January 1994, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 133-134 From feast to famine: Official Cures and Grassroots Remedies to Africa's Food Crisis. By W. RAU (London, Zed Books, 1991, pp. 213, £8.99 p/b.)
by Georgina Waylen - 134-134 When the grass is gone. By P. T. W. BAXTER (ed.). (Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet (The Scandinavian Institute of African Studies), Seminar Proceedings No. 25, 1991, pp. 214, SEK 170, h/b.)
by Duncan Fulton - 135-135 Appropriate Biotechnology in Small‐Scale Agriculture: How to Reorient Research and Development. By J. F. G. Bunders and J. E. W. Broerse (eds). (Wallingford, UK, CAB International, 1991, pp. 153, £12.50.)
by Frederick H. Buttel - 135-136 The Political Economy of Basic Human Needs. By Bruce Moon. (Ithaca and London, Cornell University Press, 1991, pp. xii + 316.)
by Frances Stewart
November 1993, Volume 5, Issue 6
- 569-570 Editorial
by John Harriss & Ian Rowlands - 571-589 Global environmental change and mechanisms for north‐south resource transfers
by Katrina Brown & W. Neil Adger & R. Kerry Turner - 591-604 Mainstream sustainable development: The challenge of putting theory into practice
by W. M. Adams & D. H. L. Thomas - 605-622 Are third world megacities sustainable? Jabotabek as an example
by Adrian Atkinson - 623-649 Does economic reform harm the environment? A review of structural adjustment in Malawi
by Elizabeth Cromwell & James Winpenny - 651-668 Questioning synergism: Win‐win with women in population and environment policies?
by Cecile Jackson - 669-678 Good science for public policy
by Michael Thompson - 679-680 Agricultural research policy: International quantitative perspectives. By P. G Pardey, J. Roseboom and J. R. Anderson (eds). (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991, pp. 462, £27.50 h/b)
by Adam Ozanne - 680-681 Workers in third‐world industrialization. By Inga Brandell (ed.). (London, Macmillan, 1991, pp. 239, £45 h/b)
by Leslie Sklair - 681-682 Understanding peasant China. Case studies in the philosophy of social science. By Daniel Little. (New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1989, pp. xi + 322, £25 h/b)
by Flemming Christiansen
September 1993, Volume 5, Issue 5
- 437-458 Poverty alleviation in El Salvador: An appraisal of the Cristiani Government's social programme
by Peter Sollis - 459-496 Two errors of targeting
by Giovanni Andrea Cornia & Frances Stewart - 497-510 ‘Graduation’ problems amongst micro and small enterprises in Eastern Nigeria, 1960–91
by Steve Onyeiwu - 511-530 Towards a political economy of transition in Eastern Europe
by Alexander Neuber - 531-558 Some implications of new growth theory for economic development
by Alexandre Rands Barros - 559-560 Development in practice: Paved with good intentions. By D. Porter, B. Allen and G. Thompson. (London, Routledge, 1991, pp. xxi + 247, £14.99 pbk, ISBN 0–415–06626–3)
by Steve Wiggins - 560-561 The political economy of agricultural pricing policy, volumes 1 (Latin America) and 2 (Asia). Edited by A. O. Krueger, M. Schiff and A. Valdes (Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1991, pp. 273 and 293, £28.50 each h/b)
by David Colman - 561-562 Action research for change and development. Edited by O. Zuber‐Skerritt. (Aldershot: Avebury/Gower, 1991, pp. 234, £30)
by Pete Mann - 562-563 Women and health by Patricia Smyke (London: Zed Books, 1991, pp.182, £9.95)
by Peter Poore - 563-565 Keepers of the forest: Land management alternatives in Southeast Asia. By Mark Poffenberger (ed.). (West Hartford, USA, Kumarian Press, 1990, pp. 289, $29.00 h/b, $19.95 p/b)
by Mary Hobley - 565-566 Science and technology: Lessons for development policy. Edited by Robert E. Evenson and Gustave Ranis. (London, Intermediate Technology Publications, 1990, pp. 391, p/b)
by Homi Katrak - 566-567 Mediating conflict. Decision‐making and western intervention in Namibia. By Vivienne Jabri. (Manchester and New York, Manchester University Press, 1990, pp. 198, £29.95 h/b)
by Donna Pankhurst - 567-568 Economic liberalization: No Panacea. By Tariq Banuri. (WIDER Studies in Development Economics, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1991, pp. 238, £27.50)
by H. David Evans
July 1993, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 353-355 Editorial introduction
by Oliver Morrissey - 357-380 War and underdevelopment: Can economic analysis help reduce the costs?
