March 2025, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-44 Signaling quality via demand lockout
by Andreas Kraft & Raghunath Singh Rao - 45-104 Discrete choice in marketing through the lens of rational inattention
by Sergey Turlo & Matteo Fina & Johannes Kasinger & Arash Laghaie & Thomas Otter - 105-164 Simulated maximum likelihood estimation of the sequential search model
by Jae Hyen Chung & Pradeep Chintagunta & Sanjog Misra - 165-213 The sequential search model: A framework for empirical research
by Raluca Ursu & Stephan Seiler & Elisabeth Honka
December 2024, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 357-387 Apparent algorithmic discrimination and real-time algorithmic learning in digital search advertising
by Anja Lambrecht & Catherine Tucker - 389-443 Investigating complementarities in subscription software usage using advertising experiments
by Jon Zeller & Sridhar Narayanan - 445-483 Complementarities between algorithmic and human decision-making: The case of antibiotic prescribing
by Michael Allan Ribers & Hannes Ullrich - 485-485 Correction to: A high-performance turnkey system for customer lifetime value prediction in retail brands
by Yan Yan & Nicholas Resnick - 487-488 Correction to: Better with buy now, pay later?: a competitive analysis
by Preyas S. Desai & Pranav Jindal
September 2024, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 223-255 Transitory shocks, limited attention, and a firm’s decision to exit
by Avi Goldfarb & Mo Xiao - 257-289 Testing a theory of strategic multi-product choice
by Edward J. Fox & Hristina Pulgar & John H. Semple - 291-356 Watching intensity and media franchise engagement
by Mina Ameri & Elisabeth Honka & Ying Xie
June 2024, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 115-168 Heterogeneous treatment effects and optimal targeting policy evaluation
by Günter J. Hitsch & Sanjog Misra & Walter W. Zhang - 169-192 A high-performance turnkey system for customer lifetime value prediction in retail brands
by Yan Yan & Nicholas Resnick - 193-222 Identification in english auctions with shill bidding
by Guillermo Marshall
March 2024, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-21 The pricing strategies of online grocery retailers
by Diego Aparicio & Zachary Metzman & Roberto Rigobon - 23-61 Better with buy now, pay later?: A competitive analysis
by Preyas S. Desai & Pranav Jindal - 63-114 Are consumers averse to sponsored messages? The role of search advertising in information discovery
by Navdeep S. Sahni & Charles Zhang
December 2023, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 437-492 Counter-cyclical price promotion: Capturing seasonal changes in stockpiling and endogenous consumption
by Minjung Kwon & Tülin Erdem & Masakazu Ishihara - 493-517 Targeted incentives, broad impacts: Evidence from an E-commerce platform
by Xiang Hui & Meng Liu & Tat Chan - 519-571 Is first- or third-party audience data more effective for reaching the ‘right’ customers? The case of IT decision-makers
by Nico Neumann & Catherine E. Tucker & Kumar Subramanyam & John Marshall
September 2023, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 333-355 From uniform to bespoke prices: Hotel pricing during EURO 2016
by Marcella Nicolini & Claudio A. Piga & Andrea Pozzi - 357-379 Effect of search cost in the presence of search deterring informative advertising
by Bikram P. Ghosh & Michael R. Galbreth - 381-435 Price commitment and the strategic launch of a fighter brand
by Peter-J. Jost
June 2023, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 147-181 Price promotions, beneficiary framing, and mental accounting
by Geoffrey Fisher & Matthew McGranaghan & Jura Liaukonyte & Kenneth C. Wilbur - 183-279 Face/Off: The adverse effects of increased competition
by Iman Ahmadi - 281-331 Local excise taxes, sticky prices, and spillovers: evidence from Berkeley’s soda tax
by Bryan Bollinger & Steven E. Sexton
March 2023, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-64 Mergers with endogenous product choice: The case of the ready-to-eat cereal industry
by Federico Rossi - 65-94 Store expensiveness and consumer saving: Insights from a new decomposition of price dispersion
by Sofronis Clerides & Pascal Courty & Yupei Ma - 95-146 Shrinkage priors for high-dimensional demand estimation
by Adam N. Smith & Jim E. Griffin
