November 2015, Volume 58, Issue 11
- 1903-1922 Incorporating governance influences into social-ecological system models: a case study involving biodiversity conservation
by Michael Mitchell & Michael Lockwood & Susan A. Moore & Sarah Clement - 1923-1943 Use of contract models to improve environmental outcomes in transport infrastructure construction
by Adriana X. Sanchez & Liisa M. Lehtiranta & Keith D. Hampson - 1944-1960 Concept for cost effective improvement of river morphology in the context of the European Water Framework Directive
by Bernd Klauer & Johannes Schiller & Frauke Bathe - 1961-1987 Using social network analysis to examine planner involvement in environmentally oriented planning processes led by non-planning professions
by Ward Lyles - 1988-2014 Municipal hazard mitigation planning: a comparison of plans in British Columbia and the United States
by Mark R. Stevens & Jessica Shoubridge - 2015-2036 The evolution of socio-ecological systems: changing palm species management in the Colombian Amazon as an indicator of ecological and institutional change
by Monica Gruezmacher & Kristof Van Assche - 2037-2055 The effect of landscape type and landscape elements on public visual preferences: ways to use knowledge in the context of landscape planning
by Lucia Filova & Jiri Vojar & Kamila Svobodova & Petr Sklenicka - 2056-2081 Implementing comprehensive plans: indicators for a task-sheet based performance evaluation process
by Georg Philipp Mueller & Anna M. Hersperger
October 2015, Volume 58, Issue 10
- 1690-1710 Success and failure assessment methodology for wastewater and faecal sludge treatment projects in low-income countries
by Magalie Bassan & Doulaye Kon� & Mbaye Mb�gu�r� & Christof Holliger & Linda Strande - 1711-1730 Planning for global environmental change in Bangkok's informal settlements
by Michelle Berquist & Amrita Daniere & Lisa Drummond - 1731-1748 The influence of institutional design on local environmental interest representation in the national polity
by Jaap G. Rozema - 1749-1769 Spatial allocation of material flow analysis in residential developments: a case study of Kildare County, Ireland
by Manoj Roy & Robin Curry & Geraint Ellis - 1770-1788 Tales of science and defiance: the case for co-learning and collaboration in bridging the science/emotion divide in water recycling debates
by Edward Alexander Morgan & Deanna Chantal Cristina Grant-Smith - 1789-1803 Unveiling soil degradation and desertification risk in the Mediterranean basin: a data mining analysis of the relationships between biophysical and socioeconomic factors in agro-forest landscapes
by L. Salvati & C. Kosmas & O. Kairis & C. Karavitis & S. Acikalin & A. Belgacem & A. Sol�-Benet & M. Chaker & V. Fassouli & C. Gokceoglu & H. Gungor & R. Hessel & H. Khatteli & A. Kounalaki & A. Laouina & F. Ocakoglu & M. Ouessar & C. Ritsema & M. Sghaier & H. Sonmez & H. Taamallah & L. Tezcan & J. de Vente - 1804-1826 Determinants of privatized solid waste management service provision in Lagos
by Shehu Usman Adam & Mad Nasir Shamsudin & Shaufique F. Sidique & Khalid Abdul Rahim & Alias Radam - 1827-1852 Putting transdisciplinarity into practice: a mixed mode procedure for stakeholder participation in natural resource management
by Maria Helena Guimarães & Annie McKee & Maria Lu�sa Lima & Lia Vasconcelos & Tomasz Boski & Tomaz Dentinho - 1853-1876 The impact of domestic energy efficiency retrofit schemes on householder attitudes and behaviours
by Thomas B. Long & William Young & Phil Webber & Andy Gouldson & Helen Harwatt
September 2015, Volume 58, Issue 9
- 1530-1543 Same but different: sources of natural resource management advice for lifestyle oriented rural landholders
by Vicki Ikutegbe & Nicholas Gill & Peter Klepeis - 1544-1561 Efficient management capacity evaluation of tourism in protected areas
by Juan Carlos Valdivieso & Paul F.J. Eagles & Joan Carles Gil - 1562-1576 Beer, beef, and boards: the role of intermediaries in payment for ecosystem services arrangements in northwestern Montana
by Emily Jane Davis & Lauren Gwin & Cassandra Moseley & Hannah Gosnell & Harmony Burright - 1577-1600 Assessing the sustainability of water governance systems: the sustainability wheel
by Flurina Schneider & Mariano Bonriposi & Olivier Graefe & Karl Herweg & Christine Homewood & Matthias Huss & Martina Kauzlaric & Hanspeter Liniger & Emmanuel Rey & Emmanuel Reynard & Stephan Rist & Bruno Sch�dler & Rolf Weingartner - 1601-1616 Planning, governance and rural futures in Australia and the USA: revisiting the case for rural regional planning
by T.H. Morrison & Marcus B. Lane & Michael Hibbard - 1617-1634 An experimental study to explore WTP for aviation carbon offsets: the impact of a carbon tax on the voluntary action
