2019, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 235-247 The Role of Journalism on YouTube: Audience Engagement with ‘Superbug’ Reporting
by Monika Djerf-Pierre & Mia Lindgren & Mikayla Alexis Budinski - 248-258 Crossing the Line between News and the Business of News: Exploring Journalists’ Use of Twitter
by Stephen Jukes - 259-270 The Dislocation of News Journalism: A Conceptual Framework for the Study of Epistemologies of Digital Journalism
by Mats Ekström & Oscar Westlund - 271-285 Disintermediation in Social Networks: Conceptualizing Political Actors’ Construction of Publics on Twitter
by Scott A. Eldridge II & Lucía García-Carretero & Marcel Broersma
2018, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 1-10 News and Participation through and beyond Proprietary Platforms in an Age of Social Media
by Oscar Westlund & Mats Ekström - 11-23 A Decade of Research on Social Media and Journalism: Assumptions, Blind Spots, and a Way Forward
by Seth C. Lewis & Logan Molyneux - 24-25 From Counter-Power to Counter-Pepe: The Vagaries of Participatory Epistemology in a Digital Age
by C. W. Anderson & Matthias Revers - 36-48 Dark Participation
by Thorsten Quandt - 49-57 Alternative Media and the Notion of Anti-Systemness: Towards an Analytical Framework
by Kristoffer Holt - 58-69 The Moral Gatekeeper? Moderation and Deletion of User-Generated Content in a Leading News Forum
by Svenja Boberg & Tim Schatto-Eckrodt & Lena Frischlich & Thorsten Quandt - 70-78 Strangers to the Game? Interlopers, Intralopers, and Shifting News Production
by Avery E. Holton & Valerie Belair-Gagnon - 79-90 Hybrid Engagement: Discourses and Scenarios of Entrepreneurial Journalism
by Juho Ruotsalainen & Mikko Villi - 91-102 Networked News Participation: Future Pathways
by Sue Robinson & Yidong Wang - 103-106 Commentary on News and Participation through and beyond Proprietary Platforms in an Age of Social Media
by James E. Katz - 107-110 The Midlife Crisis of the Network Society
by Nikki Usher & Matt Carlson - 111-114 Why We Should Keep Studying Good (and Everyday) Participation: An Analogy to Political Participation
by Neta Kligler-Vilenchik - 115-118 Designing a Renaissance for Digital News Media
by Anette Novak - 119-122 E-Government and Smart Cities: Theoretical Reflections and Case Studies
by Peter Mechant & Nils Walravens - 123-126 Forging Smarter Cities through CrowdLaw
by Beth Simone Noveck - 127-139 “Technology Readiness and Acceptance Model” as a Predictor for the Use Intention of Data Standards in Smart Cities
by Raf Buyle & Mathias Van Compernolle & Eveline Vlassenroot & Ziggy Vanlishout & Peter Mechant & Erik Mannens - 140-152 Channel Choice Determinants of (Digital) Government Communication: A Case Study of Spatial Planning in Flanders
by Willemien Laenens & Wendy Van den Broeck & Ilse Mariën - 153-162 In Waze We Trust: Algorithmic Governance of the Public Sphere
by Shenja van der Graaf - 163-174 Delivering Smart Governance in a Future City: The Case of Glasgow
by Charles Leleux & C. William R. Webster - 175-186 The Impact of User Participation Methods on E-Government Projects: The Case of La Louvière, Belgium
by Anthony Simonofski & Benoît Vanderose & Antoine Clarinval & Monique Snoeck
2018, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 1-4 The Turn to Affect and Emotion in Media Studies
by Margreth Lünenborg & Tanja Maier - 5-14 Affect in Media and Communication Studies: Potentials and Assemblages
