2011, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 185-206 Measuring business dynamics among incumbent firms in The Netherlands
by Mickey Folkeringa & Andre Van Stel & Kashifa Suddle & Sita Tan - 207-226 Social capital and new business start-ups: the moderating effect of human capital
by Lars Ronning - 227-244 The role of entrepreneurs' social networks in the creation and early development of biotechnology companies
by Cristina Sousa & Margarida Fontes & Pedro Videira - 245-256 Compensating resource constraints? A discriminant analysis of collaborating and non-collaborating small businesses in New Zealand
by Martina Battisti & Raja Peter
2011, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-14 Family business research: an assessment and future directions
by A. Bakr Ibrahim & Jean B. McGuire - 15-27 Improving the entrepreneurial potential of rural women entrepreneurs in Northern Iran
by Seyed Jamal F. Hosseini & Gerard McElwee - 28-43 Small and family businesses as service brands: an empirical analysis in the hotel industry
by Mike Peters & Joerg Frehse - 44-61 A comparison of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal entrepreneurs in the Quebec forestry sector
by Jean-Michel Beaudoin & Luc LeBel - 62-81 Observing community-based entrepreneurship and social networking at play in an urban village setting
by Robert Smith - 82-100 The influences of family on the everyday business of a family firm entrepreneur
by Sascha Kraus & Stefan Maerk & Mike Peters - 101-108 Impact of credit guarantees on entrepreneurship
by Rajeev Roy - 109-127 An individual's motivation to become entrepreneur: evidences from a mineral based economy
by A.K. Garg & I.B. Matshediso & Deepti Garg
2010, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 382-402 Long-term effects of new firm formation by type of start-up
by Rui Baptista & Miguel Torres Preto - 403-423 Entry strategies, founder's human capital and start-up size
by Sandra Gottschalk & Kathrin Muller & Michaela Niefert - 424-435 Describing the entrepreneurial profile: the entrepreneurial aptitude test (TAI)
by Serena Cubico & Elisa Bortolani & Giuseppe Favretto & Riccardo Sartori - 436-454 Human capital for successful entrepreneurial ventures: the profile of the top management team (TMT) in UK biopharmaceutical SMEs
by Calin Gurau & Leo-Paul Dana & Frank Lasch - 455-471 Entrepreneurs as human actors in the networking process
by Raija Leskinen - 472-491 Innovation as mediator between entrepreneurial orientation and spin-off venture performance
by Roland Helm & Oliver Mauroner & Michael Dowling
2010, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 223-241 Success with succession: an empirical study of small Swedish family firms
by Anna Vikstrom & Mats Westerberg - 242-262 Family business succession and the impact of CEO experience on the growth of small family firms
by Eddy Laveren & David Helleboogh & Vincent Molly & Arthur Limere - 263-284 Exploring family business succession in an integrative familiness transmission of capital model: a South African study
by W.P. Venter & S. Kruger & B. Urban - 285-307 Corporate social responsibility of large family-owned companies in Germany
by Henry Schafer & Rudiger Goldschmidt - 308-321 Sustainable management in long-lived family businesses – a resource-based analysis of Northern German builder's providers
by Britta Boyd - 322-337 Social capital and next-generation succession in the family firm
by Jasmine Tata & Sameer Prasad - 338-352 Finance in family firms: generation does matter
by Virginia Blanco-Mazagatos & Juan Manuel De la Fuente-Sabate & Esther De Quevedo-Puente - 353-366 The debt agency costs of family ownership in small and micro firms
by Mervi Niskanen & Jyrki Niskanen & Virpi Laukkanen - 367-378 Participation in business associations and performance among family firms
by John T. Perry & Timothy L. Pett & Amy Buhrman
