2011, Volume 54, Issue 4
- 517-537 Three Gorges Project: effects of resettlement on nutrient balance of the agroecosystems in the reservoir area
by Xibao Xu & Yan Tan & Guishan Yang & Hengpeng Li - 539-557 Acceptance, acceptability and environmental justice: the role of community benefits in wind energy development
by Richard Cowell & Gill Bristow & Max Munday
2011, Volume 54, Issue 3
- 301-318 The contemporary paradox of long-term planning for social-ecological change and its effects on the discourse-practice divide: evidence from Southern Africa
by Bram Buscher & Elna de Beer - 319-335 From carfree to carfull: the environmental and health impacts of increasing private motorisation in Albania
by Dorina Pojani - 337-354 Context dependency and stakeholder involvement in EIA: the decisive role of practitioners
by Malgorzata Blicharska & Karolina Isaksson & Tim Richardson & Chia-Jung Wu - 355-367 Environmental and socio-economic factors in carbon offsets: an approach to sustainable management and planning in climate change strategy
by Ryunosuke Kikuchi - 369-381 Does question order influence sensitivity to scope? Empirical findings from a web-based contingent valuation study
by Jytte Seested Nielsen & Trine Kjær - 383-402 Re-scaling of resource governance as institutional change: the case of water governance in Portugal
by Andreas Thiel & Catrin Egerton - 403-419 Constructing the public: the 'substantive sieve' and personal norms in US Forest Service Planning
by S. Andrew Predmore & Marc Stern & Michael Mortimer
2011, Volume 54, Issue 2
- 169-191 Conservation and recreational values from semi-natural grasslands for visitors to two Italian parks
by Silva Marzetti & Marta Disegna & Giulia Villani & Maria Speranza - 193-209 Assessment of legal framework for corporate environmental behaviour and perceptions of residents in mining communities in Ghana
by Frederick Armah & Samuel Obiri & David Yawson & Ernest Afrifa & Genesis Yengoh & Johanna Alkan Olsson & Justice Odoi - 211-226 Impacts of boating trip limitations on the recreational value of the Spreewald wetland: a pooled revealed/contingent behaviour application of the travel cost method
by Malte Grossmann - 227-244 Urban wind power and the private sector: community benefits, social acceptance and public engagement
by Bob Evans & Judith Parks & Kate Theobald - 245-266 Managing household waste in Ireland: behavioural parameters and policy options
by John Curtis & Sean Lyons & Abigail O'Callaghan-Platt - 267-282 The value of the trout fishery at Rhodes, North Eastern Cape, South Africa: a travel cost analysis using count data models
by Mario du Preez & Stephen Hosking - 283-300 Research-supported participatory planning for water stress mitigation
by Irina Ribarova & Dionysis Assimacopoulos & Paul Jeffrey & Katherine Daniell & David Inman & Lydia Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia & Thomas Melin & Petar Kalinkov & Nils Ferrand & Katharina Tarnaki
2011, Volume 54, Issue 1
- 1-6 Landscape valuation and planning
by Walid Oueslati & Julien Salanie - 7-29 Developing environmental policy indicators by criteria - indicators on the public goods of the Swedish agricultural landscape
by Knut Per Hasund - 31-53 Valuing public goods of the agricultural landscape: a choice experiment using reference points to capture observable heterogeneity
by Knut Per Hasund & Mitesh Kataria & Carl Johan Lagerkvist - 55-69 Comparing tourists' behaviour and values of land use changes: a focus on ranch land open space in Colorado