by Brigitte Hipfl - 15-21 Affect Disposition(ing): A Genealogical Approach to the Organization and Regulation of Emotions
by Bernd Bösel - 22-29 Towards a Psychoanalytic Concept of Affective-Digital Labour
by Jacob Johanssen - 30-39 Negotiating Belonging as Cultural Proximity in the Process of Adapting Global Reality TV Formats
by Laura Suna - 40-47 How Culture Influences Emotion Display in Transnational Television Formats: The Case of The Voice of China
by Yuanchen Zhang - 48-59 Leak Early, Leak (More Than) Often: Outlining the Affective Politics of Data Leaks in Network Ecologies
by Alberto Micali - 60-68 Personal Power and Agency When Dealing with Interactive Voice Response Systems and Alternative Modalities
by Jill Walsh & Brittany Leigh Andersen & James E. Katz & Jacob Groshek - 69-72 The Implications of the FCC’s Net Neutrality Repeal
by Florian Schaub - 73-76 The New Frontier in Communication Research: Why We Should Study Social Robots
by Jochen Peter & Rinaldo Kühne - 77-82 News, Ads, Chats, and Property Rights over Algorithms
by Jan Kleinnijenhuis - 83-92 Psychopaths Online: The Linguistic Traces of Psychopathy in Email, Text Messaging and Facebook
by Jeffrey T Hancock & Michael Woodworth & Rachel Boochever
2018, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-4 Media Studies for a Mediatized World: Rethinking Media and Social Space
by André Jansson & Johan Lindell - 5-14 Mobile Media and Social Space: How Anytime, Anyplace Connectivity Structures Everyday Life
by Mariek Vanden Abeele & Ralf De Wolf & Rich Ling - 15-28 A Discursive Approach to Mediatisation: Corporate Technology Discourse and the Trope of Media Indispensability
by Karin Fast - 29-38 Mediatization of Social Space and the Case of Uber Drivers
by Ngai Keung Chan & Lee Humphreys - 39-45 Sensorial Organization as an Ethics of Space: Digital Media in Everyday Life
by Stina Bengtsson - 46-55 ‘It’s Something Posh People Do’: Digital Distinction in Young People’s Cross-Media News Engagement
by Jannie Møller Hartley - 56-59 Grow Up, Level Up, and Game On; Evolving Games Research
by Julia Kneer & Ruud S. Jacobs - 60-68 Running Head: Video Game Nostalgia and Retro Gaming
by Tim Wulf & Nicholas D. Bowman & Diana Rieger & John A. Velez & Johannes Breuer - 69-79 Do We Need Permission to Play in Public? The Design of Participation for Social Play Video Games at Play Parties and ‘Alternative’ Games Festivals
by Lynn H. C. Love - 80-89 Games without Frontiers: A Framework for Analyzing Digital Game Cultures Comparatively
by Ahmed Elmezeny & Jeffrey Wimmer - 90-102 Psychasthenia Studio and the Gamification of Contemporary Culture
by Victoria Szabo - 103-111 The Persuasive Roles of Digital Games: The Case of Cancer Games
by Teresa de la Hera Conde-Pumpido - 112-125 Challenges with Measuring Learning through Digital Gameplay in K-12 Classrooms
by Cristyne Hebert & Jennifer Jenson & Katrina Fong - 126-136 Model Matching Theory: A Framework for Examining the Alignment between Game Mechanics and Mental Models
by Rory McGloin & Joe A. Wasserman & Andy Boyan - 137-144 The Form of Game Formalism
by Ea C. Willumsen - 145-148 Media and Communication between the Local and the Global
by Jessica Gustafsson & Kinga Polynczuk-Alenius - 149-157 Media Practices and Forced Migration: Trust Online and Offline
by Heike Graf - 158-167 Female Bodies Adrift: Violation of the Female Bodies in Becoming a Subject in the Western Media
