December 2013, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 291-302 The Year in Review: Economics at the Antitrust Division 2012–2013
by Ronald Drennan & Matthew Magura & Aviv Nevo - 303-326 Economics at the FTC: Physician Acquisitions, Standard Essential Patents, and Accuracy of Credit Reporting
by Julie Carlson & Leemore Dafny & Beth Freeborn & Pauline Ippolito & Brett Wendling - 327-348 Economic Analysis at the Federal Communications Commission, 2012–2013
by Eric Ralph & Susan Singer & Steven Wildman
November 2013, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 145-162 The Effects of Cross-Ownership and League Policies Across Sports Leagues Within a City
by Kevin Mongeon & Jason Winfree - 163-191 A Comparison of National and International Innovation Cooperation in Five European Countries
by Spyros Arvanitis & Thomas Bolli - 193-220 Persistence in R&D Performance and its Implications for the Granting of Subsidies
by Pere Arqué-Castells - 221-241 Bundling, Competition and Quality Investment: A Welfare Analysis
by Alessandro Avenali & Anna D’Annunzio & Pierfrancesco Reverberi - 243-261 Testing Low-Balling Strategy in Rural Road Procurement
by Atsushi Iimi
August 2013, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-1 A Note from the General Editor About This Special Issue
by Lawrence White - 3-6 Introduction: The Interstate Commerce Act of 1887
by Wesley Wilson - 7-19 The ‘Railroad Problem’ and the Interstate Commerce Act
by John Brown - 21-39 Voting, Regulation, and the Railroad Industry: An Analysis of Private and Public Interest Voting Patterns
by Kevin Henrickson & Wesley Wilson - 41-62 The Effects of the Interstate Commerce Act on Transport Costs: Evidence from Wheat Prices
by Bruce Blonigen & Anca Cristea - 63-84 The Legacy of the Interstate Commerce Act and Labor: Legislation, Unionization, and Labor Earnings in Surface Transportation Services
by James Peoples - 85-101 Railroads and Price Discrimination: The Roles of Competition, Information, and Regulation
by James MacDonald - 103-119 Mitigating Monopoly or Preventing Discrimination: Comparing Antitrust to Regulatory Goals in the Interstate Commerce Act
by Timothy Brennan - 121-144 Understanding ICC Rate Structure Regulation: A Spatial Analysis
by Kenneth Boyer
June 2013, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 365-368 Antidumping and Industrial Organization
by Robert Feinberg - 369-394 The Heterogeneous Effects of Trade Protection: A Study of US Antidumping Duties on Portland Cement
by Maya Cohen-Meidan - 395-413 Antidumping and Production-Line Exit: The Case of the US Steel Industry
by Bruce Blonigen & Benjamin Liebman & Wesley Wilson - 415-434 Under the Cover of Antidumping: Does Administered Protection Facilitate Domestic Collusion?
by Kara Reynolds - 435-447 Antidumping Duties and Plant-Level Restructuring
by Justin Pierce - 449-481 How Different Are Safeguards from Antidumping? Evidence from US Trade Policies Toward Steel
by Chad Bown
May 2013, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 235-280 Consumers’ Reactions to Negative Information on Product Quality: Evidence from Scanner Data
by Maria De Paola & Vincenzo Scoppa - 281-295 Countervailing Power and Chain Stores
by David Mills - 297-320 Edgeworth Price Cycles in Gasoline: Evidence from the United States
by Paul Zimmerman & John Yun & Christopher Taylor - 321-343 The Impact of Timing on Bidding Behavior in Procurement Auctions of Contracts with Private Costs
by Dakshina De Silva & Georgia Kosmopoulou & Beatrice Pagel & Ronald Peeters - 345-363 Employment Effects of Acquisitions: Evidence from Acquired European Firms
by Harald Oberhofer
March 2013, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 107-126 Alfred E. Kahn, 1917–2010
by Paul Joskow & Roger Noll - 127-160 Effective and Equitable Adoption of Opt-In Residential Dynamic Electricity Pricing
by S. Borenstein - 161-190 Spectrum Auction Design
by Peter Cramton - 191-201 Alfred E. Kahn: Regulator and Language Maven
