2001, Volume 13, Issue 7
- 965-984 Violence and social capital in urban poor communities: perspectives from Colombia and Guatemala
by Cathy McIlwaine & Caroline O. N. Moser - 985-988 Governance and civic engagement: urban economies, poverty and civil society
by Carole Rakodi - 989-996 The connections between urban governance and poverty
by Nick Devas - 997-1002 Urban economic growth, civic engagement and poverty reduction
by Philip Amis & Ursula Grant - 1003-1008 Poverty alleviation or poverty reduction: the contribution of civil society
by Diana Mitlin - 1009-1014 Environmental governance: a comparative analysis of nine city case studies
by David Satterthwaite - 1015-1021 From social networks to public action in urban governance: where does benefit accrue?
by Jo Beall - 1023-1038 Aid policies and growth: in search of the holy grail
by John Hudson & Paul Mosley - 1039-1055 Some thoughts on the effectiveness of aid, non-aid development finance and technical assistance
by David Dollar - 1057-1070 Will the new aid agenda help promote poverty reduction?
by Howard White - 1071-1082 The consultation practice of Northern NGOs: a study of British organizations in Guatemala
by Sarah Lister - 1083-1096 Growth and welfare provisioning: lessons from the English Poor Laws?
by Sonia Bhalotra
2001, Volume 13, Issue 6
- 641-643 Introduction: political democratization and economic transformation in South Africa
by Harry Zarenda - 645-670 Growth and institutions
by Johannes Fedderke - 671-689 The labour market and household income inequality in South Africa: existing evidence and new panel data
by Murray Leibbrandt & Ingrid Woolard - 691-709 Employment promotion in a minerals economy
by Miriam Altman - 711-723 Trade policy in a liberalizing economy
by Merle Holden - 725-739 South African agriculture in transition: the 1990s
by Johan van Zyl & Nick Vink & Johann Kirsten & Daneswan Poonyth - 741-765 Central Bank transformation in a globalized world: the Reserve Bank in post-apartheid South Africa
by Vishnu Padayachee - 767-777 South African regional industrial policy: from border industries to spatial development initiatives
by Trudi Hartzenberg - 779-796 Globalization and restructuring in the South African automotive industry
by Anthony Black - 797-810 Globalization, industrial development and the plastics industry in South Africa
by Simon Roberts
2001, Volume 13, Issue 5
- 523-534 Inaugural Lecture
by Geof Wood - 535-548 Literacy without formal education: the case of Pakistan
by Samina Nazli - 549-569 Pro-poor growth in a globalized economy
by Howard White - 571-581 Stabex versus IMF compensatory financing: impact on fiscal policy
by Jean-Francois Brun & Gérard Chambas & Bertrand Laporte - 583-598 Women and war: the role Kuwaiti women played during the Iraqi occupation
by Maria Juliá & Hadi Ridha - 599-614 Testing alternative measures of microenterprise profits and net worth
by Lisa Daniels - 615-627 Exports, domestic policy and world markets: a panel study
by J. Love & E. Turner - 629-634 Commentary on 'The economics of landmine clearance: case study of Cambodia'
by Ted Paterson - 635-636 Chinese urban life under reform: the changing social contract
by Xiaoling Zhang - 636-638 Reviewing social and economic progress in Africa
by Josaphat P. Kweka - 638-639 The process of financial liberalisation in India
by Kheswar C. Jankee - 639-640 The Earthscan Reader in sustainable cities
by Mark Pelling
2001, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 381-389 HIV|AIDS and development in Africa
by Simon Dixon & Scott McDonald & Jennifer Roberts - 391-409 AIDS: the makings of a development disaster?
by Geoff P Garnett & Nicholas C Grassly & Simon Gregson - 411-426 AIDS and economic growth in Africa: a panel data analysis
by Simon Dixon & Scott McDonald & Jennifer Roberts - 427-449 The HIV|AIDS pandemic in South Africa: sectoral impacts and unemployment
by Channing Arndt & Jeffrey D. Lewis - 451-466 Resource allocation and priority setting of HIV|AIDS interventions: addressing the generalized epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa
by Lilani Kumaranayake & Charlotte Watts - 467-485 School education and HIV control in sub-Saharan Africa: from discord to harmony?
