenance: An Economic Analysis of its Anticompetitive Potential
by Roger D. Blair & Wenche Wang - 169-179 Resale Price Maintenance Post Leegin: A Model of RPM Incentives
by William S. Comanor & David Salant - 181-207 Flawed Economic Models Have Misled RPM Policy: Changes in Canada, Europe and the United States
by Tarcisio da Graça & Robert Masson - 209-220 Challenges for Empirical Research on RPM
by Alexander MacKay & David A. Smith - 221-244 Leegin and the Economics of Resale Price Maintenance
by Howard P. Marvel - 245-261 Inducing Cooperation with a Carrot Instead of a Stick
by David E. Mills
February 2017, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 1-25 If It’s All the Same to You: Blurred Consumer Perception and Market Structure
by Edward J. D. Webb - 27-41 Structural Change in Competitive Balance in Big-Time College Football
by Steven Salaga & Rodney Fort - 43-68 The Impact of Minimum Quality Standard Regulations on Nursing Home Staffing, Quality, and Exit Decisions
by John R. Bowblis & Andrew Ghattas - 69-90 New Outsourcing, Demand Uncertainty and Labor Usage
by Sasan Bakhtiari & Robert Breunig - 91-103 Parking Discounts: Price Discrimination with Different Marginal Costs
by Daniel Flores & Vitaliy Kalashnikov - 105-125 On the Impact of Input Prices on an Entrant’s Profit Under Multi-Product Competition
by Duarte Brito & Markos Tselekounis
December 2016, Volume 49, Issue 4
- 533-534 General Editor’s Note: Antitrust and Regulatory Update
by Lawrence J. White - 535-556 Economics at the Antitrust Division 2015–2016: Household Appliances, Oil Field Services, and Airport Slots
by Randy C. Chugh & Nathan G. Goldstein & Eric K. Lewis & Jeffrey S. Lien & Deborah Minehart & Nancy L. Rose - 557-584 Economics at the FCC, 2015–2016: Competition, Merger Review, and Spectrum Management
by O. Carare & E. Kiselev & W. Leighton & J. Levy & K. LoPiccalo & P. Sanyal & T. Waldon - 585-611 Recent Developments at DG Competition: 2015/2016
by Adina Claici & Daniel Coublucq & Giulio Federico & Massimo Motta & Lluís Saurí - 613-631 Economics at the FTC: Horizontal Mergers and Data Security
by Dan Hanner & Ginger Zhe Jin & Marc Luppino & Ted Rosenbaum
November 2016, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 399-427 The Search of Prior Art and the Revelation of Information by Patent Applicants
by Corinne Langinier & Philippe Marcoul - 429-448 Empirical Evidence on Competition and Revenue in an All-Pay Contest
by Zhongmin Wang & Minbo Xu - 449-464 Unilateral Effects with Endogenous Quality
by Brijesh P. Pinto & David S. Sibley - 465-489 Pricing Strategies in Advance Selling: Should a Retailer Offer a Pre-order Price Guarantee?
