2007, Volume 50, Issue 6
- 727-744 Policy and planning in the dutch countryside: The role of regional innovation networks
by Noelle Aarts & Cees Van Woerkum & Babette Vermunt - 745-764 Contesting governance of indigenous forests in New Zealand: The case of the West Coast Forest Accord
by P. Ali Memon & Geoff Wilson - 765-782 Factors influencing transboundary wildlife management in the North American 'Crown of the Continent'
by Jennifer Grant & Michael Quinn - 783-802 Environmental sustainability and land reform in South Africa: A neglected dimension
by R. P. Wynberg & M. Sowman - 803-822 Performance of management strategies in the protection of riparian vegetation in three oregon cities
by Connie Ozawa & J. Alan Yeakley - 823-852 Fuzzy cognitive mapping to appraise complex situations
by Stefanos Dodouras & Philip James - 853-854 Growing smarter: Achieving livable communities, environmental justice, and regional equity
by David Godschalk - 854-856 The environmental protection agency: Structuring motivation in a green bureaucracy
by Maurie Cohen - 856-858 Europe's city-regions competitiveness: growth, regulation and peri-urban land management
by Jane Atterton
November 2007, Volume 50, Issue 6
- 859-861 Acknowledgement of Referees, 2006 – 2007
by The Editors - 863-863 Contents of Volume 50, 2007
by The Editors - 865-868 Contents of Volume 50, 2007
by The Editors - 871-872 Author Index
by The Editors
2007, Volume 50, Issue 5
- 575-578 Editorial
by Tim Shaw - 579-594 From a blanket to a patchwork: The practicalities of reforming the London green belt
by Marco Amati - 595-616 Green belts: A review of the regions' responses to a changing housing Agenda
by Susannah Gunn - 617-638 Spatial planning, area action plans and the rural-urban fringe
by Nick Gallent & Dave Shaw - 639-656 Green belts in Scotland: Towards the modernisation of a traditional concept?
by Michael Gregory Lloyd & Deborah Peel - 657-675 A sea of houses: Preserving open space in an urbanised country
by Wil Zonneveld - 677-697 State growth management, smart growth and urban containment: A review of the US and a study of the heartland
by Robin Boyle & Rayman Mohamed
2007, Volume 50, Issue 4
- 449-466 Valuing externalities from water supply: Status quo, choice complexity and individual random effects in panel kernel logit analysis of choice experiments
by Riccardo Scarpa & Kenneth G. Willis & Melinda Acutt - 467-482 Valuing risk reductions: Testing for range biases in payment card and random card sorting methods
by Judith Covey & Graham Loomes & Ian J. Bateman - 483-502 Examining state environmental regulatory policy design
by Chris Koski - 503-516 Identifying the motivations of environmental volunteers
by Brett Bruyere & Silas Rappe - 517-551 Many ways to say 'no', different ways to say 'yes': Applying Q-Methodology to understand public acceptance of wind farm proposals
by Geraint Ellis & John Barry & Clive Robinson - 553-566 Defining an ecological baseline for restoration and natural resource damage assessment of contaminated sites: The case of the Department of Energy
by Joanna Burger & Michael Gochfeld & Charles W. Powers & Michael Greenberg
2007, Volume 50, Issue 3
- 323-341 Health impact assessment in San Francisco: Incorporating the social determinants of health into environmental planning
by Jason Corburn & Rajiv Bhatia - 343-362 Incentives and outcomes: Evaluation of a Swedish environmental subsidy programme
by Maria Vredin Johansson - 363-380 Using choice experiments to design wetland management programmes: The case of Severn Estuary Wetland, UK
by Ekin Birol & Victoria Cox - 381-396 Community-based energy policy: A practical approach to carbon reduction
by Jon Kellett - 397-419 Renewable energy in remote communities
by Bob Giddings & Chris Underwood - 421-444 Sustainable procurement in practice: Lessons from local government
by Joyce Thomson & Tim Jackson
2007, Volume 50, Issue 2
- 163-185 Scales of justice: Is there a geographic bias in environmental equity analysis?
