August 2000, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 17-39 Market Share and Price Setting Behavior for Private Labels and National Brands
by Ronald Cotterill & William Putsis - 41-59 Increased Buyer Concentration and Its Effects on Profitability in the Manufacturing Sector
by Trish Kelly & Martin Gosman - 61-74 Electricity: Changes and Issues
by Harry Trebing - 75-133 Department of Justice Antitrust Enforcement, 1955—1997: An Empirical Study
by Joseph Gallo & Kenneth Dau-Schmidt & Joseph Craycraft & Charles Parker
June 2000, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 327-342 The Impact of High Tech Production Techniques on Productivity and Profitability in Selected U.S. Manufacturing Industries
by Louis Amato & Christie Amato - 343-356 The Political Economy of Price Cap Regulation
by Dale Lehman & Dennis Weisman - 357-366 Retail Commercial Banking: An Update on a Period of Extraordinary Change
by Stephen Rhoades - 367-384 An Empirical Analysis of Global Airline Alliances: Cases in North Atlantic Markets
by Jong-Hun Park & Anming Zhang - 385-397 R & D, Foreign Direct Investment and Technology Sourcing?
by Catherine Co - 399-415 Double Marginalization and Privatization in Liquor Retailing
by Douglas West - 417-420 Market Dominance: How Firms Gain, Hold, or Lose It and the Impact on Economic Performance David I. Rosenbaum, editor
by Douglas Greer - 421-425 Designing Competitive Electricity Markets, Hung-po Chao and Hillard G. Huntington, editors
by Robert Sinclair - 427-431 Money for Nothing: Politicians, Rent Extraction, and Political Extortion. Fred S. McChesney
by Russell Pittman
May 2000, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 229-246 The Aggregate Relation between Profits and Concentration is Consistent with Cournot Behavior
by Micha Gisser & Raymond Sauer - 247-250 Market Structure and Profits, Market Power and Cournot: A Comment
by William Shepherd - 251-266 Regulation, Open-Access Transportation, and Productive Efficiency
by Gerald Granderson - 267-285 Fifty Years of U.K. Competition Policy
by Michael Utton - 287-302 Do Large, Diversified Banking Organizations Have Competitive Advantages?
by Steven Pilloff & Stephen Rhoades - 303-312 Dominance in Hong Kong's Gas Industry
by Pun-Lee Lam - 313-318 Correlation Tests for Competitive and Cournot Equilibria
by Sherrill Shaffer - 319-321 Paths of Innovation: Technological Change in 20th Century America. David Mowery and Nathan Rosenberg
by Peter Alexander - 323-325 Letting Go: Deregulating the Process of Deregulation. Alfred E. Kahn
by Kenneth Elzinga
March 2000, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 105-105 Foreword
by William Comanor - 107-111 General Editor's Introduction
by William Shepherd - 113-129 The Meaning of ``Agreement'' under the Sherman Act: Thoughts from the ``Facilitating Practices'' Experience
by George Hay - 131-149 Present at the Beginning of a New Era for Antitrust: Reflections on 1982–1983
by Lawrence White - 151-165 Bank Mergers and the 1992 Merger Guidelines: The BankAmerica/Security Pacific Transaction
by Janusz Ordover & Margaret Guerin-Calvert - 167-184 Exclusive Dealing, Preferential Dealing, and Dynamic Efficiency
by Richard Gilbert - 185-191 Potential Competition: The Bell Atlantic/NYNEX Merger
by Andrew Joskow - 193-209 The Primestar Acquisition of the News Corp./MCI Direct Broadcast Satellite Assets
by Daniel Rubinfeld - 211-218 Market Delineation under the Merger Guidelines: Monopoly Cases and Alternative Approaches
by Gregory Werden - 219-223 Discussant Comments on Papers by Andrew Joskow, Daniel Rubinfeld, and Janusz Ordover and Margaret Guerin-Calvert
by Marius Schwartz
February 2000, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-11 Firm Survival in the Netherlands
by David Audretsch & Patrick Houweling & A. Thurik - 13-38 Buyer Market Power and Innovative Activities
by Jürgen Peters - 39-51 Industry Update: Airlines
by James Brock - 53-68 The Positive Effect of Industrial District on the Export Performance of Italian Firms
by Leonardo Becchetti & Stefania Rossi - 69-87 Capacity Utilisation and Excess Capacity: Theory, Evidence, and Policy
by Ciaran Driver - 89-95 The Dominant Firm Model Revisited
by Robert Cherry
December 1999, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 303-320 Heterogeneities within Industries and Structure-Performance Models
by Dennis Mueller & Burkhard Raunig - 321-339 Economic Capacity Utilization and its Determinants: Theory and Evidence
by H. Kim - 341-356 Another Look at Local Franchise Regulation and State Commission Regulation: Do They Really Matter?
