September 2016, Volume 35, Issue 9
- 690-692 Editorial
by Tom Stewart - 693-705 Understanding undergraduates’ problems from determinants of Facebook continuance intention
by Kan-Min Lin - 706-719 An open book on Facebook? Examining the interdependence of adolescents’ privacy regulation strategies
by Wannes Heirman & Michel Walrave & Anne Vermeulen & Koen Ponnet & Heidi Vandebosch & Joris Van Ouytsel & Ellen Van Gool - 720-729 Understanding the determinants of users’ subjective well-being in social networking sites: an integration of social capital theory and social presence theory
by Chun-Ming Chang & Meng-Hsiang Hsu - 730-747 Examining online citizenship behaviours in social network sites: a social capital perspective
by Jung-Eun Son & So-Hyun Lee & Eun-Young Cho & Hee-Woong Kim - 748-757 Applying eco-visualisations of different interface formats to evoke sustainable behaviours towards household water saving
by Yu-Min Fang & Meng-Shien Sun - 758-780 Communicating content: development and evaluation of icons for academic document triage through visualisation and perception
by Aekaterini Mavri & Fernando Loizides & Evripides Zantides
August 2016, Volume 35, Issue 8
- 605-607 Editorial
by Tom Stewart - 608-627 Making HCI theory work: an analysis of the use of activity theory in HCI research
by Torkil Clemmensen & Victor Kaptelinin & Bonnie Nardi - 628-643 Retrospective protocols in usability testing: a comparison of Post-session RTA versus Post-task RTA reports
by Leanne M. Willis & Sharon McDonald - 644-653 Predicting user preferences of environment design: a perceptual mechanism of user interface customisation
by Hosam Al-Samarraie & Samer Muthana Sarsam & Hans Guesgen - 654-664 Distraction effects of contextual advertising on online news processing: an eye-tracking study
by Bartosz W. Wojdynski & Hyejin Bang - 665-679 Gaze–mouse coordinated movements and dependency with coordination demands in tracing
by Shujie Deng & Jian Chang & Julie A. Kirkby & Jian J. Zhang - 680-689 Age and domain specific usability analysis of opinion visualisation techniques
by Azra Shamim & Vimala Balakrishnan & Muhammad Tahir & Muhammad Ahsan Qureshi
July 2016, Volume 35, Issue 7
- 1-1 Corrigendum
by The Editors - 517-519 Editorial
by Tom Stewart - 520-525 Smartphone addiction and its relationship with social anxiety and loneliness
by Asli Enez Darcin & Samet Kose & Cemal Onur Noyan & Serdar Nurmedov & Onat Yılmaz & Nesrin Dilbaz - 526-535 A dual-risk model of user adoption of mobile-based smoking cessation support services
by Mihail Cocosila & Ofir Turel - 536-547 Applying psychology to understand relationships with technology: from ELIZA to interactive healthcare
by Geoffrey B. Duggan - 548-558 The role of goal awareness and information technology self-efficacy on job satisfaction of healthcare system users
by Yujong Hwang & Younghwa Lee & Dong-Hee Shin - 559-571 Exploring demographic and motivational factors associated with hypertext reading by English as a foreign language (EFL) students
by Hui-Fang Shang - 572-585 Active learning through collaborative knowledge building using an automatic free-text scoring system in a b-learning environment
by Diana Pérez-Marín & Raquel Hijón-Neira & Liliana Santacruz - 586-604 Automating and informating: roles to examine technology’s impact on performance
by Edgardo R. Bravo & Martin Santana & Joan Rodon
June 2016, Volume 35, Issue 6
- 424-426 Editorial
by Tom Stewart - 427-441 Investigating the effects of experience on human performance in an object-tracking task: a case study of manual rendezvous and docking
by Shiqi Li & Wei Chen & Yan Fu & Chunhui Wang & Yu Tian & Zhiqiang Tian - 442-451 Effect of typeface, letter case and position on recognition of short words presented on-screen
by Nace Pušnik & Klementina Možina & Anja Podlesek - 452-470 Linking card sorting to browsing performance – are congruent municipal websites more efficient to use?
