January 2015, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 162-174 Stochastic multi-scale prediction on the apparent elastic moduli of trabecular bone considering uncertainties of biological apatite (BAp) crystallite orientation and image-based modelling
by Khairul Salleh Basaruddin & Naoki Takano & Takayoshi Nakano - 175-184 Development and validation of a discretised multi-body spine model in LifeMOD for biodynamic behaviour simulation
by K.T. Huynh & I. Gibson & B.N. Jagdish & W.F. Lu - 185-191 Combining extreme learning machines using support vector machines for breast tissue classification
by Mohammad Reza Daliri - 192-200 On ballistic parameters of less lethal projectiles influencing the severity of thoracic blunt impacts
by Julien Pavier & André Langlet & Nicolas Eches & Jean-François Jacquet - 201-212 A diffusion tensor-based finite element model of microdialysis in the deep brain
by Elin Diczfalusy & Mats Andersson & Karin Wårdell - 213-220 Real-time interactive isosurfacing: a new method for improving marching isosurfacing algorithm output and efficiency
by Greg S. Ruthenbeck & Fabian S. Lim & Karen J. Reynolds - 221-222 Introduction to Cell Mechanics and Mechanobiology
by Amit Gefen
January 2015, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-14 Haptic control of a pneumatic muscle actuator to provide resistance for simulated isokinetic exercise; Part II: control development and testing
by Kara L. Hall & Chandler A. Phillips & David B. Reynolds & Stanley R. Mohler & Dana B. Rogers & Amy T. Neidhard-Doll - 15-23 Corroboration of computational models for mechanoregulated stem cell differentiation
by Hanifeh Khayyeri & Hanna Isaksson & Patrick J. Prendergast - 24-37 Simulation-based assessment for construction helmets
by James Long & James Yang & Zhipeng Lei & Daan Liang - 38-47 Preoperative analysis of the stability of fit of a patient-specific surgical guide
by Joyce Van den Broeck & Roel Wirix-Speetjens & Jos Vander Sloten - 48-56 Comparative analysis of realistic CT-scan and simplified human airway models in airflow simulation
by Nasrul Hadi Johari & Kahar Osman & Nor Harris N. Helmi & Mohammed A. Rafiq Abdul Kadir - 57-63 A gait index may underestimate changes of gait: a comparison of the Movement Deviation Profile and the Gait Deviation Index
by Gabor J. Barton & Malcolm B. Hawken & Gill Holmes & Michael H. Schwartz - 64-77 The influence of the geometry of the porcine cornea on the biomechanical response of inflation tests
by Anna Pandolfi & Federica Boschetti - 78-89 An informational framework to predict reaction of constraints using a reciprocally connected knee model
by Wangdo Kim & Antonio P. Veloso & Duarte Araújo & Veronica Vleck & Filipa João - 90-96 Effect of spatial inlet velocity profiles on the vortex formation pattern in a dilated left ventricle
by Bee Ting Chan & Einly Lim & Chi Wei Ong & Noor Azuan Abu Osman - 97-106 A systematic muscle model covering regions from the fast ramp stretches in the muscle fibres to the relatively slow stretches in the human triceps surae
by Youjiro Tamura & Akira Ito & Andrew G. Cresswell
August 2014, Volume 17, Issue S1
- 1-1 Editorial
by Philippe Pudlo - 1-1 Corrigendum
by The Editors - 2-3 Compression, shear and bending on tissue-engineered cartilage: a numerical study
by C. Bandeiras & A. Completo & A. Ramos - 4-5 Dynamic mesenchymal stem cells volumic seeding in a commercialized porous ceramic scaffold: a feasibility study
by S. Lemonnier & T. Bouderlique & P. Albanese & S. Naili & N. Chevallier & H. Rouard & J. Courty & T. Lemaire - 6-7 Influence of the alveolar structure on the cell progression in the seeding of large bone scaffolds: an study
by S. Lemonnier & S. Naili & T. Lemaire - 8-9 The role of implant's surface treatment to its preload
by L. Capek & A. Simunek & P. Henys & L. Dzan - 10-11 Thoracic aorta morphometry and endograft deployment
by C. Guivier-Curien & M. Boufi & V. Deplano & O. Boiron & A. Loundou & Y. Alimi - 12-13 Increase in coronary microvascular resistances after recanalisation with drug-eluting stent
by A. Anselmi & M. Harmouche & J.Ph. Verhoye & H. Corbineau & C. Mariano & M. Maasrani & A. Drochon - 14-15 Left atrium wall tracking from MR images for strain assessment
