1997, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 263-279 A practical reasoning theory of development ethhics: furthering the capabilities approach
by Sabina Alkire & Rufus Black - 281-302 Sen's capability approach and Nussbaum's cpabilities ethic
by Des Gasper - 303-304 Book Review: The Benefits of Famine: A Political Economy of Famine and Relief in Southwestern Sudan, 1983-1989 by DAVID KEEN (Chichester and Princeton. NJ, Princeton University Press, 1994
by Donna Pankhurst - 304-305 Book Review: Mastering Space: Hegemony, Territory and International Political Economy by JOHN AGNEW and STUART CORBRIDGE. (London: Routledge, 1995
by N-L. Sum - 305-306 Book Review: The Economic Growth of Singapore: Trade and Development in the Twentieth Century by W.G. HUFF. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1994
by J. Parsonage - 306-307 Book Review: Negotiating Structural Review in Africa by Willem Van Der Geest (ed.), (London, James Currey and Portsmouth, NH Heinemann, 1994.) Structural Adjustment and Beyond in Sub-Saharan Africa, by Rolph Van Der Hoevan and Fred Van Der Kraaij (eds.) (London, James Currey and Portsmouth, NH Heinemann, 1994.)
by Martin Brownbridge
1997, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-20 Experiences, perceptions and expectations of local project actors on monitoring and evaluation: A case study in the Philippines
by Pierre Lefèvre & Concepcion Garcia - 21-28 Economic reform: Is it hurting the poor? A country specific study
by Fareed Mohamed Ahmed Hassan - 39-57 Destruction, diversity, dialogue: Notes on the ethics of development
by Martin Raiser - 59-83 Debt-equity swaps and the enforcement of sovereign loan contracts
by Michael Bowe & James W. Dean - 85-96 Research note: Determinants of under-invoicing of imports in Pakistan
by Zafar Mahmood - 97-100 POLICY ARENA Staple food market efficiency in developing countries: Introduction
by Barbara Harriss-White - 101-115 POLICY ARENA The evolution of local market commodity price behaviour in South India, 1972-92
by T. B. Palaskas & Barbara Harriss-White & Trevor Crowe - 117-131 POLICY ARENA The impact of market access on agricultural productivity: Lessons from India, Kenya and the Sudan
by M. Von Oppen & B.K. Njehia & Abdelatif Ijaimi - 133-145 POLICY ARENA Building efficiency in agricultural marketing: The long-run role of BULOG in the Indonesian food economy
by C. Peter Timmer - 147-147 Book review: Different Women, Different Work: Gender and Industrialisation in Indonesia by Mies Grijns, Ines Smyth, Anita van Celzen, Sugiah Machfud and Pudjiwati Sayago (eds.) Aldershot, Avebury 1994. £35.00 h|bk. ISBN 1-85628-636 3
by Ruth Pearson - 148-149 Book review: The Future Population of the World: What Can We Assume Today? ed. Wolfgang Lutz. Earthscan, London 1994. 484pp. £19.95 p|bk
by Adam Ozanne - 149-149 Book review: The Future of Community Lands: Human Resources by Emmanuel Ndione et al. Intermediate Technology Publications, London 1995. 236 pp. £14.95 p|bk
by Lars Engberg-Pedersen
1996, Volume 8, Issue 6
- 735-745 Foreign aid and private investment in developing economies
by Donald W. Snyder - 747-765 The efficiency and effectiveness of Malawian parastatals
by Colin Lawson & Ben Kaluwa - 767-783 Effective protection and economic efficiency in Zimbabwe manufacturing in the 1980s
by Lindani B. Ndlovu - 785-803 Wages, participation and targeting-the case of the employment guarantee scheme in India
by Raghav Gaiha - 805-811 A formal note on new theories of international trade and development
by Ben Fine - 813-827 New approaches to children and development: Introduction and overview
by Michael Edwards - 829-839 Globalization and the child labor problem
by Ben White - 841-847 Children and development: Pursuing policy priority in the new South Africa
by Lindiwe Mokate & Richard Morgan - 849-858 The child business: Comments on the management of international policies for children
by Judith Ennew - 859-867 Review article: perspectives on a new world food crisis
by Simon Maxwell - 869-870 Book review: Rethinking social development: Theory, research & practice. By David Booth (ed.). (Harlow, Longman, 1994
by Yi Feng - 870-871 Book review: Famine and food security in Ethiopia: Lessons for Africa by Patrick Webb and Joachim von Braun. (Chichester, John Wiley & Sons, 1994
by D. Pankhurst - 871-871 Book review: The true cost of conflict by Michael Cranna (ed.). (London, Earthspan, pp. 208, £14.95 p|bk.)