by Oksana Loginova - 491-514 Multidimensional Auctions for Public Energy Efficiency Projects: Evidence from Japanese Esco Market
by Atsushi Iimi - 515-532 Thirteen Editions of The Structure of American Industry: An I.O. Perspective
by Kenneth G. Elzinga & F. M. Scherer
September 2016, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 127-131 The Staggers Act at 35: Railroad Economics and Regulation
by Richard L. Schmalensee & Wesley W. Wilson - 133-159 Modernizing U.S. Freight Rail Regulation
by Richard L. Schmalensee & Wesley W. Wilson - 161-202 The Staggers Act and Firm Performance: Long-Run Evidence
by Lee Pinkowitz & Rohan Williamson - 203-227 Regulation in a ‘Deregulated’ Industry: Railroads in the Post-Staggers Era
by John W. Mayo & David E. M. Sappington - 229-261 Freight Rail Costing and Regulation: The Uniform Rail Costing System
by Wesley W. Wilson & Frank A. Wolak - 263-288 Understanding Railroad Investment Behaviors, Regulatory Processes, and Related Implications for Efficient Industry Oversight
by Mark Burton & Charles Sims - 289-310 This Time is Different (?): Telecommunications Unbundling and Lessons for Railroad Regulation
by T. Randolph Beard & Jeffrey Thomas Macher & Chris Vickers - 311-345 Open Access to Infrastructure Networks: The Experience of Railroads
by José A. Gómez-Ibáñez - 347-369 Three Principles for Optimal Pricing of Trackage Rights
by Kenneth D. Boyer - 371-398 The Regulatory Determinants of Railroad Safety
by Jerry Ellig & Patrick A. McLaughlin
August 2016, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 1-23 Downstream Competition and the Effects of Buyer Power
by Zhiqi Chen & Hong Ding & Zhiyang Liu - 25-41 Mitigation of Perverse Incentives in Professional Sports Leagues with Reverse-Order Drafts
by Liam J. A. Lenten - 43-69 Rivalry Effects and Unbalanced Schedule Optimisation in the Australian Football League
by Stephan Lenor & Liam J. A. Lenten & Jordi McKenzie - 71-101 Are Collaborative Agreements in Innovation Activities Persistent at the Firm Level? Empirical Evidence for the Spanish Case
by Erika Raquel Badillo & Rosina Moreno - 103-126 Is Price Competition More Efficient than Quantity Competition? A Reversal with Unionized Oligopolists
by Minas Vlassis & Stefanos Mamakis
June 2016, Volume 48, Issue 4
- 357-359 Cartel Stability: Determinants and International Evidence
by Robert M. Feinberg - 361-379 Price Fixing Hits Home: An Empirical Study of US Price-Fixing Conspiracies
by Margaret C. Levenstein & Valerie Y. Suslow - 405-432 Policy Innovations, Political Preferences, and Cartel Prosecutions
by Vivek Ghosal & D. Daniel Sokol - 433-448 The Determinants of Cartel Duration in Korea
by Robert M. Feinberg & Hyunchul Kim & Minsoo Park
May 2016, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 307-331 Competition, Cost Innovation, and X-inefficiency in Experimental Markets
by Andrew Smyth
March 2016, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 119-121 Industrial Organization Research by Federal Reserve Board Economists
by Robin Prager - 119-121 Industrial Organization Research by Federal Reserve Board Economists
by Robin A. Prager - 123-147 Can Financing Constraints Explain the Evolution of the Firm Size Distribution?
by Ralf R. Meisenzahl - 123-147 Can Financing Constraints Explain the Evolution of the Firm Size Distribution?
by Ralf Meisenzahl - 149-180 Community Bank Performance: How Important are Managers?
by Dean F. Amel & Robin A. Prager - 149-180 Community Bank Performance: How Important are Managers?
by Dean Amel & Robin Prager - 181-208 Where Are All the New Banks? The Role of Regulatory Burden in New Bank Formation
by Robert M. Adams & Jacob Gramlich - 181-208 Where Are All the New Banks? The Role of Regulatory Burden in New Bank Formation
by Robert Adams & Jacob Gramlich - 209-239 Crowding Out Effects of Refinancing on New Purchase Mortgages
