1999, Volume 11, Issue 5
- 791-796 The role of government in business promotion: the case of textiles and garments
by Paul Jackson
1999, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 493-496 Editorial introduction
by Michael Tribe & Wendy Olsen - 497-501 The DSA at twenty-one: a critical celebration of development studies
by John Harriss - 503-519 Global poverty reduction: are we heading in the right direction?
by Howard White - 521-534 Participatory governance for poverty reduction
by Hartmut Schneider - 535-546 Development studies and policy studies: in the short run we are all dead
by Raymond Apthorpe - 547-563 Are the DAC targets achievable? Poverty and human development in the year 2015
by Lucia Hanmer & Niek De Jong & Rachel Kurian & Jos Mooij - 565-580 Towards effective poverty reduction: a study of heterogeneous groups of poor women in Uganda
by Grace Kyeyune & Patricia Goldey - 581-595 Forget the weights, who gets the benefits? How to bring a poverty focus to the economic analysis of projects
by David Potts - 597-612 Paradoxes of participation: questioning participatory approaches to development
by Frances Cleaver - 613-623 Are non-governmental organizations working in development a transnational community?
by Janet Gabriel Townsend - 625-636 Food policy in India: the importance of electoral politics in policy implementation
by Jos Mooij - 637-648 Ground-level bureaucrats as a source of intensification of rural poverty in China
by Xiyi Huang - 649-659 The marginalization of indigenous peoples from tribal lands in southeast Madagascar
by Philip Mulligan - 661-672 Return migrant entrepreneurs and economic diversification in two counties in south Jiangxi, China
by Rachel Murphy - 673-685 Micro-enterprises and privatized agricultural services: information flow, credit and trust in small seed enterprises in Ghana
by Fergus Lyon
1999, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 317-319 The impact of the liberalization of the exchange rate and financial markets in sub-Saharan Africa. Editors' introduction
by Giovanni Andrea Cornia & Nguyuru H. I. Lipumba - 321-342 The political economy of financial reform in Africa
by Thandika Mkandawire - 343-365 Should Africa promote stock market capitalism?
by Ajit Singh - 367-384 Micro-macro linkages in financial markets: the impact of financial liberalization on access to rural credit in four African countries
by Paul Mosley - 385-409 Financial and foreign exchange markets liberalization in Ghana
by Nii K. Sowa & Ivy K. Acquaye - 411-436 Impact of liberalization on key markets in sub-Saharan Africa: the case of Uganda
by Louis A. Kasekende & Michael Atingi-Ego - 437-464 Gradual liberalization of key markets: the road to sustainable growth in Mauritius
by Sunil Kumar Bundoo & Beealasingh Dabee - 465-491 Adjustment and liberalization in Kenya: the financial and foreign exchange markets
by Njuguna S. Ndung'U & Rose W. Ngugi
1999, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 177-195 Economic growth, poverty and inequality
by Andrew Goudie & Paul Ladd - 197-219 Small and medium enterprise theory: evidence for Chinese TVEs
by Mario Biggeri & Danilo Gambelli & Christine Phillips - 221-239 The response of private investment to structural adjustment-a case study of Turkey
by Öner Günçavdi & Michael Bleaney & Andrew McKay - 241-258 The role of interest groups in agricultural policy design: Chile 1960-1988
by Jaime Ortiz - 259-271 NGO failure and the need to bring back the state
by S. Akbar Zaidi - 273-275 The Spanish International Development Co-operation Law: a step in the right direction?
by Neil Hughes - 277-285 Communities, wildlife and the 'new conservation' in Africa
by David Hulme & Marshall Murphree - 287-293 Devolution and stewardship in Zimbabwe's CAMPFIRE programme
by James C. Murombedzi - 295-304 Policy lessons from the evolution of a community-based approach to wildlife management, Kunene Region, Namibia
by Brian T. B. Jones - 305-315 Institutional sustainability and community conservation: a case study from Uganda
by Mark Infield & William M. Adams
1999, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-26 How important is sound domestic macroeconomics in attracting capital inflows to developing countries?
