December 2011, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 429-448 Sequential choice designs to estimate the heterogeneity distribution of willingness-to-pay
by Vishva Danthurebandara & Jie Yu & Martina Vandebroek
September 2011, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 211-257 A structural model of sales-force compensation dynamics: Estimation and field implementation
by Sanjog Misra & Harikesh Nair - 259-265 Rust’s and Staelin’s Comments on: “A structural model of sales force compensation dynamics: estimation and field implementation” by Sanjog Misra and Harikesh Nair
by John Rust & Richard Staelin - 267-273 A structural model of salesforce compensation dynamics: Response to Profs. Rust and Staelin
by Sanjog Misra & Harikesh Nair - 275-299 Product line competition and price promotions
by Bing Jing & Z. Zhang - 301-337 A new multivariate count data model to study multi-category physician prescription behavior
by Xiaojing Dong & Pradeep Chintagunta & Puneet Manchanda
June 2011, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 109-127 Vettes and lemons on eBay
by Christopher Adams & Laura Hosken & Peter Newberry - 129-154 Local competition, entry, and agglomeration
by Ting Zhu & Vishal Singh & Anthony Dukes - 155-178 Shades of gray—the impact of gray markets on authorized distribution channels
by Ying Xiao & Udatta Palekar & Yunchuan Liu - 179-210 Role of complementarities in technology adoption: The case of DVD players
by Pinar Karaca-Mandic
March 2011, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-23 Endogenous sunk costs and the geographic differences in the market structures of CPG categories
by Bart Bronnenberg & Sanjay Dhar & Jean-Pierre Dubé - 25-70 Consumer learning, switching costs, and heterogeneity: A structural examination
by Matthew Osborne - 71-107 Advertising to a social network
by Peter Zubcsek & Miklos Sarvary
December 2010, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 393-427 What makes you click?—Mate preferences in online dating
by Günter Hitsch & Ali Hortaçsu & Dan Ariely - 429-460 Drivers of peak sales for pharmaceutical brands
by Marc Fischer & Peter Leeflang & Peter Verhoef - 461-490 Ownership coordination in a channel: Incentives, returns, and negotiations
by Eyal Biyalogorsky & Oded Koenigsberg
September 2010, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 275-300 Competitive price-matching guarantees under imperfect store availability
by Arcan Nalca & Tamer Boyaci & Saibal Ray - 301-301 Erratum to: Competitive price-matching guarantees under imperfect store availability
by Arcan Nalca & Tamer Boyaci & Saibal Ray - 303-332 A simple test for distinguishing between internal reference price theories
by Tülin Erdem & Michael Katz & Baohong Sun - 333-363 Do private labels increase retailer bargaining power?
by Sergio Meza & K. Sudhir - 365-392 Leveraging uncertainty through backorder
by Hai Che & Chakravarthi Narasimhan & V. Padmanabhan
June 2010, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 123-165 The effects of detailing on prescribing decisions under quality uncertainty
by Andrew Ching & Masakazu Ishihara - 167-205 Switching costs, experience goods and dynamic price competition
by Toker Doganoglu - 207-239 Recording discrepancies in Nielsen Homescan data: Are they present and do they matter?
by Liran Einav & Ephraim Leibtag & Aviv Nevo - 241-274 Modeling strategic group dynamics: A hidden Markov approach
by Peter Ebbes & Rajdeep Grewal & Wayne DeSarbo
March 2010, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-33 A nearly perfect market?
by Erik Brynjolfsson & Astrid Dick & Michael Smith - 35-60 Setting price or quantity: Depends on what the seller is more uncertain about
by V. Padmanabhan & Ilia Tsetlin & Timothy Zandt - 61-90 Who should practice price discrimination using rebates in an asymmetric duopoly?
