2010, Volume 22, Issue 5
- 541-555 The design of decentralised demand-driven programmes and equity: Learning from implementation in Malawi councils
by Arild Schou & Maxton Tsoka - 556-572 A possible role of stigma and fears in HIV infection
by Adebowale Will Akande - 573-590 Economic inequality in Nepal: Patterns and changes during the late 1990s and early 2000s
by Udaya R. Wagle - 591-610 Participation and sector selection in Nicaragua
by Dario Pozzoli & Marco Ranzani - 611-624 Public-public partnerships in Urban water provision: The case of Dar es Salaam
by Brian Dill - 625-640 Do information and communication technologies (ICTs) contribute to development?
by Richard Heeks - 641-658 A review of evidence on mobile use by micro and small enterprises in developing countries
by Jonathan Donner & Marcela X. Escobari - 659-673 Empowerment through ICT education, access and use: A gender analysis of Muslim youth in India
by Farida Khan & Rehana Ghadially - 674-692 ICT4WHAT?-Using the choice framework to operationalise the capability approach to development
by Dorothea Kleine - 693-694 The Management of Non-governmental Development Organizations, 2nd edition, by David Lewis (London: Routledge, 2007, pp. 290)
by Tanya Jakimow - 695-696 Disappearing Peoples? Indigenous Groups and Ethnic Minorities in South and Central Asia by Barbara A. Brower and Barbara Rose Johnston (eds). (Walnut Creek, California: Left Coast Press, 2007, pp. 288, ISBN 978-1-59874-121-6)
by David Storey - 697-698 Global Governance Reform-Breaking the Stalemate by Colin I. Bradford, Jr. and Johannes F. Linn (eds.) (Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2007, pp. 143)
by Giancarlo Cotella
2010, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 391-410 Conditional aid effectiveness: A meta-study
by Hristos Doucouliagos & Martin Paldam - 411-423 Conditionality covenants: Commitment versus discretion in sovereign credit contracts
by Sherif Khalifa - 424-440 Public sector institutions, politics and outsourcing: Reforming the provision of primary healthcare in Punjab, Pakistan
by Iram A. Khan - 441-454 Social outsourcing as a development tool: The impact of outsourcing IT services to women's social enterprises in Kerala
by Richard Heeks & Shoba Arun - 455-469 'Standpipes and beyond'-a universal water service dynamic
by Esther Gerlach & Richard Franceys - 470-482 Pushing lenders to over-comply with environmental regulations: A developing country perspective
by Parashar Kulkarni - 483-502 Aid and fiscal policy in Nicaragua: A fiscal response analysis
by Roberto Machado - 503-520 Technical efficiency in the Vietnamese manufacturing sector
by Hung T. Pham & Thanh L. Dao & Barry Reilly - 521-529 Promotional role of microcredit: Evidence from the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh
by Md. Abul Basher - 530-531 Raj Rhapsodies: Tourism, Heritage and the Seduction of History by Carol E. Henderson, Maxine Weisgrau (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007, 280 pp., ISBN 978-0754670674)
by Carsten Wergin - 532-533 Development Success. Statecraft in the South, edited by A. Bebbington and W. McCourt (Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007)
by Jasmine Gideon - 534-535 'Agri-food commodity chains and globalising networks' by Stringer, C. Le Heron, R. (eds)
by David Phillips - 536-537 China Urbanizes: Consequences, Strategies, and Policies by Shahid Yusuf, Tony Saich (Washington, DC: The World Bank, 2008)
by Fulong Wu - 538-539 Making Poor Nations Rich: Entrepreneurship and the Process of Economic Development by B. Powell (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008, pp. 480, ISBN-10: 0804757321)
by Tim Vorley
2010, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 283-288 Agricultural innovation and food security in Sub-Saharan Africa: Tracing connections and missing links
by Julius T. Mugwagwa & Watu Wamae & Simon M. Outram - 289-307 Unplugged!: An analysis of agricultural biotechnology PPPs in Kenya
by Lois Muraguri - 308-324 What do complex adaptive systems look like and what are the implications for innovation policy?
