2008, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 406-406 Good governance and development. Edited by B.C. Smith, (Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, pp. xiii + 320)
by Gerard Clarke - 407-407 In or out of the mainstream? Lessons from research on disability and development cooperation. Edited by Bill Albert
by Sally Hartley - 407-409 Security by other means: foreign assistance, global poverty and American leadership. Edited by Lael Brainard (Washington DC: Brookings Institution Press and Centre for Strategic and International Studies, 2006. pp. 364 + xi)
by Alan Ingram - 409-411 The poor always pay back: the Grameen II story by Asif Dowla and Dipal Barua (Kumarian Press, 2006, pp. 263, ISBN 1-56549-231-5)
by Rita Mathew - 411-412 Solving the riddle of globalization and development. Edited by Manuel R. Agosin, David E. Bloom, Georges Chapelier and Jagdish Saigal (London: Routledge for and on behalf of UNCTAD-UNDP Global Programme on Globalization, Liberalization and Sustainable Human Development, 2007). Series: Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy. ISBN: 978-0-415-77031-6, H|bk, 272pp; ISBN: 978-0-415-77032-3, P|bk, 272pp
by Alice Sindzingre
2008, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 117-131 Poverty, networks and location: the determinants of job-search in South Africa
by Timothy Hinks - 132-144 Measuring regional inequality of education in China: widening coast-inland gap or widening rural-urban gap?
by Xiaolei Qian & Russell Smyth - 145-160 The business cycle in postwar Lebanon
by Ghassan Dibeh - 161-180 Geopolitics and the effect of foreign aid on economic growth: 1970-2001
by Derek Headey - 181-186 Relationships among household saving, public saving, corporate saving and economic growth in India
by Dipendra Sinha & Tapen Sinha - 187-192 Introduction: European Union Development Aid Policy-the challenge of implementation
by Stephen J. H. Dearden - 193-204 Alleviating the consequences of marginalisation? EU aid policy towards the Caribbean ACPs
by Peter L. Clegg - 205-217 EU aid policy towards the Pacific ACPs
by Stephen J. H. Dearden - 218-229 Better aid, less ownership: multi-annual programming and the EU's development strategies in Africa
by Maurizio Carbone - 230-244 Development through integration? EU aid reform and the evolution of Mediterranean aid policy
by Patrick Holden - 245-246 The economics of microfinance, by Beatriz Armendariz de Aghion and Jonathan Morduch (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2005, pp. 352)
by Marek Hudon - 247-248 Small firms and the environment in developing countries: collective impacts collective actions, edited by Allen Blackman (Washington DC: Resource for the Future, 2006 pp. 246)
by Caterina De Lucia - 248-249 India's and China's recent experience with reform and growth. Edited by Wanda Tseng and David Cowen (London: Palgrave Macmillan for the International Monetary Fund, 2005, pp. 307)
by John Thoburn - 250-251 Tourists, migrants and refugees: population movements in third world development by Milica Z. Bookman (Lynne Rienner Publishers: Boulder, London, 2006, pp. 217)
by Jane Carnaffan - 251-252 Indigenous peoples and poverty: an international perspective, edited by Robyn Eversole, John-Andrew McNeish and Alberto D. Cimadamore (Zed Books: London, 2005, pp. 320). ISBN 1-84277-679-7
by Paul W. Hanson - 252-254 Promoting democracy in postconflict societies, by J. De Zeeuw and K. Kumar (eds) (2006). Lynne Rienner Publishing: Boulder and London. ISBN 978-1-58826-422-0 (pbk) ISBN 1-58826-446-7 (hbk)
by Alex Jeffrey - 254-255 Escape from empire: the developing world's journey through heaven and hell, by Alice H. Amsden (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2007, pp. 197)