by Simon Gregson & Heather Waddell & Stephen Chandiwana - 487-511 Effective food and nutrition policy responses to HIV|AIDS: what we know and what we need to know
by Lawrence Haddad & Stuart Gillespie - 513-521 Defining AIDS competence: a working model for practical purposes
by Jean-Louis Lamboray & Suzanne M. Skevington
2001, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 293-298 Attacking Poverty-a strategic dilemma for the World Bank
by Michael Hubbard - 299-306 The World Development Report: concepts, content and a Chapter 12
by Robert Chambers - 307-313 Attacking Poverty and the 'post-Washington consensus'
by Paul Mosley - 315-320 Consolidating the lessons of 50 years of 'development'
by Andrew Shepherd - 321-329 Empowerment at last?
by Mick Moore - 331-341 Innovative and important, yes, but also instrumental and incomplete: the treatment of redistribution in the new 'New Poverty Agenda'
by Simon Maxwell - 343-351 National and international redistribution as tools for poverty reduction
by Howard White - 353-360 Attacking Poverty : but what happened to urban poverty and development?
by Philip Amis - 361-368 Insecurity and social protection-has the World Bank got it right?
by Caroline Moser - 369-376 The World Development Report 2000|01: HIV|AIDS still not properly considered!
by Tony Barnett & Alan Whiteside - 377-379 Voices of the poor. Can anyone hear us?
by Hazel Johnson
2001, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 135-151 Achieving agricultural pumpset efficiency in rural India
by William Reidhead - 153-168 Endogenous innovation growth theory and regional income convergence in China
by Yingqi Wei & Xiaming Liu & Haiyan Song & Peter Romilly - 169-181 Tenant characteristics and the choice of tenurial contracts in rural India
by Ananish Chaudhuri & Pushkar Maitra - 183-209 Are user charges efficiency- and equity-enhancing? A critical review of economic literature with particular reference to experience from developing countries
by Ardeshir Sepehri & Robert Chernomas - 211-225 State banks and economic development in China
by James Laurenceson & J. C. H. Chai - 227-237 The supply response of basmati rice growers in Punjab, Pakistan: price and non-price determinants
by Umar Farooq & Trevor Young & Noel Russell & Muhammad Iqbal - 239-253 Economic reform versus food security: Kerala's Gordian knot
by M. H. Suryanarayana - 255-268 Fiscal federalism and government size in transition economies: the case of Moldova
by Luiz De Mello - 269-285 Donor support to human resource capacity building in Namibia: experience of resident technical assistance support for workplace learning and assessment of alternative options
by Anne Low & Agnes Tjongarero & Allan Low & Beata Nambundunga - 287-288 Environmental assessment in developing and transitional countries
by Jo Crotty - 288-289 Agrarian policies in Central America
by Raul Hopkins - 289-290 Latin America transformed - globalization and modernity
by Lizia de Figueiredo - 290-291 The paradox of Africa's poverty: the role of indigenous knowledge, traditional practices and local institutions - the case of Ethiopia
by Abbi Mamo Kedir - 291-292 Affluence and poverty in the Middle East
by Mahmood Messkoub
2001, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-23 Coping with, and cashing in on, international capital volatility
by Graham Bird & Ramkishen S. Rajan - 25-44 Stimulants to capital inflows into emerging markets and the recent role of speculators
by Dilip K. Das - 45-58 Development of financial capital markets and the role of children as economic assets
by Anu Rammohan - 59-71 Adaptive technology strategies and technical efficiency: Evidence from the Sri Lankan agricultural machinery industry
by Sonali Deraniyagala - 73-91 Changes in regional inequality and social welfare in Indonesia from 1996 to 1999
by Emmanuel Skoufias - 93-121 Privatization in Turkey: Implementation, politics of privatization and performance results
by Cevat Karataş - 123-126 The long-term impact of health on economic growth in Mexico, 1950-1995
by David Mayer - 127-128 Future positive: International co-operation in the 21 st century by Michael Edwards (1999, London: Earthscan, pp. 304, £20 h|bk)
