2013, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-20 Traditional jamu versus industrial jamu: perceptions and beliefs of consumers in the city of Yogyakarta: what future for traditional herbal medicine in urban Indonesia?
by Maria Costanza Torri - 21-34 Problems and development issues of SMEs in Fiji
by Ashna Prasad & Gurmeet Singh - 35-50 Testing alternative measures of subjective norms in entrepreneurial intention models
by Annamária Heuer & Francisco Liñán - 51-63 The impact of internal finance on growth empirical evidence from Swedish firm level data
by Darush Yazdanfar & Sara Turner - 64-76 Informal opportunity among SMEs: an empirical study of Denmark's underground economy
by Shahamak Rezaei & Marco Goli & Léo-Paul Dana - 77-94 Sustainable leadership: Rhineland practices at a Thai small enterprise
by Sooksan Kantabutra & Suparak Suriyankietkaew - 95-121 Women entrepreneurs in the Republic of Macedonia: waiting for directions
by Veland Ramadani & Shqipe Gërguri & Léo-Paul Dana & Tatjana Tašaminova
2013, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 373-399 Does the academic spin-off condition play a role in patent valuation?
by Dina Pereira & João Leitão - 400-427 Determining factors in founding university spin-offs
by Michael Schleinkofer & Jürgen Schmude - 428-442 Succession in family firms: the impact of the transfer of capital
by Judith Hacker & Michael Dowling - 443-469 Founding motives and venture performance: an empirical analysis of technology-oriented new ventures in Austria
by Robert J. Breitenecker & Barbara Goller - 470-492 Influence of culture and governance structure on leadership behaviour of cluster managers and implications for cluster management effectiveness
by Carola Jungwirth & Susanne Ruckdäschel
2013, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 247-261 Franchise expansion in the Asia Pacific region. A country choice examination
by Verónica Baena - 262-281 Opportunities for franchising development and employment generation: sustainable franchising as a form of entrepreneurship in Slovenia
by Igor Pavlin - 282-297 The impact of knowledge capabilities on corporate venturing
by Marianne Van Der Steen & Paula Danskin Englis & Pedro Bernardo Meyer - 298-312 The impact of managers' attitudes on SMEs' growth in northern Sweden
by Anders Isaksson & Vladimir Vanyushyn & Peter Hultén - 313-331 Predicting rapid-growth SMEs through a reversal of credit-scoring principles
by Gabriele Sampagnaro - 332-348 Startup operations and problems of honey bee entrepreneurs: experience from India
by Khushdeep Dharni & Deepak Goel - 349-367 To plan or not to plan? An analysis of the impact of planning on the disbanding or growth of Brazilian start-ups
by Cândido Borges & Marcos Hashimoto & Ricardo Limongi
2013, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 125-153 Ethnic minority entrepreneurs in the international carpet trade: an empirical study
by Ivan Light & Shahamak Rezaei & Léo-Paul Dana - 154-172 Teaching ethnic minority entrepreneurship through parables
by Edwina Pio & Leona Achtenhagen - 173-193 Ethnicity and self-employment in Trinidad and Tobago: an empirical assessment
by Arielle John & Virgil Henry Storr - 194-210 Entrepreneurial motivation, performance and commitment to social responsibility: toward future research
by Isa Mohammed Adamu & Zulkarnain Kedah & AAhad M. Osman-Gani - 211-228 Role of social capital and self-efficacy in opportunity recognition of female entrepreneurs: insights from Turkey and Vietnam
by Akin Koçak & Anh T. Phan & Vincent Edwards - 229-246 Interplay between entrepreneurial characteristics, organisational structure, corporate culture and SME performance: empirical results from Fiji Islands
by Sonal Singh & R.D. Pathak & Himanshu Shee & Azhar Kazmi & David Parker
2013, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-14 Towards a theory of corruption, nepotism, and new venture creation in developing countries
by Mawuli P. Gavor & Bryan T. Stinchfield - 15-46 Gender differences in business success of German start-up firms
by Sandra Gottschalk & Michaela Niefert - 47-56 Sidab Women's Sewing Group: an example of social entrepreneurship in the Arabian Gulf
by Golam Mostafa Khan - 57-78 Basics factors of success in family-owned businesses from second to third generation
by Amel Dakoumi Hamrouni & Karima Mnasser - 79-89 Effects of family functions and structural changes on family business development (social capital evidence)
by Reza Jamali & Bahareh Abedin - 90-102 Sex in the kitchen: changing gender roles in a female-dominated occupation
by Nnamdi O. Madichie - 103-123 The antecedents and consequences of entrepreneurial orientation in Malay family firms in Malaysia
by Fakhrul Anwar Zainol
2012, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 395-414 Entrepreneurship and indigenous identity: a study of identity work by indigenous entrepreneurs in British Columbia
by Bryan Gallagher & Thomas B. Lawrence - 415-454 What are the significant determinants of entrepreneurship?