by M. Evin & A. Redheuil & S. Hatem & D. Rosenbaum & K. Bouazizi-Verdier & A. De Cesare & P. Cluzel & N. Kachenoura - 16-17 A new finite element method for inverse problems in structural analysis: application to atherosclerotic plaque elasticity reconstruction
by Adeline Bouvier & Flavien Deleaval & Marvin M. Doyley & Antoine Tacheau & Gérard Finet & Simon Le Floc'h & Guy Cloutier & Roderic I Pettigrew & Jacques Ohayon - 18-19 Numerical modelling of the flow of the ultrasound contrast agents in tumour microvasculature
by L. Boyer & P. Le Notre & S. Randall Thomas & I. Leguerney & N. Lassau & S. Pitre-Champagnat - 20-21 Numerical simulation of LDL transport through the carotid arterial wall
by C. Hansen & D. Bay & M.R. Jensen & B. Gervang & H.M. Jensen & S.A. Thrysøe & J.V. Nygaard - 22-23 Comparison of different viscoelastic models for the characterisation of mechanical properties of human skin by indentation test
by M.-A. Abellan & J.-M. Bergheau & H. Zahouani - 24-25 Mathematical model of human osteon and its validation by nanomechanical testing of bone lamella
by R. Korsa & J. Lukes & J. Sepitka & D. Kytyr & T. Mares - 26-27 Biaxial mechanical response of graft material derived from human skin
by G.E. Leclerc & Q. Dermigny & M. Rachik & M.-C. Ho Ba Tho - 28-29 Characterisation of a dedicated mechanical model for red blood cells: numerical simulations of optical tweezers experiment
by J. Sigüenza & S. Mendez & F. Nicoud - 30-31 Fingertip finite element modelling – on choosing the right material property
by J. Dallard & X. Merlhiot & S. Duprey & X. Wang & A. Micaelli - 32-33 New magnetic resonance elastography protocols to characterise deep back and thigh muscles
by M.K. Chakouch & F. Charleux & S.F. Bensamoun - 34-35 Effects of bone density in the time-dependent mechanical properties of human cortical bone by nanoindentation
by S. Jaramillo-Isaza & P.-E. Mazeran & K. El-Kirat & M.-C. Ho Ba Tho - 36-37 Time required for an oblate capsule in flow to reach equilibrium
by C. Dupont & F. Delahaye & D. Barthès-Biesel & A.-V. Salsac - 38-39 Annulus fibrosus microstructure: an explanation to local heterogeneities
by A. Baldit & D. Ambard & F. Cherblanc & P. Royer - 40-41 Compression tests of a living cell: a contact detection problem
by J. Sepitka & P. Grznarova & T. Fuzik & J. Lukes - 42-43 Investigation of a six-year-old Hybrid III dummy neck stiffness and the consequences regarding out-of-position Neck Injury Criteria
by Aflalo Elizabeth & Erich-Walter Bluemcke & Mark Kloepper & Hakim Naceur - 44-45 A methodology to assess non-axial loading on the distal radius
by E. Zapata & F. Duboeuf & R. Ellouz & S. Boutroy & D. Mitton & H. Follet - 46-47 Experimental and numerical studies of fluid–structure interaction phenomena inside the head when subjected to a dynamical loading
by B. Fontenier & A. Hault-Dubrulle & J. Rahmoun & H. Naceur & P. Drazetic & C. Fontaine - 48-49 Sled acceleration control for low-speed impact testing and transient response studies
by B. Sandoz & A. Simonin & D. Saletti & S. Laporte - 50-51 Intermediate strain rate behaviour of cancellous bone: from the lower to the higher strain rate
by M. Prot & T.J. Cloete & D. Saletti & S. Laporte - 52-53 A model for micromotion-induced fluid flow at the bone-implant interface
by V. Malfroy Camine & D. Pioletti & A. Terrier - 54-55 Rapid prototyping – a promising technique for orthopaedic implant fabrication: application and validation of TKA prototypes for in-vitro testing
by A. Lorenz & Y. Herzog & P. Schnauffer & M. Arnold & N. Wülker & U.G. Leichtle - 56-57 An innovative method for the three-dimensional study of hip joint motion
by N. Bonneau & J. Bouhallier & M. Haeusler & O. Gagey - 58-59 Finite element investigation of the intervertebral disc behaviour
by B. Aour & N. Damba - 60-61 Structural and behavioural analysis of children's cortical bones
by E. Lefèvre & F. Duboeuf & S. Rizzo & C. Baron & H. Follet & M. Pithioux - 62-63 Biomechanical analysis and modelling of lumbar belt: parametric study
by R. Bonnaire & W.S. Han & J. Molimard & P. Calmels & R. Convert - 64-65 Computed tomography morphometric analysis of porcine spinal growth for scoliosis model development
by P. Pillard & T. Cachon & C. Carozzo & D. Fau & T. Odent & E. Viguier - 66-67 Influence of age and localisation on pedicle fixation in immature porcine spines