by Frances Stewart - 381-389 The new political economy and policy reform
by G. M. Meier - 391-399 NGO income generation programmes for Afghan refugees in Pakistan
by Margaret Sinclair - 401-414 NGOs and public policy reform: Lessons from Peru
by Elsa L. Dawson - 415-423 Disasters and development. A case study from Peru
by Theo Schilderman - 425-427 The long‐term perspective study of sub‐saharam Africa by the World Bank. (Washington, DC: World Bank, 1990)
by Donna Pankhurst - 427-428 Education, productivity and inequality: The east African natural experiment. By J. B. Knight and R. H. Sabot. (Oxford University Press for The World Bank, 1990, pp. 445, £30)
by D. C. Taylor - 428-429 Biotechnology and the future of world agriculture. By H. Hobbelink. (London and New Jersey, Zed Books, 1991, pp. 159, £8.95 p/b)
by David Colman - 429-430 Global capitalism: Theories of societal development. By Richard Peet. (Rout‐ledge, 1991, pp. 206, £79.99 p/b)
by Keith Sutton - 431-431 The stages of economic growth ‐ a non‐communist manifesto. By W. W. Rostow. Third edition. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1991, pp. xlviii + 272, £30 h/b, £10.95 p/b)
by H. W. Singer - 431-432 Agricultural development principles: Economic theory and empirical evidence. By R. D. Stevens and C. L. Jabara. (Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988, pp. 478 + xxxi, £ 12.50)
by David Colman - 432-433 Coping with seasonally and drought. By Martha Alter Chen. (New Delhi, Newbury Park, London, Sage Publications, 1991, pp. 254, £27.50)
by Robert Chambers - 433-434 Aid and power: The world bank and policy‐based lending. By Paul Mosley, Jane Harrigan and John Toye. (London, Routledge, 1991, 2 volumes: Vol. 1 pp. 317, £12.99; vol. 2, pp. 443, £16.99)
by John Weeks - 434-435 After the wars. By Antony Lake and contributors. (New Brunswick and Oxford, Transaction Publishers, 1990, pp. 190, $24.95)
by Frances Stewart - 435-436 To cure all hunger: Food policy and food security in sudan. Edited by Simon Maxwell (London, Intermediate Technology, 1991, pp. 248, £9.95)
by Hugh Goyder
May 1993, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 249-262 Export pressure and the less developed countries' (LDCs') debt problem
by Victor Iwuagwu Oguledo - 263-274 External constraint and India's import behaviour: An analysis in the almost ideal demand system framework
by Ranjan Ray & Srikanta Chatterjee - 275-289 Comparative advantage and food grain imports in China
by Lu Feng - 291-303 The effect of real exchange rate changes on output: Jamaica's devaluation experience
by Ruper T. G. Rhodd - 305-312 Aid and government: A dynamic model of aid, income and fiscal behaviour
by Howard White - 313-324 Housing investment and chinese rural development: Preliminary results from a survey in jiangsu province
by Cheng Enjiang - 325-339 Non‐governmental organizations as agents of democratization: An African perspective
by Alan Fowler - 341-342 Taking population seriously. By Frances Moore Lappe and Rachel Schurman. (Earthscan Publications Ltd., London, 1989, £4.95, pp. 90)
by Donna Pankhurst - 343-344 City, class and trade: Social and economic change in the third world by Nigel Harris. (London and New York, I. B. Tauris, 1991, pp. 262, £29.95 h/b)
by David Drakakis‐Smith - 344-345 Technology choice: A critique of the appropriate technology movement By Kelvin W. Willoughby. (Boulder, Westview Press and London, Intermediate Technology Publications, 1990, pp. 350, £14.95 p/b)
by R. F. Clarke - 345-345 Women and the environment: A reader. By S. Sontheimer (ed). (London: Earthscan Publications, 1991, pp 205, £7.95)
by Mary Myers - 346-346 Tropical gangsters by Robert Klitgaard. (London and New York: I. R. Tauris, 1991, pp. 281, £14.95)