by J. Stephen Ferris & Marcel-Cristian Voia - 455-477 Toward a new entrepreneurial skills and competencies framework: a qualitative and quantitative study
by Christophe Loué & Jacques Baronet - 478-494 Gender variations in the reasons for engaging in informal sector entrepreneurship: some lessons from urban Brazil
by Colin C. Williams & Kwame Adom & Sara Nadin & Youssef A. Youssef - 495-510 Empirical evidence on investment valuation models used by Spanish venture capital companies: special reference to the discounted cash flow method's implementation
by Carmelo Reverte Maya & MarÃa del Mar Sánchez Hernández - 511-524 Impact of capital structure on micro firm productivity: empirical evidence from Swedish firm-level data
by Darush Yazdanfar - 525-537 Western perspectives on entrepreneurship and their sensitivity in the context of Asian cultures
by Helen Ramya Gamage & Ananda Wickramasinghe - 538-546 Tracking the cyber entrepreneurial intention of private universities students in Malaysia
by Norhazlin Ismail & Nahariah Jaffar & Shereen Khan & Tan Swee Leng
2012, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 273-289 How to adequately balance between competition and cooperation? A typology of horizontal coopetition
by Mourad Hannachi & Francois Coléno - 290-303 Using self-employment as proxy for entrepreneurship: some empirical caveats
by Carl Magnus Bjuggren & Dan Johansson & Mikael Stenkula - 304-318 Information asymmetry and capital structure: an empirical study of micro firms in Sweden
by Darush Yazdanfar - 319-337 Transnational ties in technology-based sectors: the case of Indian software entrepreneurial firms in Italy
by Marco Cucculelli & Gabriele Morettini - 338-354 Rural female entrepreneurs: rational choices and socio-economic development
by Izzy Warren-Smith - 355-377 Perceived environmental uncertainty and strategic alliances in small and medium-sized enterprises
by Ana Maria GarcÃa-Pérez & Vanessa Yanes-Estévez & Juan Ramón Oreja-RodrÃguez - 378-393 Entrepreneurial intentions of university students: a gender perspective
by Heiko Haase & Arndt Lautenschläger & Anika Thomas
2012, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 160-175 Overqualified and disadvantaged: exploring the barriers to growth of family businesses to second-generation leaders
by Craig E. Armstrong - 176-198 The transfer of knowledge within the succession process of family businesses: results from a quantitative study in Western-Austria
by Stefan Märk - 199-219 The recognition of international opportunities among Italian SMEs: differences between European and Chinese markets
by Mariella Piantoni & Gianpaolo Baronchelli & Elena Cortesi - 220-248 Are SMEs large firms in miniature? Evidence from the growth of German SMEs
by Christina E. Bannier & Sabrina Zahn - 249-263 Entrepreneurial culture in innovative biotech clusters in Europe
by Huub J.M. Ruël & Polina Frolova & Aard Groen - 264-272 An Interview with Shaker A. Zahra and Alain Fayolle: 'The best entrepreneurship research is yet to be written'
by Kathleen Randerson & Cristina Bettinelli
2012, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-16 Self-employment and the chicle trade: the case of the Lebanese minority in the Cayo district of Belize
by Carel Roessingh & Karim Darwish - 17-26 Namibia and Togo: former German colonies, revisited
by Wilfred Isak April - 27-43 Assessment of purchasing contribution to the development and growth of SMEs, evidence from Tanzania
by Paul M. Nsimbila & Jan A. Jurriëns - 44-56 Growth, what growth? It is not on the menu: subsistence entrepreneurship among Zimbabwean entrepreneurs - a country perspective
by Wilton Wilton - 57-117 Will Black economic empowerment catalyse South African growth?