by S. Le Cann & T. Cachon & E. Viguier & C. Baron & L. Miladi & T. Odent & JM. Rossi & P. Chabrand - 68-69 characterisation of the elasticity and the permeability of the mouse cartilage during growth using microindentation
by J-Ph. Berteau & M. Oyen & S. Shefelbine - 70-71 Numerical simulations in a bony callus
by L. Ellejmi & A.M. Mancuso & M. Racila & J.M. Crolet - 72-73 Biomechanical analysis of spinal instrumentation systems dedicated to stabilise thoracolumbar fractures: comparison between standard open surgical instrumentation and percutaneous techniques
by A. Germaneau & M. Saget & T. Vendeuvre & P. Doumalin & J.-C. Dupré & F. Brémand & F. Hesser & P. Maxy & P. Rigoard - 74-75 A framework towards personalisation and active muscle integration in a 3D finite-element neck model for orthopaedic applications
by S. Howley & D. Bonneau & B. Fréchède - 76-77 Influence of biomechanical multi-joint models used in global optimisation to estimate healthy and osteoarthritis knee kinematics
by J. Clément & N. Hagemeister & R. Dumas & M. Kanhonou & J.A. de Guise - 78-79 Analysis of mimic facial movements based on motion capture
by K. Ben Mansour & F-R. Sarhan & C. Neiva & C. Godard & B. Devauchelle & F. Marin & S. Dakpé - 80-81 Analysis of ankle stiffness for asymptomatic subjects and transfemoral amputees in daily living situations
by X. Drevelle & C. Villa & X. Bonnet & J. Bascou & I. Loiret & H. Pillet - 82-83 Effect of custom foot orthotics on three-dimensional kinematics and dynamics during walking
by S. Delacroix & A. Lavigne & D. Nuytens & L. Chèze - 84-85 Kinematic model and elbow flexion interaction on shoulder range of motion
by D. Haering & M. Raison & A. Arndt & M. Begon - 86-87 Biomechanical analysis of interaction strategies using touchscreen: preliminary study
by J. Jacquier-Bret & P. Gorce & L. Genaro Motti & N. Vigouroux - 88-89 What is the most efficient for torque steadiness in young adults: a real-time visual feedback of performance or proprioceptive inputs?
by A. Toumi & I. Hilal & E. Simoneau-Buessinger - 90-91 An upper limb model proposal for multi-body optimisation: effects of anatomical constraints on the kinematics
by A. Naaim & A. El Habachi & F. Moissenet & R. Dumas & L. Chèze - 92-93 Muscular power as a function of load in elderly women
by H. Zbinden-Foncea & T. Valenzuela & F. Espíldora & L. Peñailillo & P.A. Willems - 94-95 Turning resistance of a manual wheelchair: a theoretical study
by J. Bascou & H. Pillet & K. Kollia & C. Sauret & P. Thoreux & F. Lavaste - 96-97 Estimation of the fingers joint axes of rotation in flexion–extension
by P. Devos & K. Ben Mansour & C. Hansen & F. Marin - 98-99 How do healthy older pedestrians walk when they cross the street?
by J. Delzenne & A. Bourrelly & C. Garnier & J. Naveteur & E. Watelain - 100-101 Unipodal landing in individuals with unilateral chronic ankle instability
by R. Pionnier & N. Découfour & F. Barbier & C. Popineau & E. Simoneau-Buessinger - 102-103 The contribution of handgrip assistance on lower limb joint moments during sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit: a preliminary comparative study
by A. Saadé & P. Pudlo & M. Lempereur & O. Rémy-Néris - 104-105 Walking efficiency in children with cerebral palsy: relation to muscular strength and gait parameters
by A. Pouliot-Laforte & A. Parent & L. Ballaz - 106-107 Articulated vs. fixed carbon-fibre prosthesis after transmetatarsial amputation: a case study
by A. Parent & A. Pouliot-Laforte & M. Laberge & R. Hamdy & R. Rochelle & L. Ballaz - 108-109 Benefits of functional calibration for estimating elbow joint angles using magneto-inertial sensors: preliminary results
by B. Bouvier & A. Savescu & S. Duprey & R. Dumas - 110-111 Determination of vertical ground reaction forces under each foot during walking
by G.M. Meurisse & G.J. Bastien - 112-113 Knee crosstalk is not a quality indicator of the hip rotation
by E. Desailly - 114-115 Small cause, great impact: a sensitivity study in musculoskeletal modelling of the hand
by C. Hansen & K. Ben Mansour & P. Devos & F. Marin - 116-117 Effect of vibration frequency and angle knee flexion on muscular activity and transmissibility function during static whole body vibration exercise
by S. Duc & M. Munera & X. Chiementin & W. Bertucci - 118-119 Impact of partial-thickness tears on supraspinatus tendon strain based on a finite element analysis