by Robert Frank - 203-230 Telecommunication in the US: From Regulation to Competition (Almost)
by Jerry Hausman & William Taylor
February 2013, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-23 Entry and Exit Behavior in the Absence of Sunk Costs: Evidence from a Price Comparison Site
by Michelle Haynes & Steve Thompson - 25-43 The Strategic Effect of Bundling: A New Perspective
by Andrea Mantovani - 45-61 Promotional Competition Between Supermarket Chains
by Richard Volpe - 63-83 Proliferation of Brewers’ Brands and Price Uniformity in Canadian Beer Markets
by Andrew Eckert & Douglas West - 85-106 The Stability of Market Shares in Liner Shipping
by Mike Fusillo
December 2012, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 249-250 Introduction: Antitrust and Regulatory Update
by Lawrence White - 251-270 Economics at DG Competition, 2011–2012
by Kai-Uwe Kühn & Szabolcs Lorincz & Vincent Verouden & Annemiek Wilpshaar - 271-302 Economics at the FCC, 2011–2012: Spectrum Incentive Auctions, Universal Service and Intercarrier Compensation Reform, and Mergers
by Evan Kwerel & Paul LaFontaine & Marius Schwartz - 303-319 Economics at the FTC: Drug and PBM Mergers and Drip Pricing
by Howard Shelanski & Joseph Farrell & Daniel Hanner & Christopher Metcalf & Mary Sullivan & Brett Wendling - 321-331 The Year in Review: Economics at the Antitrust Division: 2011
by W. Majure & Fiona Scott Morton
November 2012, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 157-179 “On a Level with Dentists?” Reflections on the Evolution of Industrial Organization
by Richard Schmalensee - 181-191 Who Invented the Lerner Index? Luigi Amoroso, the Dominant Firm Model, and the Measurement of Market Power
by Nicola Giocoli - 193-205 Firm Size and Growth Rate Variance: The Effects of Data Truncation
by Marco Capasso & Elena Cefis - 207-222 The Prescribing Physician’s Influence on Consumer Choice Between Medically Equivalent Pharmaceuticals
by David Granlund & Niklas Rudholm - 223-248 Does Rigidity of Prices Hide Collusion?
by Juan Jiménez & Jordi Perdiguero
August 2012, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-6 Introduction: Embracing Competition in the World’s Second Giant Economy: China’s 2008 Anti-Monopoly Law
by David Round & Ping Lin - 7-30 China’s Antimonopoly Law 2008: An Overview
by Allan Fels - 31-52 China’s Anti-Monopoly Law: What is the Welfare Standard?
by Pingping Shan & Guofu Tan & Simon Wilkie & Michael Williams - 53-75 New Wine into Old Wineskins: Recent Developments in China’s Competition Policy Against Monopolistic/Collusive Agreements
by Xinzhu Zhang & Vanessa Zhang - 77-107 Abuse of Market Dominance Under China’s 2007 Anti-monopoly Law: A Preliminary Assessment
by Zhiyong Liu & Yue Qiao - 109-132 Merger Control Policy Under China’s Anti-Monopoly Law
by Ping Lin & Jingjing Zhao - 133-155 A Tiger Without Teeth? Regulation of Administrative Monopoly Under China’s Anti-Monopoly Law
by Changqi Wu & Zhicheng Liu
June 2012, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 249-271 Vertical Integration and Costly Demand Information in Regulated Network Industries
by Elisabetta Iossa & Francesca Stroffolini - 273-289 An Empirical Analysis of the Average Plant Start-Up Size in Turkish Manufacturing Industries
by Seyit Cilasun & Burak Günalp - 291-312 Discounts and Public Service Obligations in the Airline Market: Lessons from Spain
by Joan Calzada & Xavier Fageda - 313-338 Yardstick Competition to Elicit Private Information: An Empirical Analysis
by Ayako Suzuki - 339-354 Estimating Market Power with Weak A Priori Information: An Exploratory Approach to the Model-Specification Problem
by Carlo Russo
May 2012, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 151-165 Peak-Load Versus Discriminatory Pricing: Evidence from the Golf Industry
by Frank Limehouse & Michael Maloney & Kurt Rotthoff - 167-189 Franchise Fees and Royalties: Theory and Empirical Results
by Masayoshi Maruyama & Yu Yamashita - 191-205 Construction Procurement Auctions: Do Entrant Bidders Employ More Aggressive Strategies than Incumbent Bidders?