2010, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 105-120 The future of entrepreneurship research: results of a research workshop with invited speakers and discussants at the International Council for Small Business World Conference in Halifax
by Louis Jacques Filion & Leo-Paul Dana & Pierre-Andre Julien & Jose M. Veciana & Tor Aase Johannessen & Matthias G. Raith - 121-134 Tao of downfall: the failures of high-profile entrepreneurs in the Chinese economic reform
by Wenxian Zhang & Ilan Alon - 135-144 Entrepreneurship and witchcraft in Namibian indigenous communities
by Wilfred Isak April - 145-164 Entrepreneurial re-starters in Japan
by Tatsuyoshi Masuda - 165-182 Does psychological profile have something to do with satisfaction? A French retailing franchisees study
by Veronique Guilloux & Claire Gauzente - 183-204 Transformational dynamics of entrepreneurial systems: holographic processes and the organisational basis of intuitive action
by Raymond Trevor Bradley & Dana Tomasino & Murray Gillin - 205-217 Outlining the determinants of youth entrepreneurship in the Greek periphery
by Dimitrios G. Ierapetritis & Dimitris Lagos & Chrysanthi K. Balomenou - 218-220 Book Review: Creating Entrepreneurs: Making Miracles Happen, by Fred Kiesner
by Wilfred Isak April
2010, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 3-24 Balancing the management control package of small, rapidly growing firms in turbulent environments
by Anders Nilsson - 25-41 Application of management accounting techniques in Indian small and medium hospitality enterprises: an empirical study
by Mohinder Chand & Ashish Dahiya - 42-54 The decline of bank finance for SMEs in APEC
by Chris Hall - 55-73 Micro-finance agencies and SMEs: model of explication of tacit knowledge
by Patricia A. Rowe & Michael J. Christie & Frank Hoy - 74-84 The financing policy of French SMEs
by Ramzi Benkraiem & Calin Gurau - 85-104 The effect of finance, knowledge and empathy gaps on the use of private equity amongst family-owned SMEs
by Pi-Shen Seet & Chris Graves & Magdalena Hadji & Andy Schnackenberg & Petter Gustafson
2010, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 429-446 The traditional entrepreneurship of home brewing and illicit distillation in Zimbabwe
by P.S. Kupakuwana - 447-459 Assessing the role of family business in promoting economic growth: perspectives from Saudi Arabia
by Mohamed A. Ramady & M. Sadiq Sohail - 460-483 Subcontracting and knowledge transfer from TNC to Indian SMEs in the automobile industry: how significant is it?
by R. Sudhir Kumar & M.H. Bala Subrahmanya - 484-498 Indigenous tourism operators: the vanguard of economic recovery in the Chatham Islands
by Andrew Cardow & Peter Wiltshier - 499-514 SMEs in Samoa: journey towards internationalisation
by Rafia Naz & R.D. Pathak & Gurmeet Singh - 515-525 Another determinant of entrepreneurship: the belief in witchcraft and entrepreneurship
by Felix Pauligard Ntep & Wilton Wilton
2010, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 307-323 Entrepreneurial spirit and corporate entrepreneurship in large companies
by Alain Fayolle & Olivier Basso - 324-338 Intrapreneuriality and the perceived autonomy indicators
by Brahim Allali - 339-358 Intrapreneurs, entrepreneurs and spin-off entrepreneurs: similarities and differences
by Torben Bager & Hannes Ottosson & Thomas Schott - 359-385 The impact of regional innovation systems on the level of corporate entrepreneurship activity
by Jacques Baronet & Nathaly Riverin - 386-409 Corporate entrepreneurship and small firms growth
by Joao J.M. Ferreira - 410-427 Hybridisation of the profiles of entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs: the case of French biotechnology SMEs
by Maria Bonnafous-Boucher & Erwan Lamy
2010, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 165-180 Explaining the off-the-books enterprise culture of Ukraine: reluctant or willing entrepreneurship?
