2021, Volume 66, Issue 3
- 73-77 Detection of copy number variation of alpha amylase genes in domestic pigs (Sus scrofa domesticus) and wild boars (Sus scrofa)
by Tsukasa Yoshidomi & Kensuke Hirose & Takeshi Kuge & Yukio Okada & Yaetsu Kurosawa & Tatsuya Takizawa & Kazuaki Tanaka - 78-86 The analysis of pig carcass classification in Slovakia
by Ján Tomka & Peter Demo & Martina Gondeková & Zuzana Salagová - 87-96 Ubiquitin-specific peptidase 8 regulates proliferation and early differentiation of sheep skeletal muscle satellite cells
by Shaoyu Wang & Kui Li & Hui Gao & Zepeng Liu & Shuang Shi & Qiang Tan & Zhengguang Wang - 97-105 The response of fast-, medium- and slow-growing chickens to a low protein diet
by Darina Chodová & Eva Tůmová & Mohamed Ketta
2021, Volume 66, Issue 2
- 39-45 Principal component analysis of conformation traits in Hungarian Simmental cows
by Evelin Török & István Komlósi & Béla Béri & Imre Füller & Barnabás Vágó & János Posta - 46-54 Seasonal reproduction of northernmost endangered forest musk deer (Moschus berezovskii) in China and the synchronization with climatic conditions
by Jing Wang & Qinbin Zheng & Chuanmeng Xia & Yong Li & Mi Zhou & Yan Sheng & Robert Bertrand Weladji & Xiuxiang Meng - 55-64 Optimizing the conventional method of sperm freezing in liquid nitrogen vapour for Wallachian sheep conservation program
by Filipp Georgijevic Savvulidi & Martin Ptacek & Anezka Malkova & Jakub Beranek & Ludek Stadnik - 65-72 Broiler chick performance using Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cell wall as an anti-mycotoxin additive
by Vinícius Machado dos Santos & Gabriel da Silva Oliveira & Cristina Amorim Ribeiro de Lima & Fernando Augusto Curvello
2021, Volume 66, Issue 1
- 1-12 The assignment success for 22 horse breeds registered in the Czech Republic: The machine learning perspective
by Lenka Štohlová Putnová & Radek Štohl - 13-20 Effect of semen extender supplementation with sericin on post-thaw dairy bull sperm quality and lipid peroxidation
by Yotsapon Yangngam & Suttiwat Chapanya & Thevin Vongpralub & Wuttigrai Boonkum & Vibuntita Chankitisakul - 21-28 l-cysteine prolonged fresh boar semen qualities, but not for docosahexaenoic acid
by Panida Chanapiwat & Kampon Kaeoket - 29-37 Effect of protease supplementation on the digestibility of amino acids in animal-origin meals for broiler diets
by Júlia Marixara Sousa da Silva & Nayanne Rodrigues de Oliveira & Alison Batista Vieira Silva Gouveia & Rodolfo Alves Vieira & Ronan Omar Fernandes dos Santos & Cibele Silva Minafra & Fabiana Ramos dos Santos
2020, Volume 65, Issue 12
- 443-444 Prof. Václav Jakubec, DrSc. - 90th birthday
by Ludmila Zavadilová & Josef Přibyl - 445-453 The use of genomic data and imputation methods in dairy cattle breeding
by Anita Klímová & Eva Kašná & Karolína Machová & Michaela Brzáková & Josef Přibyl & Luboš Vostrý - 454-462 Current challenges for trait economic values in animal breeding
by Zuzana Krupová & Emil Krupa & Ludmila Zavadilová & Eva Kašná & Eliška Žáková - 463-472 Genetic parameters for clinical mastitis in Czech Holstein cattle
by Ludmila Zavadilová & Eva Kašná & Zuzana Krupová & Michaela Brzáková - 473-481 Evaluation of gestation length in Czech Holstein cattle
by Eva Kašná & Ludmila Zavadilová & Emil Krupa & Zuzana Krupová & Anita Kranjčevičová - 482-490 Use of SNPs from Illumina BovineSNP50K BeadChip v3 for imputation of microsatellite alleles for parentage verification and QTL reporting
by Michaela Přibáňová & Daniela Schroffelová & David Lipovský & Josef Kučera & Vladimír Šteiger & Jarmila Hromádková & Lucie Němcová
2020, Volume 65, Issue 11
- 403-410 The structure of subpopulations of stallion spermatozoa after thawing differs between good and poor freezers
by Filipa Bubeníčková & Jiří Šichtař & Linda Nováčková & Jitka Sirohi & Ondřej Šimoník - 411-423 Examination of high-resolution feed intake data of growing-finishing pigs confronted with high deoxynivalenol contents present in their feed
by Peter Loibl & Wilhelm Windisch & Wolfgang Preißinger - 424-430 Analysis of the relationship between milk production, milk composition and morphological udder measurements in Wallachian sheep
by Michal Milerski & Martin Ptáček & Jaromír Ducháček & Jitka Schmidová & Michal Uhrinčať & Luděk Stádník & Vladimír Tančin - 431-441 Effect of cold and warm white light on selected endocrine and immune parameters of broiler embryos and hatchlings
by Angelika Drozdova & Zuzana Kankova & Michal Zeman
2020, Volume 65, Issue 10
- 365-372 Impact of calving interval on milk yield and longevity of primiparous Estonian Holstein cows
by Aadi Remmik & Rando Värnik & Kalle Kask - 373-379 Effects of three kinds of protease on growth performance, apparent digestibility of nutrients and caecal microbial counts in weanling pigs
by Wenfeng Ma & Yi Lv & Liang Guo & Zhanbin Wang & Furong Zhao - 380-388 Animal fat and vitamin E in rabbit diets: Total tract apparent digestibility, growth performance, carcass and meat quality traits
by Antonella Dalle Zotte & Marco Cullere & Elizabeth Gleeson & Maria Elena Cossu - 389-401 Study on the associative effects of different proportions of soybean pod, alfalfa and concentrate on the diets at different ratio of concentrate to roughage in vitro
by Jiu Yuan & Xinjie Wan & Guoshun Chen - 402-402 Corrigendum: Enteric methane emissions in crossbred heifers fed a basal ration of low-quality tropical grass supplemented with different nitrogen sources
by Afaf Abdelrahman Elshereef & Julian Arroyave-Jaramillo & Lucas Miguel Zavala-Escalante & Angel Trinidad Piñeiro-Vázquez & Carlos Fernando Aguilar-Pérez & Francisco Javier Solorio-Sánchez & Juan Carlos Ku-Vera
2020, Volume 65, Issue 9