by Graham Bird - 27-46 Preferences, inequity and entitlements: some issues from a CVM study of water supply in Madras, India
by P. B. Anand & Roger Perman - 47-74 Regional differences in India's food expenditure pattern: a complete demand systems approach
by J. V. Meenakshi & Ranjan Ray - 75-91 'The State in a Changing World'; plus ça change?: Reflections from the south on the World Bank's 1997 World Development Report
by William Munro & Vishnu Padayachee & Francie Lund & Imraan Valodia - 93-94 Diagnosis and prescription after the Asian crisis
by Nicholas Snowden - 95-106 Exchange rate co-ordination for surmounting the East Asian currency crises
by Ronald I. McKinnon - 107-119 The international financial architecture after the Asian crisis: learning from Las Vegas?
by Nicholas Snowden - 121-139 Capital flows in Chile: from the tequila to the Asian crises
by Ricardo Ffrench-Davis & Manuel R. Agosin - 141-146 Work motivation in Malawi: neither flat earth nor Babel
by Stuart C. Carr & Malcolm MacLachlan - 146-146 Comments on Carr and MacLachlan (1999)
by Peter Blunt & Merrick Jones - 147-149 Obituary: Professor T. V. Sathyamurthy
by David Edwards - 151-175 Standards of living, human development indices and structural adjustments in developing countries: an empirical investigation
by Farhad Noorbakhsh
1998, Volume 10, Issue 7
- 841-855 Beyond Bureaucrats in Business: a critical review of the World Bank approach to privatization and public sector reform
by Kate Bayliss & Ben Fine - 857-869 An evaluation of export revenues as determinants of economic growth in the South Pacific island nations
by Sospeter N. Onchoke & Francis In - 871-898 Local environmental management, land degradation and the 'gestion des terroirs' approach in West Africa: policies and pitfalls
by Simon Batterbury - 899-921 Migration, employment and development: a three-sector analysis
by Prabir C. Bhattacharya - 923-925 Reinforcing democracy: the development process and community agency
by Michal Lyons & Carin Smuts - 927-928 Gender, governance and policy: an introduction
by Uma Kothari & Imraan Valodia - 929-941 Integrating gender issues into national budgetary policies and procedures: some policy options
by Diane Elson - 943-955 Engendering the public sector: an example from the women's budget initiative in South Africa
by Imraan Valodia - 957-967 Gender and governance: democratic consolidation and economic reform
by Georgina Waylen
1998, Volume 10, Issue 6
- 699-713 Refugees and environmental change in West Africa: the role of institutions
by Richard Black & Mohamed F. Sessay - 715-731 Implementation of science and technology policies for global competition: Korea's electronics and telecommunications industries
by Roy W. Shin - 733-749 Machinery and China's nexus of foreign trade and economic growth
by Dic Lo & Thomas M. H. Chan - 751-775 Standards of living, human development indices and structural adjustments in developing countries: an empirical investigation
by Farhad Noorbakhsh - 777-793 Feeding Africa's growing cities into the 21st century: the potential of urban agriculture
by Tony Binns & Kenneth Lynch - 795-798 Editorial: learning about learning on microfinance north and south
by Chris Roche & Ben Rogaly - 799-810 Microfinance north and south: contrasting current debates
by Susan Johnson - 811-822 Microcredit meets social exclusion: learning with difficulty from international experience
by Ruth Pearson - 823-836 Combating financial exclusion through co-operatives: is there a role for external assistance?
by Ben Rogaly - 837-838 Book review: Finance Against Poverty by David Hulme and Paul Mosley. (London, Routledge, 1996
by Frances Stewart - 838-839 Book review: The Institutional Approach to Labour and Development edited by Gerry Rodgers, Klara Foti and Laurids Lauridsen. (London and Portland Oregon, Frank Cass, 1996
by Gautam Mody
1998, Volume 10, Issue 5
- 575-587 Structural reforms and price liberalization in Mexican agriculture
by John Baffes - 589-605 The human development index: some technical issues and alternative indices
by Farhad Noorbakhsh - 607-619 The aid policy process of a 'humane internationalist': the Danish example
by Gorm Rye Olsen - 621-637 Fighting for survival: manufacturing industry and adjustment in sub-Saharan Africa
by Paul Bennell - 639-641 Central banking in post-socialist economies: Introduction
by Yelena Kalyuzhnova & George Tridimas - 643-657 The responsibilities of central banks in the transition economies
by Lionel Price - 659-679 Financial markets in the Baltic States: fit for the EU?