by D. Pankhurst - 871-873 Book review: Easternization: The spread of Japanese manufacturing techniques in developing economies by R. Kaplinsky. (London, Frank Cass, 1994
by Rajah Rasiah - 873-873 Book review: Population migration and the changing world order by W. T. S. Gould and A. M. Findlay (eds). Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. pp. 293, £39.50, h|bk
by Michael G. Parnwell - 873-874 Book review: Sociology and development: The impasse and beyond by Ray Kiely. (London, University College London Press, 1995
by Fernando Castrillón
1996, Volume 8, Issue 5
- 579-579 Editorial introduction
by Paul Mosley - 581-595 Structural adjustment and drought in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Ibrahim A. Elbadawi - 597-623 Famine, demography and endemic poverty
by S. R. Osmani - 625-653 The challenge of combining quantitative and qualitative methods in Labour Force and livelihoods analysis: A case-study of Bangladesh
by John Cameron - 655-665 Migration and rural women in China: A look at the gendered impact of large-scale migration
by Delia Davin - 667-682 Vulnerability to food insecurity among Honduran maize farmers: Challenges for the 1990s
by Hazel Johnson - 683-696 The efficiency implications of corruption
by Mushtaq H. Khan - 697-727 Retreat or advance? Mainstreaming gender analysis at the Institute of Development Studies
by Susan Joekes - 729-730 Book review
by Angela Penrose - 730-731 Book review
by Nikki Craske - 731-732 Book review
by Philip Woodhouse - 733-733 Book review
by Rorden Wilkinson - 734-734 Book review
by N. Laurie
1996, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 489-516 Macroeconomic populism: A formal representation and a suggested interpretation of the Peruvian experience (1985-90)
by Daniele Checchi - 517-530 Productivity spillovers from competition between local firms and foreign affiliates
by Ari Kokko - 531-551 PRA: A new literacy?
by Anna Robinson-Pant - 553-573 National poverty and the 'vampire state' in Ghana: A review article
by Gareth Austin - 575-575 Book review
by Ian Livingstone - 576-576 Book review
by Oliver Morrissey - 577-577 Book review
by Jong-Il You - 578-578 Book review
by D.R. Colman
1996, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 307-339 Education and health in sub-Saharan Africa
by Simon Appleton & John Hoddinott & John MacKinnon - 341-373 Human capital formation, returns and policies: Analytical approaches and research questions
by Jere R. Behrman - 375-393 Child nutritional status and child growth in Kenya: Socioeconomic determinants
by Anil B. Deolalikar - 395-413 The determinants of school attainment in sub-Saharan Africa: A case study of Ghana
by Paul Glewwe & Nauman Ilias - 415-444 Education and agricultural productivity: Evidence from Uganda
by Simon Appleton & Arsene Balihuta - 445-466 Learning by doing in sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Ghana
by Patricia Jones & Abigail Barr - 467-487 Privatization, choice and competition: The World Bank's reform agenda for vocational education and training in sub-Saharan Africa
by Paul Bennell
1996, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 145-152 Sustainable banking with the poor
by Lynn Bennett & Carlos E. Cuevas - 153-161 Addressing some key questions on finance and poverty
by Marguerite S. Robinson - 163-178 Poverty alleviation and enterprise development: The need for a differentiated approach
by Prabhu Ghate & Evelinda Ballon & Virginia Manalo - 179-193 The view from the field: Perspectives from managers of microfinance institutions
by Kimanthi Mutua & Pittayapol Nataradol & Maria Otero & Beth R. Chung - 195-209 Enabling environment and microfinance institutions: Lessons from Latin America