by Richard Edward Martinez
2008, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-11 Gender and collective action: motivations, effectiveness and impact
by Lauren Pandolfelli & Ruth Meinzen-Dick & Stephan Dohrn - 13-33 Separate but equal? The gendered nature of social capital in rural Philippine communities
by Marie Godquin & Agnes R. Quisumbing - 35-52 Gender, social capital and information exchange in rural Uganda
by Enid Katungi & Svetlana Edmeades & Melinda Smale - 53-68 Gender and local floodplain management institutions: a case study from Bangladesh
by Parvin Sultana & Paul Thompson - 69-81 Local organisation and gender in water management: a case study from the Kenya Highlands
by Elizabeth Were & Jessica Roy & Brent Swallow - 83-97 Collective action in agrobiodiversity management: gendered rules of reputation, trust and reciprocity in Kerala, India
by Martina Aruna Padmanabhan - 99-116 A framework for evaluating effectiveness and inclusiveness of collective action in watershed management
by Laura German & Hailemichael Taye
2007, Volume 19, Issue 8
- 1023-1042 Surviving the years of infancy: longevity among small firms in Nigeria, 1971-1997
by Monibo A. Sam - 1043-1058 Sustainable development and institutional change: evidence from the Tiogo Forest in Burkina Faso
by Philippe Dulbecco & Martin Yelkouni - 1059-1073 TFP growth and resource allocation in Singapore, 1965-2002
by K. Ali Akkemik - 1074-1098 Foreign sectoral aid fungibility, growth and poverty reduction
by Jan Pettersson - 1099-1113 The poverty transition: when, how and what next?
by Renuka Mahadevan - 1114-1130 A poverty-focused evaluation of commodity tax options
by B. Essama-Nssah - 1131-1142 Coffee price volatility in Ethiopia: effects of market reform programmes
by Firdu Gemech & John Struthers - 1143-1150 Panel studies in developing countries: case analysis of sample attrition over the past 16 years within the birth to twenty cohort in Johannesburg, South Africa
by Shane A. Norris & Linda M. Richter & Stella A. Fleetwood - 1151-1164 Reducing poverty through fisheries co-management: an analysis of design and intentions in Uganda
by Fiona Nunan - 1165-1166 Rural India facing the 21st century: essays on long term village change and recent development policy by Barbara Harriss-White and S. Janakarajan, (London: Anthem Press, 2004, pp. 539 + xxvii)
by Supriya Garikipati - 1166-1168 Rethinking bank regulation: till angels govern, by James R. Barth, Gerard Caprio Jr., and Ross Levine (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006, pp. 428+xiv)
by Niels Hermes
2007, Volume 19, Issue 7
- 865-884 Alternative care giving in the context of Aids in southern Africa: complex strategies for care
by Lorraine van Blerk & Nicola Ansell - 885-894 Migration and welfare: a very simple model
by Roberto Cellini - 895-918 Bargaining power and efficiency-rural households in Ethiopia
by Holger Seebens & Johannes Sauer - 919-926 Roles of income and equality in poverty reduction: recent cross-country evidence
by Rati Ram - 927-948 Learning from structural adjustment: why selectivity may not be the key to successful programmes in Africa
by Farhad Noorbakhsh & Alberto Paloni - 949-962 Financial crisis in Malaysia: did FDI flows contribute to vulnerability?
by Anita Giselle Doraisami - 963-974 No Eastern and Central European left behind: a cross country regression for fertility, human capital and market economy
by Mustafa Seref Akin & Valerica Vlad - 975-981 Improving access to reproductive and child health services in developing countries: are competitive voucher schemes an option?
by M. R. Bhatia & A. C. Gorter - 982-996 Scientific collaboration and the Kerala model: does the internet make a difference?