by Colin C. Williams & John Round & Peter Rodgers - 181-204 Entrepreneurs and the environment: towards a typology of Tunisian ecopreneurs
by Sana El Harbi & Alistair R. Anderson & Sonia Hadj Ammar - 205-223 Nascent entrepreneurs and the regional context
by Christine Tamasy - 224-240 Starting business networks: benefits and barriers
by Terry L. Besser & Nancy Miller - 241-256 Establishing entrepreneurship education with a bottom-up approach: insights from a longitudinal case study
by Stefania Testa - 257-286 Job changes, entrepreneurship and regional economy
by Tatsuyoshi Masuda - 287-301 Spatial variations in the character of off-the-books entrepreneurship: lessons from a study of contrasting districts in Moscow
by Colin C. Williams & John Round - 302-304 Book Review: The Power of Unreasonable People: How Social Entrepreneurs Create Markets that Change the World by John Elkington and Pamela Hartigan
by Monika Wallmon
2010, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 5-29 Academic entrepreneurship in knowledge and technology-based industries: the fundamental determinants at German research universities and universities of applied sciences
by Stefan Heumann & Jurgen Schmude & Frank Lasch - 30-48 Exploring determinants of life sciences spin-off creation: empirical evidence from the Netherlands
by Marianne Van der Steen & Roland Ortt & Victor Scholten - 49-64 The direct and indirect effects of new businesses on regional employment: an empirical analysis
by Michael Fritsch & Florian Noseleit & Yvonne Schindele - 65-82 How female entrepreneurs learn and acquire (business-relevant) knowledge
by Kerstin Ettl & Friederike Welter - 83-107 Modelling self-regulated learning strategies in early-stage entrepreneurs: the role of intentionality and interaction
by Deirdre O'Shea & Finian Buckley - 108-130 On the evaluation of the performance of SMEs from a human and organisational capital perspective
by Joao Leitao & Mario Franco - 131-147 The evolution of entrepreneurship forms and strategies in transition economies: the case of Romania
by Calin Gurau & Leo-Paul Dana - 148-163 Formal cooperation activities for product and process innovation in Bulgaria: go international or stay national?
by Nikolinka Fertala
2010, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 378-393 Island brands and 'the Island' as a brand: insights from immigrant entrepreneurs on Prince Edward Island
by Godfrey Baldacchino - 394-406 Branding: a Caribbean perspective on rum manufacturing competitiveness
by Paul Pounder - 407-433 Brand(ing) Kinmen: a tourism perspective
by J.J. Zhang - 434-446 An image worth bottling: the branding of King Island Cloud Juice
by Susie Khamis - 447-462 Branding of Fiji's bottled water: edging into sustainable consumption
by Mahendra Reddy & Gurmeet Singh - 463-480 Exploitation versus exploration in island economies: a brand diagnostic perspective
by Michel Leseure
2010, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 243-263 The role of management strategies in business performance: men and women entrepreneurs managing creativity and innovation
by Dafna Kariv - 264-294 Typology of risk management practices: an empirical investigation into German SMEs
by Thomas Henschel - 295-307 Entrepreneurship in organised crime
by Petter Gottschalk - 308-323 Towards an integrated theory of entrepreneurial cognition: exploring the interplay of entrepreneurship and institutional entrepreneurship
by Claire Auplat - 324-348 Passionate attention and the psychophysiology of entrepreneurial intuition: a quantum-holographic theory
by Raymond Trevor Bradley - 349-371 The nature of self-employment: how does gender matter?
by Hannu Tervo & Mika Haapanen
2010, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 127-142 Enterprise profiles in deprived areas: are they distinctive?
by Julian S. Frankish & Richard G. Roberts & David J. Storey - 143-161 The spatial determinants of entrepreneurship in the regions of England, 2000-2004
by William Gleave & Jay Mitra - 162-176 An entrepreneurship toolkit for intensive skills development
by Anne Smith & Robert A. Paton - 177-192 Diversity in ethnic minority businesses from rural and urban localities
by David Deakins & Mohammed Ishaq & Geoff Whittam & Janette Wyper - 193-200 Minority ethnic businesses – so are we really saying that one size fits all?