by Martin Schmettow & Jan Sommer - 471-478 Using keywords to construct wuzzle-picture-puzzles for the purpose of mastering management and organisational behaviour terminology
by Steve Dunphy - 479-489 Perceived social support moderates the relationships between variables in the social cognition model
by Yung-Shen Yen - 490-499 On leaders’ presence: interactions and influences within online communities
by Niki Panteli - 500-510 Expectations of privacy and trust: examining the views of IT professionals
by Nigel Martin & John Rice & Robin Martin - 511-515 Cyber-humans – our future with machines
by Ahmet E. Çakir
May 2016, Volume 35, Issue 5
- 1-1 Erratum
by The Editors - 336-338 Editorial
by Tom Stewart - 339-356 The role of perceived information practices on consumers’ intention to authorise secondary use of personal data
by Christian Fernando Libaque-Saenz & Younghoon Chang & Jimin Kim & Myeong-Cheol Park & Jae Jeung Rho - 357-367 E-commerce use in urbanising China: the role of normative social influence
by Shizhan Zhu & Juan Chen - 368-379 Guarding against online threats: why entrepreneurs take protective measures
by Jurjen Jansen & Sander Veenstra & Renske Zuurveen & Wouter Stol - 380-393 Investigating the influence of age, social capital affinity, and flow on positive outcomes reported by e-commerce site users
by Toby Hopp & Valerie Barker - 394-409 Development and validation of a technology acceptance model for safety-enhancing, wearable locating systems
by Sonja Th. Kwee-Meier & Jennifer E. Bützler & Christopher Schlick - 410-421 The dynamics of film-induced affect and its effect on the interaction with tablet PCs
by Stefan Brandenburg & Nils Backhaus - 422-423 Human factors of a global society – a system of systems perspective
by Ahmet Çakir
April 2016, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 251-253 Editorial
by Tom Stewart - 254-267 Perceptions of information quality dimensions from the perspective of commodity theory
by Dennis D. Fehrenbacher - 268-276 Controlling information behaviour: the case for access control
by Paul A. Watters & Jacqueline Ziegler - 277-289 The influence of affordances on user preferences for multimedia language learning applications
by Maria Uther & Adrian P Banks - 290-297 Educational recommender systems and their application in lifelong learning
by Maria-Iuliana Dascalu & Constanta-Nicoleta Bodea & Monica Nastasia Mihailescu & Elena Alice Tanase & Patricia Ordoñez de Pablos - 298-303 An approach for preventing the indexing of hijacked journal articles in scientific databases
by Mehdi Dadkhah & Tomasz Maliszewski & Vyacheslav V. Lyashenko - 304-318 Needs identification methodology for inclusive design
by R. Blasco & T. Blanco & A. Marco & A. Berbegal & R. Casas - 319-323 Improving PDF readability of scientific papers on computer screens
by Khaled Moustafa - 324-334 Usability and accessibility of portable document format
by Ahmet Çakir - 335-335 Call for Papers
by The Editors
March 2016, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 163-165 Editorial
by Tom Stewart - 166-183 Integrating functional, social, and psychological determinants to explain online social networking usage
by Sheau-Fen Yap & Sanjaya Singh Gaur - 184-195 Using game mechanics for field evaluation of prototype social applications: a novel methodology
by Amon Rapp & Federica Cena & Cristina Gena & Alessandro Marcengo & Luca Console - 196-209 A model of e-commerce adoption (MOCA): consumer's perceptions and behaviours
by Tiziana Guzzo & Fernando Ferri & Patrizia Grifoni - 210-224 Cyber neutralisation and flaming
by Jiyeon Hwang & Hwansoo Lee & Keesung Kim & Hangjung Zo & Andrew P. Ciganek - 225-232 Users' psychological perception and perceived readability of wearable devices for elderly people
by Yu-Min Fang & Chien-Cheng Chang - 233-249 Measuring the coolness of interactive products: the COOL questionnaire
by Anders Bruun & Dimitrios Raptis & Jesper Kjeldskov & Mikael B. Skov
February 2016, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 87-88 Editorial