by Tuija Parikka - 168-178 Watchdogs, Advocates and Adversaries: Journalists’ Relational Role Conceptions in Asylum Reporting
by Markus Ojala & Reeta Pöyhtäri - 179-187 Iranian Diaspora, Reality Television and Connecting to Homeland
by Elham Atashi - 188-198 Domestic Connectivity: Media, Gender and the Domestic Sphere in Kenya
by Jessica Gustafsson - 199-209 The Dialectics of Care: Communicating Ethical Trade in Poland
by Kinga Polynczuk-Alenius - 210-219 The Meaning of the Feminist T-Shirt: Social Media, Postmodern Aesthetics, and the Potential for Sociopolitical Change
by Trine Kvidal-Røvik
2018, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-4 Introduction to Media History and Democracy
by David W. Park - 5-12 Net Neutrality, the Fairness Doctrine, and the NRB: The Tension between United States Religious Expression and Media Regulation
by Kathryn Montalbano - 13-20 Private Broadcasting and the Path to Radio Broadcasting Policy in Canada
by Anne Frances MacLennan - 21-33 Methodological Perspectives on British Commercial Telegraphy and the Colonial Struggle over Democratic Connections in Gibraltar, 1914–1941
by Bryce Peake - 34-42 From the Old New Republic to a Great Community: Insights and Contradictions in John Dewey’s Public Pedagogy
by James Anderson - 43-51 River Activism, “Levees-Only” and the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927
by Ned Randolph - 52-61 “Approaching an Abyss”: Liberalist Ideology in a Norwegian Cold War Business Paper
by Birgitte Kjos Fonn - 62-72 The Media Protest of Neighbouring Associations, Promoter of Citizen Democratic Culture during Transition in Southern Spain
by Sandra Méndez-Muros
2017, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 1-5 Introduction to Visual Communication in the Age of Social Media: Conceptual, Theoretical and Methodological Challenges
by Uta Russmann & Jakob Svensson - 6-14 Brand New Images? Implications of Instagram Photography for Place Branding
by Åsa Thelander & Cecilia Cassinger - 15-25 Political Storytelling on Instagram: Key Aspects of Alexander Van der Bellen’s Successful 2016 Presidential Election Campaign
by Karin Liebhart & Petra Bernhardt - 26-36 The Visual Discourse of Protest Movements on Twitter: The Case of Hong Kong 2014
by Irmgard Wetzstein - 37-50 Showing/Sharing: Analysing Visual Communication from a Praxeological Perspective
by Maria Schreiber - 51-64 Digital-Networked Images as Personal Acts of Political Expression: New Categories for Meaning Formation
by Mona Kasra - 65-74 “I Set the Camera on the Handle of My Dresser”: Re-Matter-Ializing Social Media Visual Methods through a Case Study of Selfies
by Katie Warfield - 75-78 The Semiotics of Emoji: The Rise of Visual Language in the Age of the Internet
by Laura Kerslake & Rupert Wegerif
2017, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 1-4 Acting on Media: Influencing, Shaping and (Re)Configuring the Fabric of Everyday Life
by Sigrid Kannengießer & Sebastian Kubitschko - 5-14 Variants of Interplay as Drivers of Media Change
by Tilo Grenz & Paul Eisewicht - 15-27 Fan (Fiction) Acting on Media and the Politics of Appropriation
by Wolfgang Reißmann & Moritz Stock & Svenja Kaiser & Vanessa Isenberg & Jörg-Uwe Nieland - 28-36 Raging Against the Machine: Network Gatekeeping and Collective Action on Social Media Platforms
by Sarah Myers West - 37-48 (De)Centralization of the Global Informational Ecosystem
by Johanna Möller & M. Bjørn von Rimscha - 49-58 Forgetting History: Mediated Reflections on Occupy Wall Street
