November 2021, Volume 15, Issue S1
- 23-39 The symbiotic tensions of the regulatory–carceral state: The case of cannabis legalization
by Ely Aaronson & Gil Rothschild‐Elyassi - 40-62 Accountability infrastructures: Pragmatic compliance inside organizations
by Ruthanne Huising & Susan S. Silbey - 63-82 Subterranean successes: Durable regulation and regulatory endowments
by Carol A. Heimer & Elsinore Kuo - 83-101 Beyond opportunism: Intermediary loyalty in regulation and governance
by Kenneth W. Abbott & Philipp Genschel & Duncan Snidal & Bernhard Zangl - 102-122 Designing Regulation Across Organizations: Assessing the Functions and Dimensions of Governance
by Alejandro E. Camacho & Robert L. Glicksman - 123-142 Why meta‐research matters to regulation and governance scholarship: An illustrative evidence synthesis of responsive regulation research
by Jeroen van der Heijden - 143-162 Magnetic law: Designing environmental enforcement laws to encourage us to go further
by Suzanne Kingston & Edwin Alblas & Mícheál Callaghan & Julie Foulon - 163-182 Behavioral responsive regulation: Bringing together responsive regulation and behavioral public policy
by Netta Barak‐Corren & Yael Kariv‐Teitelbaum
October 2021, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 1009-1019 Assessing the regulatory challenges of emerging disruptive technologies
by Araz Taeihagh & M Ramesh & Michael Howlett - 1020-1034 Why and how does the regulation of emerging technologies occur? Explaining the adoption of the EU General Data Protection Regulation using the multiple streams framework
by Nihit Goyal & Michael Howlett & Araz Taeihagh - 1035-1052 Emerging technologies and problem definition uncertainty: The case of cybersecurity
by Jonathan Lewallen - 1053-1070 Governance landscapes for emerging technologies: The case of cryptocurrencies
by Andrew B. Whitford & Derrick Anderson - 1071-1091 Regulating human control over autonomous systems
by Mikolaj Firlej & Araz Taeihagh - 1092-1110 Adaptive governance for the Internet of Things: Coping with emerging security risks
by Irina Brass & Jesse H. Sowell - 1111-1127 Uncertainty, institutions and regulatory responses to emerging technologies: CRISPR Gene editing in the US and the EU (2012–2019)
by Alberto Asquer & Inna Krachkovskaya - 1128-1143 Legal enclaves as a test environment for innovative products: Toward legally resilient experimentation policies
by Stefan Philipsen & Evert F. Stamhuis & Martin de Jong - 1144-1165 Procedurally Robust Risk Assessment Framework for Novel Genetically Engineered Organisms and Gene Drives
by Jennifer Kuzma - 1166-1182 Private authority and public policy interactions in global context: Governance spheres for problem solving
by Benjamin Cashore & Jette Steen Knudsen & Jeremy Moon & Hamish van der Ven - 1183-1208 Private regulation, public policy, and the perils of adverse ontological selection
by Janina Grabs & Graeme Auld & Benjamin Cashore - 1209-1229 Grounding transnational business governance: A political‐strategic perspective on government responses in the Global South
by José Carlos Marques & Burkard Eberlein - 1230-1247 Disaggregating public‐private governance interactions: European Union interventions in transnational private sustainability governance
by Stefan Renckens - 1248-1269 Can private governance boost public policy? Insights from public–private governance interactions in the fisheries and electricity sectors
by Zdravka Tzankova - 1270-1285 Private and public authority interactions and the functional quality of sustainability governance: Lessons from conservation and development initiatives in Tanzania
by Stefano Ponte & Christine Noe & Asubisye Mwamfupe - 1286-1303 How domestic contexts shape international private governance: The case of the European Accord and American Alliance in Bangladesh
by Erin Leitheiser - 1304-1325 Empires built on sand: On the fundamental implausibility of reactor safety assessments and the implications for nuclear regulation
by John Downer & M. V. Ramana - 1326-1349 It's economic size, stupid! How global advocacy mirrors state power
by Marcel Hanegraaff & Arlo Poletti - 1350-1369 Market structure and disempowering regulatory intermediaries: Insights from U.S. trade surveillance
by Miles Kellerman - 1370-1387 How parties and interest groups protect their ties: The case of lobbying laws
by Michele Crepaz - 1388-1405 How networks among frontline offices influence regulatory enforcement: Diffusion and justification of interpretation of risk
by Ayako Hirata - 1406-1418 Friction and bureaucratic control in authoritarian regimes
by Kwan Nok Chan & Shiwei Fan - 1419-1435 Does business influence government regulations? New evidence from Canadian impact assessments
