2006, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 155-157 Book Review
by Jean Kinsey
2005, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 451-454 Introduction to the forum on the Northeast Dairy Compact and articles on price transmission and market power in local U.S. milk markets
by Ronald W. Cotterill - 455-471 The impact of the Northeast Dairy Compact on New England consumers: A report from the milk policy wars
by Ronald W. Cotterill - 473-476 Effects of government programs to raise milk prices: Academic economists and public policy
by Daniel A. Sumner - 477-491 Retail oligopoly power, dairy compact, and Boston milk prices
by Benaissa Chidmi & Rigoberto A. Lopez & Ronald W. Cotterill - 493-508 Asymmetric response of retail milk prices in the northeast revisited
by Daniel A. Lass - 509-530 Supermarket fluid milk pricing practices in the western United States
by Hoy F. Carman & Richard J. Sexton - 531-544 Managing price cycles in the Champagne industry
by Francis Declerck - 545-564 The role of technical efficiency in takeovers: Evidence from the French cheese industry, 1985-2000
by Jad Chaaban & Vincent Réquillart & Audrey Trévisiol - 565-584 Estimation of price elasticities from cross-sectional data
by Chanjin Chung & Diansheng Dong & Todd M. Schmit & Harry M. Kaiser & Brian W. Gould - 585-586 Hendrikse, George W.J. (Ed.). (2002). Restructuring Agricultural Cooperatives. Rotterdam: Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam School of Management. 140 pp. ISBN: 905892-057-7
by Evert Van der Sluis
2005, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 289-311 Poverty levels and food demand of the poor in Turkey
by Seda Sengul & İsmail Tuncer - 313-327 The impact of BSE on Japanese retail meat demand
by Hikaru Hanawa Peterson & Yun-Ju (Kelly) Chen - 329-349 Product-country images and preference heterogeneity for Mediterranean food products: A discrete choice framework
by Riccardo Scarpa & George Philippidis & Fiorenza Spalatro - 351-373 Recall event timing: Measures of managerial performance in U.S. meat and poultry plants
by Ratapol Teratanavat & Victoria Salin & Neal H. Hooker - 375-390 Multinomial logit models comparing consumers' and producers' risk perception of specialty meat
by E. William Nganje & Simeon Kaitibie & Thomas Taban - 391-407 The economic impact of StarLink corn
by Troy G. Schmitz & Andrew Schmitz & Charles B. Moss - 409-428 A dynamic model of oligopoly and oligopsony in the U.S. potato-processing industry
by Ani L. Katchova & Ian M. Sheldon & Mario J. Miranda - 429-445 An empirical evaluation of factors determining vertical integration in U.S. food manufacturing industries
by Sanjib Bhuyan - 447-449 Book Review: Olson, Kent D. (2004). Farm Management Principles and Strategies
by Wesley N. Musser
2005, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 131-132 Retailing and producer-retailer relationships: Introductory remarks
by Ronald W. Cotterill & Louis-Georges Soler - 133-147 Supermarkets and their impacts on the agrifood system of Brazil: The competition among retailers
by Elizabeth M.M.Q. Farina & Rubens Nunes & Guilherme F. de A Monteiro - 149-166 Constrained price, address, or logit brand demand models: An econometric comparison in the Boston fluid milk market
by Li Tian & Ronald W. Cotterill - 167-176 Determining the causality between retail price and consumer demand in a linear function when demand-shift variables are missing but wholesale prices are available
by W. Erno Kuiper & Matthew T.G. Meulenberg - 177-189 Branding and its consequences for German agribusiness
by Jon H. Hanf & Rainer Kühl - 191-211 Consumer, retailer, and producer assessments of product differentiation according to regional origin and process quality
by Antje Wirthgen - 213-235 Vertical contractual relations in the Italian beef supply chain