by Claire Mercer - 128-129 Amazonia at the crossroads: The challenge of sustainable development edited by Anthony Hall (The brookings institution for the institute of latin American studies, London, Washington DC: 2000, pp. xiii +257, pbk £12.00)
by Chris Barrow - 130-130 The dynamics of South Asia Regional Cooperation and SAARC edited by Eric Gonsalves and Nancy Jetly sage publications, New Delhi: 1999, pp. 280, £27.50
by Kishor Sharma - 130-131 A village rice saga: Three decades of green revolution in the Philippines by Yujiro Hayami and Masao Kikuchi (Palgrave, formerly Macmillan Press, London: 2000, pp. 273, hbk £50.00)
by John Lingard - 131-132 NGOs and civil society: Democracy by proxy ? by Ann Hudock (Polity Press, Cambridge: 1999, pp. 120, Hb £39.50, pbk £11.99)
by Simon Heap - 132-134 Fiscal Reform and Structural Change in Developing Countries (2 volumes), edited by Guillermo Perry, John Whalley and Gary Mcmahon (Macmillan in association with the International Development Research Centre, London: Canada, 2000, hbk £50, each volume)
by Norman Gemmell
2000, Volume 12, Issue 8
- 1057-1068 Law tradition and institutional quality: some empirical evidence
by Alberto Chong & Luisa Zanforlin - 1069-1085 Coping strategies in developed and developing societies: the workings of the informal economy
by Madeleine Leonard - 1087-1109 Governance and institutional development of the Chilean economy
by Eugenio Lahera & Mabel Cabezas - 1111-1130 Spillover effects of foreign direct investments on Turkish manufacturing industry
by Erhan Aslanoğlu - 1131-1132 Genetically modified organisms and smallholders in the developing world
by C. S. Srinivasan & Colin Thirtle - 1133-1145 Genetically modified organisms: major issues and policy responses for developing countries
by Jonathan Kydd & Janet Haddock & John Mansfield & Charles Ainsworth & Allan Buckwell - 1147-1158 Understanding the emergence of terminator technologies
by C. S. Srinivasan & Colin Thirtle - 1159-1178 Genetic use restriction technologies and the diffusion of yield gains to developing countries
by Timo Goeschl & Timothy Swanson - 1179-1182 GMOs and IP: embodied technological change
by David Godden
2000, Volume 12, Issue 7
- 903-924 Trade and foreign direct investment in Latin America and Southeast Asia: temporal causality analysis
by Luiz R. De Mello & Kiichiro Fukasaku - 925-938 How to make a tragedy: on the alleged effect of ethnicity on growth
by Jean-Louis Arcand & Patrick Guillaumont & Sylviane Guillaumont Jeanneney - 939-950 The relationship between financial deepening and economic growth in Tanzania
by Oludele A. Akinboade - 951-973 The catalyzing role of policy-based lending by the IMF and the World Bank: fact or fiction?
by Graham Bird & Dane Rowlands - 975-983 Recommendations on the use of micro-hydro power in rural development
by David J. Fulford & Paul Mosley & Alastair Gill - 985-988 Assessing and extending the work of Amartya Sen
by Des Gasper & John Cameron - 989-1001 Development as freedom: taking economics beyond commodities-the cautious boldness of Amartya Sen
by Des Gasper - 1003-1018 Rethinking human well-being: a dialogue with Amartya Sen
by Ananta Kumar Giri - 1019-1030 Prima mangiare, poi filosofare
by Raff Carmen - 1031-1045 Amartya Sen on economic inequality: the need for an explicit critique of opulence
by John Cameron - 1047-1049 Evaluating economic liberalization by Mark McGillivary and Oliver Morrissey (eds). (London, Macmillan Press and New York, St. Martin's Press, 1999, pp. x+240)
by Farhad Noorbakhsh & Alberto Paloni - 1049-1050 Famine in africa: causes, responses, and prevention by Joachim von Braun, Tesfaye Teklu and Patrick Webb. (Baltimore and London, The Johns Hopkins University Press for the International Food Policy Research Institute, 1999, pp. 219)
by Quentin Outram - 1050-1051 Development microeconomics by Pranab Bardhan and Christopher Udry. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1999, pp. 242)
by Oliver Morrissey - 1051-1052 Policy coherence in development co-operation by Jacques Forster and Olav Stokke (eds). (EADI Book Series 22). (London, Frank Cass, 1999, pp. 499)
by Gorm Rye Olsen - 1052-1053 Gender, education & development: beyond access to empowerment edited by Christine Hewrad and Sheila Bunwaree (eds). (London, Zed Books, 1999. xii+223 pp. p|bk.)