by Louis‐Robert Beaulieu‐Guay & Marc Tremblay‐Faulkner & Éric Montpetit - 1436-1453 Meet the critics: Analyzing the EU Commission's Regulatory Scrutiny Board through quantitative text analysis
by Roman Senninger & Jens Blom‐Hansen - 1454-1479 The re‐occurrence of violations in occupational safety and health administration inspections
by John Mendeloff & Wayne B. Gray & Philip Armour & Frank Neuhauser
July 2021, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 445-471 Power transitions and the rise of the regulatory state: Global market governance in flux
by Sandra Lavenex & Omar Serrano & Tim Büthe - 472-491 Power transition and the regulatory state in large emerging markets: Norm‐breaking after the global financial crisis
by Simon J. Evenett - 492-512 Domestic regulatory reform and transgovernmental networks: Brazil and China in the global competition regime
by Lei Wang - 513-543 From rule‐taker to rule‐promoting regulatory state: South Korea in the nearly‐global competition regime
by Moohyung Cho & Tim Büthe - 544-560 Rule‐takers, rule‐makers, or rule‐promoters? Turkey and Mexico's role as rising middle powers in global economic governance
by Umut Aydin - 561-580 Regulating public procurement in Brazil, India, and China: Toward the regulatory‐developmental state
by Ivo Križić - 581-597 China's new generation trade agreements: Importing rules to lock in domestic reform?
by Jappe Eckhardt & Hongyu Wang - 598-615 Opening‐up labor mobility? Rising powers' rulemaking in trade agreements
by Sandra Lavenex & Flavia Jurje - 616-633 India, Brazil, and public health: Rule‐making through south–south diffusion in the intellectual property rights regime?
by Omar Ramon Serrano Oswald & Mira Burri - 634-652 Power transitions and global trade governance: The impact of a rising China on the export credit regime
by Kristen Hopewell - 653-685 The politics of regulatory enforcement and compliance: Theorizing and operationalizing political influences
by Jodi L. Short - 686-708 Experimentalist interactions: Joining up the transnational timber legality regime
by Jonathan Zeitlin & Christine Overdevest - 709-724 Using human values‐based approach to understand cross‐cultural commitment toward regulation and governance of cybersecurity†
by Alexander Kharlamov & Ganna Pogrebna - 725-744 Agencies without borders: Explaining partner selection in the formation of transnational agreements between regulators
by Machiel van der Heijden - 745-759 Whistleblowers as regulatory intermediaries: Instrumental and reflexive considerations in decentralizing regulation
by Ioannis Kampourakis - 760-784 Judicial review of regulatory decisions: Decoding the contents of appeals against agencies in Spain and the United Kingdom
by Luis E. Mejía - 785-799 Political values in independent agencies
by Andreas Eriksen - 800-821 Regulatory disempowerment: How enabling and controlling forms of power obstruct citizen‐based regulation
by Garry Gray & Benjamin van Rooij - 822-839 Is experimentalist governance self‐limiting or self‐reinforcing? Strategic uncertainty and recursive rulemaking in European Union electricity regulation
by Bernardo Rangoni & Jonathan Zeitlin - 840-855 Governing complex societal problems: The impact of private on public regulation through technological change
by Nicolas Schmid & Leonore Haelg & Sebastian Sewerin & Tobias S. Schmidt & Irina Simmen - 856-876 Indexing watchdog accountability powers a framework for assessing the accountability capacity of independent oversight institutions
by Mark Bovens & Anchrit Wille - 877-893 Stakeholder consultations and the legitimacy of regulatory decision‐making: A survey experiment in Belgium
by Jan Beyers & Sarah Arras - 894-908 Regulatory reform in the era of new technological development: The role of organizational factors in the public sector
by Soonae Park & Don S. Lee & Jieun Son - 909-932 Divisions of regulatory labor, institutional closure, and structural secrecy in new regulatory states: The case of neglected liquidity risks in market‐based banking
by Leon Wansleben - 933-951 Regulatory novelty after financial crises: Evidence from international banking and securities standards, 1975–2016
by Stefano Pagliari & Meredith Wilf - 952-968 The fallacy of perfect regulatory controls: Lessons from database surveillance of migration in West Germany from the 1950s to the 1970s
by Elisabeth Badenhoop - 969-986 The ratio of vision to data: Promoting emergent science and technologies through promissory regulation, the case of the FDA and personalised medicine
by Stuart Hogarth & Paul Martin - 987-1006 Tariff liberalization and product standards: Regulatory chill and race to the bottom?
