- wp358 Does Input Purchase Cooperation Foster Downstream Collusion?
by Aldo González & Loreto Ayala - wp357 Multidimensional Measure of Job Quality: Persistence and Heterogeneity in a Developing Country
by Federico Huneeus & Oscar Landerretche & Esteban Puentes - wp356 The Impact of National Research Funds: A Regression Discontinuity Approach to the Chilean FONDECYT
by Jose Miguel Benavente & Gustavo Crespi & Lucas Figal Garone & Alessandro Maffioli - wp355 Develando econométricamente los impactos del Transantiago en la contaminación atmosférica de Santiago de Chile
by Eugenio Figueroa & Andrés Gómez-Lobo & Pablo Jorquera & Felipe Labrín - wp354 The ups and downs of a public transport reform: the case of Transantiago
by Andrés Gómez-Lobo - wp353 Female Labor Force Participation and Informal Care of Adults: Evidence for a middle-income country
by David Bravo & Esteban Puentes - wp352 Inequality of Opportunities and Long Term Earnings Measures: Evidence for Chile
by Dante Contreras & Osvaldo Larrañaga & Esteban Puentes & Tomás Rau - wp351 A matching estimator based on a bi-level optimization problem
by Juan Díaz & Tomás Rau & Jorge Rivera - wp350 The Economics of IP in the context of a Middle Income Country
by Jose Miguel Benavente & Daniel Goya - wp349 Empleo y estabilidad macroeconómica real: El rol de los flujos financieros en América Latina
by Ricardo Ffrench-Davis - wp348 Identifying the determinants of crime occurrence and the deterring impact of police: Evidence across Chilean households
by Jose Miguel Benavente & Javier Turen - wp347 La Entrada de GOL en el Mercado Aéreo Chileno
by Aldo González & Vicente Lagos
- wp346 Fiscal policy in Chile: Hindering sustainable development by favoring myopic growth
by Ramón E. López & Eugenio Figueroa - wp345 Labor Market in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Missing Reform
by Pablo Egaña & Alejandro Micco - wp344 Use of Financial Instruments In Rural Thailand
by Esteban Puentes - wp343 El "Efecto Holandés" en Chile: Heterogeneidad en competitividad y dinámica macroeconómica
by Mario Giarda & Óscar Landerretche - wp342 Doscientos años y cincuenta más: economía política de las políticas económicas en Chile
by Óscar Landerretche - wp341 Remittances and the Problem of Control: A Field Experiment Among Migrants from El Salvador
by Nava Ashraf & Diego Aycinena & Claudia Martínez & Dean Yang - wp340 Factores Determinates del Desempeño Educativo de Uruguay 2003-2006
by Cecilia Oreiro & Juan Pablo Valenzuel - wp339 Dissecting the Chilean Export Boom
by Raphael Bergoeing & Alejandro Micco & Andrea Repetto - wp338 The Aggregate and Complementary Impact of Micro Distortions
by Raphael Bergoeing & Norman V. Loayza & Facundo Piguillem - wp337 Aspectos institucionales para potenciar la evaluación social de proyectos en transporte: lecciones de América Latina
by Andrés Gómez-Lobo & Christian Belmar - wp336 Monopoly, subsidies and the Mohring effect: A synthesis and an extension
by Andrés Gómez-Lobo - wp335 Investing in schooling in Chile: The role of information about financial aid for higher education
by Taryn Dinkelman & Claudia Martínez - wp334 Gobernabilidad Macroeconómica Desarrollo Institucional y Crecimiento Económico: Una revisión de Literatura a la Luz de la Experiencia Latinoamericana
by Óscar Landerretche - wp333 Poverty Transitions: Evidence for Income and Multidimensional Indicators
by Esteban Puentes & Alejandra Abufhele - wp332 The Union Effect on Wages in Chile: A Two-Stage Approach Using Panel Data
by Óscar Landerretche & Nicolás Lillo & Esteban Puentes - wp331 Percepciones sobre Movilidad Social y Meritocracia: Un Estudio para Chile Usando la Encuesta de Trabajo y Equidad
by Óscar Landerretche & Nicolás Lillo - wp330 Propensión al emprendimiento: ¿Los emprendedores nacen, se educan o se hacen?