by Andy S. Choi - 1635-1648 The practice of valuing the environment in cost-benefit analyses in transport and spatial projects
by Jan Anne Annema & Carl Koopmans - 1649-1665 Climate change and coastal aquaculture farmers' risk perceptions: experiences from Bangladesh and Denmark
by Dewan Ahsan & Urs Steiner Brandt - 1666-1689 Recentralisation through regionalisation in the implementation of Rural Development Policy in Scotland
by Anastasia L. Yang & Mark D.A. Rounsevell & Claire Haggett & Ronald M. Wilson
August 2015, Volume 58, Issue 8
- 1327-1345 Valuing the local impacts of a large scale wind power establishment in northern Sweden: public and private preferences toward economic, environmental and sociocultural values
by Kristina Ek & Simon Matti - 1346-1362 Effects of observability and complexity on farmers’ adoption of environmental practices
by Laura McCann & Haluk Gedikoglu & Bob Broz & John Lory & Ray Massey - 1363-1383 Management challenges of urban biosolids: narratives around facility siting in rural Ontario
by Sarah A. Mason & Jenna Dixon & Faith Mambulu & Andrea Rishworth & Paul Mkandawire & Isaac Luginaah - 1384-1411 Forest planning across Europe: the spatial scale, tools, andinter-sectoral integration in land-use planning
by Sebastiano Cullotta & Andrej Bončina & Sonia M. Carvalho-Ribeiro & Christophe Chauvin & Christine Farcy & Mikko Kurttila & Federico G. Maetzke - 1412-1431 A study of forest values and management attitudes in the general public in Germany and Sweden: does context matter?
by Louise Eriksson & Annika Nordlund & Tilman Schenk & Kerstin Westin - 1432-1453 Policy design, spatial planning and climate change adaptation: a case study from Australia
by Andrew Macintosh & Anita Foerster & Jan McDonald - 1454-1478 Mapping forest ecosystem functions for landscape planning in a mountain Natura2000 site, Central Italy
by Matteo Vizzarri & Ugo Chiavetta & Giovanni Santopuoli & Daniela Tonti & Marco Marchetti - 1479-1489 A new recoding method for treating protest responses in contingent valuation studies using travel cost data
by Miguel Ángel Tobarra-González - 1490-1508 Scale and self-governance in agri-environment schemes: experiences with two alternative approaches in the Netherlands
by Judith Westerink & Dick C.P. Melman & Raymond A.M. Schrijver
July 2015, Volume 58, Issue 7
- 1137-1153 Explaining implementation deficits through multi-level governance in the EU's new member states: EU limits for arsenic in drinking water in Hungary
by Julia Leventon - 1154-1172 Rider preferences and economic values for equestrian trails
by Wuyang Hu & Ping Qing & Jerrod Penn & Marie Pelton & Angelos Pagoulatos - 1173-1195 Estuary planning and management: the case of Vouga Estuary (Ria de Aveiro), Portugal
by Teresa Fid�lis & Teresa Carvalho - 1196-1216 Public engagement and climate adaptation: insights from three local governments in Australia
by Silvia Serrao-Neumann & Ben Harman & Anne Leitch & Darryl Low Choy - 1217-1241 AHP based life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) framework: a case study of six storey wood frame and concrete frame buildings in Vancouver
by Navid Hossaini & Bahareh Reza & Sharmin Akhtar & Rehan Sadiq & Kasun Hewage - 1242-1269 Realization of participation and spatiality in participatory forest management - a policy-practice analysis from Zanzibar, Tanzania
by Salla Eilola & Nora Fagerholm & Sanna M�ki & Miza Khamis & Niina K�yhk� - 1270-1290 Toward an improved ecosystem based management approach: incorporating catchment characteristics into better management and planning of the Great Barrier Reef marine ecosystem
by Katherine Shields & Andrew Fischer & Chris Burke - 1291-1308 Transdisciplinary research: understanding the stakeholder perspective
by L.J. Bracken & H.A. Bulkeley & G. Whitman - 1309-1326 Predictive model for areas with illegal landfills using logistic regression
by Angel Lu�s Lucendo-Monedero & Rosa Jord�-Borrell & Francisca Ruiz-Rodr�guez
June 2015, Volume 58, Issue 6
- 949-975 Coherence between marine and land use planning: public attitudes to landscapes in the context of siting a wind park along the Latvian coast of the Baltic Sea
by Kristina Veidemane & Olgerts Nikodemus - 976-996 Developing an eco-industrial park in Puducherry region, India - a SWOT analysis
by Rasmi Patnaik & Gopalsamy Poyyamoli - 997-1014 How democratic innovations realise democratic goods. Two case studies of area committees in the Netherlands
by Thomas J. M. Mattijssen & Jelle H. Behagel & Arjen E. Buijs - 1015-1033 The concept of the Portuguese National Ecological Reserve: constraints and impossibilities in the Azores Archipelago
by Marta Horta de Sousa Verg�lio & Helena Maria Greg�rio Pina Calado - 1034-1057 Regulatory failures, split-incentives, conflicting interests and a vicious circle of blame: the New Environmental Governance to the rescue?
