July 2013, Volume 16, Issue S1
- 264-265 Effect of ions on the interactions of glass nanoparticles with monolayer lung surfactant: applications for the study of inhaled airborne wear particles
by B. Munteanu & Y. Berthier & J.-P. Rieu & A.-M. Trunfio Sfarghiu - 266-267 Diffusion–reaction model to describe osteogenesis within a titanium scaffold
by M. Schmitt & P. Rouch & Y. Tillier & T. Schouman & R. Allena - 268-269 A simple model for the perfusion of porous hydrogel scaffolds under culture in a sustentation like bioreactor
by Y. Knapp & V. Deplano & E. Bertrand - 270-271 Subject-specific finite element modelling of canine long bones up to fracture
by C. Laurent & B. Bohme & V. d'Otreppe & M. Balligand & J.-P. Ponthot - 272-274 A three-scale identification of orthotropic properties of trabecular bone
by H. Khaterchi & H. Belhadjsalah - 275-277 Intervertebral disc characterisation by elastography: a preliminary study
by C. Vergari & P. Rouch & G. Dubois & M. Tanter & J.L. Gennisson & W. Skalli - 278-279 Biomechanical breast modelling to improve patient positioning during breast cancer radiotherapy
by S. Vallier & J. Troccaz & I. Gabelle-Flandin & Y. Payan - 280-281 Mechanical behaviour of annulus fibrosus tissue: identification of a poro-hyper-elastic model from experimental measurements
by A. Baldit & D. Ambard & F. Cherblanc & P. Royer - 282-283 Imaging of the human Glisson's capsule by two-photon excitation microscopy and mechanical characterisation by uniaxial tensile tests
by C. Jayyosi & M. Coret & K. Bruyère-Garnier - 284-286 Experimental protocol to characterise damage of appendicular bone
by R. Delille & B. Bennani & D. Lesueur & P. Drazetic & C. Fontaine & H. Morvan - 287-289 Mechanical properties of deep-sea molluscan shell
by I. Hrabánková & J. Frýda & J. Šepitka & T. Sasaki & B. Frýdová & J. Lukeš - 290-291 Nanoindentation mapping reveals gradients in the mechanical properties of dental enamel in rat incisors
by B. Frýdová & J. Šepitka & V. Stejskal & J. Frýda & J. Lukeš - 292-293 Crystallographic texture determines mechanical properties of molluscan nacre
by J. Frýda & J. Šepitka & B. Frýdová & I. Hrabánková & J. Lukeš & M. Klicnarová - 294-296 Space and phase normalisations in motion correction for magnetic resonance elastography
by M. Tardieu & M. Poirier-Quinot & R. Sinkus & L. Darrasse & X. Maître - 297-299 Asymmetric kinematics and dynamics of the temporomandibular joint without pain: a case report
by D. Alvarez Areiza & E. Sapin-de Brosses & X. Mommers & A.S. Bonnet & N. Zwetyenga & P. Lipinski - 300-301 Finite element analysis of temporomandibular joints during opening–closing motion: asynchronous case report
by V. Creuillot & D. Alvarez Areiza & E. Sapin de Brosses & A.S. Bonnet & P. Lipinski - 302-304 A method of scar evaluation using non-contact 3D scanner
by A. Mitbauerová & L. Čapek & R. Ogawa - 305-307 Advanced modelling of the mechanical behaviour of biological tissues: application to 3D breast deformation
by G. Dufaye & A. Cherouat & J.M. Bachmann - 308-309 Numerical assessment of the effects of the axial variations of porosity and mineralisation on the elastic properties in the human femoral neck
by V. Sansalone & V. Bousson & S. Naili & C. Bergot & F. Peyrin & J.D. Laredo & G. Haïat - 310-311 Experimental measures of human intracranial arteries wall properties
by B. Lafon & O. Eker & D. Ambard & V. Costalat & M. Sanchez & A. Baldit & F. Jourdan - 312-314 Shell finite element model for interactive foetal head deformation during childbirth
by M. Bailet & F. Zara & E. Promayon - 315-317 Comparison between the mechanical behaviour of the human healthy AA and commercial prostheses under various mechanical loadings
by A. Lemercier & L. Bailly & C. Geindreau & M. Toungara & P. Latil & L. Orgéas & V. Deplano & N. Boucard - 318-319 Preservation of tangent modulus of pericardial tissue during cold storage