by Sheng Li & Peter Philips - 207-223 Public Procurement Auctions and Competition in Turkey
by İlke Onur & Rasim Özcan & Bedri Taş - 225-247 Reserve Prices in Repeated Auctions
by Octavian Carare
March 2012, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 85-86 Introduction: Market Structure and Efficiency
by Victor Tremblay - 87-108 Market Structure and Market Performance
by Stephen Martin - 109-129 A New Method for Estimating Market Power with an Application to Norwegian Sawmilling
by Subal Kumbhakar & Sjur Baardsen & Gudbrand Lien - 131-138 Collinearity in Linear Structural Models of Market Power
by Jeffrey Perloff & Edward Shen - 139-146 Market Power and Technology
by Rolf Färe & Shawna Grosskopf & Victor Tremblay
February 2012, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-19 Last-Minute Bidding in Sequential Auctions with Unobserved, Stochastic Entry
by Kenneth Hendricks & Ilke Onur & Thomas Wiseman - 21-35 Does Distance Matter Less Now? The Changing Role of Geography in Biotechnology Innovation
by Daniel Johnson & Kristina Lybecker - 37-50 Risk Aversion and Tacit Collusion in a Bertrand Duopoly Experiment
by Lisa Anderson & Beth Freeborn & Jason Hulbert - 51-73 Competition in the Korean Internet Portal Market: Network Effects, Profit, and Market Efficiency
by Dong Choi & Jongeun Oh & Yeonbae Kim & Junseok Hwang - 75-83 A Note on the Consequences of Monopsony When Goods are Jointly Produced in Fixed Proportions
by Roger Blair & Jessica Haynes
December 2011, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 267-268 Reflections on the Tenth Anniversary of the “Antitrust and Regulatory Update”
by John Kwoka - 269-270 Introduction: Antitrust and Regulatory Update
by Lawrence White - 271-296 Economics at the FTC: Hospital Mergers, Authorized Generic Drugs, and Consumer Credit Markets
by Joseph Farrell & David Balan & Keith Brand & Brett Wendling - 297-309 The Year in Economics at the FCC, 2010–11: Protecting Competition Online
by Jonathan Baker & Mark Bykowsky & Patrick DeGraba & Paul LaFontaine & Eric Ralph & William Sharkey - 311-325 Economics at DG Competition, 2010–2011
by Kai-Uwe Kühn & Svend Albæk & Miguel Mano - 327-334 The Antitrust Division: Economic Issues Presented in 2010–2011
by W. Majure
November 2011, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 169-185 The Design of Advertising Exchanges
by R. McAfee - 187-205 Institutional Change and Factor Movement in Major League Baseball: An Examination of the Coase Theorem’s Invariance Principle
by Martin Schmidt - 207-230 Industry Characteristics and Anti-Competitive Behavior: Evidence from the European Commission’s Decisions
by Jordi Gual & Núria Mas - 231-251 Endogenous Mergers of Complements with Mixed Bundling
by Ricardo Flores-Fillol & Rafael Moner-Colonques - 253-265 Does Buyer Experience Pay Off? Evidence from eBay
by Genti Kostandini & Elton Mykerezi & Eftila Tanellari & Nour Dib
August 2011, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-2 Symposium: The 2010 Horizontal Merger Guidelines: Editor’s Introduction
by Roger Blair - 3-18 Harm to Competition Under the 2010 Horizontal Merger Guidelines
by Herbert Hovenkamp - 19-38 Unilateral Competitive Effects of Mergers: Upward Pricing Pressure, Product Quality, and Other Extensions
by Robert Willig - 39-56 Coordinated Effects in the 2010 Horizontal Merger Guidelines
by Wayne-Roy Gayle & Robert Marshall & Leslie Marx & Jean-François Richard - 57-68 The Efficiencies Defense in the 2010 Horizontal Merger Guidelines
by Roger Blair & Jessica Haynes - 69-93 Market Definition?
