January 2017, Volume 140, Issue 2
- 307-321 Consumer Responses to the Food Industry’s Proactive and Passive Environmental CSR, Factoring in Price as CSR Tradeoff
by Yeonsoo Kim - 323-337 The Importance of Consumer Trust for the Emergence of a Market for Green Products: The Case of Organic Food
by Krittinee Nuttavuthisit & John Thøgersen - 339-351 Improving Diversification Opportunities for Socially Responsible Investors
by María del Mar Miralles-Quirós & José Luis Miralles-Quirós - 353-367 Corporate Social Responsibility and Management Forecast Accuracy
by Dongyoung Lee
January 2017, Volume 140, Issue 1
- 1-3 Focusing on Ethics and Broadening our Intellectual Base
by Michelle Greenwood & R. Edward Freeman - 5-15 Intuition, Analysis and Reflection in Business Ethics
by Chris Provis - 17-42 Circles of Ethics: The Impact of Proximity on Moral Reasoning
by Cristina Wildermuth & Carlos A. Mello e Souza & Timothy Kozitza - 43-64 Is Fair Treatment Enough? Augmenting the Fairness-Based Perspective on Stakeholder Behaviour
by Sefa Hayibor - 65-79 Firm Linkages to Scandals via Directors and Professional Service Firms: Insights from the Backdating Scandal
by Jay J. Janney & Steve Gove - 81-96 Managers’ Moral Obligation of Fairness to (All) Shareholders: Does Information Asymmetry Benefit Privileged Investors at Other Shareholders’ Expense?
by Jocelyn D. Evans & Elise Perrault & Timothy A. Jones - 97-114 The Dark Side of Buyer Power: Supplier Exploitation and the Role of Ethical Climates
by Martin C. Schleper & Constantin Blome & David A. Wuttke - 115-130 Affective and Normative Motives to Work Overtime in Asian Organizations: Four Cultural Orientations from Confucian Ethics
by Jae Hyeung Kang & James G. Matusik & Lizabeth A. Barclay - 131-145 Is the Ethical Culture of the Organization Associated with Sickness Absence? A Multilevel Analysis in a Public Sector Organization
by Maiju Kangas & Joona Muotka & Mari Huhtala & Anne Mäkikangas & Taru Feldt - 147-160 Establishing the Normative Standards that Determine Deviance in Organizational Corruption: Is Corruption Within Organizations Antisocial or Unethical?
by Seraphim Voliotis - 161-173 Consumer Response to Unethical Corporate Behavior: A Re-Examination and Extension of the Moral Decoupling Model
by Kristina Haberstroh & Ulrich R. Orth & Stefan Hoffmann & Berit Brunk - 175-191 Developing and Measuring the Impact of an Accounting Ethics Course that is Based on the Moral Philosophy of Adam Smith
by Daniel P. Sorensen & Scott E. Miller & Kevin L. Cabe
December 2016, Volume 139, Issue 4
- 633-637 Editorial: Business Ethics in a European Perspective: A Case for Unity in Diversity?
