2025, Volume 33
- 1-17 The Influence of User Readiness on Self Check-In Technology Adoption: A Study Using TRAM Method
by Sarah Anindya Shofi & Astri Ghina
2024, Volume 32
- 1-27 Tele-Law: Bridging the Legal Access Gap for Marginalized Communities in Rural India Using ICT
by Venkatapparao Mummalaneni & Chandrashekar Challa - 28-59 Comparative Analysis of Sustainability Communication Strategies of Thai and Global Brand Restaurants on Social Media and Websites
by Kanokkan Bunchabusabong & Jukkrit Tiwasuppachai & Shawanluck Kunathikornkit - 60-73 Responsible Active Participation of International Trade Actors to Make Human Rights Effective
by Hernandez Ramirez Laura - 74-101 Representation of Corporate Governance Information Organization of Information as Constructs for Governance
by Geraldino Gonçalves Bastos & Claudio Gottschalg Duque & Tomas Orlandi
2024, Volume 31
- 1-17 Supporting Cooperation between Supply Chain Members Through a Combination of Soft and Hard Coordination Tools
by Tamás Faludi - 18-30 The Impact of Emerging Technologies on Digital Transformation in Small and Medium Enterprises
by Teuta Veseli-Kurtishi & Blerta Abazi Chaushi - 31-47 FinTech Firms Dividend Payout Policy: Evidence from Covid-19
by Salma Ali & Heba Ali & Amira Tarek - 48-63 The Power of Atmosphere, Gifts, and Interaction: Exploring Hedonic Value's Mediation in Repurchase Intention for Oppo Smartphones
by Niken Suyanti & Budiyanto & Khuzaini - 64-79 First Steps towards Ecosystemic Governance for Health and Recreational Tourism Destinations
by Rositsa Röntynen
2024, Volume 30
- 1-26 Crowdsourcing: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Agenda
by Fernando J. Garrigos-Simon & Yeamduan Narangajavana-Kaosiri - 27-48 An Information Architecture Framework for High-performance Professionals Development
by Tomas Orlandi & Claudio Gottschalg Duque - 49-56 The Rise of Social Behavior in Social Media Marketing During Pandemic
by Gunawan Baharuddin & Nurul Hilmiyah & Aulia Keiko Hubbansyah & Muhammad Hakimi Mohd Syafiai - 57-75 Management Control System, Environment Uncertainty and Managers’ Performance: Organization Commitment as a Moderating Variable
by Nyimas Siti Zakiah & Hendra Susanto & Mukhtaruddin Mukhtaruddin & Efva Octavia Donata Gozali - 76-95 Green Logistics: A Bibliometric Analysis of the Concept Scanned in Web of Science in the Period 1980-2024
by Selminaz Adıgüzel
2024, Volume 29
- 1-17 Embedding Countries Governance in Assessing Companies' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Reporting: A Quantitative Analysis
by Emil Adrian Bancu & Cornelia Dascalu - 18-35 Analysis of the Regional Economic Structure in Mexico (2019-2021)
by Roberto Yoan Castillo Dieguez & Martin Vivanco Vargas & José Antonio Climent Hernández & Ma. Benilde Rincón GarcÃa - 36-55 County Readiness for eTourism Using Systematic Gap Analysis: The Case of Jordan
by Ghazi Alkhatib & Sinamis Bayouq - 56-73 Liquidity Risk Management in Islamic Banks: Review of the Literature and Future Research Perspectives
by Sara Mikou & Younès Lahrichi & Said Achchab - 74-89 Innovative Approaches to Managing Zakat within the Context of Sustainable Development and Societal Well-Being in Indonesia
by Endar Muda & Syafrinaldi S.H & Abd. Thalib
2023, Volume 28
- 1-16 Clear or Real? The Transformation of a Japanese Business Group: How Does Ambiguity Produce Knowledge?