- 323-329 Monitoring and significance of the recessive genetic defect AH1 of Ayrshire cattle
by Marina Pozovnikova & Olga Tulinova & Anna Krutikova & Olga Mitrofanova & Nataliy Dementieva - 330-336 Differences in growth and carcass composition of growing male and female turkeys
by Eva Tůmová & Robert Mervyn Gous & Darina Chodová & Mohamed Ketta - 337-345 Growth performance, mortality and body and carcass characteristics of rabbit fatteners related to crossbreeding of Mecklenburger Schecke sires with dam line of HYLA rabbits
by David Zapletal & Petra Jakešová & Eliška Žáková & Vlastimil Šimek & Eva Straková - 346-353 Polymorphism and association of progesterone receptor gene with milk production and reproductive traits of rabbits
by Ľubomír Ondruška & Vladimír Parkányi & Ján Rafay & Alica Navrátilová - 354-364 Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farmed at two different temperatures: Post rigor mortis changes in function of the stunning method
by Antonella Dalle Zotte & Anna Concollato & Giulia Secci & Marco Cullere & Giuliana Parisi
2020, Volume 65, Issue 8
- 281-294 A summary of feed additives, intestinal health and intestinal alkaline phosphatase in piglet nutrition
by Jansller Luiz Genova & Antonio Diego Brandao Melo & Paulo Evaristo Rupolo & Silvana Teixeira Carvalho & Leandro Batista Costa & Paulo Levi de Oliveira Carvalho - 295-302 Effect of rectal temperature on efficiency of artificial insemination and embryo transfer technique in dairy cattle during hot season
by Tibor Zubor & Gabriella Holló & Roland Pósa & Henrietta Nagy-Kiszlinger & Zsófia Vigh & Balázs Húth - 303-310 Productive and metabolic increments of the inclusion of Broussonetia papyrifera to replace maize silage in growing goats
by Jinling Hua & Tianfeng Xu & Quanwen Shen & Yan Liu & Guijuan Huang & Dejian Rao & Chunming Song & Jiakun Wang - 311-321 Impact of feeding mixture containing lupin meal on improvement of polyunsaturated fatty acids in egg yolk
by Ivana Timová & Eva Straková & Lucie Všetičková & Pavel Suchý
2020, Volume 65, Issue 7
- 233-246 Changes in molecular structure of protein and carbohydrate in soybean products with different processing methods and their effects on nutrient degradation characteristics of the products
by Kenan Tang & Meimei Zhang & Dasen Liu & Yanfang Li & Peng Zhang - 247-257 Choice feeding in fattening pigs: Effect of diets differing in nutrient density on feeding behaviour and fattening performance
by Josef Pichler & Christiane Schwarz & Martin Gierus & Karl Schedle - 258-267 Examination of high-resolution feed intake data of grower finisher pigs confronted with typical short-term disturbances in stable routine
by Peter Loibl & Wilhelm Windisch & Wolfgang Preißinger - 268-280 Effects of enriched mesquite piperidine alkaloid extract in diets with reduced crude protein concentration on the rumen microbial efficiency and performance in lambs
by Eliseu Ferreira Brito & Mara Lúcia Albuquerque Pereira & Herymá Giovane de Oliveira Silva & Ana Cláudia Maia Soares & George Soares Correia & Leandro Borges Sousa & Larisse Borges Sousa & Virgínia Patrícia dos Santos Soares & Vanderlúcia Fonseca de Paula
2020, Volume 65, Issue 6
- 193-204 Comparison of two muscle fibre staining techniques and their relation to pork quality traits
by Nicole Lebedová & Tersia Needham & Jaroslav Čítek & Monika Okrouhlá & Kateřina Zadinová & Kamila Pokorná & Roman Stupka - 205-212 Phenotypic correlations between reproductive characteristics related to litter and reproductive cycle length in sows
by Błażej Nowak & Anna Mucha & Wojciech Kruszyński & Magdalena Moska - 213-223 Inclusion of Hermetia illucens larvae reared on fish offal to the diet of broiler quails: Effect on immunity and caecal microbial populations
by Daniela Pasotto & Liesel van Emmenes & Marco Cullere & Valerio Giaccone & Elsje Pieterse & Louwrens Christiaan Hoffman & Antonella Dalle Zotte - 224-231 Monitoring of genetic diversity in autochthonous Czech poultry breeds assessed by genealogical data
by Luboš Vostrý & Hana Vostrá-Vydrová & Nina Moravčíková & Barbora Hofmanová & Jana Rychtářová & Karolína Machová & Michaela Brzáková & Radovan Kasarda
2020, Volume 65, Issue 5
- 153-161 Towards smart dairy nutrition: Improving sustainability and economics of dairy production
by Manfred Schönleben & Joachim Mentschel & Luboš Střelec - 162-171 Effects of dietary microalgae (Schizochytrium spp.) supplement on milk performance, blood parameters, and milk fatty acid composition in dairy cows
by Gaofei Liu & Xiong Yu & Shengli Li & Wei Shao & Nan Zhang - 172-181 Blood biochemical parameters measured during the periparturient period in cows of Holstein and Fleckvieh breeds differing in production purpose
by Magdaléna Štolcová & Dalibor Řehák & Luděk Bartoň & Radko Rajmon - 182-191 Frameshift mutation in myostatin gene by zinc-finger nucleases results in a significant increase in muscle mass in Meishan sows
by Hanfang Bi & Shanshan Xie & Chunbo Cai & Lili Qian & Shengwang Jiang & Gaojun Xiao & Biao Li & Xiang Li & Wentao Cui
2020, Volume 65, Issue 4
- 115-123 Cryopreservation of boar semen
by Marija Jovičić & Eva Chmelíková & Markéta Sedmíková - 124-134 Evaluating the economic profit of reproductive performance through the integration of a dynamic programming model on a specific dairy farm
by Lenka Krpálková & Niall O'Mahony & Anderson Carvalho & Sean Campbell & Joseph Walsh - 135-144 Enteric methane emissions in crossbred heifers fed a basal ration of low-quality tropical grass supplemented with different nitrogen sources
by Afaf Abdelrahman Elshereef & Julian Arroyave-Jaramillo & Lucas Miguel Zavala-Escalante & Angel Trinidad Piñeiro-Vázquez & Carlos Fernando Aguilar-Pérez & Francisco Javier Solorio-Sánchez & Juan Carlos Ku-Vera - 145-152 Effects of fermented Caragana korshinskii on the intramuscular fat content and expression of FABP3, UBE3C, ADRB3, LIPE, and SCD in different muscles of Tan sheep