by Radhamany Sooryamoorthy & Ricardo B. Duque & Marcus Antonius Ynalvez & Wesley Shrum - 997-1015 Aid and competition in procurement auctions: a case of highway projects
by Atsushi Iimi - 1016-1019 On more ambitious conditional cash transfers, social protection and permanent reduction of poverty
by José Cuesta - 1020-1021 Fair trade for all, by Joseph Stiglitz and Andrew Charlton (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005, pp. 315 + xxvii)
by Oliver Morrissey - 1021-1022 Chronic poverty and development policy in India, edited by Aasha Kapur Mehta and Andrew Shepherd (New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2006, pp. 408)
by Kunal Sen
2007, Volume 19, Issue 6
- 723-734 The private sector, poverty reduction and international development
by Chris Garforth & Chris Phillips & Seema Bhatia-Panthaki - 735-753 Trade facilitation, regulatory quality and export performance
by Tomasz Iwanow & Colin Kirkpatrick - 755-764 The role of food standards in international trade: evidence from Brazilian beef exports to the EU market
by Luciana Marques Vieira & W. Bruce Traill - 765-779 Economic growth and the environment in Transitional China-an old topic with new perspectives
by Dongyong Zhang & Uma Kambhampati & Stephen Morse - 781-792 The case for accelerating profit-making at the base of the pyramid: what could and should the donor community be seeking to do, and what results should it expect?
by Bob Fitch & Leif Sorensen - 793-804 Enterprise development in Zambia: reflections on the missing middle
by Christine Phillips & Seema Bhatia-Panthaki - 805-816 From policy to practice: changing government attitudes towards the private sector in Malawi
by Richard Record - 817-827 ICT assimilation and SME expansion
by Paul Matthews - 829-839 Options for private sector involvement in rural water supply provision in Pakistan
by William Kevin Tayler - 841-851 Training to address attitudes and behaviour of rural bank managers in Madhya Pradesh, India: a programme to facilitate financial inclusion
by J. Howard M. Jones & Marylin Williams & Esse Nilsson & Yashwant Thorat - 853-863 What enables innovation in the private sector? Lessons from the development of salt-tolerant hybrid rice
by J. David Reece
2007, Volume 19, Issue 5
- 545-565 Globalisation and poverty: impacts on households of employment and restructuring in the textiles industry of South Africa
by Andries Bezuidenhout & Grace Khunou & Sarah Mosoetsa & Kirsten Sutherland & John Thoburn - 567-581 Heterogeneity in informal sector mitigation of micro-enterprise credit rationing
by David W. Mushinski & Kathleen A. Pickering - 583-606 Managing new-style currency crises: the swan diagram approach revisited
by Ramkishen S. Rajan - 607-626 Education or employment-choices facing young people in Kazakhstan
by Yelena Kalyuzhnova & Uma Kambhampati - 627-652 Assessing interventions to improve child nutrition: a theory-based impact evaluation of the Bangladesh Integrated Nutrition Project
by Howard White & Edoardo Masset - 653-665 Why have the members gone? Explanations for dropout from a community-based insurance scheme
by Tara Sinha & M. Kent Ranson & Falguni Patel & Anne Mills - 667-683 Pay high in good times, pay low in bad times
by Michael Schröder & Friedrich Heinemann & Susanne Kruse & Matthias Meitner - 685-694 Contract or war? On the rules of the game in civil wars
by Benedikt Korf - 695-716 A breakthrough in women's bargaining power: the impact of microcredit
by Lutfun N. Khan Osmani - 717-718 Fiscal policy for development: poverty, reconstruction and growth, edited by Tony Addison and Alan Roe (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan for UNU-WIDER, Studies in Development Economics and Policy Series, 2004, pp. 336 + xviii)
by Andrew Mold - 718-720 Debt relief for poor countries, edited by Tony Addison, Henrik Hansen and Finn Tarp (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan for UNU-WIDER, Studies in Development Economics and Policy Series, 2004, pp. 318 + xix)
by Andrew Mold - 721-721 Erratum: Bare knuckle and better technics: trajectories of access to safe water in history and in the global south