by John Lopatka - 95-106 Brown Shoe Versus the Horizontal Merger Guidelines
by Keith Hylton - 107-125 Market Definition and the Merger Guidelines
by Louis Kaplow - 127-136 Proper Treatment of Buyer Power in Merger Review
by Dennis Carlton & Mark Israel - 137-143 Considerations of Countervailing Power
by Roger Blair & Christina DePasquale - 145-158 The Sound of One Hand Clapping: The 2010 Merger Guidelines and the Challenge of Judicial Adoption
by Judd Stone & Joshua Wright - 159-168 The 2010 Revised Merger Guidelines and Modern Industrial Economics
by Michael Salinger
June 2011, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 311-317 Introduction: Antitrust and the Dynamics of Competition in High-Tech Industries
by Thomas Lenard - 319-362 Antitrust in High-Tech Industries
by Robert Crandall & Charles Jackson - 363-386 Antitrust and Vertical Integration in “New Economy” Industries with Application to Broadband Access
by Bruce Owen - 387-404 Does Antitrust Enforcement in High Tech Markets Benefit Consumers? Stock Price Evidence from FTC v. Intel
by Joshua Wright - 405-421 Cloud Computing: Architectural and Policy Implications
by Christopher Yoo - 423-433 “High-Tech” Antitrust: Incoherent, Misguided, Obsolete, or None of the Above? Comments on Crandall-Jackson and Wright
by Timothy Brennan - 435-440 Discussion of Papers by Bruce Owen and Christopher Yoo
by Michael Salinger
May 2011, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 223-224 Introduction: The Centennial of the Standard Oil of New Jersey Decision
by John Brown - 225-233 Standard Oil as a Technological Innovator
by F. Scherer - 235-243 Contracts Versus Price Discrimination: Evidence From the SONJ Case
by John Brown - 245-266 Standard Oil and Predatory Pricing: Myth Paralleling Fact
by James Dalton & Louis Esposito - 267-283 Of Rebates and Drawbacks: The Standard Oil (N.J.) Company and the Railroads
by Michael Reksulak & William Shughart - 285-310 Price Spikes in Energy Markets: “Business by Usual Methods” or Strategic Withholding?
by John Kwoka & Vladlena Sabodash
March 2011, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 117-118 Introduction: Issues in Network Economics
by Victor Tremblay - 119-149 A Short Survey of Network Economics
by Oz Shy - 151-171 Market Power in US Broadband Services
by Thomas Hazlett & Dennis Weisman - 173-190 From Network Externalities to Broadband Growth Externalities: a Bridge not yet Built
by John Mayo & Scott Wallsten - 191-207 The Small Firm in a Quantity Choosing Game: Some Experimental Evidence
by Owen Phillips & Dale Menkhaus & John Thurow - 209-222 The Price Effects of Using Firewalls as an Antitrust Remedy
by Charles Thomas
January 2011, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-21 Does Big Drive Out Small?
by Mitsuru Igami - 23-42 Subscription Choices and Switching Costs in Mobile Telephony
by Lukasz Grzybowski & Pedro Pereira - 43-60 The Determinants of Pricing in the Mexican Domestic Airline Sector: The Impact of Competition and Airport Congestion
by Agustin Ros - 61-93 Ownership Unbundling in Electricity Distribution: Empirical Evidence from New Zealand
by Paul Nillesen & Michael Pollitt - 95-115 Multimarket Contact and Intensity of Competition: Evidence from an Airline Merger
by Volodymyr Bilotkach
December 2010, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 261-262 Introduction: Antitrust and Regulatory Review
by Lawrence White - 263-277 Economics at the FTC: Mergers, Dominant-Firm Conduct, and Consumer Behavior
by Joseph Farrell & Janis Pappalardo & Howard Shelanski - 279-290 The Year in Economics at the FCC: A National Plan for Broadband
by Jonathan Baker & Paul Sa - 291-307 The Year in Review: Economics at the Antitrust Division, 2009–2010
by Ken Heyer & Carl Shapiro - 309-333 Economics at DG Competition, 2009–2010
by Damien Neven & Miguel Mano
November 2010, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 161-178 All-Unit Discounts and the Problem of Surplus Division
by Eberhard Feess & Ansgar Wohlschlegel - 179-196 The Determinants of State-Level Antitrust Activity
by Robert Feinberg & Kara Reynolds - 197-214 Short-Run Demand and Uncertainty of Outcome in Major League Baseball
by Scott Tainsky & Jason Winfree - 215-236 Sunk Costs, Market Contestability, and the Size Distribution of Firms
by Ioannis Kessides & Li Tang - 237-259 The Application for and the Awarding of Low-Interest Credits to Finance R&D Projects
by Elena Huergo & Mayte Trenado
September 2010, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 65-82 The Firm Size Distribution and Inter-Industry Diversification
by John Hutchinson & Jozef Konings & Patrick Walsh - 83-99 Assessing the Efficacy of Structural Merger Remedies: Choosing Between Theories of Harm?