by Xiaochun Xu & Tingda Liu & Shanshan Fan & Wenping Ma & Wenjuan Chen & Xiu Zhang
2020, Volume 65, Issue 3
- 77-85 Economic weights of current and new breeding objective traits in Aberdeen Angus
by Zuzana Krupová & Emil Krupa & Marie Wolfová - 86-96 Expression and localization of PIWI proteins in testis and ovary of domestic sheep
by Chunyan Li & Qiuyue Liu & Xiangyu Wang & Wenping Hu & Deping Han & Joram Mwashigadi Mwacharo & Caihong Wei & Mingxing Chu & Ran Di - 97-103 Influence of the use of nurse sows on their lifetime performance
by Kamila Pokorná & Jaroslav Čítek & Kateřina Zadinová & Monika Okrouhlá & Nicole Lebedová & Michal Komosný & Roman Stupka - 104-113 Effects of dietary fumaric acid on the growth performance, immune response, relative weight and antioxidant status of immune organs in broilers exposed to chronic heat stress
by Shaojun He & Qirun Yin & Yongjie Xiong & Deyi Liu & Hong Hu
2020, Volume 65, Issue 2
- 41-50 The effect of milking frequency on milk yield and milk composition in ewes
by Lucia Mačuhová & Vladimír Tančin & Juliana Mačuhová - 51-57 Effects of different dietary lipid sources on fatty acid composition and gene expression in common carp
by Hong-Tao Ren & Guang-Qin Zhang & Yong Huang & Xiao-Chan Gao - 58-65 The effects of dried grape pomace supplementation on biochemical blood serum indicators and digestibility of nutrients in horses
by Renata Kolláthová & Branislav Gálik & Marko Halo & Anton Kováčik & Ondrej Hanušovský & Daniel Bíro & Michal Rolinec & Miroslav Juráček & Milan Šimko - 66-76 Comparing the stemness and morphobiometry of spermatogonial stem cells from Doom pig on different days of culture
by Arpana Das & Dipak Bhuyan & Partha Pratim Das & Simanta Koushik & Bula Das & Arundhati Phookan & Suresh Dinkar Kharche & Shiva Pratap Singh & Manmohan Singh Chauhan
2020, Volume 65, Issue 1
- 1-12 Sodium butyrate enhances growth performance and intestinal development in broilers
by Ruixia Lan & Siqi Li & Qingqing Chang & Lilong An & Zhihui Zhao - 13-22 Technological properties of cow's milk: correlations with milk composition, effect of interactions of genes and other factors
by Jindřich Čítek & Michaela Brzáková & Lenka Hanusová & Oto Hanuš & Libor Večerek & Eva Samková & Zuzana Křížová & Irena Hoštičková & Tereza Kávová & Karolina Straková & Lucie Hasoňová - 23-30 Effect of lactic acid bacteria on Listeria monocytogenes infection and innate immunity in rabbits
by Heping Zhao & Feike Zhang & Jun Chai & Jianping Wang - 31-39 Polymorphisms and association of FAT1 gene with wool quality traits in Chinese Merino sheep
by Guang-Wei Ma & Xin You & Hua Yang & Xiao-Hong Yan & Fang Mou & Yan-Kai Chu & En-Guang Rong & Shou-Zhi Wang & Zhi-Peng Wang & Hui Li & Ning Wang
2019, Volume 64, Issue 12
- 473-482 Effect of serum-containing and serum-free culture medium-mediated activation of matrix metalloproteinases on embryonic developmental competence
by Sang Hwan Kim & Jong Taek Yoon - 483-490 Copper bioavailability, mineral utilization, and lipid metabolism in broilers
by Aiyou Wen & Sifa Dai & Xuezhuang Wu & Zhihua Cai - 491-503 Analysis of selection signatures in the beef cattle genome
by Nina Moravčíková & Radovan Kasarda & Luboš Vostrý & Zuzana Krupová & Emil Krupa & Kristína Lehocká & Barbora Olšanská & Anna Trakovická & Rudolf Nádaský & Radoslav Židek & Ľubomír Belej & Jozef Golian - 504-510 Response of three laying hen genotypes to two feed calcium levels
by Mohamed Ketta & Eva Tumova & Darina Chodova
2019, Volume 64, Issue 11
- 439-447 Expression analysis of BMPR1B, BMP15, and GDF9 in prolific and non-prolific sheep breeds during the follicular phase
by Ji-Shun Tang & Wen-Ping Hu & Ran Di & Xiang-Yu Wang & Xiao-Sheng Zhang & Jin-Long Zhang & Qiu-Yue Liu & Ming-Xing Chu - 448-458 Effect of dietary inclusion of a commercial polyherbal formulation on some physiological and immune parameters in healthy and stressed hens
by Stefano Cecchini & Michele Rossetti & Anna Rocchina Caputo & Alfonso Bavoso - 459-464 Fertility parameters in German dairy herds: Associations with milk yield and herd size
by Jörn Rethmeier & Michael Wenzlau & Martin Wagner & Steffi Wiedemann & Lisa Bachmann - 465-471 Effect of tetramethylpyrazine on growth performance, Campylobacter jejuni carriage and endogenous antimicrobial peptides in rabbits
by Ke Ding & Qingrong Jiang & Jianping Wang & Ning Liu & Feike Zhang
2019, Volume 64, Issue 10
- 405-410 Impact of reference population and marker density on accuracy of population imputation
by Anita Kranjčevičová & Eva Kašná & Michaela Brzáková & Josef Přibyl & Luboš Vostrý - 411-419 Genetic diversity and population structure of four cattle breeds raised in Turkey using microsatellite markers
by Eymen Demir & Murat Soner Balcioglu - 420-430 Comparison of the pituitary gland transcriptome in pregnant and non-pregnant goats (Capra hircus)
by Qing Quan & Lu Zhu & Qi Zheng & Hao Wu & Jing Jing & Qing Chen & Ya Liu & Fugui Fang & Yunsheng Li & Yunhai Zhang & Yinghui Ling - 431-438 Differences between Jersey and Holstein cows in milking-induced teat prolongation during lactation
by Matúš Gašparík & Luděk Stádník & Jaromír Ducháček & Vladimír Tančin
2019, Volume 64, Issue 9
- 367-376 Effect of the composition of starter diet fed in the rearing phase on the performance and certain physiological parameters of Holstein calves
by Szandra Tóth & Melinda Kovács & Brigitta Bóta & Judit Szabó-Fodor & Gábor Bakos & Hedvig Fébel - 377-386 Genotype imputation strategies for Portuguese Holstein cattle using different SNP panels
