November 2018, Volume 37, Issue 10-11
- 1097-1110 System of Information Systems to support learners (a case study at the University of Technology of Compiègne)
by Majd Saleh & Marie-Hélène Abel - 1111-1128 Big data and sentiment analysis to highlight decision behaviours: a case study for student population
by Orlando Troisi & Mara Grimaldi & Francesca Loia & Gennaro Maione - 1129-1141 Towards an integrated learning analytics framework for quality perceptions in higher education: a 3-tier content, process, engagement model for key performance indicators
by Emmanouil Varouchas & Miguel-Angel Sicilia & Salvador Sánchez-Alonso - 1142-1155 Mapping the study of learning analytics in higher education
by Jinzhuo Zhang & Xi Zhang & Shan Jiang & Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos & Yongqiang Sun - 1156-1156 Correction
by The Editors
September 2018, Volume 37, Issue 9
- 873-873 Editorial
by Panos Markopoulos & Christian Stary & Françoise Detienne & Herre van Oostendorp - 874-883 Enhancing the quality of service of mobile video technology by increasing multimodal synergy
by F. van der Sluis & E. L. van den Broek & A. van Drunen & J. G. Beerends - 884-893 How to evaluate emotional experiences in television drama series: improving viewer evaluations using a combination of psychophysiological measurements and self-reports
by Lene Heiselberg & Thomas Bjørner - 894-903 The Konect value – a quantitative method for estimating perception time and accuracy for HMI designs
by Marie-Christin Harre & Sebastian Feuerstack - 904-925 Cognitive work analysis in the conceptual design of first-of-a-kind systems – designing urban air traffic management
by Jonas Lundberg & Mattias Arvola & Carl Westin & Stefan Holmlid & Mathias Nordvall & Billy Josefsson - 926-935 Profiling ethics orientation through play
by Carlos Pereira Santos & Vassilis-Javed Khan & Panos Markopoulos
August 2018, Volume 37, Issue 8
- 761-773 Sixth graders’ evaluation strategies when reading Internet search results: an eye-tracking study
by Jarkko Hautala & Carita Kiili & Yvonne Kammerer & Otto Loberg & Sanna Hokkanen & Paavo H. T. Leppänen - 774-785 Analysis of critical factors for social games based on extended technology acceptance model: a DEMATEL approach
by Chia-Chi Chang & Po-Yu Chen - 786-799 How does presence influence purchase intention in online shopping markets? An explanation based on self-determination theory
by Wei Gao & Yamei Liu & Zhaopeng Liu & Jingyuan Li - 800-814 Unwind: a musical biofeedback for relaxation assistance
by Bin Yu & Mathias Funk & Jun Hu & Loe Feijs - 815-827 Recreational athletes’ running motivations as predictors of their use of online fitness community features
by Jeroen Stragier & Mariek Vanden Abeele & Lieven De Marez - 828-841 The effect of Facebook use on office workers’ job performance and the moderating effects of task equivocality and interdependence
by Seung Yeop Lee & Sang Woo Lee - 842-854 Games for active ageing, well-being and quality of life: a pilot study
by Liliana Vale Costa & Ana Isabel Veloso & Michael Loizou & Sylvester Arnab - 855-871 Towards EEG-based BCI driven by emotions for addressing BCI-Illiteracy: a meta-analytic review
by M. Spezialetti & L. Cinque & João Manuel R. S. Tavares & G. Placidi
July 2018, Volume 37, Issue 7
- 647-657 Towards learner-constructed e-learning environments for effective personal learning experiences
by Julius T. Nganji - 658-674 Identity and performance in technical Q&A
by Andrew W. Vargo & Shigeo Matsubara - 675-692 Customer benefits and value co-creation activities in corporate social networking services
by Ae Ri Lee & Kyung Kyu Kim - 693-702 Tablet game-supported speech therapy embedded in children’s popular practices
by Matej Zajc & Andreja Istenič Starčič & Maja Lebeničnik & Mateja Gačnik - 703-713 Tutoring executives online: what drives perceived quality?
