2010, Volume 10, Issue 10
- 1215-1224 The impact of the choice of VaR models on the level of regulatory capital according to Basel II
by Oliver Hermsen
2010, Volume 10, Issue 9
- 947-952 Time to default and other sensitivities of credit ratings
by Dror Parnes - 953-956 The Geneva Finance Research Institute
by Miret Padovani - 957-960 On the first passage time distribution of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process
by Chuang Yi - 963-974 Electricity spot price modelling with a view towards extreme spike risk
by Claudia Kluppelberg & Thilo Meyer-Brandis & Andrea Schmidt - 975-994 Pricing swing options in the electricity markets under regime-switching uncertainty
by M. I. M. Wahab & Z. Yin & N. C. P. Edirisinghe - 995-1007 How to speed up the quantization tree algorithm with an application to swing options
by Anne Laure Bronstein & Gilles Pages & Benedikt Wilbertz - 1009-1022 Loss aversion and the price of risk
by M. Levy - 1023-1037 Dynamic complex hedging in additive markets
by Jose Corcuera & Joao Guerra - 1039-1054 The t copula with multiple parameters of degrees of freedom: bivariate characteristics and application to risk management
by Xiaolin Luo & Pavel Shevchenko - 1055-1066 Predicting bankruptcy using the discrete-time semiparametric hazard model
by K. F. Cheng & C. K. Chu & Ruey-Ching Hwang - 1067-1076 Predictability of nonlinear trading rules in the U.S. stock market
by Terence Tai-Leung Chong & Tau-Hing Lam - 1077-1090 Regression-based algorithms for life insurance contracts with surrender guarantees
by Anna Rita Bacinello & Enrico Biffis & Pietro Millossovich
2010, Volume 10, Issue 8
- 809-817 Pricing the credit default swap rate for jump diffusion default intensity processes
by Yong-Ki Ma & Jeong-Hoon Kim - 819-827 Static-arbitrage lower bounds on the prices of basket options via linear programming
by Javier Pena & Juan Vera & Luis Zuluaga - 831-854 Markov models for commodity futures: theory and practice
by Leif Andersen - 855-869 Multivariate models for operational risk
by Klaus Bocker & Claudia Kluppelberg - 871-882 (Non-)robustness of maximum likelihood estimators for operational risk severity distributions
by Sonja Huber - 883-893 Do financial returns have finite or infinite variance? A paradox and an explanation
by Michael Grabchak & Gennady Samorodnitsky - 895-915 Asymmetry of information flow between volatilities across time scales
by Ramazan Gencay & Nikola Gradojevic & Faruk Selcuk & Brandon Whitcher - 917-930 Wavelet decomposition for intra-day volume dynamics
by Jaisimha Manchaldore & Imon Palit & Oleg Soloviev - 931-945 Portfolio selection based on the mean-VaR efficient frontier
by Chueh-Yung Tsao
2010, Volume 10, Issue 7
- 681-687 Long-term capital growth: the good and bad properties of the Kelly and fractional Kelly capital growth criteria
by Leonard Maclean & Edward Thorp & William Ziemba - 689-697 Analysis of Kelly-optimal portfolios
by Paolo Laureti & Matus Medo & Yi-Cheng Zhang - 701-733 A stochastic-difference-equation model for hedge-fund returns
by Emanuel Derman & Kun Soo Park & Ward Whitt - 735-748 Leveraged Levy processes as models for stock prices
by Dilip Madan & Yue Xiao - 749-759 No-dynamic-arbitrage and market impact
by Jim Gatheral - 761-782 Statistical arbitrage in the US equities market
by Marco Avellaneda & Jeong-Hyun Lee - 783-796 Multi-scale variation, path risk and long-term portfolio management
by Roger Bowden & Jennifer Zhu - 797-807 Identifying common dynamic features in stock returns
by Jorge Caiado & Nuno Crato
2010, Volume 10, Issue 6
- 565-574 Measuring investment performance consistency
by Michael Villaverde - 575-583 Can expected shortfall and Value-at-Risk be used to statically hedge options?