by Richard Bent & Claire Seaman & Mauricio Silva - 201-212 Exploring Scottish family businesses: economy, geography and community
by Claire Seaman & Stuart Graham & Peter Falconer & Martin Stepek - 213-226 Measuring the financial capability of minority ethnic business owners in Scotland
by Mauricio Silva & Richard Bent & Claire Seaman - 227-242 A study of collegiate entrepreneurship in Ireland
by Naomi Birdthistle
2010, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-19 A new role for small business in innovation networks: an industrial perspective
by Gilles Lambert & Veronique Schaeffer - 20-35 Authentic competence-based learning in university education in entrepreneurship
by Jan Nab & Albert Pilot & Sjaak Brinkkemper & Hanne Ten Berge - 36-57 One style does not fit all: the role of cognitive style in entrepreneurship education
by Jill Kickul & Lisa K. Gundry & Saulo D. Barbosa & Shalei Simms - 58-73 Entrepreneurship education and the propensity for business creation: testing a structural model
by Ricardo G. Rodrigues & Mario Raposo & Joao Ferreira & Arminda Do Paco - 74-85 Entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial activity
by Vegard Johansen - 86-109 Exploring the impact of entrepreneurship education on university nonbusiness undergraduates
by Vijay Vij & Steve Ball - 110-125 What do students think of the entrepreneurial support given by their universities?
by Jeroen Kraaijenbrink & Ger Bos & Aard Groen
2009, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 449-472 Ethnic entrepreneurship in a multicultural context: regional development and the unintended lock-in effects
by Ethel Brundin & Caroline Wigren & Eslyn Isaacs & Kobus Visser - 473-485 The phenomenon of information technology for small community-based businesses
by Razaq Raj & Tahir Rashid - 486-498 Enterprise in deprived areas: what role for start-ups?
by David Devins - 499-515 Promoting knowledge transfer to Czech SMEs: the role of human resource development in increasing absorptive capacity
by David Pollard & Jena Svarcova - 516-533 Innovation among SMEs: evidence from the Yorkshire and Humber region
by Felix Kumi-Ampofo & Catherine M. Brooks - 534-549 Strategy formulation in SMEs: indications from a longitudinal study
by Lawrence C. Bellamy - 550-566 The impact of R&D strategy and firm size on the returns to innovation
by Mario Kafouros & Chengqi Wang & George Lodorfos
2009, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 309-331 The impact of ethnolinguistic diversity on entrepreneurial activity: a cross-country study
by Craig S. Galbraith & Jacqueline Benitez-Galbraith - 332-341 French entrepreneurship in the 19th century
by Michel Marchesnay - 342-360 A study of the methods used for teaching applied entrepreneurship to large classes
by Laura Galloway & William Keogh & Linda McGilvray - 361-382 London's congestion charging scheme and the growth and survival of the minicab sector
by Nnamdi O. Madichie & Nicholas A. Alli - 383-398 Albanian businesses in Slovenia: a need, an opportunity or just a tradition?
