1999, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 341-354 Sustainable Development and Institutional Design: The Example of the Mersey Basin Campaign
by Robert Wood & John Handley & Sue Kidd - 355-374 Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation in Hong Kong and Shanghai: A Cross-city Analysis
by Carlos Wing-Hung Lo & Plato Kwong-To Yip - 375-388 Local Authority Archaeological Services in Scotland Two Years after Local Government Reorganization
by David Jewell & Jeremy Raemaekers - 389-408 Policy And Practice Collective Response to Oil Spill Hazards in the Eastern Niger Delta of Nigeria
by Innocent Miebaka Aprioku - 409-424 The Prospects for Improved Energy Efficiency in the UK Residential Sector
by D. Mcevoy & D. C. Gibbs & J. W. S. Longhurst - 425-436 Benefits Transfer and Low Flow Alleviation: What Lessons for Environmental Valuation in the UK?
by Dominic Moran
1999, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 149-166 Contingent Valuation and Real Economic Commitments: Evidence from Electric Utility Green Pricing Programmes
by Brian Byrnes & Clive Jones†& Sandra Goodman‡ - 167-187 The Integration of Environmental Sustainability Considerations into EU Development Policy: A Case Study of the LEADER Initiative in the West of Ireland
by David Pepper - 189-219 The Consideration of Sustainability Aspects in Transport Infrastructure Related Policies, Plans and Programmes: A Comparative Analysis of North West England, Noord-Holland and Brandenburg-Berlin
by Thomas Fischer - 221-233 Environmental Management in India: Recent Challenges to the Indian Forest Service
by Kevin Hannam - 235-252 Environmental and Strategic Uncertainty in Common Property Management: The Case of Scottish Red Deer
by Craig Bullock - 253-269 Reforming the National Framework for Environmental Policies in Saudi Arabia
by Ahmad Al-Gilani
1999, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 5-21 Landcare Networks in Australia: State-sponsored Participation Through Local Organizations
by Allan Curtis & Andrew Britton & Jonathan Sobels - 23-43 Estimating the Benefits of Agri-environmental Policy: Econometric Issues in Open-ended Contingent Valuation Studies
by Begona Alvarez-Farizo - 45-61 Sustainable Development and Structure Plans in England and Wales: Operationalizing the Themes and Principles
by David Counsell - 83-102 Competition, Sustainability and Packaging Policy in the UK
by Ian Bailey - 103-121 Development and Implementation of Strategic Frameworks for Air Quality Management in the UK and the European Community
by Derek Elsom - 123-134 Factors Influencing ISO 14000 Implementation in Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing Industry in Hong Kong
by Kwai-Sang Chin
1998, Volume 41, Issue 6
- 661-672 Industrial Ecology for Sustainable Communities
by Bryna Cosgriff Dunn & Anne Steinemann - 673-691 Community Sustainability Auditing
by Gerald Walter - 693-709 Modern Environmental Agreements: A Policy Instrument Becomes a Management Strategy
by Pieter Glasbergen - 711-730 Environmental Responsiveness, Individuals and Organizational Learning: SME Experience
by Judith Petts - 731-747 Monitoring and Post-auditing in Environmental Impact Assessment: A Review
by Ben Dipper - 749-765 Land Use Planning and Environmental Capacity: Reassessing the Use of Regulatory Policy Tools to Achieve Sustainable Development
by Yvonne Rydin - 767-776 Policy And Practice The Focus of Local Agenda 21 in the United Kingdom
by A. J. Bond
1998, Volume 41, Issue 5
- 533-553 Local Agenda 21: Substance or Spin?
by Paul Selman - 555-573 Habermas and Nature: The Theory of Communicative Action for Studying Environmental Policy
by Erland Skollerhorn - 575-596 Implementing Agri-environment Policy: A Landscape Ecology Perspective
by Robert Macfarlane - 597-609 Applying Multi-attribute Utility Theory to Decision Making in Environmental Planning: A Case Study of the Electric Utility in Korea
by Tai-Yoo Kim & Seung-Jun Kwak & Seung-Hoon Yoo - 611-619 Contingent Valuation and Real Economic Commitments: A Private Good Experiment
by K. G. Willis & N. A. Powe - 621-628 Policy And Practice The Future Tenure of Rural Public Lands in Slovakia
by Gregg Paget & Martina Vagacova - 629-642 Statutory Local Nature Reserves in the United Kingdom
by G. M. A. Barker & J. D. Box
1998, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 421-443 The Conditions for Environmentally Intelligent Regional Governance: Reflections from Lower Saxony
by Tim Marshall - 463-475 What Level of Information Enables the Public to Act Like Experts When Evaluating Ecological Goods?