by Matthew Andrews - 118-139 Critical success factors affecting the development of clusters for small and medium scale information technology firms in Sri Lanka
by S.W.S.B. Dasanayaka - 140-153 Learning from Lagnado about self-employment and entrepreneurship in Egypt
by Léo-Paul Dana
2012, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 372-385 The impact of market orientation on family firm performance
by Hermann Frank & Alexander Kessler & Christian Korunka - 386-405 Entrepreneurship and social media marketing: evidence from French small business
by Walid A. Nakara & Fatim-Zohra Benmoussa & Annabelle Jaouen - 406-421 Community marketing in social media - can marketers leverage Facebook groups of celebrities?
by Alexander Zauner & Matthias Fink & Daniela Maresch & Ewald Aschauer - 422-435 Brand communities for market trend discovery: a study to advance entrepreneurial marketing research
by Dhruv Bhatli & Fabian Eggers & Katherine Gundolf - 436-454 Entrepreneurial pricing: characteristics and implications of pricing in SMEs and start-ups
by Florian U. Siems & Sascha Kraus & Patrick Pollok - 455-470 Entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation and internationalisation in born global small and micro-businesses
by Claire Arpa & Siobhan Tiernan & Michele O'Dwyer - 471-484 Entrepreneurial marketing and capital acquisition
by Reinhard Schulte - 485-502 Card-based game methods: exploring SME entrepreneurial marketing practice
by Rosalind Jones & Jennifer Rowley
2012, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 242-266 Getting ready for oil and gas development in Canada's Northwest Territories: aboriginal entrepreneurship and economic development
by Aldene H. Meis Mason & Leo-Paul Dana & Robert B. Anderson - 267-282 Exploring organisational capacity in the Nova Scotia wine industry
by Kelly Dye & Conor Vibert - 283-298 Entrepreneurial attitudes of university students
by Joren M. Burton & Lee A. Swanson - 299-313 Understanding the role of entrepreneurial quality and national culture on the economic development
by Jun Ma & Zelimir William Todorovic - 314-335 Entrepreneurship, acquisitions and systems of innovation
by Hani Sarkis - 336-365 The self-employment experience of immigrants: evidence from the US General Social Survey, 1977-2004
by Erwin R. Tiongson
2012, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 121-130 Introductory paper: The Friendly Islands: and some not so friendly spots
by Teena Brown Pulu - 131-146 Exploring entrepreneurship policy in a Pacific context: the case of Tonga
by Malama Solomona & Robert Davis - 147-163 Barriers to micro, small and medium enterprise growth in the Fiji Islands: an empirical estimation using OLS regression model
by Suwastika Naidu & Anand Chand - 164-175 The Nexus between human resource management practices and employment law in the Fiji Islands: a study of the employment relations promulgation
by Suwastika Naidu - 176-188 Is there any difference between 'hourly wage rate' vs. 'piece wage rate'
by Anand Chand - 189-198 Contribution of Yazaki (Samoa) Ltd. to Samoan economy
by Anand Chand - 199-222 Culture and entrepreneurial efficacy: using GEM data to explore opportunity and capability in relation to firm longevity
by Waata Hipango Jr. & Leo Paul Dana - 223-237 Impact of capital structure on micro firm productivity: empirical evidence from Swedish firm-level data
by Darush Yazdanfar
2012, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-32 Changing severity of impediments for entrepreneurs in India: an empirical analysis
by Arvind Chaturvedi & Sonu Goyal - 33-47 Growth plans of small business in India: individual influences
by Amarjit Gill & Suraj P. Sharma & Harvinder S. Mand - 48-59 The emergence of traditional Indonesian herbal medicine (jamu) for cosmetic use: new avenues for the revitalisation of Javanese health and cosmetic traditions through gender entrepreneurship?