by Emma Aisbett & Magdalene Silberberger
April 2021, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 245-261 States' interests as limits to the power of finance: Regulatory reforms in early local government financialization in the US and UK
by Christine Trampusch & Florian Fastenrath - 262-279 Mixing business with politics: Does corporate social responsibility end where lobbying transparency begins?
by Alvise Favotto & Kelly Kollman - 280-297 When does open government shut? Predicting government responses to citizen information requests
by Benjamin E. Bagozzi & Daniel Berliner & Zack W. Almquist - 298-316 Regulatory enforcement against organizational insiders: Interactions in the pursuit of individual accountability
by Aleksandra Jordanoska - 317-332 Participation rationales, regulatory enforcement, and compliance motivations in a voluntary program context
by David P. Carter & Saba Siddiki - 333-355 Mainstreamed voluntary sustainability standards and their effectiveness: Evidence from the Honduran coffee sector
by Thomas Dietz & Janina Grabs & Andrea Estrella Chong - 356-369 Responsibilization: The case of road safety governance
by Erik Hysing - 370-387 The political economy of local government financialization and the role of policy diffusion
by Armin Mertens & Christine Trampusch & Florian Fastenrath & Rebecca Wangemann - 388-407 The problem of regulatory arbitrage: A transaction cost economics perspective
by Heikki Marjosola - 408-427 Information provision as agenda setting: A study of bureaucracy's role in higher education policy
by Tracey Bark - 428-441 A reputation for what, to whom, and in which task environment: A commentary
by Jan Boon & Heidi H. Salomonsen & Koen Verhoest
January 2021, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 3-16 Trust, regulation, and redistribution why some governments overregulate and under‐redistribute
by Nicholas Charron & Niklas Harring & Victor Lapuente - 17-31 Can decision transparency increase citizen trust in regulatory agencies? Evidence from a representative survey experiment
by Stephan Grimmelikhuijsen & Feie Herkes & Ian Leistikow & Jos Verkroost & Femke de Vries & Wilte G. Zijlstra - 32-62 Decoupling trends: Drivers of agency independence in telecommunications: An analysis of high and middle‐income countries
by Işık D. Özel & Aslı Unan - 63-81 Collective action and social contagion: Community gardens as a case study
by Michal Shur‐Ofry & Ofer Malcai - 82-97 Myths and numbers on whistleblower rewards
by Theo Nyreröd & Giancarlo Spagnolo - 98-114 Cyber insurance and private governance: The enforcement power of markets
by Trey Herr - 115-132 Toward “hardened” accountability? Analyzing the European Union's hybrid transnational governance in timber and biofuel supply chains
by Christine Moser & Sina Leipold - 133-151 Max Weber in the tropics: How global climate politics facilitates the bureaucratization of forestry in Indonesia
by Markus Lederer & Chris Höhne - 152-167 Business conflict and international law: The political economy of copyright in the United States
by Madison Cartwright - 168-184 The local political economy of the regulatory state: Governing affordable housing in England
by Liam Clegg & Fay Farstad - 185-199 Get in line: Do part‐time legislatures use sunset laws to keep executive agencies in check
by Brian Baugus & Feler Bose & Jeffry Jacob - 200-225 In the shadow of sunshine regulation: Explaining disclosure biases
by Thomas Bolognesi & Géraldine Pflieger - 226-242 Private facilitators of public regulation: A study of the environmental consulting industry
by Dave Owen
October 2020, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 619-636 Competence versus control: The governor's dilemma
by Kenneth W. Abbott & Philipp Genschel & Duncan Snidal & Bernhard Zangl - 637-652 Experts, regulatory capture, and the “governor's dilemma”: The politics of hurricane risk science and insurance
by Jessica Weinkle - 653-673 Why do junctures become critical? Political discourse, agency, and joint belief shifts in comparative perspective
by Adrian Rinscheid & Burkard Eberlein & Patrick Emmenegger & Volker Schneider - 674-697 The challenges of upward regulatory harmonization: The case of sustainability reporting in the European Union
by Daniel Kinderman - 698-717 Bad governance: How privatization increases corruption in the developing world