by Lindsey Ellingson & Andrew Seidl & John Loomis - 71-91 Values of environmental landscape amenities during the 2000-2006 real estate boom and subsequent 2008 recession
by Seong-Hoon Cho & Seung Gyu Kim & Roland Roberts - 93-113 Valuation of agricultural land-use scenarios with choice experiments: a political market share approach
by Robert Huber & Marcel Hunziker & Bernard Lehmann - 115-143 Analysing the maintenance and establishment of orchard meadows at farm and landscape levels applying a spatially explicit integrated modelling approach
by Martin Schonhart & Thomas Schauppenlehner & Erwin Schmid & Andreas Muhar - 145-168 Urban sprawl and policy responses: a general equilibrium analysis of residential choice
by Birgit Bednar-Friedl & Olivia Koland & Karl Steininger
2010, Volume 53, Issue 8
- 963-976 Factors affecting energy saving behaviour: a prospective research
by Arminda do Paco & Lilia Varejao - 977-989 Bivariate cointegration between poverty and environment: a case study of Pakistan (1980-2009)
by Khalid Zaman & Waseem Ikram & Iqtidar Ali Shah - 991-1009 The importance of context for effective public engagement: learning from the governance of waste
by Richard Bull & Judith Petts & James Evans - 1011-1030 A multi-agent simulation model for spatial optimisation of manure allocation
by Bart Van der Straeten & Jeroen Buysse & Stephan Nolte & Ludwig Lauwers & Dakerlia Claeys & Guido Van Huylenbroeck - 1031-1049 Valuing lagoons using a meta-analytical approach: methodological and practical issues
by Geoffroy Enjolras & Jean-Marie Boisson - 1051-1068 The greening of Chicago: environmental leaders and organisational learning in the transition toward a sustainable metropolitan region
by Robert Young - 1069-1088 An economic and environmental assessment of carbon capture and storage (CCS) power plants: a case study for the City of Kiel
by Soren Lindner & Sonja Peterson & Wilhelm Windhorst
2010, Volume 53, Issue 7
- 827-845 Remotely engaged? Towards a framework for monitoring the success of stakeholder engagement in remote regions
by Silva Larson & Thomas Measham & Liana Williams - 847-862 Traditional pastoralist decision-making processes: lessons for reforms to water resources management in Kenya
by Lance Robinson & John Sinclair & Harry Spaling - 863-882 A GIS-based technique for linking landscape characteristics to non-point source nitrogen export potential: implications for contributing areas management
by Diana Mitsova & Xinhao Wang - 883-889 The influence of a voluntary fee in the consumption of plastic bags on supermarkets from Madeira Island (Portugal)
by Idalina Perestrelo Luis & Helder Spinola - 891-905 Does intensity of change matter? Factors affecting adoption of agri-environmental schemes in Spain
by Jesus Barreiro-Hurle & Maria Espinosa-Goded & Pierre Dupraz - 907-923 Impact assessment of a hydroelectric project on the flora in the Western Himalayan region based on vegetation analysis and socio-economic studies
by Shradha Panwar & Devendra Agrawal & Girish Negi & Khilendra Kanwal & Vertika Sharma & Mahendra Lodhi & Jitendra Singh & Vishwapati Bhatt - 925-945 Increasing the public benefits of agricultural conservation easements: an illustration with the Central Valley Farmland Trust in the San Joaquin Valley
by Timothy Duane - 947-962 Village pubs as a social propellant in rural areas: an econometric study
by Ignazio Cabras & Carlo Reggiani
2010, Volume 53, Issue 6
- 681-699 Social learning in a policy-mandated collaboration: community wildfire protection planning in the eastern United States
by Rachel Brummel & Kristen Nelson & Stephanie Grayzeck Souter & Pamela Jakes & Daniel Williams - 701-723 'A system that works for the sea'? Exploring Stakeholder Engagement in Marine Spatial Planning