by Stephane Bignoux & Kristian J. Sund - 714-735 How do entrepreneurs learn and engage in an online community-of-practice? A case study approach
by Khalid Hafeez & Pantea Foroudi & Bang Nguyen & Suraksha Gupta & Fathalla Alghatas - 736-760 Context-aware services based on spatio-temporal zoning and crowdsourcing
by Akhlaq Ahmad & Md. Abdur Rahman & Mohamed Ridza Wahiddin & Faizan Ur Rehman & Abdelmajid Khelil & Ahmed Lbath
June 2018, Volume 37, Issue 6
- 538-557 Acceptability of a custom-designed game, CityQuest, aimed at improving balance confidence and spatial cognition in fall-prone and healthy older adults
by Niamh A. Merriman & Eugenie Roudaia & Matteo Romagnoli & Ivan Orvieto & Fiona N. Newell - 558-574 Internet Gaming Disorder: the interplay between physical activity and user–avatar relationship
by Lucas W. L. Liew & Vasilis Stavropoulos & Baxter L. M. Adams & Tyrone L. Burleigh & Mark D. Griffiths - 575-595 Unfolding the privacy paradox among mobile social commerce users: a multi-mediation approach
by Keng-Boon Ooi & Jun-Jie Hew & Binshan Lin - 596-606 Designing an electronic performance support system for technology-rich environments
by Baris Sezer & Nurettin Simsek - 607-621 A framework for informing consumers on the ecological impact of products at point of sale
by Satu Elisa Schaeffer & Sara Elena Garza & Juan Carlos Espinosa & Sandra Cecilia Urbina & Petteri Nurmi & Laura Cruz-Reyes - 622-633 Interplay between trust, information privacy concerns and behavioural intention of users on online social networks
by Saurabh Kumar & Pradeep Kumar & Bharat Bhasker - 634-645 Caregivers as a proxy for responses of dementia clients in a GPS technology acceptance study
by Lili Liu & Antonio Miguel Cruz & Don Juzwishin
May 2018, Volume 37, Issue 5
- 430-444 Self-efficacy about information retrieval on the web across all domains: a short measure in French and English
by Carole Rodon & Thierry Meyer - 445-461 Effects of an online team project-based learning environment with group awareness and peer evaluation on socially shared regulation of learning and self-regulated learning
by Jian-Wei Lin - 462-472 Relationship among Facebook jealousy, aggression, and personal and relationship variables
by H. Andaç Demirtaş-Madran - 473-487 Understanding online consumers’ purchase intentions: a contribution from social network theory
by Ezgi Akar & Tevfik Dalgic - 488-501 Processing privacy information and decision-making for smartphone apps among young German smartphone users
by Jakob Henke & Sven Joeckel & Leyla Dogruel - 502-516 ‘You talking to me?’ The influence of peer communication on adolescents’ persuasion knowledge and attitude towards social advertisements
by Brahim Zarouali & Karolien Poels & Michel Walrave & Koen Ponnet - 517-537 Insights from surgeons’ eye-movement data in a virtual simulation surgical training environment: effect of experience level and hand conditions
by Gonca Gokce Menekse Dalveren & Nergiz Ercil Cagiltay
April 2018, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 311-319 The impact of organisational support, technical support, and self-efficacy on faculty perceived benefits of using learning management system
by Yun Zheng & Jianfeng Wang & William Doll & Xiaodong Deng & Melvin Williams - 320-334 An empirical study examining the perceptions and behaviours of security-conscious users of mobile authentication
by Flynn Wolf & Ravi Kuber & Adam J Aviv - 335-366 Designing a personal informatics system for users without experience in self-tracking: a case study
by Amon Rapp & Alessandro Marcengo & Luca Buriano & Giancarlo Ruffo & Mirko Lai & Federica Cena - 367-380 Digital inclusion and online behaviour: five typologies of Australian internet users
by Kim Borg & Liam Smith - 381-392 Determinants of students’ continuance intention to use blogs to learn: an empirical investigation
by Princely Ifinedo - 393-405 RETRACTED ARTICLE: E-learning adoption of academicians: a proposal for an extended model
by Naciye Güliz Uğur & Aykut Hamit Turan - 406-418 Understanding novelty: how task structure and tool familiarity moderate performance
by Stella Tomasi & David Schuff & Ozgur Turetken - 419-429 Student interactions in online discussion forums: their perception on learning with business simulation games