by Tom Stewart - 89-105 Exploring consumer preferences in cloud archiving – a student's perspective
by Daniel Burda & Frank Teuteberg - 106-117 On the pitfalls of bibliographic database searching: comparing successful and less successful users
by T. Rosman & A.-K. Mayer & G. Krampen - 118-133 How to unite the power of the masses? Exploring collective stickiness intention in social network sites from the perspective of knowledge sharing
by Chiahui Yen - 134-150 Understanding flow experience from users’ requirements
by Tuure Tuunanen & Hena Govindji - 151-162 Understanding collaborative resilience from continuous disruption: an actor-network perspective
by Xuequn Wang & Yibai Li
January 2016, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editorial
by Tom Stewart - 4-20 Aesthetics on the web: effects on approach and avoidance behaviour
by Rita Strebe - 21-37 Design-inclusive UX research: design as a part of doing user experience research
by Arnold P.O.S. Vermeeren & Virpi Roto & Kaisa Väänänen - 38-56 Evoking online consumer impulse buying through virtual layout schemes
by Sheng-Wei Lin & Louis Yi-Shih Lo - 57-67 The relationship between online game playing motivation and selection of online game characters – the case of Taiwan
by Shao-Kang Lo & Ting Lie & Chiuan-Luen Li - 68-74 The effect of smartphone use on trends in European adolescents’ excessive Internet use
by Kateřina Škařupová & Kjartan Ólafsson & Lukas Blinka - 75-86 Helpful-stressful cycle? Psychological links between type of mobile phone user and stress
by Yu-Kang Lee & Chun-Tuan Chang & Zhao-Hong Cheng & You Lin
December 2015, Volume 34, Issue 12
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 1133-1134 Editorial
by Tom Stewart - 1135-1146 Understanding consumers' mobile channel continuance: an empirical investigation of two fitness mechanisms
by Shuiqing Yang & Yaobin Lu & Yuangao Chen & Sumeet Gupta - 1147-1159 Emotional attachment and multidimensional self-efficacy: extension of innovation diffusion theory in the context of eBook reader
by Mehwish Waheed & Kiran Kaur & NoorUl Ain & Shamsudeen A. Sanni - 1160-1170 The moderation effect of user-type (educators vs. students) in learning management system continuance
by A.K.M. Najmul Islam - 1171-1185 Effect of external factors on intention–behaviour gap
by Sedigheh Moghavvemi & Noor Akma Mohd Salleh & Ainin Sulaiman & Masoud Abessi - 1186-1199 Coalition formation during technology adoption
by Fei Liu & Ozgur Dedehayir & Bernhard Katzy - 1200-1214 A hybrid decision-making model for factors influencing the purchase intentions of technology products: the moderating effect of lifestyle
by Chia-Chin Chang & Juin-Ming Tsai & Shiu-Wan Hung & Bo-Chen Lin - 1215-1220 The handbook of the psychology of communication technology, edited by S. Shyam Sundar, Chichester, John Wiley & Sons, 2015
by Ahmet E. Çakir - 1221-1221 Corrigendum
by The Editors - 1222-1222 A tribute to our reviewers
by Ahmet Çakir & Tom Stewart - 1222-1225 Reviewers January–November 2015
by The Editors
November 2015, Volume 34, Issue 11
- 1037-1039 Editorial
by Tom Stewart - 1040-1051 Elderly user experience to improve a Kinect-based game playability
by Zelai Sáenz-de-Urturi & Begoña García Zapirain & Amaia Méndez Zorrilla - 1052-1063 The use and acceptance of new media entertainment technology by elderly users: development of an expanded technology acceptance model
by Leyla Dogruel & Sven Joeckel & Nicholas D. Bowman - 1064-1078 Comparison of engagement and emotional responses of older and younger adults interacting with 3D cultural heritage artefacts on personal devices
by Genevieve Alelis & Ania Bobrowicz & Chee Siang Ang - 1079-1091 Multiple voices in ICT design with children – a nexus analytical enquiry
by Tonja Molin-Juustila & Marianne Kinnula & Netta Iivari & Leena Kuure & Eija Halkola - 1092-1106 StencilMaps and EphemeralMaps: spatially stable interfaces that highlight command subsets
by Joey Scarr & Carl Gutwin & Andy Cockburn & Andrea Bunt - 1107-1118 The effect of communicational signals on drivers' subjective appraisal and visual attention during interactive driving scenarios
