July 2019, Volume 46, Issue 10
- 1870-1885 Spatial smoothing of low birth weight rate in Bangladesh using Bayesian hierarchical model
by Mohammad Samsul Alam & Syed Shahadat Hossain & Farha Ferdous Sheela - 1886-1902 On the identification of extreme outliers and dragon-kings mechanisms in the upper tail of income distribution
by Muhammad Aslam Mohd Safari & Nurulkamal Masseran & Kamarulzaman Ibrahim - 1903-1916 How Cox models react to a study-specific confounder in a patient-level pooled dataset: random effects better cope with an imbalanced covariate across trials unless baseline hazards differ
by Thomas McAndrew & Bjorn Redfors & Aaron Crowley & Yiran Zhang & Shmuel Chen & Mordechai Golomb & Maria C. Alu & Dominic P. Francese & Ori Ben-Yehuda & Akiko Maehara & Gary S. Mintz & Gregg W. Stone & Paul L. Jenkins
July 2019, Volume 46, Issue 9
- 1529-1549 Variable selection in proportional hazards cure model with time-varying covariates, application to US bank failures
by Alessandro Beretta & Cédric Heuchenne - 1550-1566 Improving the biomarker diagnostic capacity via functional transformations
by P. Martínez-Camblor & S. Pérez-Fernández & S. Díaz-Coto - 1567-1581 Group regularization for zero-inflated poisson regression models with an application to insurance ratemaking
by Shrabanti Chowdhury & Saptarshi Chatterjee & Himel Mallick & Prithish Banerjee & Broti Garai - 1582-1601 Flexible uncertainty in mixture models for ordinal responses
by Gerhard Tutz & Micha Schneider - 1602-1620 Nonlinear mixed-effects models with scale mixture of skew-normal distributions
by Marcos Antonio Alves Pereira & Cibele Maria Russo - 1621-1635 Modelling and analysis of recall-based competing risks data
by Anjana Sukumaran & Isha Dewan - 1636-1648 Modeling time series data with semi-reflective boundaries
by Amy M. J. O’Shea & Jeffrey D. Dawson - 1649-1670 A comparison of recent nonparametric methods for testing effects in two-by-two factorial designs
by Solomon W. Harrar & Fabrizio Ronchi & Luigi Salmaso - 1671-1688 A three-state continuous time Markov chain model for HIV disease burden
by Hrishikesh Chakraborty & Akhtar Hossain & Mahbub A.H.M. Latif - 1689-1701 Investigation of age–treatment interaction in the SPACE trial using different statistical approaches
by Bernhard Haller & Hans-Henning Eckstein & Peter A. Ringleb & Kurt Ulm - 1702-1713 Graphical representation of survival curves in the presence of time-dependent categorical covariates with application to liver transplantation
by Abigail R. Smith & Nathan P. Goodrich & Charlotte A. Beil & Qian Liu & Robert M. Merion & Brenda W. Gillespie & Jarcy Zee - 1714-1723 Evaluating the causal economic impacts of transport investments: evidence from the Madrid–Barcelona high speed rail corridor
by Jose M. Carbo & Daniel J. Graham & Anupriya & Daniel Casas & Patricia C. Melo
June 2019, Volume 46, Issue 8
- 1350-1363 Functional regression concurrent model with spatially correlated errors: application to rainfall ground validation
by Johann Ospína-Galindez & Ramón Giraldo & Mercedes Andrade-Bejarano - 1364-1384 Statistical considerations for crowdsourced perceptual ratings of human speech productions
by Daniel Fernández & Daphna Harel & Panos Ipeirotis & Tara McAllister - 1385-1403 A sure independence screening procedure for ultra-high dimensional partially linear additive models
by M. Kazemi & D. Shahsavani & M. Arashi - 1404-1416 Selecting significant effects in factorial designs: Lenth’s method versus the Box-Meyer approach
by Rafel Xampeny & Pere Grima & Xavier Tort-Martorell - 1417-1437 Bayesian, classical and hybrid methods of inference when one parameter value is special
by Russell J. Bowater & Ludmila E. Guzmán-Pantoja - 1438-1455 Some contributions to practice of 2 × 2 contingency tables