by Alessandra Alves Silva & Fabyano Fonseca Silva & Delvan Alves Silva & Hugo Teixeira Silva & Cláudio Napolis Costa & Paulo Sávio Lopes & Renata Veroneze & Gertrude Thompson & Julio Carvalheira - 387-394 Effect of probiotic Clostridium butyricum CBM 588 on microbiota and growth performance of broiler chickens
by Roman Svejstil & Vladimir Plachy & Miroslav Joch & Hana Salmonova & Dagmar Duskova & Veerle Hautekiet & Eva Vlkova - 395-403 Egg yolk colour and retinol concentration of eggs from laying hens fed diets containing carrot and beetroot meal
by Laura Aline Zanelatto de Souza & Heder José D'Avila Lima & Renata Aparecida Martins & Andrey Sávio de Almeida Assunção & Donaldo Antônio Nunes Junior & Willian Ferreira Silva & Felipe Gomes da Silva
2019, Volume 64, Issue 8
- 325-331 In vitro antimicrobial effect of palm oils rich in medium-chain fatty acids against mastitis-causing Gram-positive bacteria
by Klára Laloučková & Lucie Malá & Paula Slaničková & Eva Skřivanová - 332-342 Comparative metabolomic analysis of caecal digesta between Jinhua pig and Landrace pig
by Yujie Gong & Xiaoting Zou & Wenrui Xia & Xueting Wen & Xiaojun Zhang & Yingping Xiao & Hua Yang - 343-351 Expression of NR3C1, INSR and SLC2A4 genes in skeletal muscles and CBG in liver depends on age and breed of pigs
by Dawid Szczepankiewicz & Marek Skrzypski & Ewa Pruszyńska-Oszmałek & Sławomir Sadkowski & Maciej Sassek & Tatiana Wojciechowicz & Paweł Antoni Kołodziejski & Przemysław Kaczmarek & Maciej Szydłowski & Paweł Maćkowiak & Krzysztof Wojciech Nowak - 352-360 Multiple-factor associative effects of peanut shell combined with alfalfa and concentrate determined by in vitro gas production method
by Jiu Yuan & Xinjie Wan - 361-365 Maternal effect on sports performance traits in horses
by Tomasz Próchniak & Iwona Rozempolska-Rucińska & Grzegorz Zięba
2019, Volume 64, Issue 7
- 279-290 The haemoglobin subunits alpha and beta: Old and new genetic variants in the Italian Mediterranean buffalo
by Rosario Rullo & Aldo Di Luccia & Elena Ciani & Elisa Pieragostini - 291-299 Safety evaluation of myostatin-edited Meishan pigs by whole genome resequencing analyses
by Shanshan Xie & Lili Qian & Chunbo Cai & Shengwang Jiang & Gaojun Xiao & Ting Gao & Xiang Li & Wentao Cui - 300-308 Milk electrical conductivity in Manchega ewes: Variation throughout milking and relation with mammary gland health status
by Amparo Roca & Gema Romero & Manuel Alejandro & Raquel Muelas & José Ramón Díaz - 309-316 Estimation of inbreeding effect on conception in Czech Holstein
by Michala Hofmannová & Josef Přibyl & Emil Krupa & Petr Pešek - 317-323 Effect of early pregnancy on the expression of progesterone receptor and progesterone-induced blocking factor 1 in ovine liver
by Leying Zhang & Chen Zhuang & Zimo Zhao & Ning Li & Jiachen Bai & Ling Yang
2019, Volume 64, Issue 6
- 239-247 Expression patterns of GHRL, GHSR, LEP, LEPR, SST and CCK genes in the gastrointestinal tissues of Tibetan and Yorkshire pigs
by Wen-Kui Sun & Chi Cheng & Rui Liu & Yi-Hui Chen & Kai Zeng & Xiao-Hui Chen & Yi-Ren Gu & Jiang-Ling Li & Xue-Bin Lv & Rong Gao - 248-254 Maternal variability of Croatian Spotted goat (Capra hircus)
by Ivana Drzaic & Ino Curik & Dinko Novosel & Vlatka Cubric-Curik - 255-264 Association of polymorphisms in the GH and GHR genes with growth and carcass traits in rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
by Łukasz Migdał & Sylwia Pałka & Michał Kmiecik & Olga Derewicka - 265-271 Antioxidant defence system in protein fractions of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) seminal plasma
by Anna Shaliutina-Kolešová & Mo Xian & Rui Nian - 272-278 Effect of supplemental lactic acid bacteria on growth performance, glutathione turnover and aflatoxin B1 removal in lambs
by Jianping Wang & Lin Lin & Qingrong Jiang & Wanli Huang & Ning Liu
2019, Volume 64, Issue 5
- 189-198 Encapsulated blends of essential oils and organic acids improved performance, intestinal morphology, cecal microflora, and jejunal enzyme activity of broilers
by Yu-Yun Gao & Xing-Li Zhang & Li-Hui Xu & Hui Peng & Chang-Kang Wang & Ying-Zuo Bi - 199-206 Estimation of genetic parameters for female fertility traits in the Czech Holstein population
by Michaela Brzáková & Ludmila Zavadilová & Josef Přibyl & Petr Pešek & Eva Kašná & Anita Kranjčevičová - 207-215 Apoptosis of porcine Sertoli cells is inhibited by QKI-5 via regulating CASP8
by Mengdi Liang & Xin Liu & Jia Guo & Yuwei Yang & Yonghong Zhang & Xianzhong Yu & Boxing Sun - 216-225 Laying performance, immune response and antioxidant properties of hens segregating for naked neck and frizzle genes under low ambient temperature
by Moataz Fathi & Ibrahim Al-Homidan & Gamal Rayan & Salah El-Safty & Tarek Ebeid & Osama Abou-Emera - 226-238 Nutritional quality assessment of different muscles derived from 15-year-old female emus (Dromaius novaehollandiae): Meat physicochemical traits and sensory scores
by Mateusz Bucław & Danuta Majewska & Danuta Szczerbińska & Małgorzata Jakubowska
2019, Volume 64, Issue 4
- 151-159 Effects of γ-aminobutyric acid on aggressive behaviour, jejunum villus morphology, serum biochemical indicators and hippocampal neuropeptide mRNA levels in piglets at weaning with mixing
by Hongyuan Mei & Chengying Yang & Qing Xie & Yang Yang & Xianmei Luo & Hanwei Jiao & Ling Gan - 160-165 Estimation of genetic parameters and accuracy of genomic prediction for production traits in Duroc pigs
by Bryan Irvine Lopez & Vanessa Viterbo & Choul Won Song & Kang Seok Seo - 166-173 Effect of sex on growth, biochemical and haematological parameters of blood, carcass value and meat quality in nutrias (Myocastor coypus)
by Tomáš Němeček & Eva Tůmová & Darina Chodová - 174-179 Dietary Artemisia vulgaris meal improved growth performance, gut microbes, and immunity of growing Rex rabbits