by Jonathan Wylie & Qiang Zhang & Tak Kuen Siu - 585-589 Explicit expressions for moments of Pareto order statistics
by Saralees Nadarajah - 593-606 Robustness and sensitivity analysis of risk measurement procedures
by Rama Cont & Romain Deguest & Giacomo Scandolo - 607-615 Pricing and hedging basket options to prespecified levels of acceptability
by Dilip Madan - 617-627 Portfolio sensitivity to changes in the maximum and the maximum drawdown
by Libor Pospisil & Jan Vecer - 629-644 A transform approach to compute prices and Greeks of barrier options driven by a class of Levy processes
by Marc Jeannin & Martijn Pistorius - 645-662 Applications of Gram-Charlier expansion and bond moments for pricing of interest rates and credit risk
by Keiichi Tanaka & Takeshi Yamada & Toshiaki Watanabe - 663-679 Generalized uncorrelated SABR models with a high degree of symmetry
by Tai-Ho Wang & Peter Laurence & Sheng-Li Wang
2010, Volume 10, Issue 5
- 455-460 Event risk—Parametrization and estimation in a generalized Pareto model with time-varying thresholds
by Melanie Frick & Annabelle Kehl - 461-466 Stochastic resonance and the trade arrival rate of stocks
by A. Christian Silva & Ju-Yi Yen - 469-485 Portfolio selection with higher moments
by Campbell Harvey & John Liechty & Merrill Liechty & Peter Muller - 487-493 No-transaction bounds and estimation risk
by Vasyl Golosnoy - 495-502 Exact properties of measures of optimal investment for benchmarked portfolios
by J. Knight & S. E. Satchell - 503-514 Optimization of N-risky asset portfolios with stochastic variance and transaction costs
by C. Atkinson & P. Ingpochai - 515-528 Financial literacy and portfolio diversification
by Margarida Abreu & Victor Mendes - 529-543 Risk and predictability of Singapore's private residential market
by Qin Xiao & Weihong Huang - 545-554 Changes in volatility of credit spread and market efficiency during rapid growth of credit-related securities
by Christopher Hessel & Jun Wang - 555-564 An efficient algorithm for pricing barrier options in arbitrage-free binomial models with calibrated drift terms
by Christoph Woster
2010, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 339-347 A principal-component approach to measuring investor sentiment
by Haiqiang Chen & Terence Tai-Leung Chong & Xin Duan - 349-355 Asymmetric dividend smoothing in the aggregate stock market
by Sokwon Kim & Byeongseon Seo - 359-374 Valuation of energy storage: an optimal switching approach
by Rene Carmona & Michael Ludkovski - 375-387 Robust estimation with flexible parametric distributions: estimation of utility stock betas
by James Mcdonald & Richard Michelfelder & Panayiotis Theodossiou - 389-399 International trade and financial integration: a weighted network analysis
by Stefano Schiavo & Javier Reyes & Giorgio Fagiolo - 401-420 Automated trading with boosting and expert weighting
by German Creamer & Yoav Freund - 421-430 Change analysis of a dynamic copula for measuring dependence in multivariate financial data
by D. Guegan & J. Zhang - 431-442 Volatility conditional on price trends
by Gilles Zumbach - 443-453 Portfolio allocation and the investment horizon: a multiscaling approach
by Sangbae Kim & Francis In
2010, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 235-240 A risk-based evaluation of the free-trader option
by Ren-Raw Chen & Frank Fabozzi - 241-245 The new 'brew' on the Liffey: How FMC2 is adding the yeast
by Anthony Brabazon - 249-263 Single and joint default in a structural model with purely discontinuous asset prices
by Filippo Fiorani & Elisa Luciano & Patrizia Semeraro - 265-277 Pricing a CDO on stochastically correlated underlyings
by Marcos Escobar & Barbara Gotz & Luis Seco & Rudi Zagst - 279-293 Pricing inflation-linked bonds
by Paolo Falbo & Francesco Paris & Cristian Pelizzari - 295-304 Hierarchies of Archimedean copulas
by Cornelia Savu & Mark Trede - 305-324 Multi-asset spread option pricing and hedging