by Jeroen van der Heijden - 1058-1075 Compromising sustainable mobility? The case of the Gothenburg congestion tax
by Erik Hysing & Lotta Fr�ndberg & Bertil Vilhelmson - 1076-1095 A critical and empirical analysis of the national-local 'gap' in public responses to large-scale energy infrastructures
by Susana Batel & Patrick Devine-Wright - 1096-1112 Trends in management plans and guides: 25 years of experience from Southern France
by Lisa Ernoul & Nicolas Beck & Damien Cohez & Christian Perennou & Marc Thibault & Loic Willm & Brigitte Poulin - 1113-1136 Simulation of urban expansion patterns by integrating auto-logistic regression, Markov chain and cellular automata models
by Yaobin Liu & Lu Dai & Huanhuan Xiong
May 2015, Volume 58, Issue 5
- 757-776 Towards networked governance: improving interagency communication and collaboration for disaster risk management and climate change adaptation in Australia
by Michael Howes & Peter Tangney & Kimberley Reis & Deanna Grant-Smith & Michael Heazle & Karyn Bosomworth & Paul Burton - 777-801 Managers as drivers of CSR in state-owned enterprises
by Manuel Pedro Rodr�guez Bol�var & Raquel Garde S�nchez & Antonio M. L�pez Hern�ndez - 802-818 Measuring participation by socially vulnerable groups in hazard mitigation planning, Bertie County, North Carolina
by Jennifer Horney & Matt Simon & Shannon Grabich & Philip Berke - 819-836 Public perceptions of planning objectives for regional level management of wild reindeer in Norway
by Bj�rn P. Kaltenborn & Eirin Hongslo & Vegard Gundersen & Oddgeir Andersen - 837-854 Factors predicting proclivity and intensity to volunteer for the environment in the US and South Korea
by Lindsey McDougle & Femida Handy & Tally Katz-Gerro & Itay Greenspan & Hoon-Young Lee - 855-873 Structuring decisions about energy in developing communities: an example from Canada's north
by Lisa Kenney & Douglas Bessette & Joseph Arvai - 874-897 A methodological framework and tool for assessing the climate change related risks in the banking sector
by Elena Georgopoulou & Sebastian Mirasgedis & Yannis Sarafidis & Vassiliki Hontou & Nikos Gakis & Dimitri Lalas & Foteini Xenoyianni & Nikos Kakavoulis & Dimitris Dimopoulos & Vrassidas Zavras - 898-912 Land take and food security: assessment of land take on the agricultural production in Europe
by Ciro Gardi & Panos Panagos & Marc Van Liedekerke & Claudio Bosco & Delphine De Brogniez - 913-931 Multi-level water governance - the case of the Morsa River Basin in Norway
by Jon Naustdalslid - 932-947 Can area managers connect policy and tenants? Implementation and diffusion of a new waste management system in Link�ping, Sweden
by Magdalena Fallde
April 2015, Volume 58, Issue 4
- 576-597 Conservation on private land: a review of global strategies with a proposed classification system
by Sristi Kamal & Małgorzata Grodzińska-Jurczak & Gregory Brown - 598-615 The influence of street level bureaucracy on the implementation of Strategic Environmental Assessment
by Lone K�rn�v & Jie Zhang & Per Christensen - 616-630 Water management decision makers' evaluations of uncertainty in a decision support system: the case of WaterSim in the Decision Theater
by Dave D. White & Amber Y. Wutich & Kelli L. Larson & Tim Lant - 631-653 Perceived landscape values and public participation in a road-planning process - a case study in Sweden
by Marianne Henningsson & Malgorzata Blicharska & Hans Antonson & Grzegorz Mikusiński & G�rgen G�ransson & Per Angelstam & Lennart Folkeson & Sofia J�nsson - 654-677 Climate change collaboration among natural resource management agencies: lessons learned from two US regions
by Christopher James Lemieux & Jessica Thompson & D. Scott Slocombe & Rudy Schuster - 678-700 Uncertainty in optimal pollution levels: modelling and evaluating the benefit area
by George E. Halkos & Dimitra C. Kitsou - 701-718 Bridging the financial gap in climate adaptation: Dutch planning and land development through a new institutional lens
by Liz Root & Erwin van der Krabben & Tejo Spit - 719-737 Decision support tools for collaborative marine spatial planning: identifying potential sites for tidal energy devices around the Mull of Kintyre, Scotland