by Cristina Mora & Davide Menozzi - 237-252 Effects of the Swiss retailers' strategy on the governance structure of the fresh food products supply chains
by Sophie Réviron & Jean-Marc Chappuis - 253-271 Vertical integration and non-linear price adjustments: The Spanish poultry sector
by Monia Ben-Kaabia & José M. Gil & Mehrez Ameur - 273-286 Marketing margins and price transmission on the Hungarian pork meat market
by Lajos Zoltán Bakucs & Imre Fertõ - 287-288 Book Review: Agri-Food Globalization in Perspective
by Dawn Thilmany
2005, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-16 Derived demand for disaggregated cheese products imported into Japan
by Andreas P. Christou & Richard L. Kilmer & James A. Sterns & Shiferaw T. Feleke - 17-36 Conservation, markets, and fisheries policy: The North Atlantic bluefin tuna and the Japanese sashimi market
by Josué Martínez-Garmendia & James L. Anderson - 37-52 The effects of barge shocks on soybean basis levels in Arkansas: A study of market integration
by Andrew M. McKenzie - 53-63 Overcoming informal trade barriers among Japanese intermediaries: An attitudinal assessment
by Kenneth C. Gehrt & Sherry Lotz & Soyeon Shim & Tomoaki Sakano & Naoto Onzo - 65-80 Starting salaries for agribusiness graduates from an AASCARR institution: The case of Southern Illinois University
by Kim Harris & Dwight R. Sanders & Shaun Gress & Nick Kuhns - 81-96 Developing marketing strategies for green grocers: An application of SERVQUAL
by David B. Eastwood & John R. Brooker & James D. Smith - 97-108 The effects of industry and firm resources on profitability in the food economy
by Sara Schumacher & Michael Boland - 109-128 Heterogeneity in the likelihood of market advisory service use by U.S. crop producers
by Joost M.E. Pennings & Scott H. Irwin & Darrel L. Good & Olga Isengildina - 129-130 Book Review
by Glenn C.W. Ames
2004, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 379-396 The impact of cooperative structure and firm culture on market orientation and performance
by Kyriakos Kyriakopoulos & Matthew Meulenberg & Jerker Nilsson - 397-415 Information asymmetry and the role of traceability systems
by Jill E. Hobbs - 417-432 New market groupings based on food consumption patterns
by Ronald B. Larson - 433-448 Competitiveness and consumer preferences of U.S. fruits in Taiwan
by Jane Lu Hsu & Joyce Jong-Wen Wann - 449-464 Logistics and supply chain strategies in grain exporting
by William W. Wilson & Donald C.E. Carlson & Bruce L. Dahl - 465-479 Cotton producers' choice of marketing techniques
by Oscar Vergara & Keith H. Coble & Thomas O. Knight & George F. Patrick & Alan E. Baquet - 481-493 Assessing the efficiency of exchange rate-linked subsidies (ERLS) for non-price export promotion: The case of cotton
by Laxmi Paudel & Murali Adhikari & Jack E. Houston & Henry W. Kinnucan - 495-516 The coir fiber industry in Sri Lanka: Reasons for its decline and possible turnaround strategies
by H.S. Rohitha Rosairo & Tamotsu Kawamura & T.L.G. Sanjeewani Peiris
2004, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 233-252 Technical knowledge for food product innovation in Thailand
by Prasong Siriwongwilaichat & Ray J. Winger - 253-268 An analysis of marketed surplus response of cereals in Haryana State of India
by S.K. Goyal & Ernst Berg - 269-285 Farmer-owned brands?
by Dermot J. Hayes & Sergio H. Lence & Andrea Stoppa - 287-307 Australian wines in the British wine market: A hedonic price analysis
by Bodo E. Steiner - 309-321 Demand for nonalcoholic beverages: The case of low-income households
by Steven T. Yen & Biing-Hwan Lin & David M. Smallwood & Margaret Andrews - 323-345 The concept of retailer value: A means-end chain analysis
by Hans Skytte & Karsten Bove - 347-362 Captive supplies and cash market prices for fed cattle: The role of delivery timing incentives
by John R. Schroeter & Azzeddine Azzam - 363-374 Are cattle on feed report revisions random and does industry anticipate them?