by Jaka Vadnjal & Marina Letonja - 399-410 The advantage of the EFQM excellence model in business management and leadership
by Zlatka Mesko Stok & Maja Mesko & Mirko Markic - 411-430 Value creation and the internet: entrepreneurial behaviour in Dutch SMEs
by Marijke Van Der Veen & Ingrid Wakkee - 431-446 Towards a model of the learning needs of the effective entrepreneur
by Zineb Aouni & Bernard Surlemont
2009, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 171-185 SME financing in China: the current situation, problems and possible solutions
by Mark Fagan & Shenghua Zhao - 186-199 Barriers to doing business in Kosova: an institutional approach
by Durim Hoxha - 200-225 Some problems with the self-employed households in Japan: a descriptive study
by Tatsuyoshi Masuda - 226-240 Destructive leadership in family businesses: modelling social exchange between generations
by David Robinson & Michael Harvey & Mark Yupitun - 241-258 Immigrant entrepreneurs challenging conventional wisdom: the adherence to immigrant networks plays a minor role in business success
by Goitom Tesfom & Clemens Lutz - 259-277 A new look at industry associations as effective enterprise networks
by Martin Perry - 278-291 Enterprise as sunset career? Entrepreneurial intentions in the ageing population
by Erno T. Tornikoski & Teemu Kautonen - 292-307 Examining the financial profile of Smaller Manufacturing Enterprises (SMEs)
by Kee S. Kim & A. Craig Keller & Ronald R. Bottin
2009, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 6-22 An asymmetric perspective on coopetitive strategies
by Philippe Baumard - 23-43 Coopetition between SMEs: an empirical study of French professional football
by Frank Robert & Pierre Marques & Frederic Le Roy - 44-60 Power asymmetries, flexibility and the propensity to coopete: an empirical investigation of SMEs' relationships with franchisors
by Wojciech Czakon - 61-73 Managing strategic innovation through coopetition
by Pierre Roy & Said Yami - 74-91 The causes of conflict when small- and medium-sized competitors cooperate
by Annika Tidstrom - 92-109 When entrepreneurship requires coopetition: the need for standards in the creation of a market
by Anne Mione - 110-134 Innovative coopetition: the strength of strong ties
by Anette Brolos - 135-153 Coopetition and business ecosystems in the information technology sector: the example of Intelligent Mobile Terminals
by Gael Gueguen - 154-169 The role of collective action in the New Zealand dairy industry: an international comparison
by Nicolette Le Cren & Jai Lyons & Leo-Paul Dana
2009, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 391-403 Cooperation in innovation practices among firms in Portugal: do external partners stimulate innovative advances?
by Maria Jose Silva & Joao Leitao - 404-419 Dynamic capabilities, change and innovation in Greek SMEs: a preliminary study
by Apostolos Rafailidis & Giannis Tselekidis - 420-430 Entrepreneurship and innovation within creative industries: a case study on the Finnish games industry
by Mirva Peltoniemi - 431-445 Partnerships and innovative patterns in small and medium enterprises
by Elena Cefis & Mihaela Ghita & Anna Sabidussi - 446-456 Strategy and innovation: making the right strategic decision and developing the right innovative capabilities
by Lawrence J. Loughnane - 457-465 Entrepreneurs and branding in an environment of mass customisation and open innovation
by Khaled Hamid - 466-477 A comparison of spectators' and franchise staffs' perceptions on the effectiveness of the marketing techniques adopted by the Super Basketball League in Taiwan
by Steve Chen & Ronald Dick & Chie-Der Dongfang & Pi-Yun Teng - 478-487 Building a sense of community through sport programming and special events: the role of sport marketing in contributing to social capital
by Eric C. Schwarz - 488-489 Book Review: International Entrepreneurship in Family Businesses by J.C. Casillas, F.J. Acedo and A.M. Moreno
by Vanessa Ratten
2009, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 258-283 Entrepreneurship in emerging high-tech industries: ICT entrepreneurs between experts and kamikazes
by Frank Robert & Pierre Marques & Frank Lasch & Frederic Le Roy - 284-311 How are the conditions for high-tech start-ups in Germany?