by Bárbara Flores & Óscar Landerretche & Gabriela Sánchez - wp329 The Labor Impact of Minimum Wages: A Method for Estimating the Effect in Emerging Economies using Chilean Panel Data
by Nicolás Grau & Oscar Landerretche - wp328 Voluntary Savings, Financial Behavior and Pension Finance Literacy: Evidence from Chile
by Oscar Landerretche & Claudia Martínez
- wp327 ¿Se premia la habilidad en el mercado laboral docente? ¿Cuánto impacta en el desempeño de los estudiantes?
by David Bravo & Bárbara Flores & Patricia Medrano - wp326 Complementariedad entre TIC's e I+D: Un análisis con paneles dinámicos
by Pablo Egaña & Claudio Bravo-Ortega - wp325 Efectos de las actividades artísticas en el desarrollo de habilidades cognitivas y no cognitivas en estudiantes vulnerables: El caso de la orquesta de Curanilahue
by Dante Contreras & Pablo Egaña & Juan Pablo Valenzuela - wp324 El efecto de China en el comercio internacional de América Latina
by claudio E. Montenegro & Mariana Pereira & Isdro Soloaga - wp323 The effects of lengthening the school day on female labor supply: Evidence from a quasi-experiment in Chile
by Dante Contreras & Paulina Sepúlveda C. & Soledad Cabrera - wp322 Shadow Economies All over the World: New Estimates for 162 Countries from 1999 to 2007
by Friedrich Schneider & Andreas Buehn & Claudio E. Montenegro - wp321 The Place Premium: Wage Differences for Identical Workers across the US Border
by Michael A. Clemens & Claudio E. Montenegro & Lant Pritchett - wp320 Economic Freedom, Human Rights, and the Returns to Human Capital: An Evaluation of the Schultz Hypothesis
by Elizabeth M. King & Claudio E. Montenegro & Peter F. Orazem - wp319 Diferencias en el comportamiento defensores públicos en el contexto de la Reforma Procesal Penal chilena
by Mauro Gutiérrez & Jorge Rivera - wp318 The Second Welfare Theorem with public goods in general economies
by Alejandro Jofré & Jorge Rivera - wp317 Walrasian prices in a market with consumption rights
by Carlos Hervés-Beloso & Francisco Martínez & Jorge Rivera - wp316 On equilibrium existence with endogenous restricted financial participation
by Abdelkrim Seghir & Juan Pablo Torres-Martínez - wp315 On equilibrium existence in infinite horizon economies
by Emma Moreno-García & Juan Pablo Torres-Martínez - wp314 Long-lived collateralized assets and bubbles
by Aloisio Araujo & Mário R. Pascoa & Juan Pablo Torres-Martínez - wp313 Equilibrium with limited-recourse collateralized loans
by Rubén Poblete-Cazenave & Juan Pablo Torres-Martínez - wp312 Endogenous differential information in financial markets
by Sebastian cea-Echenique & Juan Pablo Torres-Martínez - wp311 A direct proof of the existence of pure strategy equilibria in large generalized games with atomic players
by Alvaro Riascos V. & Juan Pablo Torres-Martínez - wp310 Inequality of Opportunities in the Educational Attainment of Chilean Students
by Osvaldo Larrañaga & Amanda Telias - wp309 Determinants of exports diversifications around the world: 1962 - 2000
by Manuel Agosin & Roberto Álvarez & Claudio Bravo-Ortega & Esteban Puentes
- wp308 Trabajadores por cuenta propia: ¿Quienes son? ¿De donde vienen? ¿Para donde van?