by Ben Crow
2007, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 449-456 Special issue on human security, well-being and sustainability: rights, responsibilities and priorities
by P. B. Anand & Des Gasper - 457-472 Human security-national perspectives and global agendas: insights from national human development reports
by Richard Jolly & Deepayan Basu Ray - 473-492 Uncounted or illusory blessings? Competing responses to the Easterlin, Easterbrook and Schwartz paradoxes of well-being
by Des Gasper - 493-509 Choosing sustainable consumption: a capability perspective on indicators
by Flavio Comim & Rie Tsutsumi & Angels Varea - 511-526 Right to water and access to water: an assessment
by P. B. Anand - 527-544 New face of development assistance: public goods and changing ethics
by Todd Sandler & Daniel G. Arce
2007, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 299-314 Social capital, egalitarianism and foreign aid allocations
by Stephen Knowles - 315-332 Travel and communication and international differences in GDP per capita
by Edward Anderson - 333-355 Wage differentials between the public and private sectors in India
by Elena Glinskaya & Michael Lokshin - 357-366 Life expectancy of people living with HIV|AIDS and associated socioeconomic factors in Kenya
by Johnson Samuel Adari & Mashaallah Rahnama Moghadam & Charles N. Starnes - 367-382 Social security in developing countries: MYTH or necessity? Evidence from India
by Patricia Justino - 383-388 Development management-values and partnerships
by Alan Thomas - 389-400 The role of contestation in NGO partnerships
by Tom Harrison - 401-411 Promises of transformation: just how different are international development NGOs?
by Chris Mowles - 413-427 Steering across scales: applying a strategic-relational approach to a study of land mobilisation for road widening in Kochi
by Angelique Chettiparamb - 429-442 Impartiality through bureaucracy? A Sri Lankan approach to managing values
by Willy McCourt - 443-444 Transforming China: globalization, transition and development. By Peter Nolan (London: Anthem Press, 2004, pp. 285) Sustaining China's economic growth in the twenty-first century. Edited by Shujie Yao and Xiaming Liu (London: Routledge, 2003, pp. 320)
by John Thoburn - 444-446 Trade, growth and inequality in the era of globalization, by Kishor Sharma and Oliver Morrissey (Abingdon: Routledge, Routledge Studies in Development Economics, 2006, pp. 280 + xvi)
by Ricardo A. López - 446-447 NGO accountability: politics, principles and innovations, by Lisa Jordan and Peter Van Tuijl (London: Earthscan, 2006, pp. 257 + xii)
by Ronelle Burger - 447-448 Macroeconomic policies in the Franc Zone, by David Fielding (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005, pp. 240)
by Gilles J. Dufrénot
2007, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 149-160 The long-run impact of coups on Fiji's economy: evidence from a computable general equilibrium model
by Paresh Kumar Narayan & Biman Chand Prasad - 161-171 'Reading NGOs visually'-Implications of visual images for NGO management
by Nandita Dogra - 173-185 Comparing money and labour payment in contingent valuation: the case of forest fire prevention in Vietnamese context
by Le Trong Hung & John B. Loomis & Vu Tien Thinh - 187-203 Development management as reflective practice
by Dina Abbott & Suzanne Brown & Gordon Wilson - 205-221 Reducing landslide risk in areas of unplanned housing in the Caribbean-a Government-Community partnership model
by Malcolm Anderson & Liz Holcombe & Donovan Williams - 223-237 Mapping the grassroots: NGO formalisation in Oaxaca, Mexico
by Sarah Moore & Jamie Winders & Oliver Fröhling & John Paul Jones & Susan M. Roberts - 239-251 The nature of indigenous environmental knowledge production: evidence from Bedouin communities in southern Egypt
by John Briggs & Joanne Sharp & Hoda Yacoub & Nabila Hamed & Alan Roe - 253-273 The small-scale manufacturing sector in Ghana: a source of dynamism or of subsistence income?