by Maria Costanza Torri - 60-70 Examining the impact of new policy facilitating SME succession in Japan: from a viewpoint of risk management in family business
by Katsuyuki Kamei & Leo-Paul Dana - 71-82 The retention of trained production workers in a small manufacturing company in Malaysia
by Mohammad Iranmanesh & A.K. Siti-Nabiha & Maryam Sabbah - 83-101 Factors influencing entrepreneurship in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) among residents in Sarawak Malaysia
by Shaharudin Jakpar & Junaid M. Shaikh & Michael Tinggi & Nurhidayati Abd Latiff Jamali - 102-120 Microfinance for women micro and small-scale entrepreneurs in Yemen: achievements and challenges
by Syed Zamberi Ahmad
2012, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 397-410 Female self-employment among the Kleine Gemeinde in the Mennonite settlement of Blue Creek, Northern Belize
by Carel Roessingh & Margot Nuijten - 411-434 Female entrepreneurship in China: opportunity- or necessity-based?
by Lucas Hernandez & Nicholas Nunn & Tonia Warnecke - 435-451 Acquisition of external capital at start-up stage: differences between Swedish female- and male-owned firms
by Darush Yazdanfar & Sara Jahandar - 452-468 Entrepreneurial attitudes and intentions: assessing gender specific differences
by Andreas Strobl & Christopher Kronenberg & Mike Peters - 469-487 Analysis of the barriers and limitations for the development of rural women's entrepreneurship
by Reza Movahedi & Ahmad Yaghoubi-Farani - 488-501 The jamu system: linking small-scale enterprises, traditional knowledge and social empowerment?
by Maria Costanza Torri - 502-515 Experiences of ethnic minority immigrant women entrepreneurs in contrast to male counterparts
by Huibert P. De Vries & Teresa E. Dana
2012, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 285-307 The perceived usefulness of SMEs previous customer networks in the internationalisation process of firms
by Angelika Lindstrand & D. Deo Sharma & Kent Eriksson - 308-319 Does it pay to be an artisanal fisher on the Kenyan coast?
by A. Allan Degen & Jan Hoorweg & Barasa C.C. Wangila - 320-339 Nascent migrant entrepreneurship in Germany - is there a cultural imprinting effect?
by Sascha Kraus & Arndt Werner - 340-361 The sources of regional variation in Canadian self-employment
by Ben Spigel - 362-375 Regional entrepreneurship: what can we learn from the periphery?
by Christian Felzensztein & Eli Gimmon - 376-388 Modelling the determinants that impact risk-taking and entrepreneurship behaviour in emerging economies
by A.M. Sakkthivel & B. Sriram - 389-395 Challenges among women entrepreneurs in Mexico
by Rajagopal
2012, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 136-153 The influence of the entrepreneur's background on the behaviour and development of born globals' internationalisation processes
by Navid Ghannad & Svante Andersson - 154-170 Inside the boardroom of born globals
by Carl Arthur Solberg & Trine Bretteville - 171-190 Born Globals: (almost) 20 years of research and still not 'grown up'?
by Beate Cesinger & Adriana Danko & Ricarda Bouncken - 191-212 The internationalisation process of small- and medium-sized firms and the liability of complexity
by Antonella Zucchella & Per Servais - 213-236 International marketing strategy and export performance in Spanish SMEs: a contingency approach
by Maria Cristina Stoian & Alex Rialp & Josep Rialp - 237-261 The knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship: an application to foreign direct investment
by Zoltan J. Acs & David J. Brooksbank & Colm O'Gorman; & David Pickernell & Siri Terjesen - 262-283 External legitimation in international new ventures: toward the typology of captivity
by Romeo V. Turcan
2012, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 3-22 Beyond high tech: the pivotal role of technology in start-up business model design
by Franziska Günzel & Helge Wilker - 23-38 Internationalisation in new ventures what role do team dynamics play?