by Wendy Kenyon & Gareth Edwards-Jones - 477-503 Revealing Preferences for Reductions of Public Risks: An Application of the CV Approach
by Anselm Romer & Werner Pommerehne & Lars Feld - 505-518 Policy And Practice Green Grass and Brown Roots: Understanding Environmental Problems in Deprived Neighbourhoods
by Gordon Mcgranahan & Joseph Leitman & Charles Surjadi - 519-527 Book Reviews And Notes
by K. G. Willis & M. G. Lloyd & Tim Townshend & Tony Jackson & James MacKenzie & G. J. K. Porter & Elizabeth Wilson & Susan Buckingham-Hatfield
1998, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 279-297 Land Use for Military Training in the UK: The Current Situation, Likely Developments and Possible Alternatives
by David Doxford & Tony Hill - 299-312 A ComprehensiveNoise Management Strategy for an Urbanized River Catchment
by A. L. Brown & C. M. Richardson - 313-336 Considering Conservation Value in Economic Appraisals of Coastal Resources
by S. L. Goodman & W. Seabrooke & S. A. Jaffry - 337-354 Citizen Advisory Groups in Remedial Action Planning: Paper Tiger or Key to Success?
by Gerrit Knaap & Debra Matier & Robert Olshansky - 355-374 Informing Smaller Organizations about Environmental Management: An Assessmentof Government Schemes
by Jason Palmer & Chris France - 375-396 Transboundary Pollution between Guangdong Province and Hong Kong: Threats to Water Quality in the Pearl River Estuary and Their Implications for Environmental Policy and Planning
by Peter Hills & Lei Zhang & Jianhua Liu - 397-402 NELUP: Some Reflections on Undertaking and Reporting InterdisciplinaryRiver Catchment Modelling
by Andrew Moxey & Ben White
1998, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 157-176 Progress towards Environmental Justice: A Five-year Perspective of Toxicity, Race and Poverty in Michigan, 1990-1995 1
by Elaine Hockman & Charles Morris - 177-194 Sustainable Development and Structure Plans in England and Wales: A Review of Current Practice
by David Counsell - 195-208 Reduction of Waste and Electricity Demand in The Netherlands: A Hypothetical Intervention
by Stephan Slingerland & Paulien De Jong - 209-216 Evaluating Consistency of Categorizing Biodiversity Management Status Relative to Land Stewardship in the Gap Analysis Program
by Julie Prior-Magee & Bruce Thompson & David Daniel - 217-226 On the Role of Fines as an Environmental Enforcement Tool
by Surabhi Kadambe & Kathleen Segerson - 227-236 Comparing the Economic Value of Mountain Biking Estimated Using Revealed and Stated Preference
by Peter Fix & John Loomis - 237-251 The National Forest and Local Agenda 21: An Experiment in Integrated Landscape Planning
by Morag Bell & David Evans
1998, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 5-24 Problems and Prospects in Local Environmental Assessment: Lessons from the United States
by Rolf Pendall - 25-44 Failing to Site Hazardous Waste Facilities Voluntarily: Implications for the Production of Sustainable Goods
by Ron Pushchak & Cecilia Rocha - 45-75 Implementing Ecosystem-basedManagement: Lessons from the Great Lakes
by John Hartig & Michael Zarull & Thomas Heidtke & Hemang Shah - 77-94 Towards a Symbiosis: Urban Development and Environmental Quality in the Taipei Metropolitan Region
by Tzu-Chun Chen & Shu-Li Huang - 95-110 IntergovernmentalEnvironmental Planning: Addressing the Commitment Conundrum
by Raymond Burby & Peter May - 111-128 In Search of Arcadia: The Persistence of the Rural Idyll in New Zealand Rural Subdivisions
by Simon Swaffield & John Fairweather - 129-144 Policy And Practice Options for Managing Protected Areas: Lessons from International Experience
by Josef Leitmann
1997, Volume 40, Issue 6
- 685-704 Using Indices in Environmental Planning: Evaluating Policies for Wellfield Protection
by Greg Lindsey & Jack Wittman & Matt Rummel - 705-724 A Systems Approach to Materials Flow in Sustainable Cities: A Case Study of Paper
by Matthew Leach & Ausilio Bauen & Nigel Lucas - 725-738 Beyond the Requirements: Improving Public Participation in EIA
by Anne Shepherd & Christi Bowler - 739-750 Bombs and Butterflies: A Case Study of the Challenges of Post Cold War Environmental Planning and Management for the US Nuclear Weapons Sites
by Michael Greenberg & Karen Lowrie & Donald Krueckeberg & Henry Mayer & Darien Simon - 751-774 A Mixed Bag: Assessmentof Market Performance and Firm Trading Behaviour in the NOx Reclaim Programme
by Thomas Klier & Richard Mattoon & Michael Prager - 775-788 Policy And Practice Environmental Policies in Saudi Arabia
by Ahmad Al-Gilani & Seamus Filor - 789-802 The Development of Environmental Action Plans: Turning Statements into Actions