by Ana Beatriz Hernández-Lara & Enric Serradell-López
March 2018, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 198-216 Corroborating students’ self-reports of source evaluation
by Alexandra List & Patricia A. Alexander - 217-231 Pre-Implementation evaluation of a nationwide information system for university hospitals: lessons learned from a study in Brazil
by Clarissa Carneiro Mussi & Christine Duarte do Valle Pereira & Rogério Tadeu de Oliveira Lacerda & Ernani Marques dos Santos - 232-246 Coming of old age: understanding older adults’ engagement and needs in coproduction activities for healthy ageing
by Chien Wen Yuan & Benjamin V. Hanrahan & Mary Beth Rosson & John M. Carroll - 247-257 Perceptions of overuse, underuse, and change of use of a social media site: definition, measurement instrument, and their managerial impacts
by Bo Han & Chris Myers - 258-266 From risk factors to detection and intervention: a practical proposal for future work on cyberbullying
by Andri Ioannou & Jeremy Blackburn & Gianluca Stringhini & Emiliano De Cristofaro & Nicolas Kourtellis & Michael Sirivianos - 267-294 Does family life cycle stage influence e-shopping acceptance by Indian women? An examination using the technology acceptance model
by R. Amirtha & V. J. Sivakumar - 295-309 Exploring users’ experiences of using personal cloud storage services: a phenomenological study
by Kimia Ghaffari & Mohammad Lagzian
February 2018, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 102-119 Internet of Things-based student performance evaluation framework
by Prabal Verma & Sandeep K. Sood - 120-132 UK public’s intention to engage with academia via online technologies
by Eleni Dermentzi & Savvas Papagiannidis - 133-144 Student teachers’ satisfaction for blended learning via Edmodo learning management system
by Alev Ateş Çobanoğlu - 145-158 Exploring the motivational factors on continuous usage intention of smartwatches among actual users
by Milad Dehghani - 159-172 Flow on the Internet: a longitudinal study of Internet addiction symptoms during adolescence
by Vasileios Stavropoulos & Mark D. Griffiths & Tyrone L. Burleigh & Daria J. Kuss & Young Yim Doh & Rapson Gomez - 173-197 Development of an adoption model to assess user acceptance of e-service technology: E-Service Technology Acceptance Model
by Hamed Taherdoost
January 2018, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-15 Exploring the influence of a human-like dancing virtual character on the evocation of human emotion
by Jon Cedric Roxas & Deborah Richards & Ayse Bilgin & Nader Hanna - 16-37 Saving face on Facebook: privacy concerns, social benefits, and impression management
by Jeffrey G. Proudfoot & David Wilson & Joseph S. Valacich & Michael D. Byrd - 38-49 Outdoor ubiquitous learning or indoor CAL? Achievement and different cognitive loads of college students
by Chi-Cheng Chang - 50-65 How senior management and workplace norms influence information security attitudes and self-efficacy
by Suresh Cuganesan & Cara Steele & Alison Hart - 66-86 Awareness and handoffs in home care: coordination among informal caregivers
by Charlotte Tang & Yunan Chen & Karen Cheng & Victor Ngo & John E. Mattison - 87-101 Time effect of disconfirmation on online shopping
by Chinho Lin & Yu-Huei Wei & Watcharee Lekhawipat
December 2017, Volume 36, Issue 12
- 1218-1234 Design for experience innovation: understanding user experience in new product development
by Youngsoo Shin & Chaerin Im & Hyosun Oh & Jinwoo Kim - 1235-1243 Impact of using social network services on workplace ostracism, job satisfaction, and innovative behaviour
by Yang Woon Chung & Taekyung Kim - 1244-1260 Intelligent explanation generation system for phishing webpages by employing an inference system
by Gowtham Ramesh & Kirubakara Selvakumar & Archana Venugopal - 1261-1273 Factors affecting e-training adoption: an examination of perceived cost, computer self-efficacy and the technology acceptance model
by Bello Zainab & Muhammad Awais Bhatti & Mohammed Alshagawi - 1274-1284 Who tends to answer open-ended questions in an e-service survey? The contribution of closed-ended answers