by Yutao Ba & Wei Zhang & Bryan Reimer & Yan Yang & Gavriel Salvendy - 1119-1128 Looks familiar, appears more valid? The moderating role of computer-supported warnings between information repetition and decision outcome
by Hsieh-Hong Huang & Ming-Che Kuo - 1129-1131 Cyberconnecting: the three lenses of diversity, by Priya E. Abraham, Gower, 2015
by Ahmet E. Cakir
October 2015, Volume 34, Issue 10
- 949-951 User experience
by Tom Stewart - 952-963 Study of using a multi-touch tabletop technology to facilitate collaboration, interaction, and awareness in co-located environment
by Rustam Shadiev & Wu-Yuin Hwang & Yueh-Min Huang & Yu-Shu Yang - 964-975 Affective forecasting of value creation: professional nurses' ability to predict and remember the experienced value of a telemedicine diagnostics ICT service
by Per Kristensson & Anna Brunstrom & Tore Pedersen - 976-991 Defining user experience goals to guide the design of industrial systems
by Eija Kaasinen & Virpi Roto & Jaakko Hakulinen & Tomi Heimonen & Jussi P. P. Jokinen & Hannu Karvonen & Tuuli Keskinen & Hanna Koskinen & Yichen Lu & Pertti Saariluoma & Helena Tokkonen & Markku Turunen - 992-1004 Usability, expectation, confirmation, and continuance intentions to use electronic textbooks
by Lori Baker-Eveleth & Robert W. Stone - 1005-1021 Impact of virtual atmospherics and functional qualities on the online gambler's experience
by Brett Abarbanel & Bo Bernhard & A. K. Singh & Anthony Lucas - 1022-1035 Determinants of online safety behaviour: towards an intervention strategy for college students
by Jan Boehmer & Robert LaRose & Nora Rifon & Saleem Alhabash & Shelia Cotten
September 2015, Volume 34, Issue 9
- 855-857 Social interaction online
by Ahmet E. Çakir - 858-868 The relationship between motivation and information sharing about products and services on Facebook
by Insu Cho & Heejun Park & Joseph Kichul Kim - 869-881 The effects of generational differences on use continuance of Twitter: an investigation of digital natives and digital immigrants
by Concetta Metallo & Rocco Agrifoglio - 882-892 Predicting Asian undergraduates’ intention to continue using social network services from negative perspectives
by Kan-Min Lin - 893-901 The effects of reading and writing habits on blog adoption
by Benazir Quadir & Nian-Shing Chen - 902-919 Adoption of travel information in user-generated content on social media: the moderating effect of social presence
by Namho Chung & Heejeong Han & Chulmo Koo - 920-935 Sound information seeking in Web 2.0 virtual communities: the moderating effect of mindfulness
by Xianjin Zha & Jinchao Zhang & Yalan Yan & Daochen Zha - 936-948 DOBNet: exploiting the discourse of deception behaviour to uncover online deception strategies
by Jiang Wu & Lina Zhou
August 2015, Volume 34, Issue 8
- 755-757 Mental load and usability
by Ahmet E. Çakir - 758-786 A defeasible reasoning framework for human mental workload representation and assessment
by Luca Longo - 787-798 Predicting numerical data entry errors by classifying EEG signals with linear discriminant analysis
by Cheng-Jhe Lin & Changxu Wu - 799-808 A usability study of iPhone built-in applications
by Evanthia Faliagka & Maria Rigou & Spiros Sirmakessis - 809-824 A typology of human computation games: an analysis and a review of current games
by Ei Pa Pa Pe-Than & Dion Hoe-Lian Goh & Chei Sian Lee - 825-837 A comparative analysis of different gender pair combinations in pair programming
by Kyungsub Stephen Choi - 838-853 Longitudinal test of ePortfolio continuous use: an empirical study on the change of students’ beliefs
by Ting-Chu Hsieh & Sing-Liang Chen & Ming-Chien Hung
July 2015, Volume 34, Issue 7
- 655-657 Editorial
by Ahmet E. çakir - 658-667 Group identification as a mediator of the effect of players’ anonymity on cheating in online games
by Vivian Hsueh Hua Chen & Yuehua Wu - 668-677 Meeting ex-partners on Facebook: users' anxiety and severity of depression