by Jeffrey B. Mills & Ted C. Schroeder - 375-377 Book Review of Government policy and farmland markets: The maintenance of farmer wealth
by William Knudson
2004, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 129-141 Primary agricultural product demand in post-communist Russia
by Rimma Shiptsova & H.L. Goodwin & Rodney Holcomb - 143-153 The economic efficiency of Irish dairy marketing co-operatives
by G.E. Boyle - 155-166 Consumer response to functional foods produced by conventional, organic, or genetic manipulation
by Bruno Larue & Gale E. West & Carole Gendron & Rémy Lambert - 167-179 Risk-learning process in forming willingness-to-pay for egg safety
by Atsushi Maruyama & Masao Kikuchi - 181-188 Advertising's effect on the market demand elasticity: A note
by Henry W. Kinnucan & Yuqing Zheng - 189-200 The determinants of direct mail coupon usage revisited: Evidence from count panel data models
by Song Zan Chiou-Wei - 201-216 Adjustments in the South Korean beef import market under beef import liberalization policies
by Renee B. Kim & Y.J. Kim & Michele Veeman - 217-230 The forecasting performance of implied volatility from live cattle options contracts: Implications for agribusiness risk management
by Mark R. Manfredo & Dwight R. Sanders - 231-232 Sugar and related sweetener markets: International perspectives
by P. Lynn Kennedy
2004, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-15 Do U.S. marketing orders have much market power? An examination of the Almond Board of California
by John M. Crespi & Adriana Chacón-Cascante - 17-29 Reasons for high food prices in small market areas: The case of the Åland Islands
by Ville Aalto-Setälä & Jouko Kinnunen & Katri Koistinen - 31-43 Profitability adjustment patterns in international food and consumer products industries
by Yvonne J. Acheampong & James E. Epperson & Timothy A. Park & Lewell F. Gunter - 45-60 Profitability differences between MNE subsidiaries and domestic firms: The case of the food industry in Greece
by George Anastassopoulos - 61-80 Managing international trade of food products: A survey of German and Australian companies
by Christian Fischer - 81-94 Delaware farmers' adoption of GE soybeans in a time of uncertain U.S. adoption
by John C. Bernard & John D. Pesek, Jr. & Chunbo Fan - 95-107 Attitudes towards the use of GMOs in food production and their impact on buying intention: The role of positive sensory experience
by Klaus G. Grunert & Tino Bech-Larsen & Liisa Lähteenmäki & Øydis Ueland & Annika Åström - 109-123 Evaluating the economic effectiveness of pathogen reduction technologies in cattle slaughter plants
by Scott A. Malcolm & Clare A. Narrod & Tanya Roberts & Michael Ollinger
2003, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 409-424 The reconfiguration of post-Soviet food industries: Evidence from Ukraine and Moldova
by Matthew Gorton & John White & Svetlana Chernyshova & Alexander Skripnik & Tatiana Vinichenko & Mikhail Dumitrasco & Galina Soltan - 425-437 Mean spillover effects in agricultural prices: The case of Greece
by Nicholas Apergis & Anthony Rezitis - 439-457 ISO 14001 EMS standard registration decisions among Canadian organizations
by Emmanuel K. Yiridoe & J. Stephen Clark & Geb E. Marett & Robert Gordon & Peter Duinker - 459-472 Ocean liner shipping: Organizational and contractual response by agribusiness shippers to regulatory change
by Hayden G. Stewart & Fred S. Inaba - 473-488 StarLink: Impacts on the U.S. corn market and world trade
by William Lin & Gregory K. Price & Edward W. Allen - 489-504 Captive supplies and the spot market price of fed cattle: The plant-level relationship
by John R. Schroeter & Azzeddine Azzam - 505-523 Forecast evaluations in meat demand analysis
by Zijun Wang & David A. Bessler - 525-538 Targeting tourists with state branding programs
by Paul M. Patterson & Timothy J. Burkink & Rozlyn S. Lipsey & Jason Lipsey & Richard W. Roth & Mary Kay Martin - 539-541 Charles, Daniel. (2001). Lords of the Harvest: Biotech, Big Money, and the Future of Food. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Perseus Publishing, 19 chapters, 352 pp., $12.25 Soft Cover, $18.95 Hard Cover. ISBN: 073820773X
by Calum G. Turvey
2003, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 273-275 Distribution of benefits and costs of commodity checkoff programs: Introductory remarks