by E. Gultova & L. Horny & H. Chlup & R. Zitny & T. Adamek & M. Kulvajtova - 320-322 Using a 3D needle–tissue force distribution basis to optimise the design of an instrumented needle
by A.L.G. Robert & G. Chagnon & P. Cinquin & A. Moreau-Gaudry - 323-325 Anatomic sampling site and perfusate osmolarity effects on periosteum intrinsic permeability
by S. Lemonnier & T. Lemaire & S. Naili & M.L. Knothe Tate - 326-327 Prediction of bone anisotropic mechanical properties in osteoporotic human vertebral body from microstructural parameters
by L. Fradet & A. Vachon & A. Levasseur & P.J. Arnoux & Y. Petit - 328-329 Evaluation of the elastic modulus of cortical bone: adaptation of experimental protocols to small samples
by E. Lefèvre & C. Baron & M. Pithioux - 330-331 Mechanical and physicochemical responses for hyaline cartilage: role of protein β1 integrin in mechanotransduction
by L. Cueru & C. Bougault & A. Aszodi & Y. Berthier & F. Mallein-Gerin & A.-M. Trunfio Sfarghiu - 332-333 Patient-specific modelling of the calf muscle under elastic compression using magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound elastography
by F. Frauziols & P.-Y. Rohan & P. Badel & S. Avril & J. Molimard & L. Navarro - 334-336 Stochastic multiscale modelling of elastic properties of bone ultrastructure
by V. Sansalone & S. Naili & C. Soize & C. Desceliers - 337-339 Determination of mechanical properties of cortical bone using AFM under dry and immersed conditions
by E. Lefèvre & C. Guivier-Curien & M. Pithioux & A. Charrier - 340-341 Creep simulation and comparison of micro-CT-based FE model of porcine and human cancellous bone
by Ahmet H. Ertas
December 2013, Volume 16, Issue 12
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 1249-1261 Experimental Parameter Estimation Method for Nonlinear Viscoelastic Composite Material Models: An Application on Arterial Tissue
by Emin Sunbuloglu & Ergun Bozdag & Tuncer Toprak & Civan Islak - 1262-1272 A watershed approach for improving medical image segmentation
by E.A. Zanaty & Ashraf Afifi - 1273-1277 Development of a method for quantifying the midsole reaction model parameters
by Roozbeh Naemi & Nachiappan Chockalingam - 1278-1286 A combined numerical and experimental technique for estimation of the forces and moments in the lumbar intervertebral disc
by Shaobai Wang & Won Man Park & Hemanth R. Gadikota & Jun Miao & Yoon Hyuk Kim & Kirkham B. Wood & Guoan Li - 1287-1297 Patient-specific modelling of the foot: automated hexahedral meshing of the bones
by W.B. Lievers & R.W. Kent - 1298-1306 Inspirational airflow patterns in deviated noses: a numerical study
by Jian Hua Zhu & Heow Pueh Lee & Kian Meng Lim & Shu Jin Lee & Lynette Teo Li San & De Yun Wang - 1307-1318 Assessment of mechanical integrity for drug-eluting renal stent with micro-sized drug reservoirs
by Hao-Ming Hsiao & Yi-Hsiang Chiu - 1319-1329 Hip joint centre localisation with an unscented Kalman filter
by Elena De Momi & Elisa Beretta & Giancarlo Ferrigno - 1330-1343 Influences of brain tissue poroelastic constants on intracranial pressure (ICP) during constant-rate infusion
by Xiaogai Li & Hans von Holst & Svein Kleiven - 1344-1361 A hyperelastic biphasic fibre-reinforced model of articular cartilage considering distributed collagen fibre orientations: continuum basis, computational aspects and applications
by David M. Pierce & Tim Ricken & Gerhard A. Holzapfel - 1362-1373 Quantifying the centre of rotation pattern in a multi-body model of the lumbar spine
by Alireza Abouhossein & Bernhard Weisse & Stephen J. Ferguson
November 2013, Volume 16, Issue 11
- 1127-1134 Biomechanical behaviour of cerebral aneurysm and its relation with the formation of intraluminal thrombus: a patient-specific modelling study