by Tanja R. Müller - 1053-1055 EU global payer: the north-south policy of the European Union by Mirjam van Reisen. (Utrecht, International Books, 1999, pp. 255)
by Stephen J. H. Dearden - 1055-1056 The social services crisis of the 1990s: strategies for sustainable systems in Tanzania by Anna K. Tibaijuka (ed.). (Aldershot, Ashgate, 1998, pp. 352, hbk, £42.50)
by Josaphat Kweka
2000, Volume 12, Issue 6
- 769-772 Introduction: re-framing development for the 21st century
by Alan Thomas & Tim Allen - 773-787 Development as practice in a liberal capitalist world
by Alan Thomas - 789-802 Development theory in a post-socialist era: competing capitalisms and emancipatory alternatives
by E. A. Brett - 803-824 Industrialization, innovation and development: what does knowledge management change?
by Joanna Chataway & David Wield - 825-842 A right to interfere? Bernard Kouchner and the new humanitarianism
by Tim Allen & David Styan - 843-856 From the culture of poverty to inclusive cities: re-framing urban policy and politics
by Jo Beall - 857-875 Dropping the debt for the new millennium: is it such a good idea?
by Tim Allen & Diana Weinhold - 877-901 How much debt must be cancelled?
by Joseph Hanlon
2000, Volume 12, Issue 5
- 613-623 The implicit equidistributional bias of human development
by Guido Lüchters & Lukas Menkhoff - 625-654 Latin America and the 'high performing Asian economies': growth and debt
by John Weeks - 655-667 An analysis of rural-to-rural migration in India
by Prabir C. Bhattacharya - 669-688 Introduction: securing livelihoods in Dhaka slums
by Geof Wood & Sarah Salway - 689-705 Marriage among the urban poor of Dhaka: instability and uncertainty
by Sonia Jesmin & Sarah Salway - 707-722 Sickness among the urban poor: a barrier to livelihood security
by Md. Azmal Kabir & Ataur Rahman & Sarah Salway & Jane Pryer - 723-734 Child housework in urban Bangladesh: an exploration of intra-household labour deployment
by Emily Delap - 735-750 The social content of labour markets in Dhaka slums
by Aftab E. A. Opel - 751-759 Who's a goody? Demythologizing the PRA agenda
by Philippa Bevan - 761-762 Women and Empowerment: Illustrations from the Third World edited by Haleh Afshar (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1998)
by Frances Cleaver - 762-764 Sonar Bangla? Agricultural Growth and Agrarian Change in West Bengal and Bangladesh edited by Ben Rogaly, Barbara Harriss-White and Sugata Bose (Sage Publications, 1999, pp. 444, cloth £35)
by Kirsten Westergaard - 765-766 The New Global Economy and Developing Countries: Making Openness Work by Dani Rodrik (Washington, DC: Overseas Development Council, Policy Essay no. 24, 1999, pp. x+168, £11.50 p|bk)
by Neil Foster - 766-768 World Ethics-The New Agenda by Nigel Dower (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1998, pp. ix+214)
by Des Gasper
2000, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 447-451 The inter-generational bargain: an introduction
by J. Allister McGregor & James G Copestake & Geof D Wood - 453-462 Generational transfers and the generational bargain
by David Collard - 463-482 Inter-generational contracts, demographic transitions and the 'quantity-quality' tradeoff: parents, children and investing in the future
by Naila Kabeer - 483-494 Beyond mandatory privatization: pensions policy options for developing countries
by Roger Charlton & Roddy McKinnon - 495-506 Work, retirement and vulnerability of older persons in Latin America: what are the lessons for pension design?