by Zsuzsanna Járfás - 17-38 Systematic Post Crisis Tourism Supply Chain Transformation Towards Resilience in the Context of Tour Operators
by Rima Karsokiene & Algirdas Giedraitis - 39-56 Determinants in the Valuation of Streaming Companies and Streaming Platforms
by Gerrit Brösel & Jörg Wasmuth & Hubert Dechant - 57-78 The Relationship Between Career Women and Its Effects on Achieving Family Harmony with Maqashid Shariah Framework
by Maghfirah Maghfirah - 79-104 Floating Exchange Rate Regimes and Macroeconomic Indicators: Evidence from Mena Region and Outlook for the Moroccan Case
by Nouhaila MOUTAIB & Younès Lahrichi
2023, Volume 27
- 1-11 When Branded Consumption Restores Consumers' Personal Control
by Rui Chen & Ceyhan Kilic - 12-25 A Bibliometric Analysis of Management Policies to Support Renewable Energy Implementation in Oil and Gas Company Using VOSviewer
by Wiyana Ferdyana & Henndy Ginting - 26-39 Assessing Socially Responsible Consumption from a Consumer Perspective
by Daiva Zostautiene & Dalia Susniene & Sandra Dirziene - 40-57 Factors Influencing Hong Kong Youths’ Migration Entrepreneurial Intention in China’s Greater Bay Area
by Jiahao Zhuang & Hongyi Sun
2023, Volume 26
- 1-23 A Framework Towards Customer Lifetime Value’s Macro and Micro Dimensions in the Service Sector: A State-of-the-Art Review
by Mohammad Safari & Minoo Sahebodari - 24-37 Reconcile the Paradox: Stability & Volatility Inclusive
by Zsuzsanna Járfás - 38-52 The Role of Famous Athlete Endorsement in Consumers' Attention to Sports Products: Alpha and Beta Brain Waves
by Behzad Izadi & Ali Ghaedi - 53-60 Conditions for Corporate Business Excellence at the Global Level
by Nada Živanović & Slavko Tomašković & Robert Latin & Darko Popadić
2023, Volume 25
- 1-15 Applying Polynomial Regression Modeling to Highlight the Relation Between Corporate Governance Characteristics and Performance
by Oana Bogdan & Valentin Burcă & Aura Domil & Alin Artene - 16-31 Drivers of the Target Financial Leverage and Speed of Adjustment in Small and Medium-Sized Companies at Different Stages of Life Cycle
by Mohammad Safari & Zahra Kazemi Saraskanrood - 32-44 Managerial Ownership, Leverage, Dividend Policy, Free Cash Flow, Firm Value: Evidence in Indonesia Stock Exchange
by Alni Rahmawati & Askar Garad - 45-52 The Impact of Transformational Leadership on the Development of Human Resources: Mediating Role of Entrepreneurship Orientation
by Seddiqeh Sadeghi Garjan & Mohammad Rouhi Isalou & Javid Rakhshani
2022, Volume 24
- 1-20 Attitude Towards Online Product Endorsement Using Digital Celebrities: The Case of Laptops
by Raluca CIORNEA & Maria-Luiza Souca & Mihai†Florin Băcilă & Alexandra†Maria Drule - 21-36 An Empirical Study of the Predictors of Green Purchase Behaviour
by Semele Jatin Sardesai & Supriyanka Govekar - 37-52 A Linkage between Perceived Corporate Image and Organisational Identification in the Banking Sector in Nigeria
by Lanke B. AWOMAILO & Johnson O. Ayeni & Oluyemi O. A. Adekunle - 53-61 Strategic Flexibility and Organizational Ambidexterity: The Mediating Role of Critical Thinking