by Michael S. Daubs & Jeffrey Wimmer - 59-66 Media Activism as Movement? Collective Identity Formation in the World Forum of Free Media
by Hilde C. Stephansen - 67-69 Journalists’ Associations as Political Instruments in Central and Eastern Europe
by Epp Lauk & Kaarle Nordenstreng - 70-78 Cleansing among Czech Journalists after World War II and a Comparison with the Situation in France and the Netherlands
by Jan Cebe - 79-84 Journalists’ Associations in Poland Before and After 1980
by Wojciech Furman - 85-94 The Rocky Road towards Professional Autonomy: The Estonian Journalists’ Organization in the Political Turmoil of the 20th Century
by Epp Lauk - 95-102 The Story of Journalist Organizations in Czechoslovakia
by Markéta Ševčíková & Kaarle Nordenstreng - 103-106 International Federation of Free Journalists: Opposing Communist Propaganda During the Cold War
by Martin Nekola
2017, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-10 The Finns Party: Euroscepticism, Euro Crisis, Populism and the Media
by Juha Herkman - 11-20 The New Visual Testimonial: Narrative, Authenticity, and Subjectivity in Emerging Commercial Photographic Practice
by Heather Morton - 21-30 The Market Value of Who We Are: The Flow of Personal Data and Its Regulation in China
by Dong Han - 31-40 Under the Influence: Advertisers’ Impact on the Content of Swiss Free Newspapers
by Colin Porlezza - 41-52 Subjective Evaluation of Media Content as a Moderator of Media Effects on European Identity: Mere Exposure and the Hostile Media Phenomenon
by Waqas Ejaz & Marco Bräuer & Jens Wolling - 53-63 Political Participation and Power Relations in Egypt: The Scope of Newspapers and Social Network Sites
by Mostafa Shehata - 64-66 A Historical Analysis of Media Practices and Technologies in Protest Movements: A Review of Crisis and Critique by Anne Kaun
by Anne Laajalahti - 67-76 Crises, Rumours and Reposts: Journalists’ Social Media Content Gathering and Verification Practices in Breaking News Situations
by Klas Backholm & Julian Ausserhofer & Elsebeth Frey & Anna Grøndahl Larsen & Harald Hornmoen & Joachim Högväg & Gudrun Reimerth - 77-86 Reinvention of Publishers’ Revenue Model—Expectations of Advertisers towards Publishers’ Products
by Bianca Dennstedt & Hans Koller - 87-89 Welcome to the Era of Fake News
by Jonathan Albright
2017, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-6 Post-Snowden Internet Policy: Between Public Outrage, Resistance and Policy Change
by Julia Pohle & Leo Van Audenhove - 7-16 Outrage without Consequences? Post-Snowden Discourses and Governmental Practice in Germany
by Stefan Steiger & Wolf J. Schünemann & Katharina Dimmroth - 17-28 Intelligence Reform and the Snowden Paradox: The Case of France
by Félix Tréguer - 29-41 Networked Authoritarianism and the Geopolitics of Information: Understanding Russian Internet Policy
by Nathalie Maréchal - 42-53 Migrating Servers, Elusive Users: Reconfigurations of the Russian Internet in the Post-Snowden Era
by Ksenia Ermoshina & Francesca Musiani - 54-62 Clipper Meets Apple vs. FBI—A Comparison of the Cryptography Discourses from 1993 and 2016
by Matthias Schulze - 63-75 Corporate Privacy Policy Changes during PRISM and the Rise of Surveillance Capitalism
by Priya Kumar - 76-83 Metadata Laws, Journalism and Resistance in Australia
by Benedetta Brevini
2016, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 1-7 Political Agency at the Digital Crossroads?