by Andy Hall & Norman Clark - 325-340 Experts to the rescue? An analysis of the role of experts in biotechnology regulation in Kenya
by Ann Njoki Kingiri - 341-351 Science communication in Sub-Saharan AFrica: The case of GMOs
by Simon M. Outram - 352-366 Alone or together? Can cross-national convergence of biosafety systems contribute to food security in SSA?
by Julius T. Mugwagwa - 367-389 Developing capacity for agricultural market chain innovation: Experience with the 'PMCA' in Uganda
by Douglas Horton & Beatrice Akello & Lucy Aliguma & Thomas Bernet & Andre Devaux & Berga Lemaga & Damalie Magala & Sarah Mayanja & Immaculate Sekitto & Graham Thiele & Claudio Velasco
2010, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 153-175 Sneaking up and stumbling back: Textiles sector performance under crisis conditions in Zimbabwe
by Blessing M. Chiripanhura - 176-207 Poverty among older people in Latin America and the Caribbean
by Leonardo Gasparini & Javier Alejo & Francisco Haimovich & Sergio Olivieri & Leopoldo Tornarolli - 208-217 Introduction to climate, disasters and international development
by Ilan Kelman - 218-232 Vulnerability, capacity and resilience: Perspectives for climate and development policy
by J.C. Gaillard - 233-246 Rethinking climate refugees and climate conflict: Rhetoric, reality and the politics of policy discourse
by Betsy Hartmann - 247-264 Disaster risk reduction or climate change adaptation: Are we reinventing the wheel?
by Jessica Mercer - 265-281 Reducing the climate vulnerability of coastal communities in Samoa
by Michele Daly & Namouta Poutasi & Filomena Nelson & Jude Kohlhase
2010, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-19 Beyond risk management: Vulnerability, social protection and citizenship in Pakistan
by Naila Kabeer & Khawar Mumtaz & Asad Sayeed - 20-36 Religious actors, civil society and the development agenda: The dynamics of inclusion and exclusion
by Duncan McDuie-Ra & John A. Rees - 37-55 Credit demand in Mozambican manufacturing
by Bruce Byiers & John Rand & Finn Tarp & Jeanet Bentzen - 56-85 Options for enforcing labour standards: Lessons from Bangladesh And Cambodia
by Günseli Berik & Yana Van Der Meulen Rodgers - 86-102 Fiscal reform and monetary union in West Africa
by Carsten Hefeker - 103-123 Transport infrastructure and foreign direct investment
by A. J. Khadaroo & B. Seetanah - 124-136 Putting leakage in its place: The significance of retained tourism revenue in the local context in Rural Uganda
by Chris G. Sandbrook - 137-147 The role of Tripartism in a global HIV|AIDS workplace initiative
by Susan J. Rogers & Abiodun Adetoro & Patrick Burke & Juan Llado & Natalya Lukyanova - 148-149 Emerging Capital Markets and Globalization by A. De la Torre and S. Schmukler ( Stanford University Press and the World Bank, 2008)
by Laura Tedesco - 150-151 Corruption and Development: The Anti-Corruption Campaigns
by Terry Tracy
2009, Volume 21, Issue 8
- 1051-1065 Mapping global inequalities: Beyond income inequality to multi-dimensional inequalities
by Ben Crow & Nichole Zlatunich & Brian Fulfrost - 1066-1082 Knowledge translation: An opportunity to reduce global health inequalities
by Vivian Welch & Erin Ueffing & Peter Tugwell - 1083-1101 Did globalisation affect health status? A simulation exercise
by Giovanni Andrea Cornia & Stefano Rosignoli & Luca Tiberti - 1102-1110 International migration and the world income distribution
by Devesh Kapur & John McHale - 1111-1124 The global pattern of household wealth
by James B. Davies & Susanna Sandström & Anthony Shorrocks & Edward Wolff - 1125-1136 Global inequality and injustice
by Darrel Moellendorf - 1137-1151 Educational inequalities in the midst of persistent poverty: Diversity across Africa in educational outcomes
by Cynthia B. Lloyd & Paul Hewett - 1152-1166 Understanding relationships between global health indicators via visualisation and statistical analysis
by Suresh Lodha & Prabath Gunawardane & Erin Middleton & Ben Crow
2009, Volume 21, Issue 7
- 895-914 Policy, vulnerability and the new debt sustainability framework
by Benno Ferrarini - 915-931 A disaggregated empirical analysis of the determinants of IMF arrangements: Does one model fit all?