December 2022, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 313-351 Price dynamics of Swedish pharmaceuticals
by Aljoscha Janssen - 353-395 Vertical integration of platforms and product prominence
by Morgane Cure & Matthias Hunold & Reinhold Kesler & Ulrich Laitenberger & Thomas Larrieu - 397-430 Non-linear pricing effects in conjoint analysis
by YiChun Miriam Liu & Jeff D. Brazell & Greg M. Allenby
September 2022, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 239-273 Proxies for legal firearm prevalence
by Jessica Jumee Kim & Kenneth C. Wilbur - 275-292 Quantifying the link between employee engagement, and customer satisfaction and retention in the car rental industry
by Ahmed Khwaja & Nathan Yang - 293-312 Distilling network effects from Steam
by José Tudón
June 2022, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 101-139 Price promotions and “freemium” app monetization
by Julian Runge & Jonathan Levav & Harikesh S. Nair - 141-178 A sequential choice model for multiple discrete demand
by Sanghak Lee & Sunghoon Kim & Sungho Park - 179-238 Adaptive grids for the estimation of dynamic models
by Andreas Lanz & Gregor Reich & Ole Wilms
March 2022, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-37 The role of slant and message consistency in political advertising effectiveness: evidence from the 2016 presidential election
by Beth L. Fossen & Donggwan Kim & David A. Schweidel & Raphael Thomadsen - 39-67 Industry-funded research and bias in food science
by Anita Rao - 69-99 Copula-based direct utility models for correlated choice alternatives
by Chul Kim & Duk Bin Jun & Sungho Park
December 2021, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 261-287 Measuring the competition effects of price-matching guarantees
by Samir Mamadehussene - 289-368 Prices and promotions in U.S. retail markets
by Günter J. Hitsch & Ali Hortaçsu & Xiliang Lin - 369-407 Counterfactual inference for consumer choice across many product categories
by Robert Donnelly & Francisco J.R. Ruiz & David Blei & Susan Athey - 409-409 Correction to: Counterfactual inference for consumer choice across many product categories
by Robert Donnelly & Francisco J. R. Ruiz & David Blei & Susan Athey - 411-415 Comments on “Counterfactual Inference for Consumer Choice Across Many Product Categories”
by Pradeep K. Chintagunta - 417-455 Leveraging loyalty programs using competitor based targeting
by Wayne Taylor & Brett Hollenbeck - 457-503 Estimating expectations-based reference-price effects in the used-car retail market
by Guofang Huang & Haiyan Liu - 505-566 Keywords, limited consideration, and organic product listings
by Peter Landry
June 2021, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 127-178 Selling mechanisms for perishable goods: An empirical analysis of an online resale market for event tickets
by Caio Waisman - 179-225 Are e-books a different channel? Multichannel management of digital products
by Hui Li - 227-260 Asymmetric cost pass-through and consumer search: empirical evidence from online platforms
by Sven Heim
March 2021, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-52 Consumer search in the U.S. auto industry: The role of dealership visits
by Dan Yavorsky & Elisabeth Honka & Keith Chen - 53-92 Geography as branding: Descriptive evidence from Taobao
by Pradeep K. Chintagunta & Junhong Chu - 93-125 The impact of social distancing on box-office revenue: Evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic
by In Kyung Kim
December 2020, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 343-380 How to generalize from a hierarchical model?
by Max J. Pachali & Peter Kurz & Thomas Otter - 381-417 Social network design for inducing effort
by Pinar Yildirim & Yanhao Wei & Christophe Bulte & Joy Lu - 419-468 Benefit Formation and Enhancement
by Hyowon Kim & Dong Soo Kim & Greg M. Allenby - 469-471 Correction to: Can your advertising really buy earned impressions? The effect of brand advertising on word of mouth
by Mitchell J. Lovett & Renana Peres & Linli Xu
September 2020, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 237-271 Displaying things in common to encourage friendship formation: A large randomized field experiment
by Tianshu Sun & Sean J. Taylor - 273-303 The Effect of Sales Assistance on Purchase Decisions: An analysis using retail video data
by Aditya Jain & Sanjog Misra & Nils Rudi - 305-342 Can free-shipping hurt online retailers?