by Piotr Sulewski - 1456-1477 Nonlinear regression models for heterogeneous data with massive outliers
by Yoonsuh Jung - 1478-1491 Testing homogeneity in a heteroscedastic contaminated normal mixture
by Xiaoqing Niu & Pengfei Li & Yuejiao Fu - 1492-1517 Optimum reliability acceptance sampling plans under progressive type-I interval censoring with random removal using a cost model
by Sonal Budhiraja & Biswabrata Pradhan - 1518-1528 A statistical procedure for representing state fragility and transition paths
by Marcella Corduas & Giancarlo Ragozini
May 2019, Volume 46, Issue 7
- 1155-1176 Is it even rainier in North Vancouver? A non-parametric rank-based test for semicontinuous longitudinal data
by Harlan Campbell - 1177-1195 Seemingly unrelated regression tree
by Jaeoh Kim & HyungJun Cho - 1196-1227 Pareto analysis for the lifetime performance index of products on the basis of progressively first-failure-censored batches under balanced symmetric and asymmetric loss functions
by Mohammad Vali Ahmadi & Mahdi Doostparast - 1228-1245 A semiparametric type II Tobit model for time-to-event data with application to a merger and acquisition study
by Yilin Li & Ming Zheng & Wen Yu - 1246-1259 Differential equation model of carbon dioxide emission using functional linear regression
by Ram C. Kafle & Keshav P. Pokhrel & Netra Khanal & Chris P. Tsokos - 1260-1287 A new look at the inverse Gaussian distribution with applications to insurance and economic data
by Antonio Punzo - 1288-1322 A catalog of optimal foldover plans for constructing U-uniform minimum aberration four-level combined designs
by A. M. Elsawah & Kai-Tai Fang - 1323-1335 Predicting recessions using trends in the yield spread
by Steven E. Kozlowski & Thaddeus Sim - 1336-1349 Assessing the market values of soccer players – a robust analysis of data from German 1. and 2. Bundesliga
by T. Kirschstein & Steffen Liebscher
April 2019, Volume 46, Issue 6
- 958-978 A modified two-stage randomized response model for estimating the proportion of stigmatized attribute
by G. N. Singh & S. Suman - 979-994 Robust feature screening for high-dimensional survival data
by Meiling Hao & Yuanyuan Lin & Xianhui Liu & Wenlu Tang - 995-1020 Estimating the earthquake occurrence rates in Corinth Gulf (Greece) through Markovian arrival process modeling
by P. Bountzis & E. Papadimitriou & G. Tsaklidis - 1021-1042 Sensitivity analysis of longitudinal count responses: a local influence approach and application to medical data
by Alejandra Tapia & Viviana Giampaoli & Maria del Pilar Diaz & Victor Leiva - 1043-1065 Bayesian compartmental model for an infectious disease with dynamic states of infection
by Marie V. Ozanne & Grant D. Brown & Jacob J. Oleson & Iraci D. Lima & Jose W. Queiroz & Selma M. B. Jeronimo & Christine A. Petersen & Mary E. Wilson - 1066-1083 Inferences on the common mean of several heterogeneous log-normal distributions
by Ahad Malekzadeh & Mahmood Kharrati-Kopaei - 1084-1106 On a multivariate regression model for rates and proportions
by Artur J. Lemonte & Germán Moreno–Arenas - 1107-1128 Constructing brain connectivity group graphs from EEG time series
by A. T. Walden & L. Zhuang - 1129-1154 Probability models of chance fluctuations in spectra of astronomical sources with applications to X-ray absorption lines
by Massimiliano Bonamente
April 2019, Volume 46, Issue 5
- 771-797 Pivotal inference for the inverse Rayleigh distribution based on general progressively Type-II censored samples
by Yanbin Ma & Wenhao Gui - 798-813 Bayesian analysis of seasonal variation when the sample size and the amplitude are small
by Osvaldo Marrero - 814-834 Bayesian growth curve model useful for high-dimensional longitudinal data
by Sayantee Jana & Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan & Jemila S. Hamid - 835-852 Risk measure estimation under two component mixture models with trimmed data