by Romy Voss & Christoph Müller - 312-323 The locational factors and performance of the high-tech startups in China
by Utz Dornberger & Xiuhua Zeng - 324-346 Entrepreneurship and ICT: a comparative analysis between Germany and Portugal
by Joao Leitao & Joao Ferreira - 347-366 The impact of regional development policies on biotechnology firm creation: a comparative analysis of France, Germany and the UK
by Calin Gurau & Alexander Groh - 367-388 Of acting principals and principal agents: goal incongruence in the venture capitalist-entrepreneur relationship
by Esben Christensen & Robert Wuebker & Rolf Wustenhagen
2009, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 155-174 IECER Conference – five years of entrepreneurship research: topics and trends
by Jurgen Schmude & Stefan Heumann & Frank Lasch & Frederic Le Roy - 175-190 Geographical environments for entrepreneurship
by Edward J. Malecki - 191-213 Mapping entrepreneurial activity and entrepreneurial attitudes in European regions
by Niels Bosma & Veronique Schutjens - 214-231 Innovative milieu, micro firms and local development in Barcelona
by Josep Llados & Mireia Fernandez-Ardevol & Jordi Vilaseca - 232-252 Social capital: an asset or a liability to entrepreneurial activity?
by Lars Ronning
2009, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-23 A study of enterprise in Rankin Inlet, Nunavut: where subsistence self-employment meets formal entrepreneurship
by Aldene Meis Mason & Leo Paul Dana & Robert Brent Anderson - 24-58 The profitable new Japanese entrepreneurs: the minor role of information technology
by Tatsuyoshi Masuda - 59-73 The contribution of entrepreneurship to society
by Hans Ruediger Kaufmann - 74-91 Strategic decision making in small firms: a taxonomy of small business owners
by Petra Gibcus & Patrick A.M. Vermeulen & Jeroen P.J. De Jong - 92-106 Learning mode of small business owners in Belgium
by Annick Willem & Herman Van den Broeck - 107-122 An exploratory study of the characteristics affecting the success of SMEs in Pakistan
by M. Khurrum S. Bhutta & Jamshad H. Khan & Adnan Omar & Usman Asad - 123-138 Exploring firm emergence: initially conditioned or actively created?
by Erno T. Tornikoski & Vesa Puhakka - 139-150 The strategic management competence of small and medium-sized growth firms
by Marko Kohtamaki & Erno Tornikoski & Elina Varamaki
2008, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 520-535 Tobati, Paraguay: indigenous market town revisited
by Leo Paul Dana & Teresa E. Dana - 536-561 The internationalisation of Western firms' R&D in China
by Oliver Gassmann & Marcus Matthias Keupp - 562-582 Entrepreneurship policy in Cyprus
by Athanasios Hadjimanolis - 583-603 An analytical framework for micro-level analysis of GEM data
by Kim Klyver - 604-621 Indicators of entrepreneurship activity: some methodological contributions
by Rachida Justo & Julio O. De Castro & Alberto Maydeu-Olivares - 622-643 Bounded emotionality in entrepreneurial calculations: a case study in rural Sri Lanka
by Kelum Jayasinghe & Dennis Thomas
2008, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 321-336 Farmers as entrepreneurs: the case of farm-based tourism
by Marit S. Haugen & Jostein Vik - 337-354 Crisis plan? What crisis plan! How microentrepreneurs manage in a crisis
by Alan Budge & Wilson Irvine & Robert Smith - 355-369 Entrepreneurial in-migrants and economic development in rural England
by Gary Bosworth - 370-389 Zzzz.....Some reflections on the dynamics of village entrepreneurship
by Robert Smith - 390-406 Entrepreneurship capital emerging in a coastal community
by Emer Ni Bhradaigh - 407-420 Are farmers businesspeople? Highlighting transformations in the profession of farmers in France
by Christele Couzy & Anne-Charlotte Dockes - 421-436 Entrepreneurial attitudes, intentions and activities – a comparison of urban and rural areas in Wales
by David Brooksbank & Piers Thompson & Robbie Williams - 437-449 Blots, bovines, buildings, businesses and brands: monitoring the landscape of rural assets
by Anne M.J. Smith - 450-464 Starting social enterprises in remote and rural Scotland: best or worst of circumstances?