by Steve Sharpe & Shane Sherlund - 209-239 Crowding Out Effects of Refinancing on New Purchase Mortgages
by Steve A. Sharpe & Shane M. Sherlund
February 2016, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 1-27 The EU Leniency Programme and Recidivism
by Catarina Marvão - 29-43 How Success and Uncertainty Compel Interest in Related Goods: Playoff Probability and Out-of-Market Television Viewership in the National Football League
by Scott Tainsky & Jie Xu & Brian Mills & Steven Salaga - 45-68 Unilateral Effects Analysis in Differentiated Product Markets: Guidelines, Policy, and Change
by Malcolm Coate & Shawn Ulrick - 69-93 Tacit Collusion in Electricity Markets with Uncertain Demand
by Richard Benjamin - 95-118 The Effects of Past Entry, Market Consolidation, and Expansion by Incumbents on the Probability of Entry in Banking
by Robert Adams & Dean Amel
December 2015, Volume 47, Issue 4
- 369-370 Introduction: Antitrust and Regulatory Update
by Lawrence White - 371-398 Economics at the FTC: Fraud, Mergers and Exclusion
by David Balan & Patrick DeGraba & Francine Lafontaine & Patrick McAlvanah & Devesh Raval & David Schmidt - 399-423 Recent Developments at DG Competition: 2014
by Giulio Federico & Massimo Motta & Penelope Papandropoulos - 425-435 Economics at the Antitrust Division 2014–2015: Comcast/Time Warner Cable and Applied Materials/Tokyo Electron
by Nicholas Hill & Nancy Rose & Tor Winston - 437-462 The Year in Economics at the FCC, 2014–2015
by D. Bring & W. Leighton & K. LoPiccalo & C. Matraves & J. Schwarz & D. Waterman
November 2015, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 243-245 Introduction: Behavioral Industrial Organization
by Michael Grubb & Victor Tremblay - 247-258 Behavioral Consumers in Industrial Organization: An Overview
by Michael Grubb - 259-272 Beyond “Ellison’s Matrix”: New Directions in Behavioral Industrial Organization
by Kfir Eliaz & Ran Spiegler - 273-302 Search and Ripoff Externalities
by Mark Armstrong - 303-340 Failing to Choose the Best Price: Theory, Evidence, and Policy
by Michael Grubb - 341-354 On the Welfare Costs of Naiveté in the US Credit-Card Market
by Paul Heidhues & Botond Kőszegi - 355-366 Behavioral Economics and U.S. Antitrust Policy
by Elizabeth Bailey
September 2015, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 119-153 How Much Do Cartel Overcharge?
by Marcel Boyer & Rachidi Kotchoni - 155-165 Three-Part Tariffs with Heterogeneous Users: Monopoly and Duopoly Cases
by Ji Baek & Jan Brueckner - 167-193 Market Power, Transactions Costs, and the Entry of Accountable Care Organizations in Health Care
by H. Frech & Christopher Whaley & Benjamin Handel & Liora Bowers & Carol Simon & Richard Scheffler - 195-218 Patent Portfolio Management of Sequential Inventions: Evidence from US Patent Renewal Data
by Jinyoung Kim - 219-242 Rivalry, Market Structure and Innovation: The Case of Mobile Banking
by Zhaozhao He
August 2015, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 1-23 A Holy Alliance: Collusion in the Renaissance Europe Alum Market
by Andrea Günster & Stephen Martin - 25-50 The Competitive Effect of Exclusive Dealing in the Presence of Renegotiation Breakdown
by Dongyeol Lee - 51-69 Ethical Differentiation and Consumption in an Incentivized Market Experiment
by Marieta Valente - 71-89 Merger Policy at the Margin: Western Refining’s Acquisition of Giant Industries
by Nicholas Kreisle - 91-118 Scale, Scope and Survival: A Comparison of Cooperative and Capitalist Modes of Production
by Natália Monteiro & Geoff Stewart
June 2015, Volume 46, Issue 4
- 307-321 Rethinking Antitrust in the Presence of Transaction Costs: Coasian Implications
by Dennis Carlton & Bryan Keating - 323-347 Specialization and Competition in the Venture Capital Industry
by Yael Hochberg & Michael Mazzeo & Ryan McDevitt - 349-357 Limited Memory Consumers and Price Dispersion