by Graham Bird & Dane Rowlands - 932-946 Estimating the direct costs of social conflicts: Road blockings in Bolivia
by Bruno De Borger & Vincenzo Verardi - 947-970 Growth, poverty and inequality in Ethiopia: Which way for pro-poor growth?
by Alemayehu Geda & Abebe Shimeles & John Weeks - 971-984 Small-scale farmer participation in new agri-food supply chains: Case of the supermarket supply chain for fruit and vegetables in Honduras
by Jose Blandon & Spencer Henson & John Cranfield - 985-1003 Introduction: The policy trajectory of fair trade
by Eleanor Fisher - 1004-1014 Top heavy? Governance issues and policy decisions for the fair trade movement
by Anne Tallontire - 1015-1026 Responsible retailing: Regulating fair and ethical trade
by Pamela K. Robinson - 1027-1030 Policy challenges for fair trade in Wales
by Jon Townley - 1031-1041 Living in times of solidarity: Fair trade and the fractured life worlds of Guatemalan coffee farmers
by Alberto Arce - 1042-1043 Alex F. McCalla, and John Nash (Editors). Reforming agricultural trade for developing countries. Volume 1: key issues for a pro-development outcome of the Doha Round. Washington. The World Bank, 2007
by Habtu T. Weldegebriel - 1044-1045 The politics of economic inequality in developing countries by Nel Phillip. Great Britain: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008, pp. viii+206
by Rita Moch Arias - 1046-1047 Domestic service in post-apartheid South Africa: deference and disdain by Alison Jill King. Aldershot (UK) and Burlington (USA): Ashgate, 2007, pp. xi+214
by Cheryl McEwan - 1048-1049 Land and sustainable development in Africa by Kojo Sebastian Amanor Sam Moyo (eds). London and New York: Zed Books, 2008, pp. 226
by Bereket Kebede
2009, Volume 21, Issue 6
- 723-731 Development's invisible hands: Introduction to special issue
by Alan Thomas & Andy Sumner & Michael Tribe - 732-741 A short history of the development studies association
by Michael Tribe - 742-748 Where we stand and what we stand for: The DSA now and in the future
by Lalage Bown - 749-756 Liberalisation and poverty in Africa since 1990-Why is the operation of the 'invisible hand' uneven?
by Paul Mosley & Blessing Chiripanhura - 757-764 Development with dearer food: Can the invisible hand guide us?
by John Toye - 765-771 Relaxing the shackles: The invisible pendulum
by Frances Stewart - 772-775 Drivers of development over the next 30 years: Some speculations
by John Harriss - 776-780 Three invisible hands: Comments on the plenary presentations at the DSA conference 2008 by past presidents Paul Mosley, Frances Stewart, John Toye-and the essay by past president John Harriss
by Barbara Harriss-White - 781-786 Should God play a role in development?
by Emanuel de Kadt - 787-791 Where next for development studies? Coverage, capacity, communications
by Simon Maxwell - 792-804 Stepping up to the climate change: Opportunities in re-conceptualising development futures
by Emily Boyd & Sirkku Juhola - 805-818 Global justice: From theory to development action
by Theo Papaioannou & Helen Yanacopulos & Zuhre Aksoy - 819-833 Business and development-Towards re-politicisation
by Peter Edward & Anne Tallontire - 834-843 After 2015: What are the ingredients of an 'MDG-PLUS' agenda for poverty reduction?
by Andy Sumner & Meera Tiwari - 844-855 International development and belief in progress
by Stephen J. Plant - 856-867 Putting aid in its place: Insights from early structuralists on aid and balance of payments and lessons for contemporary aid debates
by Andrew M. Fischer - 868-882 The possibilities for and constraints on agency: Situating women's public and 'hidden' voices in Greater Buenos Aires
by Constanza Tabbush - 883-894 What's politics got to do with it?: Why donors find it so hard to come to terms with politics, and why this matters
by Sue Unsworth
2009, Volume 21, Issue 5
- 577-602 How does economic empowerment affect women's risk of intimate partner violence in low and middle income countries? A systematic review of published evidence
by Seema Vyas & Charlotte Watts - 603-617 Exports and economic growth: The case of South Africa
by Logan Rangasamy - 618-632 Aid allocation to fragile states: Absorptive capacity constraints
by Simon Feeny & Mark McGillivray - 633-648 Microfinance asymmetric information problems in Cameroon
by Jacob Tche - 649-661 Disability, development and the dawning of a new convention: A cause for optimism?