by Stephen Davies & Matthew Olczak - 101-117 An Empirical Analysis of UK Credit Card Pricing
by Kevin Amess & Leigh Drake & Helen Knight - 119-140 The Stock Market’s Valuation of R&D and Market Concentration in Horizontal Mergers
by Ralph Sonenshine - 141-159 Common Knowledge Reference Price and Asymmetric Price Adjustments
by Marc Hofstetter & Jorge Tovar
August 2010, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-2 Introduction: Economic Issues in Auctions
by Victor Tremblay - 3-42 eBay in the Economic Literature: Analysis of an Auction Marketplace
by Kevin Hasker & Robin Sickles - 43-50 Efficiency in Second-Price Auctions: A New Look at Old Data
by Rodney Garratt & John Wooders - 51-64 Measuring the Economic Effect of Global Warming on Viticulture Using Auction, Retail, and Wholesale Prices
by Orley Ashenfelter & Karl Storchmann
June 2010, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 305-331 Comparing Merger Policies in the European Union and the United States
by Mats Bergman & Malcolm Coate & Maria Jakobsson & Shawn Ulrick - 333-349 Brand or Variety Choices and Periodic Sales as Substitute Instruments for Monopoly Price Discrimination
by Tian Xia & Richard Sexton - 351-372 Chart Turnover and Sales in the Recorded Music Industry: 1990–2005
by Christopher Klein & Shea Slonaker - 373-389 Geographical Agglomeration as an Alternative to Vertical Integration
by Isabel Diez-Vial & Emilio Alvarez-Suescun - 391-412 Quality-Adjusted Prices of Japanese Mobile Phone Handsets and Carriers’ Strategies
by Naoki Watanabe & Ryo Nakajima & Takanori Ida
May 2010, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 213-225 Buyer Power and Industry Structure
by David Mills - 227-248 Innovation and the Survival of New Firms in the UK
by Christian Helmers & Mark Rogers - 249-269 The Effects of Average Norm Model Regulation: The Case of Electricity Distribution in Sweden
by Tooraj Jamasb & Magnus Söderberg - 271-294 Market Consolidation and Productivity Growth in U.S. Wireline Telecommunications: Stochastic Frontier Analysis vs. Malmquist Index
by Daigyo Seo & Allen Featherstone & Dennis Weisman & Yuan Gao - 295-304 Internet Auctions and Frictionless Commerce: Evidence from the Retail Gift Card Market
by Lesley Chiou & Jennifer Pate
March 2010, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 97-131 European Antitrust Policy 1957–2004: An Analysis of Commission Decisions
by Martin Carree & Andrea Günster & Maarten Schinkel - 133-147 The Consequences of “Consideration Payments”: Lessons from Radio Payola
by Adam Rennhoff - 149-162 Endogenous Average Cost Based Access Pricing
by Kenneth Fjell & Øystein Foros & Debashis Pal - 163-187 Bidder Asymmetry in Infrastructure Procurement: Are There any Fringe Bidders?
by Antonio Estache & Atsushi Iimi - 189-212 Marketing and Organisational Innovations in Entrepreneurial Innovation Processes and their Relation to Market Structure and Firm Characteristics
by Torben Schubert
February 2010, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-16 More Information, More Ripoffs: Experiments with Public and Private Information in Markets with Asymmetric Information
by Bart Wilson & Arthur Zillante - 17-36 Revenue Sharing and Competitive Balance in a Dynamic Contest Model
by Martin Grossmann & Helmut Dietl & Markus Lang - 37-58 Market Diversion and Market Power: California Eggs
by William Allender & Timothy Richards - 59-74 Intra-Industry Growth Dynamics in the Greek Services Sector: Firm-Level Estimates for ICT-Producing, ICT-Using, and Non-ICT Industries
by Ioannis Giotopoulos & Georgios Fotopoulos - 75-96 An Asymmetric Oligopolist can Improve Welfare by Raising Price
by Ming Chang
December 2009, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 315-316 Introduction: Antitrust and Regulatory Update
by Lawrence White - 317-347 Economics at DG Competition, 2008–2009
by Damien Neven & Miguel Mano - 349-367 The Year in Review: Economics at the Antitrust Division, 2008–2009
by Ken Heyer & Carl Shapiro & Jeffrey Wilder - 369-385 Economics at the FTC: Retrospective Merger Analysis with a Focus on Hospitals
by Joseph Farrell & Paul Pautler & Michael Vita - 387-417 Economics at the FCC, 2008–2009: Broadband and Merger Review
by Michelle Connolly & James Prieger