by Michael S. Aßländer & Tobias Gössling & Peter Seele - 639-659 Accounting Professionals’ Ethical Judgment and the Institutional Disciplinary Context: A French–US Comparison
by Loréa Baïada-Hirèche & Ghislaine Garmilis - 661-683 Suppliers as Stewards? Managing Social Standards in First- and Second-Tier Suppliers
by Michael S. Aßländer & Julia Roloff & Dilek Zamantili Nayır - 685-700 The Relationship Between Ethical Organisational Culture and Organisational Innovativeness: Comparison of Findings from Finland and Lithuania
by Raminta Pučėtaitė & Aurelija Novelskaitė & Anna-Maija Lämsä & Elina Riivari - 701-716 Trust and Distrust Constructing Unity and Fragmentation of Organisational Culture
by Johanna Kujala & Hanna Lehtimäki & Raminta Pučėtaitė - 717-736 Understanding Responsible Management: Emerging Themes and Variations from European Business School Programs
by Guénola Nonet & Kerul Kassel & Lucas Meijs - 737-754 Beyond the Curriculum: Integrating Sustainability into Business Schools
by Mollie Painter-Morland & Ehsan Sabet & Petra Molthan-Hill & Helen Goworek & Sander Leeuw - 755-776 Ethical Decision-Making Theory: An Integrated Approach
by Mark S. Schwartz
December 2016, Volume 139, Issue 3
- 429-441 Asking for Facebook Logins: An Egoist Case for Privacy
by John R. Drake - 443-453 Some Ethical Considerations on the use of Criminal Records in the Labor Market: in Defense of a New Practice
by Thomas Søbirk Petersen - 455-471 Antecedents of Abusive Supervision: a Meta-analytic Review
by Yucheng Zhang & Timothy C. Bednall - 473-483 Who Leads More and Why? A Mediation Model from Gender to Leadership Role Occupancy
by Alina S. Hernandez Bark & Jordi Escartín & Sebastian C. Schuh & Rolf Dick - 485-499 A Multi-level Investigation of Authentic Leadership as an Antecedent of Helping Behavior
by Giles Hirst & Fred Walumbwa & Samuel Aryee & Ivan Butarbutar & Chin Jeffery Hui Chen - 501-515 Financialization and the Employee Suicide Crisis at France Telecom
by Nihel Chabrak & Russell Craig & Nabyla Daidj - 517-536 A Meta-analytic Review of Ethical Leadership Outcomes and Moderators
by Akanksha Bedi & Can M. Alpaslan & Sandy Green - 537-549 Workplace Bullying: Considering the Interaction Between Individual and Work Environment
by Al-Karim Samnani & Parbudyal Singh - 551-561 Trust, but Verify: MD&A Language and the Role of Trust in Corporate Culture
by Robert Audi & Tim Loughran & Bill McDonald - 563-594 Corporate Environmental Responsibility and Firm Risk
by Li Cai & Jinhua Cui & Hoje Jo - 595-617 Corporate Philanthropy and Stock Price Crash Risk: Evidence from China
by Min Zhang & Lu Xie & Haoran Xu - 619-631 Voicing Moral Concerns: Yes, But How? The Use of Socratic Dialogue Methodology
by Johannes Brinkmann & Beate Lindemann & Ronald R. Sims
December 2016, Volume 139, Issue 2
- 215-224 From Food Desert to Food Oasis: The Potential Influence of Food Retailers on Childhood Obesity Rates
by Elizabeth Howlett & Cassandra Davis & Scot Burton - 225-250 Collectivism and Corruption in Commercial Loan Production: How to Break the Curse?
by Sadok El Ghoul & Omrane Guedhami & Chuck C. Y. Kwok & Xiaolan Zheng - 251-269 Self-Service Technologies and e-Services Risks in Social Commerce Era
by Mauricio S. Featherman & Nick Hajli - 271-285 The Impact of Occupational Community on the Quality of Internal Control
by Shelagh Campbell & Yingqi Li & Junli Yu & Zhou Zhang - 287-297 In Which Context is the Option Clause Desirable?
by Mathieu Bédard - 299-312 Out of the Shadows: Using Value Pluralism to Make Explicit Economic Values in Not-for-Profit Business Strategies
by Jenny Green & Bronwen Dalton - 313-331 Transformation of Islamic Work Ethic and Social Networks: The Role of Religious Social Embeddedness in Organizational Networks
by Erdem Kirkbesoglu & Ali Selami Sargut - 333-349 The Impact of the Dual Board Structure and Board Diversity: Evidence from Chinese Initial Public Offerings (IPOs)
by Hisham Farag & Chris Mallin - 351-374 Motivators of Mobilization
by Sefa Hayibor & Colleen Collins - 375-390 The Association Between Gender-Diverse Compensation Committees and CEO Compensation
by Martin Bugeja & Zoltan Matolcsy & Helen Spiropoulos - 391-409 Detecting Fraud: The Role of the Anonymous Reporting Channel
by Elka Johansson & Peter Carey - 411-428 Political Connectedness, Corporate Governance, and Firm Performance
by Polona Domadenik & Janez Prašnikar & Jan Svejnar
November 2016, Volume 139, Issue 1
- 1-19 Using Traditional Narratives and Other Narrative Devices to Enact Humanizing Business Practices
by Brian Shapiro - 21-28 Securities Lending Activities in Mutual Funds and ETFs: Ethical Considerations
by Lee M. Dunham & Randy Jorgensen & Ken Washer - 29-45 Financial Disclosure and Customer Satisfaction: Do Companies Talking the Talk Actually Walk the Walk?