by Ronggang Zhou & Xiaorui Wang & Leyuan Zhang & Haiyan Guo - 1285-1298 Ranking versus reputation: perception and effects of search result credibility
by Alexander Haas & Julian Unkel - 1299-1307 Moderating effect of motivation for MIM use on the association between MIM bullying opportunities and MIM bullying behaviours
by Hongjin Shim & Euikyung Shin & Sohye Lim - 1308-1327 Designing social commerce platforms based on consumers’ intentions
by Patrick Mikalef & Michail N. Giannakos & Ilias O. Pappas
November 2017, Volume 36, Issue 11
- 1101-1110 The effect of temporal psychological distance on reliance on word-of-mouth for information about destination image attributes
by Wee-Kheng Tan - 1111-1124 Old risks, new challenges: exploring differences in security between home computer and mobile device use
by Tanya McGill & Nik Thompson - 1125-1136 Exploring perceptions of data analytics in the internal audit function
by Fengchun Tang & Carolyn Strand Norman & Valaria P. Vendrzyk - 1137-1147 Understanding user experience of news applications by Taxonomy of Experience (ToE)
by Wen-Chia Wang - 1148-1161 Parental perspectives on children’s use of portable digital devices
by Katerina Sergi & Ronald Gatewood & Anastasia Elder & Jianzhong Xu - 1162-1176 Assessing the determinants of flow experience in the adoption of learning management systems: the moderating role of perceived institutional support
by Ikram Ullah Khan & Zahid Hameed & Yugang Yu & Safeer Ullah Khan - 1177-1192 Altered video task: a non-verbal measure of what-who-where recall in young children
by Katarzyna Bobrowicz & Maciej Haman - 1193-1217 An ethnographic study of packaging-free purchasing: designing an interactive system to support sustainable social practices
by Amon Rapp & Alessandra Marino & Rossana Simeoni & Federica Cena
October 2017, Volume 36, Issue 10
- 985-1004 How scales influence user rating behaviour in recommender systems
by Federica Cena & Cristina Gena & Pierluigi Grillo & Tsvi Kuflik & Fabiana Vernero & Alan J. Wecker - 1005-1013 Objective measures of eating behaviour in a Swedish high school
by Billy Langlet & Anna Anvret & Christos Maramis & Ioannis Moulos & Vasileios Papapanagiotou & Christos Diou & Eirini Lekka & Rachel Heimeier & Anastasios Delopoulos & Ioannis Ioakimidis - 1014-1019 Evaluation of automobile navigation systems with multisensory information channels
by Eunil Park & Ki Joon Kim & Sang Jib Kwon - 1020-1036 Understanding customer relationship management (CRM) adoption in an Arab Middle Eastern context
by Faten N. Jaber & Lyndon Simkin - 1037-1045 Shall we play again? The effects of repetitive gameplay and self-efficacy on behavioural intentions to take earthquake precautions
by Zeynep Tanes - 1046-1052 Relationships among smartphone addiction, anxiety, and family relations
by Nazir S. Hawi & Maya Samaha - 1053-1066 Structural equation model (SEM)-neural network (NN) model for predicting quality determinants of e-learning management systems
by Sujeet Kumar Sharma & Avinash Gaur & Venkataramanaiah Saddikuti & Ashish Rastogi - 1067-1080 Social capital expectation and usage of social media: the moderating role of social capital susceptibility
by Jung Lee - 1081-1100 Student’s perceptions towards using e-learning via Facebook
by Sedigheh Moghavvemi & Tanuosha Paramanathan & Nurliana Md Rahin & Manal Sharabati
September 2017, Volume 36, Issue 9
- 875-896 Applying Channel Expansion and Self-Determination Theory in predicting use behaviour of cloud-based VLE
by Teck-Soon Hew & Sharifah Latifah Syed A. Kadir - 897-912 The effect of different types of navigation assistance on indoor scene memorability
by Michal Mukawa & Cheston Tan & Joo-Hwee Lim & Qianli Xu & Liyuan Li - 913-934 Mild stress stimuli built into a non-immersive virtual environment can elicit actual stress responses
by Mohammed Alghamdi & Holger Regenbrecht & Simon Hoermann & Nicola Swain - 935-954 Performance of smartphone users with half-pie and linear menus
by Hsi-Hsun Yang & Zheng-Nan Chen & Chung-Wen Hung - 955-969 Factors affecting adoption of smart meters in the post-Fukushima era in Taiwan: an extended protection motivation theory perspective
by Kai-Ying Chen & Chih-Feng Yeh - 970-983 Consumers’ post-adoption behaviour towards Internet banking: empirical evidence from Australia