by Yasuji Otsuka - 357-365 Regime Effects of EU Market Integration Policies on the UK Financial Sector
by Robert Feinberg & Richard Harper - 367-378 Market Power, Industrial Concentration and Innovative Activity
by Robert Vossen - 379-396 Ownership Advantages, Foreign Production and Productivity: Evidence from Austrian Manufacturing Firms
by Michael Pfaffermayr
November 1999, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 205-217 Effects of Assumed Demand Form on Simulated Postmerger Equilibria
by Philip Crooke & Luke Froeb & Steven Tschantz & Gregory Werden - 219-237 The Survival of New Products
by Marcus Asplund & Rickard Sandin - 239-252 The Industry Component of Regional New Firm Formation Processes
by David Audretsch & Michael Fritsch - 253-262 A Note on Endogenous Spillovers in a Non-Tournament R & D Duopoly
by Joanna Poyago-Theotoky - 263-281 How do Participants in Research Joint Ventures Diversify?
by Nicholas Vonortas - 283-301 Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Influences on Entry and Exit of Firms
by Pekka Ilmakunnas & Jukka Topi
September 1999, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 103-113 NAFTA as a Means of Raising Rivals' Costs
by Craig Depken & Jon Ford - 115-134 Non-cooperative Tacit Collusion, Complementary Bidding and Incumbency Premium
by In Lee - 135-147 Regulation and the Development of Competition in the U.K. Gas Supply Industry
by Charlie Weir - 149-163 The Measurement of Firm Information About Product Demand
by John Robst & Kimmarie McGOLDRICK - 165-182 Comparative Organizational Characteristics of Indian State-Owned Enterprises
by Sumit Majumdar - 183-200 The Spillover Effects of Industrial Action on Firm Profitability
by James McDonald & Harry Bloch
August 1999, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-24 The Characteristics, Performance and Strategic Behaviour of Merged Versus Non-Merged Establishments in Britain
by Grazia Ietto-Gillies & Meloria Meschi - 25-42 Increasingly Marginal Utilities: Diversification and Free Cash Flow in Newly Privatized UK Utilities
by Steve Thompson - 43-64 The Determinants of Innovation: R & D, Technology Transfer and Networking Effects
by James Love & Stephen Roper - 65-76 Multiproduct Outputs and Scale Economies in Electric Power Production: Some New Estimates
by Dan Berry & Franklin Mixon - 77-88 The Effects of Market Structure and Technology on Airline Fleet Composition after Deregulation
by Bahram Adrangi & Garland Chow & Kambiz Raffiee
June 1999, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 295-302 Commitment to Competition: An Assessment of Antitrust Agency Budgets since 1970
by John Kwoka - 303-319 Open Entry and Local Telephone Rates: The Economics of IntraLATA Toll Competition
by David Kaserman & John Mayo & Larry Blank & Simran Kahai - 321-335 Upstream-Downstream Specialization by Integrated Firms in a Partially Integrated Industry
by Gérard Gaudet & Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - 337-353 Vertical Integration in International Telecommunication System
by Livio Cricelli & Massimo Mastaldi & Nathan Levialdi - 355-375 The Economic Performance of State-owned Enterprises in Argentina an Empirical Assessment
by Zhenhui Xu & Melissa Birch - 377-390 Market Power, Efficiency and the Dispersion of Systematic Risk
by Donald Alexander & Paul Thistle - 391-396 A Doodles Theory of Economic Growth