by Christian Hauser & Petra Moog & Arndt Werner - 39-56 The spin-along approach: ambidextrous corporate venturing management
by Theresa Michl & Bernhard Gold & Arnold Picot - 57-75 How to manage networks? The role of network attributes and incentives in network governance
by Elisabeth Mueller - 76-99 Succession in family firms: how to improve family satisfaction and family harmony
by Judith Hacker & Michael Dowling - 100-115 The effects of social capital on the performance of newly founded businesses in Slovenia
by Ana KuntariÄ & Erich J. Schwarz & Robert J. Breitenecker & Malgorzata A. Wdowiak - 116-129 Regulatory changes and market reactions the European renewable energy market
by Julian Trillig
2011, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 441-455 Re-reading entrepreneurship in the hidden economy: commercial or social entrepreneurs?
by Colin C. Williams & Sara Nadin - 456-477 How does the non-profit economy affect entrepreneurship?
by Sandrine Emin & Nathalie Schieb-Bienfait - 478-496 Securing post-succession continuity in family firms through knowledge transfer
by Ilse Matser & Sascha Kraus & Stefan Märk - 497-507 Entrepreneurship among aviation engineers in New Zealand: drivers and sustainers
by Wilton Wilton & William Toh - 508-532 The evolution of entrepreneurship in Arviat: the southernmost community of mainland Nunavut
by Leo Paul Dana & Robert Brent Anderson - 533-550 Bonding family social capital and firm performance
by Juha Kansikas & Linda Murphy - 551-565 Predicting bankruptcy among SMEs: evidence from Swedish firm-level data
by Darush Yazdanfar
2011, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 313-333 Enhancing customer services and core competencies: outsourcing in Icelandic service SMEs
by Ingi Runar Edvardsson & Gudmundur Kristjan Oskarsson & Sigrun Vesteinsdottir - 334-348 Theorising the hidden enterprise culture: the nature of entrepreneurship in the shadow economy
by Colin C. Williams & Sara Nadin - 349-368 Information and communication technology adoption and diffusion in micro-enterprises: the case of techno-savvy home-based businesses
by Delwyn N. Clark & Heather Douglas - 369-390 Entrepreneurial branding: growth and its implications for brand management
by Christine Vallaster & Sascha Kraus - 391-405 EU industrial policy and competitiveness in rural SMEs
by Gary Bosworth & Leo-Paul Dana & Gerard McElwee - 406-424 The effects of demographic characteristics on entrepreneurial intention in the pre-venture stage of entrepreneurship
by Adnan Ozyilmaz - 425-439 Caribou Coffee enters the Middle East
by Golam Mostafa Khan & Syed Jamal Uddin
2011, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 171-189 'We are growing Belize': modernisation and organisational change in the Mennonite settlement of Spanish Lookout, Belize
by Carel Roessingh & Kees Boersma - 190-204 Brazilian entrepreneurship: a comparative study on imitation and innovation practices
by Eric Dorion & Eloide Teresa Pavoni & Luciana Ribeiro Chalela & Eliana Andrea Severo - 205-229 Entrepreneurship as way to contain the population exodus: a local development proposal
by Marcos Ferasso & Jorge Alberto Velloso Saldanha - 230-244 ModaFusion on the global catwalk: a narrative approach to studying the ethical fashion industry
by Kim Poldner & Marcel Veenswijk - 245-257 Barriers to small business creations in Canada
by Amarjit Gill & Nahum Biger & Vivek Nagpal - 258-270 Mentoring relationship and lending: evidence from a business development programme in a small state Caribbean economy
by J.K. Mullen & T.A. Carmichael & M. Williams - 271-285 The role of the social entrepreneur as coordinator of a social network
by Pilar Ester Arroyo-Lopez & Maria De Lourdes Carcamo-Solis - 286-302 Bridging voids: constraints on Hispanic entrepreneurs building social capital
by Ruth Clarke & Ramdas Chandra - 303-311 The entrepreneur and the bully: case study
by Ruth McKay
2011, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-12 Social, cultural and human capital in European SMEs: an introduction
by Lorraine Uhlaner & Jan Ulijn & Ineke Jenniskens & Aard Groen - 13-38 Beyond social capital: the role of perceived legitimacy and entrepreneurial intensity in achieving funding success and superior venture performance in women-led Russian SMEs
by Tatiana Iakovleva & Jill Kickul - 39-55 Cultural capital and European entrepreneurship research: a plea for a paradigm focusing on national, corporate and professional cultural capital
by Ineke Jenniskens & Jan Ulijn & Simon Tywuschik - 56-76 Beyond the concept of human and social capital: the impact of the regional environment on high-tech venturing
by Frank Lasch - 77-99 Does bank perception of abilities and human capital affect access to loans for business successors?