by Jianping Wang & Lin Lin & Bin Li & Feike Zhang & Ning Liu - 180-188 QTL fine mapping for intramuscular fat and fatty acid composition using high-density SNP chip array on SSC12 in Korean native pig × Yorkshire F2 population
by Sangwook Kim & Byeonghwi Lim & Kwansuk Kim & Kyoungtag Do
2019, Volume 64, Issue 3
- 99-106 Effects of dietary manganese on antioxidant status, biochemical parameters and thickness of intestinal mucus in laying hens
by Elena Piešová & Zita Faixová & Zuzana Maková & Katarína Venglovská & Ľubomíra Grešáková & Štefan Faix & Klaudia Čobanová - 107-117 The importance of hoof health in dairy production
by Lenka Krpálková & Victor E. Cabrera & Ludmila Zavadilová & Miloslava Štípková - 118-129 Effect of inbreeding on fertility traits in five dog breeds
by Joanna Kania-Gierdziewicz & Sylwia Pałka - 130-140 Free amino acid concentration in serum and trapezius muscle from male and female silver foxes (Vulpes vulpes)
by Iwona Łuszczewska-Sierakowska & Marcin R. Tatara & Maria Szpetnar & Jacek Kurzepa - 141-149 Effect of including different levels of moringa (Moringa oleifera) leaf meal in the diet of finishing pigs: Performance, pork quality, fatty acid composition, and amino acid profile
by Tingting Zhang & Bingwen Si & Yan Tu & Kai Cui & Chaolong Zhou & Qiyu Diao
2019, Volume 64, Issue 2
- 49-58 Expression of ESR1, PRLR, GHR, and IGF1R in mammary glands of Hu sheep with four teats
by Lei Zhang & Fang Peng & Fangbai Yu & Lu Wan & Zhan-Qin Zhou - 59-66 Comparison of different semen extenders and cryoprotectant agents to enhance cryopreservation of rabbit spermatozoa
by Paula Domingo & Maite Olaciregui & Noelia González & Ignacio De Blas & Lydia Gil - 67-77 Using nuclear microsatellite data to trace the gene flow and population structure in Czech horses
by Lenka Putnová & Radek Štohl & Irena Vrtková - 78-88 Influence of interspecific hybridization on fitness-related traits in Siberian sturgeon and Russian sturgeon
by Sahana Shivaramu & Doi Thi Vuong & Miloš Havelka & Hana Šachlová & Ievgen Lebeda & Vojtěch Kašpar & Martin Flajšhans - 89-97 mRNA Expression of CYP2E1, CYP2A19, CYP1A2, HSD3B, SULT1A1 and SULT2A1 genes in surgically castrated, immunologically castrated, entire male and female pigs and correlation with androstenone, skatole, indole and Improvac-specific antibody levels
by Anna Kubešová & Kamil Šťastný & Martin Faldyna & Zbyšek Sládek & Iva Steinhauserová & Gabriela Bořilová & Aleš Knoll
2019, Volume 64, Issue 1
- 1-10 Lippia citriodora (verbascoside) extract supplementation: Effect on rabbit semen quality in vivo and in vitro
by Francesco Vizzarri & Marisa Palazzo & Donato Casamassima & Lubomir Ondruska & Martin Massanyi & Filip Tirpak & Grzegorz Formicki & Agnieszka Gren & Peter Massanyi - 11-16 Multi-breed herd approach to detect breed differences in composition and fatty acid profile of cow milk
by Carmen L. Manuelian & Mauro Penasa & Giulio Visentin & Anna Benedet & Martino Cassandro & Massimo De Marchi - 17-25 Alfalfa meal as a source of carotenoids in combination with ascorbic acid in the diet of laying hens
by Michaela Englmaierová & Miloš Skřivan & Tomáš Vít - 26-40 Solvent-extracted soybean meal top-dressed on a fresh cow diet increased milk production, but not milk components, and decreased plasma non-esterified fatty acids
by Mohammad Ghelichkhan & Hamid Amanlou & Ehsan Mahjoubi & Robert A. Patton - 41-48 Estimation of genetic and non-genetic effects influencing coat colour in black horses
by Barbora Hofmanová & Luboš Vostrý & Hana Vostrá-Vydrová & Adéla Dokoupilová & Ivan Majzlík
2018, Volume 63, Issue 12
- 473-482 Chinese yellow cattle PPARA gene: Analyses of expression, polymorphism and trait association
by Ningbo Chen & Qiongqiong Zhang & Jingjing Zhi & Huayan Guo & Huihui Gao & Fen Li & Jieping Huang & Chuzhao Lei & Hong Chen & Yun Ma - 483-491 Growth performance, carcass traits, blood parameters, rumen enzymes, and fattening earnings of cattle fed corn silage/corn stalk silage based finishing diets
by Liwen He & Hao Wu & Qingxiang Meng & Zhenming Zhou - 492-506 Genomic evaluation and variance component estimation of additive and dominance effects using single nucleotide polymorphism markers in heterogeneous stock mice
by Morteza Mahdavi & Gholam Reza Dashab & Mehdi Vafaye Valleh & Mohammad Rokouei & Mehdi Sargolzaei - 507-517 Pedigree structure of American bison (Bison bison) population
by Ewa Skotarczak & Piotr Ćwiertnia & Tomasz Szwaczkowski - 518-525 Performance and changes in body composition of broiler chickens depending on feeding regime and sex
by Eva Tůmová & Darina Chodová
2018, Volume 63, Issue 11
- 429-434 Effects of chilled storage and pH of activating solution on different motility parameters in burbot (Lota lota) sperm
by Zoltán Bokor & Balázs Csorbai & Levente Várkonyi & Zsolt Szári & Ferenc Fodor & István Ittzés & Daniel Żarski & Béla Urbányi & Gergely Bernáth - 435-442 Association of miR-208b polymorphism with meat quality traits and texture parameters in pigs
by Daniel Polasik & Mirosław Tyra & Magdalena Szyndler-Nędza & Grzegorz Żak & Barry Lambert & Arkadiusz Terman - 443-451 Genetic evaluation of clinical mastitis traits in Holstein cattle
by Eva Kašná & Ludmila Zavadilová & Miloslava Štípková - 452-461 Demographic structure and genetic diversity of the endangered Bísaro pig: Evolution and current status
by Gustavo Paixão & Alexandra Esteves & Rita Payan-Carreira & Nuno Carolino - 462-472 Allele frequencies in loci controlling coat colour in Polish Coldblood horses
by Anna Stachurska & Antoni Brodacki & Marta Liss
2018, Volume 63, Issue 10
- 379-388 How do herd's genetic level and milk quality affect performance of dairy farms?
