2006, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 137-150 Internal conflict, terrorism and crime in Colombia
by Francisco Gutiérrez Sanín
2005, Volume 17, Issue 8
- 989-1001 Aid to Africa: an unfinished agenda
by Tony Addison & George Mavrotas & Mark McGillivray - 1003-1018 What determines African bilateral aid receipts?
by Mark McGillivray - 1019-1036 Aid heterogeneity: looking at aid effectiveness from a different angle
by George Mavrotas - 1037-1053 The fiscal effects of aid in Ghana
by Robert Osei & Oliver Morrissey & Tim Lloyd - 1055-1075 Aid and growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: accounting for transmission mechanisms
by Karuna Gomanee & Sourafel Girma & Oliver Morrissey - 1077-1092 Innovative ways of making aid effective in Ghana: tied aid versus direct budgetary support
by Peter Quartey - 1093-1094 Perspectives on growth and poverty , edited by Rolph van der Hoeven and Anthony Shorrocks (Tokyo: United Nations University Press and Wider, 2003, pp. 302)
by Robert Darko Osei - 1094-1095 Natural disasters and development in a globalizing world , edited by Mark Pelling (Routledge: London, 2003, pp. 250+xvi)
by John Twigg - 1095-1097 Food for thought: towards a future for farming . By Patrick Herman and Richard Kuper (London: Pluto Press, 2003, pp. 156+xx)
by Robert Ackrill - 1097-1098 The future of domestic capital markets in developing countries . Edited by Robert Litan, Michael Pomerleano and V Sundararajan (Washington DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2003, pp. 532)
by Maxwell Opoku-Afari - 1099-1103 A moral critique of development: in search of global responsibilities edited by Philip Quarles van Ufford and Ananta Kumar Giri (London: Routledge for EIDOS, 2003, pp. 309)
by Emma Humpidge - 1103-1107 Moving people to deliver services edited by Aaditya Mattoo and Antonia Carzaniga (Washington DC: World Bank and Oxford University Press, 2003, pp. 244)
by Ian Gillson
2005, Volume 17, Issue 7
- 841-866 How does political violence affect confidence in a local currency? Evidence from Egypt
by David Fielding & Anja Shortland - 867-882 Liquidity constraints, access to credit and pro-poor growth in rural Tanzania
by Alex Winter-Nelson & Anna A. Temu - 883-898 Labour standards, democracy and wages: some cross-country evidence
by Thomas I. Palley - 899-912 Can minimum wages contribute to poverty reduction in poor countries?
by Stephen Devereux - 913-929 Poverty reduction in resource-rich developing countries: what have multinational corporations got to do with it?
by Uwem E. Ite - 931-955 Opening up telecommunications to competition and MENA integration in the world economy
by Carlo Maria Rossotto & Khalid Sekkat & Aristomene Varoudakis - 957-978 The political determinants of central governments' economic policies in India: an empirical investigation
by Kausik Chaudhuri & Sugato Dasgupta - 979-985 The European Union and the Third World ; Avoiding Responsibility: The Politics and Discourse of European Development Policy and EU Development Cooperation: From Model to Symbol reviewed by Maurizio Carbone
by Maurizio Carbone
2005, Volume 17, Issue 6
- 713-725 Policy entrepreneurship for poverty reduction: bridging research and policy in international development
by Julius Court & Simon Maxwell - 727-734 Research, policy and practice: why developing countries are different
by John Young - 737-746 Bridging research and policy in India
by Naresh C. Saxena - 747-757 Bridging research and policy: a UK perspective
by Matthew Taylor - 761-764 What determines the influence that research has on policy-making?
by Maureen O'Neil - 765-773 Bridging research and policy
by Masood Ahmed - 775-789 Will a Marshall Plan for Africa make poverty history?
by Matthew Lockwood - 791-801 Poverty and economic policy: what happens when researchers disagree?
by Andrew Sumner & Meera Tiwari - 803-817 Bridging research and policy on education, training and their enabling environments
by Kenneth King & Robert Palmer & Rachel Hayman - 819-836 Development assistance and development finance: evidence and global policy agendas
by Tony Addison & George Mavrotas & Mark McGillivray - 837-839 Obituary: Colin Simmons
by Clive Dewey & Fred Nixson
2005, Volume 17, Issue 5
- 597-610 Introduction: is it possible to create pro-poor agriculture-related biotechnology?