by Ronald J. Balvers & John F. Gaski & Bill McDonald - 47-53 The Economics of Insider Trading: A Free Market Perspective
by Taylor Smith & Walter E. Block - 55-75 Do Auditing and Reporting Standards Affect Firms’ Ethical Behaviours? The Moderating Role of National Culture
by Yasemin Zengin Karaibrahimoglu & Burcu Guneri Cangarli - 77-93 Exploring the Legality of Consumer Anti-branding Activities in the Digital Age
by S. Umit Kucuk - 95-109 Team Conflict Mediates the Effects of Organizational Politics on Employee Performance: A Cross-Level Analysis in China
by Yuntao Bai & Guohong Helen Han & P. D. Harms - 111-128 A Text Mining-Based Review of Cause-Related Marketing Literature
by João Guerreiro & Paulo Rita & Duarte Trigueiros - 129-145 Can “Real” Men Consume Ethically? How Ethical Consumption Leads to Unintended Observer Inference
by Jingzhi Shang & John Peloza - 147-160 Spirituality, Moral Identity, and Consumer Ethics: A Multi-cultural Study
by Scott J. Vitell & Robert Allen King & Katharine Howie & Jean-François Toti & Lumina Albert & Encarnación Ramos Hidalgo & Omneya Yacout - 161-181 Exporting an Inherently Harmful Product: The Marketing of Virginia Slims Cigarettes in the United States, Japan, and Korea
by Timothy Dewhirst & Wonkyong B. Lee & Geoffrey T. Fong & Pamela M. Ling - 183-195 Regulation and the Promotion of Audit Ethics: Analysis of the Content of the EU’s Policy
by Anna Samsonova-Taddei & Javed Siddiqui - 197-214 Audit Committees and Financial Reporting Quality in Singapore
by Yuanto Kusnadi & Kwong Sin Leong & Themin Suwardy & Jiwei Wang
November 2016, Volume 138, Issue 4
- 601-626 Business Ethics and Finance in Greater China: Synthesis and Future Directions in Sustainability, CSR, and Fraud
by Douglas Cumming & Wenxuan Hou & Edward Lee - 627-648 Wealth Effects of Rare Earth Prices and China’s Rare Earth Elements Policy
by Maximilian A. Müller & Denis Schweizer & Volker Seiler - 649-659 Political Connections and Industrial Pollution: Evidence Based on State Ownership and Environmental Levies in China
by Min Maung & Craig Wilson & Xiaobo Tang - 661-682 Market Reactions to the First-Time Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility Reports: Evidence from China
by Kun Tracy Wang & Dejia Li - 683-702 Sex Discrimination and Female Top Managers: Evidence from China
by Huasheng Gao & Yaheng Lin & Yujing Ma - 703-722 Reputational Implications for Partners After a Major Audit Failure: Evidence from China
by Xianjie He & Jeffrey Pittman & Oliver Rui - 723-742 Equity Incentives and Corporate Fraud in China
by Lars Helge Hass & Monika Tarsalewska & Feng Zhan - 743-764 Determinants of Cross-Border Venture Capital Investments in Emerging and Developed Economies: The Effects of Relational and Institutional Trust
by Daniel Hain & Sofia Johan & Daojuan Wang - 765-785 Mutual Fund Activism and Market Regulation During the Pre-IFRS Period: The Case of Earnings Informativeness in China from an Ethical Perspective
by Shujun Ding & Chunxin Jia & Zhenyu Wu - 787-806 CEO Accountability for Corporate Fraud: Evidence from the Split Share Structure Reform in China
by Jiandong Chen & Douglas Cumming & Wenxuan Hou & Edward Lee
October 2016, Volume 138, Issue 3
- 401-416 The ‘Biophilic Organization’: An Integrative Metaphor for Corporate Sustainability
by David R. Jones - 417-435 Stakeholder Relationships, Engagement, and Sustainability Reporting
by Irene M. Herremans & Jamal A. Nazari & Fereshteh Mahmoudian - 437-458 Word Power: The Impact of Negative Media Coverage on Disciplining Corporate Pollution
by Ming Jia & Li Tong & P. V. Viswanath & Zhe Zhang - 459-476 Institutional Interest, Ownership Type, and Environmental Capital Expenditures: Evidence from the Most Polluting Chinese Listed Firms
by Wenjing Li & Xiaoyan Lu - 477-492 Fraud in Sustainability Departments? An Exploratory Study