by Heather Ritchie & Geraint Ellis - 725-742 Transboundary governance of the Curonian Spit World Heritage Site
by Moritz Albrecht - 743-757 The importance of skillful community leaders: understanding municipal pesticide policy change in Calgary and Halifax
by R. Hirsch & J. Baxter & C. Brown - 759-766 Renewable natural resources from the view of oil dependent countries: the case of Turkey
by Evrim Imer-Ertunga - 767-791 Objectives of public economic policy and the adaptation to climate change
by Stine Aakre & Dirk Rubbelke - 793-807 LCA of the South African sugar industry
by Livison Mashoko & Charles Mbohwa & Valerie Thomas - 809-825 Modelling visitor groups' intentions to displace from an urban trail: a combined stated preference and video monitoring approach
by Arne Arnberger & Wolfgang Haider & Renate Eder & Andreas Muhar
2010, Volume 53, Issue 5
- 535-558 Contrasting the core beliefs regarding the effective implementation of wind power. An international study of stakeholder perspectives
by Maarten Wolsink & Sylvia Breukers - 559-571 Enhancing consultation practices on Air Quality Management in local authorities
by Nurul Leksmono & Paul Dorfman & Frank Burnet & David Gibbs & James Longhurst & Emma Weitkamp - 573-590 Sustainable development in the Spanish region of Valencia and the social responsibility of SMEs. A multi-stakeholder vision on the role of public administrations
by Juana Rivera-Lirio & Maria Munoz-Torres - 591-613 Comparing two sets of forest cover change knowledge used in forest landscape management planning
by Michael Drescher & Ajith Perera - 615-638 Evaluation of the vulnerability to contamination of drinking water systems for rural regions in Quebec, Canada
by Genevieve Cool & Manuel Rodriguez & Christian Bouchard & Patrick Levallois & Florent Joerin - 639-655 Shifting paths to conservation: policy change discourses and the 2008 US farm bill
by Nadine Lehrer & Dennis Becker - 657-676 A case study on project-level CO2 mitigation costs in industrialised countries: the Climate Cent Foundation in Switzerland
by Laura Kunz & Adrian Muller - 677-679 European spatial research and planning, edited by Andreas Faludi
by Claire Colomb
2010, Volume 53, Issue 4
- 427-438 Sustainable development, 20 years on: methodological innovations, practices and open issues
by Abdelillah Hamdouch & Bertrand Zuindeau - 439-455 Society, energy and materials: the contribution of urban metabolism studies to sustainable urban development issues
by Sabine Barles - 457-472 Territory and energy sustainability: the challenge of renewable energy sources
by Marco Bagliani & Egidio Dansero & Matteo Puttilli - 473-490 Policy integration strategy and the development of the 'green economy': foundations and implementation patterns
by Abdelillah Hamdouch & Marc-Hubert Depret - 491-509 Sustainability and multi-level governance of territories classified as protected areas in France: the Morvan regional park case
by Constanza Parra - 511-533 Traditional knowledge and biocultural diversity: learning from tribal communities for sustainable development in northeast India
by Ranjay Singh & Jules Pretty & Sarah Pilgrim
2010, Volume 53, Issue 3
- 283-295 The central role of centralisation in environmental policy initialisation
by Stefan Mann & Maria-Pia Gennaio - 297-315 Relation between management's behavioural intentions toward the environment and environmental actions
by Maria Luz Martin-Pena & Eloisa Diaz-Garrido & Jose Maria Sanchez-Lopez - 317-334 Stewardship among lifestyle oriented rural landowners