by Joanna Chataway - 611-630 Capacity development for agricultural biotechnology in developing countries: an innovation systems view of what it is and how to develop it
by Andy Hall - 631-646 Science and technology capacity building and partnership in African agriculture: perspectives on Mali and Egypt
by Seife Ayele & David Wield - 647-659 Context-bound knowledge production, capacity building and new product networks
by James Smith - 661-677 Formal and informal governance of agricultural biotechnology in Kenya: participation and accountability in controversy surrounding the draft biosafety bill
by Matthew Harsh - 679-694 Science and governance of modern biotechnology in Sub-Saharan Africa-the case of Uganda
by David Wafula & Norman Clark - 695-696 The Asian financial crisis: crisis, reform and recovery , by Shalendra D. Sharma (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2003, pp. 400)
by Andrew Sumner - 696-697 Towards a new paradigm in monetary economics , by Joseph Stiglitz and Bruce Greenwald (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003, pp. 319)
by Spiros Bougheas - 697-702 International trade and developing countries: bargaining coalitions in the GATT and WTO , by Amrita Narlikar (London: Routledge, RIPE Studies in Global Political Economy, 2003, pp. 238 + xviii)
by Oliver Morrissey - 702-702 Marx's revenge: the resurgence of capitalism and the death of statist socialism , by Meghnad Desai (London: Verso, 2002, pp. 372 + xi)
by Indraneel Dasgupta - 703-705 Fighting poverty in Africa: are PRSPs making a difference? Edited by David Booth (London: Overseas Development Institute, ODI publications, 2003, pp. 283 + ix)
by Oliver Morrissey - 705-706 Trade and development . Edited by John Toye (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2003, pp. 328)
by Ricardo A. López - 706-707 Privatising old-age social security: Latin American and Eastern Europe compared , by Katharina Müller (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2003, pp. 192)
by Roddy McKinnon - 708-709 Bangladesh's Development Agenda and Vision 2020 . Edited by Moazzem Hossain, A. K. M. Narum Nabi and Iyanatu Islam (Dhaka, Dhaka University Press, 2003, pp. 339)
by John Struthers - 709-711 The political economy of armed conflict. Beyond greed and grievance . Edited by Karen Ballentine and Jake Sherman (Boulder and London: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2003, pp. 317)
by Gerd Schönwälder
2005, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 479-494 How well are long-run commodity price series characterized by trend components?
by Paul Newbold & Stephan Pfaffenzeller & Anthony Rayner - 495-509 Economic transition and the decline of agricultural production in Estonia
by Shujie Yao - 511-525 African capital markets and real sector investment
by Yohane Khamfula - 527-551 The impacts of trade liberalization on employment and wages in Tunisian industries
by Ilham Haouas & Mahmoud Yagoubi & Almas Heshmati - 553-574 Transition, savings and growth in Vietnam: a three-gap analysis
by Ardeshir Sepehri & A Haroon Akram-lodhi - 575-593 The voluntary formalization of enterprises in a developing economy-the case of Tanzania
by Edwin G. Nelson & Erik J. De Bruijn - 595-596 The Turkish economy in crisis. Edited by Ziya ÖNiş and Barry Rubin (London: Frank Cass, 2003, pp. 204+vii, p|bk)
by Abuzer Pinar
2005, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 299-309 Aid, public spending and human welfare: evidence from quantile regressions
by Karuna Gomanee & Sourafel Girma & Oliver Morrissey - 311-317 FDI and pollution: a granger causality test using panel data
by Robert Hoffmann & Chew-Ging Lee & Bala Ramasamy & Matthew Yeung - 319-325 Reducing vulnerability: demand for and supply of microinsurance in East Africa
by Monique Cohen & Michael J. Mccord & Jennefer Sebstad - 327-381 Reducing vulnerability: the supply of health microinsurance in East Africa
by Michael J. McCord & Sylvia Osinde - 383-396 Health is wealth: how low-income people finance health care
by Shahnaz Ahmed & Jane Mbaisi & Daniel Moko & Ancent Ngonzi - 397-474 Reducing vulnerability: the demand for microinsurance
by Monique Cohen & Jennefer Sebstad - 475-476 Poverty and democracy-self-help and political participation in third world cities , edited by Dirk Berg-Schlosser and Norbert Kersting (London: zed books, 2003, pp. 237 + xiv, h|bk)
by Irini Sotiropoulou - 476-478 Providing global public goods-managing globalisation , edited by Inge Kaul, Pedro ConceiçãO, Katell Le Goulven and Ronald Mendoza (eds) (New York: oxford university press, 2003, pp. 646 + xxii, h|bk, p|bk)
by Lars Christian Moller
2005, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 151-168 The cost of conditional cash transfers
by Natàlia Caldés & John A. Maluccio - 169-186 Female labour force participation in greater santiago, Chile: 1957-1997. A synthetic cohort analysis
by Dante Contreras & Esteban Puentes & David Bravo - 187-193 Impact assessment for pro-poor accountability: Innovations and challenges
by Linda Mayoux & Sarah Mosedale - 195-209 The internal learning system-assessing impact while addressing participant learning needs
by Helzi Noponen - 211-242 Participatory action learning system (PALS): Impact assessment for civil society development and grassroots-based advocacy in Anandi, India
by Linda Mayoux - 243-257 Assessing women's empowerment: towards a conceptual framework
by Sarah Mosedale - 259-270 Impact assessment and labour: developing a learning approach
by Stephanie W. Barrientos - 271-298 Reversing the paradigm: quantification, participatory methods and pro-poor impact assessment
by Linda Mayoux & Robert Chambers
2005, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-19 Productivity growth in East Asian manufacturing: a fading miracle or measurement problem?