by Kutsal Dogan & Ernan Haruvy & Ram Rao - 91-121 The diffusion of a new service: Combining service consideration and brand choice
by Vardit Landsman & Moshe Givon
December 2009, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 343-376 A new use of importance sampling to reduce computational burden in simulation estimation
by Daniel Ackerberg - 377-397 Effects of distribution channel structure in markets with vertically differentiated products
by Xuan Zhao & Derek Atkins & Yong Liu - 399-443 Information, learning, and drug diffusion: The case of Cox-2 inhibitors
by Pradeep Chintagunta & Renna Jiang & Ginger Jin - 445-481 How incumbent firms foster consumer expectations, delay launch but still win the markets for next generation products
by Sumitro Banerjee & Miklos Sarvary
September 2009, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 237-266 Targeted advertising as a signal
by Bharat Anand & Ron Shachar - 267-288 Communication strategy in partnership selection
by Dmitri Kuksov - 289-320 Moving from customer lifetime value to customer equity
by Xavier Drèze & André Bonfrer - 321-341 Optimal criteria for selecting price discrimination metrics when buyers have log-normally distributed willingness-to-pay
by Ke-Wei Huang
June 2009, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 105-146 Beyond plain vanilla: Modeling joint product assortment and pricing decisions
by Michaela Draganska & Michael Mazzeo & Katja Seim - 147-179 Competition and price discrimination in the market for mailing lists
by Ron Borzekowski & Raphael Thomadsen & Charles Taragin - 181-205 A generalized framework for estimating customer lifetime value when customer lifetimes are not observed
by Siddharth Singh & Sharad Borle & Dipak Jain - 207-236 The effect of advertising on brand awareness and perceived quality: An empirical investigation using panel data
by C. Clark & Ulrich Doraszelski & Michaela Draganska
March 2009, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-35 Spatial competition with endogenous location choices: An application to discount retailing
by Ting Zhu & Vishal Singh - 37-67 Consumer boycotts: The impact of the Iraq war on French wine sales in the U.S
by Larry Chavis & Phillip Leslie - 69-93 Studying the level-effect in conjoint analysis: An application of efficient experimental designs for hyper-parameter estimation
by Qing Liu & Angela Dean & David Bakken & Greg Allenby
December 2008, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 299-338 Evaluating wireless carrier consolidation using semiparametric demand estimation
by Patrick Bajari & Jeremy Fox & Stephen Ryan - 339-370 When auction meets fixed price: a theoretical and empirical examination of buy-it-now auctions
by Xin Wang & Alan Montgomery & Kannan Srinivasan - 371-413 Estimating demand for cellular phone service under nonlinear pricing
by Ching-I Huang - 415-438 Modeling heterogeneous effective advertising stock using single-source data
by Nobuhiko Terui & Masataka Ban
September 2008, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 205-234 Too close to be similar: Product and price competition in retail gasoline markets
by Ganesh Iyer & P. Seetharaman - 235-256 Effort or timing: The effect of lump-sum bonuses
by Thomas Steenburgh - 257-277 Non-normal simultaneous regression models for customer linkage analysis
by Jeffrey Dotson & Joseph Retzer & Greg Allenby - 279-297 easyJet® pricing strategy: Should low-fare airlines offer last-minute deals?
by Oded Koenigsberg & Eitan Muller & Naufel Vilcassim
June 2008, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 109-137 Do frequency reward programs create switching costs? A dynamic structural analysis of demand in a reward program
by Wesley Hartmann & V. Viard - 139-176 The impact of advertising on consumer price sensitivity in experience goods markets
by Tülin Erdem & Michael Keane & Baohong Sun - 177-204 Procurement bidding with restrictions
by Ganesh Iyer & Amit Pazgal
March 2008, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-16 Competitive product lines with quality constraints
by Udo Schmidt-Mohr & J. Villas-Boas - 17-40 A model of the effect of affect on economic decision making
by Benjamin Hermalin & Alice Isen - 41-78 The discriminatory incentives to bundle in the cable television industry
by Gregory Crawford - 79-107 Brand competition in CPG industries: Sustaining large local advantages with little product differentiation
by Bart Bronnenberg
December 2007, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 333-359 Price competition with repeat, loyal buyers
by Eric Anderson & Nanda Kumar - 361-400 Neighborhood effects and trial on the internet: Evidence from online grocery retailing
by David Bell & Sangyoung Song - 401-425 Reviewing the reviewers: The impact of individual film critics on box office performance
by Peter Boatwright & Suman Basuroy & Wagner Kamakura - 427-453 A Bayesian methodology for simultaneously detecting and estimating regime change points and variable selection in multiple regression models for marketing research
by Duncan Fong & Wayne DeSarbo
September 2007, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 211-237 (Noisy) communication
by Bharat Anand & Ron Shachar - 239-292 Intertemporal price discrimination with forward-looking consumers: Application to the US market for console video-games
by Harikesh Nair - 293-312 The demand for and the supply of distribution services: A basis for the analysis of customer satisfaction in retailing
by Roger Betancourt & Monica Cortiñas & Margarita Elorz & Jose Mugica - 313-331 Heterogeneity distributions of willingness-to-pay in choice models
by Garrett Sonnier & Andrew Ainslie & Thomas Otter
June 2007, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 99-129 Customer relationship management in competitive environments: The positive implications of a short-term focus
by Julian Villanueva & Pradeep Bhardwaj & Sridhar Balasubramanian & Yuxin Chen - 131-161 Advertising budgets in competitive environments
by Nolan Miller & Amit Pazgal - 163-190 Modeling CLV: A test of competing models in the insurance industry
by Bas Donkers & Peter Verhoef & Martijn Jong - 191-210 Used goods, not used bads: Profitable secondary market sales for a durable goods channel
by Jeffrey Shulman & Anne Coughlan
March 2007, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-34 The role of self selection, usage uncertainty and learning in the demand for local telephone service
by Sridhar Narayanan & Pradeep Chintagunta & Eugenio Miravete - 35-61 Product differentiation under imperfect information: When does offering a lower quality pay?