by S. A. Abu Bakar & S. Nadarajah - 853-873 Performance evaluation of propensity score methods for estimating average treatment effects with multi-level treatments
by Hui Nian & Chang Yu & Juan Ding & Huiyun Wu & William D. Dupont & Steve Brunwasser & Tebeb Gebretsadik & Tina V. Hartert & Pingsheng Wu - 874-892 A power log-Dagum distribution: estimation and applications
by Hassan S. Bakouch & Muhammad Nauman Khan & Tassaddaq Hussain & Christophe Chesneau - 893-913 Modeling association between multivariate correlated outcomes and high-dimensional sparse covariates: the adaptive SVS method
by J. Pecanka & A. W. van der Vaart & M. A. Jonker - 914-925 Estimation for generalized partially functional linear additive regression model
by Jiang Du & Ruiyuan Cao & Eddy Kwessi & Zhongzhan Zhang - 926-945 Robust logistic regression of family data in the presence of missing genotypes
by Yanping Qiu & Baosheng Liang - 946-957 Multicolinearity and ridge regression: results on type I errors, power and heteroscedasticity
by Rand R. Wilcox
February 2019, Volume 46, Issue 3
- 385-394 A data mining approach to estimating rooftop photovoltaic potential in the US
by Caleb Phillips & Ryan Elmore & Jenny Melius & Pieter Gagnon & Robert Margolis - 395-415 Application of a non-homogeneous Markov chain with seasonal transition probabilities to ozone data
by Eliane R. Rodrigues & Mario H. Tarumoto & Guadalupe Tzintzun - 416-431 A new continuous distribution on the unit interval applied to modelling the points ratio of football teams
by Luiz R. Nakamura & Pedro H. R. Cerqueira & Thiago G. Ramires & Rodrigo R. Pescim & R. A. Rigby & Dimitrios M. Stasinopoulos - 432-448 Fitting the generalized Pareto distribution to data based on transformations of order statistics
by Haiqing Chen & Weihu Cheng & Yaohua Rong & Xu Zhao - 449-467 Discrete and continuous bivariate lifetime models in presence of cure rate: a comparative study under Bayesian approach
by Ricardo Puziol de Oliveira & Jorge Alberto Achcar & Danielle Peralta & Josmar Mazucheli - 468-483 Sample size calculation for a proportional hazards mixture cure model with nonbinary covariates
by Yihong Zhan & Yanan Zhang & Jiajia Zhang & Bo Cai & James W. Hardin - 484-507 Defective models induced by gamma frailty term for survival data with cured fraction
by Juliana Scudilio & Vinicius F. Calsavara & Ricardo Rocha & Francisco Louzada & Vera Tomazella & Agatha S. Rodrigues - 508-521 Linear scalar-on-surface random effects regression models
by Wei Wang & Zhuo Fang - 522-541 Partial sufficient dimension reduction on joint model of recurrent and terminal events
by Weiwei Wang & Xianyi Wu & Xiaoqi Zhang & Xiaobing Zhao & Xian Zhou - 542-558 Approximate composite marginal likelihood inference in spatial generalized linear mixed models
by Fatemeh Hosseini & Omid Karimi - 559-576 Construction of a semi-Markov model for the performance of a football team in the presence of missing data
by Ozgur Danisman & Umay Uzunoglu Kocer - 577-579 Corrigendum
by The Editors
January 2019, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 187-202 Regression analysis of informative current status data with the semiparametric linear transformation model
by Da Xu & Shishun Zhao & Tao Hu & Mengzhu Yu & Jianguo Sun - 203-216 Applying functional data analysis to assess tele-interpersonal psychotherapy's efficacy to reduce depression
by Henok Woldu & Timothy G. Heckman & Andreas Handel & Ye Shen - 217-229 A Bayesian hierarchical spatio-temporal rainfall model
by John Mashford & Yong Song & Q. J. Wang & David Robertson - 230-246 Spatial Bayesian modeling of GLCM with application to malignant lesion characterization