by Chia-Hung Sun - 21-43 Tanzania's coffee sector: constraints and challenges
by John Baffes - 45-66 Supporting the poor but skilled artisans by making assets available to them: an empirical investigation in rural India
by Arindam Banik & Pradip K. Bhaumik - 67-96 Export processing zones and growth triangle development: the case of the BIMP-EAGA, Southeast Asia
by Nathaniel Landingin & David Wadley - 97-100 International development targets and education: towards a new international compact or a new conditionality?
by Kenneth King & Pauline Rose - 101-111 Rights, goals and targets: how do those for education add up?
by Christopher Colclough - 113-129 Millennium development goals: are international targets now more credible?
by John Roberts - 131-147 Education, educators and financing modalities: reflections on experience in Uganda
by Paud Murphy - 149-150 International Competitiveness, Investment and Finance: A Case Study of India, by A. Ganesh-Kumar, Kunal Sen and Rajendra R.Vaidya (London: Routledge, 2003, pp. 159, h|bk)
by John Struthers
2004, Volume 16, Issue 8
- 1053-1066 Racial discrimination in the Brazilian labour market: wage, employment and segregation effects
by Jean-Louis Arcand & Béatrice D'hombres - 1067-1088 Explaining organizational change in international development: the role of complexity in anti-corruption work
by Bryane Michael - 1089-1107 Can a subjective poverty line be applied to China? Assessing poverty among urban residents in 1999
by Björn Gustafsson & Li Shi & Hiroshi Sato - 1109-1121 Fair trade coffee: building producer capacity via global networks
by Laura T. Raynolds & Douglas Murray & Peter Leigh Taylor - 1123-1127 Introduction: why don't HIV|AIDS policies work?
by Tim Allen - 1129-1140 The global fight against AIDS: how adequate are the national commissions?
by James Putzel - 1141-1154 HIV|AIDS policy in Africa: what has worked in Uganda and what has failed in Botswana?
by Tim Allen & Suzette Heald - 1155-1168 The gathering storm: AIDS policy in China
by Heather Xiaoquan Zhang - 1169-1180 Challenges to treatment: the price-infrastructure trap and access to HIV|AIDS drugs
by Kenneth C. Shadlen - 1181-1184 Postscript: HIV|AIDS-how bad does bad have to be before we believe it is bad? How can we translate words to deeds?
by Tony Barnett
2004, Volume 16, Issue 7
- 911-923 Economic development in a changing globalized economy
by Mozammel Huq & Michael Tribe - 925-932 The Millennium Development Goals: the pledge of world leaders to end poverty will not be met with business as usual
by Sakiko Fukuda-Parr - 933-937 Making globalization work for the poor: the 2000 White Paper reconsidered
by Adrian Wood - 939-941 Making research on globalization work for the poor: a commentary on Adrian Wood's 'making globalization work for the poor: the 2000 White Paper reconsidered'
by Simon Maxwell - 943-949 HIV|AIDs and development concern us all
by Tony Barnett - 951-970 Implications of market and coordination failures for rural development in least developed countries
by Jonathan Kydd & Andrew Dorward - 971-982 Alternative ways of paying for global public goods
by Anthony Clunies-Ross - 983-1002 Coffee futures: role in reducing coffee producers' price risk
by Sushil Mohan & James Love - 1003-1013 Globalization and agrarian change: a case of freshwater prawn farming in Bangladesh
by Sanae Ito - 1015-1022 Why are we still arguing about globalization?