by Sujana Adapa & Sanjit Kumar Roy
August 2017, Volume 36, Issue 8
- 768-791 An investigation of the impact of cognitive absorption on continued usage of social media in Taiwan: the perspectives of fit
by Meng-Hsiang Hsu & Hsien-Cheng Lin - 792-808 An empirical analysis of a maturity model to assess information system success: a firm-level perspective
by Hanjun Suh & Sunghun Chung & Jinho Choi - 809-826 Development of application-based mobile-service trust and online trust transfer: an elaboration likelihood model perspective
by Jacques Nel & Christo Boshoff - 827-838 Practitioner pre-adoption perceptions of Electronic Medical Record systems
by Mihail Cocosila & Norm Archer - 839-845 Automatic personality identification using writing behaviours: an exploratory study
by Zhi Chen & Tao Lin - 846-860 A taxonomy of griefer type by motivation in massively multiplayer online role-playing games
by Leigh Achterbosch & Charlynn Miller & Peter Vamplew - 861-874 An empirical study on the integrative pre-implementation model of technology acceptance in a mandatory environment
by Yujong Hwang & Jin-Young Chung & Dong-Hee Shin & Younghwa Lee
July 2017, Volume 36, Issue 7
- 663-673 Innovative virtual and collaborative teaching methodologies
by Mohamed K. Watfa & Diana Audi - 674-686 Enhancing the impact of online hotel reviews through the use of emoticons
by Emmanouela E. Manganari & Efthalia Dimara - 687-698 Design and deployment challenges in immersive and wearable technologies
by Kashif Saleem & Basit Shahzad & Mehmet A. Orgun & Jalal Al-Muhtadi & Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues & Mohammed Zakariah - 699-712 Effects of avatar character performances in virtual reality dramas used for teachers’ education
by Pyoung Won Kim & Yang Sook Shin & Byoung Hoon Ha & Marco Anisetti - 713-725 Exploring extraneous cognitive load in an instructional process via the web conferencing system
by Ünal Çakiroğlu & Dilara Arzugül Aksoy - 726-736 Sext and gender: examining gender effects on sexting based on the theory of planned behaviour
by Mario Liong & Grand H.-L. Cheng - 737-744 Neuroergonomic analysis of perihand space: effects of hand proximity on eye-tracking measures and performance in a visual search task
by Christina Bröhl & Sabine Theis & Peter Rasche & Matthias Wille & Alexander Mertens & Christopher M. Schlick - 745-753 Understanding community health workers’ intentions to participate in mHealth studies within developing countries
by Yvonne O’Connor & Ciara Heavin & Joe Gallagher & John O’Donoghue - 754-767 From PhotoWork to PhotoUse: exploring personal digital photo activities
by Mendel Broekhuijsen & Elise van den Hoven & Panos Markopoulos
June 2017, Volume 36, Issue 6
- 557-574 Older people’s production and appropriation of digital videos: an ethnographic study
by Susan M. Ferreira & Sergio Sayago & Josep Blat - 575-588 Pre-service teachers’ skills and perceptions about the use of virtual learning environments to improve teaching and learning
by María Graciela Badilla Quintana & Angélica Vera Sagredo & Miltiadis D. Lytras - 589-605 Information sharing as strategic behaviour: the role of information display, social motivation and time pressure
by Nicoleta Bălău & Sonja Utz - 606-619 How colour similarity can make banner advertising effective: insights from Gestalt theory
by Yu-Ping Chiu & Shao-Kang Lo & Ai-Yun Hsieh - 620-636 The impact of security and its antecedents in behaviour intention of using e-government services
by Nawaf Alharbi & Maria Papadaki & Paul Dowland - 637-649 Exploring user behaviour of emoticon use among Chinese youth
by Xin Chen & Kin Wai Michael Siu - 650-661 Do pirates play fair? Testing copyright awareness of sports viewers
by Michał Krawczyk & Joanna Tyrowicz & Anna Kukla-Gryz & Wojciech Hardy - 662-662 Corrigendum
by The Editors
May 2017, Volume 36, Issue 5
- 447-458 Understanding and supporting histopathology slide sorting
by Colin Swindells & Melanie Tory & Robert Kincaid & Guy Evans - 459-469 Self-reflection on privacy research in social networking sites
by Ralf De Wolf & Ellen Vanderhoven & Bettina Berendt & Jo Pierson & Tammy Schellens - 470-483 Influence of traits and emotions on boosting status sharing through microblogging