by Xiao Li & Michele Guindani & Chaan S. Ng & Brian P. Hobbs - 247-261 A method for combining -values in meta-analysis by gamma distributions
by Li-Chu Chien - 262-271 Counting by weighing: construction of two-sided confidence intervals
by J. Peng & W. Liu & F. Bretz & A. J. Hayter - 272-285 Practical statistical considerations for investigating anti-tumor treatments in mice
by David Gold & Lixin Lang & Kim Zerba - 286-303 Investigating precipitation extremes in South Carolina with focus on the state's October 2015 precipitation event
by Brook T. Russell - 304-323 A case study of MCB and SBMH stock transaction using a novel BINMA(1) with non-stationary NB correlated innovations
by Yuvraj Sunecher & Naushad Mamode Khan & Vandna Jowaheer - 324-350 Sure independence screening for real medical Poisson data
by K. Drosou & C. Koukouvinos & A. Lappa - 351-363 Evaluating paired categorical data when the pairing is lost
by R. N. Montgomery & A. S. Watts & N. C. Burns & E. D. Vidoni & J. D. Mahnken - 364-384 On the detection of transitive clusters in undirected networks
by Marcus B. Perry
January 2019, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-12 Predicting weed invasion in a sugarcane cultivar using multispectral image
by Ana J. Righetto & Thiago G. Ramires & Luiz R. Nakamura & Pedro L. D. B. Castanho & Christel Faes & Taciana V. Savian - 13-29 Distance-based outlier detection for high dimension, low sample size data
by Jeongyoun Ahn & Myung Hee Lee & Jung Ae Lee - 30-46 Bayesian hierarchical model for protein identifications
by Riten Mitra & Ryan Gill & Sinjini Sikdar & Susmita Datta - 47-65 Clustering transformed compositional data using K-means, with applications in gene expression and bicycle sharing system data
by Antoine Godichon-Baggioni & Cathy Maugis-Rabusseau & Andrea Rau - 66-84 Multiscale Bayesian state-space model for Granger causality analysis of brain signal
by Sezen Cekic & Didier Grandjean & Olivier Renaud - 85-100 On the concentration of runs of ones of length exceeding a threshold in a Markov chain
by Frosso S. Makri & Zaharias M. Psillakis & Anastasios N. Arapis - 101-118 Extended Poisson INAR(1) processes with equidispersion, underdispersion and overdispersion
by Marcelo Bourguignon & Josemar Rodrigues & Manoel Santos-Neto - 119-140 A nonparametric statistical procedure for the detection of marine pollution
by Bernard Bercu & Sami Capderou & Gilles Durrieu - 141-163 The Rayleigh–Lindley model: properties and applications
by Yolanda M. Gómez & Diego I. Gallardo & Yuri Iriarte & Heleno Bolfarine - 164-184 An R2 statistic for covariance model selection in the linear mixed model
by Byron C. Jaeger & Lloyd J. Edwards & Matthew J. Gurka - 185-186 Corrigendum
by The Editors
December 2018, Volume 45, Issue 16
- 2888-2905 Variable diagnostics in model-based clustering through variation partition
by Xuwen Zhu - 2906-2928 A Bayesian semiparametric approach to learning about gene–gene interactions in case-control studies
by Durba Bhattacharya & Sourabh Bhattacharya - 2929-2942 Information analysis of local suppression scheme based on a spatial-temporal model
by Dal Ho Kim & Jayoun Lee & Yongku Kim - 2943-2957 Bayesian CV@R/super-quantile regression
by Mike G. Tsionas & Marwan Izzeldin - 2958-2980 Empirical Bayes estimators in hierarchical models with mixture priors
by Gerd K. Rosenkranz - 2981-2998 Expert knowledge elicitation using item response theory
by J. A. A. Andrade & J. P. Gosling - 2999-3011 How to build nomogram for type 2 diabetes using a naïve Bayesian classifier technique
by Jae-Cheol Park & Jea-Young Lee - 3012-3052 A model averaging approach for the ordered probit and nested logit models with applications
by Longmei Chen & Alan T. K. Wan & Geoffrey Tso & Xinyu Zhang - 3053-3056 List of Reviewers
by The Editors
November 2018, Volume 45, Issue 15