by Carlos E. Cuevas - 211-224 Financial services for the rural poor and women in India: Access and sustainability
by Vijay Mahajan & Bharti Gupta Ramola - 225-239 Measuring the trade-off between outreach and sustainability of microenterprise lenders
by J. D. Von Pischke - 241-258 Prospects, problems and potential of credit-granting NGOs
by Reinhard H. Schmidt & Claus-Peter Zeitinger - 259-269 Questioning the future of NGOs in microfinance
by Thomas W. Dichter - 271-288 Ownership and sustainability: Lessons on group-based financial services from South Asia
by Lynn Bennett & Mike Goldberg & Pamela Hunte - 289-305 Disciplining or protecting the poor? Avoiding the social costs of peer pressure in micro-credit schemes
by Richard Montgomery
1996, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-20 Democratization and the implementation of economic reform in Africa
by Richard Sandbrook - 21-38 'Appropriating' technology? Tractor owners, brokers, artisans and farmers in rural Bangladesh
by David J. Lewis - 39-51 Trade policies, enterprise characteristics and technological effort in developing countries
by Homi Katrak - 53-67 Trend in the international terms of trade between primary producers and manufacturers
by Harry Bloch & David Sapsford - 69-82 The determinants of cereal crop productivity of the peasant farm sector in Ethiopia, 1981-87
by Shujie Yao - 83-94 The role of the informal sector in structural transformation: Some Indian evidence
by Prabir C. Bhattacharya - 95-110 What is development management?
by Alan Thomas - 111-123 The identification of market exogeneity and market dominance by tests instead of assumption: An application to Indian material
by Theodosios B. Palaskas & Barbara Harriss-White - 125-144 The efficiency of smallholder agriculture in South Africa
by Jenifer Piesse & Helmke Sartorius Von Bach & Colin Thirtle & Johan Van Zyl
November 1995, Volume 7, Issue 6
- 807-848 Change in African farming systems between the mid‐1970s and the mid‐1980s
by Steve Wiggins - 849-856 NGO performance and accountability in the post‐cold war world
by Michael Edwards & David Hulme - 857-867 Accountability and effectiveness in NGO policy Alliances
by Jane G. Covey - 869-878 In unequal dialogue with donors: The experience of the Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement
by Jehan Perera - 879-893 The direct funding of Southern NGOs by donors: New agendas and old problems
by Anthony Bebbington & Roger Riddell
September 1995, Volume 7, Issue 5
- 685-706 Development economics and the underdevelopment of sub‐Saharan Africa
by Paul Mosley - 707-739 The demise of ‘socialist’ state forms in Africa: an Overview
by David Simon - 741-743 Policy arena: Policy in the ‘new nies’: Introduction
by Sanjaya Lall - 745-757 Thai industrial policy: How irrelevant was it to export success?
by Michael T. Rock - 759-773 Malaysia: Industrial success and the role of the government
by Sanjaya Lall - 775-789 Indonesia: From ‘chronic dropout’ to ‘miracle’?
by Hal Hill - 791-799 Like the rest: South‐East Asia's ‘LATE’ Industrialization
by Alice H. Amsden - 801-802 Environmental problems in third world cities by J. E. Hardoy, D. Mitlin and D. Satterwaite. (Earthscan, London, 1992, pp. 160, £12.95.)
by Ian Douglas - 802-802 Environment and housing in third world cities. Edited by Hamish Main and Stephen Wyn Williams. (Chichester, John Wiley, 1994, pp. 265 + xv, £35.00.)
by Nick Devas - 803-803 Africa's wars and prospects for peace. Raymond W. Copson. (New York and London: M. E. Sharpe, pp. 211, £16.00 p/b.)
by Frances Stewart - 804-804 Environment and agriculture: Rethinking development issues in the 21st century by Steven Breth (ed). (Morrilton, Winrock International 1994, pp. 261, $24.95.)