by C. Engelhardt & A. Farron & F. Becce & D. Pioletti & A. Terrier - 120-121 cervical intervertebral disc characterisation by elastography
by C. Vergari & P. Rouch & G. Dubois & D. Bonneau & J. Dubousset & M. Tanter & J.L. Gennisson & W. Skalli - 122-123 Optimisation technique of camera placement for motion capture simulations
by A. Aissaoui & Z. Baarir & A. Ouafi & P. Pudlo & A. Taleb-Ahmed & C. Gillet & F. Deraz - 124-125 A qualitative analysis of soft tissue artefact during running
by R. Dumas & V. Camomilla & T. Bonci & L. Cheze & A. Cappozzo - 126-127 Functionally computed flexion axis reduces kinematic interspecimen variation in experiments
by I. Reichl & U. Leichtle & A. Lorenz - 128-129 Analysis of long-range autocorrelation series: effect of the number of cycles on statistical precision and sensitivity
by T. Warlop & F. Crevecoeur & B. Bollens & C. Detrembleur & T. Lejeune - 130-131 Effects of glenohumeral joint centre mislocation on shoulder kinematics and kinetics
by M. Lempereur & F. Leboeuf & S. Brochard & O. Rémy-Néris - 132-133 Introduction of a set of EMG-based muscular activations in a multi-objective optimisation when solving the muscular redundancy problem during gait
by F. Moissenet & L. Chèze & R. Dumas - 134-135 Tensile response of the muscle–tendon complex using discrete element model
by A. Roux & J. Lecompte & L.-L. Gras & S. Laporte & I. Iordanoff - 136-137 Comparison of two MRI sequences for subject-specific 3D thigh muscle reconstruction
by C. Zhang & B. Moal & G. Dubois & J. Raya & V. Lafage & W. Skalli - 138-139 A method to study 3D knee pseudo-kinematics using low-dose stereoradiography during static squat
by M. Kanhonou & T. Cresson & F. Lavoie & J. Clément & N. Hagemeister & J.A. de Guise - 140-141 Shuttlecock velocity during a smash stroke in badminton evolves linearly with skill level
by M. Phomsoupha & G. Laffaye - 142-143 3D measurement of the displacement of the forelimb hoof during stance in three horses circling at the canter on a competition surface
by N. Crevier-Denoix & M. Camus & S. Falala & B. Ravary-Plumioen & M. Pauchard & J. Martino & L. Desquilbet & H. Chateau & P. Pourcelot - 144-145 Effects of speed on the vertical amplitude of the stride in trotters – comparison between fore- and hindlimbs, and influence of the track surface
by M. Pauchard & H. Chateau & M. Camus & B. Ravary-Plumioen & S. Falala & J. Martino & L. Desquilbet & J.-M. Denoix & P. Pourcelot & N. Crevier-Denoix - 146-147 Effects of footwear midsole hardness on females' lower limb kinetics and kinematics during cutting manoeuvres
by C. Morio & M. Haddoum & M. Roux & N. Guéguen - 148-149 Transmission of whole-body vibration to lower limb during dynamic squat exercise
by M. Munera & X. Chiementin & S. Duc & W. Bertucci - 150-151 Methodological contribution to study the vibratory behaviour of tennis rackets following real forehand drive impact
by T. Creveaux & V. Sevrez & B. Coste & I. Rogowski - 152-153 Influence of racket on the variability of humerothoracic joint kinematics during tennis serve: a preliminary study
by V. Sevrez & T. Creveaux & R. Dumas & L. Chèze & P. Macé & I. Rogowski - 154-155 Bilateral comparison of scapulothoracic kinematics during scaption in girl tennis players
by V. Racaud & B. Gillet & Q. Mercier & T. Creveaux & V. Sevrez & I. Rogowski - 156-157 Swimming drafting simulation using a − ω turbulence model
by A. Arfaoui & G. Polidori - 158-159 Muscle coordination in loaded squat jump
by C. Giroux & G. Guilhem & D. Chollet & G. Rabita - 160-161 Validation of a low-cost wearable accelerometer for temporal gait parameter quantification
by K. Ben Mansour & N. Rezzoug & J. Jacquier-Bret & P. Gorce - 162-163 Analysis of 3D motion patterns with self-organising maps (SOM) and statistical parametric mapping (SPM): a methodological proposal
by B. Serrien & J. Blondeel & R. Clijsen & M. Goossens & J.-P. Baeyens - 164-165 A preliminary study on the realism of digital human manikins used for ergonomics simulation
by A. Nérot & W. Skalli & G. Beurier & X. Wang - 166-167 Combined experimental and numerical approach for the assessment of pressure generated by elastic compression bandage
by F. Chassagne & R. Convert & J. Molimard & P. Badel - 168-169 Is the kinematic of the trunk during the forehand in tennis still disrupted in women at one year postpartum?