- 2697-2717 COWORDS: a probabilistic model for multiple word clouds
by Luís G. Silva e Silva & Renato M. Assunção - 2718-2740 Modeling multivariate cybersecurity risks
by Chen Peng & Maochao Xu & Shouhuai Xu & Taizhong Hu - 2741-2759 Joint regression modeling for missing categorical covariates in generalized linear models
by Luis Carlos Pérez-Ruiz & Gabriel Escarela - 2760-2772 Privacy protection measures for randomized response surveys on stigmatizing continuous variables
by Mausumi Bose & Kajal Dihidar - 2773-2787 A comparison of machine learning techniques for taxonomic classification of teeth from the Family Bovidae
by Gregory J. Matthews & Juliet K. Brophy & Maxwell Luetkemeier & Hongie Gu & George K. Thiruvathukal - 2788-2799 Automatic odor prediction for electronic nose
by Mina Mirshahi & Vahid Partovi Nia & Luc Adjengue - 2800-2818 The relative performance of ensemble methods with deep convolutional neural networks for image classification
by Cheng Ju & Aurélien Bibaut & Mark van der Laan - 2819-2830 Seasonal analysis of emergency department presentations in Western Australia, 2009/10–2014/15
by Patrick Aboagye-Sarfo & Qun Mai - 2831-2847 A seasonal mixed-POT model to estimate high flood quantiles from different event types and seasons
by Svenja Fischer - 2848-2863 Profiles identification on hierarchical tree structure data sets
by Conceição Rocha & Pedro Quelhas Brito - 2864-2887 Subgroup identification by recursive segmentation
by Alexander Hapfelmeier & Kurt Ulm & Bernhard Haller
October 2018, Volume 45, Issue 14
- 2499-2520 Optimal design of repetitive group sampling plans for Weibull and gamma distributions with applications and comparison to the Birnbaum–Saunders distribution
by S. Balamurali & P. Jeyadurga & M. Usha - 2521-2535 Statistical correction for functional metagenomic profiling of a microbial community with short NGS reads
by Ruofei Du & Zhide Fang - 2536-2547 Estimating school effectiveness with student growth percentile and gain score models
by Daniel B. Wright - 2548-2562 Modern variable selection for longitudinal semi-parametric models with missing data
by J. Kowalski & S. Hao & T. Chen & Y. Liang & J. Liu & L. Ge & C. Feng & X. M. Tu - 2563-2584 Fitting insurance and economic data with outliers: a flexible approach based on finite mixtures of contaminated gamma distributions
by Antonio Punzo & Angelo Mazza & Antonello Maruotti - 2585-2606 Bimodal Birnbaum–Saunders generalized autoregressive score model
by Rodney V. Fonseca & Francisco Cribari-Neto - 2607-2618 Patient-specific dose finding in phase I clinical trials
by Md. Moniruzzaman Moni & M. Iftakhar Alam - 2619-2642 A Bayesian conditional model for bivariate mixed ordinal and skew continuous longitudinal responses using quantile regression
by S. Ghasemzadeh & M. Ganjali & T. Baghfalaki - 2643-2657 Bayesian variable selection and coefficient estimation in heteroscedastic linear regression model
by Taha Alshaybawee & Rahim Alhamzawi & Habshah Midi & Intisar Ibrahim Allyas - 2658-2676 Genomic feature selection by coverage design optimization
by Stephen Reid & Aaron M. Newman & Maximilian Diehn & Ash A. Alizadeh & Robert Tibshirani - 2677-2696 Kernel partial correlation: a novel approach to capturing conditional independence in graphical models for noisy data
by Jihwan Oh & Faye Zheng & R. W. Doerge & Hyonho Chun
October 2018, Volume 45, Issue 13
- 2307-2327 A powerful and interpretable alternative to the Jarque–Bera test of normality based on 2nd-power skewness and kurtosis, using the Rao's score test on the APD family
by A. Desgagné & P. Lafaye de Micheaux - 2328-2356 Using copulas for rating weather index insurance contracts
by Raushan Bokusheva - 2357-2364 Effect of tuberculosis on immune restoration among HIV-infected patients receiving antiretroviral therapy