by Maria Kett & Raymond Lang & Jean-Francois Trani - 662-672 Mainstreaming the rights of persons with disabilities in national development frameworks
by Teresa Njoroge Mwendwa & Ambrose Murangira & Raymond Lang - 673-684 Making poverty reduction inclusive: Experiences from Cambodia, Tanzania and Vietnam
by Dominic Fritz & Ursula Miller & Andreas Gude & Andreas Pruisken & Dorothea Rischewski - 685-698 Including persons with disabilities in social cash transfer programmes in developing countries
by Kate Gooding & Anna Marriot - 699-713 On consumption insurance in poor urban areas: Evidence from Ethiopia
by Eskander Alvi & Seife Dendir - 715-716 Rights, resources and the politics of accountability by P. Newell and J. Wheeler (eds). (USA: Zed Books Ltd., 2006)
by Rocio A. Diaz-Chavez - 717-718 The state of resistance: Popular struggles in the global south by F. Polet (ed). (London: Zed Books, 2007, pp. 208, ISBN 978-1-84277-867-8 Hb 978-1-84277-868-5 Pb)
by Katy Jenkins - 718-720 Fair Trade Coffee, Sustainability and Survival, Berkeley by Daniel Jaffee, Brewing Justice, ( Los Angeles and London: University of California Press, 2009). Fair Trade Coffee. The Prospects and Pitfalls of Market-Driven Social Justice by Gavin Fridell ( Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press, 2007)
by Anne Tallontire - 720-721 Intellectuals and African development: Pretension and resistance in African politics by Bjorn Beckman & Gbemisola Adeoti (eds). (Codesria: Africa In the New Millennium, London: Zed Books, 2006)
by Nic Cheeseman
2009, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 477-482 Diversity and discord: Ethnicity, horizontal inequalities and conflict in Ghana and Nigeria
by Arnim Langer & Abdul Raufu Mustapha & Frances Stewart - 483-494 Subjective realities: Perceptions of identity and conflict in Ghana and Nigeria
by Arnim Langer & Ukoha Ukiwo - 495-506 Between 'senior brother' and 'overlord': Competing versions of horizontal inequalities and ethnic conflict in Calabar and Warri, Nigeria
by Ukoha Ukiwo - 507-519 The overwhelming minority: Inter-ethnic conflict in Ghana's Northern Region
by Julia Jönsson - 520-533 Self-determination group or extra-legal governance agency? The multifaceted nature of the Oodua people's congress in Nigeria
by Yvan Guichaoua - 534-546 Living with diversity: The peaceful management of horizontal inequalities in Ghana
by Arnim Langer - 547-560 Religion and institutions: Federalism and the management of conflicts over Sharia in Nigeria
by Rotimi T. Suberu - 561-576 Institutionalising ethnic representation: How effective is affirmative action in Nigeria?
by Abdul Raufu Mustapha
2009, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 327-361 Has private participation in water and sewerage improved coverage? Empirical evidence from Latin America
by George R.G. Clarke & Katrina Kosec & Scott Wallsten - 362-378 Optimising the policy cost of market stabilisation: Which commodity matters most in Ethiopia?