by John Victor Mensah & Michael Tribe & John Weiss - 275-294 The composition of capital flows to South Africa
by Faisal Ahmed & Rabah Arezki & Norbert Funke - 295-296 Explaining growth: a global research project. Edited by Gary McMahon and Lyn Squire (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003, pp. 263)
by Daniel M'Amanja - 297-297 Erratum: Women entrepreneurs in the Gambia: challenges and opportunities
by Marina Della-Giusta & Christine Phillips
2007, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-16 Examining the technical efficiency of rice producers in Bangladesh
by Kelvin Balcombe & Iain Fraser & Mizanur Rahman & Laurence Smith - 17-54 Reform complementarities and economic growth in the Middle East and North Africa
by Mustapha Kamel Nabli & Marie-Ange Véganzonès-Varoudakis - 55-73 Higher education, policy schools, and development studies: what should masters degree students be taught?
by Michael Woolcock - 75-82 Engineering and development: interrogating concepts and practices
by Peter T. Robbins & Ben Crow - 83-98 Bare knuckle and better technics: trajectories of access to safe water in history and in the global south
by Ben Crow - 99-110 The reflexive engineer: perceptions of integrated development
by Peter T. Robbins - 111-121 The evolving role of engineers: towards sustainable development of the built environment
by Heather J. Cruickshank & Richard. A. Fenner - 123-144 Co-evolutionary design for development: influences shaping engineering design and implementation in Nepal and the global village
by Susan Murcott - 145-146 Human capital, trade and public policy in rapidly growing economies: from theory to empirics, edited by Michele Boldrin, Been-Lon Chen and Ping Wang (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, Academia Studies in Asian Economies, 2004, pp. 300 + xii)
by Frederic Tournemaine - 146-147 Insecurity and welfare regimes in Asia, Africa and Latin America: social policy development contexts, edited by Ian Gough and Geof Wood (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004, pp. 383)
by Roddy McKinnon
2006, Volume 18, Issue 8
- 1051-1064 Women entrepreneurs in the Gambia: challenges and opportunities
by Marina Della-Giusta & Christine Phillips - 1065-1080 The distributive consequences of machismo : a simulation analysis of intra-household discrimination
by José Cuesta - 1081-1104 Gender equity and globalization: macroeconomic policy for developing countries
by Stephanie Seguino & Caren Grown - 1105-1122 Aid, debt and fiscal policies in Senegal
by Bazoumana Ouattara - 1123-1135 Is there a link between dollarization and banking crises?
by Adam Honig - 1137-1149 Country-specific factors and the pattern of intra-industry trade in China's manufacturing
by Zhaoyong Zhang & LI Chuan - 1151-1165 'Epistemological dependency'-cognitive relativism in development thinking
by Bianca Többe Gonçalves - 1167-1175 Policy preferences in fiscal response studies
by Simon Feeny - 1177-1187 A note on poverty in Kosovo
by Sumon Kumar Bhaumik & Ira N. Gang & Myeong-Su Yun
2006, Volume 18, Issue 7
- 925-944 Trade liberalisation and trade performance in the Dominican Republic
by Amelia U Santos-Paulino - 945-955 Crafting development in Bolivia
by Robyn Eversole - 957-966 Development economics at a crossroads? Introduction to a policy arena
by Michael Tribe & Andrew Sumner - 967-981 Rethinking the political economy of development: back to basics and beyond
by Frederick Nixson - 983-995 Keynes and development economics: a sixty-year perspective
by John Toye - 997-1016 Finance and development: why should causation matter?
by Peter Lawrence - 1017-1030 Finance for small enterprise growth and poverty reduction in developing countries
by Christopher J. Green & Colin H. Kirkpatrick & Victor Murinde - 1031-1050 Controversies over the impact of development aid: it works; it doesn't; it can, but that depends …
by Mark McGillivray & Simon Feeny & Niels Hermes & Robert Lensink
2006, Volume 18, Issue 6
- 747-755 Connecting people and places: spaces for thinking, learning, knowledge and action
by Hazel Johnson & Gordon Wilson - 757-770 Aid, restitution and international fiscal redistribution in health care: implications of health professionals' migration
by Maureen Mackintosh & Kwadwo Mensah & Leroi Henry & Michael Rowson - 771-786 Should teachers stay at home? The impact of international teacher mobility
by Simon Appleton & W. John Morgan & Amanda Sives - 787-802 Residential responses to fear (of crime plus) in two Cape Town suburbs: implications for the post-apartheid city
by Charlotte Lemanski - 803-818 Sahelian action spaces: an examination of livelihood configurations in a rural Hausa community
by Adam Manvell - 819-833 Women migrant workers in the UK: social capital, well-being and integration
by Marina Della Giusta & Uma Kambhampati - 835-848 Faith matters: faith-based organisations, civil society and international development
by Gerard Clarke - 849-859 Islamic and Christian inspired relief NGOs: between tactical collaboration and strategic diffidence?