by Nicholas Gill & Peter Klepeis & Laurie Chisholm - 335-352 The impact of visual information on perceptions of water resource problems and management alternatives
by Kelli Larson & Robert Edsall - 353-370 Surrounded by Chemical Valley and 'living in a bubble': the case of the Aamjiwnaang First Nation, Ontario
by Isaac Luginaah & Kevin Smith & Ada Lockridge - 371-384 Economic costs of extratropical storms under climate change: an application of FUND
by Daiju Narita & Richard Tol & David Anthoff - 385-403 A longitudinal study of the links between Local Air Quality Management and Local Transport Planning policy processes in England
by A. O. Olowoporoku & E. T. Hayes & N. S. Leksmono & J. W. S. Longhurst & G. P. Parkhurst - 405-425 The role of public involvement in environmental impact assessment in Vietnam: towards a more culturally sensitive approach
by Charles Hostovsky & Virginia MacLaren & Geoffrey McGrath
2010, Volume 53, Issue 2
- 143-161 Performance and dilemmas of urban containment strategies in the transformation context of Beijing
by Pengjun Zhao & Bin Lu & Gert Roo - 163-182 Better than their reputation: enhancing the validity of contingent valuation mail survey results through citizen expert groups
by Michael Ahlheim & Benchaphun Ekasingh & Oliver Fror & Jirawan Kitchaicharoen & Andreas Neef & Chapika Sangkapitux & Nopasom Sinphurmsukskul - 183-196 Sustainable land-use planning: revitalising a flood prone office park
by Lynn Mandarano - 197-217 Avoiding the presumptive policy errors of intergovernmental environmental planning programmes: a case analysis of urban stormwater management planning
by Peter Morison & Rebekah Brown - 219-239 Non-linear incentives, plan design, and flood mitigation: the case of the Federal Emergency Management Agency's community rating system
by Sammy Zahran & Samuel Brody & Wesley Highfield & Arnold Vedlitz - 241-256 From mute to reflective: changing governmentality in St Petersburg and the priorities of Russian environmental planning
by Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen - 257-281 Redeveloping derelict and underused historic city areas: evidence from a survey of real estate developers
by Paolo Rosato & Anna Alberini & Valentina Zanatta & Margaretha Breil
2010, Volume 53, Issue 1
- 1-21 Regional governance and hazard information: the role of co-ordinated risk assessment and regional spatial accounting in wildfire hazard mitigation
by Brian Muller & Li Yin - 23-39 Measuring neighbourhood air pollution: the case of Seattle's international district
by Alon Bassok & Phil Hurvitz & C.-H. Christine Bae & Timothy Larson - 41-62 Moving from agenda to action: evaluating local climate change action plans
by Zhenghong Tang & Samuel Brody & Courtney Quinn & Liang Chang & Ting Wei - 63-89 A contextual framework for understanding good practice in integrated catchment management
by K. Marshall & K. L. Blackstock & J. Dunglinson - 91-105 The values of biological diversity: a travelogue
by Ylva Uggla - 107-124 Take your swimsuit along: the value of improving urban bathing sites in the metropolitan area of Berlin
by Jurgen Meyerhoff & Alexandra Dehnhardt & Volkmar Hartje - 125-141 International retirement migration in the Alicante region, Spain: process, spatial pattern and environmental impacts
by Ingo Zasada & Susana Alves & Felix Claus Muller & Annette Piorr & Regine Berges & Simon Bell
2009, Volume 52, Issue 8
- 973-991 Beyond the regime: can Integrated Sustainability Assessment address the barriers to effective sustainable passenger mobility policy?