by Sebastián Cea & María Ignacia Contreras & Claudia Martínez & Esteban Puentes - wp307 Informal jobs and contribution to social security: Evidence from a double selection model
by Esteban Puentes & Dante Contreras - wp306 Public Day Care and Female Labor Force Participation: Evidence from Chile
by Patricia Medrano Vera - wp305 Tournaments, gift exchanges, and the effect of monetary incentives for teachers: the case of Chile
by Dante Contreras G. & Tomás Rau B. - wp304 Do Multilateral Trade Linkages Explain Bilateral Real Exchange Rate Volatility?
by Claudio Bravo-Ortega - wp303 Efecto de una mayor cobertura de salas cuna en la participación laboral femenina: evidencia de Chile
by Jenny Encina & Claudia Martínez - wp302 Evidence of neighborhood e?ects on educational performance in the chilean school voucher system
by Dante Contreras & Patricia Medrano - wp301 Satisfacción moral como variable explicativa de diferencias salariales en Chile
by Isabel Asenjo & David Coble & Joseph Ramos & Valentina Rosselli - wp300 Determinantes de los salarios por carrera
by David Coble & Ricardo Elfernan & Joseph Ramos & Claudia Soto - wp299 Determinantes de los salarios en las carreras de ingeniería comercial y contador auditor
by David Coble & María Paz Gonzáles & Joseph Ramos & Catalina Rubio - wp298 Evidence for inequality of Opportunities. A Cohort analysis for Chile
by Dante Contreras & Osvaldo Larragaña & Esteban Puentes & Tomás Rau - wp297 The Evolution of Opportunities for Children in Chile 1990-2006
by Dante Contreras & Osvaldo Larragaña & Esteban Puentes & Tomás Rau - wp296 Limited understanding of individual retirement accounts among chileans
by Claudia Martínez & Claudia sahm - wp295 Overreaction in capital flows to emerging markets: Booms and sudden stops
by Manuel Agosin & Franklin Huaita - wp294 Industrial policy in Chile
by Manuel Agosin & Cristian Larraín & Nicolás Grau - wp293 La gran depresión (1929-1932) en Chile
by Luis Riveros - wp292 The relationship between Inequality of Outcomes and Inequality of Opportunities in a high-inequality country: The case of Chile
by Javier Núñez Errázuriz & Andrea Tartakowsky
- wp290 Implicaciones Macroeconómicas de Shocks de Oferta Persistentes: El caso de Chile
by Felipe Morandé Lavín & Mauricio Tejada - wp289 El desarrollo exportador chileno: Evolución y persepctivas
by Joseph Ramos Quiñones - wp288 Trabajo a tiempo parcial: análisis del caso chileno
by Tomás Rau Binder - wp287 Chile: Universities and the National Innovation System
by Jorge Katz & Randy Spence - wp286 Price Stickiness in Emerging Economies: Empirical Evidence for Four Latin-American Countries
by Felipe Morandé Lavín & Mauricio Tejada - wp285 Sources of Uncertainty for Conducting Monetary Policy in Chile
by Felipe Morandé Lavín & Mauricio Tejada - wp284 Long-lived Collateralized Assets and Bubbles
by Aloisio Araujo & Mário Páscoa & Juan Pablo Torres-Martínez - wp283 Fiat money and the value of binding portfolio constraints
by Mário Páscoa & Myrian Petrassi & Juan Pablo Torres-Martínez - wp282 Exploring the Relationship between R&D and Productivity: A Country-Level Study
by Claudio Bravo Ortega & Álvaro García Marín - wp280 Barreras a la entrada en el mercado aéreo
by Aldo González Tissinetti - wp279 An optimization-based matching procedure
by Tomás Rau Binder & Jorge Rivera Cayupi & Rodrigo Krell - wp278 With Additional Enforcement Mechanisms, does Collateral Avoid Ponzi Schemes?