by Petra Moog & Birgit Felden - 100-126 Cooperation and teamwork in technology start-ups: reflected in some Italian, British, Dutch and German findings
by Jan Ulijn & Iiris Aaltio & Gianni Guerra & Lorraine Uhlaner - 127-148 The importance of specific human capital, planning and familiarity in Dutch small firm ownership transfers: a seller's perspective
by Lex Van Teeffelen & Lorraine Uhlaner & Martijn Driessen - 149-169 Social capital to bridge the valley of death, simulating critical incidents in innovation
by Arjen Verhoeff & Hanns Menzel
2011, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 395-410 Barriers to small business creations in India
by Amarjit Gill & Nahum Biger & Vivek Nagpal - 411-428 Religion in entrepreneurship: how international and indigenous Indian entrepreneurs differ
by Carol A. Christopher - 429-444 Livelihoods, social capital and small-scale indigenous enterprises in rural India: embeddedness or social exclusion?
by Maria Costanza Torri - 445-468 Human resource management of new Japanese founders
by Tatsuyoshi Masuda - 469-498 Push and pull factor in an entry into an employment route: a study of nurtured entrepreneurship students
by Muhammad Nizam Zainuddin & Hishamuddin Ismail - 499-517 Entrepreneurial traits and firm performance: is gender a matter?
by Jeen Wei Ong & Hishamuddin Bin Ismail - 518-534 Preliminary investigation of Yemeni women entrepreneurs: some challenges for development and barriers to success
by Syed Zamberi Ahmad & Siri Roland Xavier
2011, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 238-254 The influence of entrepreneurial infrastructure on entrepreneur networking: a comparative case study of Russian and Finnish founding teams
by Tamara Galkina & Soren Kock - 255-270 Management information systems and the control of international joint ventures: evidence from the Czech Republic
by David Pollard - 271-292 SME policy and competitiveness in Hungary
by Bruno Dallago - 293-312 Understanding entrepreneurship development in Latvia: a cross-disciplinary approach
by Tatjana Koke & Natalja Lace & Karine Oganisjana - 313-332 Organisational downsizing and new venture creation in transitional economies: a study of managerial effectiveness in transition
by Mohamed Branine & David Pollard & Farhad Analoui - 333-349 Competitive intelligence: evidence from Turkish SMEs
by Mehmet Ali Koseoglu & Kemal Karayormuk & John A. Parnell & Michael L. Menefee - 350-365 What influences the propensity of a firm to cooperate? An empirical study of high-tech SMEs in China
by Dan Chen - 366-393 Leadership and managerial effectiveness: the case of MNCs' Chinese subsidiaries
by Farhad Analoui & Chanzi Bao & Mohamed Branine
2011, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 107-125 On the relevance of the concept of entrepreneurial capabilities
by Jean-Jacques Obrecht - 126-149 Building the future through real value creation and innovation: achieving competitiveness in a chaotic world
by Sabine Urban & Antonella Zucchella - 150-161 Some insights into French entrepreneurship research – from the hypofirm model to the PIE and GAP typology
by Michel Marchesnay - 162-180 The representations of wine in France from generation to generation: a dual generation gap
by Thierry Lorey & Pascal Poutet - 181-192 The silent and shameful suffering of bosses: layoffs in SME
by Olivier Torres - 193-207 In search of family business continuity: the case of transgenerational family entrepreneurship
by Anne Laakkonen & Juha Kansikas & Heli Valtonen - 208-219 Promoting the entrepreneurs of tomorrow: entrepreneurship education and start-up intentions among schoolchildren
by Vegard Johansen & Tommy Hoyvarde Clausen - 220-234 The Gnosjo industrial district: a viable corporation
by Reza Mohammady Garfamy
2011, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 8-17 Entrepreneurship theory, process, and practice in the 21st century
by Donald F. Kuratko - 18-31 Find your own way: entrepreneurship course development, strategic fit, and the problems of benchmarking