by Lorraine Whitmarsh & John Turnpenny & Bjőrn Nykvist - 993-1012 Is legislation a barrier to the sustainable management of game species? A case study of wild deer in Britain
by Sharon Phillip & Norman Dandy & Robin Gill & Douglas MacMillan - 1013-1033 The network imaginary: coherence and creativity within a multiscalar collaborative effort to reform US fire management
by Bruce Evan Goldstein & William Hale Butler - 1035-1051 Characterising the landscape of state environmental review policies and procedures in the United States: a national assessment
by Zhao Ma & Dennis Becker & Michael Kilgore - 1053-1070 Walking in the Irish countryside: landowner preferences and attitudes to improved public access provision
by Cathal Buckley & Stephen Hynes & Tom van Rensburg & Edel Doherty - 1071-1081 Environmental change and fishery management in the northern Persian Gulf
by Abdoulkarim Esmaeili
2009, Volume 52, Issue 7
- 865-880 Flood risk management in Dutch local spatial planning practices
by Jeroen Neuvel & Adri van den Brink - 881-899 Health benefits valuation of regulatory intervention for air pollution control in thermal power plants in Delhi, India
by Arun Kansal & Mukesh Khare & Chandra Shekhar Sharma - 901-918 Using social resilience and resource dependency to increase the effectiveness of marine conservation initiatives in Salum, Egypt
by Nadine Marshall & Paul Marshall & Ameer Abdulla - 919-937 How much do people who live near major nuclear facilities worry about those facilities? Analysis of national and site-specific data
by Michael Greenberg - 939-955 Land use planning and wildfire risk mitigation: an analysis of wildfire-burned subdivisions using high-resolution remote sensing imagery and GIS data
by Uddhab Bhandary & Brian Muller - 957-971 Convergence or divergence in desertification risk? Scale-based assessment and policy implications in a Mediterranean country
by Luca Salvati & Marco Zitti
2009, Volume 52, Issue 6
- 739-756 Estimating the value of foresight: aggregate analysis of natural hazard mitigation benefits and costs
by David Godschalk & Adam Rose & Elliott Mittler & Keith Porter & Carol Taylor West - 757-775 Transaction costs and agri-environmental policy measures: are preferences influencing policy implementation?
by Fredrik Olof Laurentius Nilsson - 777-795 Cost-benefit analysis of an accelerated vehicle-retirement programme
by Doron Lavee & Nir Becker - 797-812 Environmental justice: lessons on definition and delivery from Scotland
by Anne-Michelle Slater & Ole Pedersen - 813-832 Water reforms in Brazil: opportunities and constraints
by Antonio Ioris - 833-846 Willing and able: explaining individuals' engagement in environmental policy making
by R. J. Johnson & M. J. Scicchitano - 847-864 Sustainability versus liveability: an investigation of neighbourhood satisfaction
by Peter Howley & Mark Scott & Declan Redmond
2009, Volume 52, Issue 5
- 571-574 Greening the CAP: how the improved design and implementation of agri-environment schemes can enhance the delivery of environmental benefits
by Guy Garrod - 575-592 Science, economics and the design of agricultural conservation programmes in the US
by Madhu Khanna & Amy Ando - 593-612 Farm choice between agri-environmental contracts in the European Union
by Jack Peerlings & Nico Polman - 613-630 Threshold effect and co-ordination of agri-environmental efforts
by Pierre Dupraz & Karine Latouche & Nadine Turpin - 631-647 Investigating farmers' preferences for the design of agri-environment schemes: a choice experiment approach
by Eric Ruto & Guy Garrod - 649-667 Measuring private transaction costs of European agri-environmental schemes
by Evy Mettepenningen & Ann Verspecht & Guido Van Huylenbroeck - 669-687 Agri-environment contract adoption under fixed and variable compliance costs
by Geraldine Ducos & Pierre Dupraz & Francois Bonnieux - 689-716 Deciding how to decide on agri-environmental schemes: the political economy of subsidiarity, decentralisation and participation in the European Union