by Bernhard Reinsberg & Thomas Stubbs & Alexander Kentikelenis & Lawrence King - 718-740 Agencification and the administration of courts in Israel
by Guy Lurie & Amnon Reichman & Yair Sagy - 741-763 Autonomous agencies and relational contracts in government bond issues
by Tal Sadeh & Yehuda Porath - 764-786 Exploring the determinants of higher education performance in Western Europe: A qualitative comparative analysis
by Giliberto Capano & Andrea Pritoni - 787-803 Does regulation matter? A cross‐national analysis of the impact of gun policies on homicide and suicide rates
by Steffen Hurka & Christoph Knill - 804-820 Effect of trade and manufacturer traceability on the environmental performance of local companies in emerging economies
by Yael Barash‐Harman - 821-839 Building popular legitimacy with reconciliatory gestures and participation: A community‐level model of authority
by Thomas C. O'Brien & Tom R. Tyler & Tracey L. Meares - 840-860 Nonjudicial business regulation and community access to remedy
by Fiona Haines & Kate Macdonald
July 2020, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 391-408 Unity and conflict: Explaining financial industry lobbying success in European Union public consultations
by Adam W. Chalmers - 409-427 Debt in just societies: A general framework for regulating credit
by John Linarelli - 428-446 Conflict of interest regulation in European parliaments: Studying the evolution of complex regulatory regimes
by Nicole Bolleyer & Valeria Smirnova & Fabrizio Di Mascio & Alessandro Natalini - 447-464 Revisiting the governance of privacy: Contemporary policy instruments in global perspective
by Colin J. Bennett & Charles D. Raab - 465-480 Out of tune or well tempered? How competition agencies direct the orchestrating state
by Herman Lelieveldt - 481-500 Do exemptions undermine environmental policy support? An experimental stress test on the odd‐even road space rationing policy in India
by Thomas Bernauer & Aseem Prakash & Liam F. Beiser‐McGrath - 501-513 Lobbying the state or the market? A framework to study civil society organizations’ strategic behavior
by Francesca Colli & Johan Adriaensen - 514-530 Horses for courses: China's accommodative approach to food standard‐setting in response to the internationalization of regulation
by May Chu - 531-550 Policing alienated minorities in divided cities
by Avital Mentovich & Guy Ben‐Porat & Natalie Levy & Phillip A. Goff & Tom Tyler - 551-567 Certifying a state forestry agency in Quebec: Complementarity and conflict around government responsibilities, indigenous rights, and certification of the state as forest manager
by Stephen Wyatt & Sara Teitelbaum - 568-598 Governing sustainable palm oil supply: Disconnects, complementarities, and antagonisms between state regulations and private standards
by Pablo Pacheco & George Schoneveld & Ahmad Dermawan & Heru Komarudin & Marcel Djama - 599-615 The culture of risk regulation: Responses to environmental disasters
by Salvador Parrado
April 2020, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 167-183 Regulation and governance versus criminology: Disciplinary divides, intersections, and opportunities
by Paul Almond & Judith van Erp - 184-202 Linking democratic anchorage and regulatory authority: The case of internet regulators
by Christian Ewert & Céline Kaufmann & Martino Maggetti - 203-218 The Regulatory Gift: Politics, regulation and governance
by Jude Browne - 219-237 Stakeholder involvement in collaborative regulatory processes: Using automated coding to track attendance and actions
by Tyler A. Scott & Nicola Ulibarri & Ryan P. Scott - 238-255 Regulating lobbying activities in the European Union: A voluntary club perspective
by Andreea Năstase & Claire Muurmans - 256-270 Religious tides: The time‐variant effect of religion on morality policies
by Christoph Knill & Xavier Fernández‐i‐Marín & Emma Budde & Stephan Heichel - 271-294 Anatomy of agency capture: An organizational typology for diagnosing and remedying capture
by Justin Rex - 295-315 Technocracy, the market and the governance of England's National Health Service
by David P. Horton & Gary Lynch‐Wood - 316-327 Complaining about rivals: Indifference, cooperation, and competition in the governance of advertising
by Robert Cluley - 328-343 Business interests in salmon aquaculture certification: Competition or collective action?