by Kindie Getnet - 379-392 The net contribution of the Mauritian export processing zone using benefit-cost analysis
by Rojid Sawkut & Sannassee Vinesh & Fowdar Sooraj - 393-402 Introduction: Livelihood options for the poor in the changing environment
by Joseph K. Assan & Pushpam Kumar - 403-418 Environmental variability and vulnerable livelihoods: Minimising risks and optimising opportunities for poverty alleviation
by Joseph K. Assan & Cyril Caminade & Frances Obeng - 419-432 Dwindling forest resources and economic vulnerability among tribal communities in a dry| sub-humid region in India
by Amita Shah & Sajitha O.G. - 433-446 The effect of environmental change and price policies on livelihoods in tropical agroforestry systems
by Unai Pascual & Roberto Martínez-Espiñeira - 447-469 Poverty and environment links: An illustration from Africa
by Flavio Comim & Pushpam Kumar & Nicolas Sirven - 470-471 The globalization reader, third edition, edited by Frank J. Lechner, and John Boli (USA, UK, Australia: blackwell publishing, 2008, pp. 501, p|bk)
by Matilde Córdoba Azcárate - 472-473 Short of the goal: US policy and poorly performing states. edited by N. Birdsall M. Vaishnav and R. L. Ayres (Washington DC: centre for global development, 2006. ISBN 978-1-933286-05-1. P|bk, 483 pp)
by Simon Tate - 474-475 Exploring 'unseen' social capital in community participation: everyday lives of poor mainland Chinese migrants in Hong Kong by Sam Wong (Amsterdam: Amsterdam university press, 2007, pp. 219,)
by Deljana Iossifova
2009, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 159-168 Household experiences of ill-health and risk protection mechanisms
by Jane Goudge & Steve Russell & Lucy Gilson & Catherine Molyneux & Kara Hanson - 169-184 Catastrophic payments for health care among households in urban Tamil Nadu, India
by Salem Deenadayalan Vaishnavi & Umakant Dash - 185-199 Issues in equitable health financing in South Eastern Nigeria: Socio-economic and geographic differences in households' illness expenditures and policy makers' views on the financial protection of the poor
by Obinna Onwujekwe & Chima Onoka & Benjamin Uzochukwu & Eric Obikeze & Nkoli Ezumah - 200-211 Household responses to health risks and shocks: A study from rural Tanzania raises some methodological issues
by Masha F. Somi & James R. G. Butler & Farshid Vahid & Joseph D. Njau & Salim Abdulla - 212-230 Dealing with the cost of illness: The experience of four villages in Lao PDR
by Walaiporn Patcharanarumol & Anne Mills & Viroj Tangcharoensathien - 231-251 Illness-related impoverishment in rural South Africa: Why does social protection work for some households but not others?
by Jane Goudge & Steven Russell & Lucy Gilson & Tebogo Gumede & Steve Tollman & Anne Mills - 252-270 Coping with the costs of illness: the role of shops and shopkeepers as social networks in a low-income community in coastal Kenya
by Jane Chuma & Catherine Molyneux - 271-290 Barriers to managing chronic illness among urban households in coastal Kenya
by Thomas Porter & Jane Chuma & Catherine Molyneux - 291-308 The implications of benefit package design: the impact on poor Thai households of excluding renal replacement therapy
by Phusit Prakongsai & Natasha Palmer & Preecha Uay-Trakul & Viroj Tangcharoensathien & Anne Mills - 309-326 Conducting health-related social science research in low income settings: ethical dilemmas faced in Kenya and South Africa
by Catherine Molyneux & Jane Goudge & Steve Russell & Jane Chuma & Tebogo Gumede & Lucy Gilson
2009, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-1 Erratum: Failures of the state failure debate: Evidence from the Somali territories
by Tobias Hagmann & Markus V. Hoehne - 1-23 Household targeting in practice: The Nicaraguan Red de Protección Social
by John A. Maluccio - 24-41 There's more to life than money: Exploring the levels|growth paradox in income and health
by Charles Kenny - 42-57 Failures of the state failure debate: Evidence from the Somali territories
by Tobias Hagmann & Markus V. Hoehne - 58-75 Institutions and economic performance: Implications for African development
by John M. Luiz - 76-86 Romanticising the poor harms the poor
by Aneel Karnani - 87-111 Revisiting the greed and grievance explanations for violent internal conflict
by Syed Mansoob Murshed & Mohammad Zulfan Tadjoeddin - 112-125 Governance and foreign aid in Pacific Island countries
by Azmat Gani - 126-136 The less than sweet solution to Fiji's sugar industry problems