by Ricard Gil & Evsen Korkmaz & Ozge Sahin
June 2020, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 125-154 Retailers’ product location problem with consumer search
by Raluca M. Ursu & Daria Dzyabura - 155-194 Search query formation by strategic consumers
by Jia Liu & Olivier Toubia - 195-235 The effect of exogenous product familiarity on endogenous consumer search
by Michael R. Galbreth & Bikram Ghosh
March 2020, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-37 Horizontal mergers and innovation in concentrated industries
by Brett Hollenbeck - 39-60 Evaluating horizontal mergers in the presence of price promotions
by Maxim Sinitsyn - 61-124 Software piracy and outsourcing in two-sided markets
by Masakazu Ishihara & Eitan Muller
December 2019, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 359-384 Estimating dynamic discrete choice models with aggregate data: Properties of the inclusive value approximation
by Timothy Derdenger & Vineet Kumar - 385-413 Dynamic pricing with fairness concerns and a capacity constraint
by Matthew Selove - 415-437 VANISH regularization for generalized linear models
by Oliver J. Rutz & Garrett P. Sonnier - 439-449 Comments on “identification and semiparametric estimation of a finite horizon dynamic discrete choice model with a terminating action”
by Øystein Daljord & Denis Nekipelov & Minjung Park
September 2019, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 215-255 Can your advertising really buy earned impressions? The effect of brand advertising on word of mouth
by Mitchell J. Lovett & Renana Peres & Linli Xu - 257-323 Advertising and brand attitudes: Evidence from 575 brands over five years
by Rex Yuxing Du & Mingyu Joo & Kenneth C. Wilbur - 325-357 A study into mechanisms of attitudinal scale conversion: A randomized stochastic ordering approach
by Zvi Gilula & Robert E. McCulloch & Yaacov Ritov & Oleg Urminsky
June 2019, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 105-134 Firms’ reactions to public information on business practices: The case of search advertising
by Justin M. Rao & Andrey Simonov - 135-160 Is pharmaceutical detailing informative? Evidence from contraindicated drug prescriptions
by Guofang Huang & Matthew Shum & Wei Tan - 161-213 Consumer mistakes and advertising: The case of mortgage refinancing
by Serafin Grundl & You Suk Kim
March 2019, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-58 Dynamic effects of price promotions: field evidence, consumer search, and supply-side implications
by Andrés Elberg & Pedro M. Gardete & Rosario Macera & Carlos Noton - 59-79 Dynamic stochastic games with random moves
by Ulrich Doraszelski & Kenneth L. Judd - 81-104 Targeting and salesforce compensation: When sales spill over to unprofitable customers
by Sumitro Banerjee & Alex P. Thevaranjan
December 2018, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 371-407 You get what you give: theory and evidence of reciprocity in the sharing economy
by Davide Proserpio & Wendy Xu & Georgios Zervas - 409-440 Sequential sampling enhanced composite likelihood approach to estimation of social intercorrelations in large-scale networks
by Yan Chen & Youran Qi & Qing Liu & Peter Chien - 441-472 Why would a big retailer refuse to collaborate on manufacturer SPIFF programs?
by Zheyin (Jane) Gu & Yunchuan Liu
September 2018, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 251-287 Risk transfer versus cost reduction on two-sided microfinance platforms
by Bryan Bollinger & Song Yao - 289-339 Aggregation of consumer ratings: an application to
by Weijia (Daisy) Dai & Ginger Jin & Jungmin Lee & Michael Luca - 341-370 Airline networks, traffic densities, and value of links
by Yanhao Wei
June 2018, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 111-174 Television ad-skipping, consumption complementarities and the consumer demand for advertising
by Anna E. Tuchman & Harikesh S. Nair & Pedro M. Gardete - 175-207 Entry deterrence/accommodation with imperfect strategic thinking capability
by Yuxin Chen & Ozge Turut - 209-249 Flirting with the enemy: online competitor referral and entry-deterrence
by Jianqiang Zhang & Zhuping Liu & Raghunath Singh Rao
March 2018, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-42 Cross channel effects of search engine advertising on brick & mortar retail sales: Meta analysis of large scale field experiments on
by Kirthi Kalyanam & John McAteer & Jonathan Marek & James Hodges & Lifeng Lin - 43-77 Tie-in contracts with downstream competition
by Sreya Kolay - 79-109 The effect of the WIC program on consumption patterns in the cereal category
by Romana Khan & Ting Zhu & Sanjay Dhar
December 2017, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 305-339 Do consumers value price transparency?