by Paul Mosley - 347-347 Trade theory and economic reform: North, south and east. Essays in honor of Béla Balassa. By J. De Melo and A. Sapir (eds). (Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1991, pp. 390, £40)
by John Weiss - 347-348 Blueprint 2: Greening the world economy. By David Pearce (ed.). (London, Earthscan Publications Ltd, 1991, pp. 232 £7.95, p/b)
by Peter Eaton - 348-349 Growing up modern: The western state builds third‐world schools. By Bruce Fuller. (London, Routledge, 1991, pp. 168, £30)
by Chris Martin - 349-350 Strategies for structural adjustment: The experience of southeast Asia. By U. A. Azia (ed.). (washington: International Monetary Fund, 1990 pp. 202, US$ 16.50)
by A. Chowdhury - 351-352 EC trade policy and the third world. An irish perspective. By Alan Matthews. (Dublin, Gill and Macmillan, in association with Trócaire, 1991, pp. 246, £15)
by Trevor Young - 352-352 Caring for the earth: A strategy for sustainable living, published by IUCN (World Conservation Union), UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) and WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature). (London, Earthscan, 1991, pp. 228, £9.95 p/b)
by C. J. Barrow
March 1993, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 109-111 Development issues for the 1990s: Introduction
by Colin Thirtle & Graham Pratt - 113-121 Transition in eastern Europe: Does the sequence of privatization matter?
by Barbara Maciaszek‐Roberts - 123-133 A political economy of market‐led structural adjustment. A case‐study of Fiji
by John Cameron - 135-143 Labour markets, poverty and adjustment
by Tony Addison & Lionel Demery - 145-148 The new international economic order: Ideology or reality?
by Meghnad Desai - 149-159 Developing countries, GATT and the uruguay round
by David Greenaway - 161-169 Trade effects of 1992 and the developing countries
by Parvin Alizadeh - 171-181 The impact of east‐west interaction on north‐south interaction
by S. Mansoob Murshed - 183-192 Measuring development? The UNDP's human development index
by Mark McGillivray & Howard White - 193-205 The productivity of commercial agriculture in Zimbabwe, 1970–89
by Colin Thirtle & Jon Atkins & Paul Bottomley & Nancy Gonese & Jones Govereh - 207-223 Productivity and environmental conservation under rapid population growth: A case study of machakos district
by Mary Tiffen - 225-235 The environment and economic policy trends in Pakistan
by Omar Noman - 237-247 Gender‐aware analysis and development economics
by Diane Elson
January 1993, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-25 Sisters in economic development: The bretton woods institutions and developing countries
by Graham Bird - 27-49 Public expenditure and economic performance: A comparison of developed and low‐income developing economies
by Zaidi Sattar - 51-77 External shocks and structural adjustments in east Asian newly industrializing economies
by A. Chowdhury - 79-92 Obstacles to trade liberalization and economic cooperation among west African states
by Yilma Gebremariam - 93-106 Which African agenda for the 'nineties? The ECA/world bank alternatives
by Trevor W. Parfitt - 107-108 Computerization in developing countries: Model and reality by Per Lind. (London and New York, Routledge, 1991, pp. 175, £35)
by Richard Heeks - 108-108 Development research: The environmental challenge. By J. T. Winpenny (ed.). (London, Overseas Development Institute, 1991, pp. 228, £9.95 p/b)
by C. J. Barrow
November 1992, Volume 4, Issue 6
- 567-581 The appropriate role of agricultural insurance in developing countries
by Peter B. R. Hazell - 583-605 Privatization and regulation in Turkey: An assessment
by Cevat Karatas - 607-631 Rhetoric and Reality: The management of Botswana's 1982‐88 drought relief programme
by Colin Simmons & Stephen Lyons - 633-642 The World Bank and Indonesian poverty
by Anne Booth - 643-647 Mauritius: Economic miracle or developmental illusion?