by Anne Kaun & Maria Kyriakidou & Julie Uldam - 8-12 Social Movements and Political Agency in the Digital Age: A Communication Approach
by Anastasia Kavada - 13-17 Narrative Agency in Hashtag Activism: The Case of #BlackLivesMatter
by Guobin Yang - 18-29 Energiewende’s Lone Warriors: A Hyperlink Network Analysis of the German Energy Transition Discourse
by Jonas Kaiser & Markus Rhomberg & Axel Maireder & Stephan Schlögl - 30-42 Mediatisation, Marginalisation and Disruption in Australian Indigenous Affairs
by Kerry McCallum & Lisa Waller & Tanja Dreher - 43-52 Free Software Beyond Radical Politics: Negotiations of Creative and Craft Autonomy in Digital Visual Media Production
by Julia Velkova - 53-62 No Digital “Castles in the Air”: Online Non-Participation and the Radical Left
by Linus Andersson - 63-65 Issues of Ethics and Methods in Studying Social Media
by Niina Sormanen & Epp Lauk - 66-74 From Research Ethics to Researching Ethics in an Online Specific Context
by Sari Östman & Riikka Turtiainen - 75-85 Facebook’s Emotional Contagion Experiment as a Challenge to Research Ethics
by Jukka Jouhki & Epp Lauk & Maija Penttinen & Niina Sormanen & Turo Uskali - 86-96 Hazy Boundaries: Virtual Communities and Research Ethics
by Helena Kantanen & Jyri Manninen - 97-108 #JeSuisCharlie: Towards a Multi-Method Study of Hybrid Media Events
by Johanna Sumiala & Minttu Tikka & Jukka Huhtamäki & Katja Valaskivi - 109-117 Participation in Social Media: Studying Explicit and Implicit Forms of Participation in Communicative Social Networks
by Mikko Villi & Janne Matikainen
2016, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 1-3 Introduction to the Issue “Adolescents in the Digital Age: Effects on Health and Development”
by Daniel Romer - 4-12 Possible Effects of Internet Use on Cognitive Development in Adolescence
by Kathryn L. Mills - 13-23 Teens, Health and Technology: A National Survey
by Ellen Wartella & Vicky Rideout & Heather Montague & Leanne Beaudoin-Ryan & Alexis Lauricella - 24-34 The Role of Parents in Problematic Internet Use among US Adolescents
by Amy Bleakley & Morgan Ellithorpe & Daniel Romer - 35-49 Marketing to Youth in the Digital Age: The Promotion of Unhealthy Products and Health Promoting Behaviours on Social Media
by Sally Dunlop & Becky Freeman & Sandra C. Jones - 50-59 Social Media and Alcohol: Summary of Research, Intervention Ideas and Future Study Directions
by Megan A. Moreno & Jon D’Angelo & Jennifer Whitehill - 60-70 Social Media in the Sexual Lives of African American and Latino Youth: Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Neighborhood
by Robin Stevens & Jamie Dunaev & Ellen Malven & Amy Bleakley & Shawnika Hull - 71-78 Cyberbullying, Race/Ethnicity and Mental Health Outcomes: A Review of the Literature
by Lynne Edwards & April Edwards Kontostathis & Christina Fisher - 79-89 Adolescent Cellphone Use While Driving: An Overview of the Literature and Promising Future Directions for Prevention
by M. Kit Delgado & Kathryn J. Wanner & Catherine McDonald - 90-94 Afterword to the Issue “Adolescents in the Digital Age: Effects on Health and Development”
by Daniel Romer & Michael Rich - 95-98 Thematic Issue on The End of Television (Not Yet): Editor’s Introduction
by Milly Buonanno - 99-108 Television in Latin America Is “Everywhere”: Not Dead, Not Dying, but Converging and Thriving
by Guillermo Orozco & Toby Miller - 109-122 “There Will Still Be Television but I Don’t Know What It Will Be Called!”: Narrating the End of Television in Australia and New Zealand
by Jock Given - 123-130 Re-Locating the Spaces of Television Studies
by Anna Cristina Pertierra - 131-141 Not Yet the Post-TV Era: Network and MVPD Adaptation to Emergent Distribution Technologies
by Mike Van Esler - 142-153 The End of Television—Again! How TV Is Still Influenced by Cultural Factors in the Age of Digital Intermediaries
by Gunn Enli & Trine Syvertsen - 154-161 Digital Media Platforms and the Use of TV Content: Binge Watching and Video-on-Demand in Germany