by Xiaohong Wang & Xiaoyang Li - 1135-1142 Extrapolation of an empirical elbow muscle co-activation relationship to a novel task set: implications for predictions of individual muscle demands
by Erin E. Middlebrook & Rebecca L. Brookham & Clark R. Dickerson - 1143-1149 Three-dimensional numerical simulation of stress induced by different lengths of osseointegrated implants in the anterior maxilla
by Joon-Seok Lee & Young-Jun Lim - 1150-1162 Trabecular bone remodelling under pathological conditions based on biochemical and mechanical processes involved in BMU activity
by P.J. Liotier & J.M. Rossi & S. Wendling-Mansuy & P. Chabrand - 1163-1169 The use of preserved tissue in finite element modelling of fresh ovine vertebral behaviour
by Sarrawat Rehman & Philippa E. Garner & Jean E. Aaron & Ruth K. Wilcox - 1170-1184 A meshless microscale bone tissue trabecular remodelling analysis considering a new anisotropic bone tissue material law
by Jorge Belinha & Renato M. Natal Jorge & Lúcia M.J.S. Dinis - 1185-1195 The effect of hydrogel injection on cardiac function and myocardial mechanics in a computational post-infarction model
by Jeroen Kortsmit & Neil H. Davies & Renee Miller & Jesse R. Macadangdang & Peter Zilla & Thomas Franz - 1196-1201 Effect of a pathological scapular tilt after total shoulder arthroplasty
by Marion Röthlisberger & Dominique P. Pioletti & Alain Farron & Alexandre Terrier - 1202-1212 Comparison of walking parameters obtained from the young, elderly and adults with support
by U. Rajendra Acharya & S. Vinitha Sree & Choo Min Lim & Peng Chuan Alvin Ang & Masaki Sekine & Toshiyo Tamura - 1213-1220 A method for 3D detection of symmetry line in asymmetric postures
by Luca Di Angelo & Paolo Di Stefano & Andrea Spezzaneve - 1221-1231 The influence of uncemented femoral stem length and design on its primary stability: a finite element analysis
by M. Reimeringer & N. Nuño & C. Desmarais-Trépanier & M. Lavigne & P.A. Vendittoli - 1232-1239 An exact solution of transient equations describing slow axonal transport
by A.V. Kuznetsov - 1240-1248 Quantitative underwater 3D motion analysis using submerged video cameras: accuracy analysis and trajectory reconstruction
by Amanda P. Silvatti & Pietro Cerveri & Thiago Telles & Fábio A.S. Dias & Guido Baroni & Ricardo M.L. Barros
October 2013, Volume 16, Issue 10
- 1041-1041 Special issue on computational cellular and biomolecular mechanics and mechanobiology
by Amit Gefen & Cees Oomens - 1042-1049 Location-dependent intracellular particle tracking using a cell-based coordinate system
by Shada Abuhattoum & Daphne Weihs - 1050-1055 Integration of mechanotransduction concepts in bone tissue engineering
by Dominique P. Pioletti - 1056-1070 A three-dimensional model for tissue deposition on complex surfaces
by Cécile M. Bidan & Frances M. Wang & John W.C. Dunlop - 1071-1084 Quantifying the mechanical micro-environment during three-dimensional cell expansion on microbeads by means of individual cell-based modelling
by Bart Smeets & Tim Odenthal & Engelbert Tijskens & Herman Ramon & Hans Van Oosterwyck - 1085-1095 A computational model of amoeboid cell migration
by Fong Yin Lim & Yen Ling Koon & Keng-Hwee Chiam - 1096-1105 Mechanisms of cell migration in the adult brain: modelling subventricular neurogenesis
by A. Van Schepdael & J.M.A. Ashbourn & R. Beard & J.J. Miller & L. Geris - 1106-1111 Sperm penetration to the zona pellucida of an oocyte: a computational model incorporating acrosome reaction
by Pavel Kozlovsky & Amit Gefen - 1112-1126 Evaluation of a post-processing approach for multiscale analysis of biphasic mechanics of chondrocytes
by Scott C. Sibole & Steve Maas & Jason P. Halloran & Jeffrey A. Weiss & Ahmet Erdemir
September 2013, Volume 16, Issue 9
- 923-928 Regional annulus fibre orientations used as a tool for the calibration of lumbar intervertebral disc finite element models