by Volker Beckmann & Jorg Eggers & Evy Mettepenningen - 717-737 Ex post environmental evaluation of agri-environment schemes using experts' judgements and multicriteria analysis
by J. A. Finn & F. Bartolini & D. Bourke & I. Kurz & D. Viaggi
2009, Volume 52, Issue 4
- 437-455 Assessing the social impacts of extensive resource use activities
by Stewart Lockie & Susan Rockloff & Danielle Helbers & Maharlina Gorospe-Lockie & Karen Lawrence - 457-475 Applying environmental policy instruments to used oil
by W. David Conn - 477-496 Regional impervious surface estimation: an urban heat island application
by Sugie Lee & Steven French - 497-518 Surrender or resistance to the implementation of Local Agenda 21 in Portugal: the challenges of local governance for sustainable development
by Teresa Fidelis & Sara Moreno Pires - 519-534 Can you be bothered? The role of participant motivation in the valuation of species conservation measures
by Nele Lienhoop & Anke Fischer - 535-547 Recreation benefits of natural area characteristics at the El Yunque National Forest
by Luis Santiago & John Loomis - 549-570 Ohio's Balanced Growth Program: a case study of collaboration for planning and policy design
by Wendy Kellogg
2009, Volume 52, Issue 3
- 279-295 Place-based local governance and sustainable communities: lessons from Canadian biosphere reserves
by Sara Edge & Mary Louise McAllister - 297-313 Incremental evolution and devolution of Florida's Coastal High Hazard Area policy
by Ana Puszkin-Chevlin & Ann-Margaret Esnard - 315-344 Estimating the effectiveness of a vehicle miles travelled tax in reducing particulate matter emissions
by Jordan Carroll-Larson & Arthur Caplan - 345-363 Costs and benefits of improving wild salmon passage in a regulated river
by Cecilia Håkansson - 365-392 Planning for environmental justice in an urban national park
by Jason Byrne & Jennifer Wolch & Jin Zhang - 393-412 Commuting lives: children's mobility and energy use
by Claire Freeman & Robin Quigg - 413-433 Assessing vulnerability of selected sectors under environmental tax reform: the issue of pricing power
by John FitzGerald & Mary Keeney & Sue Scott - 435-436 Troubled waters: confronting the water crisis in Australia's cities
by Kathryn Furlong
2009, Volume 52, Issue 2
- 131-136 Governing waste: introduction to the special issue
by Simin Davoudi - 137-156 Scalar tensions in the governance of waste: the resilience of state spatial Keynesianism
by Simin Davoudi - 157-176 Clean and green? A governance analysis of waste management in New Zealand
by Anna Davies - 177-194 The construction of 'waste' in the UK steel industry
by Fionn MacKillop - 195-216 Equity dimensions of hazardous waste generation in rapidly industrialising cities along the United States-Mexico border
by Francisco Lara-Valencia & Sioban Harlow & Maria Carmen Lemos & Catalina Denman - 217-236 The motives for accepting or rejecting waste infrastructure facilities. Shifting the focus from the planners' perspective to fairness and community commitment
by Maarten Wolsink & Jeroen Devilee - 237-255 “There's just hope that no one's health is at risk”: residents' reappraisal of a landfill siting
by Susan Elliott & Jessica McClure - 257-277 Information and the decision to recycle: results from a survey of US households
by Hilary Nixon & Jean-Daniel Saphores
2009, Volume 52, Issue 1
- 1-24 Proximity economics and environment: assessment and prospects
by Andre Torre & Bertrand Zuindeau - 25-42 Assessing visitor satisfaction with tourism rejuvenation policies: the case of Rimini, Italy
by Rinaldo Brau & Antonello Scorcu & Laura Vici - 43-60 Sustainable development in the Clean Development Mechanism: the role of Designated National Authority in China and India
by Sukumar Ganapati & Liguang Liu - 61-78 The quality of greenways planning in northwest Indiana: a focus on sustainability principles
by Kristin Floress & Adam Baumgart-Getz & Linda Stalker Prokopy & Jessica Janota - 79-96 Why are Californians interested in hybrid cars?