by Ron Janssen & Gustavo Arciniegas & Karen A. Alexander - 738-755 Framing an independent, integrated and evidence-based evaluation of the state of Australia's biophysical and human environments
by Trevor Ward & Steven Cork & Kirstin Dobbs & Peter Harper & Peter Harris & Tom Hatton & Robert Joy & Peter Kanowski & Richard Mackay & Neil McKenzie & Barbara Wienecke
March 2015, Volume 58, Issue 3
- 383-403 Evaluating rural development in French Regional Nature Parks
by Dominik Cremer-Schulte & Jean-Christophe Dissart - 404-422 Translating strong principles into effective practice: environmental assessment in Ontario, Canada
by Beth Savan & Christopher Gore - 423-444 How knowledge is used in collaborative environmental governance: water classification in New Brunswick, Canada
by Elaine van Tol Smit & Rob de Loë & Ryan Plummer - 445-463 Assessing the bio-psychosocial correlates of flood impacts in coastal areas of Lagos, Nigeria
by Idowu Ajibade & Frederick Ato Armah & Vincent Zubedaar Kuuire & Isaac Luginaah & Gordon McBean & Eric Y. Tenkorang - 464-481 Leadership in sustainability planning: propagating visions through empathic communication
by Maged Senbel - 482-494 Valuing welfare impacts of climate change in coastal areas: a French case study
by B�n�dicte Rulleau & H�l�ne Rey-Valette & C�cile H�rivaux - 495-512 The implicit price of urban public parks and greenways: a spatial-contextual approach
by Seth B. Payton & John R. Ottensmann - 513-536 Understanding farmer intentions to connect to a modernised delivery system in an Australian irrigation district: a reasoned action approach
by Bradley S. Jorgensen & John F. Martin - 537-553 Emerging market patterns in the recycled paper trade
by Heli Arminen & Maija Hujala & Anni Tuppura - 554-575 Adaptive co-management and network learning in the Room for the River programme
by Sebastiaan van Herk & Jeroen Rijke & Chris Zevenbergen & Richard Ashley & Broos Besseling
February 2015, Volume 58, Issue 2
- 189-212 Greener growing: assessing the influence of gardening practices on the ecological viability of community gardens in South East Queensland, Australia
by Daniela A. Guitart & Jason A. Byrne & Catherine M. Pickering - 213-228 Attitudes towards current and alternative management of the Sundarbans Mangrove Forest, Bangladesh to achieve sustainability
by Anjan Kumer Dev Roy & Jeff Gow - 229-251 The role of NIMBY in opposing the siting of wind farms: evidence from Greece
by Iosif Botetzagias & Chrisovaladis Malesios & Anthi Kolokotroni & Yiannis Moysiadis - 252-269 Organisational aspects of public engagement in European energy infrastructure planning: the case of early-stage CCS projects
by Sylvia Breukers & Paul Upham - 270-282 Camel culling and carbon emissions in rangelands in central Australia
by Benxiang Zeng - 283-296 Preferences and willingness to pay for close to home nature for outdoor recreation in Sweden
by Eugene E. Ezebilo & Mattias Boman & Leif Mattsson & Anders Lindhagen & Werner Mbongo - 297-314 Science-practice interactions linked to climate adaptation in two contexts: municipal planning and forestry in Sweden
by Karin Andr� & C. Anna Jonsson - 315-335 Disentangling technological innovations: a micro-econometric analysis of their determinants
by Andreas Ziegler - 336-356 Objective exposure to road traffic noise, noise annoyance and self-rated poor health - framing the relationship between noise and health as a matter of multiple stressors and resources in urban neighbourhoods
by Natalie Riedel & Heike K�ckler & Joachim Scheiner & Klaus Berger - 357-381 Tradeable development rights to protect peri-urban areas: lessons from the United States and observations on Australian practice
by Ben. P. Harman & Rick Pruetz & Peter Houston
January 2015, Volume 58, Issue 1
- 1-23 Viability of using global standards for neighbourhood sustainability assessment: insights from a comparative case study
by Ayyoob Sharifi & Akito Murayama - 24-38 Disaster governance and community resilience: reflections on Typhoon Morakot in Taiwan
by Mei-Fang Fan - 39-54 Climate change, adaptation and Eco-Art in Singapore