by Andrea Malandrino & Jérôme Noailly & Damien Lacroix - 929-936 A method to minimise error in 2D-DLT reconstruction of non-planar markers filmed with a moving camera
by Laurène Holden-Douilly & Philippe Pourcelot & Henry Chateau & Sylvain Falala & Nathalie Crevier-Denoix - 937-942 Automated pelvic anatomical coordinate system is reproducible for determination of anterior pelvic plane
by Shinya Hayashi & Takayuki Nishiyama & Takaaki Fujishiro & Noriyuki Kanzaki & Nao Shibanuma & Syoji Kobashi & Masahiro Kurosaka - 943-953 The influence of different magnitudes and methods of applying preload on fusion and disc replacement constructs in the lumbar spine: a finite element analysis
by Zheng-Cheng Zhong & Chinghua Hung & Hung-Ming Lin & Ying-Hui Wang & Chang-Hung Huang & Chen-Sheng Chen - 954-962 Determination of expander apparatus displacements and contact pressures on the mucosa using FEM modelling considering mandibular asymmetries
by Iracema Utsch Braga & Daniel Neves Rocha & Ricardo Luiz Utsch & Estevam Barbosa Las Casas & Roberto Márcio Andrade & Renato Natal Jorge & Rafael Utsch Braga - 963-974 Ultrasonic wave propagation in viscoelastic cortical bone plate coupled with fluids: a spectral finite element study
by Vu-Hieu Nguyen & Salah Naili - 975-986 Cartesian stiffness for wrist joints: analysis on the Lie group of 3D rotations and geometric approximation for experimental evaluation
by Domenico Campolo - 987-992 Skiing efficiency versus performance in double-poling ergometry
by L. Joakim Holmberg & Marie Lund Ohlsson & Matej Supej & Hans-Christer Holmberg - 993-1001 monitoring of bone–implant bond strength by microCT and finite element modelling
by Vincent A. Stadelmann & Carl M. Conway & Steven K. Boyd - 1002-1012 An affine micro-sphere-based constitutive model, accounting for junctional sliding, can capture F-actin network mechanics
by Hans Van Oosterwyck & José Felix Rodríguez & Manuel Doblaré & José Manuel García Aznar - 1013-1021 On the potential of lower limb muscles to accelerate the body's centre of mass during walking
by Tomas A. Correa & Marcus G. Pandy - 1022-1031 A finite element analysis of the vibration behaviour of a cementless hip system
by M.A. Pérez & B. Seral-García - 1032-1039 A fluid–structure interaction-based numerical investigation on the evolution of stress, strength and rupture potential of an abdominal aortic aneurysm
by Xiaohong Wang & Xiaoyang Li
August 2013, Volume 16, Issue 8
- 807-818 A coupled biventricular finite element and lumped-parameter circulatory system model of heart failure
by Jonathan F. Wenk & Liang Ge & Zhihong Zhang & Mehrdad Soleimani & D. Dean Potter & Arthur W. Wallace & Elaine Tseng & Mark B. Ratcliffe & Julius M. Guccione - 819-829 Development and validation of a subject-specific finite element model of a human clavicle
by Zuoping Li & Matthew W. Kindig & Jason R. Kerrigan & Richard W. Kent & Jeff R. Crandall - 830-839 Bending and pressurisation test of the human aortic arch: experiments, modelling and simulation of a patient-specific case
by Claudio M. García-Herrera & Diego J. Celentano & Marcela A. Cruchaga - 840-851 Computational simulation modelling of bioreactor configurations for regenerating human bladder
by Seokwon Pok & Dhananjay V. Dhane & Sundararajan V. Madihally - 852-860 Displacement smoothing for the precise MRI-based measurement of strain in soft biological tissues
by Deva D. Chan & David Toribio & Corey P. Neu - 861-872 Artefact-reduced kinematics measurement using a geometric finger model with mixture-prior particle filtering
by Cheung-Wen Chang & Li-Chieh Kuo & I-Ming Jou & Fong-Chin Su & Yung-Nien Sun - 873-884 Automated localisation and boundary identification of superficial femoral artery on MRI sequences
by Tzung-Chi Huang & Da-Chuan Cheng & Arno Schmidt-Trucksäss & Uwe H. Schütz - 885-895 An optimisation approach to multiprobe cryosurgery planning