by Gerhard Fink & Peter Haiss & Nobuko Inagawa - 681-693 Dilemmas of financial development in Kazakstan
by Yelena Kalyuzhnova & George Tridimas - 695-696 Book review: From Plan to Market: The Economic transition in Vietnam by Adam Fforde and Stefan de Vylder. Boulder, Westview Press, 1996
by John Weeks - 696-697 Book review: Financial Liberalisation and Investment by Kanhaya L. Gupta and Robert Lensink. London, Routledge, 1997
by Lalita Saptagiri - 697-698 Book review: NGOs and the Environmental Policies in Asia and Africa. By David Potter (ed.). Frank Cass & Company Ltd, London 1996
by Paul Murphy
1998, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 413-416 The 1997 Development Studies Association Conference
by Katrina Brown - 417-426 The reform of the power sector in India: 1991-1997
by T. G. Arun & F. I. Nixson - 427-438 Changing fortunes in anti-poverty programmes in Bangladesh
by Mokbul Morshed Ahmad & Janet Gabriel Townsend - 439-452 Liberalization and labour: the effect on formal sector employment
by Uma Kambhampati & Jude Howell - 453-468 Conceptual and methodological challenges in the study of livelihood trajectories: case-studies in Eastern India and Western Nepal
by D. K. Bagchi & Piers Blaikie & John Cameron & M. Chattopadhyay & N. Gyawali & David Seddon - 469-486 Participation, social capital and vulnerability to urban flooding in Guyana
by Mark Pelling - 487-500 Social sustainability in mineral-driven development
by Richard M. Auty - 501-514 Property rights and renewable natural resources degradation in North-Western Ghana
by J. A. Bakang & C. J. Garforth - 515-526 Decentralized environmental management and popular participation in Coastal Ghana
by Gina Porter & Einir Young - 527-537 The environmental knowledge frontier: transects with experts and villagers
by Ishmail O. Mahiri - 539-554 Development policy and economic performance in Botswana: lessons for the transition economies in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Kempe Ronald Hope - 555-573 Structural adjustment programmes and export supply response
by Farhad Noorbakhsh & Alberto Paloni
1998, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 277-299 Rent-seeking in rural development projects: its potential causes and measures to reduce its costs
by Euan Fleming - 301-321 An alternative model of development? Co-operation and flexible industrial practices in India
by Anthony P. D'Costa - 323-339 Dancing with the state: the role of NGOs in health care and health policy
by Christy Cannon Lorgen - 341-355 The effect of structural adjustment on the Nigerian agricultural export sector
by David Colman & Aja Okorie - 357-371 Development, markets and trust
by Richard Grabowski - 373-375 Public sector reform in developing countries: the state of practice. Introduction: new public management, old hat?
by Charles Polidano - 377-386 Institutional constraints and capacity issues in decentralizing management in public services: the case of health in Ghana
by George A. Larbi - 387-395 The transition of a public sector monopoly: India's experience with telecommunications
by T. G. Arun & F. I. Nixson - 397-406 Institutional strengthening and technical co-operation: developing a best practice model
by Colin Jacobs - 407-407 Book review: Adjusting Africa by Claire Melamed. Worldview Publishing, pp. 167, £9.95, p|bk
by Amani Abou-Zeid - 407-408 Book review: Ecology and Equity: The Use and Abuse of Nature in Contemporary India by Madhav Gadgil and Ramachandra Guha. London: Routledge, £12.99, pp. 213, p|bk
by P. C. Baumann - 408-410 Book review: Democracy and Authoritarianism in South Asia by A. Jalal. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995
by Asad Sayeed - 410-411 Book review: The South African Economy: Macroeconomic Prospects for the Medium Term by Finn Tarp and Peter Brixen. London, Routledge, 1996
by Ben Fine - 411-412 Book review: Following Ho Chi Minh by Bui Tin. London, Hurst & Company, 1995
by Sonja Ruehl
1998, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 151-166 British aid and the White Paper on International Development: dressing a wolf in sheep's clothing in the emperor's new clothes?