by Minqiang Li & Jieyun Zhou & Shi-Jie Deng - 325-338 Asset allocation using flexible dynamic correlation models with regime switching
by Edoardo Otranto
2010, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 121-130 Queueing theoretical analysis of foreign currency exchange rates
by Jun-Ichi Inoue & Naoya Sazuka - 131-140 Does size matter? A genetic programming approach to technical trading
by Janice How & Martin Ling & Peter Verhoeven - 143-157 Optimal execution strategies in limit order books with general shape functions
by Aurelien Alfonsi & Antje Fruth & Alexander Schied - 159-176 Implications of a regime-switching model on natural gas storage valuation and optimal operation
by Zhuliang Chen & Peter Forsyth - 177-194 A comparison of biased simulation schemes for stochastic volatility models
by Roger Lord & Remmert Koekkoek & Dick Van Dijk - 195-208 Utility valuation of multi-name credit derivatives and application to CDOs
by Ronnie Sircar & Thaleia Zariphopoulou - 209-219 Cash management using multi-stage stochastic programming
by Robert Ferstl & Alex Weissensteiner - 221-234 Analysis of the rebalancing frequency in log-optimal portfolio selection
by Daniel Kuhn & David Luenberger
2010, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-12 Stop-losses, maximum drawdown-at-risk and replicating financial time series with the stationary bootstrap
by Jessica James & Louis Yang - 13-20 Some applications of M-ary detection in quantitative finance
by W. P. Malcolm & R. J. Elliott - 23-37 Real-world jump-diffusion term structure models
by Nicola Bruti-Liberati & Christina Nikitopoulos-Sklibosios & Eckhard Platen - 39-47 Well-posedness and invariant measures for HJM models with deterministic volatility and Levy noise
by Carlo Marinelli - 49-58 Pricing a defaultable bond with a stochastic recovery rate
by Shu-Ling Chiang & Ming-Shann Tsai - 59-74 On the analytical-numerical valuation of the Bermudan and American options
by Andras Prekopa & Tam�s Sz�ntai - 75-90 A Levy process for the GNIG probability law with 2nd order stochastic volatility and applications to option pricing
by Anders Eriksson - 91-105 Portfolio optimization for student t and skewed t returns
by Wenbo Hu & Alec Kercheval - 107-119 Power mapping with dynamical adjustment for improved portfolio optimization
by Rudi Schafer & Nils Fredrik Nilsson & Thomas Guhr
2009, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 587-597 A hybrid Markov-Functional model with simultaneous calibration to the interest rate and FX smile
by Christian Fries & Fabian Eckstaedt
2009, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 335-341 On the perpetual American put options for level dependent volatility models with jumps
by Erhan Bayraktar
2009, Volume 9, Issue 8
- 887-895 Equity portfolio risk estimation using market information and sentiment
by Leela Mitra & Gautam Mitra & Dan Dibartolomeo - 897-909 The news of no news in stock markets
by Oral Erdogan & Ari Yezegel - 913-924 Does beta react to market conditions? Estimates of 'bull' and 'bear' betas using a nonlinear market model with an endogenous threshold parameter
by George Woodward & Heather Anderson - 925-935 MaxVaR for non-normal and heteroskedastic returns
by Malay Bhattacharyya & Nityanand Misra & Bharat Kodase - 937-949 Modelling spikes and pricing swing options in electricity markets
by Ben Hambly & Sam Howison & Tino Kluge - 951-959 On the valuation of compositions in Levy term structure models
by Wolfgang Kluge & Antonis Papapantoleon - 961-965 An axiomatic characterization of capital allocations of coherent risk measures
by Michael Kalkbrener - 967-979 Investment decisions, net present value and bounded rationality
by Carlo Alberto Magni
2009, Volume 9, Issue 7
- 767-773 Capital requirements, acceptable risks and profits
by Dilip Madan - 775-790 The causes of the credit crunch: a backwards look?