by Irja Vormedal & Lars H. Gulbrandsen - 344-361 A typology of board design for highly effective monitoring in intergovernmental organizations under the United Nations system
by Ryan Federo & Angel Saz‐Carranza - 362-387 Assessing the institutionalization of private sustainability governance in a changing coffee sector
by Janina Grabs
January 2020, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 3-25 Community structure and the behavior of transnational sustainability governors: Toward a multi‐relational approach
by Luc Fransen & Jelmer Schalk & Graeme Auld - 26-43 Patrons against clients: Electoral uncertainty and bureaucratic tenure in politicized states
by Christian Schuster - 44-62 Understanding voluntary program performance: Introducing the diffusion network perspective
by Jeroen van der Heijden - 63-81 Explaining the birthright citizenship lottery: Longitudinal and cross‐national evidence for key determinants
by Omer Solodoch & Udi Sommer - 82-101 Executive control of bureaucracy and presidential cabinet appointments in East Asian democracies
by Don S. Lee - 102-120 Agencies’ formal independence and credible commitment in the Latin American regulatory state: A comparative analysis of 8 countries and 13 sectors
by Andrés Pavón Mediano - 121-149 Promoting customer engagement: A new trend in utility regulation
by Robert Hahn & Robert Metcalfe & Florian Rundhammer - 150-164 Does regulating remuneration affect the market value of European Union banks? Large versus small/medium sized banks
by Belén Díaz Díaz & Rebeca García‐Ramos & Myriam García Olalla
December 2019, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 447-469 Governance through global networks and corporate signaling
by Oren Perez & Reuven Cohen & Nir Schreiber - 470-487 Pedagogy of regulation: Strategies and instruments to supervise learning from adverse events
by Josje Kok & Ian Leistikow & Roland Bal - 488-506 Transparency in transnational governance: The determinants of information disclosure of voluntary sustainability programs
by Philip Schleifer & Matteo Fiorini & Graeme Auld - 507-519 Understanding “corruption” in regulatory agencies: The case of food inspection in Saudi Arabia
by Saad Al‐Mutairi & Ian Connerton & Robert Dingwall - 520-539 Performance‐based design, expertise asymmetry, and professionalism: Fire safety regulation in the neoliberal era
by Graham Spinardi - 540-560 Political interference and regulatory resilience in Brazil
by Paulo Correa & Marcus Melo & Bernardo Mueller & Carlos Pereira - 561-576 When public principals give up control over private agents: The new independence of ICANN in internet governance
by Manuel Becker - 577-592 Balancing experimentalist and hierarchical governance in European Union electricity and telecommunications regulation: A matter of degrees
by Emmanuelle Mathieu & Bernardo Rangoni - 593-608 Reforming regulatory relationships: The impact of medical revalidation on doctors, employers, and the General Medical Council in the United Kingdom
by Abigail Tazzyman & Marie Bryce & Jane Ferguson & Kieran Walshe & Alan Boyd & Tristan Price & John Tredinnick‐Rowe
September 2019, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 301-320 Austerity or welfare state transformation? Examining the impact of economic crises on social regulation in Europe
by Yves Steinebach & Christoph Knill & Jacint Jordana - 321-339 Restraining Gulliver: Institutional reform and the strengthening of state capacity and compliance
by Kimberly A. Nolan García & Mark Aspinwall - 340-361 Uber Über regulation? Regulatory change following the emergence of new technologies in the taxi market
by Amit Tzur - 362-383 Technocracy, democracy, and public policy: An evaluation of public participation in retrospective regulatory review
by Mercy B. DeMenno - 384-404 Authoritarian but responsive: Local regulation of industrial energy efficiency in Jiangsu, China
by Junming Zhu & Marian R. Chertow - 405-430 Perils of development funding? The tale of EU Funds and grand corruption in Central and Eastern Europe
by Mihály Fazekas & Lawrence Peter King - 431-444 Regulating factory safety in the Bangladeshi garment industry
by Philip James & Lilian Miles & Richard Croucher & Mark Houssart
June 2019, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 127-140 Exploring the formal and informal roles of regulatory intermediaries in transnational multistakeholder regulation
by Luc Brès & Sébastien Mena & Marie‐Laure Salles‐Djelic - 141-156 Intermediary roles in regulatory programs: Toward a role‐based framework
by Arno Kourula & Markus Paukku & Andrew Peterman & Mikko Koria - 157-176 Private regulatory capture via harmonization: An analysis of global retailer regulatory intermediaries