by Levent Kutlu - 359-382 Impact of External Knowledge Acquisition Strategies on Innovation: A Comparative Study Based on Dutch and Swiss Panel Data
by Spyros Arvanitis & Boris Lokshin & Pierre Mohnen & Martin Woerter - 383-399 International Trade and Domestic Competition: Evidence from Belgium
by Maria Bramati & Alberto Gaggero & Edna Solomon
May 2015, Volume 46, Issue 3
- 205-207 Introduction: 40 Years of Areeda–Turner
by Jeroen Hinloopen & Stephen Martin - 209-228 The Areeda–Turner Test for Exclusionary Pricing: A Critical Journal
by Herbert Hovenkamp - 229-252 Areeda–Turner and the Treatment of Exclusionary Pricing under U.S. Antitrust and EU Competition Policy
by Stephen Martin - 253-268 Economic Rationality and the Areeda–Turner Rule
by William Comanor & H. Frech - 269-286 Areeda–Turner “Down Under”: Predatory Pricing in Australia Before and After Boral
by Deirdre Hay & George Hay - 287-306 Areeda–Turner in Two-Sided Markets
by Stefan Behringer & Lapo Filistrucchi
March 2015, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 95-125 Competitive Effects of Exchanges or Sales of Airport Landing Slots
by James Reitzes & Brendan McVeigh & Nicholas Powers & Samuel Moy - 127-143 Competition Between Sports Leagues: Theory and Evidence on Rival League Formation in North America
by XiaoGang Che & Brad Humphreys - 145-167 Explaining Variation in Title Charges: A Study of Five Metropolitan Residential Real Estate Markets
by Robert Feinberg & Daniel Kuehn & Signe-Mary McKernan & Doug Wissoker & Sisi Zhang - 169-182 Public Enterprise Efficiency: The Case of the New York Canals
by Donald Vitaliano - 183-204 R&D Collaboration with Uncertain Intellectual Property Rights
by Dirk Czarnitzki & Katrin Hussinger & Cédric Schneider
February 2015, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-3 The U.S. Federal Trade Commission at 100: A Symposium on FTC Economics
by Joseph Farrell - 5-23 The Federal Trade Commission, Oligopoly, and Shared Monopoly
by F. Scherer - 25-57 Economics and the FTC’s Google Investigation
by Michael Salinger & Robert Levinson - 59-94 A Brief History of the FTC’s Bureau of Economics: Reports, Mergers, and Information Regulation
by Paul Pautler
December 2014, Volume 45, Issue 4
- 323-324 Introduction: Antitrust and Regulatory Update
by Lawrence White - 325-344 Economics at the FTC: Office Supply Retailers Redux, Healthcare Quality Efficiencies Analysis, and Litigation of an Alleged Get-Rich-Quick Scheme
by Keith Brand & Martin Gaynor & Patrick McAlvanah & David Schmidt & Elizabeth Schneirov - 345-378 Economics at the FCC, 2013–2014
by Allison Baker & Timothy Brennan & Jack Erb & Omar Nayeem & Aleksandr Yankelevich - 379-397 The Year in Review: Economics at the Antitrust Division 2013–2014
by Aditi Mehta & Aviv Nevo & Oliver Richard & Jeffery Wilder - 399-415 Recent Developments at DG Competition: 2013–2014
by Benno Buehler & Gábor Koltay & Xavier Boutin & Massimo Motta
November 2014, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 201-202 The 80th Anniversary of the 1934 Communications Act and the Inception of the Federal Communications Commission
by Michelle Connolly - 203-220 The Rationality of U.S. Regulation of the Broadcast Spectrum in the 1934 Communications Act
by Thomas Hazlett - 221-243 Increasing the Efficiency of Spectrum Allocation
by Gregory Rosston - 245-273 An Oligopoly Model for Analyzing and Evaluating (Re)-Assignments of Spectrum Licenses
by Simon Loertscher & Leslie Marx - 275-293 Trying to Promote Network Entry: From the Chain Broadcasting Rules to the Channel Occupancy Rule and Beyond
by Stanley Besen - 295-321 Merger Review by the Federal Communications Commission: Comcast–NBC Universal
by Christopher Yoo
September 2014, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 99-119 How Does Ranking Affect User Choice in Online Search?