by Brett Baden & Douglas Noonan & Rama Mohana Turaga - 187-209 Preferences for alternative risk management policies at the United States major nuclear weapons legacy sites
by Michael Greenberg & Karen Lowrie & Joanna Burger & Charles Powers & Michael Gochfeld & Henry Mayer - 211-231 Green exercise in the UK countryside: Effects on health and psychological well-being, and implications for policy and planning
by J. Pretty & J. Peacock & R. Hine & M. Sellens & N. South & M. Griffin - 233-256 Joint submissions, output related payments and environmental co-operatives: Can the Dutch experience innovate UK agri-environment policy?
by J. R. Franks & A. McGloin - 257-270 Towards a Sustainable Urban Environmental Management Approach (SUEMA): Incorporating environmental management with Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
by Habib Alshuwaikhat & Ismaila Abubakar - 271-296 Participatory evaluation of collaborative and integrated water management: Insights from the field
by Cecilia Ferreyra & Phil Beard - 297-316 Setting rational environmental goals: Five Swedish environmental quality objectives
by Karin Edvardsson
2007, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 1-21 Gearing-up governance for sustainable development: Patterns of policy appraisal in UK central government
by Duncan Russel & Andrew Jordan - 23-40 A framework for assessing the sustainability of brownfield developments
by Katie Williams & Carol Dair - 41-63 Investment in water infrastructure: Findings from an economic analysis of a national programme
by John Lawlor & Colm McCarthy & Sue Scott - 65-85 Measuring total sustainable incomes from multifunctional management of Corsican Maritime Pine and Andalusian Cork oak Mediterranean forests
by Pablo Campos & Francois Bonnieux & Alejandro Caparros & Jean-Christophe Paoli - 87-111 Sectoral sustainability and sustainability assessment methodologies: A review of methodology in light of collaboration with the UK oil and gas sector
by Paul Ekins & Robin Vanner - 113-133 California households' willingness to pay for 'green' electronics
by Jean-Daniel Saphores & Hilary Nixon & Oladele Ogunseitan & Andrew Shapiro - 135-151 The urban governance of transport and the environment in the city of Kristiansand
by Gard Lindseth & Marit Reitan - 153-162 Evaluating the policy to restrict the potentially invasive black carp (Mylopharyngodon Piceus): A decision protocol with assurance bonding
by Michael Thomas & Terrill Hanson
2006, Volume 49, Issue 6
- 797-812 A Method for assessing protected area allocations using a typology of landscape values
by Christopher Raymond & Gregory Brown - 813-828 A smooth progression? From forward planning to development control for opencast coal mining in the light of current planning review
by John Matthew Leedal - 829-847 Planning methodology for predicting spatial patterns of risk potential from industrial land uses
by Hilary Nixon & Raul Lejano & Richard Funderburg - 849-867 Governing local sustainability
by Bob Evans & Marko Joas & Susan Sundback & Kate Theobald - 869-889 Water demand management in England and Wales: Constructions of the domestic water user
by Liz Sharp - 891-908 Some community socio-economic benefits of watershed councils: A case study from Oregon
by Michael Hibbard & Susan Lurie - 909-928 Design of environmentally and socially conscious water metering tariffs for the UK
by Simon Dresner & Paul Ekins - 929-946 Composite market design for a Transferable Discharge Permit (TDP) system
by Dennis Collentine
2006, Volume 49, Issue 5
- 631-651 Using markets for land preservation: Results of a TDR program
by Virginia McConnell & Elizabeth Kopits & Margaret Walls - 653-674 In situ agrobiodiversity conservation: Examples from Nepal, Turkey and Switzerland in the first decade of the convention on Biological Diversity