by Andrew Sumner - 1023-1037 NGDOs' role in building poor people's capacity to benefit from globalization
by Fletcher Tembo - 1039-1052 Chasing the dragon: accounting for the under-performance of India by comparison with China in attracting foreign direct investment
by John S Henley
2004, Volume 16, Issue 6
- 751-767 Positioning the non-least-developed developing countries based on vulnerability-related indicators
by Fen-May Liou & Cherng G. Ding - 769-783 What is the enabling state? The views of textiles and garments entrepreneurs in Zimbabwe
by Paul Jackson - 785-802 Tax performance: a comparative study
by Joweria M. Teera & John Hudson - 803-820 An empirical study of the determinants of self-employment in developing countries
by Carlo Pietrobelli & Roberta Rabellotti & Matteo Aquilina - 821-849 The effects of policy, institutions and geography on economic growth in Africa: an econometric study based on cross-section and panel data
by W. A. Naudé - 851-861 Explaining corruption: are open countries less corrupt?
by Roberta Gatti - 863-864 Symposium on the International Finance Facility: introduction
by Paul Mosley - 865-878 The International Finance Facility
by HM Treasury - 879-886 Avoiding the elephant traps: a commentary on the International Finance Facility
by Paul Mosley - 887-895 The International Finance Facility-reaching the MDGS without spending more?
by Karen Moore & David Hulme - 897-905 Joseph Stiglitz's, Globalization and its Discontents
by Jonathan Perraton - 907-908 Walking the Tight Rope-Informal Livelihoods and Social Networks in a West African City , by ILDA LOURENÇO-LINDELL (Almqvist and Wiksell: Stockholm Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis, Stockholm Studies in Human Geography 9, 2002, pp. 275)
by Irini Sotiropoulou - 908-909 Here To Help: NGOs Combating Poverty in Latin America , edited by ROBYN EVERSOLE (Armonk, NY and London: M. E. Sharpe, 2003, pp. 252)
by Miles Litvinoff - 909-910 Letting Them Die: Why HIV|AIDS Prevention Programmes Fail by CATHERINE CAMPBELL (Oxford: James Currey, 2003, pp. 214)
by Jo Beall
2004, Volume 16, Issue 5
- 657-664 The public faces of development: an introduction
by Matt Smith & Helen Yanacopulos - 665-680 Consuming lives, consuming landscapes: interpreting advertisements for cafédirect coffees
by Caroline Wright - 681-692 'Doing development': the gap year, volunteer-tourists and a popular practice of development
by Kate Simpson - 693-704 The production of a contemporary famine image: the image economy, indigenous photographers and the case of Mekanic Philipos
by D. J. Clark - 705-715 Development moments: radio's public face of development
by Kate Poland - 717-727 The public face of debt
by Helen Yanacopulos - 729-740 From development awareness to enabling effective support: the changing profile of development education in England
by John Cameron & Stephen Fairbrass - 741-749 Contradiction and change? NGOs, schools and the public faces of development
by Matt Smith
2004, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 529-545 Crises, setbacks and chronic problems-the determinants of economic stress events among poor households in India
by Helzi Noponen & Paula Kantor - 547-561 Fighting governmental corruption: the New World Bank programme evaluated
by Carolien M. Klein Haarhuis & Frans L. Leeuw - 563-574 International inequality in well-being
by Mark McGillivray & J. Ram Pillarisetti - 575-588 International trade and economic growth in a global environment
by Alessandro De Matteis - 589-604 Political and economic determinants of private investment
by Quan V. Le - 605-620 Aggregate agricultural supply response in Ethiopia: a farm-level analysis
by Suleiman Abrar & Oliver Morrissey & Tony Rayner - 621-636 Growth, poverty and the IMF
by Graham Bird - 637-652 Ghost of the financing gap: an overlooked aspect of the aid debate
by Thilak Ranaweera - 653-654 Economic recovery in Africa-The paradox of financial flows by Vijay S. Makhan (Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2002, pp. 161, h|bk)
by Andrew Mold - 654-656 Rethinking development economics , edited by HA-JOON CHANG (London: Anthem Press, 2003, pp. 544, p|bk)
by Andrew Mold
2004, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 291-300 Introduction
by Mushtaque Chowdhury & Paul Mosley & Anton Simanowitz - 301-330 Wider impacts of microfinance institutions: issues and concepts
by Sajjad Zohir & Imran Matin - 331-353 Quantitative approach to impact analysis of microfinance programmes in Bangladesh-what have we learned?