by Donald Wellington
May 1999, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 189-204 Antitrust and Sales-Below-Cost Laws: The Case of Retail Gasoline
by Rod Anderson & Ronald Johnson - 205-217 Free-Agency and the Competitiveness of Major League Baseball
by Craig Depken - 219-238 Does Microelectronics Reduce Economies of Scale? A Case Study in the Turkish Chemical Industry
by Dilek Karaomerlioglu - 239-256 Is Radio Advertising a Distinct Local Market? An Empirical Analysis
by Robert Ekelund & George Ford & John Jackson - 257-272 On Antitrust Enforcement and the Deterrence of Collusive Behaviour
by Philippe Cyrenne - 273-275 Public Policy Toward Cable Television: the Economics of Rate Controls. Thomas w. Hazlett and Matthew l. Spitzer
by Elizabeth Jensen - 277-280 Designing Incentive Regulation for the Telecommunications Industry.DavidE. M. Sappington and Dennis L. Weisman
by John Ying - 281-292 Product Location with Foresight
by Timothy Sorenson
March 1999, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 101-113 Senator John Sherman Meets Professor John Rawls: A Fortuitous Encounter for Justice
by William Curran - 115-122 Antitrust, the Rule of Reason, and Democracy
by David Barnes - 123-133 The Obfuscation of the Common Good
by Daniel Gifford - 135-146 The Cash Recovery Method of Calculating Profitability: An Application to Pharmaceutical Firms
by Christopher Taylor - 147-162 Publication of Information and Market Response: The Case of Airline on Time Performance Reports
by Stephen Foreman - 163-182 Multimarket Contact in Banking
by Steven Pilloff
February 1999, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-25 Interconnection in Network Industries
by Michael Carter & Julian Wright - 27-50 Durability Versus Concentration as an Explanation for Price Inflexibility
by Elizabeth Caucutt & Mrinal Ghosh & Christina Kelton - 51-64 The Meaning of Size: Output? Scope? Capacity? The Case of Airline Hubs
by Richard Butler & John Huston - 65-84 The Effect of U.S. Antidumping Law on Firms' Market Power: An Empirical Test
by James Nieberding - 85-90 A Note on Public Sector Integration: The Decline of British Naval Aviation, 1914–1945
by Manley Irwin - 91-94 Industrial Concentration and Performance: A Study of the Structure, Conduct, and Performance of Indian Industry
by Lydia Ortega
December 1998, Volume 13, Issue 6
- 621-635 Labor Flexibility, Ownership and Firm Performance in China
by Julia Lane & Harry G. Broadman & Inderjit Singh - 637-649 Optimal Local Exchange Carrier Size
by Sumit K. Majumdar & Hsi-Hui Chang - 651-667 An Analysis of the Deposit-taking Market of Hong Kong
by Bob Y. Chan & Terence Khoo - 669-685 A Test for Natural Monopoly with Application to Norwegian Electricity Distribution
by Kjell G. Salvanes & Sigve Tjøtta - 687-696 Measuring Monopoly Power, Revisited
by Clement G. Krouse - 697-711 Learning by Doing and Spillovers: Further Evidence for the Semiconductor Industry
by Harald Gruber - 713-726 The Impact of Deregulation on Casino Win in Atlantic City
by Mark W. Nichols
October 1998, Volume 13, Issue 5
- 495-508 Market Share Dispersion Among Leading Firms as a Determinant of Advertising Intensity
by Michael S. Willis & Richard T. Rogers - 509-522 A Dynamic Model of Advertising and Product Differentiation
by Claudio A. Piga - 523-541 Is Airline Price Dispersion the Result of Careful Planning or Competitive Forces?