by Katja Seim & Maria Ana Vitorino & David M. Muir - 341-368 Temporal product bundling with myopic and strategic consumers: Manifestations and relative effectiveness
by Ashutosh Prasad & R. Venkatesh & Vijay Mahajan - 369-407 Implications of parent brand inertia for multiproduct pricing
by Polykarpos Pavlidis & Paul B. Ellickson
September 2017, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 187-239 The timing of version releases: A dynamic duopoly model
by Ron N. Borkovsky - 241-278 The impact of advertising along the conversion funnel
by Stephan Seiler & Song Yao - 279-303 Free in-network pricing as an entry-deterrence strategy
by Tingting He & Dmitri Kuksov & Chakravarthi Narasimhan
June 2017, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 85-122 E-book pricing and vertical restraints
by Babur De los Santos & Matthijs R. Wildenbeest - 123-163 Why offer lower prices to past customers? Inducing favorable social price comparisons to enhance customer retention
by Seung Hwan (Shawn) Lee & Scott Fay - 165-186 Price-matching guarantees in dual channels
by Arcan Nalca
March 2017, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-28 Super returns to Super Bowl ads?
by Seth Stephens-Davidowitz & Hal Varian & Michael D. Smith - 29-55 Understanding repeat playing behavior in casual games using a Bayesian data augmentation approach
by Sam K. Hui - 57-84 Strategic compliments in sales
by Amin Sayedi & Jeffrey D. Shulman
December 2016, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 271-323 Identification and semiparametric estimation of a finite horizon dynamic discrete choice model with a terminating action
by Patrick Bajari & Chenghuan Sean Chu & Denis Nekipelov & Minjung Park - 325-351 Estimating the impact of interacting with sales representatives on customer-specific revenue and churn behavior
by Alon Eizenberg - 353-384 The palette that stands out: Color compositions of online curated visual UGC that attracts higher consumer interaction
by Nima Y. Jalali & Purushottam Papatla
September 2016, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 157-193 Costly search and consideration sets in storable goods markets
by Tiago Pires - 195-195 Editors’ note
by Pradeep K. Chintagunta - 197-200 Comments on “costly search and consideration sets in storable goods markets” by Tiago Pires
by Stephan Seiler - 201-231 Estimating the cost of strategic entry delay in pharmaceuticals: The case of Ambien CR
by Bradley T. Shapiro - 233-269 Consumer deliberation and quality signaling
by Liang Guo & Yue Wu
June 2016, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 97-127 The strategic use of early bird discounts for dealers
by Desmond (Ho-Fu) Lo & Stephen W. Salant - 129-155 Mixed pricing in online marketplaces
by Katja Seim & Michael Sinkinson
March 2016, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-40 Advertising competition in presidential elections
by Brett R. Gordon & Wesley R. Hartmann - 41-95 Who is exposed to gas prices? How gasoline prices affect automobile manufacturers and dealerships
by Meghan R. Busse & Christopher R. Knittel & Jorge Silva-Risso & Florian Zettelmeyer
December 2015, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 283-318 Is online newspaper advertising cannibalizing print advertising?
by Shrihari Sridhar & Srinivasaraghavan Sriram - 283-318 Is online newspaper advertising cannibalizing print advertising?
