2013, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 190-202 A development of learning widget on m-learning and e-learning environments
by SooHwan Kim & HyeonCheol Kim & SeonKwan Han - 203-214 Exploring the user experience of three-dimensional virtual learning environments
by Dong-Hee Shin & Frank Biocca & Hyunseung Choo
2013, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-3 New year, new iPad
by Tom Stewart - 4-13 Bridging the digital divide – an Australian story
by Robyn Broadbent & Theo Papadopoulos - 14-23 Public Internet access points (PIAPs) and their social impact: a case study from Turkey
by Gulgun Afacan & Erkan Er & Ali Arifoglu - 24-36 Social capital: the benefit of Facebook ‘friends’
by Kevin Johnston & Maureen Tanner & Nishant Lalla & Dori Kawalski - 37-51 The effects of a Creative Commons approach on collaborative learning
by Chen-Chung Liu & Shu-Yuan Tao & Wei-Hung Chen & Sherry Chen & Baw-Jhiune Liu - 52-67 User experience in social commerce: in friends we trust
by Dong-Hee Shin - 68-79 Exploring the use of design pattern maps for aligning new technical support to new clinical team meeting routines
by Carl Walldius & Ann Lantz - 80-90 Implementing telemedicine technologies through an unlearning context in a homecare setting
by Juan-Gabriel Cegarra-Navarro & Gabriel Cepeda Carrión - 91-101 Satisfaction with health status among cyber patients: testing a mediation model of electronic coping support
by Gül Seçkin
2012, Volume 31, Issue 6
- 545-546 Editorial
by Tom Stewart - 547-563 Exploring software piracy as a factor of video game console adoption
by Sigi Goode & Anasthasiou Kartas - 565-576 Digital piracy intention: a comparison of theoretical models
by Cheolho Yoon - 577-586 The frequency of the dyadic influence tactics according to communication media
by Vicenc Fernandez & Pep Simo & Mihaela Enache & Jose Sallan - 587-603 Using insights from email users to inform organisational email management policy
by Judith Ramsay & Karen Renaud - 605-616 The impact of verbal interaction on driver lateral control: an experimental assessment
by Nikolaos Gkikas* & John Richardson - 617-629 Developing expertise in military communications planning: do verbal reports change with experience?
by Rich McIlroy & Neville Stanton & Bob Remington - 631-644 An experimental investigation into the effects of information revelation in multi-attribute reverse auctions
by Kholekile Gwebu & Michael Hu & Murali Shanker
2008, Volume 27, Issue 6
- 455-456 Editorial
by Tom Stewart - 457-473 Effective user involvement in product development by improving the analysis of user needs
by S. Kujala - 475-482 Towards an account of intuitiveness
by Phil Turner - 483-493 Measuring success of electronic trading in the insurance industry: operationalising the disconfirmation of expectations paradigm
by C. Fearon & G. Philip - 495-505 A technological acceptance of e-learning tools used in practical and laboratory teaching, according to the European higher education area
by M. Martínez-Torres & S. Toral Marín & F. García & S. Vázquez & M. Oliva & T. Torres - 507-516 Detrimental effects of earphone conversation on auditory environmental monitoring of visually impaired people
by I. Verstijnen & C. van Mierlo & P. de Ruijter
2005, Volume 24, Issue 6
- 405-406 Editorial
by Tom Stewart - 407-417 A retrospective look at website accessibility over time
by Stephanie Hackett & Bambang Parmanto & Xiaoming Zeng - 419-434 Empirical validation of the Windows® accessibility settings and multimodal feedback for a menu selection task for users with Diabetic Retinopathy
by J.A. Jacko & L. Barnard & J.S. Yi & P.J. Edwards & V.K. Leonard & T. Kongnakorn & K.P. Moloney & F. Sainfort - 435-447 Development of computer-supported collaborative social networks in a distributed learning community
by H. Cho & J.-S Lee & M. Stefanone & G. Gay - 449-469 Usage and user experience of communication before and during rendezvous
by Martin Colbert - 471-475 Are expert users always better searchers? Interaction of expertise and semantic grouping in hypertext search tasks
by L. Salmerón & J.J. Cañas & I. Fajardo
2001, Volume 20, Issue 5
- 1-2 Twentieth Anniversary Issue
by The Editors - 299-305 A personal view
by Ahmet Cakir - 307-314 Community computing as human ‐ computer interaction
by John Carroll - 315-321 The past recaptured: In search of lost paradigms
by Susan Dray & David Siegel - 323-328 Changing perspectives on the organizational consequences of information technology
by Ken Eason - 329-338 Usability and software architecture
by Bonnie John & Len Bass - 339-346 Adaptively distributing cognition: A decision-making perspective on human - computer interaction
by Stephen Payne & Andrew Howes & William Reader - 347-356 Sociability and usability in online communities: Determining and measuring success
by Jenny Preece - 357-366 A personal perspective on behaviour and information technology: A 20-year progress and future trend
by Xiaowen Fang & Gavriel Salvendy - 367-376 Universal usability as a stimulus to advanced interface design
by Ben Shneiderman & Harry Hochheiser - 377-386 Twenty years of telecommunications research in
by Karol Szlichcinski - 387-393 The running ergonomist; a permanent appearance?
by Floris Van Nes - 395-409 20 years in the life of a long-term empirical personal electronic filing study
by Paul Wilson