by Giovanni Giorgi & Leopoldo Avalle & Massimo Brignone & Michele Piana & Giacomo Caviglia - 896-907 Differential transform semi-numerical analysis of biofluid-particle suspension flow and heat transfer in non-Darcian porous media
by T.A. Bég & M.M. Rashidi & O. Anwar Bég & N. Rahimzadeh - 908-922 On the interrelationship of permeability and structural parameters of vertebral trabecular bone: a parametric computational study
by René P. Widmer & Stephen J. Ferguson
July 2013, Volume 16, Issue 7
- 689-690 In Memoriam
by John Middleton & Christopher Jacobs - 691-698 PPISE: gene ontology-based search for protein–protein interactions
by Byungkyu Park & Guangyu Cui & Hyunjin Lee & De-Shuang Huang & Kyungsook Han - 699-706 An analytical solution describing the propagation of positive injury signals in an axon: effect of dynein velocity distribution
by A.V. Kuznetsov - 707-716 Fast quantification of immunohistochemistry tissue microarrays in lung carcinoma
by Ching-Wei Wang - 717-724 Evaluating a suitable level of model complexity for finite element analysis of the intact acetabulum
by S.G. Clarke & A.T.M. Phillips & A.M.J. Bull - 725-735 Design of a fault-tolerant decision-making system for biomedical applications
by Oliver Faust & U. Rajendra Acharya & Bernhard H.C. Sputh & Toshiyo Tamura - 736-746 Simulation of the behaviour of the L1 vertebra for different material properties and loading conditions
by Ibrahim Erdem & Eeric Truumees & Marjolein C.H. van der Meulen - 747-757 Analysis of several biomechanical models for the simulation of lamb liver behaviour using similarity coefficients from medical image
by F. Martínez-Martínez & M.A. Lago & M.J. Rupérez & C. Monserrat - 758-767 Automatic diagnosis of mammographic abnormalities based on hybrid features with learning classifier
by W. Jai Singh & B. Nagarajan - 768-780 A forward incremental prestressing method with application to inverse parameter estimations and eye-specific simulations of posterior scleral shells
by Rafael Grytz & J. Crawford Downs - 781-789 Soft tissue structures resisting anterior instability in a computational glenohumeral joint model
by Kevin A. Elmore & Jennifer S. Wayne - 790-801 A computational model of angiogenesis based on extracellular matrix fibre orientation
by Lowell T. Edgar & Scott C. Sibole & Clayton J. Underwood & James E. Guilkey & Jeffrey A. Weiss - 802-805 Towards real-time simulation of cardiac electrophysiology in a human heart at high resolution
by David F. Richards & James N. Glosli & Erik W. Draeger & Arthur A. Mirin & Bor Chan & Jean-luc Fattebert & William D. Krauss & Tomas Oppelstrup & Chris J. Butler & John A. Gunnels & Viatcheslav Gurev & Changhoan Kim & John Magerlein & Matthias Reumann & Hui-Fang Wen & John Jeremy Rice
June 2013, Volume 16, Issue 6
- 577-591 A detailed 3D finite element analysis of the peeling behaviour of a gecko spatula
by Roger A. Sauer & Matthias Holl - 592-601 Paediatric bed fall computer simulation model development and validation
by Angela K. Thompson & Gina E. Bertocci - 602-611 Hexahedral meshing of subject-specific anatomic structures using mapped building blocks
by Nicole A. Kallemeyn & Amla Natarajan & Vincent A. Magnotta & Nicole M. Grosland - 612-621 Mesh considerations for finite element blast modelling in biomechanics
by Matthew B. Panzer & Barry S. Myers & Cameron R. Bass - 622-638 Computational fluid dynamics analysis of surgical adjustment of left ventricular assist device implantation to minimise stroke risk
by Andres F. Osorio & Ruben Osorio & Andres Ceballos & Reginald Tran & William Clark & Eduardo A. Divo & I. Ricardo Argueta-Morales & Alain J. Kassab & William M. DeCampli - 639-647 Finite element-based force/moment-driven simulation of orthodontic tooth movement
by M. Geiger - 648-659 Haemodynamic impact of stent–vessel (mal)apposition following carotid artery stenting: mind the gaps!