by Shrihari Sridhar & Srinivasaraghavan Sriram - 319-358 Green technology adoption: An empirical study of the Southern California garment cleaning industry
by Bryan Bollinger - 319-358 Green technology adoption: An empirical study of the Southern California garment cleaning industry
by Bryan Bollinger - 359-394 Democracy in product design: Consumer participation and differentiation strategies
by Zsolt Katona - 359-394 Democracy in product design: Consumer participation and differentiation strategies
by Zsolt Katona
September 2015, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 173-202 Consumer learning and evolution of consumer brand preferences
by Hai Che & Tülin Erdem & T. Sabri Öncü - 173-202 Consumer learning and evolution of consumer brand preferences
by Hai Che & Tülin Erdem & T. Öncü - 203-247 Effect of temporal spacing between advertising exposures: Evidence from online field experiments
by Navdeep Sahni - 203-247 Effect of temporal spacing between advertising exposures: Evidence from online field experiments
by Navdeep S. Sahni - 249-250 Erratum to: Effect of temporal spacing between advertising exposures: Evidence from online field experiments
by Navdeep Sahni - 249-250 Erratum to: Effect of temporal spacing between advertising exposures: Evidence from online field experiments
by Navdeep S. Sahni - 251-282 Consumer mending and online retailer fit-uncertainty mitigating strategies
by Zheyin Gu & Giri Tayi - 251-282 Consumer mending and online retailer fit-uncertainty mitigating strategies
by Zheyin (Jane) Gu & Giri K. Tayi
June 2015, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 93-115 Display advertising’s competitive spillovers to consumer search
by Randall Lewis & Dan Nguyen - 93-115 Display advertising’s competitive spillovers to consumer search
by Randall Lewis & Dan Nguyen - 117-134 Quality vs. variety: Trading larger screens for more shows in the era of digital cinema
by Anita Rao & Wesley R. Hartmann - 117-134 Quality vs. variety: Trading larger screens for more shows in the era of digital cinema
by Anita Rao & Wesley Hartmann - 135-171 Optimal selling strategies when buyers name their own prices
by Robert Zeithammer - 135-171 Optimal selling strategies when buyers name their own prices
by Robert Zeithammer
March 2015, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-26 Designing choice experiments by optimizing the complexity level to individual abilities
by Vishva Danthurebandara & Jie Yu & Martina Vandebroek - 27-57 Localized price promotions as a quality signal in a publicly observable network
by James D. Campbell - 59-91 The effects of resale-below-cost laws in the presence of a strategic manufacturer
by Noriaki Matsushima & Akira Miyaoka
December 2014, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 331-377 The Joint identification of utility and discount functions from stated choice data: An application to durable goods adoption
by Jean-Pierre Dubé & Günter Hitsch & Pranav Jindal - 379-419 Who pays for switching costs?
by Guy Arie & Paul E. Grieco - 421-456 Economic valuation of product features
by Greg Allenby & Jeff Brazell & John Howell & Peter Rossi
September 2014, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 235-266 Online ads and offline sales: measuring the effect of retail advertising via a controlled experiment on Yahoo!
by Randall Lewis & David Reiley - 267-304 Identification and counterfactuals in dynamic models of market entry and exit
by Victor Aguirregabiria & Junichi Suzuki - 305-329 Survey data and Bayesian analysis: a cost-efficient way to estimate customer equity
by Juha Karvanen & Ari Rantanen & Lasse Luoma
June 2014, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 127-165 Technological tying and the intensity of price competition: An empirical analysis of the video game industry
by Timothy Derdenger - 167-207 Estimating discrete-choice games of incomplete information: Simple static examples
by Che-Lin Su - 209-233 Meta-analyses using information reweighting: An application to online advertising
by Pengyuan Wang & Eric Bradlow & Edward George
March 2014, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-42 Competition and product innovation in dynamic oligopoly
by Ronald Goettler & Brett Gordon - 43-84 Bayesian estimation of the random coefficients logit from aggregate count data
by German Zenetti & Thomas Otter - 85-126 How long has it been since the last deal? Consumer promotion timing expectations and promotional response
by Yan Liu & Subramanian Balachander
December 2013, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 379-402 Thrill of victory and agony of defeat: Emotional rewards and sales force compensation
by Ying Yang & Niladri Syam & James Hess - 379-402 Thrill of victory and agony of defeat: Emotional rewards and sales force compensation
by Ying Yang & Niladri B. Syam & James D. Hess - 403-435 Digital distribution and the prohibition of resale markets for information goods
by Benjamin Shiller - 403-435 Digital distribution and the prohibition of resale markets for information goods
by Benjamin Reed Shiller - 437-458 Bayesian estimation of a simultaneous probit model using error augmentation: An application to multi-buying and churning behavior