by Martin Minogue - 649-653 Small production‐based projects and multi‐lateral agencies
by Alison Lochhead - 655-655 Multinationals and economic development: An integration of competing theories by J. C. W. Ahiakpor (London and New York, Routledge, 1990, pp. 101, £35 h/b.)
by Frederick Nixson - 656-658 Industrialisation in the third world: The need for alternative strategies by Meine Pieter van Dijk and Henrik Secher Marcussen (eds) (London, Frank Cass, 1990, pp. 222, £22.)
by Frederick Nixson
September 1992, Volume 4, Issue 5
- 477-496 Technical change, productivity, and sustainability in irrigated cropping systems of South Asia: Emerging issues in the post‐green revolution Era
by Derek Byerlee - 497-510 Monitoring and evaluation in agricultural and rural development projects: Lessons and learning
by Gilroy Coleman - 511-529 The use of migrant remittances in development: Lessons from the asian experience
by Premachandra Athukorala - 531-540 Export diversification strategies and community welfare
by J. Love - 541-559 Macroeconomic adjustments, economic growth and the balance of payments in Ghana, 1983‐88
by Newman Kwadwo Kusi - 561-562 Dryland Management: Economic Case Studies by John A. Dixon, David E. James and Paul B. Sherman (eds) (London, Earthscan Publications, 1990, pp. 364, £16.95 p/b.)
by Donna Pankhurst - 562-563 The politics of India by Paul R. Brass. The New Cambridge History of India, IV‐I. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990, pp. 357, £22.50.)
by Anirudha Gupta - 563-564 Agriculture, poverty and reform in Iran by Mohammad Javad Amid. (London and New York, Routledge, 1990, pp. 177, £30 h/b.)
by Hassan Hakimian - 564-565 Wage labour and unfreedom in agriculture: An Indian case study by V. K. Ramachandran. (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1990, pp. xvii and 321, £35 h/b.)
by Stuart Corbridge - 565-566 The making of economic policy in Africa by Ravi Gulhati (Washington, DC: World Bank 1990, pp. 111, $6.95)
by Donna Pankhurst - 566-566 Development dilemmas in rural Thailand by Philip Hirsch. (Oxford University Press: South‐East Asian Social Science Monographs, 1990, pp. 244, £20.)
by Peter Smith
July 1992, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 345-347 Editorial introduction
by David Marsden & Frances Stewart - 349-374 The dynamics of rural and agricultural mechanization: The role of different actors in technical and institutional change
by Tony Ashford & Stephen D. Biggs - 375-396 Linking paradigms and practice: Key issues in the appraisal, monitoring and evaluation of British NGO Projects
by Mick Howes - 397-417 Assessing the impact of NGO rural poverty alleviation programmes: Evidence from South India
by Mark A. Robinson - 419-436 The role of dowries and daughters' marriages in the accumulation and distribution of capital in a South Indian Community
by Judith Heyer - 437-462 Generalization in rural development: Eleven villages in South Gujarat, India
by Shanti George - 463-476 Economies of scale and small firms in developing countries: Theoretical and empirical issues
by Amr Elleithy
May 1992, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 245-271 The International Monetary Fund and the dilemmas of adjustment in Eastern Europe: Lessons from the 1980s and prospects for the 1990s
by Anne Henderson - 273-289 On the chronically poor in rural India
by Raghav Gaiha - 291-313 The IMF and Paris club debt rescheduling: A conflicting role?
by Richard P. C. Brown - 315-332 The prebisch‐singer terms of trade controversy revisited
by D. Sapsford & P. Sarkar & H. W. Singer - 333-333 Training for development, (2nd edn) by Rolf P. Lynton and Udai Pareek (West Hartford, Kumarian Press, 1990, pp. 333, US$8.95 paperback.)