by G. De Santis & M. Conti & B. Trachet & T. De Schryver & M. De Beule & J. Degroote & J. Vierendeels & F. Auricchio & P. Segers & P. Verdonck & B. Verhegghe - 660-668 Nonlinear fractal dynamics of human colonic pressure activity based upon the box-counting method
by Rongguo Yan & Xudong Guo - 669-677 A femoral model with all relevant muscles and hip capsule ligaments
by P. Helwig & U. Hindenlang & A. Hirschmüller & L. Konstantinidis & N. Südkamp & R. Schneider - 678-687 Reliability and accuracy of an automated tracking algorithm to measure controlled passive and active muscle fascicle length changes from ultrasound
by Jarred G. Gillett & Rod S. Barrett & Glen A. Lichtwark
May 2013, Volume 16, Issue 5
- 463-480 Spatial variation of permittivity of an electrolyte solution in contact with a charged metal surface: a mini review
by E. Gongadze & U. van Rienen & V. Kralj-Iglič & A. Iglič - 481-487 Development of a tactile stimulator with simultaneous visual and auditory stimulation using E-Prime software
by Hyung-Sik Kim & Hong-Won Yeon & Mi-Hyun Choi & Ji-Hye Kim & Jin-Seung Choi & Jang-Yeon Park & Jae-Hoon Jun & Jeong-Han Yi & Gye-Rae Tack & Soon-Cheol Chung - 488-494 Proposition of an outflow boundary approach for carotid artery stenosis CFD simulation
by Yu Zhang & Toyoki Furusawa & Sheau Fung Sia & Mitsuo Umezu & Yi Qian - 495-503 Analytical and numerical analysis of human dental occlusal contact
by Flávia de Souza Bastos & Estevam Barbosa de Las Casas & Sergio Martinez Oller - 504-510 Automatic individual calibration in fall detection – an integrative ambulatory measurement framework
by Jian Liu & Thurmon E. Lockhart - 511-519 Examination of the relationship between peak linear and angular accelerations to brain deformation metrics in hockey helmet impacts
by Andrew Post & Anna Oeur & Blaine Hoshizaki & Michael D. Gilchrist - 520-529 How does muscle stiffness affect the internal deformations within the soft tissue layers of the buttocks under constant loading?