by Renuka Mahadevan - 137-155 A reversal of educational fortune? Educational gender gaps in Bangladesh
by M. Najeeb Shafiq - 156-157 Kenya: The Struggle for Democracy by Godwin Murunga and Shadrack Nasong'o. (London: CODESRIA Books, Dakar and ZED Books, 2007. ISBN 978-1-84277-8579 (pbk) ISBN 978-1-84277-832-6 (hbk)
by Sarah Bracking - 157-158 Inexcusable Absence: Why 60 Million Girls Still Aren't in School and What to Do About It , by Lewis Maureen A, Lockheed Marlaine E (Washington D.C.: Center for global Development, 2006, pp. 180+xiv
by Patricia Oliart
2008, Volume 20, Issue 8
- 987-995 Historical roots of poverty: A symposium
by Sue Bowden & Paul Mosley - 996-1027 The 'reversal of fortune' thesis and the compression of history: Perspectives from African and comparative economic history
by Gareth Austin - 1028-1048 Economic development and fluctuations in earnings inequality in the very long run: The evidence from Latin America 1900-2000
by Valpy FitzGerald - 1049-1079 Measuring and explaining poverty in six African countries: A long-period approach
by Sue Bowden & Blessing Chiripanhura & Paul Mosley - 1080-1106 Chasing mosquitoes: An exploration of the relationship between economic growth, poverty and the elimination of malaria in Southern Europe in the 20th century
by Sue Bowden & Domna Maria Michailidou & Alvaro Pereira - 1107-1121 Confronting colonial legacies-lessons from human development in Ghana and Kenya, 1880-2000
by Alexander Moradi - 1122-1135 Mineral resource abundance and regional growth in Spain, 1860-2000
by Jordi Domenech
2008, Volume 20, Issue 7
- 837-868 Why isn't South Africa growing faster? Microeconomic evidence from a firm survey
by George Clarke & James Habyarimana & David Kaplan & Vijaya Ramachandran - 869-887 Can macroeconomic policy stimulate private investment in South Africa? New insights from aggregate and manufacturing sector-level evidence
by Leonce Ndikumana - 888-904 Life satisfaction in Malawi and the importance of relative consumption, polygamy and religion
by Tim Hinks & Simon Davies - 905-919 Cattle's effect on land and labour productivity: Evidence from Zambia
by Robert E. Smith - 920-941 The impact of African growth and opportunity act (Agoa) on U.S. imports from Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)
by Bedassa Tadesse & Bichaka Fayissa - 942-964 Internationalisation and firm performance: Evidence from estimates of efficiency in banking in Namibia and Tanzania
by Charles C. Okeahalam - 965-981 Paying for environmental services: The case of Brazilian Amazonia
by Anthony Hall - 982-983 Land, poverty and livelihoods in an era of globalisation. Edited by Akram-Lodhi AH, Borras SM, Jr., Kay C (Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2007, pp. 414, ISBN 978-Ø-415-41449-4.)
by John Cusworth - 984-985 Michael Reid, forgotten continent. The battle for latin America's soul (New Haven and London: Yale University Press; 2007, pp. 384, ISBN 978-0-300-11616-8)
by Gian Luca Gardini
2008, Volume 20, Issue 6
- 727-738 Discourses, dynamics and disquiet: Multiple knowledges in science, society and development
by Melissa Leach & Andy Sumner & Linda Waldman - 739-750 Our knowledge ourselves: Engineers (re)thinking technology in development
by Gordon Wilson - 751-767 Development studies and cross-disciplinarity: Research at the social science-physical science interface
by Andy Sumner & Michael Tribe - 768-782 Reframing expert support for development management
by Martin Reynolds - 783-803 Positioning climate change in sustainable development discourse
by Natasha Grist - 804-820 What contribution can insights from the complexity sciences make to the theory and practice of development management?
by Chris Mowles & Ralph Stacey & Douglas Griffin - 821-835 Ict and development studies: Towards development 2.0
by Mark Thompson
2008, Volume 20, Issue 5
- 577-597 Wellbeing in international development: what's new?
by James Copestake - 598-612 Performance and trade-offs in Microfinance Organisations-does ownership matter?
by Roy Mersland & Reidar Øystein Strøm - 613-627 Foreign exchange pressures in Latin America: does debt matter?
by Alex Mandilaras & Graham Bird - 628-640 Assessing protectionism and subsidies in agriculture-a gravity approach
by Claudio Paiva - 641-653 Trees, trust and the state: a comparison of participatory forest management in Pakistan and Tanzania
by Babar Shahbaz & Gimbage Mbeyale & Tobias Haller - 654-669 Bolsa Família and the needy: is allocation contributing to equity in Brazil?