by David Hulme - 333-333 World economic and business review 1990 compiled by World of Information, (Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1990, pp. 756, £80.00.)
by David Hulme - 333-334 And still they dance: Women, war and the struggle for change in Mozambique by Stephanie Urdang (London, Earthscan, 1989, pp. 256, £12.95 paperback.)
by Sue Fleming - 334-334 International economic pluralism: Economic policy in East Asia and the Pacific by Peter Drysdale. (Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 1988, pp. 294, £20 paperback)
by Peter Dicken - 335-336 Trade, exchange rate, and agricultural pricing policies in the Philippines by Ponciano S. Intal, Jr and John H. Power. (World Bank, 1990, pp. 393, $23.95.)
by Trevor Young - 336-337 China's peasants. The anthropology of a revolution by Sulamith Heins Potter and Jack M. Potter. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1990, pp. 358, £10.95.)
by Flemming Christiansen - 337-340 The anti‐politics machine: ‘Development’, depoliticization, and bureaucratic power in lesotho by James Ferguson. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1990, pp. 320, £32.50.)
by A. F. Robertson - 341-342 Education, work and pay in East Africa by A. Hazlewood, (with Jane Armitage, Albert Berry, John Knight and Richard Sabot). Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1990, pp. 337, £37.50
by Christopher Colclough - 342-343 Literacy in development, people, language, power by Brian V. Street (ed.). Report of a Seminar held at the Commonwealth Institute 6‐7 April. (Kings Lynn, Education for Development with Commonwealth Institute, 1990, pp. 74, £4.50.)
by R. E. Carmen
March 1992, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 119-119 Editor's introduction
by Paul Mosley - 121-137 What do we know about aid's macroeconomic impact? An overview of the aid effectiveness debate
by Howard White - 139-150 Aid, the public sector and the market in less developed countries: A return to the scene of the crime
by Paul Mosley & John Hudson & Sara Horrell - 151-165 Green conditionality and food security: Winners and losers from the greening of aid
by Susanna Davies - 167-181 Environmental economics and international aid
by Nick Highton - 183-197 Interest group politics and the implementation of adjustment policies in sub‐Saharan Africa
by John Toye - 199-216 Should aid be used for debt buy‐backs?
by Mike Faber - 217-231 Latin America: A case for debt relief and foreign aid?
by Carmen A. Li - 233-242 Should aid donors support economic and social research?
by N. F. Gregory - 243-244 International indebtness, by M. Borchert and R. Schinke (eds). (London and New York: Routledge, 1990, pp. 288 £35 hardback.)
by Chris Edwards
January 1992, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-27 West African industry and the debt crisis
by K. P. Moseley - 29-39 Policy‐making under extreme uncertainty: Developing country responses to global warming
by Tony Killick - 41-53 The impact of ideology on development in the third world
by William Tordoff - 55-71 Programming development assistance
by Rosemary E. Galli - 73-85 The impact of the imf on government expenditures: A study of african LDCs
by Geoff Harris & Newman Kusi - 87-93 Aid and poverty
by Lynda Chalker - 94-102 The labour party policy on overseas development
by Ann Clwyd - 103-109 Gatt's last stand?
by Alasdair Macbean - 111-112 Rural change in tropical Africa: From colonies to Nation‐States. By David Siddle and Kenneth Swindell. (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1990, pp. 223, £45 hardback.)
by Tony Binns - 112-113 Economic theories of development, an analysis of competing paradigms. By Diana Hunt. (London: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1989, pp. 363, £10.95 paperback.)
by Barbara Ingham - 113-114 Agricultural trade liberalization. Edited by IAN Goldin and Odin Knudsen. (OECD/World Bank, 1990, pp. 448, £32.95 paperback.)
by David Colman - 114-115 The government they deserve: The role of the elite in Sudan's political evolution, by Mansour Khalid. (London, Kegan Paul International, 1990, pp. 480, £25.00.)
by A. Trilsbach - 115-116 Trade, finance and developing countries, strategies and constraints in the 1980s by Sheila Page (Hemel Hempstead, Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1990, pp. 443, £35.00.)