by David Murphy - 793-802 The Epps effect revisited
by Bence Toth & Janos Kertesz - 803-817 Pricing and capital requirements for with profit contracts: modelling considerations
by Laura Ballotta - 819-825 Valuing qualitative options with stochastic volatility
by Bong-Gyu Jang & Kum-Hwan Roh - 827-838 Efficient option pricing on stocks paying discrete or path-dependent dividends with the stair tree
by Tian-Shyr Dai - 839-854 An empirical analysis of multivariate copula models
by Matthias Fischer & Christian Kock & Stephan Schluter & Florian Weigert - 855-868 Gram-Charlier densities: a multivariate approach
by Esther B. Del Brio & Trino-Manuel Niguez & Javier Perote - 869-885 Robust portfolio selection under downside risk measures
by Shushang Zhu & Duan Li & Shouyang Wang
2009, Volume 9, Issue 6
- 637-651 Evaluating style investment—Does a fund market defined along equity styles add value?
by Woo Chang Kim & John Mulvey - 653-660 On the long-term behavior of mutual fund returns
by Luis Miguel Doncel & Pilar Grau-Carles & Jorge Sainz - 663-692 Spectral methods for volatility derivatives
by Claudio Albanese & Harry Lo & Aleksandar Mijatovic - 693-704 Risk minimization in stochastic volatility models: model risk and empirical performance
by Rolf Poulsen & Klaus Reiner Schenk-Hoppe & Christian-Oliver Ewald - 705-715 Pseudospectral methods for pricing options
by Sangwon Suh - 717-726 A dynamic programming approach for pricing CDS and CDS options
by Hatem Ben-Ameur & Damiano Brigo & Eymen Errais - 727-735 Numerical computation of Theta in a jump-diffusion model by integration by parts
by Delphine David & Nicolas Privault - 737-745 Evaluating portfolio Value-at-Risk using semi-parametric GARCH models
by Jeroen Rombouts & Marno Verbeek - 747-755 VaR and expected shortfall: a non-normal regime switching framework
by Robert Elliott & Hong Miao - 757-766 Capital market equilibrium with heterogeneous investors
by Haim Shalit & Shlomo Yitzhaki
2009, Volume 9, Issue 5
- 495-503 Modeling risk in arbitrage strategies using finite mixtures
by Adam Tashman & Robert Frey - 505-515 Time reversal invariance in finance
by Gilles Zumbach - 519-525 Stochastic integrals driven by fractional Brownian motion and arbitrage: a tale of two integrals
by Ngai Hang Chan & Chi Tim Ng - 527-545 What pieces of limit order book information matter in explaining order choice by patient and impatient traders?
by Roberto Pascual & David Veredas - 547-563 Diffusive behavior and the modeling of characteristic times in limit order executions
by Zoltan Eisler & Janos Kertesz & Fabrizio Lillo & Rosario Mantegna - 565-580 Portfolio diversification and value at risk under thick-tailedness
by Rustam Ibragimov - 581-595 Capital allocation for credit portfolios with kernel estimators
by Dirk Tasche - 597-606 A multivariate Levy process model with linear correlation
by Reiichiro Kawai - 607-619 Volatility transmission patterns and terrorist attacks
by Helena Chulia & Francisco Climent & Pilar Soriano & Hipolit Torro - 621-636 A two-part fractional regression model for the financial leverage decisions of micro, small, medium and large firms
by Joaquim J.S. Ramalho & Jacinto Vidigal da Silva
2009, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 373-382 Credit contagion and credit risk
by J. P. L. Hatchett & R. Kuhn - 383-393 Implied Levy volatility
by Jose Manuel Corcuera & Florence Guillaume & Peter Leoni & Wim Schoutens - 397-409 Option pricing with Levy-Stable processes generated by Levy-Stable integrated variance
by Alvaro Cartea & Sam Howison - 411-416 Pricing measures, forward measures and semigroups
by Jinke Zhou & Xiaolu Wang - 417-428 Arbitrage-free smoothing of the implied volatility surface
by Matthias Fengler - 429-438 Computing the endogenous mortgage rate without iterations
by Yevgeny Goncharov - 439-449 Correlation smile matching for collateralized debt obligation tranches with α-stable distributions and fitted Archimedean copula models