by Kathy J. Hayes & Leola B. Ross - 543-556 title{Does it Pay to be Flexible?
by Karl Aiginger & Christoph R. Weiss - 557-567 Product Location with Foresight
by Timothy L. Sorenson - 569-587 The Death of a Market: Standard Oil and the Demise of 19th Century Crude Oil Exchanges
by John Howard Brown & Mark Partridge - 589-601 Market Power, Industrial Organization and Tradeable Quotas
by Adesoji Adelaja & Julia Menzo & Bonnie McCay - 603-607 Everything for Sale. Robert Kuttner
by Harry M. Trebing - 609-612 Vertical Integration in Cable Television. David Waterman and Andrew A. Weiss
by Michael R. Ward - 613-615 Universal Service: Competition, Interconnection, and Monopoly in the Making of the American Telephone System. Milton L. Miller, Jr
by Leola B. Ross
August 1998, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 381-399 Competition in Grocery Retailing: The Impact of a New Strategic Group on BLS Price Increases
by Bruce Marion - 401-407 Herfindahl Concentration with an Import Fringe and with Supply Constraints
by John Kwoka - 409-423 Investment under Demand Uncertainty, Ex-Ante Pricing, and Oligopoly
by Ciaran Driver & Fabrice Goffinet - 425-446 Cooperative R&D and the Value of the Firm
by Changqi Wu & K.C. Wei - 447-466 Market Structure and Hospital Efficiency: Evaluating Potential Effects of Deregulation in a National Health Service
by Eulália Dalmau-Atarrodona & Jaume Puig-Junoy - 467-486 Analysis of United States' Utility Conservation Programs
by Franz Wirl & Wolfgang Orasch - 487-489 Paths to Common Ground? A Rejoinder to Dewey's Response
by Lucile Keyes - 491-494 Gerald W. Brock, Telecommunication Policy for the Information Age
by David Gabel
June 1998, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 271-294 An Applied Econometrician's View of Large Company Performance
by P. Geroski - 295-319 Testing for Competitiveness of Markets for Long Distance Telephone Services: Competition Finally?
by Paul MacAVOY - 321-331 Vertical Market Participation
by Alexander Schrader & Stephen Martin - 333-345 Sustaining Collusion Via a Fuzzy Trigger
by Rachael Goodhue - 347-369 The NCAA Cartel and Competitive Balance in College Football
by E. Eckard - 371-375 Power Structure – Ownership, Integration, and Competition in the U.S. Electric Utility Industry. John E. Kwoka, Jr
by Robert Sinclair - 375-377 Regulating Power: The Economics of Electricity in the Information Age. Carl Pechman
by Roger Sherman - 378-379 Industry Structure, Strategy, and Public Policy. F. M. Scherer
by Larry Duetsch
April 1998, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-23 Introduction: The Evolution of Competition Law in Canada
by Thomas Ross - 25-56 Merger Enforcement under the Competition Act after Ten Years
by Donald McFetridge - 57-84 The Law and Economics of Resale Price Maintenance
by Frank Mathewson & Ralph Winter - 85-129 Abuse of Dominance under the 1986 Canadian Competition Act
by Jeffrey Church & Roger Ware - 131-151 Refusals to Deal and Aftermarkets
by Zhiqi Chen & Thomas Ross & W. Stanbury - 153-176 Conspiracy Law and Jurisprudence in Canada: Towards an Economic Approach
by Patrick Hughes & Margaret Sanderson - 177-204 Competition Policy and Regulatory Reform in Canada, 1986–1997
by Robert Anderson & Abraham Hollander & Joseph Monteiro & W. Stanbury - 205-241 Expanding Responsibilities and Declining Resources: The Strategic Responses of the Competition Bureau, 1986–1996
by W. Stanbury - 243-264 Rationalism Rebuffed? Lessons from Modern Canadian and New Zealand Competition Policy
by Tim Hazledine