by Thiago Revil & Juan Pablo Torres-Martínez - wp277 Intellectual Property Rights, Human Capital and the Incidence Of R&D Expenditures
by Daniel Lederman & Claudio Bravo Ortega - wp276 La Equidad Social, Un Gran Desafío para Chile
by Ricardo Ffrench-Davis - wp275 Nicaragua: A la búsqueda del crecimiento perdido
by Manuel Agosin Trumper & Rodrigo Bolaños & Félix Delgado - wp274 Dinámica de la inflación y el canal de costos: Una aplicación para Chile
by David Coble - wp273 Encuesta de protección social 2006: Presentación general y principales resultados
by David Bravo & Jere R. Behrman & Olivia s. Mitchell & Petra E. Todd. & Javiera Vásquez - wp272 From Financieristic To Real Macroeconomics: Seeking Development Convergence In Ees
by Ricardo Ffrench-Davis - wp271 Divestitures and the Screening of Efficiency Gains
by Aldo González Tissinetti
- wp270 Desarrollo económico en Chile: desafíos hacia el bicentenario
by Ricardo Ffrench-Davis - wp269 “Dime cómo te llamas y te diré quién eres”: la Ascendencia como mecanismo de diferenciación social en Chile
by Javier Núñez Errázuriz & Graciela Pérez - wp268 Why Should Emerging-Market Countries (Still) Concern Themselves With Capital Inflows?
by Franklin Huaita & Manuel Agosín Trumper - wp267 Flexibilidad laboral y empleo
by Joseph Ramos Quiñones - wp266 Learning from the Chilean Experience: The Determinants of Pension Switching
by David Bravo Urrutia & Olivia S. Mitchell & Petra Todd - wp265 Ability, Schooling Choices And Gender Labor Market Discrimination: Evidence For Chile
by David Bravo Urrutia & Claudia Sanhueza & sergio Urzúa - wp264 Is There Labor Market Discrimination Among Professionals In Chile? Lawyers, Doctors And Business-People
by David Bravo Urrutia & Sergio Urzúa & Claudia Sanhueza - wp263 An Experimental Study About Labor Market Discrimination: Gender, Social Class And Neighborhood
by David Bravo Urrutia & Sergio Urzúa & Claudia Sanhueza - wp262 Descomponiendo la Desigualdad Salarial en América Latina: Una Década de Cambios
by Dante Contreras Guajardo & Sebastián Gallegos - wp261 Affordability of public transport: a methodological clarification
by Andrés Gómez-Lobo Echeñique - wp260 El Impacto De Estudiar Economía Sobre La Cooperación Social: Evidencia Experimental De Estudiantes Chilenos
by Leslie Miranda & Javier Núñez Errázuriz & Javier Scavia - wp259 Residential Segregation Effects on Poor’s Opportunities in Chile
by Osvaldo Larrañaga Jiménez & Claudia Sanhueza Riveros - wp258 ITQ’s in Chile: Measuring the Economic Benefits of Reform
by Patricio Barría & Andrés Goméz-Lobo Echeñique & Julio Peña-Torres - wp257 Remittances and Poverty in Migrants’ Home Areas: Evidence from the Philippines
by Claudia Martínez Alvear & Dean Yang - wp256 Labor Market Participation of Women in Chile 1958-2003
by Osvaldo Larragaña Jiménez - wp255 Un ejercicio comparativo de las tarifas de Banda Ancha entre Chile y otros países del Mundo
by Andrés Gómez-Lobo Echeñique - wp254 Why hasn’t inequality changed in Chile since 1990?
by Osvaldo Larragaña Jiménez & Juan Pablo Valenzuela - wp253 A new look at the incidence of public transport subsidies: a case study of Santiago, Chile
by Andrés Gómez-Lobo - wp252 Social Policy, Regulation and Private Sector water supply: the case of Colombia
by Marcela Meléndez & Andrés Gómez-Lobo Echeñique - wp251 The role of social networks in employment outcomes of Bolivian women
by Dante Contreras Guajardo & Diana kruger & Marcelo Ochoa & Daniela Zapata - wp250 Un Análisis Empírico de los Determinantes Socioeconómicos de la Disolución Matrimonial en Chile
by David Bravo Urrutia & Sandra Quijada & Claudia Sanhueza - wp249 La relación entre los precios de los alimentos y la concentración de los supermercados en Chile: evidencia de un modelo dinámico de panel y análisis de impacto de fusiones propuestas en la industria
by Andrés Gómez-Lobo Echeñique & Aldo González Tissineti. - wp248 Child labor and schooling in Bolivia: Who’s falling behind?