by Jane Farmer & Artur Steinerowski & Sarah Jack - 465-478 A taxonomy of entrepreneurial farmers
by Gerard McElwee - 479-495 Beyond the concept of 'getting big or getting out': entrepreneurship strategies to survive as a farm family
by Bruno Hildenbrand & Charles B. Hennon - 496-512 The potential for kitchen incubators to assist food-processing enterprises
by Benjamin Dent - 513-516 Book Reviews: 'E' Issues in Agribusiness: The 'What', 'Why', 'How' by Kim P. Bryceson; Agricultural Biotechnology and Intellectual Property: Seeds of Change by Jay Kesan; The Economics of Agricultural Development; World Food Systems and Resource Use by George W. Norton, Jeffrey Alwang and William A. Masters
by Ian Barnes
2008, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 192-211 An exploratory study conceptualising marketing thought in entrepreneurial medium-sized firms in high-tech and conventional industries in France, Germany and Italy
by Keith J. Perks & Paurav Shukla - 212-229 Cross-channel cooperation: on the collaborative integration of online and offline business models of e-entrepreneurs and traditional SMEs
by Tobias Kollmann & Matthias Hasel - 230-244 Clusters, social networks and marketing collaboration in small firms: exploratory evidence from Chile and Scotland
by Christian Felzensztein - 245-263 An exploratory analysis of the strategic marketing choices implemented by the UK biopharmaceutical SMEs
by Calin Gurau - 264-279 Implementation of an agile marketing approach for the manufacturing-based SME
by Jenny Poolton & Hossam S. Ismail & Iain R. Reid & Ivan C. Arokiam - 280-295 Effect of customer orientation and innovativeness on business performance: a study of small-sized service retailers
by Kayhan Tajeddini & Myfanwy Trueman - 296-314 International strategic marketing of small construction consultancy firms: the case of Cypriot firms
by Alkis Thrassou & Demetris Vrontis - 315-318 Book Review: Marketing Principles by Craig Walters and Leo-Paul Dana
by Vanessa Ratten
2008, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 8-19 Entrepreneurial wisdom: incorporating the ethical and strategic dimensions of entrepreneurial decision-making
by Laura Dunham & John McVea & R. Edward Freeman - 20-27 Entrepreneurship as wisdom
by Alan E. Singer & Robert Doktor - 28-53 Entrepreneurship: opportunistic or excellent?
by Carter Crockett - 54-67 Opportunity recognition of social entrepreneurs: an application of the creativity model
by Javier Monllor & Sharmin Attaran - 68-79 Synergising entrepreneurship, incubated business and socioeconomic upliftment in rural India
by Dinesh Khanduja & Prabhakar Kaushik - 80-93 The entrepreneurial wide boy. A modern morality tale
by Gerard McElwee & Kirk Frith - 94-102 A note on entrepreneurial trust in the Saint-Petersburg region of contemporary Russia
by Yuri Veselov & Elena Kapustkina & Milhail Sinyutin - 103-113 The development of environmental responsibility amongst Slovenian SMEs
by Jozica Knez-Riedl - 114-132 Ethical entrepreneurs: a study of perceptions
by Sandra L. Christensen & Robert G. Schwartz & Mary Ann Keogh Hoss - 133-154 Women business owners in international trade: ethical issues, response strategies and moral progress
by Allan Riding & Rosangela Coscarella & Barbara Orser & Judith Madill - 155-172 How franchiser and franchisee relationships affect franchisees' satisfaction? The importance of fairness, communication and trust as ethical bases of relationship marketing
by Veronique Guilloux & Nathalie Dubost & Michel Kalika & Claire Gauzente - 173-184 A longitudinal study of the commitment to business ethics of corporate Australia
by Michael Callaghan & Greg Wood & Goran Svensson - 185-187 Book Review: Making Ecopreneurs: Developing Sustainable Entrepreneurship, by M. Schaper
by Paull Weber
2008, Volume 5, Issue 3/4
- 215-223 Familiar strangers: reflections of an ethnic minority researcher
by Edwina Pio - 224-240 Economic outcomes of female immigrant entrepreneurship
by Angeline Low