September 2010, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 365-382 Addressing the next wave of Internet regulation: Toward a workable principle for nondiscrimination
by Robert Hahn & Robert Litan & Hal Singer
June 2010, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 113-134 Governance without a state: Can it work?
by Tanja A. Börzel & Thomas Risse - 135-153 Developmental states, civil society, and public health: Patent regulation for HIV/AIDS pharmaceuticals in India and Brazil
by Thomas Eimer & Susanne Lütz - 154-174 Contested hybridization of regulation: Failure of the Dutch regulatory system to protect minors from harmful media
by Bärbel R. Dorbeck‐Jung & Mirjan J. Oude Vrielink & Jordy F. Gosselt & Joris J. Van Hoof & Menno D. T. De Jong - 175-202 Institutional processes and regulatory risk: A case study of the Thai energy sector
by Darryl S. L. Jarvis - 203-229 Varieties of corporate social responsibility (CSR): CSR meets the “Nordic Model”
by Maria Gjølberg - 230-243 A short history of studying incremental institutional change: Does Explaining Institutional Change provide any new explanations?
by Jeroen Van Der Heijden - 244-260 Tracing and periodizing China's food safety regulation: A study on China's food safety regime change
by Peng Liu
March 2010, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-2 Regulation & Governance Best Article Prize winners for 2009
by Carol Heimer & Robert A. Kagan & David Levi‐Faur & David Vogel - 3-21 Optimization and its discontents in regulatory design: Bank regulation as an example
by William H. Simon - 22-47 Trust but verify? Voluntary regulation programs in the nonprofit sector
by Aseem Prakash & Mary Kay Gugerty - 48-70 The role of inspection sequence in compliance with the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) standards: Interpretations and implications
by Kilkon Ko & John Mendeloff & Wayne Gray - 71-91 Improving democratic governance through institutional design: Civic participation and democratic ownership in Europe
by Chris Skelcher & Jacob Torfing - 92-112 Unpackaging synthetic biology: Identification of oversight policy problems and options
by Jennifer Kuzma & Todd Tanji
December 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 311-333 Legitimating beliefs: Sources and indicators
by Margaret Levi & Audrey Sacks - 334-359 The regulatory state and the UK Labour Government's re‐regulation of provision in the English National Health Service
by John S. F. Wright - 360-375 Regulation and voluntarism: A case study of governance in the making
by Tamar Barkay - 376-399 Testing responsive regulation in regulatory enforcement
by Vibeke Lehmann Nielsen & Christine Parker - 400-420 Comparing the legitimacy and effectiveness of global hard and soft law: An analytical framework
by Sylvia I. Karlsson‐Vinkhuyzen & Antto Vihma - 421-441 Citizen oversight of independent police services: Bifurcated accountability, regulation creep, and lesson learning
by Graham Smith
September 2009, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 197-216 Power to the legal professionals: Is there an Americanization of European law?
by Frans Van Waarden - 217-234 “Adversarial legalism” in the German system of industrial relations?
by Britta Rehder - 235-258 Adversarialism versus legalism: Juridification and litigation in corporate governance reform
by John W. Cioffi - 259-286 From corporatism to lawyocracy? On liberalization and juridification
by Frans Van Waarden & Youri Hildebrand - 287-290 Can social science numbers save public policy from politics?
by Bruce G. Carruthers - 291-297 The political valuation of life
by Marion Fourcade - 298-305 Valuing lives, valuing risks, and respecting preferences in regulatory analysis
by Lisa A. Robinson - 306-309 Reply to the comments on “The devaluation of life”
by W. Kip Viscusi
June 2009, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 103-127 The devaluation of life
by W. Kip Viscusi - 128-144 Divided government and US federal rulemaking
by Jason Webb Yackee & Susan Webb Yackee - 145-164 Counting on codes: An examination of transnational codes as a regulatory governance mechanism for nanotechnologies
by Diana M. Bowman & Graeme A. Hodge - 165-185 Not again! Public perception, regulation, and nanotechnology
by Douglas J. Sylvester & Kenneth W. Abbott & Gary E. Marchant - 186-195 The German Gemeinwirtschaftslehre: Implications for modern nonprofit economics
by Vladislav Valentinov
March 2009, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-26 Nurturing regulatory compliance: Is procedural justice effective when people question the legitimacy of the law?