by Douglas Bardsley & Ian Thomas - 675-694 A watershed management framework for mountain areas: Lessons from 25 years of watershed conservationin Nepal
by Shiva Achet & Bill Fleming - 695-712 Mainstreaming environmental sustainability into South Africa's integrated development planning process
by Merle Sowman & A. L. Brown - 713-737 What are the effects of contamination risks on commercial and industrial properties? evidence from Baltimore, Maryland
by Alberto Longo & Anna Alberini - 739-757 Management of natural hazards in Europe: The role of spatial planning in selected EU member states
by Stefan Greiving & Mark Fleischhauer & Sylvia Wanczura - 759-776 How to correctly assess mortality benefits in public policies
by Olivier Chanel & Pascale Scapecchi & Jean-Christophe Vergnaud - 777-790 Simplified planning regulations in Germany and the effects of landslides
by Bodo Damm
2006, Volume 49, Issue 4
- 475-494 Analysis of the impact of the Arganda metro line on alternative road route emission levels
by Clara Zamorano & Amparo Moragues & Adela Salvador - 495-513 Attitudes towards the conservation of biological diversity—A case study in Kristianstad Municipality, Sweden
by Marianne Lindstrom & Maria Johansson & Jan Herrmann & Olle Johnsson - 515-532 Evaluating regional sustainable development: Approaches, methods and the politics of analysis
by Peter Roberts - 533-553 The European union as first mover in the market for greenhouse gas emissions permits
by Agustin Molina Morales & Miguel Guerrero - 555-570 Livelihood impacts of the conversion of cropland to forest and grassland program
by Chen Xie & Jincheng Zhao & Dan Liang & Jeff Bennett & Lei Zhang & Guangcui Dai & Xuehong Wang - 571-585 The US freshwater supply shortage: Experiences with desalination as part of the solution
by Emily Yuhas & Tom Daniels - 587-604 Geographic pollution mapping of power plant emissions to inform ex-ante environmental justice analyses
by Anita Milman - 605-619 European nature conservation legislation and spatial planning: For better or for worse?
by Raoul Beunen - 621-630 An external validity test of intended behavior: Comparing revealed preference and intended visitation in response to climate change
by John Loomis & Robert Richardson
2006, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 321-336 Planning in collaborative wildlife management: A critical perspective
by Daniela Raik & Arthur Wilson - 337-360 A case study of intra-community conflict as facility impact
by Jamie Baxter - 361-383 Strategic environmental assessment as a tool of environmental governance: Scotland's extension of the European Union SEA Directive
by Tony Jackson & Barbara Illsley - 385-411 Effectiveness of self-identified and self-reported environmental regulations for industry: The case of stormwater runoff in the US
by L. Donald Duke & Cara Augustenborg - 413-433 Damage costs of nitrogen fertilizer in Europe and their internalization
by H. Von Blottnitz & A. Rabl & D. Boiadjiev & T. Taylor & S. Arnold - 435-453 From ACEA's voluntary agreement to an emission trading scheme for new passenger cars
by Peter Michaelis & Peter Zerle - 455-470 Multiple criteria decision making: Facilitating a learning environment
by Linda Holz & George Kuczera & Jetse Kalma
2006, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 167-180 Lexicographic preference in biodiversity valuation: Tests of inconsistencies and willingness to pay
by Knut Veisten & Ståle Navrud & Johnny Valen - 181-207 The opportunity cost of regulating phosphorus from broiler production in the Illinois River Basin
by Keith Willett & David Mitchell & H. L. Goodwin & Baxter Vieux & Jennie Popp - 209-226 Stated willingness to pay as hypothetical behaviour: Can attitudes tell us more?