by Lothar Mikos - 162-175 The End of the Television Archive as We Know It? The National Archive as an Agent of Historical Knowledge in the Convergence Era
by Berber Hagedoorn & Bas Agterberg - 176-184 Still ‘Watching’ TV? The Consumption of TV Fiction by Engaged Audiences
by Alexander Dhoest & Nele Simons - 185-198 Taming Distraction: The Second Screen Assemblage, Television and the Classroom
by Markus Stauff
2016, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-2 The Impact of Media on Traditional Communities
by Raul Reis - 3-12 Media Portrayals of Hashtag Activism: A Framing Analysis of Canada’s #Idlenomore Movement
by Derek Moscato - 13-32 Toward Representational Sovereignty: Rewards and Challenges of Indigenous Media in the A’uwẽ-Xavante Communities of Eténhiritipa-Pimentel Barbosa
by Laura R. Graham - 33-37 Dangerous Dancing: A Commentary on Australian Indigenous Communication Futures
by Michael Hugo Meadows - 38-41 Cultural Resiliency and the Rise of Indigenous Media
by Derek Moscato - 42-45 Introduction to “International Broadcasting and Public Diplomacy in the 21st Century”
by Gary D. Rawnsley - 46-54 Information Asymmetries and Their Challenge to International Broadcasting
by Monroe Edwin Price - 55-68 Public Diplomacy and the Clash of Satellites
by Marwa Fikry Abdel Samei - 69-91 Toward a Model of Strategic Influence, International Broadcasting, and Global Engagement
by Kenneth L. Hacker & Vanessa R. Mendez - 92-103 Mediated Public Diplomacy of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria: The Synergistic Use of Terrorism, Social Media and Branding
by Jad Melki & May Jabado - 104-119 Target Gutahuka: The UN’s Strategic Information Intervention in the Democratic Republic of Congo
by Jacob Udo-Udo Jacob
2016, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-3 Peacebuilding in the Age of New Media
by Vladimir Bratic - 4-14 Elicitive Conflict Transformation and New Media: In Search for a Common Ground
by Wolfgang Suetzl - 15-26 “Likes” for Peace: Can Facebook Promote Dialogue in the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict?
by Yifat Mor & Yiftach Ron & Ifat Maoz - 27-38 Fields and Facebook: Ta’ayush’s Grassroots Activism and Archiving the Peace that Will Have Come in Israel/Palestine
by Jon Simons - 39-50 Internet Censorship Circumvention Tools: Escaping the Control of the Syrian Regime
by Walid Al-Saqaf - 51-62 EU Armed Forces’ Use of Social Media in Areas of Deployment
by Maria Hellman & Eva-Karin Olsson & Charlotte Wagnsson - 63-79 Building Peace through Journalism in the Social/Alternate Media
by Rukhsana Aslam - 80-93 Awareness towards Peace Journalism among Foreign Correspondents in Africa
by Ylva Rodny-Gumede
2015, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 1-4 A View from the Inside: The Dawning Of De-Westernization of CEE Media and Communication Research?
by Epp Lauk - 5-14 Revisiting National Journalism Cultures in Post-Communist Countries: The Influence of Academic Scholarship
by Halliki Harro-Loit - 15-25 Values Underlying the Information Culture in Communist and Post-Communist Russia (1917−1999)
by Hedwig de Smaele - 26-34 Governance of Public Service Media in Poland: The Role of the Public
by Michal Glowacki - 35-44 Online Political Campaigning during the 2014 Regional Elections in Poland
by Paweł Baranowski - 45-51 One Country, Two Polarised Audiences: Estonia and the Deficiency of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive
by Andres Jõesaar - 52-61 Czech Journalists’ Refreshed Sense of Ethics in the Midst of Media Ownership Turmoil
by Roman Hájek & Sandra Štefaniková & Filip Láb & Alice N. Tejkalová - 62-75 Comparing Czech and Slovak Council Newspapers’ Policy and Regulation Development
by Lenka Waschkova Cisarova - 76-90 Voice of the Church: A Debate about Religious Radio Stations as Community Broadcasters
by Gabriella Velics & Urszula Doliwa - 91-105 Media Literacy in Montenegro
by Jelena Perovic - 106-115 Who Is Willing to Pay for Online Journalistic Content?