by Musie Ghebremichael & Semere Habtemicael - 2365-2393 Bayesian testing for independence of two categorical variables under two-stage cluster sampling with covariates
by Dilli Bhatta & Balgobin Nandram & Joseph Sedransk - 2394-2410 Diagnostic plots for identifying max domains of attraction under power normalization
by Deepesh Bhati & Sreenivasan Ravi - 2411-2428 Data reconciliation of nonnormal observations with nonlinear constraints
by Oliver Cencic & Rudolf Frühwirth - 2429-2454 Testing symmetry based on empirical likelihood
by Jun Zhang & Jing Zhang & Xuehu Zhu & Tao Lu - 2455-2480 Causal structure among US corn futures and regional cash prices in the time and frequency domain
by Xiaojie Xu - 2481-2498 Power analysis of independence testing for three-way contingency tables of small sizes
by Piotr Sulewski
September 2018, Volume 45, Issue 12
- 2107-2127 A maximum likelihood estimator for left-truncated lifetimes based on probabilistic prior information about time of occurrence
by Rubén Manso & Rafael Calama & Marta Pardos & Mathieu Fortin - 2128-2144 Varying-coefficient single-index measurement error model
by Xin Zhao & Zhensheng Huang - 2145-2163 Bayesian inference on contingency tables with uncertainty about independence for small areas
by Sang Gyu Kwak & Balgobin Nandram & Dal Ho Kim - 2164-2181 Heteroskedastic linear regression model with compositional response and covariates
by Jiajia Chen & Xiaoqin Zhang & Shengjia Li - 2182-2201 Skew-mixed effects model for multivariate longitudinal data with categorical outcomes and missingness
by S. Eftekhari Mahabadi & E. Rahimi Jafari - 2202-2218 Intriguing yet simple skewness: kurtosis relation in economic and demographic data distributions, pointing to preferential attachment processes
by Marcel Ausloos & Roy Cerqueti - 2219-2237 Experimental comparison of functional and multivariate spectral-based supervised classification methods in hyperspectral image
by Anthony Zullo & Mathieu Fauvel & Frédéric Ferraty - 2238-2255 Estimating individual-level interaction effects in multilevel models: a Monte Carlo simulation study with application
by Julie Ann Lorah - 2256-2268 A mixture-based approach to robust analysis of generalised linear models
by Ken J. Beath - 2269-2278 Does the supplemental nutrition assistance program really increase obesity? The importance of accounting for misclassification errors
by Achilleas Vassilopoulos & Andreas C. Drichoutis & Rodolfo M. Nayga & Panagiotis Lazaridis - 2279-2294 Predicting risk for adverse health events using random forest
by Guy Cafri & Luo Li & Elizabeth W. Paxton & Juanjuan Fan - 2295-2306 Bayesian estimation of the Cox model under different hazard rate shape assumptions via slice sampling
by Thomas Kirschenmann & Paul Damien & Stephen Walker
August 2018, Volume 45, Issue 11
- 1920-1937 Modeling of soybean yield using symmetric, asymmetric and bimodal distributions: implications for crop insurance
by Gislaine V. Duarte & Altemir Braga & Daniel L. Miquelluti & Vitor A. Ozaki - 1938-1955 Model selection with distributed SCAD penalty
by Puyu Wang & Hai Zhang & Yong Liang - 1956-1977 Hypothesis Tests for Neyman's Bias in Case–Control Studies
by D. M. Swanson & C. D. Anderson & R. A. Betensky - 1978-1993 Semiparametric analysis of longitudinal data with informative observation times and censoring times
by Wen Su & Hangjin Jiang - 1994-2006 Model selection for the localized mixture of experts models
by Yunlu Jiang & Yu Conglian & Ji Qinghua - 2007-2019 Discussion on the issue of sample size determination for a targeted to an untargeted and to a mixed effect model-based clinical trial design
by Feng-shou Ko - 2020-2038 Graphical models for complex networks: an application to Italian museums