by Carlo Benedetti - 861-876 Divides and rules: the impact of new wave technologies on learning and innovation in the South
by Lynn K. Mytelka - 877-888 IT-based government reform initiatives in the Indian state of Gujarat
by Shirin Madon - 889-900 New tools to connect people and places: the impact of ICTs on learning among resource poor farmers in Bolivia
by Louise Nielsen & Claire Heffernan - 901-913 Ambiguous connections: entitlements and responsibilities of global networking
by Robin Mansell - 915-923 Hans Singer and international development
by John Toye
2006, Volume 18, Issue 5
- 599-628 Skills under threat: the case of HIV|AIDS in the mining industry in Zimbabwe
by Caroline N. Matangi - 629-638 The 'partnership' between international NGOs (non-governmental organisations) and local NGOs in Bangladesh
by Mokbul Morshed Ahmad - 639-648 Are the development policy implications of the new economy, new? All that is old is new again
by Matthew Clarke - 649-664 Globalization and the labour market in South Africa
by Rhys Jenkins - 665-675 Moving forward research agendas on international NGOs: theory, agency and context
by David Lewis & Paul Opoku-Mensah - 677-690 The international aid system and the non-governmental organisations: a new research agenda
by Terje Tvedt - 691-700 NGOs in the United Nations system: evaluating theoretical approaches
by Kerstin Martens - 701-713 The varied and conditional integration of NGOs in the aid system: NGOs and the World Bank
by Paul Nelson - 715-727 The multiple worlds of NGOs and HIV|AIDS: rethinking NGOs and their agency
by Hakan Seckinelgin - 729-740 From inclusion to exclusion: armenian NGOs participation in the PRSP
by Armine Ishkanian - 741-742 The WTO, developing countries and the Doha Development Agenda: prospects and challenges for trade-led growth, by Basudeb Guha-Khasnobis (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004, pp. 344)
by Ricardo A. López - 742-743 Foreign aid in the new global economy, edited by Peter Burnell and Oliver Morrissey (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2004, pp. 628 + xxiv)
by Arjan Verschoor - 743-746 Targeting development: critical perspectives on the millennium development goals. Edited by Richard Black And Howard White (London and New York: Routledge, 2004, pp. 384)
by Bazoumana Ouattara
2006, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 449-468 The benefit-incidence of public spending: the Caribbean experience
by John Gafar - 469-488 Revisiting privatization in the context of poverty alleviation: the case of Sudan
by Hulya Dagdeviren - 489-517 Poverty reduction strategy papers and the fisheries sector: an opportunity forgone?
by Andy Thorpe & Chris Reid & Raymon Van Anrooy & Cecile Brugere & Denis Becker - 519-532 Aid, social policies and pro-poor growth
by Arjan Verschoor & Adriaan Kalwij - 533-552 Investments in ICT-capital and economic performance of small and medium scale enterprises in East Africa
by Shyamal K. Chowdhury - 553-569 Development policy, inequity and civil war in Nepal
by Kishor Sharma - 571-594 Long-term benefits of membership in microfinance programmes
by Nidhiya Menon - 595-598 Assessing and evaluating community organizations' capacity for working in HIV|AIDS responses in India, Ecuador and Cambodia
by Sachin Gupta & Sam McPherson & Tilly Sellers & Choub Sok Chamreun & Bollepalli Narendra Choudhary & Josh Levene
2006, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 299-318 Floating without flotations-the exchange rate and the Mexican stock market: 1995-2001
by Jesús Muñoz & P. Nicholas Snowden - 319-330 Is monetary discipline a precondition for the effectiveness of Iran's export promotion policies?