by Simon Guy & Victoria Henshaw & Oliver Heidrich - 55-68 Outlining policy responses to stimulate automotive car demand by environmental impact reduction
by Giuseppe Calabrese - 69-90 Tribal institutions and conservation of the bioculturally valuable ' tasat ' ( Arenga obtusifolia ) tree in the eastern Himalaya
by Ranjay K. Singh & Ramesh C. Srivastava & Chandra B. Pandey & Anshuman Singh - 91-112 Key actor perspectives on stakeholder engagement in Omani Environmental Impact Assessment: an application of Q-Methodology
by Matthew David Cotton & Ahmed A. Mahroos-Alsaiari - 113-134 Learning, participation, and adaptation: exploring agri-environmental programmes
by Margot Hurlbert - 135-155 Windows of opportunity: addressing climate uncertainty through adaptation plan implementation
by Yaser Abunnasr & Elisabeth M. Hamin & Elizabeth Brabec - 156-174 Flexibility in water management planning as an intra-organisational issue
by Margit van Wessel & Ronald van Buuren & Cees van Woerkum - 175-188 Land use dynamics and soil quality in agro-forest systems: a country-scale assessment in Italy
by Luca Salvati & Andrea Colantoni
December 2014, Volume 57, Issue 12
- 1763-1781 Factors explaining the adoption and impact of LEED-based green building policies at the municipal level
by Julie Cidell & Miriam A. Cope - 1782-1801 Social science and socialising: adopting causal layered analysis to reveal multi-stakeholder perceptions of natural resource management in Australia
by Melissa Green & Peta Dzidic - 1802-1830 Evaluating the Australian Defence Force stakeholder participation at Shoalwater Bay Training Area, Queensland, Australia
by Wen Wu & Xiao Hua Wang & David Paull - 1831-1848 Evaluating mitigation and calibration techniques for hypothetical bias in choice experiments
by Craig D. Broadbent - 1849-1871 Green Rural Enterprises: guidelines for empowering local groups towards sustainable ventures
by Adi Lazos-Ru�z & Patricia Moreno-Casasola & Eduardo Galante - 1872-1892 The logics of surplus food redistribution
by Jane L. Midgley
November 2014, Volume 57, Issue 11
- 1595-1611 Sectorial variation in the quality of environmental impact statements and factors influencing the quality
by S.M.Zobaidul Kabir & Salim Momtaz - 1612-1641 Investigating the factors affecting companies' attitudes towards CSR and CER during the fiscal crisis in Greece
by Evangelos Glavopoulos & Sotirios Bersimis & Dimitrios Georgakellos & Michael Sfakianakis - 1642-1657 Shifting nature conservation approaches in Natura 2000 and the implications for the roles of stakeholders
by Francesca Ferranti & Esther Turnhout & Raoul Beunen & Jelle Hendrik Behagel - 1658-1682 Knowledge integration in the management of coastal conflicts in urban areas: two cases from Sweden
by Olga Stepanova - 1683-1703 Planning and competing interests: testing the mediating influence of planning capacity on smart growth policy adoption
by Christopher V. Hawkins - 1704-1723 The role of an integrated coastal management framework in the long-term restoration of Yundang Lagoon, Xiamen, China
by Guanqiong Ye & Loke Ming Chou & Wenjia Hu - 1724-1745 Management of natural resources in a conflicting environment in Ghana: unmasking a messy policy problem
by Frederick A. Armah & Isaac Luginaah & Genesis T. Yengoh & Joseph Taabazuing & David O. Yawson - 1746-1761 Scale sensitivity and question order in the contingent valuation method
by Henrik Andersson & Mikael Svensson
October 2014, Volume 57, Issue 10
- 1441-1464 Assessing sense of place in natural settings: a mixed-method approach
by Chia-Chin Lin & Michael Lockwood - 1465-1483 Driving construction contractors to adopt carbon reduction strategies - an Australian approach
by Peter S. P. Wong & Adam Owczarek & Matthew Murison & Zennan Kefalianos & Joseph Spinozzi - 1484-1496 Contextualising site factors for feasibility analysis
by Russell R. Currie & Franz Wesley & Gurupdesh Pandher - 1497-1514 Dynamics of lake-level fluctuations and economic activity
by George Oliver Rogers & Jesse Saginor & Theepakorn Jithitikulchai - 1515-1530 Investigating the use of environmental benefits in the policy decision process: a qualitative study focusing on the EU water policy