by Jurgen Meyerhoff - 227-240 Public expectations about access fees and road closures on public lands
by Kurt Cline & Berton Lee Lamb & Phadrea Ponds - 241-263 Does planning deregulation threaten the environment? The effect of 'permitted development' on the natural heritage of Scotland
by Alan Prior & Jeremy Raemaekers - 265-278 The contingent behavior of charter fishing participants on the Chesapeake Bay: Welfare estimates associated with water quality improvements
by P. Joan Poor & Matthew Breece - 279-299 Regional electricity transmission planning and SEA: The case of the electricity company ScottishPower
by Ross Marshall & Thomas Fischer - 301-307 Downscaling climate models and environmental policy: From global to regional politics
by Peter Jacques - 309-320 In-channel sand extraction from the mid-lower Yangtze channels and its management: Problems and challenges
by Chen Xiqing & Zhou Qiaoju & Zhang Erfeng
2006, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 1-19 A Methodology for an integrated risk assessment of spatially relevant hazards
by Stefan Greiving & Mark Fleischhauer & Johannes Luckenkotter - 21-39 Assessments of sustainable waste management alternatives: How to support complex knowledge management
by Henriette Soderberg & Jaan-Henrik Kain - 41-58 Evolving policies for conservation: An Historical Profile of the Protected Area System of Nepal
by Joel Heinen & Suresh Shrestha - 59-74 An Application of Life-Cycle Assessment for Environmental Planning and Management: The Potential Environmental and Human Health Impacts of Growing Genetically-Modified Herbicide-Tolerant Sugar Beet
by R. M. Bennett & R. H. Phipps & A. M. Strange - 75-99 Public Space Management: Present and Potential
by Matthew Carmona & Claudio De Magalhaes - 101-119 Incentives for private residential brownfields development in US urban areas
by Kris Wernstedt & Peter Meyer & Anna Alberini & Lauren Heberle - 121-140 Household participation in waste recycling: Some national survey evidence from Scotland
by Alan Collins & Richard O'Doherty & Martin Snell - 141-160 Planning for Water Quality: Implementation of the NPDES Phase II Stormwater Program in California and Kansas
by Stacey Swearingen White & Michael Boswell
2005, Volume 48, Issue 6
- 787-788 David Pearce 1941-2005
by Ken Willis - 789-808 The Peconic River: Concerns associated with different risk evaluations for fish consumption
by Joanna Burger & Michael Gochfeld - 809-831 Community concerns about landfills: A case study of Hanoi, Vietnam
by Nguyen Quang Tuan & Virginia MacLaren - 833-852 Combining a participatory planning approach with a virtual landscape model for the siting of wind turbines
by Eckart Lange & Sigrid Hehl-Lange - 853-875 'Green On Green': Public perceptions of wind power in Scotland and Ireland
by Charles Warren & Carolyn Lumsden & Simone O'Dowd & Richard Birnie - 877-889 Perceptions of river managers of institutional constraints on floodplain restoration in the UK
by William Adams & Martin Perrow & Angus Carpenter - 891-915 Environmental equity and electric power generation: Disparate community outcomes within Texas?
by George Touche & George Rogers - 917-935 Prerequisite conditions for meaningful participation in brownfields redevelopment
by Laura Solitare
2005, Volume 48, Issue 5
- 627-650 Explaining the Performance of Mature Municipal Solid Waste Recycling Programs
by Jean Peretz & Bruce Tonn & David Folz - 651-664 Economic Failures in French Recreational Fishing Management
by Philippe Le Goffe & Julien Salanie - 665-690 Regional Industries and Environmental Impacts. Long-run Regional Economic Effects of Climate Change: The Case of the Coastal and Estuary Zone of the German Northwest
by Wolfram Elsner - 691-707 Use of Ecological Risk Data in the Development of Visions, Conceptual Site Models and Maps for Department of Energy Lands: Ensuring Sustainability of Protecting Human and Ecological Health
by Joanna Burger - 709-731 Community-based Environmental Planning: Operational Dilemmas, Planning Principles and Possible Remedies
by Marcus Lane & Geoff McDonald - 733-746 Environmental Protection as a US National Government Priority: Analysis of Six Annual Public Opinion Surveys, 1999 - 2004
by Michael Greenberg - 747-770 'Short Cut' Techniques to Incorporate Environmental Considerations into Project Appraisal: An Exploration Using Case Studies
by Duncan Knowler - 771-783 Is Democracy Good for the Environment?
by Margrethe Winslow
2005, Volume 48, Issue 4
- 475-490 From Forest Regulation to Participatory Facilitation: Forest Employee Perspectives on Organizational Change and Transformation in India
by Jagannadha Rao Matta & John Kerr & Kimberly Chung - 491-506 Collaborative Watershed Planning in Washington State: Implementing the Watershed Planning Act
by Clare Ryan & Jacqueline Klug - 507-526 Integrating Land-use Planning and Transportation in Belfast: A New Policy Agenda for Sustainable Development?