by Xiao-Ling Jin & Zhenya Tang & Zhongyun Zhou - 484-492 Effects of social support and personality on emotional disclosure on Facebook and in real life
by Iryna Pentina & Lixuan Zhang - 493-516 Trading off usability and security in user interface design through mental models
by Mona A. Mohamed & Joyram Chakraborty & Josh Dehlinger - 517-523 Use of social network sites among depressed adolescents
by Hatice Gözde Akkın Gürbüz & Türkay Demir & Burcu Gökalp Özcan & Muhammed Tayyib Kadak & Burç Çağrı Poyraz - 524-539 A multilevel longitudinal study of experiencing virtual presence in adolescence: the role of anxiety and openness to experience in the classroom
by Vasileios Stavropoulos & Peter Wilson & Daria Kuss & Mark Griffiths & Douglas Gentile - 540-547 Effects of using a force feedback haptic augmented simulation on the attitudes of the gifted students towards studying chemical bonds in virtual reality environment
by Erdem Ucar & Hakan Ustunel & Turhan Civelek & Ilhan Umut - 548-556 How virtual reality affects perceived learning effectiveness: a task–technology fit perspective
by Xi Zhang & Shan Jiang & Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos & Miltiadis D. Lytras & Yongqiang Sun
April 2017, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 333-350 Converging coolness and investigating its relation to user experience
by Dimitrios Raptis & Anders Bruun & Jesper Kjeldskov & Mikael B. Skov - 351-363 Towards cultural translation of websites: a large-scale study of Australian, Chinese, and Saudi Arabian design preferences
by Rukshan Alexander & Nik Thompson & David Murray - 364-389 SECOL: a semantic environment based on social media to support organisational learning
by André Luís Andrade Menolli & H. Sofia Pinto & Sheila Reinehr & Andreia Malucelli - 390-403 Do security and privacy policies in B2B and B2C e-commerce differ? A comparative study using content analysis
by Khadija Ali Vakeel & Saini Das & Godwin J. Udo & Kallol Bagchi - 404-421 User bias in online trust systems: aligning the system designers’ intentions with the users’ expectations
by Tanja Pavleska & Borka Jerman Blažič - 422-434 Defining and classifying IT interaction disability
by Hyun K. Kim & Sung H. Han - 435-445 Texting and walking: a controlled field study of crossing behaviours and inattentional blindness in Taiwan
by Ping-Ling Chen & Wafaa Saleh & Chih-Wei Pai
March 2017, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 223-242 Exploring sustained participation in firm-hosted communities in China: the effects of social capital and active degree
by Wei Guo & Ruo-Yu Liang & Lei Wang & Wei Peng - 243-254 Attitudes towards the use of information and communication technology in management education
by Yen-Chun Jim Wu & Chia-I Pan & Chih-Hung Yuan - 255-268 Reducing techno-anxiety in high school teachers by improving their ICT problem-solving skills
by Olga Revilla Muñoz & Francisco Alpiste Penalba & Joaquín Fernández Sánchez & Olga C. Santos - 269-280 The social influence of online collaborative community: the moderating effect of achievement
by Cheng-Chieh Hsiao & Jyh-Shen Chiou - 281-293 Adapting technology: effect of high-involvement HRM and organisational trust
by Mohammad Rabiul Basher Rubel & Daisy Mui Hung Kee & Nadia Newaz Rimi & Yusliza Mohd Yusoff - 294-311 Identify predictors of university students’ continuance intention to use online carbon footprint calculator
by Shyh-ming Lin - 312-320 Evaluating peer learning and assessment in online collaborative learning environments
by Zehra Altınay - 321-331 Exploring the predictors and the role of trust and concern in the context of data disclosure to governmental institutions
by Paula Castro & Leonor Bettencourt
February 2017, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 113-124 Interactivity, engagement, and technology dependence: understanding users’ technology utilisation behaviour
by Liu Fan & Xinmin Liu & Bingcheng Wang & Li Wang - 125-139 Understanding trust and perceived usefulness in the consumer acceptance of an e-service: a longitudinal investigation
by Jian Mou & Dong-Hee Shin & Jason Cohen - 140-164 How do post-usage factors and espoused cultural values impact mobile payment continuation?