by Howard White - 167-183 Eliminating world poverty: a challenge for the 21st century. An overview of the 1997 White Paper on International Development
by Andrew Goudie - 185-194 The 1975 and 1997 White Papers compared: enriched vision, depleted policies?
by Adrian Hewitt & Tony Killick - 195-202 The view from the opposition benches
by Rt Hon Sir Alastair Goodlad MP - 203-213 The new UK White Paper on International Development: an NGO perspective
by Alan Whaites - 215-218 A campaigning group's perspective on the 1997 White Paper on International Development
by Independent Group on British Aid - 219-225 Africa and the donor community: from conditionality to partnership
by Steve Kayizzi-Mugerwa - 227-234 The 1997 White Paper: powerful poverty commitment, imprecise operational strategy
by Aidan Cox & John Healey - 235-246 The gender and poverty nexus in the DFID White Paper: opportunity or constraint?
by Jo Beall - 247-255 ATP is dead: long live mixed credits
by Oliver Morrissey - 257-268 Conditionality or contract: perspectives on partnership for development
by Simon Maxwell & Roger Riddell - 269-276 The White Paper's treatment of agriculture, natural resources and rural livelihoods
by Diana Carney
1998, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-15 The savings of the poor: improving financial services in Bangladesh
by Stuart Rutherford - 17-34 Demand-led and poverty-oriented … Or just subcontracted and efficient? Learning from (semi-) privatized technology transfer programmes in Chile
by Anthony Bebbington & Octavio Sotomayor - 35-54 Participation, 'process' and management: lessons for development in the history of organization development
by Bill Cooke - 55-69 Evaluating institutional sustainability in development programmes: beyond dollars and cents
by Deryck R. Brown - 71-73 The hesitant recovery of African agriculture
by Colin Thirtle - 75-84 Agricultural market liberalization: a case study of the Western Cape Province in South Africa
by Johan Van Zyl & Nick Vink & Rob Townsend & Johann Kirsten - 85-103 The revival of smallholder cash crops in Africa: public and private roles in the provision of finance
by Colin Poulton & Andrew Dorward & Jonathan Kydd - 105-115 Convergence of per capita incomes and agricultural productivity in Africa
by Angela Lusigi & Jenifer Piesse & Colin Thirtle - 117-128 The effects of macroeconomic policy on South African agriculture: implications for exports, prices and farm incomes
by R. F. Townsend & C. Thirtle - 129-146 Are production risk and labour market risk covariant?
by Sunil Kanwar - 147-148 Book Review: The Governance and Management of Charities by Andrew Hind. London, The Voluntary Sector Press, 1995
by Mike Aaronson - 148-149 Book Review: The World Bank and Non-Governmental Organizations: The Limits of Apolitical Development by Paul J. Nelson. London, Macmillan Press Ltd, 1995
by James MacBain
1997, Volume 9, Issue 7
- 899-911 The meaning of work in Malaŵi
by Stuart C. Carr & Malcolm MacLachlan & Michael Kachedwa & Macdonald Kanyangale - 913-917 Motivational muddles, recycled conventional wisdom and straw men in Malaŵi: Comments on Carr, MacLachlan, Kachedwa and Kanyangale (1997)
by Peter Blunt & Merrick L. Jones - 919-937 POLICY ARENA: 'Missing link' or analytically missing?: The concept of social capital. Edited by John Harriss. An introductory bibliographic essay
by John Harriss & Paolo De Renzio - 939-949 POLICY ARENA: Accounting for the 'dark side' of social capital: reading Robert Putnam on democracy
by James Putzel - 951-961 POLICY ARENA: Social capital in waste-a solid investment?