by Javid Rakhshani & Hassan Tamjid
2022, Volume 23
- 1-17 Process Optimization of the Selected Business Using a Process Approach
by Milena Kajba & Borut Jereb - 18-30 Strategies to Increase Exports of Wine Companies of the Valle de Guadalupe Region in Baja California, México
by Rubén Molina MartÃnez & Vianey Baltazar Ramos - 31-40 A Matter of Mindset: The Benefit of a Growth Mindset After a Career Shock
by Matthew Zingoni - 41-52 The Concept of Applied Strategic Analysis of Learning and Growth
by Sergey Krylov
2022, Volume 22
- 1-10 Educational Management as an Imperative of High Business Results
by Darko Popadić & Ljiljana Kontić & Vlada Živanović & Nada Živanović - 11-18 Understanding the Ergonomics of Attrition
by Sidharta Chatterjee - 19-32 What do Consumers Think About Disposal Recyclable Waste in Montreal? A Study on Discard Behavior
by Carina Pasqualotto & Daniela Callegaro de Menezes & Vitoria Yulia Biihrer Collar - 33-50 Business Model for Continuous Enterprise Sustainability
by Azra Ahmić
2022, Volume 21
- 1-23 Characterizing and Modeling the Role of Servant Leadership Style on the Customer Lifetime Value
by Mohammad Safari & Milad Karimi - 24-34 Market Share as a Performance Measure: A Conceptual Framework
by Tommy Hsu - 35-52 An Analysis of Scenarios and Sensitivity Following Environmental Damage: the Vale Do Rio Doce and Petrobrás Case
by César Ricardo Maia Vasconcelos & Walid Abbas El-Aouar - 53-62 Strategic Solution of Ecological Problems in the Industrial Environment
by Nada Živanović & Darko Popadić & Petronije Jevtić & Vlada Živanović
2021, Volume 20
- 1-18 Universities' Contributions to Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation
by Rubén Molina Sánchez & Dra. Patricia Hernández GarcÃa - 19-35 Performance Gap Analysis Under the Influence of Management Innovation and Business Model Innovation
by Shahrokh Beigi & Mohammad Dostar & Mohammad Safari & Yaghoub Rashnavadi - 36-44 Leadership Effectiveness and Employee Planned Behavior: Exploring the Role of Practical Wisdom Management
by Farzad Sattari Ardabili
2021, Volume 19
- 1-13 Analysis-Diagnosis and Performance of a National System of Technological Innovation (NSTI): The Case of the Moroccan NSTI
by Ilham Taouaf & Yassine Marzougui & Moha Arouch - 14-32 Implementation of Recommendation Algorithm based on Recommendation Sessions in E-commerce IT System
by Michał Malinowski - 33-44 Export Diversification: Strategy for International Trade of the Automotive Sector in Mexico Category
by MarÃa Fernanda Mercado Zapata & Yeniffer Pineda Torres - 44-64 Excellence Cluster Model for the Algerian University to Strengthen its Links With the Socio-Economic Environment
by Boucenna Amira & REGGAD Saliha
2021, Volume 18
- 1-15 Digital Entrepreneurship Dimensions and Strategies: Crowdsourcing and Digital Financing
by Fernando J. Garrigos-Simon & Shokooh Sadat Alizadeh Moghadam & Leili Abdi & Zahra Pourmirali & Bahram Abdi - 16-27 Brand's Image, Love, and Loyalty: Is it Enough for Word of Mouth Marketing?