by Marju Himma-Kadakas & Ragne Kõuts - 116-119 Journalism that Matters: Views from Central and Eastern Europe. By Michał Głowacki, Epp Lauk and Auksė Balčytienė. Bern: Peter Lang, 2014, 214 pp.; ISBN: 978-3-631-65421-7 hb
by Elena Rodina
2015, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 1-11 Beyond Privacy: Articulating the Broader Harms of Pervasive Mass Surveillance
by Christopher Parsons - 12-25 “Veillant Panoptic Assemblage”: Mutual Watching and Resistance to Mass Surveillance after Snowden
by Vian Bakir - 26-38 Attaching Hollywood to a Surveillant Assemblage: Normalizing Discourses of Video Surveillance
by Randy K Lippert & Jolina Scalia - 39-55 The New Transparency: Police Violence in the Context of Ubiquitous Surveillance
by Ben Brucato - 56-67 First They Came for the Poor: Surveillance of Welfare Recipients as an Uncontested Practice
by Nathalie Maréchal - 68-80 “Austerity Surveillance” in Greece under the Austerity Regime (2010−2014)
by Minas Samatas - 81-90 Interveillance: A New Culture of Recognition and Mediatization
by André Jansson
2015, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-5 Special Issue on Surveillance: Editor’s Introduction
by James Schwoch & John Laprise & Ivory Mills - 6-9 Surveillance and Critical Theory
by Christian Fuchs - 10-20 Theorizing Surveillance in the UK Crime Control Field
by Michael McCahill - 21-41 Surveillance and Resilience in Theory and Practice
by Charles D. Raab & Richard Jones & Iván Székely - 42-52 The Copyright Surveillance Industry
by Mike Zajko - 53-62 EU Law and Mass Internet Metadata Surveillance in the Post-Snowden Era
by Nora Ni Loideain - 63-76 Subjunctive and Interpassive “Knowing” in the Surveillance Society
by Sun-ha Hong - 77-87 The Role of Hackers in Countering Surveillance and Promoting Democracy
by Sebastian Kubitschko - 88-97 Literacies for Surveillance: Social Network Sites and Background Investigations
by Sarah Jackson Young
2015, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-4 Climate Crisis and Communication: Reflections on Naomi Klein’s This Changes Everything
by Robert A. Hackett - 5-16 Facebook Users’ Engagement and Perceived Life Satisfaction
by Tammy R. Vigil & H. Denis Wu - 17-33 The Dynamics of Issue Attention in Online Communication on Climate Change
by Ines Lörcher & Irene Neverla - 34-43 Encoding Systems and Evolved Message Processing: Pictures Enable Action, Words Enable Thinking
by Annie Lang & Rachel L. Bailey & Sean Ryan Connolly
2014, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 1-30 Predicting Social Networking Site Use and Online Communication Practices among Adolescents: The Role of Access and Device Ownership
by Drew P. Cingel & Alexis R. Lauricella & Ellen Wartella & Annie Conway - 31-41 Violence in Popular U.S. Prime Time TV Dramas and the Cultivation of Fear: A Time Series Analysis
by Daniel Romer & Patrick Jamieson - 42-54 Between Objectivity and Openness—The Mediality of Data for Journalism
by Frédérik Lesage & Robert A. Hackett - 55-71 The Nanking Atrocity: Still and Moving Images 1937–1944
by Gary Evans - 72-83 Impact of Social Media on Power Relations of Korean Health Activism
by KyuJin Shim - 84-95 The Problem of Realist Events in American Journalism
by Kevin G. Barnhurst
2014, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-1 In Memoriam: Hannes Haas
by Elisabeth Klaus & Bradley S. Greenberg & António Vieira - 2-12 Card Stories on YouTube: A New Frame for Online Self-Disclosure
by Sabina Misoch