by R. Doya & A. Pinti & A. Bourrelly & S. Boudet & E. Watelain - 170-171 Analysis biomechanics of the 3D angle of the upper limb: study of manual wheelchair obstacle climbing
by C. Marchiori & G. Desroches & D. Gagnon & D. Bensmail & D. Pradon - 172-173 Does handle shape influence prehensile capabilities and muscle coordination?
by J. Rossi & B. Goislard de Monsabert & E. Berton & L. Vigouroux - 174-175 A bio-inspired limb controller for avatar animation
by A.L. Cruz Ruiz & C. Pontonnier & G. Dumont - 176-177 Assessment of a numerical model of balance recovery by stepping
by T. Robert & P. Vallée - 178-179 ARMA modelling and nonparametric probability density function of gait signal using estimator in patients with neurodegenerative disease
by C. Corbier & M. El Badaoui - 180-181 Contrasted mediolateral postural control mechanisms in varied foot positions
by C. Bonnet - 182-183 Validity of a low-cost wearable device for body sway parameter evaluation
by A. Rouis & N. Rezzoug & P. Gorce - 184-185 Behaviour of the muscle–tendon unit of the gastrocnemius medialis and tibialis anterior during forward and backward sways
by S. Baudry & J. Johannsson & J. Duchateau - 186-187 Adapted physical activity intervention and vestibular disorders
by M. Donnard & A. Rahmani & P. Lorin & S. Boyas & B. Beaune - 188-189 Design of an assistant robot for alignment of fractured bones in medical operations
by M. Selim Cakiroglu & Idris Sancaktar & Mustafa Ulutas & A.H. Ertas - 190-191 NiTi based stent for the treatment of acute urinary retention due to benign prostatic hyperplasia: a preliminary study on NiTi wires and tubes under pure bending
by G. Antherieu & N. Connesson & Y. Payan & D. Favier & P. Mozer - 192-193 Finite element modelling of nearly incompressible materials and volumetric locking: a case study
by P.-Y. Rohan & C. Lobos & M. Ali Nazari & P. Perrier & Y. Payan
December 2014, Volume 17, Issue 16
- 1751-1761 FE study of bone quality effect on load-carrying ability of dental implants
by V. Demenko & I. Linetsky & V. Nesvit & L. Linetska & A. Shevchenko - 1762-1776 Finite element study of human lumbar disc nucleus replacements
by Hendrik Schmidt & Maxim Bashkuev & Fabio Galbusera & Hans-Joachim Wilke & Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl - 1777-1784 Design of an implant for first metatarsophalangeal hemi-arthroplasty
by Atul Kumar & Brian Donley & Peter R. Cavanagh - 1785-1800 A centric/non-centric impact protocol and finite element model methodology for the evaluation of American football helmets to evaluate risk of concussion
by Andrew Post & Anna Oeur & Evan Walsh & Blaine Hoshizaki & Michael D. Gilchrist - 1801-1808 A methodological approach for the biomechanical cause analysis of golf-related lumbar spine injuries
by Taeyong Sim & Dong-Jin Jang & Euichaul Oh - 1809-1820 Fluid–structure interactions in micro-interlocked regions of the cement–bone interface
by Kenneth A. Mann & Mark A. Miller - 1821-1834 Effect of exercise on blood flow through the aortic valve: a combined clinical and numerical study
by Hamidreza Ghasemi Bahraseman & Kamran Hassani & Mahdi Navidbakhsh & Daniel M. Espino & Zahra Alizadeh Sani & Nasser Fatouraee - 1835-1852 A computational study of systemic hydration in vocal fold collision
by Pinaki Bhattacharya & Thomas Siegmund - 1853-1863 Repeatability and precision of a weighted centroid method for estimating dynamic tibiofemoral surface interactions in sheep
by Jillian E. Beveridge & Nigel G. Shrive & Cyril B. Frank
November 2014, Volume 17, Issue 15
- 1635-1641 Analysis of the intra-individual differences of the joint surfaces of the calcaneus
by Daniel Stephan & Stephanie Panzer & Michael Göttlinger & Peter Augat - 1642-1652 Effects of amlodipine and adenosine on coronary haemodynamics: study and numerical simulation
by Claudio De Lazzari & Antonio L'Abbate & Mauro Micalizzi & Maria Giovanna Trivella & Danilo Neglia - 1653-1670 Identification and characterisation of regional variations in the material properties of ureter according to microstructure
by Dimitrios P. Sokolis - 1671-1684 Sensitivity analysis of a cemented hip stem to implant position and cement mantle thickness
by J. Shi & M. Browne & M. Strickland & G. Flivik & M. Taylor - 1685-1695 Biomechanical implications of lumbar spinal ligament transection