by Colin Kirkpatrick - 116-117 Mexico city by Peter Ward (London, Belhaven Press, 1990, pp. 262, £27.50 h/b)
by David Drakakis‐Smith
1991, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 447-465 Bangladesh agriculture: Growth, stability and poverty alleviation
by Nurul Islam - 467-484 A note on ‘strategic’ trade theory and the South
by Frances Stewart - 485-498 Adjustment with growth: Nigerian experience with structural adjustment policy reform
by T. Ademola Oyejide - 499-513 The beginning of the end for GSP, or just the end of the beginning?
by Adrian P. Hewitt - 515-529 Mobilization of finance for rural housing development in Nigeria
by Tunde Agbola - 531-536 The Manchester years, 1947‐58: A tribute to the work of Arthur Lewis
by Barbara Ingham - 537-550 Democracy and development in Latin America
by Paul Cammack - 551-556 Modern varieties and sustainable development: New evidence from different perspectives
by Elizabeth Cromwell - 557-564 Adjustment and ‘safety‐netting’: Ghana's programme of actions to mitigate the social costs of adjustment (PAMSCAD)
by Samuel K. Gayi - 565-566 The Indian economy: Recent development and future prospects edited by Robert E. Lucas and Gustav F. Papanek. (Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1988, pp. 374, £5.95 p/b.)
by Colin Simmons - 567-568 Sudan, 1898–1989. The unstable state. By Peter Woodward. (London: Lester Crook Academic Publishing, and Boulder (Colorado): Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc., 1990, pp. 273, £25 hardback
by Donna Pankhurst - 568-568 Economic development that lasts. By B. Martens, (Geneva; ILO, 1989; pp. 192, 27.50 Swiss francs.)
by Peter Smith
1991, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 209-210 Agricultural development, linkages and industrial technology transfer in Asia
by Colin Thirtle - 211-228 Approaches to measuring technical efficiency on Philippine rice farms
by P. J. Dawson & J. Lingard - 229-235 Agricultural development and the incidence of labour intensive farming: A theoretical analysis
by Sajal Lahiri - 237-262 Intersectoral linkages in Asian agriculture
by Ashok Parikh - 263-276 In‐house technological effort, imports of technology and enterprise characteristics in a newly industrializing country: The Indian experience
by Homi Katrak - 277-291 Contractual relations, foreign direct investment, and technology transfer: The case of China
by H. M. Leung & John T. Thoburn & Esther Chau & S. H. Tang - 293-323 Western joint ventures in China
by Mark Casson & Jurong Zheng - 325-338 Did mauritius really provide a ‘case study in Malthusian economics’?
by David Greenaway & Chris Milner - 339-353 When projects collapse: Irrigation failure in the Gambia from a household perspective
by Patrick Webb - 355-386 Supporting small‐scale enterprises for women farmers in the Sahel
by Lucy E. Creevey - 387-401 Indigenous natural‐resource management systems for sustainable agricultural development—a global perspective
by B. Rajasekaran & D. M. Warren & S. C. Babu - 403-420 Access to health services
by A. S. Bhalla - 421-425 The NGO participatory development paradigm
by Syed M. Hashemi - 427-431 Field reports. The Malawi Mundi fund: Daughter of Grameen
by David Hulme - 433-434 Democracy in developing countries: Asia. Volume 3, by L. Diamond, J. J. Linz and S. M. Lipset (eds). (Boulder: Lynne Riener; London: Adamantine Press, 1989, pp. 489, £10.95 paperback.)