by Armando Barrientos - 507-518 Pension privatization in Latin America
by Katharina Müller - 519-529 Partial privatization of a pension system: lessons from Hungary
by András Simonovits - 531-548 Supporting children in their working lives: obstacles and opportunities within the international policy environment
by Karen Moore - 549-558 Securing the future: student financing at Makerere University, Uganda
by Carla Sutherland - 559-570 Globalization and ethical trade: assessing the implications for development
by Stephanie Barrientos - 571-584 Will the WTO prevent the growth of ethical trade? Implications of potential changes to WTO rules for environmental and social standards in the forest sector
by Anne Tallontire & M. E Blowfield - 585-600 Pitfalls of debt reduction: a counterfactual case study of Zambia during the early 1990s
by James Copestake & Phillip Weston - 601-612 Why should developing countries worry about 2050 and beyond?
by Anil Markandya & Pamela Mason
April 2000, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 299-323 Stabilization and structural adjustment in Mozambique: an appraisal
by Channing Arndt & Henning Tarp Jensen & Finn Tarp - 325-342 Expectations, impacts and attitudes: conservation and development in Cross River National Park, Nigeria
by Uwem Ite & William Adams - 343-369 Productivity spillovers from technology transfer to Indian manufacturing firms
by Vinish Kathuria - 371-373 Assessments of Assessing Aid: introduction
by Oliver Morrissey - 375-398 Aid effectiveness disputed
by Henrik Hansen & Finn Tarp - 399-412 Aid allocation, poverty reduction and the Assessing Aid report
by Robert Lensink & Howard White - 413-428 Aid fungibility in Assessing Aid: red herring or true concern?
by Mark McGillivray & Oliver Morrissey - 429-441 Recent developments in fiscal response with an application to Costa Rica
by Susana Franco‐Rodriguez - 443-444 Feminist Visions of Development: Gender Analysis and Policy by Cecile Jackson and Ruth Pearson (eds). (London: Routledge, 1998, pp. 282, £16.99 p/bk)
by Haleh Afshar - 444-445 Islam and Feminism: An Iranian Case‐Study by Haleh Afshar. (Basingstoke: Macmillan, Women's Studies at York Series, 1998, pp. 235)
by Fatima L. Adamu
2000, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 149-167 Water, externality and strategic interdependence: a general equilibrium analysis
by Terry Roe & Xinshen Diao - 169-186 Will the growing trade gap sink Viet Nam?-Some exploratory econometrics
by George Irvin & Alejandro Izurieta - 187-206 Economic reform and household welfare in rural China: evidence from household survey data
by Sarmistha Pal - 207-218 The integration of the Pakistani equity market with international equity markets: an investigation
by Fazal Husain & Reza Saidi - 219-225 The economics of landmine clearance: case study of Cambodia
by Geoff Harris - 227-239 Power in partnership? An analysis of an NGO's relationships with its partners
by Sarah Lister - 241-256 Poverty and expenditure pattern of households in Pakistan and South Africa: a comparative study
by Ranjan Ray - 257-264 Issues in the liberalization of trade in services
by John Roberts - 265-281 Telecommunications reform in developing countries after the WTO agreement on basic telecommunications services
by Peter Cowhey & Mikhail M. Klimenko - 283-296 Services, economic development and the next round of negotiations on services
by Bernard Hoekman & Aaditya Mattoo
2000, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-12 Technological change, technical and allocative efficiency in Chinese agriculture: the case of rice production in Jiangsu
by Shenggen Fan - 13-27 Household welfare measurement and the pricing of basic services
by Jesko Hentschel & Peter Lanjouw - 29-43 Interpretation of rural savings behaviour: a cautionary tale
by Stephen Morse & Nora McNamara - 45-70 Long-run growth trends and convergence across Indian States
by R. Nagaraj & A. Varoudakis & M.-A. Véganzonès - 71-84 Financial constraints and output targets in Russian agricultural production
by Carlos Arnade & Munisamy Gopinath - 85-99 Multi-sectoral responses to HIV|AIDS: constraints and opportunities for technical co-operation