by Bing Jing - 63-91 A nested logit model of strategic promotion
by Timothy Richards - 93-97 Proceedings of 2006 QME Conference
by James Kilts
December 2006, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 325-349 Intertemporal effects of consumption and their implications for demand elasticity estimates
by Wesley Hartmann - 351-382 Pass-through timing
by Sergio Meza & K. Sudhir - 383-405 Avoiding aggregation bias in demand estimation: A multivariate promotional disaggregation approach
by Steven Tenn - 407-438 The shipping strategies of internet retailers: Evidence from internet book retailing
by Emin Dinlersoz & Han Li
September 2006, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 209-239 Privacy, property rights and efficiency: The economics of privacy as secrecy
by Benjamin Hermalin & Michael Katz - 241-265 Bayesian estimation of multivariate-normal models when dimensions are absent
by Robert Zeithammer & Peter Lenk - 267-287 Data pruning in consumer choice models
by Elaine Zanutto & Eric Bradlow - 289-323 On manufacturers complementing the traditional retail channel with a direct online channel
by Nanda Kumar & Ranran Ruan
June 2006, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 87-117 An empirical test of the Theory of Sales: Do household storage constraints affect consumer and store behavior?
by David Bell & Christian Hilber - 119-141 Is silence golden? An inquiry into the meaning of silence in professional product evaluations
by Wagner Kamakura & Suman Basuroy & Peter Boatwright - 143-171 The medium-term effects of unavailability
by Avi Goldfarb - 173-206 Closed-form Bayesian inferences for the logit model via polynomial expansions
by Steven Miller & Eric Bradlow & Kevin Dayaratna
March 2006, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 5-29 Goodwill and dynamic advertising strategies
by Toker Doganoglu & Daniel Klapper - 31-55 Private labels and public quality standards: How can consumer trust be restored after the mad cow crisis?
by Éric Giraud-Héraud & Lamia Rouached & Louis-Georges Soler - 57-81 Modeling preference evolution in discrete choice models: A Bayesian state-space approach
by Mohamed Lachaab & Asim Ansari & Kamel Jedidi & Abdelwahed Trabelsi
December 2005, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 311-335 Modeling Simultaneity in Survey Data
by Timothy Gilbride & Sha Yang & Greg Allenby - 337-363 How Verifiable Cheap-Talk Can Communicate Unverifiable Information
by Robert Bloomfield & Vrinda Kadiyali - 365-392 Solving and Testing for Regressor-Error (in)Dependence When no Instrumental Variables are Available: With New Evidence for the Effect of Education on Income
by Peter Ebbes & Michel Wedel & Ulf Böckenholt & Ton Steerneman - 393-418 Bridge, Focus, Attack, or Stimulate: Retail Category Management Strategies with a Store Brand
by Rex Du & Eunkyu Lee & Richard Staelin
September 2005, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 207-247 Learning About Computers: An Analysis of Information Search and Technology Choice
by Tülin Erdem & Michael Keane & T. Öncü & Judi Strebel - 247-279 Managing Channel Profits: The Role of Managerial Incentives
by Pradeep Bhardwaj & Sridhar Balasubramanian - 281-304 Which Brands Gain Share from Which Brands? Inference from Store-Level Scanner Data
by Rutger Oest
June 2005, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 107-144 An Empirical Model of Advertising Dynamics
by Jean-Pierre Dubé & Günter Hitsch & Puneet Manchanda - 145-173 Keeping Up With the Joneses: Analyzing the Effect of Income Inequality on Consumer Borrowing
by Markus Christen & Ruskin Morgan - 175-200 Generalized Reverse Discrete Choice Models
by Sanjog Misra
January 2005, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 5-39 Salesforce Compensation: An Analytical and Empirical Examination of the Agency Theoretic Approach
by Sanjog Misra & Anne Coughlan & Chakravarthi Narasimhan - 41-70 Questioning Conventional Wisdom About Competition in Differentiated Markets
by David Soberman - 71-93 Estimating Discrete Joint Probability Distributions for Demographic Characteristics at the Store Level Given Store Level Marginal Distributions and a City-Wide Joint Distribution