by June Lu & June Wei & Chun-sheng Yu & Chang Liu - 165-177 The effect of individual and task characteristics on decision aid reliance
by Alison Parkes - 178-193 Exploring the relative impact of biological sex and masculinity–femininity values on information technology use
by Dianne Cyr & David Gefen & Rita Walczuch - 194-208 Charismatic leadership and tacit knowledge sharing in the context of enterprise systems learning: the mediating effect of psychological safety climate and intrinsic motivation
by Zhen Shao & Yuqiang Feng & Tienan Wang - 209-222 Learning results and terminal values from the players of SimCity and The Sims
by Yu-Ling Lin & Hong-Wen Lin
January 2017, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-1 A message from the new editor
by Panos Markopoulos - 2-10 Perceived quality factors of location-based apps on trust, perceived privacy risk, and continuous usage intention
by Edward Shih-Tse Wang & Ruenn-Lien Lin - 11-20 Focused, not lost: the mediating role of Temporal Dissociation and Focused Immersion on Problematic Internet Use
by Elvis Mazzoni & Davide Cannata & Lucia Baiocco - 21-32 Physicians’ motivations to use mobile health monitoring: a cross-country comparison
by Shintaro Okazaki & José Alberto Castañeda & Silvia Sanz & Prokriti Mukherji - 33-42 Does power posing affect gerontechnology adoption among older adults?
by Pei-Lee Teh & Weng Marc Lim & Pervaiz K. Ahmed & Alan H.S. Chan & Jasmine M.Y. Loo & Soon-Nyean Cheong & Wen-Jiun Yap - 43-53 Effect of design-based learning on improving computational thinking
by SooJin Jun & SeonKwan Han & SooHwan Kim - 54-62 Playing ‘catch up’ with blended learning: performance impacts of augmenting classroom instruction with online learning
by Timothy Hill & Laku Chidambaram & Jama D. Summers - 63-74 Perceived benefits of and barriers to the adoption of teleworking: peculiarities of Spanish family firms
by Angel L. Meroño-Cerdán - 75-84 Visual perception of multi-column-layout text: insight from repeated and non-repeated reading
by Hosam Al-Samarraie & Samer Muthana Sarsam & Irfan Naufal Umar - 85-94 How does justice matter in online retailers’ reputation and purchase intentions: an empirical study of China
by Muhammad Ziaullah & Yi Feng & Shumaila Naz Akhter - 95-111 Music learning in preschool with mobile devices
by MPuerto Paule-Ruiz & Víctor Álvarez-García & Juan Ramón Pérez-Pérez & Mercedes Álvarez-Sierra & Félix Trespalacios-Menéndez - 112-112 Erratum
by The Editors
December 2016, Volume 35, Issue 12
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 1019-1021 Editorial
by Tom Stewart - 1022-1043 Modelling touch-interaction time on smartphones
by Sean T. Hayes & James H. Steiger & Julie A. Adams - 1044-1062 Effects of auditory, haptic and visual feedback on performing gestures by gaze or by hand
by Anne Köpsel & Päivi Majaranta & Poika Isokoski & Anke Huckauf - 1063-1079 Evidence from the surgeons: gesture control of image data displayed during surgery
by Duncan Stevenson & Henry Gardner & Wendell Neilson & Edwin Beenen & Sivakumar Gananadha & James Fergusson & Phillip Jeans & Peter Mews & Hari Bandi - 1080-1090 How to reduce the UX bottleneck – train your software developers
by Tina Øvad & Lars Bo Larsen - 1091-1101 The influence of goal clarity, curiosity, and enjoyment on intention to code
by Jean A. Pratt & Liqiang Chen & Carey Cole - 1102-1114 Designing a persuasive physical activity application for older workers: understanding end-user perceptions
by Hazwani Mohd Mohadis & Nazlena Mohamad Ali & Alan F. Smeaton - 1115-1129 Website design: place for luxury brands in cyberspace?