by Maria Steinmeier - 493-505 Environmentally Responsible and Conventional Market Indices’ Reaction to Natural and Anthropogenic Adversity: A Comparative Analysis
by Christos Kollias & Stephanos Papadamou - 507-524 Legal Origins, Corporate Governance, and Environmental Outcomes
by Carl J. Kock & Byung S. Min - 525-533 ESG Integration and the Investment Management Process: Fundamental Investing Reinvented
by Emiel Duuren & Auke Plantinga & Bert Scholtens - 535-548 Market Reactions to Corporate Environmental Performance Related Events: A Meta-analytic Consolidation of the Empirical Evidence
by Jan Endrikat - 549-558 Scoring Sustainability Reports Using GRI 2011 Guidelines for Assessing Environmental, Economic, and Social Dimensions of Leading Public and Private Indian Companies
by Ram Nayan Yadava & Bhaskar Sinha - 559-577 Securitization: A Financing Vehicle for All Seasons?
by Bonnie G. Buchanan - 579-588 The Mismeasure of Psychopathy: A Commentary on Boddy’s PM-MRV
by Daniel N. Jones & Robert D. Hare - 589-600 The Brand Personality of Nonprofit Organizations and the Influence of Monetary Incentives
by Edlira Shehu & Jan U. Becker & Ann-Christin Langmaack & Michel Clement
September 2016, Volume 137, Issue 4
- 639-647 Beyond the Particular and Universal: Dependence, Independence, and Interdependence of Context, Justice, and Ethics
by Marion Fortin & Thierry Nadisic & Chris M. Bell & Jonathan R. Crawshaw & Russell Cropanzano - 649-662 Corporate Social Responsibility, Ethical Leadership, and Trust Propensity: A Multi-Experience Model of Perceived Ethical Climate
by S. Duane Hansen & Benjamin B. Dunford & Bradley J. Alge & Christine L. Jackson - 663-675 Will I Cooperate? The Moderating Role of Informational Distance on Justice Reasoning
by Tessa Melkonian & Guillaume Soenen & Maureen Ambrose - 677-697 The Joint Effects of Justice Climate, Group Moral Identity, and Corporate Social Responsibility on the Prosocial and Deviant Behaviors of Groups
by Meghan A. Thornton & Deborah E. Rupp - 699-720 Facilitating Forgiveness in Organizational Contexts: Exploring the Injustice Gap, Emotions, and Expressive Writing Interventions
by Laurie J. Barclay & Maria Francisca Saldanha - 721-730 The Face of Fairness: Self-Awareness as a Means to Promote Fairness among Managers with Low Empathy
by David B. Whiteside & Laurie J. Barclay - 731-742 My Boss is Morally Disengaged: The Role of Ethical Leadership in Explaining the Interactive Effect of Supervisor and Employee Moral Disengagement on Employee Behaviors
by Julena M. Bonner & Rebecca L. Greenbaum & David M. Mayer - 743-755 The “Right” and the “Good” in Ethical Leadership: Implications for Supervisors’ Performance and Promotability Evaluations
by Chaim Letwin & David Wo & Robert Folger & Darryl Rice & Regina Taylor & Brendan Richard & Shannon Taylor - 757-783 Mapping the Main Roads to Fairness: Examining the Managerial Context of Fairness Promotion
by Chris P. Long - 785-800 Good Without Knowing it: Subtle Contextual Cues can Activate Moral Identity and Reshape Moral Intuition
by Keith Leavitt & Lei Zhu & Karl Aquino
September 2016, Volume 137, Issue 3
- 433-447 The Ethics of the Living Wage: A Review and Research Agenda
by Andrea Werner & Ming Lim - 449-474 What is Ethical Competence? The Role of Empathy, Personal Values, and the Five-Factor Model of Personality in Ethical Decision-Making
by Rico Pohling & Danilo Bzdok & Monika Eigenstetter & Siegfried Stumpf & Anja Strobel - 475-490 Environmental Pressure and the Performance of Foreign Firms in an Emerging Economy
by Nahyun Kim & Jon J. Moon & Haitao Yin - 491-506 Ethics and Well-Being: The Paradoxical Implications of Individual Differences in Ethical Orientation