by Günter Hemrich & Daphne Topouzis - 101-119 Failing the needy: public social spending in Latin America
by Peter Lloyd-Sherlock - 121-131 Revisiting the exchange rate debate: the Jamaican experience
by Fiona Atkins - 133-144 Information and agricultural input markets: pearl millet seed in Rajasthan
by Robert Tripp & Suresh Pal - 145-146 Book review: Decentralised Production in India: Industrial Districts, Flexible Specialisation and Employment by Philippe Cadene and Mark Holmstrom (eds). (New Delhi and London: Sage, 1998
by Barbara Harriss-White - 146-147 Book review: Cultural Diversity and Social Discontent: Anthropological Studies on Contemporary India by R. S. Khare. (New Delhi, Thousand Oaks, London: Sage Publications, 1998
by Sarah C. White - 147-148 Book review: Urban Development in the State Karnataka, India: Policies, Actors and Outcomes by Harry A. Mengers. (Saarbrucken: Verlagen fur Entwicklungspolitik Saarbrucken GmbH, Nijmegen Studies in Development and Cultural Change 27, 1997)
by Carole Rakodi
1999, Volume 11, Issue 7
- 917-919 Editorial
by Paul Mosley & Paul Mosley - 921-934 A model of social capital and access to productive resources
by Paul Mosley & Marina Della Giusta - 935-955 Impact of technological change on income distribution and poverty in Bangladesh agriculture: an empirical analysis
by Paul Mosley & Sanzidur Rahman - 957-984 Questioning virtuous spirals: micro-finance and women's empowerment in Africa
by Paul Mosley & Linda Mayoux - 985-1004 Legacies of apartheid: the distribution of income in South Africa
by Paul Mosley & Scott McDonald & Jenifer Piesse - 1005-1027 Social protection as social risk management: conceptual underpinnings for the social protection sector strategy paper
by Paul Mosley & Robert Holzmann & Steen Jorgensen - 1029-1042 The impact of agricultural policy liberalization on rural communities in Mexico
by Paul Mosley & Steve Wiggins & Kerry Preibisch & Sharon Proctor
1999, Volume 11, Issue 6
- 797-810 Trait-taking versus trait-making in technical choice: the case of Africa
by Jeffrey James - 811-823 After roads and dams: what role for engineers in the poverty reduction strategies of bilateral development agencies?
by Trudy Harpham & Lance Anelay - 825-835 Trade liberalization in sub-Saharan Africa: stagnation or growth?
by Hiranya Mukhopadhyay - 837-842 The new international financial architecture and national development: uplifting or oppressive?
by Nicholas Snowden - 843-849 The Prebisch-Singer thesis: a thesis for the new millennium? Introduction
by David Sapsford & John-ren Chen - 851-857 Trend and volatility in the net barter terms of trade, 1900-92: new results from the application of a (not so) new method
by David Sapsford & V. N. Balasubramanyam - 859-870 Commodity terms of trade and individual countries' net barter terms of trade: Is there an empirical relationship?
by Matthias G. Lutz - 871-892 The sources of trend and fluctuations of commodity prices
by John-ren Chen - 893-910 Agricultural futures markets in LDCs: a policy response to price volatility?
by C. W. Morgan & A. J. Rayner & C. Vaillant - 911-916 Beyond terms of trade-convergence and divergence
by Hans Singer
1999, Volume 11, Issue 5
- 687-700 Environmental activism and the construction of risk: implications for NGO alliances
by Timothy Forsyth - 701-715 Small-scale enterprise policy in developing countries: an analysis of India's reservation policy
by Homi Katrak - 717-729 Policy and regulation for sustainable microfinance: country experiences in Asia
by Paul B. McGuire - 731-754 Contesting water in Bangladesh: knowledge, rights and governance
by Geof Wood - 755-760 The new public management in developing countries: introduction
by Richard Batley - 761-765 The new public management in developing countries: implications for policy and organizational reform
by Richard Batley - 767-775 Reforming the health sector: towards a healthy new public management
by Steven Russell & Sara Bennett & Anne Mills - 777-783 Does the NPM work in less developed countries? The case of the urban water supply sector
by Andrew Nickson - 785-790 Does new public management work in reforming the state's role in agricultural marketing in developing countries?
by Michael Hubbard & Marisol Smith