by Chia-Wen Tsai & Pei-Di Shen & Yi-Chun Chiang - 678-684 College students and risk-taking behaviour on Twitter versus Facebook
by Robert Miller & James Melton - 685-703 Use of Facebook, Tuenti, Twitter and Myspace among young Spanish people
by Judit García-Martín & Jesús-Nicasio García-Sánchez - 704-712 The lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community online: discussions of bullying and self-disclosure in YouTube videos
by Michael Green & Ania Bobrowicz & Chee Siang Ang - 713-724 3-D route-planning support for navigation in a complex indoor environment
by Paul van Schaik & Mohammad Mayouf & Gabor Aranyi - 725-740 Exploring older women's confidence during route planning
by Judy Wilson & Paul Curzon & Elke Duncker - 741-751 Understanding driver adoption of car navigation systems using the extended technology acceptance model
by Eunil Park & Heetae Kim & Jay Y. Ohm - 752-754 Handbook of virtual environments: design, implementation, and applications, second edition, edited by Kelly S. Hale and Kay M. Stanney, CRC Press, 2014
by Ahmet Çakir
June 2015, Volume 34, Issue 6
- 543-547 Medical teamwork, collaboration and patient-centred care
by Bridget Kane & Saturnino Luz - 548-565 Disease surveillance and patient care in remote regions: an exploratory study of collaboration among health-care professionals in Amazonia
by Saturnino Luz & Masood Masoodian & Manuel Cesario - 566-584 Issues and opportunities in transitions from speciality care: a field study of bone marrow transplant
by Ayşe G. Büyüktür & Mark S. Ackerman - 585-597 Non-clinical work counts: facilitating patient outflow in an emergency department
by Charlotte Tang & Yunan Chen & Soyoung Lee - 598-612 On a QUESt for a web-based tool promoting knowledge-sharing in medical communities
by Federico Cabitza - 613-631 Using mobile devices and apps to support reflective learning about older people with dementia
by Kristine Pitts & Kevin Pudney & Konstantinos Zachos & Neil Maiden & Birgit Krogstie & Sara Jones & Malcolm Rose & Julie MacManus & Ian Turner - 632-645 An augmentative and alternative communication tool for children and adolescents with cerebral palsy
by Cleiton Eduardo Saturno & Alejandro Rafael Garcia Ramirez & Mauro José Conte & Mísia Farhat & Elaine Carmelita Piucco - 646-653 Hypnosis therapy using augmented reality technology: treatment for psychological stress and anxiety
by Xiaojun Zhao & Xuqun You & Changxiu Shi & Shuoqiu Gan
May 2015, Volume 34, Issue 5
- 439-442 Living and working on the Web
by Ahmet E. Çakir - 443-453 Teachers’ personal web use at work
by Damien Page - 454-464 Employees' use of social media technologies: a methodological and thematic review
by Asma El Ouirdi & Mariam El Ouirdi & Jesse Segers & Erik Henderickx - 465-478 Cultivating travellers' revisit intention to e-tourism service: the moderating effect of website interactivity
by Edward C. S. Ku & Chun-Der Chen - 479-491 Understanding user motivation for evaluating online content: a self-determination theory perspective
by Tingting Zhang & William Yu Chung Wang & Yi Chen Lin & Liang-Hsien Tai - 492-505 The influence of national culture on the performance expectancy of e-parliament adoption
by Gbolahan Olasina & Stephen Mutula - 506-519 User value design for cloud courseware system
by Dong-Hee Shin - 520-532 Advertising value and credibility transfer: attitude towards web advertising and online information acquisition
by Xianjin Zha & Jing Li & Yalan Yan - 533-542 Assessing the relationship between autistic traits and cyberdeviancy in a sample of college students
by Kathryn C. Seigfried-Spellar & Casey L. O'Quinn & Kellin N. Treadway
April 2015, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 327-329 Editorial
by Tom Stewart - 330-340 How access gaps interact and shape digital divide: a cognitive investigation
by Shahla Ghobadi & Zahra Ghobadi - 341-348 Gender-related consequences of Internet use perceived by parents in a representative quota sample of adolescents