by Mana Sangkapichai & Jean-Daniel Saphores - 97-109 The valuation of historical sites: a case study of Valdivia, Chile
by Andrea Baez Montenegro & Mario Niklitschek Huaquin & Luis Herrero Prieto - 111-129 Dimensions and models of contemporary public space management in England
by Claudio de Magalhaes & Matthew Carmona
2008, Volume 51, Issue 6
- 717-736 Valuing the benefits of the urban forest: a spatial hedonic approach
by Seth Payton & Greg Lindsey & Jeff Wilson & John Ottensmann & Joyce Man - 737-757 Protecting people and property: the influence of land-use planners on flood hazard mitigation in New Urbanist developments
by Mark Stevens & Philip Berke & Yan Song - 759-775 Why is integrating policy assessment so hard? A comparative analysis of the institutional capacities and constraints
by John Turnpenny & Måns Nilsson & Duncan Russel & Andrew Jordan & Julia Hertin & Bjorn Nykvist - 777-799 Locating 'power' in wind power planning processes: the (not so) influential role of local objectors
by Mhairi Aitken & Seonaidh McDonald & Peter Strachan - 801-816 Roles of environmental movement organisations in land-use planning: case studies of the Niagara Escarpment and Oak Ridges Moraine, Ontario, Canada
by Graham Whitelaw & Paul Eagles & Robert Gibson & Mark Seasons - 817-832 Spatio-temporal analysis of fire events in India: implications for environmental conservation
by Krishna Prasad Vadrevu & K. V. S. Badarinath & Anuradha Eaturu - 833-845 A mixed integer linear programming model for optimisation of organics management in an integrated solid waste system
by Maria Grazia Gnoni & Gianni Mummolo & Luigi Ranieri - 847-870 Greenhouse gas emissions along the rural-urban gradient
by Clinton Andrews - 871-872 Growth management in Florida: planning for paradise
by Arnab Chakraborty - 872-873 Beyond the carbon economy: energy law in transition
by Heather Lovell - 873-875 International water treaties
by Mark Giordano - 875-876 Introduction to rural planning
by Trevor Hart - 876-877 Participatory Action Research approaches and methods: connecting people, participation and place
by John Forrester
2008, Volume 51, Issue 5
- 597-614 The potential role of stated preference methods in the Water Framework Directive to assess disproportionate costs
by Roy Brouwer - 615-630 Promoting community involvement at brownfields sites in socio-economically disadvantaged neighbourhoods
by Deborah Rigling Gallagher & Sarah Jackson - 631-646 Proximal exposure of public schools and students to major roadways: a nationwide US survey
by Alexandra Appatova & Patrick Ryan & Grace LeMasters & Sergey Grinshpun - 647-662 Incorporating ecosystem-based management into urban environmental policy: a case study from western Washington
by Vivek Shandas & Jessica Graybill & Clare Ryan - 663-678 Stakeholder involvement in NEPA scoping processes: evaluating practices and effects in transportation agencies
by Carissa Schively Slotterback - 679-699 Perceived landscape impacts of mobile telecommunications development in the Peak District National Park, England
by Jung Jin Park & Anna Jorgensen & Carys Swanwick & Paul Selman - 701-716 Social learning from public engagement: dreaming the impossible?
by Richard Bull & Judith Petts & James Evans
2008, Volume 51, Issue 4
- 477-496 Landowner motivations for watershed restoration: lessons from five watersheds
by Stacy Rosenberg & Richard Margerum - 497-510 Is trade liberalisation bad for the environment? A review of the economic evidence
by Colin Kirkpatrick & S. Serban Scrieciu - 511-523 Public values for badgers, bovine TB reduction and management strategies
by Richard Bennett & Ken Willis - 525-541 Case study: examining the contribution of historical sources of lead in urban soils in Portland, Maine, USA
by Travis Wagner & Samantha Langley-Turnbaugh - 543-559 'Learning by doing': adaptive planning as a strategy to address uncertainty in planning
by Sadahisa Kato & Jack Ahern - 561-579 Regulatory conflict in the Chicago VOC control program
by Richard Kosobud & Joshua Linn & Houston Stokes & Carol Tallarico - 581-596 Planning implications from the interactions between renewable energy programs and carbon regulation
by Hal Nelson