by Kathy Ning Shen & Prakash Vel & Mohamed Khalifa - 1130-1143 What is the role of IT in innovation? A bibliometric analysis of research development in IT innovation
by Xi Zhang & Hui Chen & Weiguang Wang & Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos - 1144-1146 A farewell to pens and keyboards
by Ahmet Çakir - 1147-1148 List of Reviewers
by The Editors
November 2016, Volume 35, Issue 11
- 877-878 Virtual reality in learning, collaboration and behaviour: content, systems, strategies, context designs
by Miltiadis D. Lytras & Ernesto Damiani & Hassan Mathkour - 879-896 Semiotics of virtual reality as a communication process
by B. R. Barricelli & D. Gadia & A. Rizzi & D. L. R. Marini - 897-906 Using virtual reality for industrial design learning: a methodological proposal
by Antonio Jimeno-Morenilla & José Luis Sánchez-Romero & Higinio Mora-Mora & Rafael Coll-Miralles - 907-918 Exploring educational immersive videogames: an empirical study with a 3D multimodal interaction prototype
by Luís Miguel Alves Fernandes & Gonçalo Cruz Matos & Diogo Azevedo & Ricardo Rodrigues Nunes & Hugo Paredes & Leonel Morgado & Luís Filipe Barbosa & Paulo Martins & Benjamim Fonseca & Paulo Cristóvão & Fausto de Carvalho & Bernardo Cardoso - 919-925 Virtual reality systems enhance students’ achievements in engineering education
by Wadee Alhalabi - 926-945 A picture is worth a thousand words: an empirical study on the influence of content visibility on diffusion processes within a virtual world
by Jarosław Jankowski & Piotr Bródka & Juho Hamari - 946-957 Investigating the interrelation between attitudes, learning readiness, and learning styles under virtual learning environment: a study among Indian students
by R. K. Jena - 958-967 Short-term and long-term memory analysis of learning using 2D and 3D educational contents
by Ghulam Muhammad & Muhammad Hussain & Muneer Al-Hammadi & Hatim Aboalsamh & Hassan Mathkour & Amir Saeed Malik - 968-979 Enhancing augmented reality with cognitive and knowledge perspectives: a case study in museum exhibitions
by Nicola Capuano & Angelo Gaeta & Giuseppe Guarino & Sergio Miranda & Stefania Tomasiello - 980-997 Designing an MOOC as an agent-platform aggregating heterogeneous virtual learning environments
by Yves Wautelet & Samedi Heng & Manuel Kolp & Loris Penserini & Stephan Poelmans - 998-1007 Evaluation of quality and personalisation of VR/AR/MR learning systems
by Eugenijus Kurilovas - 1008-1018 Presence in personalised e-learning – the impact of cognitive and emotional factors and the moderating role of gender
by Inma Rodríguez-Ardura & Antoni Meseguer-Artola
October 2016, Volume 35, Issue 10
- 781-783 Editorial
by Tom Stewart - 784-795 Making knowledge machine-processable: some implications of general semantic search
by Vivienne Waller - 796-806 Dynamic changes in the use of online advice in response to task success or failure
by James G. Phillips & Jason Landon - 807-816 Crowdsourcing good landmarks for in-vehicle navigation systems
by David R. Large & Gary Burnett & Steve Benford & Keith Oliver - 817-832 ICT-driven financial inclusion initiatives for urban poor in a developing economy: implications for public policy
by Shailendra Singh Bisht & Vishal Mishra - 833-852 ‘I want to know where my child is at all times’ – field study of a location-aware safety service for schoolchildren
by Mari Ervasti & Juhani Laitakari & Mika Hillukkala - 853-863 The determinants of helpfulness of online reviews
by Sangjae Lee & Joon Yeon Choeh - 864-871 Demystifying ‘selfie’: a rampant social media activity
by Reena Shah & Ruchi Tewari - 872-875 Digital fonts and reading
by Ahmet Çakir