by Kristina Murphy & Tom R. Tyler & Amy Curtis - 27-47 Responsive regulation at the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority: An empirical assessment of assumptions underlying the theory
by Peter Mascini & Eelco Van Wijk - 48-71 Cost–benefit analysis: New foundations on shifting sand
by Amy Sinden & Douglas A. Kysar & David M. Driesen - 72-83 New foundations of cost–benefit analysis
by Matthew Adler & Eric A. Posner - 84-102 Salt, high blood pressure, and performance‐based regulation
by Stephen D. Sugarman
December 2008, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 381-382 Change and challenge in regulation and governance
by John Braithwaite & Cary Coglianese & David Levi‐Faur - 383-404 Sharing sovereignty for global regulation: The cases of fuel economy and online gambling
by John Mikler - 405-424 An evaluation of the quality of impact assessment in the European Union with lessons for the US and the EU
by Caroline Cecot & Robert Hahn & Andrea Renda & Lorna Schrefler - 425-444 The case of the camera in the kitchen: Surveillance, privacy, sanctions, and governance
by Edna Ullmann‐Margalit - 445-458 The liberalization and (re)regulation of Dutch gambling markets: National consequences of the changing European context
by Sytze F. Kingma - 459-479 Even clubs can’t do without legitimacy: Why the anti‐money laundering blacklist was suspended
by Rainer Hülsse - 480-484 The cybersecurity challenge
by Michael Chertoff
September 2008, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 275-292 Compliance costs, regulation, and environmental performance: Controlling truck emissions in the US
by Dorothy Thornton & Robert A. Kagan & Neil Gunningham - 293-315 What do we really know? The effect of reporting thresholds on inferences using environmental right‐to‐know data
by Lori S. Bennear - 316-339 The influence of foreign direct investment on contracting confidence in developing countries
by John S. Ahlquist & Aseem Prakash - 340-359 Regulation through titling laws: A case study of occupational regulation
by Dick M. Carpenter - 360-380 An overview: A new era of tax enforcement – from “big stick” to responsive regulation
by Sagit Leviner
June 2008, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 137-164 Constructing and contesting legitimacy and accountability in polycentric regulatory regimes
by Julia Black - 165-192 Decentralized enforcement in organizations: An experimental approach
by Yuval Feldman & Orly Lobel - 193-215 Regulation lite: The rise of emissions trading
by Robert Baldwin - 216-233 Wheat from chaff: Third‐party monitoring and FEC enforcement actions
by Todd Lochner & Dorie Apollonio & Rhett Tatum - 234-252 Infinitely repeated contests: How strategic interaction affects the efficiency of governance
by Sherrill Shaffer & Jason Shogren - 253-273 Limits to non‐state market regulation: A qualitative comparative analysis of the international sport footwear industry and the Fair Labor Association
by Axel Marx
March 2008, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-8 Health care and new governance: The quest for effective regulation
by Louise G. Trubek & Joseph V Rees & A. Bryce Hoflund & Marybeth Farquhar & Carol A Heimer - 9-29 The orderly use of experience: Pragmatism and the development of hospital industry self‐regulation
by Joseph V. Rees - 30-47 Thinking about how to avoid thought: Deep norms, shallow rules, and the structure of attention
by Carol A. Heimer - 48-64 A revisionist model of hospital licensure
by John Blum - 65-84 Regulatory innovation in the governance of human subjects research: A cautionary tale and some modest proposals
by Scott Burris - 85-102 Hybrid design, systemic rigidity: Institutional dynamics in human research oversight
by Sydney Halpern - 103-120 The European Union’s governance of health care and the welfare modernization agenda
by Tamara K Hervey - 121-135 Challenges of democratic experimentalism: A case study of the National Quality Forum in health care
by A. Bryce Hoflund & Marybeth Farquhar
December 2007, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 271-294 De facto independence after delegation: A fuzzy‐set analysis
by Martino Maggetti - 295-311 Do markets enhance convergence on international standards? The case of financial regulation
by Hyoung‐Kyu Chey - 312-328 Flexible enforcement and fine adjustment
by Christopher S. Decker - 329-346 Seeking forgiveness in an intergroup context: Angolan, Guinean, Mozambican, and East Timorese perspectives
by Félix Neto & Conceição Pinto & Etienne Mullet - 347-371 Can non‐state global governance be legitimate? An analytical framework
by Steven Bernstein & Benjamin Cashore - 372-384 Trade liberalization and the spread of regulatory institutions: The case of Chile
by Benedicte Bull
September 2007, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 183-196 Globalization and institutional competitiveness
by Martin Marcussen & Lars Bo Kaspersen - 197-212 Multinationals and institutional competitiveness
by Peer Hull Kristensen & Glenn Morgan - 213-229 Institutional competitiveness, social investment, and welfare regimes
by Paul Bernard & Guillaume Boucher - 230-246 Institutional competitiveness in the global economy: Denmark, the United States, and the varieties of capitalism
by John L. Campbell & Ove K. Pedersen - 247-260 Contemporary challenges to the German vocational training system
by Kathleen Thelen - 261-270 Neoinstitutionalism: Still no intellectual hegemony?
by Colin Crouch
June 2007, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 99-120 Globalization and legal change: The “Americanization” of European law?
by Robert A. Kagan - 121-138 When trade liberalization turns into regulatory reform: The impact on business–government relations in international trade politics
by Cornelia Woll & Alvaro Artigas - 139-153 Does border enforcement deter unauthorized immigration? The case of Mexican migration to the United States of America
by Wayne A. Cornelius & Idean Salehyan - 154-171 On the value of formal assessment of uncertainty in regulatory analysis
by Judson Jaffe & Robert N. Stavins - 172-182 The economic significance of “insignificant” rules
by Robert Hahn & Caroline Cecot
March 2007, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-7 Can regulation and governance make a difference?
by John Braithwaite & Cary Coglianese & David Levi‐Faur - 8-26 Regulatory regimes and accountability
by Peter J. May - 27-45 From government to governance: External influences on business risk management
by Bridget M. Hutter & Clive J. Jones - 46-67 Information technology and public commenting on agency regulations
by Steven J. Balla & Benjamin M. Daniels - 68-87 Regulation by generalization
by Frederick Schauer & Richard Zeckhauser - 88-97 Governing the ungovernable: The challenge of a global disaggregation of authority
by James N. Rosenau