by Bahar Türk - 28-44 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Employee Outcomes in the Aviation Industry during the COVID-19 Pandemic Era. A Conceptual Framework
by Chrisalena Athanasiadou & Georgios Theriou - 45-59 Effectiveness of Digital Marketing on the Promotion of the Botswana Human Resource Development Council’s (HRDC) Services
by Faith I. Rapuleng- Tuelo & Shihaleni E. Ndjaba - 60-71 Development of Opinions of Tourism Students at the Prague University of Economics and Business on the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Jiřà VanÃÄ ek & LibÄ›na JarolÃmková
2021, Volume 17
- 1-17 Alliance Portfolio Effects on New Venture’s Performance
by Smriti Prabhakar-Sood - 18-30 Organizational Culture as a Basis for Efficient Development of Organization
by Vasyl Illich Osodlo & Oleh Rybchuk & Viktoriia Krykun - 31-43 The Study on the Workplace-related Corporate Social Responsibility Practices
by Teodora A. Gorski & Hortensia Gorski - 44-54 Assessment Model of the Organizational Success
by Olga Uhabakin & Eneken Titov - 55-71 The Impact of Green Technologies on Transition to Circular Economy
by Vania Ivanova & Sonia Chipeva
2020, Volume 16
- 1-13 Cultural Factors that Positively and Negatively Impact Corporate Governance: Cases of Family-Controlled Firms in Brazil
by Fernanda de Anchieta Gomes & Sergio Augusto Pereira Bastos - 14-28 Circular Economy: Barriers and Levers Promoting Transformation (Case Study Analysis)
by Vania Ivanova - 29-42 The Effects of Corruption on Foreign Investments in Developed and Developing Countries
by Romerito da Silva Oliveira & Arilda Teixeira - 43-59 New GRFM Approach and Fuzzy LP-Metric Weighting Score
by Elham Eshrati & Afshin Safaee - 60-76 Financial Condition and Government Accounts: An Analysis in the Municipalities of the State of Rio de Janeiro (2009 to 2015)
by Marco Henrique da Silva & Olavo Venturim Caldas
2020, Volume 15
- 1-10 The Relationship between the Technology Readiness Index (Tri) and the Quality of Digital Services of Brazilian Financial Institutions
by Carpeggiani Gomes Monteiro de Andrade & Marcia Juliana d’Angelo - 11-28 The Impact of Human Resource Practices on Organizational Climate and Employee Well-Being
by Luiz Felipe de Carvalho Macena & Sergio Augusto Pereira Bastos - 29-42 The Impact of Green Strategy on Organisations’ Relational Capital
by Christina Arfara & Irene Samanta - 43-53 Foreign Capital Participation and Tax Aggressiveness in Brazilian Companies
by Antonio Lopo Martinez & Clébio Bis - 54-65 Tunneling and Tax Aggressiveness
by Israel Lucas de Oliveira Aguiar & Felipe Ramos Ferreira & Silvania Neris Nossa & Edvan Soares de Oliveira
2020, Volume 14
- 1-24 The Impact of Human Resource Management on Organizational Brand By the Mediating Role of Employee Competence, Commitment, and Satisfaction in the Insurance Industry
by Esmaeil Rashidi & Mas’oud Simkhah & Hossein Babaei - 25-34 The Effect of Environmental Performance of Companies Listed on Tehran Stock Exchange on Debt Ratio
by Goran Karimi - 35-46 Trends in Attention to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations
by Charles Wankel & Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch - 47-60 Board Governance and Sustainability Disclosure – A Romanian Insight
by Victoria Stanciu & Carmen Valentina Rădulescu & Dumitru Alexandru Bodislav & Sorin Burlacu & Ovidiu Cristian Andrei Buzoianu - 61-77 Financial Actuarial Assumptions: Empirical Study of How Brazilian Companies Manage Their Defined Benefit Plans
by João Evangelista de Souza Neto & Fernando Caio Galdi
2020, Volume 13
- 1-14 Linking Corporate Culture Values and Organizational Agility: An Empirical Analysis within the Automotive Industry
by Lisa-Marie Ahl - 15-24 Scale Development of Formative Higher Order Construct: Situational Strength at Work
by Pınar Özbilen - 25-48 A Model for the Competitiveness Development of SMEs: from Dynamic Capabilities Perspective & International Entrepreneurship Theory