by Malachy McEldowney & Tim Ryley & Mark Scott & Austin Smyth - 527-547 Metapopulations in Agricultural Landscapes: A Spatially Explicit Trade-off Analysis
by Rolf Groeneveld & Carla Grashof-Bokdam & Ekko van Ierland - 549-569 Procedural Integration in Support of Environmental Policy Objectives: Implementing Sustainability
by Elizabeth Keysar - 571-592 National and Regional-Level Human-Environment (Ecosystems) Interactions: Some Empirical Evidence from China
by Hua Shi & Ashbindu Singh & Shashi Kant - 593-618 Encouraging 'Environmental Action' by Exhortation: Evidence from a Study in Devon
by Andrew Gilg & Stewart Barr
2005, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 331-348 Afforestation Planning and Biodiversity Conservation: Predicting Effects on Habitat Functionality in Lithuania
by Marius Lazdinis & Jean-Michel Roberge & Petras Kurlavicius & Gintautas Mozgeris & Per Angelstam - 349-371 Discretionary Judgement in Local Planning Authority Decision Making: Screening Development Proposals for Environmental Impact Assessment
by Graham Wood & Julia Becker - 373-392 Innovation and Environmental Voluntary Approaches
by James Cunningham & J Peter Clinch - 393-412 EIA as Regulation: Does it Work?
by Per Christensen & Lone Kørnøv & Eskild Holm Nielsen - 413-429 The Ythan Project: A Case Study on Improving Catchment Management through Community Involvement
by CT Morris & RM Morris - 431-443 A Critical Review of Citizens' Juries: How Useful are they in Facilitating Public Participation in the EU Water Framework Directive?
by Wendy Kenyon - 445-467 Social and Environmental Justice in South African Cities: Including 'Invisible Stakeholders' in Environmental Assessment Procedures
by Dianne Scott & Catherine Oelofse
2005, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 155-175 Information and Willingness to Pay in a Contingent Valuation Study: The Value of S. Erasmo in the Lagoon of Venice
by Anna Alberini & Paolo Rosato & Alberto Longo & Valentina Zanatta - 177-207 Striking the Balance Between Environment and Economy in Coastal North Carolina
by Richard Norton - 209-240 Environmental Reform, Ecological Modernization and the Policy Process in Hong Kong: An Exploratory Study of Stakeholder Perspectives
by Peter Hills - 241-256 Imputing Unknown Market Values: A Different Perspective on the Disparity Between WTP and WTA
by Akinori Tomohara - 257-274 Exploring Values, Context and Perceptions in Contingent Valuation Studies: The CV Market Stall Technique and Willingness to Pay for Wildlife Conservation
by Lorna Philip & Douglas MacMillan - 275-299 Pollution and Waste Production in Home-Based Enterprises in Developing Countries: Perceptions and Realities
by Graham Tipple - 301-320 Tragedy of the Temporal Commons: Soil-Bound Lead and the Anachronicity of Risk
by Raul Lejano & Jonathon Ericson
2005, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 3-6 The Challenge of Multi-functional Land Use in Rural Areas
by Martin Dijst & Berien Elbersen & Ken Willis - 7-35 Containing Urban Sprawl: Trends in Land Use and Spatial Planning in the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona
by Valeria Paul & Matthew Tonts - 37-63 Combining Nature Conservation and Residential Development in the Netherlands, England and Spain
by Berien Elbersen - 65-83 Territorial Recognition and Control of Changes in Dynamic Rural Areas: Analysis of the Naturbanization Process in Andalusia, Spain
by Maria-Jose Prados - 85-102 Agricultural Abandonment in the North Eastern Iberian Peninsula: The Use of Basic Landscape Metrics to Support Planning
by Isabel Bielsa & Xavier Pons & Bob Bunce - 103-120 Can Red Pay for Blue? Methods to Estimate the Added Value of Water in Residential Environments
by Roland Goetgeluk & Tom Kauko & Hugo Priemus - 121-142 Evaluating Spatial Design Techniques for Solving Land-use Allocation Problems