2008, Volume 51, Issue 3
- 325-344 A critical review of the theory and application of social learning in participatory natural resource management processes
by M. Muro & P. Jeffrey - 345-362 Ecological information in the political decision making of urban land-use planning
by Vesa Yli-Pelkonen - 363-380 Recreation conflict potential and management implications in the northern/central Black Forest Nature Park
by Carsten Mann & James Absher - 381-397 Drivers and barriers to water transfer in a New Zealand irrigation scheme
by Miria Lange & Ann Winstanley & David Wood - 399-419 Evaluating environmental protection in post-Hurricane Katrina plans in Mississippi
by Jennifer Evans-Cowley & Meghan Zimmerman Gough - 421-445 The ISO 14001 environmental management standard in Japan: results from a national survey of facilities in four industries
by Yasuhumi Mori & Eric Welch - 447-470 Use of embodied energy and ecological footprinting to assess the global environmental impact of consumption in an Irish city-region
by David Browne & Bernadette O'Regan & Richard Moles - 471-472 Achieving sustainable mobility. Everyday and leisure-time travel in the EU
by Petter Næss - 473-474 Planning and transformation: learning from the post-apartheid experience
by Warren Smit - 474-475 Fuzzy planning: the role of actors in a fuzzy governance environment
by Philip James
2008, Volume 51, Issue 2
- 163-175 How do green charges transform industrial behaviour? An explorative case study of institutionalisation and transition in post-Communist Poland
by Trine Pipi Kræmer - 177-199 The call of different wilds: the importance of definition and perception in protecting and managing Scottish wild landscapes
by Robert Mc Morran & Martin Price & Charles Warren - 201-220 Monitoring brownfield housing development: strengths and weaknesses of indicator based monitoring in the English planning system
by Robin Ganser - 221-232 From exogenous to endogenous development in Scottish forestry: the feasibility of small-scale wood energy enterprise
by Lasse Okkonen - 233-257 Host community attitudes towards solid waste landfill infrastructure: comprehension before compensation
by Louise Gallagher & Susana Ferreira & Frank Convery - 259-283 Are EMS environmentally effective? The link between environmental management systems and environmental performance in European companies
by Julia Hertin & Frans Berkhout & Marcus Wagner & Daniel Tyteca - 285-301 SMEs and voluntary environmental initiatives: a study of stakeholders' perspectives in Hong Kong
by Sonja Studer & Stephen Tsang & Richard Welford & Peter Hills - 303-317 Human-ecological dimensions of disaster resiliency in Thailand: social capital and aid delivery
by Philip Berke & Ratana Chuenpagdee & Kungwan Juntarashote & Stephanie Chang - 319-320 Metrogreen. Connecting open space in North American cities
by Ruth Soenen - 320-321 Engaging the future: forecasts, scenarios, plans, and projects
by Graham May - 321-322 Multi-stakeholder platforms for integrated water management
by Bruce Lankfort - 322-323 Planning for retail development: a critical view of the British experience
by Neil Powe
2008, Volume 51, Issue 1
- 1-14 Farmer Premiums for the Voluntary Adoption of Conservation Plans
by Joseph Cooper & Giovanni Signorello - 15-35 Valuing Urban Green Space: Hypothetical Alternatives and the Status Quo
by Craig Bullock - 37-53 Integrating Wetland Management into Sustainable Water Resources Allocation: The Case of Akrotiri Wetland in Cyprus
by Ekin Birol & Phoebe Koundouri & Yiannis Kountouris - 55-79 Environmental Injustice in France
by Lucie Laurian - 81-105 Environmental Assessment Framework for Policy Applications: Life Cycle Assessment, External Costs and Multi-criteria Analysis
by Ari Rabl & Mike Holland - 107-140 Green Houses for the Growth Region
by Jo Williams - 141-162 Incorporating Complex Adaptive Systems Theory into Strategic Planning: The Sierra Nevada Conservancy
by Tanya Higgins & Timothy Duane
2007, Volume 50, Issue 6
- 699-726 Environmental equity in the vicinity of Amsterdam Airport: The interplay between market forces and government policy
by Hanneke Kruize & Peter Driessen & Pieter Glasbergen & Klaas (N.D.) Van Egmond & Ton Dassen