by Robert A. Giacalone & Carole L. Jurkiewicz & Mark Promislo - 507-520 Approving or Improving Research Ethics in Management Journals
by Michelle Greenwood - 521-536 On the Discursive Construction of Corporate Social Responsibility in Advertising Agencies
by Neva Štumberger & Urša Golob - 537-549 How Can a Deontological Decision Lead to Moral Behavior? The Moderating Role of Moral Identity
by Zhi Xing Xu & Hing Keung Ma - 551-569 Understanding Privacy Online: Development of a Social Contract Approach to Privacy
by Kirsten Martin - 571-587 Doing Bad to Feel Better? An Investigation of Within- and Between-Person Perceptions of Counterproductive Work Behavior as a Coping Tactic
by Mindy K. Shoss & Dustin K. Jundt & Allison Kobler & Clair Reynolds - 589-608 SMEs in their Own Right: The Views of Managers and Workers in Vietnamese Textiles, Garment, and Footwear Companies
by Angie Ngoc Tran & Søren Jeppesen - 609-621 Managerial Ownership and Agency Cost: Evidence from Bangladesh
by Afzalur Rashid - 623-638 Do Compensation Committee Members Perceive Changing CEO Incentive Performance Targets Mid-Cycle to be Fair?
by Anne M. Wilkins & Dana R. Hermanson & Jeffrey R. Cohen
August 2016, Volume 137, Issue 2
- 213-229 The Downside of Being Responsible: Corporate Social Responsibility and Tail Risk
by Dolf Diemont & Kyle Moore & Aloy Soppe - 231-267 Literature Review of Shared Value: A Theoretical Concept or a Management Buzzword?
by Krzysztof Dembek & Prakash Singh & Vikram Bhakoo - 269-284 Market Orientation and CSR: Performance Implications
by Timothy Kiessling & Lars Isaksson & Burze Yasar - 285-297 Work–Family Effects of Servant Leadership: The Roles of Emotional Exhaustion and Personal Learning
by Guiyao Tang & Ho Kwong Kwan & Deyuan Zhang & Zhou Zhu - 299-314 Corporate Philanthropic Responses to Emergent Human Needs: The Role of Organizational Attention Focus
by Alan Muller & Gail Whiteman - 315-320 The Effects of Euphemism Usage in Business Contexts
by Terri L. Rittenburg & George Albert Gladney & Teresa Stephenson - 321-345 Conceptualization and Measurement of Virtuous Leadership: Doing Well by Doing Good
by Gordon Wang & Rick D. Hackett - 347-363 Internal Audits as a Source of Ethical Behavior, Efficiency, and Effectiveness in Work Units
by Yahel Ma’ayan & Abraham Carmeli - 365-382 Theory of Justice, OCB, and Individualism: Kyrgyz Citizens
by Mehmet Ferhat Özbek & Mohammad Asif Yoldash & Thomas Li-Ping Tang - 383-403 It's All in the Game: A 3D Learning Model for Business Ethics
by Suzy Jagger & Haytham Siala & Diane Sloan - 405-413 Developing Measurement Scales of Organizational and Issue Legitimacy: A Case of Direct-to-Consumer Advertising in the Pharmaceutical Industry
by Jee Young Chung & Bruce K. Berger & Jamie DeCoster - 415-429 An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind: Conflict Escalation into Workplace Bullying and the Role of Distributive Conflict Behavior
by Elfi Baillien & Jeroen Camps & Anja Van den Broeck & Jeroen Stouten & Lode Godderis & Maarten Sercu & Hans De Witte - 431-431 Erratum to: An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind: Conflict Escalation into Workplace Bullying and the Role of Distributive Conflict Behavior
by Elfi Baillien & Jeroen Camps & Anja Broeck & Jeroen Stouten & Lode Godderis & Maarten Sercu & Hans Witte
August 2016, Volume 137, Issue 1
- 1-13 Wisdom and the Tragic Question: Moral Learning and Emotional Perception in Leadership and Organisations
by Ajit Nayak - 15-29 When do Firms Invest in Corporate Social Responsibility? A Real Option Framework
by Danny Cassimon & Peter-Jan Engelen & Luc Liedekerke - 31-51 Managing Institutional Complexity: A Longitudinal Study of Legitimacy Strategies at a Sportswear Brand Company
by Dorothee Baumann-Pauly & Andreas Georg Scherer & Guido Palazzo - 53-63 Making Loan Decisions in Banks: Straight from the Gut?