by Dante Contreras Guajardo & Diana Kruger & Daniela Zapata - wp247 Tamaño de la Familia, Orden de Nacimiento, Espacio Temporal entre Hermanos y Logros: Evidencia para Chile
by Claudio Fuentealba & Claudia Sanhueza Riveros - wp246 Creation and Destruction: Evidence from an Emerging Market
by Oscar Landerretche Moreno - wp245 ¿Qué puede esperarse de la política social en Chile?
by Osvaldo Larrañaga - wp244 Recent Findings on Intergenerational Income and Educational Mobility in Chile
by Javier Núñez E. & Leslie Miranda - wp243 Heterogeneous Entrepreneurs, Creation and Destruction: A Simple Model
by Oscar Landerretche M. - wp242 When schools are the ones that choose: the effect of screening in Chile
by Sebastián Bustos & Dante Contreras & Paulina Sepulveda - wp241 Fertility trends in Chile 1960-2003
by Osvaldo Larrañaga - wp240 Job flows in chile
by Oscar Landerretche - wp239 Crecimiento Pro Pobre en Chile
by Dante Contreras & Ryan Cooper & Christopher Neilson - wp238 Another Pass-Through Bites The Dust? Oil Prices And Inflation
by José De Gregorio & Oscar Landerretche & Christopher Neilson - wp237 Eliciting Information from Interested Parties in Merger Control
by Aldo González Tissinetti - wp236 The Emergence Of New Successful Export Activities In Latin America: The Case Of Chile
by Claudio Bravo-Ortega & Manuel Agosin Trumper - wp235 Participación Laboral Femenina en Chile
by Dante Contreras & Gonzalo Plaza - wp234 Child Labor And Schooling In Bolivia: Who’s Falling Behind? The Roles Of Domestic Work, Gender And Ethnicity
by Dante Contreras & Daniela Kruger & Daniela Zapata - wp233 Export Diversification And Growth In Emerging Economies
by Manuel Agosin - wp231 Desagregación en Banda Ancha, Regulando Oligopolios Naturales
by Aldo González Tissinetti
- wp281 Encuesta Longitudinal de Docentes 2005: Análisis y Principales Resultados
by David Bravo Urrutia & Claudia Peirano & Denise Falck - wp229 Antecedentes para el Diseño de una Política Tecnológica Nacional
by José Miguel Benavente - wp228 Delitos y sus denuncias. La cifra negra de la criminalidad en Chile y sus determinantes
by José Miguel Benavente H. & Enrique Cortés T. - wp227 Migration’s Income and Poverty Impact
by Maurice Schiff - wp226 Desagregación en Internet de Banda Ancha en Chile
by Aldo González T. & Andrés Gómez-Lobo E. - wp225 Antitrust and Regulation, Complements or Substitutes? The Case of a Vertically Integrated Firm
by Aldo González Tissinetti - wp224 Convergence and Growth: Revisited
by José Miguel Benavente & Emerson Melo & Sandra Quijada - wp223 Determinantes Socioeconómicos de la Criminalidad en Chile durante los Noventa
by José Miguel Benavente & Emerson Melo - wp222 Fogape: an economic analysis
by José Miguel Benavente & Alexander Galetovic & Ricardo Sanhueza - wp221 Technological Innovation and Employment: Complements or Substitutes
by José Miguel Benavente & Rodolfo Lauterbach - wp220 Rates of Return for Industrial R&D in Chile
by José Miguel Benavente & José De Gregorio & Marco Núñez - wp219 Margen de Utilidad y Distribución de las Rentas: La industria manofacturera chilena durante los noventas
by José Miguel Benavente & José Luis Contreras - wp218 Fundamentos de los programas de delación compensada para la presecución de los carteles
by Aldo González Tissinetti
- wp232 Dinámica de la Pobreza y Movilidad Relativa de los ingresos: Chile 1996 - 2001