November 2009, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 217-231 Market Structure after Horizontal Mergers: Evidence from the Banking Industry
by Robert Adams & Richard Johnson & Steven Pilloff - 233-255 Endogenous Regulatory Constraints and the Emergence of Hybrid Regulation
by Larry Blank & John Mayo - 257-274 Oligopsonistic Cats and Dogs
by Gerda Dewit & Dermot Leahy - 275-297 Progressive Revenue Sharing in Major League Baseball: The Effect on Player Transfers and Talent Distribution
by Joel Maxcy - 299-313 Revenue Sharing and Competitive Balance When Teams are not Wage Takers
by Michel Cavagnac
September 2009, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-18 Public–Private Agreements, Institutions, and Competition: When Economic Theory Meets Facts
by Stéphane Saussier & Carine Staropoli & Anne Yvrande-Billon - 19-40 A Comparison of Construction Contract Prices for Traditionally Procured Roads and Public–Private Partnerships
by Frédéric Blanc-Brude & Hugh Goldsmith & Timo Välilä - 41-71 Multidimensionality and Renegotiation: Evidence from Transport-Sector Public-Private-Partnership Transactions in Latin America
by Antonio Estache & Jose-Luis Guasch & Atsushi Iimi & Lourdes Trujillo - 73-93 Entry and Bidding in Common and Private Value Auctions with an Unknown Number of Rivals
by Dakshina De Silva & Thomas Jeitschko & Georgia Kosmopoulou - 95-121 Fine-Tailored for the Cartel-Favoritism in Procurement
by Ariane Lambert-Mogiliansky & Grigory Kosenok - 123-148 Regulatory Intervention, Corruption and Competition
by Stéphane Straub - 149-169 Yardstick Competition, Franchise Bidding and Firms’ Incentives to Collude
by Eshien Chong & Freddy Huet - 171-216 Infrastructure Contracts: Trust and Institutional Updating
by Xeni Dassiou & Jon Stern
June 2009, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 287-306 Product Innovation and Survival in a High-Tech Industry
by Roberto Fontana & Lionel Nesta - 307-326 Policy Implications of the Effects of Concentration and Multimarket Contact in China’s Airline Market
by Yahua Zhang & David Round - 327-347 Uncertainty and Auction Outcomes: Evidence from Used Car Actions
by Yaron Raviv - 349-371 Small Firms and Formality: The Influence of Judicial Efficiency and Regulation Costs
by Jeffrey Nugent & Grigor Sukiassyan - 373-388 Generic Entry into the Regulated Spanish Pharmaceutical Market
by Iván Moreno-Torres & Jaume Puig-Junoy & Joan-Ramon Borrell
May 2009, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 193-215 Modelling Professional Sports Leagues: An Industrial Organization Approach
by Philippe Cyrenne - 217-229 Determinants of Contract Duration: Further Evidence from Coal-Fired Power Plants
by Maria Kozhevnikova & Ian Lange - 231-244 Measuring Market Conduct in the Brazilian Cement Industry: A Dynamic Econometric Investigation
by Rodrigo Zeidan & Marcelo Resende - 245-266 Merger Simulation in the Presence of Large Choice Sets and Consumer Stockpiling: The Case of the Bottled Juice Industry
by Geoffrey Pofahl - 267-285 Effects of Transparency in Procurement Practices on Government Expenditure: A Case Study of Municipal Public Works
by Hiroshi Ohashi
March 2009, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 99-114 Do Court Decisions Drive the Federal Trade Commission’s Enforcement Policy on Merger Settlements?
by Malcolm Coate & Shawn Ulrick - 115-133 An Anticompetitive Effect of Eliminating Transport Barriers in Network Markets
by Federico Boffa & Carlo Scarpa - 135-152 A Consideration of Telecommunications Market Structure in the Presence of Municipal Provision: The Case of US Cities
by Janice Hauge & Mark Jamison & R. Jewell - 153-171 Competition in Research and Development: A Theory for Contradictory Predictions
by John Scott - 173-191 Why Do Payday Lenders Enter Local Markets? Evidence from Oregon
by H. Damar
February 2009, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-4 Introduction: Economic Issues in Sports
by Victor Tremblay - 5-44 Theory of the Perfect Game: Competitive Balance in Monopoly Sports Leagues
by John Vrooman - 45-68 Goal! Profit Maximization Versus Win Maximization in Soccer
by Pedro Garcia-del-Barrio & Stefan Szymanski - 69-80 Sports Really are Different: The Contest Success Function and the Supply of Talent
by Rodney Fort & Jason Winfree