by Cristina Coscia & Roberto Fontana & Patrizia Semeraro - 2039-2066 Likelihood-based inference for censored linear regression models with scale mixtures of skew-normal distributions
by Thalita do Bem Mattos & Aldo M. Garay & Victor H. Lachos - 2067-2080 Regression imputation with Q-mode clustering for rounded zero replacement in high-dimensional compositional data
by Jiajia Chen & Xiaoqin Zhang & Karel Hron & Matthias Templ & Shengjia Li - 2081-2094 The inverse power Lindley distribution in the presence of left-censored data
by Emílio A. Coelho-Barros & Josmar Mazucheli & Jorge A. Achcar & Kelly Vanessa Parede Barco & José Rafael Tovar Cuevas - 2095-2106 A proportional hazard cure model for ordinal responses by self-modeling regression
by Aliakbar Mastani Shirazi & Aluisio Pinheiro
July 2018, Volume 45, Issue 10
- 1734-1755 A novel bagging approach for variable ranking and selection via a mixed importance measure
by Chun-Xia Zhang & Jiang-She Zhang & Guan-Wei Wang & Nan-Nan Ji - 1756-1769 Bayesian estimation of logistic regression with misclassified covariates and response
by Brandi N. Falley & James D. Stamey & A. Alexander Beaujean - 1770-1780 Quantile residual life regression based on semi-competing risks data
by Jin-Jian Hsieh & Jian-Lin Wang - 1781-1798 Joint models for mixed categorical outcomes: a study of HIV risk perception and disease status in Mozambique
by Osvaldo Loquiha & Niel Hens & Emilia Martins-Fonteyn & Herman Meulemans & Edwin Wouters & Marleen Temmerman & Nafissa Osman & Marc Aerts - 1799-1812 Generalized bent-cable methodology for changepoint data: a Bayesian approach
by Shahedul A. Khan & Setu C. Kar - 1813-1822 Seasonality of hospitalizations due to respiratory diseases: modelling serial correlation all we need is Poisson
by Airlane P. Alencar - 1823-1845 Modeling with a large class of unimodal multivariate distributions
by M. S. Paez & S. G. Walker - 1846-1871 Bayesian inference for quantum state tomography
by D. S. Gonçalves & C. L. N. Azevedo & C. Lavor & M. A. Gomes-Ruggiero - 1872-1899 Vector and recurrent singular spectrum analysis: which is better at forecasting?
by Mansi Ghodsi & Hossein Hassani & Donya Rahmani & Emmanuel Sirimal Silva - 1900-1919 Model averaging based on rank
by Jiang Du & Xiuping Chen & Eddy Kwessi & Zhimeng Sun
July 2018, Volume 45, Issue 9
- 1547-1560 Bayesian misclassification and propensity score methods for clustered observational studies
by Qi Zhou & Yoo-Mi Chin & James D. Stamey & Joon Jin Song - 1561-1578 Analysis of the importance of on-field covariates in the German Bundesliga
by Gunther Schauberger & Andreas Groll & Gerhard Tutz - 1579-1594 Valuations of EQ-5D health states: could United Kingdom results be used as informative priors for the United States
by Samer A. Kharroubi - 1595-1615 Spatial hidden Markov models and species distributions
by Luigi Spezia & Nial Friel & Alessandro Gimona - 1616-1627 Release velocities and bowler performance in cricket
by Akash Malhotra & Shailesh Krishna - 1628-1651 Design and analysis considerations for comparing dynamic treatment regimens with binary outcomes from sequential multiple assignment randomized trials
by Kelley M. Kidwell & Nicholas J. Seewald & Qui Tran & Connie Kasari & Daniel Almirall - 1652-1669 Empirical Bayes estimates of finite mixture of negative binomial regression models and its application to highway safety
by Yajie Zou & John E. Ash & Byung-Jung Park & Dominique Lord & Lingtao Wu - 1670-1689 Using compositional and Dirichlet models for market share regression
by Joanna Morais & Christine Thomas-Agnan & Michel Simioni - 1690-1713 On parallel policies for ranking and selection problems
by Bogumił Kamiński & Przemysław Szufel - 1714-1733 Untangle the structural and random zeros in statistical modelings
by W. Tang & H. He & W.J. Wang & D.G. Chen
June 2018, Volume 45, Issue 8