by Helis Luik-Lindsaar & Ants-Hannes Viira & Haldja Viinalass & Tanel Kaart & Rando Värnik - 389-398 Effects of different durations of fasting/re-feeding bouts on growth, biochemical and histological changes in the digestive tract of Gansu golden trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
by Xia Liu & Ibrahim Magdy Mohamed Hegab & Junhu Su & Xiaohua Du & Xiping Fan & Qiong Zhang & Yuan Gao & Haifang Wang - 399-407 Effect of thawing method on bull sperm survival in ejaculates frozen in 4 ml and 8 ml volumes
by Zuzana Biniová & Luděk Stádník & Martina Doležalová & Jaromír Ducháček - 408-418 Claw health and feed efficiency as new selection criteria in the Czech Holstein cattle Krupová Z., Wolfová M., Krupa E., Přibyl J., Zavadilová L
by Zuzana Krupová & Marie Wolfová & Emil Krupa & Josef Přibyl & Ludmila Zavadilová - 419-427 Effect of supplementation with two combinations of alternative to antimicrobials by stages on cecal fermentation in rabbits
by Lihui Liu & Yujing Xu & Xiurong Xu
2018, Volume 63, Issue 9
- 339-346 Placental characteristics of German Landrace sows and their relationships to different fertility parameters
by Andreas Vernunft & Melanie Maass & Klaus-Peter Brüssow - 347-355 Discriminant analysis of colour measurements reveals allele dosage effect of ASIP/MC1R in bay horses
by Thomas Druml & Gertrud Grilz-Seger & Michaela Horna & Gottfried Brem - 356-362 Incorporation of two levels of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens L.) larvae fat or extruded linseed in diets of growing rabbits: effects on growth performance and diet digestibility
by Cátia Martins & Marco Cullere & Antonella Dalle Zotte & Cristóvão Cardoso & Susana P. Alves & Rui José Branquinho de Bessa & João Pedro Bengala Freire & Luísa Falcão-E-Cunha - 363-370 Genetic differences in eggshell ultrastructural properties of Saudi native chicken breeds kept at high ambient temperatures
by Moataz Fathi & Tarek Ebeid & Gamal Rayan & Salah El-Safty & Osama Abou-Emera - 371-378 Genomic structure and expression of the porcine ACTC1 gene
by Antonín Stratil & Pavel Horák & Michaela Nesvadbová & Mario Van Poucke & Věra Dvořáková & Roman Stupka & Jaroslav Čítek & Kateřina Zadinová & Luc J. Peelman & Aleš Knoll
2018, Volume 63, Issue 8
- 293-304 In vitro bioactivity of various pure flavonoids in ruminal fermentation, with special reference to methane formation
by Susanne Sinz & Carmen Kunz & Annette Liesegang & Ueli Braun & Svenja Marquardt & Carla R. Soliva & Michael Kreuzer - 305-312 Response to selection of a breeding program for Suffolk sheep in the Czech Republic
by Martin Ptáček & Jaromír Ducháček & Jitka Schmidová & Luděk Stádník - 313-322 Effects of selenium on selenoprotein synthesis and antioxidant parameters of bovine mammary epithelial cells
by Yongmei Guo & Jian Gong & Binlin Shi & Xiaoyu Guo & Sumei Yan - 323-330 Evaluation of gestation length and birth weight of offspring of Polish native cattle breeds in context of estimating genetic parameters
by Anna Nienartowicz-Zdrojewska & Zbigniew Sobek & Jolanta Różańska-Zawieja - 331-338 Nonlinear models of Brazilian sheep in adjustment of growth curves
by Claudia Cristina Paro de Paz & Guilherme Costa Venturini & Enio Contini & Ricardo Lopes Dias da Costa & Luara Paula Lameirinha & Celia Raquel Quirino
2018, Volume 63, Issue 7
- 247-255 Curcumin offers antioxidant protection to cryopreserved bovine semen
by Eva Tvrdá & Hana Greifová & Alica Mackovich & Faridullah Hashim & Norbert Lukáč - 256-262 L-selectin gene polymorphism and its association with clinical mastitis, somatic cell score, and milk production in Polish Holstein-Friesian cattle
by Magdalena Dusza & Joanna Pokorska & Joanna Makulska & Dominika Kulaj & Michal Cupial - 263-271 Effect of synbiotic dietary supplementation on histological and histopathological parameters of Pectoralis major muscle of broiler chickens
by Joanna Bogucka & David Miguel Ribeiro & R.P. Roberto da Costa & Marek Bednarczyk - 272-279 Organic matter and crude protein digestibility predicted from nitrogen and fibre fractionation of festulolium hybrids
by Petr Homolka & Marie Koukolová & Veronika Koukolová - 280-291 Estimation of genetic parameters of fatty acids composition in flesh of market size common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) and their relation to performance traits revealed that selective breeding can indirectly affect flesh quality
by Martin Prchal & Marc Vandeputte & David Gela & Marek Doležal & Hana Buchtová & Marek Rodina & Martin Flajšhans & Martin Kocour
2018, Volume 63, Issue 6
- 201-211 Effects of meeting the requirements in energy and protein, and of systemic inflammation on the interval from parturition to conception in dairy cows
by Elke Humer & Leonhard Gruber & Qendrim Zebeli - 212-221 Genetic evaluation of growth traits in Nellore cattle through multi-trait and random regression models