by Gregory A. Von Forell & Anton E. Bowden - 1696-1704 Virtualisation of stress distribution in heart valve tissue
by Siyao Huang & Hsiao-Ying Shadow Huang - 1705-1715 A two population model of prion transport through a tunnelling nanotube
by I.A. Kuznetsov & A.V. Kuznetsov - 1716-1726 Evaluation of dentinal fluid flow behaviours: a fluid-structure interaction simulation
by Kuo-Chih Su & Shu-Fen Chuang & Eddie Yin-Kwee Ng & Chih-Han Chang - 1727-1737 Pulsatile spiral blood flow through arterial stenosis
by Fabian Linge & Md Abdul Hye & Manosh C. Paul - 1738-1750 Surgeon variability in total knee arthroplasty component alignment: a Monte Carlo analysis
by Christopher J. Gatti & Brian R. Hallstrom & Richard E. Hughes
October 2014, Volume 17, Issue 14
- 1519-1534 Incorporating measured valve properties into a numerical model of a lymphatic vessel
by C.D. Bertram & C. Macaskill & J.E. Moore - 1535-1541 The fractal dimension approach in posture: a comparison between Down and Prader–Willi syndrome patients
by Veronica Cimolin & Manuela Galli & Chiara Rigoldi & Graziano Grugni & Luca Vismara & Shirley Aparecida Fabris de Souza & Luca Mainardi & Giorgio Albertini & Paolo Capodaglio - 1542-1552 A study of gait acceleration and synchronisation in healthy adult subjects
by Mitsuru Yoneyama - 1553-1571 Finite element analysis of the meniscectomised tibio-femoral joint: implementation of advanced articular cartilage models
by Lorenza Mattei & Eleonora Campioni & Mario Alberto Accardi & Daniele Dini - 1572-1589 An integrated approach to patient-specific predictive modeling for single ventricle heart palliation
by Chiara Corsini & Catriona Baker & Ethan Kung & Silvia Schievano & Gregory Arbia & Alessia Baretta & Giovanni Biglino & Francesco Migliavacca & Gabriele Dubini & Giancarlo Pennati & Alison Marsden & Irene Vignon-Clementel & Andrew Taylor & Tain-Yen Hsia & Adam Dorfman - 1590-1601 Nanomechanical properties of mineralised collagen microfibrils based on finite elements method: biomechanical role of cross-links
by Abdelwahed Barkaoui & Ridha Hambli - 1602-1616 The application of musculoskeletal modeling to investigate gender bias in non-contact ACL injury rate during single-leg landings
by Nicholas Ali & Michael Skipper Andersen & John Rasmussen & D. Gordon E. Robertson & Gholamreza Rouhi - 1617-1629 Finite element analysis of the biomechanical interaction between coronary sinus and proximal anchoring stent in coronary sinus annuloplasty
by Thuy Pham & Milton Deherrera & Wei Sun - 1630-1634 Quantification of soft tissue balance in total knee arthroplasty using finite element analysis
by Kwang-Jun Oh & Won Man Park & Kyungsoo Kim & Yoon Hyuk Kim
October 2014, Volume 17, Issue 13
- 1403-1417 Factors affecting subject-specific finite element models of implant-fitted rat bone specimens: critical analysis of a technical protocol
by Marco Piccinini & Joel Cugnoni & John Botsis & Giovanna Zacchetti & Patrick Ammann & Anselm Wiskott - 1418-1431 Estimating maximum and psychophysically acceptable hand forces using a biomechanical weakest link approach
by Steven L. Fischer & Clark R. Dickerson & Richard P. Wells - 1432-1446 A model of the basal ganglia in voluntary movement and postural reactions
by Hooshang Hemami & Zahra Moussavi - 1447-1451 Analysing gait using a force-measuring walkway: intrasession repeatability in healthy children and adolescents
by Louis-Nicolas Veilleux & Laurent Ballaz & Maxime Robert & Martin Lemay & Frank Rauch - 1452-1463 The effect of meniscal tears and resultant partial meniscectomies on the knee contact stresses: a finite element analysis
by Yuefu Dong & Guanghong Hu & Yinghai Dong & Yang Hu & Qingrong Xu - 1464-1482 An iterative learning strategy for the auto-tuning of the feedforward and feedback controller in type-1 diabetes
by M.L. Fravolini & P.G. Fabietti - 1483-1491 The effect of resorption cavities on bone stiffness is site dependent
by Jef Vanderoost & G. Harry van Lenthe - 1492-1501 Transformation methods for estimation of subject-specific scapular muscle attachment sites
by Bart Bolsterlee & Amir Abbas Zadpoor - 1502-1517 Development and validation of a computational model of the knee joint for the evaluation of surgical treatments for osteoarthritis
by R. Mootanah & C.W. Imhauser & F. Reisse & D. Carpanen & R.W. Walker & M.F. Koff & M.W. Lenhoff & S.R. Rozbruch & A.T. Fragomen & Z. Dewan & Y.M. Kirane & K. Cheah & J.K. Dowell & H.J. Hillstrom