by Mark Turner - 434-435 Seasonal variability in third world agriculture: The consequences for food security. Edited by David E. Sahn. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 366, £30)
by David Colman - 435-437 The safe disposal of hazardous wastes: The special needs and problems of developing countries, edited by Rober Batstone. By James E. Smith and David Wilson. (Washington, DC: World Bank, 1989, 3 vols, pp. 823, World Bank Technical Paper Number 93)
by John Butlin - 438-439 Agricultural policy analysis tools for economic development. Edited by Luther Tweeten. (Boulder & San Francisco: Westview Press; London: IT Publications, 1989, pp. 402, £19.95 paperback)
by Trevor Young - 439-440 Theory and practice in plantation agriculture: An economic review. By Mary Tiffen and Michael Mortimore. (London: Overseas Development Institute, 1990, pp. 153, £8.95 paperback)
by P. P. Courtenay - 440-441 Women in the third world. Gender issues in rural and urban areas. By Lynne Brydon and Sylvia Chant. (Aldershot: Gower: Edward Elgar, 1989, pp. 327, £9.95 paperback)
by Donna Pankhurst - 441-441 The food question. Profits versus people?. Edited by Henry Bernstein, Ben Crow, Maureen Mackintosh and Charlotte Martin. (London: Earthscan, 1990, pp. 214, £7.95 paperback)
by Donna Pankhurst - 442-443 Front line Africa — The right to a future. By Susanna Smith. (OXFAM, 1990, pp. 386, £5.95)
by Christopher Pycroft - 443-444 Institutional reform in sector adjustment operations: The World Bank's experience. By Samuel Paul. (Washington, DC: World Bank Discussion Papers No. 92, 1990, pp. 65, US $6.95.)
by David Fashole Luke
1991, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 101-113 Policy‐based lending by the world bank
by Moeen Ahmed Qureshi - 115-133 Effects on agricultural supply of producer price level and stability with and without goods scarcity: The case of coffee supply in Madagascar
by Patrick Guillaumont & Catherine Bonjean - 135-162 Adjustment lending and the restoration of sustainable growth
by Vittorio Corbo & Steven B. Webb - 163-193 The African capacity to transfer
by Gerald E. Scott - 195-198 The measurement of inflation rate unpredictability and its relation to the rate of inflation
by Constantine Glezakos & Jeffrey B. Nugent - 199-200 Transforming a bureaucracy: The experience of the Philippine national irrigation administration, by F. F. Korten and R. Y. Siy, Jr. (West Hartford: Kumarian Press, 1989, pp. 175, US$16.50 paperback.)
by David Hulme - 200-201 The global economic system, by I. Wallace. (London: Unwin Hyman, 1990, pp. 303, £8.95 paperback £28 hardback.)
by Keith Sutton - 201-203 The geography of contemporary China. The impact of Deng Xiaoping's decade, by T. Cannon and A. Jenkins (eds). (London and New York: Routledge, 1990, pp. 316, £14.99 paperback.)
by Flemming Christiansen - 203-204 Assembling for development: The maquila industry in Mexico and the United States, by L. Sklair. (Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1989, pp. 256, £30.)
by Ruth Pearson - 204-205 Conserving the world's biological diversity, by J. A. McNeely, K. R. Miller, W. V. Reid, R. A. Mittermeier and T. B. Werner. (International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, World Resources Institute, Conservation International, WWF — US and World Banks, 1990, pp. 174, $14.95.)
by Peter Eaton - 206-207 Revolutionary struggle in the Philippines, by L. Davis. (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1989, pp. 219, £18.95 hardback.)
by Mark Turner - 207-208 Philippines: Environment and natural resource management study, by The World Bank. (Washington, DC: World Bank, 1989, pp. 170, US$11.95 paperback.)
by Mark Turner
1991, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-27 Economic efficiency of small farmers in a changing world: A survey of recent evidence
by Mubarak Ali & Derek Byerlee - 29-37 Expenditure reductions in developing countries revisited
by Norman L. Hicks - 39-52 Relationship between fertilizer consumption and labour supply in Bangladesh
by Ashok Parikh - 53-63 Why do multinational firms seek out joint ventures?
by Magnus Blomström & Mario Zejan - 65-78 Financial beneficiary analysis for economic development
by Michael Yaffey - 79-85 Industrialization and development
by Frederick Nixson - 87-88 Rural communities under stress. Peasant farmers and the state in Africa. by Jonathan Barker. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1989, pp. 228, £8.95p/b, £25h/b
by Henry Bernstein