by Jaleh Farzaneh Hassanzadeh - 49-64 Explaining the Marketing Strategies of Knowledge-based Corporations in Northwest of Iran Using SWOT Analysis
by Maryam Mohammadi Moghaddam & Majid Yahyavi Ghasem Gheshlaghi & Zahra Pouramini & Alireza Hamidzadeh Arbabi
2019, Volume 12
- 1-18 Utilization of TOPSIS Approach to Formulate Strategy in IRANOL Oil Company
by Amirhossein Tayebi Abolhasani & Shahin Rouhani Rad - 19-27 Mediating Effect of Attitude in Internet Shopping Behavior of Consumer in Indonesia
by Vidyarini Dwita & Megawati - 28-40 Factors that Affect Scavengers Behavior in Making Consumption Decisions in the City of Padang
by Ariusni & Sri Ulfa Sentosa & Alpon Satrianto - 41-49 Study on the Effect of Planned Behavior on Performance by Moderating Role of Individual – Organization Proportionality among Staff of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences
by Behzad Shahbazi & Majid Ahmadloo
2019, Volume 11
- 1-8 The Impact of Strategic Thinking on the Exploitation Opportunities in Entrepreneurial Venture
by Nagham H. Al Nama'a & Rasha H. Abbood - 9-19 Enhancing the Revisit Intention of Nature-Based Tourism in Indonesia: The Role of Memorable Tourism Experience and Satisfaction
by Rila Anggraeni - 20-34 The Spatial Variation in Women Empowerment in Jordan: A Cross Country Comparative Overview
by Nebal Abdelmajid Al-Maaitah
2019, Volume 10
- 1-7 Determinants of Financial Sustainability and Access to Finance among SMEs in Malaysia: A Pilot Study
by Sonia Lohana & Umi Kartini Binti Rashid & Juzaimi Nasuredin & Vicky Kumar - 8-12 Competition Policy in Georgia – The Major Phases of Development
by Nika Asanidze - 13-24 Kinetic Leadership: Decision-making in Action
by Jeffrey Darville
2019, Volume 9
- 1-7 World Economic Crisis and Its Influence on the World Economic Development
by Medea Shapatava - 8-18 Increasing Three Times the Selling Price of Horticultural Products Using Social Media
by Moh. Erfan Arif & Pungky Syah Banar - 19-27 The Effect of Employee Work-Related Attitudes on Employee Job Performance
by Fidelis Ejeh Abba - 28-37 Case Study of Pt Astra International Tbk Corporate Social Responsibility Communication through Company Website and Annual Report
by Wuryan Andayani
2018, Volume 8
- 1-18 Evaluation of the Barriers to Achieve a Powerful Brand Using AHP Technique
by Hamideh Seifi Shojai & Hossein Boudaghi Khajeh Nouba - 19-23 Exploring the Relationship between Self-awareness and Social Welfare
by Robab Hazrati Kandeh & Faranak Simanoor Ardabili
2018, Volume 7
- 1-9 Studying Impact of Resistance to Change and Effective Organizational Relationships on Work Motivation
by Hajar Rezapour Niri & Behnam Azadi - 10-20 Performance Management of Supervisors in Railway Company: A case Study
by Babak Daneshvar Rouyendegh & Beyza Nur Öztürk & Kutay Cebeci - 21-27 The Relation between Hope and Pliability with Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
by Zahra Pouramini & Marjan Fayyazi & Majid Yahyavi Ghasem Gheshlaghi
2018, Volume 6
- 1-9 Investigating the Impact of Brand Names of Turkish Commodities on Customer Loyalty in Iran (Case Study of Paşabahçe Products)
by Mohammad ali Rasoulzadeh - 10-15 Digitalization on Boards: Evidence from the Baltic Public Listed Companies
by Emil Velinov & Milan Maly & Milomir Vojvodic - 16-38 The Effect of Institutionalization on Firm Performance
by Ali Sukru Cetinkaya & Selcuk Karayel & Ali Tefek - 39-49 Dynamic Correlation between Oil Price and the Stock Markets: Evidence from some Developed and Emerging Countries
by Samir B. MALIKI & Kamel Si MOHAMMED
2018, Volume 5
- 1-15 Organization Change and Development in Higher Education, a Neo-Institutional Approach of Accreditation: The Case of a Lebanese Business School
by Charbel Chedrawi & Pierrette Howayeck (el) & Alain Osta - 16-20 The Seller’s Marketing Techniques to Benefit Form the Buyer’s Weaknesses