by Mônica A. Haddad - 670-685 Poverty alleviation and the industrial employment of women (the case of Nepal)
by Sanjaya Acharya - 686-697 Household consumption of infant foods in two low-income districts in Malawi
by Levison Stanley Chiwaula & Ben M. Kaluwa - 698-725 What fundamentally drives growth? Revisiting the institutions and economic performance debate
by Jessica Henson Decker & Jamus Jerome Lim
2008, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 413-436 Surfing in the air: a grounded theory of the dynamics of street life and its policy implications
by Alessandro Conticini - 437-451 Joint estimation of information acquisition and adoption of new technologies under uncertainty
by Awudu Abdulai & Pierre Monnin & Jacques Gerber - 452-465 An analysis of food security and poverty in Central Asia-case study from Kazakhstan
by Valerie Rhoe & Suresh Babu & William Reidhead - 466-480 Improving the capacity to respond: examining the experiences of short-term tsunami relief staff
by Suellen Murray & Matthew Clarke - 481-485 Small island states development challenges: introduction
by Mark McGillivray & Wim Naudé & Amelia Santos-Paulino - 486-501 Pacific islands' bilateral trade: the role of remoteness and of transport costs
by Lisa Borgatti - 502-525 Foreign direct investment in small island developing states
by Robert Read - 526-546 Public sector efficiency, foreign aid and small island developing states
by Simon Feeny & Mark Rogers - 547-571 Estimating the net effects of migration and remittances on poverty and inequality: comparison of Fiji and Tonga
by Richard P.C. Brown & Eliana Jimenez - 573-574 Research skills for policy and development. how to find out fast (2nd edn). Edited by A. THOMAS and G. MOHAN 2007 (London: Sage Publications). (ISBN: 978-1-4129-4564-6)
by Nick James - 574-575 Poverty & social deprivation in the mediterranean: trends, policies & welfare prospects in the new millennium. Edited by MARIA PETMESIDOU and CHRISTOS PAPATHEODOROU (Bergen: Zed books, CROP International Studies in Poverty Research, 2007, pp. 414)
by Miha Staut - 575-576 Transforming microfinance institutions: providing full financial services to the poor by JOANNA LEDGERWOOD and VICTORIA WHITE (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2006)
by Onyebuchi Ralph Chima
2008, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 257-279 Exploring housing subsidies to households in Russia
by Ellen Hamilton & Sudeshna Ghosh Banerjee & Maka Lomaia - 280-296 Monopsonistic exploitation in contract farming: articulating a strategy for grower cooperation
by Sashi Sivramkrishna & Amalendu Jyotishi - 297-310 The role of the state in the Turkish earthquake of 1999
by Tim Jacoby & Alpaslan Özerdem - 311-325 Public-private partnerships in developing countries: are infrastructures responding to the new ODA strategy?
by Argentino Pessoa - 326-346 Congo and Korea: a study in divergence
by Phillip Garner - 347-379 International agricultural research as a global public good: concepts, the CGIAR experience and policy issues
by Dana G. Dalrymple - 380-397 Livelihood diversification strategies, incomes and soil management strategies: a case study from Kerio Valley, Kenya
by Miyuki Iiyama & Patrick Kariuki & Patti Kristjanson & Simeon Kaitibie & Joseph Maitima - 398-402 Field notes on administering shock modules
by Joachim De Weerdt - 403-404 Africa and development challenges in the new millennium : The NEPAD debate. Edited by J. O. Adésínà, Yao Graham and A. Olukoshi (London and New York: Zed Books, Pretoria: UNISA Press, in association with CODESRIA, Dakar, 2006, pp. 288 + xvi)
by Sylvia I. Bergh - 404-405 Policy matters: economic and social policies to sustain equitable development. Edited by Jose Antonio Ocampo, K.S. Jomo and Sarbuland Khan (London and New York: Zed Books, Penang: Third World Network and Hyderabad: Orient Longman in Association with the United Nations, 2007, pp. xv + 347)
by Anibel Ferus-Comelo