by Bruno Bastos Teixeira & Rodrigo Reis Mota & Raysildo Barbosa Lôbo & Luciano Pinheiro da Silva & Antônio Policarpo Souza Carneiro & Felipe Gomes da Silva & Giovani da Costa Caetano & Fabyano Fonseca e Silva - 222-229 Effect of freeze-dried pasture herbage on ileal digestibility of amino acids and fatty acids in chickens
by Miloš Skřivan & Milan Marounek & Michaela Englmaierová & Eva Skřivanová & Kateřina Růnová - 230-236 Bayesian inference of genetic parameters for reproductive and performance traits in White Leghorn hens
by Jaqueline O. Rosa & Guilherme Costa Venturini & Tatiane Cristina Seleguim Chud & Bruno Carlos Pires & Marcos Eli Buzanskas & Nedenia Bonvino Stafuzza & Gabriel Rezende Furquim & Valdecy Aparecida Mônica Corrêa Ledur & Danísio Prado Munari - 237-246 Genetic analysis of the Hungarian population of endangered Hucul horses
by Enikő Somogyvári & János Posta & Sándor Mihók
2018, Volume 63, Issue 5
- 167-173 Associations between gene polymorphisms, breeding values, and glucose tolerance test parameters in German Holstein sires
by Jindřich Čítek & Lenka Hanusová & Michaela Brzáková & Libor Večerek & Lothar Panicke & Lucie Lískovcová - 174-181 Effects of zinc sources and levels on zinc bioavailability, blood parameters, and nutrient balance of male mink (Neovison vison)
by Hu Cui & Hao Nie & Tie-Tao Zhang & Zhong-Cheng Wang & Xiuh-Ha Gao & Fu-He Yang & Xiu-Mei Xing & Bo Shi - 182-187 Negative effect of phytase superdosing in laying hens
by Miloš Skřivan & Michaela Englmaierová & Věra Skřivanová - 188-194 Alternative polyadenylation and polymorphisms of 3'untranslated regions of bovine BBOX1 gene
by Guo-Li Zhou & Yang Cao & You-Zhi Xin & Yu-Fei Song & Hai-Guo Jin - 195-200 Evaluation of genetic variability of the breed Norik of Muran according to pedigree information
by Marko Halo & Eva Mlyneková & Michaela Horná & Monika Ivančíková & Andrea Hrdá
2018, Volume 63, Issue 4
- 127-135 Effect of taurine on turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) spermatozoa viability and motility
by Tomáš Slanina & Michal Miškeje & Filip Tirpák & Martyna Błaszczyk & Robert Stawarz & Peter Massányi - 136-143 Genomic response to natural selection within alpine cattle breeds
by Nina Moravčíková & Mojca Simčič & Gábor Mészáros & Johann Sölkner & Veronika Kukučková & Michal Vlček & Anna Trakovická & Ondrej Kadlečík & Radovan Kasarda - 144-151 Effect of vitrification on apoptotic changes in feline embryos
by Małgorzata Ochota & Wojciech Niżański - 152-159 Study of LGB gene polymorphisms of small ruminants reared in Eastern Europe
by Szilvia Kusza & Daniela Elena Ilie & Maria Sauer & Krisztina Nagy & Traian Stefan Atanasiu & Dinu Gavojdian - 160-166 Rumen undegradable protein (RUP) and its intestinal digestibility after steam flaking of cereal grains
by Maria Chrenkova & Zuzana Formelova & Zuzana Ceresnakova & Catalin Dragomir & Matus Rajsky & Ana Cismileanu & Martin Riis Weisbjerg
2018, Volume 63, Issue 3
- 85-93 Genetic diversity and admixture in three native draught horse breeds assessed using microsatellite markers
by Hana Vostrá-Vydrová & Luboš Vostrý & Barbora Hofmanová & Nina Moravčíková & Zdeňka Veselá & Irena Vrtková & Alexandra Novotná & Radovan Kasarda - 94-102 Protection of bovine mammary epithelial cells from hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative cell damage by selenium
by Yong Mei Guo & Jian Gong & Ya Guang Zheng & Bin Lin Shi & Xiao Yu Guo & Su Mei Yan - 103-109 Gender and age effects on the expression of genes related to lipid metabolism in broiler's liver
by Angélica de Souza Khatlab & Ana Paula Del Vesco & Eliane Gasparino & Adhemar Rodrigues de Oliveira Neto - 110-118 Two mitochondrial genes are associated with performance traits in farmed raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides)
by Sylwia Nisztuk-Pacek & Brygida Slaska & Grzegorz Zieba & Iwona Rozempolska-Rucinska - 119-125 Determination of in vitro antibacterial activity of plant oils containing medium-chain fatty acids against Gram-positive pathogenic and gut commensal bacteria
by Petra Hovorková & Klára Laloučková & Eva Skřivanová
2018, Volume 63, Issue 2
- 43-50 Tissue specific splicing of pre-mRNA porcine mitochondrial transcription factor A
by Andrej Renčelj & Martin Škrlep & Meta Čandek-Potokar & Peter Dovč - 51-60 Effect of housing system and age of laying hens on eggshell quality, microbial contamination, and penetration of microorganisms into eggs
by Jana Vlčková & Eva Tůmová & Mohamed Ketta & Michaela Englmaierová & Darina Chodová - 61-69 Linkage disequilibrium and haplotype block structure in Portuguese Holstein cattle
by Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim Salem & Gertrude Thompson & Shanyuan Chen & Albano Beja-Pereira & Julio Carvalheira - 70-77 RE-NUM-OR: Python-based renumbering and reordering software for pedigree files
by Kemal Yazgan - 78-84 Oxidative stress and antioxidant enzyme defence system in seminal plasma of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) during spawning season