by Andrew C. Corbett - 32-37 Creativity and feasibility: applying the IDEO innovation processes to current societal challenges
by Stanley W. Mandel & Steve Virgil - 38-54 Gender and the effects of an entrepreneurship training programme on entrepreneurial self-efficacy and entrepreneurial knowledge gain
by Noa Bergman & Zehava Rosenblatt & Miriam Erez & Uzi De-Haan - 55-74 Increasing entrepreneurial intention: effective entrepreneurship course characteristics
by Susan Mueller - 75-91 Competing models of entrepreneurial intentions: the influence of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and attitudes
by Edgar Izquierdo & Marc Buelens - 92-106 Entrepreneurial intention among secondary students: findings from Portugal
by Arminda Do Paco & Joao Ferreira & Mario Raposo & Ricardo G. Rodrigues & Anabela Dinis
2011, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 395-412 Growth of university-based start-ups and acquisition as an exit strategy in academic entrepreneurship: evidence from software-based ventures
by Marcus Wagner - 413-428 The influence of team heterogeneity on team processes of multi-person ventures: an empirical analysis of highly innovative academic start-ups
by Robert J. Breitenecker & Erich J. Schwarz & Jonas Claussen - 429-444 The entrepreneurial university's influence on commercialisation of academic research – the illustrative case of Chalmers University of Technology
by Eva Berggren - 445-458 Academic entrepreneurship – the structure of incubator management and best practice reported on Swedish business incubators' websites
by Pia Ulvenblad & Marita Blomkvist & Joakim Winborg - 459-478 The diffusion of Bayh-Dole to Germany: did new public policy facilitate university patenting and commercialisation?
by Heike M. Grimm - 479-498 Soft starters, research boutiques and product-oriented firms: different business models for spin-off companies
by Roland Helm & Oliver Mauroner - 499-512 Academic spin-offs – a hybrid research culture as factor of success
by Melanie Roski - 513-533 Fostering entrepreneurship in academic spin-offs
by Donato Iacobucci & Alessandro Iacopini & Alessandra Micozzi & Simone Orsini
2011, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 257-272 Network behaviours, social capital, and organisational learning in high-growth entrepreneurial firms
by Mathew Hughes & Robert E. Morgan & R. Duane Ireland & Paul Hughes - 273-289 The impact of entrepreneurial capital and rapidly growing firms: the Canadian example
by Christian Keen & Hamid Etemad - 290-299 Detecting spatial heterogeneity in predictors of firm start-up activity of Austria with geographically weighted regression
by Robert J. Breitenecker & Erich J. Schwarz - 300-313 Effects of innovativeness and long-term orientation on entrepreneurial intentions: a comparison of business and engineering students
by Marcus Wagner - 314-326 A social perspective of sports-based entrepreneurship
by Vanessa Ratten - 327-342 Differentiation strategies in mature small firms – the impact of uncertain environments
by Martie-Louise Verreynne & Denny Meyer - 343-372 Non-local intuition in entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs: results of two experiments using electrophysiological measures
by Raymond Trevor Bradley & Murray Gillin & Rollin McCraty & Mike Atkinson - 373-394 A multi-country perspective of students' entrepreneurial attitudes
by Michael L. Harris & Shanan G. Gibson & Dennis Barber III & Chunfang Wang & Shohrat Orazov
2011, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 129-138 Globalisation, entrepreneurship and regional environment
by Joao Leitao & Frank Lasch & Roy Thurik - 139-157 The influence of age and size on the relationships between debt and determinants: an empirical study on Portuguese SMEs
by Zelia Serrasqueiro - 158-172 Examining the Schumpeter hypothesis in the context of closed and open innovation: survey evidence from Norway and Sweden
by Tommy Hoyvarde Clausen - 173-184 Innovation strategy by firms: do innovative firms grow more?
by Pedro De Faria & Joana Mendonca