by M. A. Baqui Khalily - 355-367 Impact assessment of microfinance using qualitative data: communicating between social scientists and practitioners using the QUIP
by Katie Wright & James Copestake - 369-386 The wider impacts of BRAC poverty alleviation programme in Bangladesh
by A. Mushtaque R. Chowdhury & Abbas Bhuiya - 387-406 Working with the ultra-poor: learning from BRAC experiences
by Shantana R. Halder & Paul Mosley - 407-427 Microfinance, social capital formation and political development in Russia and eastern Europe: a pilot study of programmes in Russia, Slovakia and Romania
by Paul Mosley & Daniela Olejarova & Elena Alexeeva - 429-466 Role of microfinance in the household reconstruction process in Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Michal Matul & Caroline Tsilikounas - 467-500 Microfinance, labour markets and poverty in Africa: a study of six institutions
by Paul Mosley & June Rock - 501-517 The impact of microfinance institutions in local financial markets: a case study from Kenya
by Susan Johnson - 519-528 Group dynamics, gender and microfinance in Bolivia
by Carmen Velasco & Reynaldo Marconi
2004, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 141-156 Does devaluation lead to economic recovery or contraction? Theory and policy with reference to Thailand
by Graham Bird & Ramkishen S. Rajan - 157-170 Donor participatory governance evaluation: initial trends, implications, opportunities, constraints
by Ilan Kapoor - 171-188 Unemployment and urban poverty in China: a case study of Guangzhou and Tianjin
by Shujie Yao - 189-199 Foreign aid: is it all consumed?
by Ramesh Durbarry - 201-211 Recipient country's 'policies' and the effect of foreign aid on economic growth in developing countries: additional evidence
by Rati Ram - 213-240 Move to markets? An empirical analysis of privatization in developing countries
by Sudeshna Ghosh Banerjee & Michael C. Munger - 241-254 From crisis to recovery: the motivations for and effects of Malaysian capital controls
by Anita Doraisami - 255-280 Japan's official development assistance: recent issues and future directions
by Masahiro Kawai & Shinji Takagi - 281-290 Does saving really matter for growth? Mexico (1970-2000)
by Maite Alguacil & Ana Cuadros & Vicente Orts
2004, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-12 Globalization, production, employment and poverty: debates and evidence
by Rhys Jenkins - 13-28 Vietnam in the global economy: trade, employment and poverty
by Rhys Jenkins - 29-43 The labour market effects of globalization in Kenya
by Damiano Kulundu Manda & Kunal Sen - 45-61 A firm level analysis of trade, technology and employment in South Africa
by Lawrence Edwards - 63-80 The impact of European market changes on employment in the Kenyan horticulture sector
by John Humphrey & Neil McCulloch & Masako Ota - 81-92 Squaring the circle: global production and the informalization of work in South African fruit exports
by Stephanie Barrientos & Andrienetta Kritzinger - 93-109 Globalization, gender and poverty: Bangladeshi women workers in export and local markets
by Naila Kabeer & Simeen Mahmud - 111-123 Vietnam in the global garment and textile value chain: impacts on firms and workers
by Khalid Nadvi & John T. Thoburn & Bui Tat Thang & Nguyen Thi Thanh Ha & Nguyen Thi Hoa & Dao Hong Le & Enrique Blanco De Armas - 125-139 Globalization and the South African textiles industry: impacts on firms and workers
by Simon Roberts & John T. Thoburn
2003, Volume 15, Issue 8
- 939-955 Causes of inequalities in China, 1952 to 1999
by Ajit S. Bhalla & Shujie Yao & Zongyi Zhang - 957-967 Risks and responses among the urban poor in India
by Paula Kantor & Padmaja Nair - 969-988 From microcredit to microfinance: evolution of savings products by MFIs in Bangladesh
by Asif Dowla & Dewan Alamgir - 989-998 Aid and public sector borrowing in developing countries
by Simon Feeny & Mark McGillivray - 999-1013 International trade in 'quality goods': signalling problems for developing countries
by John Hudson & Philip Jones - 1015-1036 Flow of funds: implications for research on financial sector development and the real economy
by Christopher J. Green & Victor Murinde - 1037-1047 Resource inflows and household composition: evidence from South African panel data