by Anna Shaliutina-Kolešová & Nian Rui & Saeed Ashtiani & Marek Rodina & Jacky Cosson & Otomar Linhart
2018, Volume 63, Issue 1
- 1-10 Interspecific hybridization of sturgeon species affects differently their gonadal development
by Zuzana Linhartová & Miloš Havelka & Martin Pšenička & Martin Flajšhans - 11-16 Eggshell characteristics and cuticle deposition in three laying hen genotypes housed in enriched cages and on litter
by Mohamed Ketta & Eva Tumova - 17-23 Variation for in vivo digestibility in two maize hybrid silages
by Radko Loučka & Yvona Tyrolová & Filip Jančík & Petra Kubelková & Petr Homolka & Václav Jambor - 24-31 Dietary energy level affects the composition of cecal microbiota of starter Pekin ducklings
by Jun-Qiang Liu & Yan-Hong Wang & Xing-Tang Fang & Ming Xie & Yun-Sheng Zhang & Shui-Sheng Hou & Hong Chen & Guo-Hong Chen & Chun-Lei Zhang - 32-42 Effect of melatonin from slow-release implants on aquaporins (AQP1 and AQP4) in the ovine choroid plexus
by Aleksandra Szczepkowska & Mariusz Tomasz Skowroński & Marta Kowalewska & Stanisław Milewski & Janina Skipor
2017, Volume 62, Issue 12
- 501-510 Genetic relationship between type traits, number of lactations initiated, and lifetime milk performance in Czech Fleckvieh cattle
by Luboš Novotný & Jan Frelich & Jan Beran & Ludmila Zavadilová - 511-518 Nutritional value and health-promoting properties of mare's milk - a review
by Ewa Jastrzębska & Ewa Wadas & Tomasz Daszkiewicz & Renata Pietrzak-Fiećko - 519-526 Species difference in the expression of Fas and Fas ligand in mature mammalian spermatozoa
by Youwei Li & Mingju Sun & Jiang Zhu & Guangzhong Jiao & Juan Lin & Haibo Dong & Jinghe Tan & Jiabo Zhou - 527-538 Supplementation of rapeseed and linseed oils to sheep rations: effects on ruminal fermentation characteristics and protozoal populations
by Małgorzata Paulina Majewska & Renata Miltko & Grzegorz Bełżecki & Jacek Skomiał & Barbara Kowalik - 539-548 Retinoic acid attenuates oxidative injury in bovine mammary epithelial cells induced by hydrogen peroxide
by Lu Jin & Sumei Yan & Binlin Shi & Huiyu Shi & Xiaoyu Guo & Junliang Li
2017, Volume 62, Issue 11
- 457-465 Supplementation of dairy cows with docosahexaenoic acid did not affect ovarian activity
by Martin Vlcek & Michaela Andrlikova & Olimpia Barbato & Vladislav Bina & Maurice P. Boland & Radovan Dolezel & Miloslava Lopatarova & Svatopluk Cech - 466-472 Colostrum and milk characteristics in Murgese breed mares
by Carlo Cosentino & Giovanni Notarnicola & Rosanna Paolino & Carmine D'Adamo & Cristiana Labella & Mauro Musto & Pierangelo Freschi - 473-481 Effect of suboptimal levels of non-phytate phosphorus and exogenous phytase on precaecal digestibility of phosphorus and calcium in laying hens
by Anna Musilova & Martina Lichovnikova & Lucie Kupcikova & Vojtech Anderle - 482-490 Tissue fatty acid deposition, plasma lipid and cytokine profile in pigs fed a diet with fish oil or palm oil
by Tomáš Komprda & Veronika Rozíková & Monika Vícenová & Nikola Procházková & Petra Ondráčková & Petra Pešková & Martin Faldyna - 491-500 Pilot experiment in chickens challenged with Campylobacter jejuni CCM6191 administered enterocin M-producing probiotic strain Enterococcus faecium CCM8558 to check its protective effect
by Andrea Laukova & Monika Pogany Simonova & Ivana Kubasova & Sona Gancarcikova & Iveta Placha & Jana Scerbova & Viera Revajova & Robert Herich & Mikulas Levkut Sn. & Viola Strompfova
2017, Volume 62, Issue 10
- 403-416 Digestive enzyme system of larvae of different freshwater teleosts and its differentiation during the initial phase of exogenous feeding
by Franz Lahnsteiner - 417-425 Influence of sulfur on the fermentation characteristics of corn distiller's dried grains with solubles in in vitro culture
by Liwen He & Hao Wu & Wanbao Chen & Qingxiang Meng & Zhenming Zhou - 426-434 Identification of optimal reference genes for examination of gene expression in different tissues of fetal yaks
by Mingna Li & Xiaoyun Wu & Xian Guo & Pengjia Bao & Xuezhi Ding & Min Chu & Chunnian Liang & Ping Yan - 435-445 Effects of zearalenone, α-zearalenol, and genistein on boar sperm motility in vitro
by Adéla Krejcárková & Petra Folková & Ondřej Šimoník & Martina Šašková & Romana Krejčířová & Ondřej Drábek & Radko Rajmon - 446-455 Effects of heat stress on somatostatin and some related immune factors in the small intestine of Wenchang chicks
by Zhong Chen & Ying-Ya Jiang & Yong-Wei Zhou & Chen Liang & Li-Jin Xie
2017, Volume 62, Issue 9
- 358-367 The study of endometrium at gestational days 5 and 15 in dairy goats (Capra hircus)
by Lei Zhang & Xiao-Rui Liu & Peng Han & Zhan-Qin Zhou & Bin-Yun Cao & Yu-Xuan Song - 369-376 Effect of dietary lupin (Lupinus albus) on the gastrointestinal microbiota composition in broiler chickens and ducks
by Martina Geigerová & Roman Švejstil & Eva Skřivanová & Eva Straková & Pavel Suchý - 377-383 Differences in oviposition and egg quality of various genotypes of laying hens
by Eva Tůmová & Jana Vlčková & Darina Chodová