by Fiona Wilson - 65-81 Corporate Social Responsibility and Multi-Stakeholder Governance: Pluralism, Feminist Perspectives and Women’s NGOs
by Kate Grosser - 83-99 Ethical Screening and Financial Performance: The Case of Islamic Equity Funds
by Yunieta Nainggolan & Janice How & Peter Verhoeven - 101-113 Consumers’ Responses to Public Figures’ Transgression: Moral Reasoning Strategies and Implications for Endorsed Brands
by Joon Sung Lee & Dae Hee Kwak - 115-127 Susceptibility to the ‘Dark Side’ of Goal-Setting: Does Moral Justification Influence the Effect of Goals on Unethical Behavior?
by Karen Niven & Colm Healy - 129-148 Linking Corporate Policy and Supervisory Support with Environmental Citizenship Behaviors: The Role of Employee Environmental Beliefs and Commitment
by Nicolas Raineri & Pascal Paillé - 149-160 Gender Diversity in the Governance of Sport Associations: The Sydney Scoreboard Global Index of Participation
by Johanna Adriaanse - 161-172 Eco-labeled Products: Trend or Tools for Sustainability Strategies?
by Alessandra De Chiara - 173-193 CSR-Washing is Rare: A Conceptual Framework, Literature Review, and Critique
by Shawn Pope & Arild Wæraas - 195-210 Leveraging Reputational Risk: Sustainable Sourcing Campaigns for Improving Labour Standards in Production Networks
by Chris F. Wright - 211-211 Erratum to: Linking Corporate Policy and Supervisory Support with Environmental Citizenship Behaviors: The Role of Employee Environmental Beliefs and Commitment
by Nicolas Raineri & Pascal Paillé
July 2016, Volume 136, Issue 4
- 675-685 The Social License to Operate
by Geert Demuijnck & Björn Fasterling - 687-697 Order Ethics: Bridging the Gap Between Contractarianism and Business Ethics
by Christoph Luetge & Thomas Armbrüster & Julian Müller - 699-714 Public Regulators and CSR: The ‘Social Licence to Operate’ in Recent United Nations Instruments on Business and Human Rights and the Juridification of CSR
by Karin Buhmann - 715-728 Rethinking the Ethics of Corporate Political Activities in a Post-Citizens United Era: Political Equality, Corporate Citizenship, and Market Failures
by Pierre-Yves Néron - 729-742 Moral Legitimacy in Controversial Projects and Its Relationship with Social License to Operate: A Case Study
by Domènec Melé & Jaume Armengou - 743-757 The Business School’s Right to Operate: Responsibilization and Resistance
by David Murillo & Steen Vallentin - 759-773 Corporate Social Responsibility Failures: How do Consumers Respond to Corporate Violations of Implied Social Contracts?