- 1347-1369 A robust Parafac model for compositional data
by M. A. Di Palma & P. Filzmoser & M. Gallo & K. Hron - 1370-1381 Semivarying coefficient least-squares support vector regression for analyzing high-dimensional gene-environmental data
by Jooyong Shim & Changha Hwang & Sunjoo Jeong & Insuk Sohn - 1382-1395 Detection of outlying proportions
by Flavio Mignone & Fabio Rapallo - 1396-1409 Categorical multiblock linear discriminant analysis
by Philippe Casin - 1410-1425 Testing homogeneity of difference of two proportions for stratified correlated paired binary data
by Xi Shen & Chang-Xing Ma - 1426-1446 Analysis of means approach for random factor analysis
by Kalanka P. Jayalath & Hon Keung Tony Ng - 1447-1464 Modified chain sampling plans for lot inspection by variables and attributes
by Stijn Luca - 1465-1475 Split Questionnaire Designs: collecting only the data that you need through MCAR and MAR designs
by James O. Chipperfield & Margo L. Barr & David. G. Steel - 1476-1483 Geostatistical analysis of disease data: a case study of tuberculosis incidence in Iran
by S. Reza H. Shojaei & Yadollah Waghei & Mohsen Mohammadzadeh - 1484-1496 Bayesian analysis of a quarantine inspection model
by David P. M. Scollnik - 1497-1516 Two simple measures of variability for categorical data
by Erindi Allaj - 1517-1529 Sample size determination for testing equality in frequency data under an incomplete block crossover design
by Kung-Jong Lui - 1530-1546 Market channel selections by US nursery plant producers: a multivariate nonparametric fractional regression analysis
by Mahesh Pandit & Krishna P. Paudel & Roger Hinson
May 2018, Volume 45, Issue 7
- 1157-1172 Investigating competition in financial markets: a sparse autologistic model for dynamic network data
by Brenda Betancourt & Abel Rodríguez & Naomi Boyd - 1173-1192 A weakly informative prior for Bayesian dynamic model selection with applications in fMRI
by Jairo A. Fúquene Patiño & Brenda Betancourt & João B. M. Pereira - 1193-1208 Some remarks on measurement models in the structural equation model: an application for socially responsible food consumption
by Pasquale Sarnacchiaro & Flavio Boccia - 1209-1226 Diverse classifier ensemble creation based on heuristic dataset modification
by Hamid Jamalinia & Saber Khalouei & Vahideh Rezaie & Samad Nejatian & Karamolah Bagheri-Fard & Hamid Parvin - 1227-1246 Evaluation and prediction of polygon approximations of planar contours for shape analysis
by Chalani Prematilake & Leif Ellingson - 1247-1259 Marginalized zero-inflated generalized Poisson regression
by Felix Famoye & John S. Preisser - 1260-1276 Bayesian regression model for recurrent event data with event-varying covariate effects and event effect
by Li-An Lin & Sheng Luo & Barry R. Davis - 1277-1291 The heterogeneous impact of insurance on health care demand among young adults: a panel data analysis
by David M. Zimmer - 1292-1302 An application of nonparametric regression to missing data in large market surveys
by Gary Madden & Nicholas Apergis & Paul Rappoport & Aniruddha Banerjee - 1303-1324 A flexible semiparametric regression model for bimodal, asymmetric and censored data
by Thiago G. Ramires & Edwin M. M. Ortega & Niel Hens & Gauss M. Cordeiro & Gilberto A. Paula - 1325-1346 An additive Cox model for coronary heart disease study
by Ao Yuan & Yuan Guo & Nawar M. Shara & Barbara V. Howard & Ming T. Tan
April 2018, Volume 45, Issue 6
- 971-987 Treatments of non-metric variables in partial least squares and principal component analysis
by Jisu Yoon & Tatyana Krivobokova - 988-1008 Bayesian bridge regression
by Himel Mallick & Nengjun Yi - 1009-1029 Using clustering of rankings to explain brand preferences with personality and socio-demographic variables
by Daniel Müllensiefen & Christian Hennig & Hedie Howells