by Harry M. Kaiser - 277-287 Distributional issues in check-off funded programs
by Julian M. Alston & John W. Freebairn & Jennifer S. James - 289-300 Distributional effects of generic dairy advertising throughout the marketing channel
by Harry M. Kaiser & Todd M. Schmit - 301-314 Distribution of gains from research and promotion in the presence of market power
by Michael K. Wohlgenant & Nicholas E. Piggott - 315-324 Free-rider effects of generic advertising: The case of salmon
by Henry W. Kinnucan & Øystein Myrland - 325-332 Distributional effects of commodity promotion programs by type of producer
by Chanjin Chung & Harry M. Kaiser - 333-344 The incidence of gains and taxes associated with R&D and promotion in the Australian beef industry
by Xueyan Zhao & John Mullen & Garry Griffith & Roley Piggott & William Griffiths - 345-354 Evaluating the effect of generic advertising and food health information within a meat demand system
by Brenda L. Boetel & Donald J. Liu - 355-366 Who bears the burden and who receives the gain?-The case of GWRDC R&D investments in the Australian grape and wine industry
by Xueyan Zhao - 367-377 Are uniform assessments for generic advertising optimal if products are differentiated?
by John M. Crespi & Stéphan Marette - 379-391 Measures of precision for estimated welfare effects for producers from generic advertising
by Nicholas E. Piggott - 393-406 Competing supplies of olive oil in the German market: An application of multinomial logit models
by Ronald W. Ward & Julian Briz & Isabel de Felipe - 407-408 Book Review
by Jean-Paul Chavas
2003, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 137-153 The role of consumer ethnocentrism in food product evaluation
by Ulrich R. Orth & Zuzana Firbasová - 155-168 The effect of trust on public support for biotechnology: Evidence from the U.S. Biotechnology Study, 1997-1998
by Harvey S. James - 169-188 Marketing research and new product development success in Thai food processing
by Prisana Suwannaporn & Mark Speece - 189-201 An economic analysis of California raisin export promotion
by Harry M. Kaiser & Donald J. Liu & Ted Consignado - 203-221 Analyses of consumers' dietary behavior: An application of the AIDS model to supermarket scanner data
by Eugene Jones & Cuma Akbay & Brian Roe & Wen S. Chern - 223-243 Modeling coupon values for ready-to-eat breakfast cereals
by Gregory K. Price & John M. Connor - 245-253 The relationship between economic value added and stock market performance: A theoretical analysis
by Stephen P. Keef & Melvin L. Roush - 255-267 Further thoughts on the relationship between economic value added and stock market performance
by David Sparling & Calum G. Turvey - 269-271 Merrett, Christopher D., & Walzer, Norman (Eds.). (2001). A Cooperative Approach to Local Economic Development. Westport, CT: Quorum Books (Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.), x + 197 pp., hardcover ($64.95)
by F. Larry Leistritz
2003, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-17 Effect of liberalized U.S.-Mexico rice trade: A spatial, multiproduct equilibrium analysis
by Stephen Fuller & Luis Fellin & Victoria Salin - 19-28 Asymmetric price transmission due to market power in the case of supply shocks
by Frank Bunte & Jack Peerlings - 29-42 The effects of information on producer and consumer incentives to undertake food safety efforts: A theoretical model and policy implications
by Elamin H. Elbasha* & T. Lynn Riggs - 43-59 Household meat demand in Greece: A demand systems approach using microdata
by Panagiotis Lazaridis - 61-76 Changes in food consumption expenditure in Malaysia
by Akira Ishida & Siong-Hook Law & Yoshihisa Aita - 77-90 Consumer demand for and attitudes toward alternative beef labeling strategies in France, Germany, and the UK
by Jutta Roosen & Jayson L. Lusk & John A. Fox - 91-113 Consumer beliefs and attitude towards genetically modified food: Basis for segmentation and implications for communication
by Annelies Verdurme & Jacques Viaene - 115-132 An assessment of the strategies and strengths of medium-sized food processors
by Erna van Duren & David Sparling & Calum Turvey & Linda Lake - 133-135 Book Review
by Terry Roe
2002, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 413-426 The price-concentration relationship in grocery retailing: Retesting Newmark