by Cristel Antonia Russell & Dale W. Russell & Heather Honea - 775-807 Community Religion, Employees, and the Social License to Operate
by Jinhua Cui & Hoje Jo & Manuel G. Velasquez
July 2016, Volume 136, Issue 3
- 437-450 Global Economic Integration in Developing Countries: The Role of Corruption and Human Capital Investment
by Charles E. Bryant & Rajshekhar G. Javalgi - 451-469 A Fair Trade-off? Paradoxes in the Governance of Fair-trade Social Enterprises
by Chris Mason & Bob Doherty - 471-480 Reassessing the Ethicality of Some Common Financial Practices
by Philipp Bagus & Amadeus Gabriel & David Howden - 481-501 Expert Evaluation of Diagnostic Instrument for Personal and Organizational Value Congruence
by Jolita Vveinhardt & Evelina Gulbovaitė - 503-522 Seeking Legitimacy Through CSR: Institutional Pressures and Corporate Responses of Multinationals in Sri Lanka
by Eshani Beddewela & Jenny Fairbrass - 523-538 A Multi-level Perspective for the Integration of Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability (ECSRS) in Management Education
by Dolors Setó-Pamies & Eleni Papaoikonomou - 539-556 Responsible Investing of Pension Assets: Links between Framing and Practices for Evaluation
by Darlene Himick & Sophie Audousset-Coulier - 557-573 A Citation Analysis of Business Ethics Research: A Global Perspective
by Kam C. Chan & Anna Fung & Hung-Gay Fung & Jot Yau - 575-585 The Impact of Option Popularity, Social Inclusion/Exclusion, and Self-affirmation on Consumers’ Propensity to Choose Green Hotels
by Yixing Lisa Gao & Anna S. Mattila - 587-598 Ethical Codes in Sports Organizations: Classification Framework, Content Analysis, and the Influence of Content on Code Effectiveness
by Els Waegeneer & Jeroen Sompele & Annick Willem - 599-621 Gender Diversity in the Boardroom and Risk Management: A Case of R&D Investment
by Shimin Chen & Xu Ni & Jamie Y. Tong - 623-638 Foundations of Responsible Leadership: Asian Versus Western Executive Responsibility Orientations Toward Key Stakeholders
by Michael A. Witt & Günter K. Stahl - 639-654 Family Control, Socioemotional Wealth, and Governance Environment: The Case of Bribes
by Shujun Ding & Baozhi Qu & Zhenyu Wu - 655-673 Corporate Greening, Exchange Process Among Co-workers, and Ethics of Care: An Empirical Study on the Determinants of Pro-environmental Behaviors at Coworkers-Level
by Pascal Paillé & Jorge Humberto Mejía-Morelos & Anne Marché-Paillé & Chih Chieh Chen & Yang Chen
June 2016, Volume 136, Issue 2
- 215-218 “Beyond the Attitude-Behaviour Gap: Novel Perspectives in Consumer Ethics”: Introduction to the Thematic Symposium
by Robert Caruana & Michal J. Carrington & Andreas Chatzidakis - 219-236 Who Says There is an Intention–Behaviour Gap? Assessing the Empirical Evidence of an Intention–Behaviour Gap in Ethical Consumption
by Louise M. Hassan & Edward Shiu & Deirdre Shaw - 237-250 Caring and Conflicted: Mothers’ Ethical Judgments about Consumption
by Teresa Heath & Lisa O’Malley & Matthew Heath & Vicky Story - 251-265 Care and Commitment in Ethical Consumption: An Exploration of the ‘Attitude–Behaviour Gap’
by Deirdre Shaw & Robert McMaster & Terry Newholm - 267-279 The Field of Business Sustainability and the Death Drive: A Radical Intervention
by Alan Bradshaw & Detlev Zwick - 281-292 When do Board and Management Resources Complement Each Other? A Study of Effects on Corporate Social Responsibility
by Jeremy Galbreath - 293-309 Environmental Performance Focus in Private Family Firms: The Role of Social Embeddedness
by Julie Dekker & Tim Hasso - 311-328 Board Processes, Board Strategic Involvement, and Organizational Performance in For-profit and Non-profit Organizations
by Hongjin Zhu & Pengji Wang & Chris Bart - 329-347 Rights and Corporate Social Responsibility: Competing or Complementary Approaches to Poverty Reduction and Socioeconomic Rights?