by T. Thaler & B. Boteler & T. Dworak & S. Holen & M. Lago - 1531-1551 Public sector voluntary initiatives: the adoption of the environmental management system by public waste water treatment facilities in the United States
by Wan-Ling Huang & Eric W. Welch & Elizabeth A. Corley - 1552-1571 Infiltrating into the paved garden - a functional evaluation of parcel imperviousness in terms of water retention efficiency
by Klaartje Verbeeck & Robrecht Van Rompuy & Martin Hermy & Jos Van Orshoven - 1572-1593 Social learning in collaborative watershed planning: the importance of process control and efficacy
by Tomas M. Koontz
September 2014, Volume 57, Issue 9
- 1285-1304 The risk of social-psychological disruption as an impact of energy development and environmental change
by Jeffrey B. Jacquet & Richard C. Stedman - 1305-1332 Water tradable permits: a review of theoretical and case studies
by Simone Borghesi - 1333-1358 Strategic Environmental Assessment and spatial planning in Italy: sustainability, integration and democracy
by Carlo Rega & Alessandro Bonifazi - 1359-1380 Stakeholder analysis in a protected natural park: case study from Slovenia
by Mojca Nastran - 1381-1397 Evaluating environmental policy instruments mixes; a methodology illustrated by noise policy in the Netherlands
by Miriam Weber & Peter P.J. Driessen & Hens A.C. Runhaar - 1398-1421 Assessing the relationship between objective and subjective indicators of residential exposure to road traffic noise in the context of environmental justice
by Natalie Riedel & Joachim Scheiner & Grit M�ller & Heike K�ckler - 1422-1440 Public participation in environmental impact assessment for public projects: a case of non-participation
by Cheryl S.F. Chi & Jianhua Xu & Lan Xue
August 2014, Volume 57, Issue 8
- 1122-1144 Governing the ice. Ice fishing villages on Lake Mille Lacs and the creation of environmental governance institutions
by Kristof Van Assche & Johannes Van Biesebroeck & Jeff Holm - 1145-1168 The role of environmental management systems in the Canadian Voluntary Climate and Challenge Registry
by Keith Brouhle & Donna Ramirez Harrington - 1169-1182 Long-term evolution of campus noise emissions: a case of new university development
by Hsin-Yun Lee - 1183-1199 Co-management and the creation of national parks in Indonesia: positive lessons learned from the Togean Islands National Park
by Mochamad Indrawan & Celia Lowe & Sundjaya & Christo Hutabarat & Aubrey Black - 1200-1219 Heterogeneity in the WTP for recreational access: distributional aspects
by Danny Campbell & Suzanne Elizabeth Vedel & Bo Jellesmark Thorsen & Jette Bredahl Jacobsen - 1220-1239 Understanding SME responses to environmental regulation
by Gary Lynch-Wood & David Williamson - 1240-1251 Pricing mechanisms for cap and trade policies: computer-assisted smart markets for air quality
by Keith Willett & Anetta Caplanova & Rudolf Sivak - 1252-1265 Examining the impact of land use/land cover characteristics on flood losses
by Samuel Brody & Russell Blessing & Antonia Sebastian & Philip Bedient - 1266-1283 Co-managing carbon and air quality: pros and cons of local sustainability initiatives
by Abhishek Tiwary & Tim Chatterton & Anil Namdeo
July 2014, Volume 57, Issue 7
- 961-983 Measuring and managing ecosystem goods and services in changing landscapes: a south-east Australian perspective
by Himlal Baral & Rodney J. Keenan & Nigel E. Stork & Sabine Kasel - 984-1002 Incorporating climate change adaptation into local plans
by Ian M. Picketts & Stephen J. D�ry & John A. Curry - 1003-1022 Implementing new EU environmental law: the short life of the UK Site Waste Management Plan Regulations
by David Shiers & Joe Weston & Elizabeth Wilson & John Glasson & Laura Deller - 1023-1042 "Learning is our Achilles heel". Conditions for long-term environmental policy integration in Swedish regional development programming
by Sofie Storbj�rk & Karolina Isaksson - 1043-1065 Redeveloping industrial land: are contamination and remediation schemes affecting the price of industrial real estate properties?