by Chih-ching Yu & John M. Connor - 427-436 Explaining pricing conduct in a product-differentiated oligopolistic market: An empirical application of a price conjectural variations model
by Junko Kinoshita & Nobuhiro Suzuki & Harry M. Kaiser - 437-457 Staggering and synchronisation of prices in a low-inflation environment: Evidence from German food stores
by Jens-Peter Loy & Christoph Weiss - 459-474 The demand impacts of chicken contamination publicity-a case study
by Roger A. Dahlgran & Dean G. Fairchild - 475-489 Marketing natural pork: An empirical analysis of consumers in the mountain region
by Jennifer Grannis & Dawn D. Thilmany - 491-504 U.S. consumer preference and willingness-to-pay for domestic corn-fed beef versus international grass-fed beef measured through an experimental auction
by Wendy J. Umberger & Dillon M. Feuz & Chris R. Calkins & Karen Killinger-Mann - 505-522 The white shrimp futures market: Lessons in contract design and marketing
by Dwight R. Sanders & Mark R. Manfredo - 523-541 Minimum effective scale in export promotion
by Timothy J. Richards & Paul M. Patterson - 543-558 Multicriteria analysis and assessment of financial viability of agribusinesses: The case of marketing co-operatives and juice-producing companies
by George Baourakis & Michael Doumpos & Nikos Kalogeras & Constantin Zopounidis
2002, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 263-281 Growth by acquisition and the performance of large food retailers
by Bruce Bjornson & Michael E. Sykuta - 283-299 Size, cost, and productivity in the meat processing industries
by Yin Xia & Steven Buccola - 301-315 Effects of state regulations on marketing margins and price transmission asymmetry: Evidence from the New York City and upstate New York fluid milk markets
by Robert Romain & Maurice Doyon & Mathieu Frigon - 317-331 Vertical price leadership: A cointegration analysis
by W. Erno Kuiper & Matthew T.G. Meulenberg - 333-348 The pricing of innovations: An application to specialized corn traits
by Corinne Alexander & Rachael E. Goodhue - 349-368 A patent analysis of global food and beverage firms: The persistence of innovation
by Oscar Alfranca & Ruth Rama & Nicholas von Tunzelmann - 369-385 Bovine spongiform encephalopathy and generic promotion of beef: An analysis for “quality from Bavaria”
by Roland Herrmann & Stanley R. Thompson & Stephanie Krischik-Bautz - 387-407 Household composition and food expenditures in China
by Brian W. Gould - 409-411 Book review: Beef in China: Agribusiness opportunities and challenges
by Ferdaus Hossain
2002, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 131-144 Estimating strategic price response using cointegration analysis: The case of the domestic black and herbal tea industries
by Steven S. Vickner & Stephen P. Davies - 145-161 Changes in beef consumption and retailing competitiveness in Brazil: A rapid appraisal
by Danilo R.D. Aguiar & Andrea Lago da Silva - 163-180 A repositioning strategy for olive oil in the UK market
by Marian García Martínez & Zulema Aragonés & Nigel Poole - 181-196 Price relationships in the Queensland barley market
by V. Jyothi Gali & C.G. Brown - 197-211 Food expenditure patterns of the Hispanic population in the United States
by Bruno A. Lanfranco & Glenn C.W. Ames & Chung L. Huang - 213-229 Changes in foot and mouth disease status and evolving world beef markets
by Javier Ekboir & Lovell S. Jarvis & Daniel A. Sumner & José E. Bervejillo & William R. Sutton - 231-246 Factors influencing probability and frequency of participation in merger and partnership activity in agricultural cooperatives
by Darren Hudson & Cary W. Herndon - 247-260 Impacts from meatpacking firm mergers in an experimental market
by Clement E. Ward & Jong-In Lee - 261-262 Book review: Food industry and the Internet
by Frank J. Dooley
2001, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-21 Innovation in the food industry
by W. Bruce Traill & Matthew Meulenberg - 23-36 Product diffusion and the demand for new food products
by Yann Duval & Arlo Biere - 37-48 Asymmetry in farm to retail price transmission: Evidence from Brazil
by Danilo R. D. Aguiar & Josana A. Santana - 49-60 Vertical integration and trade policy: The case of sugar
by Charles B. Moss & Andrew Schmitz - 61-79 Food trade balances and unit values: What can they reveal about price competition?