by Lutz Wartberg & Rudolf Kammerl & Sonja Bröning & Michaela Hauenschild & Kay-Uwe Petersen & Rainer Thomasius - 349-362 Preventing problematic Internet use through video-based interventions: a theoretical model and empirical test
by Ofir Turel & Michele Mouttapa & Elaine Donato - 363-374 Trust and online information-sharing in close relationships: a cross-cultural perspective
by Jun Liu & Pei-Luen Patrick Rau & Nico Wendler - 375-391 Supporting children's online identity in international communities
by Weimin Hou & Anita Komlodi & Wayne Lutters & Karoly Hercegfi & Jennifer J. Preece & Allison J. Druin - 392-412 The influence of familiarity, trust and norms of reciprocity on an experienced sense of community: an empirical analysis based on social online services
by Manuel J. Sánchez-Franco & José L. Roldán - 413-424 Specifying the dynamics of social technologies as social microworlds
by Antigoni Parmaxi & Panayiotis Zaphiris - 425-435 ‘Can I afford to help?’ How affordances of communication modalities guide bystanders' helping intentions towards harassment on social network sites
by Sara Bastiaensens & Heidi Vandebosch & Karolien Poels & Katrien Van Cleemput & Ann DeSmet & Ilse De Bourdeaudhuij - 436-437 The Laws of the Knowledge Workplace edited by Dariusz Jemielniak, Gower, 2014
by Ahmet Çakir
March 2015, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 217-219 Editorial
by Tom Stewart - 220-238 Beyond cognition and affect: sensing the unconscious
by Leonid Ivonin & Huang-Ming Chang & Marta Díaz & Andreu Català & Wei Chen & Matthias Rauterberg - 239-246 Behavioural responses to risk on remote outcomes
by James G. Phillips & Rowan P. Ogeil & Alex Blaszczynski - 247-260 Information systems and performance: the role of technology, the task and the individual
by Edgardo R. Bravo & Martin Santana & Joan Rodon - 261-272 Information systems satisfaction, loyalty and attachment: conceptual and empirical differentiation
by Namjoo Choi - 273-285 Exploring managers' intention to use business intelligence: the role of motivations
by Yu-Wei Chang & Ping-Yu Hsu & Zeng-Yuan Wu - 286-293 How individual characteristics influence people's evaluation towards information technology in different contexts
by Xuequn Wang & Yanjun Yu - 294-303 Does computing anger have social elements? A comparison with driving anger
by John P. Charlton & Arvid Kappas & Aleksandra Swiderska - 304-315 A neural network-based approach for user experience assessment
by A. Amanatiadis & N. Mitsinis & D. Maditinos - 316-325 The impact of personal innovativeness on product aesthetics and self-connection with brand: a case study of mobile phone users
by Wee Kheng Tan & Meng Syun Sie
February 2015, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 105-107 Editorial
by Tom Stewart - 108-118 Determinants of employees’ intention to exert pressure on firms to engage in web accessibility
by Lih-Bin Oh & Jing Chen - 119-134 Exploring perceptions of web accessibility: a survey approach
by Yeliz Yesilada & Giorgio Brajnik & Markel Vigo & Simon Harper - 135-150 Improving accessibility of mobile devices with EasyWrite
by Rui Godinho & Paulo A. Condado & Marielba Zacarias & Fernando G. Lobo - 151-162 Understanding the intentions of users to ‘stick’ to social networking sites: a case study in Taiwan
by Hsiao-Lan Wei & Kuan-Yu Lin & Hsi-Peng Lu & I-Hsin Chuang - 163-175 Understanding civic engagement behaviour on Facebook from a social capital theory perspective
by Anne Marie Warren & Ainin Sulaiman & Noor Ismawati Jaafar - 176-189 Explaining and predicting perceived effectiveness and use continuance intention of a behaviour change support system for weight loss
by Tuomas Lehto & Harri Oinas-Kukkonen - 190-203 Should I stay or should I go? The moderating effect of self-image congruity and trust on social networking continued use
by Panos Kourouthanassis & George Lekakos & Vassilis Gerakis - 204-216 Understanding the continuance use of social network sites: a computer self-efficacy perspective
by Deliang Wang & Lingling Xu & Hock Chuan Chan
January 2015, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editorial