by Stefania Tonin & Margherita Turvani - 1066-1082 Land use consequences of the evolution of cemeteries in the Bucharest Metropolitan Area
by Mihai Răzvan Niţă & Ioan Cristian Iojă & Laurentiu Rozylowicz & Diana Andreea Onose & Alina Constantina Tudor - 1083-1100 Assessing effects of site characteristics on remediation secondary life cycle impact with a generalised framework
by Deyi Hou & Abir Al-Tabbaa & Jian Luo - 1101-1121 Combining life cycle analysis, human health and financial risk assessment for the evaluation of contaminated site remediation
by Val�rie Cappuyns & Bram Kessen
June 2014, Volume 57, Issue 6
- 812-828 The environmental cost of overhead power transmission lines: the case of Korea
by Hee-Cheon Ju & Seung-Hoon Yoo - 829-847 Valuing US climate amenities for Americans using an hedonic pricing framework
by Bishwa S. Koirala & Alok K. Bohara - 848-861 The spatial pattern of soil sealing along the urban-rural gradient in a Mediterranean region
by Luca Salvati - 862-882 Lots of value? A spatial hedonic approach to water quality valuation
by Janne Artell - 883-903 Modelling US light pollution
by Reed N. Olsen & Terrel Gallaway & David Mitchell - 904-919 Linking resilience and sustainability in Ohio township planning
by Hee-Jung Jun & Maria Manta Conroy - 920-936 Mapping areas of future urban growth in the Mgeni catchment
by Benjamin Alan Mauck & Michele Warburton - 937-959 How are public transaction costs in regional agri-environmental scheme delivery influenced by EU regulations?
by Anja Weber
May 2014, Volume 57, Issue 5
- 643-659 Integrating knowledge, interests and values through modelling in participatory processes: dimensions of legitimacy
by Clare Ginger - 660-681 Air quality action planning: why do barriers to remediation in local air quality management remain?
by Joanna H. Barnes & Enda T. Hayes & Tim J. Chatterton & James W.S. Longhurst - 682-703 Learning from cross-border arrangements to support climate change adaptation in Australia
by Wendy Steele & Ilva Sporne & Pat Dale & Scott Shearer & Lila Singh-Peterson & Silvia Serrao-Neumann & Florence Crick & Darryl Low Choy & Leila Eslami-Andargoli - 704-719 Rethinking agri-environmental schemes. A result-oriented approach to the management of species-rich grasslands in France
by Christine de Sainte Marie - 720-732 Back and forward to the future: an explorative study of public responses to urban groundwater contamination
by Frederic Vandermoere & Raf Vanderstraeten - 733-750 Financing conservation: some empirical evidence from Florida local governments
by XiaoHu Wang & Evan Berman - 751-768 Economic and environmental effects of CO 2 taxation: an input-output analysis for Spain
by Eskinder Demisse Gemechu & Isabela Butnar & Maria Llop & Francesc Castells - 769-791 Attitudes towards environmental responsibility within Australia and India: a comparative study
by Asit Bhattacharyya & Lorne Cummings - 792-811 Do planners matter? Examining factors driving incorporation of land use approaches into hazard mitigation plans
by Lindsey Ward Lyles & Philip Berke & Gavin Smith
April 2014, Volume 57, Issue 4
- 467-494 An approach for evaluation of proposed air pollution control strategy to reduce levels of nitrogen oxides in an urban environment
by Sailesh N. Behera & Mukesh Sharma & Pranati Nayak & Sheo Prasad Shukla & Prashant Gargava - 495-515 Dynamics of peri-urban agricultural development and farmers' adaptive behaviour in the emerging megacity of Hyderabad, India
by Zakir Hussain & Markus Hanisch - 516-537 Incorporating groundwater issues into regional planning in the Province of Quebec
by Roxane Lavoie & Florent Joerin & Manuel J. Rodriguez - 538-556 Development of an environmental justice index to determine socio-economic disparities of noise pollution and green space in residential areas in Berlin
by Tobia Lakes & Maria Br�ckner & Alexander Kr�mer - 557-587 Are we planning effectively for climate change? An evaluation of official community plans in British Columbia
by Maggie Baynham & Mark Stevens - 588-611 Water scarcity in the desert metropolis: how environmental values, knowledge and concern affect Las Vegas residents' support for water conservation policy
by Marko Salvaggio & Robert Futrell & Christie D. Batson & Barbara G. Brents - 612-628 Political decision making, governance shifts and Scottish animal reintroductions: are democratic principles at stake?