by Dirk Prange & Wolfgang Scherer - 451-464 A continuous-time model for reinvestment risk in bond markets
by Mikkel Dahl - 465-475 Unexpected volatility and intraday serial correlation
by Simone Bianco & Roberto Reno - 477-489 Feedback trading and intermittent market turbulence
by Demosthenes Tambakis
2009, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 243-256 Embracing change: financial informatics and risk analytics
by Mark Flood - 259-278 Evidence for state transition and altered serial codependence in US$ interest rates
by Riccardo Rebonato & Jian Chen - 279-287 A two-factor model for the electricity forward market
by Rudiger Kiesel & Gero Schindlmayr & Reik Borger - 289-296 An analytic approximation of the likelihood function for the Heston model volatility estimation problem
by Amir Atiya & Steve Wall - 297-304 Insider trading with correlation between liquidity trading and a public signal
by Katsumasa Nishide - 305-314 Nonlinear dynamical structural equation models
by Wenyang Zhang & Sik-Yum Lee - 315-327 Regression methods in pricing American and Bermudan options using consumption processes
by Denis Belomestny & Grigori Milstein & Vladimir Spokoiny - 329-340 Double knock-out Asian barrier options which widen or contract as they approach maturity
by C. Atkinson & S. Kazantzaki - 341-352 Barrier option pricing: a hybrid method approach
by Andrew Ming-Long Wang & Yu-Hong Liu & Yi-Long Hsiao - 353-361 Risky asset pricing based on safety first fund management
by Yuanyao Ding & Bo Zhang - 363-370 An exact test on structural changes in the weights of the global minimum variance portfolio
by Taras Bodnar
2009, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 123-127 [image omitted] Uncovered interest parity and the FX carry trade
by Jessica James & Kristjan Kasikov & Aysu Secmen - 133-145 A multi-quality model of interest rates
by Masaaki Kijima & Keiichi Tanaka & Tony Wong - 147-160 Efficient estimation of transition rates between credit ratings from observations at discrete time points
by Mogens Bladt & Michael SØrensen - 161-170 Portfolio choice under dynamic investment performance criteria
by M. Musiela & T. Zariphopoulou - 171-176 Achieving smooth asymptotics for the prices of European options in binomial trees
by Mark Joshi - 177-186 Pricing jump risk with utility indifference
by Lixin Wu & Min Dai - 187-196 Estimating default barriers from market information
by Hoi Ying Wong & Tsz Wang Choi - 197-206 Coherent hedging in incomplete markets
by Birgit Rudloff - 207-215 Law of large numbers and large deviations for dependent risks
by Ramona Maier & Mario Wuthrich - 217-229 Empirical analysis of the average asset correlation for real estate investment trusts
by Jose Lopez - 231-242 Investment strategies in the long run with proportional transaction costs and a HARA utility function
by Petr Dostal
2009, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-8 Estimating the cost of deposit insurance with stochastic interest rates: the case of Taiwan
by Hwei-Lin Chuang & Shih-Cheng Lee & Yi-Chun Lin & Min-Teh Yu - 9-16 Statistical properties of an experimental political futures market
by Sun-Chong Wang & Sai-Ping Li & Chung-Ching Tai & Shu-Heng Che - 19-26 Equity with Markov-modulated dividends
by Giuseppe Di Graziano & L. C. G. Rogers - 27-42 Sato processes and the valuation of structured products
by Ernst Eberlein & Dilip Madan - 43-54 Robust estimation of historical volatility and correlations in risk management
by Alexander Tchernitser & Dmitri Rubisov - 55-70 Estimating risk-neutral density with parametric models in interest rate markets
by Frank Fabozzi & Radu Tunaru & George Albota - 71-91 Efficient factor GARCH models and factor-DCC models
by Kun Zhang & Laiwan Chan - 93-104 Risk-return relationship in equity markets: using a robust GMM estimator for GARCH-M models
by Beum-Jo Park - 105-121 Non-parametric estimation of a multiscale CHARN model using SVR
by Amir Safari & Detlef Seese
2008, Volume 8, Issue 8