by Tom Stewart - 4-16 Police message diffusion on Twitter: analysing the reach of social media communications
by Bob van de Velde & Albert Meijer & Vincent Homburg - 17-32 User satisfaction evaluation of microblogging services in China: using the tetra-class model
by Chang-Ping Hu & Wei-Wei Yan & Yuan Hu - 33-44 Trust in product review blogs: the influence of self-disclosure and popularity
by Li-Shia Huang - 45-56 Compensation paradox: the influence of monetary rewards on user behaviour
by Hwansoo Lee & Dongwon Lim & Hyerin Kim & Hangjung Zo & Andrew P. Ciganek - 57-68 How purchase intention consummates purchase behaviour: the stochastic nature of product valuation in electronic commerce
by Jung Lee & Jae-Nam Lee - 69-80 Analysing complaint intentions in online shopping: the antecedents of justice and technology use and the mediator of customer satisfaction
by Ing-Long Wu & Chi-Ying Huang - 81-93 Eliciting positive user experiences with self-service kiosks: pursuing possibilities
by Asli Günay & Çiğdem Erbuğ - 94-104 Effect of change management capability in real-time environment: an information orientation perspective in supply chain management
by Kwang O. Park & Chang E. Koh
December 2014, Volume 33, Issue 12
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 1245-1247 Editorial
by Tom Stewart - 1248-1260 The significance of attitudes towards evidence-based practice in information technology use in the health sector: an empirical investigation
by Christos D. Melas & Leonidas A. Zampetakis & Anastasia Dimopoulou & Vassilis S. Moustakis - 1261-1277 Night optimised care technology for users needing assisted lifestyles
by J. Augusto & M. Mulvenna & H. Zheng & H. Wang & S. Martin & P. McCullagh & J. Wallace - 1278-1293 Formal verification of collaboration patterns in healthcare
by Petros Papapanagiotou & Jacques D. Fleuriot - 1294-1305 Are mobile phone conversations always so annoying? The ‘need-to-listen’ effect re-visited
by Brendan Norman & Daniel Bennett - 1306-1316 The drivers of consumers’ intention to redeem a push mobile coupon
by Naquita Maria-Jose Achadinha & Lindiwe Jama & Petrus Nel - 1317-1332 Tactful calling: investigating asymmetric social dilemmas in mobile communications
by Ohad Inbar & Gesche Joost & Fabian Hemmert & Talya Porat & Noam Tractinsky - 1333-1346 A framework for mobile SNS advertising effectiveness: user perceptions and behaviour perspective
by Young Wook Ha & Myeong-Cheol Park & Euehun Lee - 1347-1360 Always connected, but are smart mobile users getting more security savvy? A survey of smart mobile device users
by James Imgraben & Alewyn Engelbrecht & Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo - 1361-1370 The influence of cognitive conflict on the result of collaborative editing in Wikipedia
by Qiu Jiangnan & Wang Chunling & Cui Miao - 1371-1382 The reasons why people continue editing Wikipedia content – task value confirmation perspective
by Cheng-Yu Lai & Heng-Li Yang - 1383-1395 Crowdsourcing contests: understanding the effect of competitors’ participation history on their performance
by Hanieh Javadi Khasraghi & Abdollah Aghaie
November 2014, Volume 33, Issue 11
- 1115-1117 Editorial
by Tom Stewart - 1118-1135 Informal feedback rather than performance measurements – user-centred evaluation in Scrum projects
by Marta Lárusdóttir & Åsa Cajander & Jan Gulliksen - 1136-1147 Towards a contingency approach with whitelist- and blacklist-based anti-phishing applications: what do usability tests indicate?
by Linfeng Li & Eleni Berki & Marko Helenius & Saila Ovaska - 1148-1167 Barefoot usability evaluations
by Anders Bruun & Jan Stage - 1168-1179 Studying the effect of perceived hedonic mobile device quality on user experience evaluations of mobile applications
by Dimitrios Raptis & Eleftherios Papachristos & Jesper Kjeldskov & Mikael B. Skov & Nikolaos Avouris - 1180-1191 Expressive and classical aesthetics: two distinct concepts with highly similar effect patterns in user–artefact interaction
by Andreas Sonderegger & Juergen Sauer & Janine Eichenberger