by Koen Arts & Anke Fischer & Ren� van der Wal - 629-641 Measuring the economic values of natural resources along a freeway: a contingent valuation method
by Rokhshad Hejazi & Mad Nasir Shamsudin & Khalid Abd. Rahim & Alais Radam & Saeed Yazdani & Zelina Zaitun Ibrahim & Mohammad Hassan Vakilpoor & Elmira Shamshiry
March 2014, Volume 57, Issue 3
- 317-328 A critique of the European Green City Index
by G. Venkatesh - 329-348 Identifying capacity indicators for community-based natural resource management initiatives: focus group results from conservation practitioners across Illinois
by Natalie J. Mountjoy & Erin Seekamp & Mae A. Davenport & Matt R. Whiles - 349-368 Why do forest companies change their CSR strategies? Responses to market demands and public regulation through dual-certification
by Johanna Johansson - 369-383 Wastewater management in Ethiopian higher learning institutions: functionality, sustainability and policy context
by Alemayehu Haddis & Adriaan de Geyter & Ilse Smets & Bart Van der Bruggen - 384-402 Revisiting the knowledge exchange train: scaling up dialogue and partnering for participatory regional planning
by Elsa R.H. Mendoza & Stephen G. Perz & Sonaira Souza da Silva & I. Foster Brown & Paula Soares Pinheiro - 403-423 German experience in managing stormwater with green infrastructure
by Darla Nickel & Wenke Schoenfelder & Dale Medearis & David P. Dolowitz & Melissa Keeley & William Shuster - 424-446 Environmental justice in France? A spatio-temporal analysis of incinerator location
by Lucie Laurian & Richard Funderburg - 447-466 Assessing China's discriminative tax on Clean Development Mechanism projects. Does China's tax have so many functions?
by Jinshan Zhu
February 2014, Volume 57, Issue 2
- 157-172 Team leaders' perceptions of public influence in the US Forest Service: exploring the difference between doing and using public involvement
by Katie Hoover & Marc J. Stern - 173-189 Constraints to public influence in US Forest Service NEPA processes
by Katie Hoover & Marc J. Stern - 190-214 Which 'public'? Sampling effects in public participation GIS (PPGIS) and volunteered geographic information (VGI) systems for public lands management
by Gregory Brown & Maggi Kelly & Debra Whitall - 215-232 Social preferences for agricultural policy instruments: joint consideration of non-attendance to attributes and to alternatives in modelling discrete choice data
by Sergio Colombo & Klaus Glenk - 233-253 Employing the citizens' jury technique to elicit reasoned public judgments about environmental risk: insights from an inquiry into the governance of microbial water pollution
by Rob D. Fish & Michael Winter & David M. Oliver & Dave R. Chadwick & Chris J. Hodgson & A. Louise Heathwaite - 254-272 The impact of economic recession on outdoor recreation demand: an application of the travel cost method in Greece
by Dionysis Latinopoulos - 273-296 Ecological compensation for natural resource utilisation in China
by I-Shin Chang & Jing Wu & Yanxia Yang & Mingmin Shi & Xiaochun Li - 297-315 Legality and legitimacy of public involvement in infrastructure planning: observations from hydropower projects in India
by Nirmalya Choudhury
January 2014, Volume 57, Issue 1
- 1-26 Community resilience: path dependency, lock-in effects and transitional ruptures
by Geoff A. Wilson - 27-49 Proactive conservancy in a contested milieu: from social mobilisation to community-led resource management in the Simeto Valley
by Laura Saija - 50-77 Dealing with land use decisions in uncertain contexts: a method to support Strategic Environmental Assessment of spatial plans
by Chiara Bragagnolo & Davide Geneletti - 78-103 An application of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) as a green marketing tool for agricultural products: the case of extra-virgin olive oil in Val di Cornia, Italy
by Fabio Iraldo & Francesco Testa & Irene Bartolozzi - 104-122 Australian irrigators' recognition of the need for more environmental water flows and intentions to donate water allocations
by Sarah Ann Wheeler & Alec Zuo & Henning Bjornlund - 123-143 Detailed vs. fuzzy information in non-market valuation studies: the role of familiarity
by Linus Hasselstr�m & Cecilia H�kansson - 144-156 Six attributes of social resilience
by Kirsten Maclean & Michael Cuthill & Helen Ross
December 2013, Volume 56, Issue 10
- 1419-1448 Reclamation of sewage sludge for use in Israeli agriculture: economic, environmental and organizational aspects
by Gilad Axelrad & Tomer Gershfeld & Eli Feinerman - 1449-1467 The marathon of the hare and the tortoise: implementing the EU Water Framework Directive
by Magalie Bourblanc & Ann Crabb� & Duncan Liefferink & Mark Wiering