by Dante Contreras & Ryan Cooper & Jorge Hermann & Christopher Neilson - wp216 Incentivos Reputacionales para la Autorregulación: Un Análisis Experimental
by Javier Nuñez & Jose Luis Lima - wp215 Consumption rigths: a market mechanism to redistribute wealth
by Jorge Rivera C. & Francisco Martínez - wp214 Walrasian equilibrium as limit of competitive equilibrium without divisible
by Jorge Rivera C. & Michael Florig - wp213 Welfare properties and core for a competitive equilibrium without divisible
by Jorge Rivera C. & Michael Florig - wp212 Indivisible goods and fiat money
by Jorge Rivera C. & Michael Florig
- wp210 Movilidad intergeneracional del ingreso en un país en desarrollo: El caso de Chile
by Javier Núñez & Cristina Risco - wp209 La conquista de la inflación en Chile
by Felipe Morandé & Carlos Noton - wp208 Competencia y participación privada: La experiencia chilena en educación
by Osvaldo Larrañaga
- wp206 Choice complexity in a Stated Choice Experiment: valuing environmental resources in Chile
by Andrés Gómez-Lobo & Javier Núñez & Cristobal Ruiz-Tagle - wp205 The limits to competition in urban bus services in developing countries
by Antonio Estache & Andrés Gómez-Lobo - wp204 Determinación de la eficiencia operativa en la regulación de monopolios naturales: el uso de información de consultores versus competencia por comparaciones
by Andrés Gómez-Lobo - wp203 Crímen y disuasión evidencia desde un modelo de ecuaciones simultáneas para las regiones de Chile
by Jorge Rivera & Javier Nuñez & Javier Villavicencio - wp202 The Pass-through from Depreciation to Inflation: Chile 1986-2001
by Carlos Noton
- wp201 Programas antidelincuencia: Evaluando Comuna Segura
by José Miguel Benavente & Dante Contreras & Emerson Melo & Rodrigo Montero - wp200 The Role of Research and Innovation in Promoting Productivity in Chile
by José Miguel Benavente - wp199 Does Centralization Imply Better Targeting?: Evaluating Emergency Employment Programs in Chile
by Rómulo Chumacero & Ricardo Paredes - wp198 Poverty and Inequality in Chile 1990-1998: Learning from Microeconomic Simulations
by David Bravo & Dante Contreras & Sergio Urzúa - wp197 Welfare Theorema and Core Equivalence without Divisible Goods
by Michael Florig & Jorge Rivera Cayupi - wp196 The equilibrium manifold with Boundary constraints on the Consumption sets
by Jean-Marc Bonnisseau & Jorge Rivera Cayupi - wp195 Functional Literacy and Job Opportunities
by David Bravo & Dante Contreras & Osvaldo Larrañaga - wp194 A further step to deregulation, or the risk to destroy the incumbent: Chile’s Local Telephony Market
by Ricardo Paredes - wp193 Crecimiento, Empleo e Impuestos al Trabajo: Chile 1998-2001
by Raphael Bergoeing & Felipe Morandé - wp192 Exchange Rate Policy in Chile: From the Band to Floating and Beyond
by Felipe Morandé & Matías Tapia - wp191 Protección de la competencia en Chile: El Estado vs Laboratorios Chile y Recalcine (1992/93)
by Edgardo Barandiarán & Ricardo Paredes - wp190 Competencia en el Mercado Aéreo Doméstico en Chile
by Ricardo Paredes
- wp493 A Simple Test for Prejudice in Decision Processes: The Prediction-Based Outcome Test
by Nicolás Grau & Damián Vergara - wp492 Habemus Papam? Polarization and Conflict in the Papal States
by Francisco Pino & Jordi Vidal-Robert - wp491 Una Estimación de la Renta Económica en el Mercado de las Isapres en Chile
by Simón Accorsi & Gino Sturla - wp490 Inflation Targets in Latin America
by José De Gregorio