by Richard M. Auty
July 1995, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 1-1 Masthead
by Richard M. Auty - 575-576 Editorial introduction
by Richard M. Auty & Richard M. Auty - 577-597 Does trade liberalization lead to productivity increases? A case study of Bolivian manufacturing
by Richard M. Auty & Rhys Jenkins - 599-618 Politics and economic policy reform: Trade liberalization in sub‐Saharan Africa
by Richard M. Auty & Oliver Morrissey - 619-635 Economic growth, inequality and poverty: An analysis of policy in a two period framework
by Richard M. Auty & Pat McGregor - 637-651 Occupational sex segregation in Iran 1976–86
by Richard M. Auty & Parvin Alizadeh & Barry Harper - 653-667 Sustaining Southern NGOs in resource‐dependent environments
by Richard M. Auty & Ann C. Hudock - 669-684 Aid policy in transition: A preliminary analysis of post'‐conflict rehabilitation of the health sector
by Richard M. Auty & Joanna Macrae & Anthony Zwi & Vivienne Forsythe
May 1995, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 299-328 Health policy in less developed countries: Past trends and future directions
by Anthony B. Zwi & Anne Mills - 329-347 Health sector reform: Key issues in less developed countries
by Andrew Cassels - 349-367 Health sector reform and organizational issues at the local level: Lessons from selected African countries
by Sigrun Møgedal & Sissel Hodne Steen & George Mpelumbe - 369-401 The political economy of user fees with targeting: Developing equitable health financing policy
by Lucy Gilson & Steven Russell & Kent Buse - 403-421 The private health sector in Malawi: Opening pandora's box?
by Ellias Ngalande Banda & Gill Walt - 423-441 Financing rural health services in China in the context of economic reform
by Gerald Bloom & Tang Sheng‐Lan & Gu Xing‐Yuan - 443-465 Households, health and crises: Coping with economic upheaval in Jordan, 1988–1991
by Jocelyn Dejong - 467-487 Responding to AIDS: Are there any appropriate development and health policies?
by Tony Klouda - 489-502 The politics of agenda setting in international health: Child health versus adult health in developing countries
by Michael R. Reich - 503-524 The application of economic evaluation techniques in the health sector: The state of the art
by David B. Evans & Susan F. Hurley - 525-541 The world bank and international health policy: A critical review
by Antonio Ugalde & Jeffrey T. Jackson - 543-554 Designing and implementing packages of essential health services
by Jose‐Luis Bobadilla & Peter Cowley - 555-563 Burden of disease assessment and health system reform: Results of a study in Mexico
by R. Lozano & C. J. L. Murray & J. Frenk & J.‐L. Bobadilla - 565-573 NGOS‐a policy panacea for the next millennium?
by Andrew Green & Ann Matthias
March 1995, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 181-209 Rural sector responses to economic crisis in Uganda
by Arne Bigsten & Steve Kayizzi‐Mugerwa - 211-228 Alternative vision or Utopian fantasy?: Cooperation, empowerment and women's cooperative development in India
by Linda Mayoux - 229-242 Economic decline and the growth of the informal sector: The Guyana and Jamaica experience
by Karl M. Bennett - 243-243 Policy arena: Japan and the developing world
by Paul Mosley - 245-251 Japan's aid policies and institutions
by Hideaki Ueda - 253-260 Japan's aid administration: Its challenges for the future
by Kazumi Goto - 261-280 An integrated economic policy towards developing countries? The case of Japan
by Akira Hirata - 281-284 Japan's debt‐development dilemma
by Adrian Hewitt - 285-289 Structural adjustment and the environment
by David Glover - 291-292 Assessing the demographic impact of development projects: Conceptual, methodological and policy issues. By A. S. Oberai. (London, Routledge, 1992, pp. 143 £30, hardback.)
by Mike Shepperdson - 292-293 Participatory rural appraisal: Methodology and applications by Neela Mukherjee. (New Delhi, Concept Publishing, 1993, pp. 160, Rs 200. hardback.)
by Richard Bond - 293-294 New technologies and global restructuring: The third world at a crossroads by Claes Brundenius and Bo Goransson (eds). (London, Taylor Graham Publishing, 1993, pp. 274, £30.00.)
by Raphael Kaplinsky - 294-295 Family, household and gender relations in latin America by Elizabeth Jelin (ed). (London and Paris, Kegan Paul International/UNESCO, 1991, pp. 229 £29.95.)
by Ruth Pearson - 295-296 Reluctant partners? non‐government organizations, the state and sustainable agricultural development by John Farrington and Anthony Bebbing Ton with Kate Wellard and David Lewis. (London, Routledge, 1993 pp. 222, £12.99 p/b.)