- 753-760 Optimal time to sell a stock in the Black-Scholes model: comment on 'Thou shalt buy and hold', by A. Shiryaev, Z. Xu and X.Y. Zhou
by Satya Majumdar & Jean-Philippe Bouchaud - 761-762 Response to comment on 'Thou shalt buy and hold'
by Albert Shiryaev & Zuoquan Xu & Xun Yu Zhou - 765-776 Thou shalt buy and hold
by Albert Shiryaev & Zuoquan Xu & Xun Yu Zhou - 777-794 Bankruptcy in long-term investments
by Minjie Yu & Qiang Zhang & Dennis Yang - 795-810 Arbitrage pricing of defaultable game options with applications to convertible bonds
by Tomasz Bielecki & Stephane Crepey & Monique Jeanblanc & Marek Rutkowski - 811-822 Bond pricing when the short-term interest rate follows a threshold process
by Wolfgang Lemke & Theofanis Archontakis - 823-831 Modeling stock pinning
by Marc Jeannin & Giulia Iori & David Samuel - 833-843 Update rules for convex risk measures
by Sina Tutsch - 845-861 Improved lower and upper bound algorithms for pricing American options by simulation
by Mark Broadie & Menghui Cao
2008, Volume 8, Issue 7
- 649-665 On the challenges in quantitative equity management
by Frank Fabozzi & Sergio Focardi & Caroline Jonas - 669-680 Modelling bonds and credit default swaps using a structural model with contagion
by Helen Haworth & Christoph Reisinger & William Shaw - 681-692 Liquidity risk theory and coherent measures of risk
by Carlo Acerbi & Giacomo Scandolo - 693-704 Value versus growth: stochastic dominance criteria
by Abhay Abhyankar & Keng-Yu Ho & Huainan Zhao - 705-722 Random matrix ensembles of time-lagged correlation matrices: derivation of eigenvalue spectra and analysis of financial time-series
by Christoly Biely & Stefan Thurner - 723-738 Detecting log-periodicity in a regime-switching model of stock returns
by George Chang & James Feigenbaum - 739-751 Turbo warrants under stochastic volatility
by Hoi Ying Wong & Chun Man Chan
2008, Volume 8, Issue 6
- 547-560 Individual asset liability management
by E. A. Medova & J. K. Murphy & A. P. Owen & K. Rehman - 561-569 Employee stock option valuation with repricing features
by Kwai Sun Leung & Yue Kuen Kwok - 573-590 Coupling smiles
by Valdo Durrleman & Nicole El Karoui - 591-604 A multifactor volatility Heston model
by JosE Da Fonseca & Martino Grasselli & Claudio Tebaldi - 605-617 Enhancing hedging performance with the spanning polynomial projection
by An-Sing Chen & Yan-Zhen Liu - 619-635 Local likelihood estimators in a regression model for stock returns
by Uwe Christian Jonck - 637-647 Hybrid versus highbred: combined economic models with time-series analyses
by Ming-Yuan Leon Li
2008, Volume 8, Issue 5
- 435-451 A preliminary enquiry into the causes of the Credit Crunch
by David Murphy - 453-457 Black-Scholes theory for an underlying with multiple attractors
by Frederik Herzberg - 461-469 Perpetual American options in incomplete markets: the infinitely divisible case
by Vicky Henderson & David Hobson - 471-483 Pricing a class of exotic commodity options in a multi-factor jump-diffusion model
by John Crosby - 485-497 Least-squares Importance Sampling for Monte Carlo security pricing
by Luca Capriotti - 499-512 A probabilistic analysis of the trading the line strategy
by V. Abramov & M. K. Khan & R. A. Khan - 513-532 Financial markets in the laboratory: an experimental analysis of some stylized facts
by Andrea Morone - 533-546 An empirical re-examination of the dividend-investment relation
by Mbodja Mougoue
2008, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 335-339 Can the January anomaly in Taiwan's stock market be explained by the prospect theory?
by Chin-Chen Chien & Tsung-Cheng Chen - 341-349 Return autocorrelation anomalies and the importance of non-trading periods: evidence from Spain, France and Germany
by Josep Garcia Blandon - 353-361 Analysing liquidity and absorption limits of electronic markets with volume durations
by Wing Lon Ng - 363-380 Wealth-driven competition in a speculative financial market: examples with maximizing agents
by Mikhail Anufriev