by Mark J. Gehlhar & Daniel H. Pick - 81-99 Geographic diversification strategy and the implications of global market integration in table grapes
by Angela M. Krueger & Victoria Salin & Allan W. Gray - 101-114 Borrowing constraints and the agricultural investment decision process
by Luciano Gutierrez - 115-127 Impacts of six genetic modifications of corn on feed cost and consumption of traditional feed ingredients
by Tun-Hsiang Yu & C. Phillip Baumel & Connie L. Hardy & Marty J. McVey & Lawrence A. Johnson & Jerry L. Sell - 129-130 Lowenstein, Roger. When genius failed: The rise and fall of long-term capital management. New York: Random House, 2000, xxi + 264 pp., $26.95 hardcover
by Dennis M. Conley
2001, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 437-453 Perceptions of fat content in meat products
by Everett B. Peterson & Edward Van Eenoo & Anya McGuirk & Paul V. Preckel - 455-468 Incorporating family interactions and socioeconomic variables into family production functions: The case of demand for meats
by Amir Heiman & David R. Just & Bruce McWilliams & David Zilberman - 469-488 Food consumption in the European Union: Main determinants and country differences
by A. Gracia & L.M. Albisu - 489-513 The consolidation wave in U.S. food retailing: A European perspective
by Neil Wrigley - 515-525 Estimating own and cross brand price elasticities, and price-cost margin ratios using store-level daily scanner data
by Junko Kinoshita & Nobuhiro Suzuki & Tamotsu Kawamura & Yasuhito Watanabe & Harry M. Kaiser - 527-538 Evaluating class I differentials in the new federal milk marketing order system
by Tsunemasa Kawaguchi & Nobuhiro Suzuki & Harry M. Kaiser - 539-556 Economics of the use of imported U.S. high oil corn in swine and poultry rations in Taiwan
by Tun-Hsiang Yu & C. Phillip Baumel & Marty J. McVey & Jerry L. Sell - 557-570 A Markov chain analysis of the size of hog production firms in the United States
by Jeffrey M. Gillespie & Joan R. Fulton - 571-574 Fast food nation: The dark side of the all-American meal, by Eric Schlosser
by Jeffrey S. Royer
2001, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 319-332 Competition in the Japanese wholesale potato market
by Yusuke Higaki & Kisan Gunjal & Garth Coffin - 333-353 Market risk and the cattle feeding margin: An application of Value-at-Risk
by Mark R. Manfredo & Raymond M. Leuthold - 355-364 Does it pay to plan?: Strategic planning and financial performance
by Gregory A. Baker & Joel K. Leidecker - 365-382 The perceived importance of veal meat attributes in consumer choice decisions
by Gale E. West & Bruno Larue & Chedlia Touil & Shannon L. Scott - 383-395 Determinants of foreign direct investment in the food industry: The case of Poland
by Peter Walkenhorst; - 397-415 Exploring future developments in international olive oil trade and marketing: A Spanish perspective
by Samir Mili & Manuel Rodríguez Zúñiga - 417-422 Slotting allowances and price-cost margins: A note
by Azzeddine M. Azzam; - 423-433 A note on measuring returns to nonprice export promotion
by Henry W. Kinnucan & Øystein Myrland - 435-436 Battles, R.W., & Thompson, R.C. Jr. (2000). Fundamentals of agribusiness finance
by Ken D. Duft
2001, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 177-195 Strategic response to mandatory reporting legislation in the U.S. livestock and meat industries: Are collusive opportunities enhanced?