by Subramanian Balachander & Bikram Ghosh - 437-458 Bayesian estimation of a simultaneous probit model using error augmentation: An application to multi-buying and churning behavior
by Subramanian Balachander & Bikram Ghosh
September 2013, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 289-319 A robust approach to measure latent, time-varying equity in hierarchical branding structures
by Sudhir Voleti & Pulak Ghosh - 321-351 Buying and selling information under competition
by Yi Xiang & Miklos Sarvary - 353-377 Multi level categorical data fusion using partially fused data
by Zvi Gilula & Robert McCulloch
June 2013, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 155-203 The impact of search costs on consumer behavior: A dynamic approach
by Stephan Seiler - 155-203 The impact of search costs on consumer behavior: A dynamic approach
by Stephan Seiler - 205-230 A theoretical analysis of endogenous and exogenous switching costs
by Mengze Shi - 205-230 A theoretical analysis of endogenous and exogenous switching costs
by Mengze Shi - 231-261 Intra-household effects on demand for telephone service: Empirical evidence
by Ching-I Huang - 231-261 Intra-household effects on demand for telephone service: Empirical evidence
by Ching-I Huang - 263-287 Manufacturer marketing initiatives and retailer information sharing
by Brian Mittendorf & Jiwoong Shin & Dae-Hee Yoon - 263-287 Manufacturer marketing initiatives and retailer information sharing
by Brian Mittendorf & Jiwoong Shin & Dae-Hee Yoon
March 2013, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-1 QME special issue on discrete games
by Greg Allenby - 1-1 QME special issue on discrete games
by Greg Allenby - 3-37 Spatial differentiation in the supermarket industry: The role of common information
by A. Yeşim Orhun - 3-37 Spatial differentiation in the supermarket industry: The role of common information
by A. Orhun - 39-81 Bayesian estimation of discrete games of complete information
by Sridhar Narayanan - 39-81 Bayesian estimation of discrete games of complete information
by Sridhar Narayanan - 83-116 Does reducing spatial differentiation increase product differentiation? Effects of zoning on retail entry and format variety
by Sumon Datta & K. Sudhir - 83-116 Does reducing spatial differentiation increase product differentiation? Effects of zoning on retail entry and format variety
by Sumon Datta & K. Sudhir - 117-153 Markov chain Monte Carlo for incomplete information discrete games
by Sanjog Misra - 117-153 Markov chain Monte Carlo for incomplete information discrete games
by Sanjog Misra
December 2012, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 393-417 Optimal low-price guarantees with anchoring
by Morten Hviid & Greg Shaffer - 419-452 Bayesian multi-resolution spatial analysis with applications to marketing
by Sam Hui & Eric Bradlow - 453-474 Augmenting discrete-choice data to identify common preference scales for inter-subject analyses
by Lynd Bacon & Peter Lenk - 475-503 Dynamic learning in behavioral games: A hidden Markov mixture of experts approach
by Asim Ansari & Ricardo Montoya & Oded Netzer
September 2012, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 283-304 Conversion of ordinal attitudinal scales: An inferential Bayesian approach
by Michael Evans & Zvi Gilula & Irwin Guttman - 305-333 Investigating brand preferences across social groups and consumption contexts
by Minki Kim & Pradeep Chintagunta - 335-374 Linking reputations through umbrella branding
by Jeanine Miklós-Thal - 375-392 Lock in and switch: Asymmetric information and new product diffusion
by Luís Cabral
June 2012, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 151-196 A practitioner’s guide to Bayesian estimation of discrete choice dynamic programming models
by Andrew Ching & Susumu Imai & Masakazu Ishihara & Neelam Jain - 197-229 A dynamic quality ladder model with entry and exit: Exploring the equilibrium correspondence using the homotopy method
by Ron Borkovsky & Ulrich Doraszelski & Yaroslav Kryukov - 231-257 Does banner advertising affect browsing for brands? clickstream choice model says yes, for some
by Oliver Rutz & Randolph Bucklin - 259-281 A censored random coefficients model for the detection of zero willingness to pay
by Johannes Reichl & Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter
March 2012, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-26 Enriching interactions: Incorporating outcome data into static discrete games
by Paul Ellickson & Sanjog Misra - 27-62 An empirical analysis of individual level casino gambling behavior
by Sridhar Narayanan & Puneet Manchanda - 63-109 Heterogeneity and the dynamics of technology adoption
by Stephen Ryan & Catherine Tucker - 111-150 Impact of social network structure on content propagation: A study using YouTube data
by Hema Yoganarasimhan
December 2011, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 339-363 Reference distorted prices
by József Sákovics - 365-402 What matters in a price negotiation: Evidence from the U.S. auto retailing industry
by Fiona Scott Morton & Jorge Silva-Risso & Florian Zettelmeyer - 403-427 Seller honesty and product line pricing
by Bing Jing