by Mark Glick & Greg Richards & Margarita Sapozhnikov & Paul Seabright - 121-138 Buyer Alliances as Countervailing Power in WIC Infant-Formula Auctions
by David Davis - 139-152 Spatial Price Discrimination in Input Markets with an Endogenous Market Boundary
by Chin-Sheng Chen & Hong Hwang - 153-175 Exclusive Dealing and Its Effects: The Impact of Large Music Festivals on Local Music Venues
by R. Hiller - 177-200 The Relationship Between Outcome Uncertainties and Match Attendance: New Evidence in the National Basketball Association
by Wen-Jhan Jane
August 2014, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 1-19 Revenue Sharing with Heterogeneous Investments in Sports Leagues: Share Media, Not Stadiums
by Steven Salaga & Alan Ostfield & Jason Winfree - 21-38 Determinants of the Locations of Alternative Financial Service Providers
by Robin Prager - 39-58 Effects of FTA Provisions on the Market Structure of the Korean Automobile Industry
by Minsoo Park & Hongjai Rhee - 59-77 Ocean Carriers’ Collusion Under Antitrust Immunity: Evidence of Asymmetric Pass-Through
by Michael Fung - 79-97 Foreign Entry and Firm Advertising Intensity: Evidence from China
by Sizhong Sun
June 2014, Volume 44, Issue 4
- 327-345 Competition in Two-Sided Markets with Common Network Externalities
by David Bardey & Helmuth Cremer & Jean-Marie Lozachmeur - 347-365 Risk Aversion and Technology Portfolios
by Guy Meunier - 367-392 Why Don’t Most Merchants Use Price Discounts to Steer Consumer Payment Choice?
by Tamás Briglevics & Oz Shy - 393-422 Corporatization and the Behavior of Public Firms: How Shifting Control Rights Affects Political Interference in Water Prices
by Michael Klien - 423-441 The Impacts of an Antitrust Investigation: A Case Study in Agriculture
by Kalyn Coatney & Jesse Tack
May 2014, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 211-239 Time to Unbridle U.S. Thoroughbred Racetracks? Lessons from Australian Bookies
by Charles Moul & Joseph Keller - 241-254 Bid Roundness Under Collusion in Japanese Procurement Auctions
by Rieko Ishii - 255-275 Cartelization Through Buyer Groups
by Chris Doyle & Martijn Han - 277-298 Spectrum Licensing, Policy Instruments and Market Entry
by Gary Madden & Erik Bohlin & Thien Tran & Aaron Morey - 299-325 The Merger Clearance Decision Process in New Zealand: Application of a New Two-Stage Probit Model
by Qing Yang & Michael Pickford
March 2014, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 113-114 Introduction: The Economics of Internet Advertising
by Avi Goldfarb & Victor Tremblay - 115-129 What is Different About Online Advertising?
by Avi Goldfarb - 131-146 Inducing Customers to Try New Goods
by Alessandro Acquisti - 147-159 Advertising Effectively Influences Older Users: How Field Experiments Can Improve Measurement and Targeting
by Randall Lewis & David Reiley - 161-178 A More General Framework to Analyze Whether Voluntary Disclosure is Insufficient or Excessive
by Levent Celik - 179-209 Dynamic Entry and Investment in New Infrastructures: Empirical Evidence from the Fixed Broadband Industry
by Maya Bacache & Marc Bourreau & Germain Gaudin
February 2014, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-25 City-Pairs Versus Airport-Pairs: A Market-Definition Methodology for the Airline Industry
by Jan Brueckner & Darin Lee & Ethan Singer - 27-48 The Price Effects of the Delta/Northwest Airline Merger
by Dan Luo - 49-71 WIC Contract Spillover Effects
by Rui Huang & Jeffrey Perloff - 73-93 Supermarket Entry and the Survival of Small Stores
by Fernando Borraz & Juan Dubra & Daniel Ferrés & Leandro Zipitría - 95-111 The Impact of Upfront Payments on Assortment Decisions in Retailing
by Pio Baake & Vanessa Schlippenbach
December 2013, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 263-264 Introduction: Antitrust and Regulatory Update
by Lawrence White - 265-290 Economic Analysis at the European Commission 2012–2013
by Thomas Buettner & Giulio Federico & Kai-Uwe Kühn & Dimitrios Magos