by Jeroen Aerts & Marjan Van Herwijnen & Ron Janssen & Theodor Stewart
2004, Volume 47, Issue 6
- 811-825 Spatial prioritization of revegetation sites for dryland salinity management: an analytical framework using GIS
by Armando Apan & Steven Raine & Andrew Le Brocque & Geoff Cockfield - 827-842 An approach to the acoustic design of outdoor space
by A. L. Brown & Andreas Muhar - 843-861 Regional planning and sustainability: limits and potentials of South Africa's integrated development plans
by Alison Todes - 863-879 Valuation of management policies for sport-fishing on Sweden's Kaitum river
by Anton Paulrud & Thomas Laitila - 881-898 Towards a socio-economic analysis of Scotland's coastal areas
by Adam Barker & Philip Allmendinger - 899-920 Environmental capital: an information core to public participation in strategic and operational decisions—the example of river 'Best Practice' projects
by Malcolm Newson & Liz Chalk - 921-941 Value-oriented impact assessment: the economics of a new approach to impact assessment
by Frank Figge & Tobias Hahn - 943-958 Bacterial sources, pathways and management strategies for urban runoff
by John Bryan Ellis
2004, Volume 47, Issue 5
- 651-665 Theoretical disputes over forest nitrogen fertilization
by Michelle Benyamine & Rolf Lidskog & Per Sanden - 667-684 Visual impact assessment: A neglected component of environmental impact statements in Ireland?
by Paddy Prendergast & Krysia Rybaczuk - 685-707 The firm, environmental management and environmental measures: Lessons from a survey of European manufacturing firms
by Nick Johnstone & Pascale Scapecchi & Bjarne Ytterhus & Rolf Wolff - 709-736 Conservation planning at the landscape scale: A landscape ecology method for regional land trusts
by Jonathan Kazmierski & Megan Kram & Elizabeth Mills & David Phemister & Nicholas Reo & Christopher Riggs & Ryan Tefertiller & Donna Erickson - 737-755 Nitrogen input from residential lawn care practices in suburban watersheds in Baltimore county, MD
by Neely Law & Lawrence Band & Morgan Grove - 757-771 Cost-benefit ratio and empirical examination of the acceptance of heathland maintenance in the Lueneburg heath nature reserve
by Jan Muller - 773-793 The use of a multiple criteria decision analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of landscape and habitat enhancement mechanisms: An example from the South Downs
by J. R. Park & M. J. Stabler & S. R. Mortimer & P. J. Jones & D. J. Ansell & G. P. D. Parker - 795-798 Challenging the efficiency of nuisance and appreciating the margins of human rights Marcic (respondent) v. Thames Water Utilities Limited (Appellants) [2003] UKHL 66
by Francis Botchway
2004, Volume 47, Issue 4
- 491-501 Implications of climate change on small island developing states: experience in the Caribbean region
by James London - 503-516 Parkmanagement as a tool for careful industrial land-use planning
by Pieter Hendrik Pellenbarg - 517-539 Groundwater protection on Long Island, New York: a study in management capacity
by Rob De Loë & Danielle Lukovich - 541-554 The expert valuation method for assessing agro-environmental policy
by Stefan Mann - 555-577 What drives plan implementation? Plans, planning agencies and developers
by Lucie Laurian & Maxine Day & Michael Backhurst & Philip Berke & Neil Ericksen & Jan Crawford & Jenny Dixon & Sarah Chapman - 579-600 The greening of brownfields in American cities
by Christopher De Sousa - 601-621 Informing the development of decision support tools for risk management: the case of electrical and magnetic fields
by Isaac Luginaah & John Eyles & Susan Elliott - 623-642 A knowledge map for describing variegated and conflict domains of sustainable development
by Yosef Jabareen
2004, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 331-350 Transboundary resource management in the EU: transnational welfare maximization and transboundary water sharing on the Iberian peninsula?