by José Carlos Marques - 177-196 Between regulatory field structuring and organizational roles: Intermediation in the field of sustainable urban development
by Joel Bothello & Afshin Mehrpouya - 197-219 Opaque transparency: How material affordances shape intermediary work
by Miron Avidan & Dror Etzion & Joel Gehman - 220-239 Numbers in regulatory intermediation: Exploring the role of performance measurement between legitimacy and compliance
by Afshin Mehrpouya & Rita Samiolo - 240-259 The European regulation of corporate social responsibility: The role of beneficiaries' intermediaries
by David Monciardini & Guido Conaldi - 260-279 Big audit firms as regulatory intermediaries in transnational labor governance
by Luc Fransen & Genevieve LeBaron - 280-298 Jurisgenerative role of auditors in transnational labor governance
by Phillip Paiement
March 2019, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 3-17 Regulating drinking through alcohol taxation and minimum unit pricing: A historical perspective on alcohol pricing interventions
by Henry Yeomans - 18-34 Transparency in multilateral climate politics: Furthering (or distracting from) accountability?
by Aarti Gupta & Harro van Asselt - 35-50 Missing links between regulatory resources and risk concerns: Evidence from the case of food safety in China
by Liang Ma & Peng Liu - 51-69 Coordinating intermediaries: The prospects and limitations of professional associations in decentralized regulation
by David P. Carter & Nadia Mahallati - 70-85 Passing the buck? Analyzing the delegation of discretion after transposition of European Union law
by Nora Dörrenbächer & Ellen Mastenbroek - 86-106 Governance gaps in eradicating forced labor: From global to domestic supply chains
by Andrew Crane & Genevieve LeBaron & Jean Allain & Laya Behbahani - 107-124 Does intellectual property lead to economic growth? Insights from a novel IP dataset
by E. Richard Gold & Jean‐Frédéric Morin & Erica Shadeed
December 2018, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 431-450 How does knowledge circulate in a regulatory network? Observing a European Platform of Regulatory Authorities meeting
by Yannis Papadopoulos - 451-465 Bridging critical institutionalism and fragmented authoritarianism in China: An analysis of centralized water policies and their local implementation in semi‐arid irrigation districts
by Raymond Yu Wang & Tao Liu & Heping Dang - 466-485 Regulating Islamic banks in authoritarian settings: Malaysia and the United Arab Emirates in comparative perspective
by Fulya Apaydin - 486-504 Understanding the ASEAN way of regional qualification governance: The case of mutual recognition agreements in the professional service sector
by Shintaro Hamanaka & Sufian Jusoh - 505-523 Algorithmic regulation: A critical interrogation
by Karen Yeung - 524-540 Agency proliferation and the globalization of the regulatory state: Introducing a data set on the institutional features of regulatory agencies
by Jacint Jordana & Xavier Fernández‐i‐Marín & Andrea C. Bianculli
September 2018, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 317-333 Multinationals as global institution: Power, authority and relative autonomy
by John Gerard Ruggie - 334-352 Ideological influences on governance and regulation: The comparative case of supreme courts
by Keren Weinshall & Udi Sommer & Ya'acov Ritov - 353-370 The redistributive impact of hypocrisy in international taxation
by Lukas Hakelberg & Max Schaub - 371-394 Regulation under uncertainty: The coevolution of industry and regulation
by Charles Sabel & Gary Herrigel & Peer Hull Kristensen - 395-412 Credible commitment without independent regulatory agent: Evidence from the Security Council's United Nations Compensation Commission
by Manuel Becker & Thomas Dörfler & Thomas Gehring - 413-427 Limits of regulatory responsiveness: Democratic credentials of responsive regulation
by Seung‐Hun Hong & Jong‐sung You
June 2018, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 177-191 Two spheres of regulation: Balancing social and economic goals
by Sandra Eckert - 192-219 Temporary legislation, better regulation, and experimentalist governance: An empirical study
by Ittai Bar‐Siman‐Tov - 220-237 Partisan politics, welfare states, and environmental policy outputs in the OECD countries, 1975–2005
by Sijeong Lim & Andreas Duit - 238-262 Interest group representation in the formal design of European Union agencies
by Ixchel Pérez Durán - 263-276 Transnational delegation in global environmental governance: When do non‐state actors govern?