by Onyeka K. Osuji & Ugochukwu L. Obibuaku - 349-369 Determinants of GHG Reporting: An Analysis of Global Oil and Gas Companies
by Breeda Comyns - 371-384 Macroeconomic Fluctuations as Sources of Luck in CEO Compensation
by Hsin-Hui Chiu & Lars Oxelheim & Clas Wihlborg & Jianhua Zhang - 385-398 Governance and Virtue: The Case of Public Order Policing
by Kevin Morrell & Stephen Brammer - 399-436 Does Confucianism Reduce Board Gender Diversity? Firm-Level Evidence from China
by Xingqiang Du
June 2016, Volume 136, Issue 1
- 1-12 Organizational Determinants of Ethical Dysfunctionality
by Carole L. Jurkiewicz & Robert A. Giacalone - 13-22 The Effects of Victim Anonymity on Unethical Behavior
by Kai Chi Yam & Scott J. Reynolds - 23-42 Pledging Integrity: Oaths as Forms of Business Ethics Management
by Boudewijn Bruin - 43-55 Delivering Bad News: How Procedural Unfairness Affects Messengers’ Distancing and Refusals
by James J. Lavelle & Robert Folger & Jennifer G. Manegold - 57-72 Antecedents and Consequences of Employer Branding
by Mukesh K. Biswas & Damodar Suar - 73-87 Corporate Social Responsibility in China: A Corporate Governance Approach
by ChungMing Lau & Yuan Lu & Qiang Liang - 89-100 The Moral of the Story: Re-framing Ethical Codes of Conduct as Narrative Processes
by Matt Statler & David Oliver - 101-117 Identifying the Determinants of the Decision to Create Socially Responsible Funds: An Empirical Investigation
by Jonathan Peillex & Loredana Ureche-Rangau - 119-132 Will the Real A. Smith Please Stand Up!
by Matthias P. Hühn & Claus Dierksmeier - 133-146 Individual Auditor Conservatism After CSRC Sanctions
by Jerry Sun & Steven F. Cahan & Jing Xu - 147-165 The Impact of Competitors–Firm Power Divergence on Chinese SMES’ Environmental and Financial Performance
by Zhi Tang & Jintong Tang - 167-179 Conceptualization of CSR Among Muslim Consumers in Dubai: Evolving from Philanthropy to Ethical and Economic Orientations
by Valerie Priscilla Goby & Catherine Nickerson - 181-197 Towards a Framework for Understanding Fairtrade Purchase Intention in the Mainstream Environment of Supermarkets
by Fred Amofa Yamoah & Rachel Duffy & Dan Petrovici & Andrew Fearne - 199-213 Corporate Governance and Executive Compensation for Corporate Social Responsibility
by Bryan Hong & Zhichuan Li & Dylan Minor
June 2016, Volume 135, Issue 4
- 607-615 Company–Community Agreements, Gender and Development
by J. C. Keenan & D. L. Kemp & R. B. Ramsay - 617-630 Private Regulatory Fragmentation as Public Policy: Governing Canada’s Mining Industry
by José Carlos Marques - 631-643 The Practice of Mining and Inclusive Wealth Development in Developing Countries
by Frederick Bird - 645-651 The Ethics of Space and Time in Mining Projects: Matching Technical Tools with Social Performance
by Saleem H. Ali - 653-664 Redressing Mining Legacies: The Case of the South African Mining Industry
by Tracy-Lynn Humby - 665-681 Corporate Social Responsibility: Its Economic Impact and Link to the Bullwhip Effect
by Nader Asgary & Gang Li - 683-698 Who Buys Overpackaged Grocery Products and Why? Understanding Consumers’ Reactions to Overpackaging in the Food Sector
by Leila Elgaaïed-Gambier - 699-714 Sustaining Inter-organizational Relationships Across Institutional Logics and Power Asymmetries: The Case of Fair Trade
by Alex Nicholls & Benjamin Huybrechts - 715-729 Do Leveraged Firms Underinvest in Corporate Social Responsibility? Evidence from Health and Safety Programs in U.S. Firms
by Christophe Moussu & Steve Ohana - 731-749 Changing Social and Environmental Reporting Systems
by Mia Kaspersen & Thomas Riise Johansen - 751-768 Accounting for the Unaccountable: Biodiversity Reporting and Impression Management
by Olivier Boiral - 769-785 The Micro-level Foundations and Dynamics of Political Corporate Social Responsibility: Hegemony and Passive Revolution through Civil Society
by Arno Kourula & Guillaume Delalieux - 787-796 Contribution of the Management System and the Institutional Framework to the Efficiency of Values-Based Management
by Wafa Ben Ahmed Naouar
May 2016, Volume 135, Issue 3
- 403-417 Staking Cosmopolitan Claims: How Firms and NGOs Talk About Supply Chain Responsibility
by Dirk C. Moosmayer & Susannah M. Davis - 419-428 Action Research As an Ethics Praxis Method
by Richard P. Nielsen - 429-444 An Extended Model of Moral Outrage at Corporate Social Irresponsibility
by Paolo Antonetti & Stan Maklan