by Andreas Thiel - 351-363 A comparative analysis of the psychosocial impacts of waste disposal facilities
by Susan Elliott & Sarah Wakefield & Martin Taylor & James Dunn & Stephen Walter & Aleck Ostry & Clyde Hertzman - 365-392 Community participation in the planning and management of cultural landscapes
by Paul Selman - 393-405 Tracking remediation and redevelopment trends of brownfield clean-up programmes: the Cook County experience
by Kimberly Winson-Geideman & Robert Simons & John Pendergrass - 409-429 The challenges and implications of collaborative management on a river basin scale
by Richard Margerum & Debra Whitall - 429-447 Sharing environmental space: the role of law, economics and politics
by Ton Buhrs - 449-473 SME environmental attitudes and participation in local-scale voluntary initiatives: some practical applications
by Michael Peters & Kerry Turner
2004, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 181-200 Mandatory planning for environmental innovation: evaluating regulatory mechanisms for toxics use reduction
by Dara O'Rourke & Eungkyoon Lee - 201-217 An island approach to industrial ecology: towards sustainability in the island context
by P. J. Deschenes & Marian Chertow - 219-242 New national parks for Scotland: coalitions in conflict over the allocation of planning powers in the Cairngorms
by David Illsley & Tim Richardson - 243-268 Guidance for determining the best disposition of large tracts of decommissioned land
by Mary Anne Carletta & Karen Lowrie & Tyler Miller & Michael Greenberg & Joanna Burger - 269-286 Sustainability appraisal in local land-use planning: patterns of current performance
by David Benson & Andrew Jordan - 287-301 Putting action into biodiversity planning: assessing preferences towards funding
by Neil Powe & William Wadsworth & Guy Garrod & Paul Mcmahon - 303-311 Policy and Practice
by Habib Alshuwaikhat & Yusuf Aina - 313-325 EIA in a risk society
by Joe Weston
2004, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 3-17 Exclusion: the necessary difference between ideal and practical consensus
by Stephen Connelly & Tim Richardson - 19-33 Utility of interactive computer-based materials for enhancing public participation
by Maria Manta Conroy & Steven Gordon - 35-57 Urban structure matters, even in a small town
by Petter NÆss & Ole Jensen - 59-82 The role of collaboration in environmental management: an evaluation of land and resource planning in British Columbia
by Tanis Frame & Thomas Gunton & J. C. Day - 83-96 A hedonic model of public market transactions for open space protection
by John Loomis & Vicki Rameker & Andy Seidl - 97-114 The use of residential water consumption as an urban planning tool: a pilot study in Adelaide
by Patrick Troy & Darren Holloway - 115-135 The institutional complexity of environmental policy and planning problems: the example of Mediterranean desertification
by Helen Briassoulis - 137-162 Assessing the price effects of flood hazard disclosure under the California natural hazard disclosure law (AB 1195)
by Austin Troy & Jeff Romm
2003, Volume 46, Issue 6
- 803-816 Steps Towards Integrating Carbon Dioxide Sources and Sinks into Local Environmental Planning
by Eric Rapaport & Torgny Lind - 817-837 Examining the Effects of Biodiversity on the Ability of Local Plans to Manage Ecological Systems
by Samuel Brody - 839-856 Critical Factors and Evaluation Criteria for Habitat Translocation
by John Box - 857-874 Recreational Rates and Future Land Use Preferences for Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory Facility
by Joanna Burger - 875-886 Ecological Sustainability in Greek Agriculture: An Application of Energy Flow Approach
by S. M. Fakhrul Islam & Helen Papadopoulou & Basil Manos - 887-909 The Determinants of Mining Company Response to Environmental Approvals Regulation: A Report of Australian Research
by David Annandale & Ross Taplin - 911-918 Climate Change and Planning and Consultation for the UK Aviation White Paper
by Paul John Upham
2003, Volume 46, Issue 5
- 643-658 Values Suitability Analysis: A Methodology for Identifying and Integrating Public Perceptions of Ecosystem Values in Forest Planning
by Patrick Reed & Gregory Brown - 659-671 The Value of Countryside Access: A Contingent Valuation Survey of Visitors to the Ridgeway National Trail in the United Kingdom
by R. M. Bennett & R. B. Tranter & R. J. P. Blaney - 673-689 The Effectiveness of the UK Landfill Tax
by Adrian Martin & Ian Scott - 691-714 The Use of Ecologically Based Screening Criteria in a Community-sponsored Open Space Preservation Programme
by Michael Thomas