by Charles Romeo
December 2004, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 283-320 The Risk Reduction Role of Advertising
by Dmitri Byzalov & Ron Shachar - 321-345 Contracting Under Endogenous Risk
by David Godes - 347-383 Weathering Tight Economic Times: The Sales Evolution of Consumer Durables Over the Business Cycle
by Barbara Deleersnyder & Marnik G. Dekimpe & Miklos Sarvary & Philip M. Parker
September 2004, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 195-232 Modeling and Forecasting the Sales of Technology Products
by Ramya Neelamegham & Pradeep K. Chintagunta - 233-255 When Shopbots Meet Emails: Implications for Price Competition on the Internet
by Yuxin Chen & K. Sudhir - 257-277 Similarity-Based Spatial Methods to Estimate Shelf Space Elasticities
by Albert van Dijk & Harald J. van Heerde & Peter S.H. Leeflang & Dick R. Wittink
June 2004, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 107-140 Role of Forgetting in Memory-Based Choice Decisions: A Structural Model
by Nitin Mehta & Surendra Rajiv & Kannan Srinivasan - 141-167 Assessing Supermarket Product-Line Decisions: The Impact of Slotting Fees
by Guillermo Israilevich - 169-190 The Role of Retail Competition, Demographics and Account Retail Strategy as Drivers of Promotional Sensitivity
by Peter Boatwright & Sanjay Dhar & Peter Rossi
March 2004, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 5-22 Strategic Decentralization and Channel Coordination
by Preyas Desai & Oded Koenigsberg & Devavrat Purohit - 23-58 Empirical Analysis of Indirect Network Effects in the Market for Personal Digital Assistants
by Harikesh Nair & Pradeep Chintagunta & Jean-Pierre Dubé - 59-92 Do Promotions Increase Store Expenditures? A Descriptive Study of Household Shopping Behavior
by Xavier Drèze & Patricia Nisol & Naufel J. Vilcassim
December 2003, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 371-407 A Micromodel of New Product Adoption with Heterogeneous and Forward-Looking Consumers: Application to the Digital Camera Category
by Inseong Song & Pradeep Chintagunta - 409-424 The Post-Promotion Dip Puzzle: What do the Data Have to Say?
by Igal Hendel & Aviv Nevo - 425-465 Leveraging Information Across Categories
by Raghuram Iyengar & Asim Ansari & Sunil Gupta
September 2003, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 251-275 Bayesian Analysis of Simultaneous Demand and Supply
by Sha Yang & Yuxin Chen & Greg Allenby - 277-283 Comment
by Patrick Bajari - 285-291 Comment
by Steven Berry - 293-298 Comment
by Jean-Pierre Dubé & Pradeep Chintagunta - 299-304 Reply to Comments on “Bayesian Analysis of Simultaneous Demand and Supply”
by Sha Yang & Yuxin Chen & Greg Allenby - 305-335 Adoption Dynamics in Buyer-Side Exchanges
by Gabor Fath & Miklos Sarvary - 337-365 Advertising Spending and Quality for Services: The Role of Capacity
by Ignatius Horstmann & Sridhar Moorthy
June 2003, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 155-178 To Price Discriminate or Not: Product Choice and the Selection Bias Problem
by Ganesh Iyer & P.B. Seetharaman - 179-202 The Impact of Frequent Shopper Programs in Grocery Retailing
by Rajiv Lal & David Bell - 203-222 Measuring Prices and Price Competition Online: and
by Judith Chevalier & Austan Goolsbee - 223-244 The Effectiveness of Demographic and Psychographic Variables for Explaining Brand and Product Category Use
by Geraldine Fennell & Greg Allenby & Sha Yang & Yancy Edwards
March 2003, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 5-64 Brand and Quantity Choice Dynamics Under Price Uncertainty
by Tülin Erdem & Susumu Imai & Michael Keane - 65-92 Consumer Information and Discrimination: Does the Internet Affect the Pricing of New Cars to Women and Minorities?
by Fiona Morton & Florian Zettelmeyer & Jorge Silva-Risso - 93-110 Effects of $9 Price Endings on Retail Sales: Evidence from Field Experiments
by Eric Anderson & Duncan Simester - 111-147 Balancing Profitability and Customer Welfare in a Supermarket Chain
by Pradeep Chintagunta & Jean-Pierre Dubé & Vishal Singh