by Philip Woodhouse - 295-296 Non‐governmental organizations and the state in Asia: Rethinking roles in sustainable agricultural development by John Farrington and David Lewis, with S. Satish and A. Miclat‐Teves. (London, Routledge, 1993, pp. 366, £14.99 p/b.)
by Philip Woodhouse - 295-296 Non‐governmental organizations and the state in Latin America: Rethinking roles in sustainable agricultural development by Anthony Bebbington and Graham Thiele with Penelope Davies, Martin Prager and Hernando Riveros. (London, Routledge, 1993, pp. 290, £14.99 p/b.)
by Philip Woodhouse - 295-296 Non‐governmental organizations and the state in Africa: Rethinking roles in sustainable agricultural development by Kate Wellard and James Cope‐Stake. (London, Routledge, 1993, pp. 331, £14.99 p/b.)
by Philip Woodhouse - 297-297 The critical villager: Beyond community participation by Eric Dudley. (Routledge, pp. 173, £10.99 p/b.)
by Mike Edwards
January 1995, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-23 Development policy and the African demographic transition: Issues and questions
by Matthew Lockwood - 25-45 The start of the sub‐Saharan fertility transition: Some answers and many questions
by R. Lesthaeghe & C. Jolly - 47-59 Adjustment, social sectors, and demographic change in sub‐Saharan Africa
by Koffi Ekouevi & Aderanti Adepoju - 61-79 The status of women and the social context of reproduction
by An‐Magritt Jensen - 81-92 The fertility decline in Kenya
by Warren C. Robinson & Sarah F. Harbison - 93-116 Has a fertility transition begun in West Africa?
by Nelson C. Onuoha & Ian M. Timæus - 117-134 Recent demographic change in Tanzania: Causes, consequences and future prospects
by Akim J. Mturi & P. R. Andrew Hinde - 135-144 The demographic situation in Nigeria and prospects for fertility transition
by I. O. Orubuloye - 145-161 Recent trends in fertility in Botswana
by Ian Diamond & Naomi Rutenberg - 163-176 The social and economic impact of HIV/AIDS on farming systems and livelihoods in rural Africa: Some experience and lessons from Uganda, Tanzania and Zambia
by Tony Barnett & Joseph Tumushabe & Grace Bantebya & Ruth Ssebuliba & Juma Ngasongwa & David Kapinga & Monica Ndelike & Michael Drinkwater & Godfrey Mitti & Martina Haslwimmer
November 1994, Volume 6, Issue 6
- 665-688 Policy and technology for rice productivity growth in Asia
by Mark W. Rosegrant & Prabhu L. Pingali - 689-706 Maize research in Malawi revisited: An emerging success story?
by Melinda Smale & Paul W. Heisey - 707-720 Rural people's organizations and agricultural extension in the upper north of thailand: Who benefits?
by Chris Garforth - 721-730 Manufactured exports: Aggregation and instability
by Jim Love
September 1994, Volume 6, Issue 5
- 463-464 Editorial introduction
by Paul Mosley - 465-517 Review of development research in the UK: Report to the development studies association
by G. M. Meier - 519-528 Institutional capability, political commitment, and export assistance in developing countries
by Colin Kirkpatrick - 529-567 Crop insurance and crop credit: Impact of the comprehensive crop insurance scheme on cooperative credit in Gujarat
by Pramod K. Mishra - 569-607 Income distribution, poverty and welfare in transitional economies: A comparison between Eastern Europe and China
by Giovanni Andrea Cornia - 609-625 Sectoral targeting: Auto manufacture in Korea and Taiwan
by R. M. Auty - 627-634 Urban poverty: Issues for research and policy
by Philip Amis & Carole Rakodi - 635-643 Indian urban poverty: Labour markets, gender and shocks
by Philip Amis - 645-654 Urban poverty and sustainable growth under structural adjustment: Kingston, Jamaica
by Jeremy Holland - 655-663 Urban poverty in Zimbabwe: Post‐independence efforts, household strategies and the short‐term impact of structural adjustment
by Carole Rakodi
July 1994, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 361-371 Losses of tariff preferences and the export performance of less‐developed countries
by Craig R. Macphee & Victor Iwuagwu Oguledo - 373-397 The importance of remittances for the level and distribution of economic well‐being in lesotho
by Björn Gustafsson & Negatu Makonnen - 399-414 The adjustment towards national solvency in developing countries: An application to india