by Pushkar Maitra & Ranjan Ray - 1049-1065 Inclusion-exclusion in public policies and policy analyses: the case of Philippine land reform, 1972-2002
by Saturnino M. Borras - 1067-1072 The private sector and water and sanitation services-policy and poverty issues
by Richard C. Carter & Kerstin Danert - 1073-1082 Transnational corporations and the discourse of water privatization
by Peter T. Robbins - 1083-1098 Public-private community partnerships in infrastructure for the poor
by Richard Franceys & Almud Weitz - 1099-1114 The private sector in rural water and sanitation services in Uganda: understanding the context and developing support strategies
by Kerstin Danert & Richard C. Carter & Ronnie Rwamwanja & Jamil Ssebalu & Graham Carr & David Kane - 1115-1125 Public-private partnerships in water: a South African perspective on the global debate
by Mike Muller - 1127-1128 The economist's tale: A consultant encounters hunger and the world bank by Peter Griffiths (Zed Books: London, 2003, pp. ix + 252)
by Oliver Morrissey - 1128-1129 Growth and Development with Special Reference to Developing Countries by A. P. Thirlwall (Palgrave Macmillan: London, 2003, 7th edn, pp. xxviii + 816. Macroeconomics for Developing Countries by Raghbendra Jha (Routledge: London, 2003, 2nd edn, 2003, pp. xi + 496)
by Oliver Morrissey - 1129-1130 Reforming the UN system: UNIDO's need-driven model by Carlos A. Margarinos, George Assaf, Sanjaya Lali, John D. Martinussen, Rubens Ricupero and Fransisco Sercovich (Kluwer Law International for the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation: The Hague, 2001, pp. xx)
by John Thoburn - 1131-1132 The world of consumption: The material and cultural revisited by Ben Fine (Routledge: London and New York, 2002, 2nd edn, pp. xiv + 313)
by Luuk van Kempen - 1132-1134 Economic Policy and Manufacturing Performance in Developing Countries edited by Oliver Morrissey and Michael Tribe (Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, 2001, pp. xi + 225)
by Peter Lawrence - 1134-1136 Evaluation of prolonged use of IMF resources by IMF Independent Evalution Office (International Monetary Fund: Washington, DC, 2002, 330pp)
by Joseph P. Joyce
2003, Volume 15, Issue 7
- 815-818 Social development: bridging the theory-practice divide past and present
by Eleanor Fisher - 819-830 Social planning: past, present, and future
by Ray Bromley - 831-844 Social development: the intellectual heritage
by James Midgley - 845-861 Re-approaching social development: a field of action between social life and policy processes
by Alberto Arce - 863-877 Patterns of difference and practical theory: researching the new poverty strategy processes in Africa
by David Booth - 879-892 Mainstreaming the social dimension into the overseas development administration: a partial history
by Rosalind Eyben - 893-909 The practice of design: developing the Chars Livelihoods Programme in Bangladesh
by Mary Ann Brocklesby & Mary Hobley - 911-924 Social development as knowledge building: research as a sphere of policy influence
by Eleanor Fisher & Jeremy D. Holland - 925-938 Why has it ended up here? Development (and other) messages and social connectivity in northern Orissa
by Alan Rew
2003, Volume 15, Issue 6
- 675-692 Factors that influence the expansion of the microenterprise sector: results from three national surveys in Zimbabwe
by Lisa Daniels - 693-708 Information technology and productivity payoff in the banking industry: evidence from the emerging markets
by Abdur Chowdhury - 709-725 More on the effectiveness of public spending on health care and education: a covariance structure model
by Emanuele Baldacci & Maria Teresa Guin-Siu & Luiz De Mello - 727-745 Sri Lanka's plantation sector: a before-and-after privatization comparison
by Ai Tee Loh & Booi Hon Kam & John T. Jackson - 747-770 Lending technologies, competition and consolidation in the market for microfinance in Bolivia
by Sergio Navajas & Jonathan Conning & Claudio Gonzalez-Vega - 771-781 Exploring sustainable livelihoods approaches in relation to two interventions in Tanzania
by Anna Toner - 783-799 Private capital formation and public investment in Sudan: testing the substitutability and complementarity hypotheses in a growth framework
by Ahmed Badawi - 801-803 Walter Newlyn, 1915-2002
by Peter Lawrence & John Loxley