September 2014, Volume 17, Issue 12
- 1285-1294 Force and torque modelling of drilling simulation for orthopaedic surgery
by Troy MacAvelia & Ahmad Ghasempoor & Farrokh Janabi-Sharifi - 1295-1310 A 3D porous media liver lobule model: the importance of vascular septa and anisotropic permeability for homogeneous perfusion
by Charlotte Debbaut & Jan Vierendeels & Jennifer H. Siggers & Rodolfo Repetto & Diethard Monbaliu & Patrick Segers - 1311-1322 Embedding of human vertebral bodies leads to higher ultimate load and altered damage localisation under axial compression
by Ghislain Maquer & Jakob Schwiedrzik & Philippe K. Zysset - 1323-1334 Comparison of various contact algorithms for poroelastic tissues
by Fabio Galbusera & Maxim Bashkuev & Hans-Joachim Wilke & Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl & Hendrik Schmidt - 1335-1346 Computer-aided dental prostheses construction using reverse engineering
by E. Solaberrieta & R. Minguez & L. Barrenetxea & E. Sierra & O. Etxaniz - 1347-1357 Simulation of transcatheter aortic valve implantation: a patient-specific finite element approach
by F. Auricchio & M. Conti & S. Morganti & A. Reali - 1358-1367 Computational model for simulation of vascular adaptation following vascular access surgery in haemodialysis patients
by Simone Manini & Katia Passera & Wouter Huberts & Lorenzo Botti & Luca Antiga & Andrea Remuzzi - 1368-1382 A computational study of influence of helmet padding materials on the human brain under ballistic impacts
by Mehdi Salimi Jazi & Asghar Rezaei & Ghodrat Karami & Fardad Azarmi & Mariusz Ziejewski - 1383-1390 Sensitivity of MRI signal distribution within the intervertebral disc to image segmentation and data normalisation
by Julien Gervais & Delphine Périé & Carl-Éric Aubin - 1391-1401 Haptic control of a pneumatic muscle actuator to provide resistance for simulated isokinetic exercise: Part I – dynamic test station and human quadriceps dynamic simulator
by Kara L. Hall & Chandler A. Phillips & David B. Reynolds & Stanley R. Mohler & Dana B. Rogers & Amy T. Neidhard-Doll
August 2014, Volume 17, Issue 11
- 1165-1172 The effect of implant design of linked total elbow arthroplasty on stability and stress: a finite element analysis
by Ryan Willing & Graham J.W. King & James A. Johnson - 1173-1184 Towards reducing impact-induced brain injury: lessons from a computational study of army and football helmet pads
by William C. Moss & Michael J. King & Eric G. Blackman - 1185-1197 Development of a 10-year-old paediatric thorax finite element model validated against cardiopulmonary resuscitation data
by Binhui Jiang & Libo Cao & Haojie Mao & Christina Wagner & Stan Marek & King H. Yang - 1198-1205 Development of a patient-specific anatomical foot model from structured light scan data
by Samuel J. Lochner & Jan P. Huissoon & Sanjeev S. Bedi - 1206-1216 An augmented Lagrangian finite element formulation for 3D contact of biphasic tissues
by Hongqiang Guo & Robert L. Spilker - 1217-1226 Generating fibre orientation maps in human heart models using Poisson interpolation
by Jonathan Wong & Ellen Kuhl - 1227-1236 A novel formulation for scratch-based wear modelling in total hip arthroplasty
by Karen M. Kruger & Nishant M. Tikekar & Anneliese D. Heiner & Thomas E. Baer & John J. Lannutti & John J. Callaghan & Thomas D. Brown - 1237-1247 A biochemical strategy for simulation of endochondral and intramembranous ossification
by Diego A. Garzón-Alvarado - 1248-1260 Impedance-based outflow boundary conditions for human carotid haemodynamics
by M. Malvè & S. Chandra & A. García & A. Mena & M.A. Martínez & E.A. Finol & M. Doblaré - 1261-1274 Deformation of uncemented metal acetabular cups following impaction: experimental and finite element study
by Harry S. Hothi & James J.C. Busfield & Julia C. Shelton - 1275-1284 Finite element simulations of a hip joint with femoroacetabular impingement
by J.P. Jorge & F.M.F. Simões & E.B. Pires & P.A. Rego & D.G. Tavares & D.S. Lopes & A. Gaspar
July 2014, Volume 17, Issue 10
- 1051-1070 A mathematical model for cell differentiation, as an evolutionary and regulated process
by Pavel A. Prokharau & Fred J. Vermolen & José Manuel García-Aznar - 1071-1085 Computational framework to model and design surgical meshes for hernia repair