by Jo Beall - 963-971 POLICY ARENA: The World Bank and social capital: contesting the concept in practice
by Jonathan Fox - 973-973 Book Review: People and environment by Stephen Morse and Michael Stocking. London, University College Press, 1995
by Philip Stott - 974-975 Book Review: Free markets and food riots: the politics of global adjustment by John Walton and David Seddon. Oxford, UK and Cambridge, USABlackwell, 1994
by Frederick Nixson - 975-975 Book Review: Beyond urban bias in Africa: urbanization in an era of structural adjustment by C Becker, A Hamer, and A Morrison. London, James Currey, 1994
by Philip Amis - 977-977 Erratum: Institutional interdependence: capacity-enhancing assistance for intermediary NGOs in Sierra Leone and the Gambia by Ann C. Hudock, Vol. 9, No. 4, June 1997
by Ann C. Hudock
1997, Volume 9, Issue 6
- 783-801 Vietnam: Adjustment, Growth and Poverty
by George Irvin - 803-825 Bivariate and Multivariate Tests of Money-Price Causality: Robust Evidence from a Small Developing Country
by Abul M. M. Masih & Rumi Masih - 827-836 Analysis of the Demery and Squire 'Adjustment and Poverty' Evidence
by John Weeks - 837-842 Adjustment and Poverty Evidence: A Response to Weeks
by Lionel Demery & Lyn Squire - 843-847 POLICY ARENA: Privatization and Public Enterprise Reform in Developing Countries: the World Bank's Bureaucrats in Business Report. Introduction and Overview
by Paul Cook & Colin Kirkpatrick - 849-864 POLICY ARENA: The Economics and Politics of Government Ownership
by Mary M. Shirley - 865-875 POLICY ARENA: Can Large Firms Be Run Efficiently Without Being Bureaucratic?
by Ha-Joon Chang & Ajit Singh - 877-885 POLICY ARENA: Bureaucrats, Business and Economic Growth
by Hossein Jalilian & John Weiss - 887-897 POLICY ARENA: Privatization, Public Enterprise Reform and the World Bank: Has 'Bureaucrats in Business' Got It Right?
by Paul Cook
1997, Volume 9, Issue 5
- 675-693 Measuring External Shock and Domestic Response in LDCs: Completing Ballassa's Decomposition Method
by E. V. K. Fitzgerald - 695-726 Determinants of Inflow of Foreign Direct Investment in Hungary and China: Time-Series Approach
by Zhen Quan Wang & Nigel Swain - 727-737 Export Processing Zones in Sri Lanka: A Cost-Benefit Appraisal
by K. Jayanthakumaran & John Weiss - 739-752 Traditional Technology Emphasized In A Model For Andean Rural Development
by Ann Kendall - 753-754 Policy Arena: Micro-Macro Linkages Introduction
by Oliver Morrissey - 755-760 Policy Arena: Micro-Macro Linkages: An Economist'S Perspective
by Oliver Morrissey - 761-770 Policy Arena: Linking Micro And Macro Research: A Sociological Perspective
by Philippa Bevan - 771-778 Policy Arena: Using Grassroots Experience To Inform Macro Level Policy: An Ngo Perspective
by Caroline Harper - 779-780 BOOK REVIEW: New Farmers' Movements in India by Tom Brass. London, Frank Cass, 1995
by Subir Sinha - 780-780 BOOK REVIEW: A Field of One's Own: Gender and Land Rights in South Asia by Bina Agarwal, Cambridge University Press, 1994
by P. Baumann - 781-781 Erratum: 'Direct effects of public spending in a small open economy model with variable prices', M.D. Ramirez. Vol. 9, No. 2., March-April 1997
by Miguel D. Ramirez
1997, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 435-435 Editorial
by Paul Mosley - 437-448 Development In A World Of Market Economics
by William Ryrie - 449-458 Assessing The Transition From Plan To Market: What Have We Learned-About Policies And Economic Theory?
by Alan Gelb - 459-482 International Agricultural Research And The Cgiar System-Past, Present And Future
by D. J. Greenland - 483-495 Principals, Agents And The Failings Of Conditionality
by Tony Killick - 497-505 Conditionality When Donor And Recipient Preferences Vary
by Howard White & Oliver Morrissey - 507-516 The World Bank And Conditionality
by Raul Hopkins & Andrew Powell & Amlan Roy & Christopher L. Gilbert - 517-527 The Agricultural Research System Of The Former Soviet Union: Past And Future
by C. E. Pray & J. R. Anderson - 529-538 Total Factor Productivity And The Effects Of R&D In African Agriculture
by Angela Lusigi & Colin Thirtle - 539-547 Natural Resource Management And The Cgiar System: Is Progress Possible?