by David Hickie & Max Wade
1997, Volume 40, Issue 5
- 549-574 Sustainable Development: A Transdisciplinary Overview of the Literature
by Keith Pezzoli - 575-602 Sustainable Development Literature: A TransdisciplinaryBibliography
by Keith Pezzoli - 603-614 Planning under a Co-operative Mandate: New Plans for New Zealand
by Jennifer Dixon & Neil Ericksen & Janet Crawford & Philip Berke - 615-630 Greening the Fife Economy: Ecological Modernization as a Pathway for Local Economic Development
by Tony Jackson & Peter Roberts - 631-644 Community Attempts at Sustainable Development through Corporate Accountability
by Michael Heiman - 645-660 Local Authority/AcademicCollaboration and Local Agenda 21 Policy Processes
by Ted Kitchen & David Whitney & Stephen Littlewood
1997, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 413-434 Water-sensitive Urban Planning: Protecting Groundwater
by Naomi Carmon & Uri Shamir & Sigalit Meiron-Pistiner - 435-449 Brazil's Alcohol Programme: From an Attempt to Reduce Oil Dependence in the Seventies to the Green Arguments of the Nineties
by Ogenis Magno Brilhante - 451-464 EIA-Learning from Experience: Changes in the Quality of Environmental Impact Statements for UK Planning Projects
by John Glasson & Riki Therivel & Joe Weston & Elizabeth Wilson & Richard Frost - 465-482 Swiss Agricultural Policy and the Environment: An Example for the Rest of Europe to Follow?
by Nigel Curry & Erwin Stucki - 483-505 Fostering Volunteerism in an Environmental Stewardship Group: A Report on the Task Force to Bring Back the Don, Toronto, Canada
by Betsy Donald - 507-526 Alternative Control Policies for Water Quality Management: An Experimental Economics Approach
by Keith Willett & Ramesh Sharda - 527-533 Policy And Practice Improving EIA for Intensive Livestock Projects
by Joe Weston & Peter Prenton-Jones
1997, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 293-314 New Zealand's Planning Revolution Five Years On: A Preliminary Assessment
by B. J. Gleeson & K. J. Grundy - 315-334 Preservation and Change in the Upland Landscape: The Public Benefits of Grazing Management
by Craig Bullock & Jim Kay - 335-348 Brazil's National Atlantic Forest Policy: A Challenge for State-level Environmental Planning. The Case of Santa Catarina, Brazil
by Sandra Hodge & Maike Hering De Queiroz & Ademir Reis - 349-374 Multicriteria Group Decision-making Model for Environmental Conflict Analysis in the Cape Region, Mexico
by J. Malczewski & R. Moreno-Sanchez & L. A. Bojorquez-Tapia & E. Ongay-Delhumeau - 375-404 Comments And Debates The Rural White Papers in Great Britain
by Ian Hodge
1997, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 157-172 The Ecological Component of Environmental Impact Assessment: A Critical Review of British Environmental Statements
by S. Thompson & J. R. Treweek & D. J. Thurling - 173-198 Cosmetics or Critical Constraints? The Role of Landscape in Design Policies in English Development Plans
by John Punter & Matthew Carmona - 199-216 Selective Targeting in Environmentally Sensitive Areas: Implications for Farmers and the Environment
by Geoff Wilson - 217-234 Nitrate Vulnerable Zones and Nitrate Sensitive Areas: A Policy and Technical Analysis of Groundwater Source Protection in England and Wales
by Suzie Osborn & Hadrian Cook - 235-260 How Los Angeles' Air Quality Policies Benefit Minorities
by Chang-Hee Christine Bae - 261-272 Policy And Practice Environmental Assessmentand Planning: A Chronology of Development in England and Wales
by A. J. Bond - 273-282 Social and Economic Factors in the Spread of the NIMBY Syndrome against Waste Disposal Sites in Taiwan
by Hung-Wen Shen & Yue-Hwa Yu
1997, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 5-18 Removal of Selected Urban Stormwater Constituents by an On-stream Pond
by M. A. Van Buren & W. E. Watt & J. Marsalek - 19-36 Questioning the Waste Hierarchy: The Case of a Region with a Low Population Density
by Alan Barrett & John Lawlor - 37-58 The Use of Geographic Information Systems for Resource Evaluation: A New Zealand Example
by Russell Watkins & Chris Cocklin & Melinda Laituri - 59-80 Dynamic Risk Perception in Two Communities: Risk Events and Changes in Perceived Risk
by George Rogers - 81-110 Protected Areas for the Future: Models from the Past
by K. Bishop & A. Phillips & L. M. Warren - 111-124 It's Good to Talk! Environmental Information and the Greening of Industry
by Andrea Ross & Jeremy Rowan-Robinson - 125-142 The River Valleys Project: A Participatory Approach to Integrated Catchment Planning and Management in Scotland
by S. Edwards-Jones