by Cheryl J. Wachenheim & Eric A. DeVuyst - 197-212 Market concentration and vertical coordination in the pork industry: Implications for public policy analysis
by Philip L. Paarlberg & Mildred M. Haley - 213-226 Pesticide residues and vertical integration in Florida strawberries and tomatoes
by Richard L. Kilmer & Anouk M. Andre & Thomas J. Stevens - 227-241 Applying marketing channel theory to food marketing in developing countries: Vertical disintegration model for horticultural marketing channels in kenya
by Tjalling Dijkstra & Matthew Meulenberg & Aad van Tilburg - 243-254 Pricing U.S. North Atlantic bluefin tuna and implications for management
by Michael T. Carroll & James L. Anderson & Josué Martínez-Garmendia - 255-271 NAFTA intra-industry trade in agricultural food products
by Bashir A. Qasmi & Scott W. Fausti - 273-297 Evaluating environmental liability through risk premiums charged on loans to agribusiness borrowers
by Mary Jo Billiot & Zoel W. Daughtrey - 299-314 A hedonic price analysis of thoroughbred broodmare characteristics
by J. Shannon Neibergs - 315-317 Book Review: The economics of world wheat markets, by J.M. Antle and V.H. Smith
by Donald W. Larson
2001, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial introduction
by Ronald W. Cotterill - 3-32 Structural change in U.S. food manufacturing, 1958-1997
by Richard T. Rogers - 33-57 Neoclassical explanations of vertical organization and performance of food Industries
by Ronald W. Cotterill - 59-79 An assessment of the impact of food industry market power on U.S. consumers
by Richard J. Sexton & Mingxia Zhang - 81-104 Consumer choice of food products and the implications for price competition and government policy
by Eliza M. Mojduszka & Julie A. Caswell & J. Michael Harris - 105-114 The impact of Wal-Mart supercenters on supermarket concentration in U.S. metropolitan areas
by Andrew W. Franklin - 115-137 Multiproduct retailers and the sale phenomenon
by Daniel Hosken & David Reiffen - 139-160 Competitive behavior of national brands: The case of orange juice
by James Binkley & James Eales & Mark Jekanowski & Ryan Dooley - 161-171 Economic analysis of the changing structure of the U.S. flour milling industry
by C.S. Kim & C. Hallahan & G. Schaible & G. Schluter - 173-175 Book Review: Economics of strategy, by David Besanko, David Dranova, and Mark Shanely
by Jeffrey S. Royer
2000, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 385-398 Assessing aspects of agricultural contracts: An application to German agriculture
by Klaus Drescher - 399-416 The relationship between economic value added and the stock market performance of agribusiness firms
by Calum G. Turvey & Linda Lake & Erna van Duren & David Sparling - 417-433 Food purchase diversity across U.S. markets
by Mark D. Jekanowski & James K. Binkley - 435-455 Panama canal: How critical to U.S. grain exports?
by Stephen W. Fuller & Luis Fellin & Ken Eriksen - 457-470 Private investment in livestock breeding with implications for public research policy
by Clare A. Narrod & Keith O. Fuglie - 471-484 Price skewness and the marketing of finished cattle
by C. Jack & S.A. McErlean & D. Anderson & T. McCallion - 485-485 Agribusiness forum. The Canadian Wheat Board, Feed Barley Prices, and the R-Calf Petition for the Imposition of Countervailing Duties on Live Cattle from Canada. Editor's introduction
by Ronald W. Cotterill - 487-489 The economic analysis related to the Canadian Wheat Board in the U.S. Countervailing duty investigation of live cattle from Canada
by Catherine Curtiss - 491-501 The Canadian Wheat Board and feed barley
by Andrew Schmitz & Richard Gray - 503-505 Larson, Donald W., Gallagher, Paul W., & Dahl, Reynold P. (Eds.). (1998). Structural change and performance of the U.S. grain marketing system, Urbana, IL:Scherer Communications, xiv + 305 pp., $35.00 hardcover
by Roger G. Ginder - 507-508 Erratum
by Chizuru Shono & Nobuhiro Suzuki & Harry M. Kaiser