by H. Molana & A. H. Mozayani - 331-350 Rethinking globalization: a modified globalization index
by Pim Martens & Daniel Zywietz - 351-378 Institutions and geography as sources of economic development
by Andrea F. Presbitero - 379-385 Revenue loss compensation mechanisms in regional trade agreements
by Peter Walkenhorst - 387-391 Commercialisation, inequality and transition in health care: the policy challenges in developing and transitional countries
by Maureen Mackintosh & Sergey Kovalev - 393-406 Commercialisation, inequality and the limits to transition in health care: a Polanyian framework for policy analysis
by Maureen Mackintosh - 407-423 Spontaneous commercialisation, inequality and the contradictions of compulsory medical insurance in transitional Russia
by Inna Blam & Sergey Kovalev - 425-434 The difficult transition to national health insurance in Bulgaria
by Bistra Vladimirova Datzova - 435-446 Commercialisation and extreme inequality in health: the policy challenges in South Africa
by Di McIntyre & Lucy Gilson & Haroon Wadee & Michael Thiede & Okore Okarafor - 447-448 Growth, inequality and poverty: prospects for pro-poor economic development , edited by Anthony Shorrocks and Ralph Van Der Hoeven (Oxford: Oxford University Press, UNU-WIDER studies in development economics, 2004, pp. 283 + xvi
by Oliver Morrissey
2006, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 151-162 Social capital fostering human capital: the role of community participation in primary school management in Bangladesh
by Pallab Mozumder & Nafisa Halim - 163-178 Technical efficiency and embodied technical change in the Indonesian pulp and paper industry
by Michiel Van Dijk & Adam Szirmai - 179-206 Achieving education for all: how much does money matter?
by Samer Al-Samarrai - 207-221 Non-farm rural activities in a peasant economy: the case of the North Peruvian Sierra
by Jackeline Velazco Portocarrero & Trevor Young & David Colman - 223-236 The New Partnership for African Development: questions regarding Africa's response to its underdevelopment
by John Luiz - 237-261 Bolivia during the global crisis 1998-2004: towards a 'macroeconomics of microfinance'
by Reynaldo Marconi & Paul Mosley - 263-283 Governance and basic social services: ensuring accountability in service delivery through deep democratic decentralization
by Santosh Mehrotra - 285-292 Pacific island countries high per capita foreign aid requirement
by Azmat Gani - 293-294 Rural poverty, risk and development by Marcel Fafchamps (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2003, pp. 272)
by Oliver Morrissey - 294-295 In search of prosperity: analytic narratives on economic growth edited by Dani Rodrik (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2003, pp. 481)
by Oliver Morrissey - 296-297 Trade policy, growth and poverty in Asian developing countries edited by Kishor Sharma (London: Routledge, 2003, pp. xviii + 263)
by Ricardo A. López
2006, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-13 The industry and location impacts of investment incentives on SMEs start-up in Ethiopia
by Seife Ayele - 15-28 Foreign aid and long-run economic growth: empirical evidence for a panel of developing countries
by Georgios Karras - 29-50 The two faces of knowledge diffusion: the Chilean case
by Piergiuseppe Morone - 51-67 Introductory article: on the discourse of terrorism, security and development
by Jo Beall & Thomas Goodfellow & James Putzel - 69-85 Cracks in the US empire: unilateralism, the 'war on terror' and the developing world
by James Putzel - 87-104 War without end? Magic, propaganda and the hidden functions of counter-terror
by David Keen - 105-120 Cities, terrorism and development
by Jo Beall - 121-135 The global war on terror, development and civil society
by Jude Howell