by J. David Reece - 549-561 Whither Transition-Development And Security In The Former Soviet Central Asia
by Andrea Ellner - 563-577 Geopolitical Factors In Economic Transformation: Kazakstani-Russian Relations
by Nicholas Tucker & Yelena Kalyuzhnova - 579-587 Upheaval Along The Silk Route: The Dynamics Of Economic Transition In Central Asia
by Max Spoor - 589-596 Institutional Interdependence: Capacity-Enhancing Assistance For Intermediary Ngos In Sierra Leone And The Gambia
by Rick James - 613-620 Donor Information Demands And Ngo Institutional Development
by Rick Davies - 621-629 International Comparisons Of Health Sector Reform: Towards A Comparative Framework For Developing Countries
by Barbara Mcpake & Caroline Machray - 631-639 From Vision To Reality: Implementing Health Reforms In Lusaka, Zambia
by Sarah Atkinson - 641-649 The Role Of Regulation: Influencing Private Sector Activity Within Health Sector Reform
by Lilani Kumaranayake - 651-663 Natural Resource Endowment, The State And Development Strategy
by Richard M. Auty - 665-673 Poverty Reduction Through Economic Growth: Some Issues
by Andrew Mckay
1997, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 309-330 Us Imports Of Clothing From Asian Developing Countries
by Lynden Moore - 331-346 Virtue Or Necessity? Pluralist Agricultural Technology Development In Mozambique
by Philip Woodhouse - 347-366 Structural Breaks And Long-Run Trends In Commodity Prices
by Javier León & Raimundo Soto - 367-382 Shadow Pricing Simplified: Estimating Acceptably Accurate Economic Rates Of Return Using Limited Data
by John Macarthur - 383-389 The Road From Rio
by Katrina Brown - 391-401 Development And Global Environmental Change
by Michael Redclift - 403-413 Climate Change, North-South Co-Operation And Collective Decision-Making Post-Rio
by Jyoti Parikh & P. G. Babu & K. S. Kavi Kumar - 415-425 Issues Emerging In Implementing The Convention On Biological Diversity
by Michel Pimbert - 427-428 Flexible Specialization: The Dynamics of Small-Scale Industries in the South by P.O. Pedersen, A. Sverrisson and M.P. van Dijk, London, Intermediate Technology Publications, 1994, pp.174, £12.95 p|bk
by Panikkos Poutziouris - 428-430 Bangladesh: Whose Ideas, Whose Interests? by Geoffrey D. Wood, London, Intermediate Technology Publications, in association with University Press Limited, Dhaka, 1994, pp. 588, £19.95, p|bk
by Anne Marie Goetz - 430-431 The Rwanda Crisis: History of a Genocide by Gerard Prunier, London, C. Hurst & Co. Ltd., 1995, pp. 389, £12.50, p|bk
by Joseph Mullen
1997, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 151-168 Income and equity effects of the green revolution in the Philippines: a macroeconomic perspective
by Romeo M. Bautista - 169-187 Rapid economic growth and poverty decline: a comparison of Indonesia and Thailand 1981-1990
by Anne Booth - 189-205 Direct effects of public spending on private spending in a small open economy model with variable prices
by Miguel D. Ramirez - 207-220 From banks to bonds: a problem resolved? A perspective from the LDC debt literature
by Graham Bird & Nicholas Snowden - 221-229 How credible are estimates of peasant allocative scale, or scope efficiency? A commentary
by Christpher B. Barrett - 231-233 Development ethics, capabilities and the work of W.I.D.E.R
by Des Gasper - 235-250 Irreducibly social goods and the informational basis of Amartya Sen's capability approach
by Charles Gore - 251-262 A weakness of the capability approach with respect to gender justice
by Mozaffar Qizilbash