by B. Hernández-Gascón & N. Espés & E. Peña & G. Pascual & J.M. Bellón & B. Calvo - 1086-1095 CT-based semi-automatic quantification of vertebral fracture restoration
by Gilles Le Pennec & Sophie Campana & Erwan Jolivet & Jean-Marc Vital & Xavier Barreau & Wafa Skalli - 1096-1107 Finite element modelling of human auditory periphery including a feed-forward amplification of the cochlea
by Xuelin Wang & Liling Wang & Jianjun Zhou & Yujin Hu - 1108-1118 Mechanical performance of endodontic restorations with prefabricated posts: sensitivity analysis of parameters with a 3D finite element model
by Carmen González-Lluch & Antonio Pérez-González & Joaquín L. Sancho-Bru & Pablo-Jesús Rodríguez-Cervantes - 1119-1128 A Lagrangian level set-like method for modelling and simulation in bioengineering
by Hicham Mir & Francis Thibault - 1129-1143 Subject-specific bone remodelling of the scapula
by Carlos Quental & João Folgado & Paulo R. Fernandes & Jacinto Monteiro - 1144-1156 New biomechanical model for clinical evaluation of the upper extremity motion in subjects with neurological disorders: an application case
by Joan Lobo-Prat & Josep M. Font-Llagunes & Cristina Gómez-Pérez & Josep Medina-Casanovas & Rosa M. Angulo-Barroso - 1157-1164 Influence of landmark and surgical variability on virtual assessment of total knee arthroplasty
by Y. Dai & J. Seebeck & A.D. Henderson & J.E. Bischoff
July 2014, Volume 17, Issue 9
- 933-943 Specificity of clinical examinations for testing glenohumeral ligament integrity: a computational study
by Hippolite O. Amadi & Roger J. Emery & Andrew Wallace & Anthony Bull - 944-957 Stress analysis of a centrally fractured rib fixated by an intramedullary screw
by Petar Liovic & Ilija D. Šutalo & Silvana F. Marasco - 958-964 Material properties of the placenta under dynamic loading conditions
by Jérémie Pérès & Lionel Thollon & Jérome Delotte & Yannick Tillier & Christian Brunet & Kambiz Kayvantash & Michel Behr - 965-977 A computational study of injury severity and pattern sustained by overweight drivers in frontal motor vehicle crashes
by Jong-Eun Kim & Il Hwan Kim & Phillip C. Shum & Alan M. Shih & Frank Pintar & Wei Shen & Xiaoguang Ma & Purushottam W. Laud & Steven B. Heymsfield & David B. Allison & Shankuan Zhu - 978-985 IB–LBM simulation of the haemocyte dynamics in a stenotic capillary
by Xu Yuan-Qing & Tang Xiao-Ying & Tian Fang-Bao & Peng Yu-Hua & Xu Yong & Zeng Yan-Jun - 986-996 Computational modelling of electrocardiograms: repolarisation and T-wave polarity in the human heart
by Daniel E. Hurtado & Ellen Kuhl - 997-1001 A new cortical thickness mapping method with application to an finite element model
by Young Ho Kim & Jong-Eun Kim & Alan W. Eberhardt - 1002-1011 Nonlinear numerical analysis of the structural response of the intervertebral disc to impact loading
by Giacomo Marini & Stephen J. Ferguson - 1012-1020 Computer modelling of maximal displacement forces in endoluminal thoracic aortic stent graft
by Dejan Krsmanovic & Igor Koncar & Dejan Petrovic & Danko Milasinovic & Lazar Davidovic & Nenad Filipovic - 1021-1031 Modelling of global boundary effects on harmonic motion imaging of soft tissues
by Xiaodong Zhao & Assimina A. Pelegri - 1032-1041 A biomechanical model to simulate the effect of a high vertical loading on trunk flexural stiffness
by Sadok Mehrez & Hichem Smaoui & Fatma Z. Ben Salah - 1042-1050 Simulation of bone remodelling in orthodontic treatment
by Chao Wang & Jingyun Han & Qing Li & Lizhen Wang & Yubo Fan
June 2014, Volume 17, Issue 8
- 813-828 A multi-scale mechanobiological model of in-stent restenosis: deciphering the role of matrix metalloproteinase and extracellular matrix changes
by Houman Zahedmanesh & Hans Van Oosterwyck & Caitríona Lally - 829-837 3D finite element models of shoulder muscles for computing lines of actions and moment arms
by Joshua D. Webb & Silvia S. Blemker & Scott L. Delp - 838-844 Computational analysis of lung deformation after murine pneumonectomy
by Nenad Filipovic & Barry C. Gibney & Dalibor Nikolic & Moritz A. Konerding & Steven J. Mentzer & Akira Tsuda - 845-852 Translation of biomechanical concepts in bone tissue engineering: from animal study to revision knee arthroplasty
by A. Roshan-Ghias & A. Terrier & B.M. Jolles & D.P. Pioletti