by Vehit Altıncı & Ahmet Ertugan - 21-33 Taxation Impact On Economic Growth In European Union
by Birol Ibadula & Cristina Vlad & Petre Brezeanu - 34-46 Supply Chain Management in the Light of Enterprise Resource Planning (Selected Criteria: Services and Satisfaction)
by Shima Baradaran Ghanad & Mohammad Mehdi Jarini & Hamed Shakerian - 47-68 A Comprehensive Model for Evaluating the Performance of Universities
by Elnaz Ketabchi & Ramon Salvador Valles - 69-81 Decision Making Model for the Adoption of Cloud Computing in Turkish Organizations: A Conjoint Analysis
by Can SAYGINER & Tuncay ERCAN
2017, Volume 4
- 1-11 Presenting a Model to Evaluate Information Visualization Methods to Apply in Business Intelligence
by Mohammad Fathian & Alireza Moini & Pouria Abedin - 12-23 The Impact of Performance Appraisal Justice on Organizational Commitment via Positive Emotions: Evidence from Public Sector Universities in Pakistan
by Nagina Gul & Xu Xiaolin & Yang Lanrong & Assad Ullah & Mirza Nouman Ali - 24-40 Determinants of Economic Growth of Ethiopia: An Analysis for the Post Ethiopia-Eretria War (1998-2000)
by Elyas Abdullahi & Muhammad Asif Khan & Kamalova Mariyakhan & Muhammad Afaq Haider JAFRI - 41-53 Investigating the Relationship between Different Dimensions of Professional Ethics and Social Responsibility and Productivity of Employees in Road and Urban Development Industry
by Hamidreza Molasadeghi Roknabadi & Hamed Shakerian & Mohammad Mirmohammadi Sadrabadi - 54-61 Electronic Insurance and Its Success Indicators (Case Study of Insurance Companies in Birjand)
by Zahra Rajaei & Mahdi Saghafi - 62-65 How to Lead With Success an Innovation Process
by Agustin Argelich
2017, Volume 3
- 1-16 How Perceived Distributive Justice of the Performance Appraisal Affects Public Service Motivation of Public Universities in Pakistan
by Nagina Gul & Xu Xiaolin & Yang Lanrong - 17-26 The Barriers of Female Managerial Role in view of Female Principals and assistants in elementary schools of Ardabil
by Ozra Kazemi Ardabili & Yousef Namvar - 27-38 The Integration of Information Technology to Facilitate HRM Functions: The Case of the Health Care Sector (Biomedicine Group)
by Christina Arfara & George Tsivos & Irene Samanta & Panagiotis Kyriazopoulos - 39-49 The Application and Advantages of Data Mining to Improve Talent Management in School Staff’s Performance
by Sara Javan Amoli & Mahsa Ebrahimifar & Farnoosh Aghshahi - 50-60 The Relationship between Organizational Justice Dimensions and the Organizational Commitment of FTO Theoretical Knowledge Instructors
by Haluk Serhat Ongun & Ahmet Ertugan - 61-77 Zero-Budget Marketing Strategy: The ‘Can Kid’ Social Responsibility Project
by Tugberk Kaya
2017, Volume 2
- 1-18 Impact of Rewards on Job Satisfaction: A Study of Privately Owned Colleges
by Muhammad FurqanulMunir & Tayyeb Ali Khan - 19-27 Entrepreneurship and its Challenges in Iran
by Sardar Bahramnia - 28-38 The Effects of Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) on High Technology Industry Export Development
by Bijan Nasiri Azam & Farshid Khanjanian Doranmahalleh & Rasoul Kashkooli - 39-49 Talent Management Analysis in Organizations
by Yousef Namvar & Milad Abtahi - 50-59 Examining the Effect of Organizational Strategic System’s Traits on Financial Performance
by Amir Shams Koloukhi & Somayeh Pordareh
2017, Volume 1
- 1-13 The Impact of Relationship Marketing Tactics and Dimensions of the Relationship Quality on Customer Loyalty
by Hassan Eskandari & Samad Aali & Ali Behrouz Heris - 14-33 Importance of Financial Aspects of a Company Crisis Management in Slovakia
by KatarÃna Fedorková - 34-46 Systematic Literature Review of Implementing the Project Control System Using Earned Value Management (EVM)
by Samira Nadafi & Seyed Hamed Moosavirad & Shahram Ariafar - 47-61 Organizational Entrepreneurship: Models and Theories
by Atefeh Keshvari & Mahboubeh SoleimanPour Omran