by Jessica F. Green - 277-298 Experimental analysis of the effect of standards on compliance and performance
by Constantine Boussalis & Yuval Feldman & Henry E. Smith - 299-313 Regulatory Analysis Procedures and Political Influence on Bureaucratic Policymaking
by Neal D. Woods
March 2018, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 3-22 A worldwide consensus on nudging? Not quite, but almost
by Cass R. Sunstein & Lucia A. Reisch & Julius Rauber - 23-45 Public orchestration, social networks, and transnational environmental governance: Lessons from the aviation industry
by Lasse Folke Henriksen & Stefano Ponte - 46-63 Regulatory inspection and the changing legitimacy of health and safety
by Paul Almond & Mike Esbester - 64-87 Experimentalism in transnational forest governance: Implementing European Union Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Voluntary Partnership Agreements in Indonesia and Ghana
by Christine Overdevest & Jonathan Zeitlin - 88-100 A decision analytic model to guide early‐stage government regulatory action: Applications for synthetic biology
by Benjamin Trump & Christopher Cummings & Jennifer Kuzma & Igor Linkov - 101-114 Citizen co‐production of cyber security: Self‐help, vigilantes, and cybercrime
by Lennon Y.C. Chang & Lena Y. Zhong & Peter N. Grabosky - 115-130 Beyond regulatory capture: Coproducing expertise for critical infrastructure protection
by Rebecca Slayton & Aaron Clark‐Ginsberg - 131-149 Toward the usable recognition of individual benefits and costs in regulatory analysis and governance
by Carl F. Cranor & Adam M. Finkel - 150-170 The politics of resonance: Transnational sustainability governance in Argentina
by Alejandro Milcíades Peña
December 2017, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 325-342 Explaining the content of impact assessment in the United Kingdom: Learning across time, sectors, and departments
by Oliver Fritsch & Jonathan C. Kamkhaji & Claudio M. Radaelli - 343-352 Does transnational private governance reduce or displace labor abuses? Addressing sorting dynamics across global supply chains
by Mathias Koenig‐Archibugi - 353-367 Role perceptions and attitudes toward discretion at a decentralized regulatory frontline: The case of organic inspectors
by David P. Carter - 368-387 Can the hidden hand of the market be an effective and legitimate regulator? The case of animal welfare under a labeling for consumer choice policy approach
by Christine Parker & Rachel Carey & Josephine De Costa & Gyorgy Scrinis - 388-403 International diffusion of regulatory governance: EU actorness in public procurement
by Stella Ladi & Dimitris Tsarouhas - 404-421 Who opposes labor regulation? Explaining variation in employers’ opinions
by Matthew Amengual & Salo Coslovsky & Duanyi Yang - 422-437 Post‐crisis reforms in banking: Regulators at the interface between domestic and international governance
by Lucia Quaglia & Aneta Spendzharova - 438-450 Institutional design of ecolabels: Sponsorship signals rule strength
by Nicole Darnall & Hyunjung Ji & Matthew Potoski
September 2017, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 231-251 Are integrated impact assessments the way forward for mainstreaming in the European Union?
by Stijn Smismans & Rachel Minto