by Subrata Ghatak & Paul Levine - 415-435 Theory and measurement of living levels: Some empirical results for the human development index
by D. P. Doessel & Rukmani Gounder - 437-451 European and East Asian exceptionalism: Agriculture and economic growth
by Richard Grabowski - 453-461 Trade, aid and relative price changes in sub‐saharan africa in the 1980s
by G. K. Helleiner
May 1994, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 259-273 Non‐nested hypothesis testing of theories of inflation in Latin America
by Asif Dowla - 275-285 Compatibility of the cooperative model with urban informal sector development: A policy query
by Fred Ahwireng‐Obeng - 287-305 The world bank and the application of Asian industrial policy to Africa: Theoretical considerations
by Howard Stein - 307-326 Explaining policy reform implementation in Guinea: The role of both internal and external factors
by Jennifer A. Clapp - 327-328 War and violence in developing countries
by Martin Griffiths - 329-342 Aid, the military and humanitarian assistance: An attempt to identify recent trends
by Judith Randel - 343-351 Demobilization and insecurity: A study in the economics of the transition from war to peace
by Paul Collier - 353-359 Reconciling alternative macro‐models of optimal borrowing for developing countries: An expository note
by Norman Gemmell
March 1994, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 141-155 Adjustment policy and agricultural development
by Patrick Guillaumont - 157-184 The continuing trial of development economics: Policies, prices and output in Tanzanian agriculture
by Jan Kees van Donge - 185-206 An econometric model of the monetary sector of the Bangladesh economy
by A. Parikh & C. Starmer - 207-218 The impact of environmental policies on agricultural trade
by Dimitris Diakosavvas - 219-239 Land reform in south africa: Options to consider for the future
by J. van Zyl & C. J. van Rooyen & J. F. Kirsten & H. D. van Schalkwyk - 241-252 The use of aid money for debt reduction a view from inside
by Karel van Kesteren - 253-254 International Trade in Textiles: MFA quotas and a developing exporting country. By Sri Ram Khanna. (New Delhi/Newbury Park/London, Sage Publications, 1991, pp. 196, £25.)
by Alasdair I. Macbean - 254-255 Economic Policy Reform in Developing Countries by Anne O. Krueger. (Kuznets Memorial Lectures, Blackwells, 1992, pp. 184, £22.50. ISBN 1–55786–274–5.)
by Oliver Morrissey - 255-256 Asian Crucible: The Steel Industry in China and India by Gilbert Etienne (ed.) with contributions by Jacques Astier, Hari Bhushan and Dai Zhong. (New Delhi, Newbury Park, CA, and London, Sage Publications, 1992, pp. 304, £42.00.)
by Colin Kirkpatrick - 256-258 Family Planning Programmes and Fertility. By J. F. Phillips and J. A. Ross (eds). (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1992, pp. 340, £40 hardback.)
by Mike Shepperdson
January 1994, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-5 New developments in project appraisal in developing countries: Editor's introduction
by Colin Kirkpatrick - 7-17 Structural adjustment, real exchange rates and project appraisal
by J. Weiss - 19-43 Estimating efficiency prices through semi‐input‐output methods—a review of practice in available studies
by J. D. Macarthur - 45-56 The integration of financial and economic analysis in project analysis
by Axel Sell - 57-78 Sustain ability—oriented appraisal of agricultural projects
by Michiel J. F. Van Pelt - 79-92 Cost‐benefit analysis and the problem of locating environmentally noxious facilities
by Euston Quah - 93-93 Contributions to edi‐world bank workshop on curriculum development for economic analysis of projects
by David Davies - 95-107 Notes on some issues in social project evaluation
by Arnold C. Harberger - 109-114 The role of EDI in projects training for LDC managers
by William Ward - 115-122 The appraisal of investment projects: A teaching approach
by Glenn P. Jenkins - 123-127 Problems in the planning of rural water supply projects: Lessons from Nkayi district, Zimbabwe
by Frances Cleaver - 129-132 Management of water supply and sanitation projects in maharashtra state, India
by Behrooz Morvaridi