by S. Loerakker & L.R. Solis & D.L. Bader & F.P.T. Baaijens & V.K. Mushahwar & C.W.J. Oomens - 530-543 Detailed finite element modelling of deep needle insertions into a soft tissue phantom using a cohesive approach
by Matthew Oldfield & Daniele Dini & Gianpaolo Giordano & Ferdinando Rodriguez y Baena - 544-553 Validation of a heterogeneous elastic-biphasic model for the numerical simulation of the PDL
by Marco Favino & Christian Gross & Marcel Drolshagen & Ludger Keilig & James Deschner & Christoph Bourauel & Rolf Krause - 554-564 Understanding ageing effects using complexity analysis of foot–ground clearance during walking
by Chandan Karmakar & Ahsan Khandoker & Rezaul Begg & Marimuthu Palaniswami - 565-576 A comparison of cartilage stress-relaxation models in unconfined compression: QLV and stretched exponential in combination with fluid flow
by Ronald K. June & David P. Fyhrie
2013, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 347-357 Modelling porous structures by penalty approach in the extended finite element method
by T. Tran & H. Lee & S. Lim - 358-367 Determination of material parameters of the two-dimensional Holzapfel–Weizsäcker type model based on uniaxial extension data of arterial walls
by Lin Li & Xiuqing Qian & Songhua Yan & Jianfeng Lei & Xiyun Wang & Haixia Zhang & Zhicheng Liu - 368-380 Comparison of first and second heart sounds after mechanical heart valve replacement
by Sabri Altunkaya & Sadık Kara & Niyazi Görmüş & Saadetdin Herdem - 381-391 A method for the field assessment of rolling resistance properties of manual wheelchairs
by Joseph Bascou & Christophe Sauret & Hélène Pillet & Philippe Vaslin & Patricia Thoreux & François Lavaste - 392-402 The influence of muscles activation on the dynamical behaviour of the tympano-ossicular system of the middle ear
by Fernanda Gentil & Marco Parente & Pedro Martins & Carolina Garbe & João Paço & António Ferreira & João Manuel Tavares & Renato Jorge - 403-412 Mechanical energy and power flow analysis of wheelchair use with different camber settings
by Yueh-Chu Huang & Lan-Yuen Guo & Chung-Ying Tsai & Fong-Chin Su - 413-424 Development of a transient large strain contact method for biological heart valve simulations
by Daniel Espino & Duncan Shepherd & David Hukins - 425-434 Automatic detection of age-related macular degeneration pathologies in retinal fundus images
by Ayşegül Güven - 435-442 Marker-based classification of young–elderly gait pattern differences via direct PCA feature extraction and SVMs
by Bjoern Eskofier & Peter Federolf & Patrick Kugler & Benno Nigg - 443-450 An approximate model for cancellous bone screw fixation
by C. Brown & R. Sinclair & A. Day & B. Hess & P. Procter - 451-462 Stabilisation of walking by intrinsic muscle properties revealed in a three-dimensional muscle-driven simulation
by Chand John & Frank Anderson & Jill Higginson & Scott Delp
2013, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 235-248 Diffusion-reaction model for embryo development
by R. Allena & J. Muñoz & D. Aubry - 249-255 Computerised system for measurement of muscle thickness based on ultrasonography
by Alexander Wong & Kaitlin Gallagher & Jack Callaghan - 256-270 A multibody knee model with discrete cartilage prediction of tibio-femoral contact mechanics
by Trent Guess & Hongzeng Liu & Sampath Bhashyam & Ganesh Thiagarajan - 271-279 Development of high-quality hexahedral human brain meshes using feature-based multi-block approach
by Haojie Mao & Haitao Gao & Libo Cao & Vinay Genthikatti & King Yang - 280-290 Development of an image-based technique to examine joint congruency at the elbow
by Emily Lalone & Colin McDonald & Louis Ferreira & Terry Peters & Graham King & James Johnson - 291-301 How well do the muscular synergies extracted via non-negative matrix factorisation explain the variation of torque at shoulder joint?
by M. Moghadam & K. Aminian & M. Asghari & M. Parnianpour - 302-313 Prediction of gastric ulcers based on the change in electrical resistance of acupuncture points using fuzzy logic decision-making
by Riad Al-Kasasbeh & Nikolay Korenevskiy & Mahdi Alshamasin & Florin Ionescou & Andrew Smith - 314-327 Integration of geometric separation mechanisms by implementing curved constrictions in a biochip microchannel fluidic separator
by Xiangdong Xue & Chris Bailey - 328-337 Effect of intervertebral disc degeneration on disc cell viability: a numerical investigation
by Fabio Galbusera & Antje Mietsch & Hendrik Schmidt & Hans-Joachim Wilke & Cornelia Neidlinger-Wilke - 338-345 Which factors influence the ability of a computational model to predict the deformation behaviour of skeletal muscle?
by S. Loerakker & D. Bader & F. Baaijens & C. Oomens
2013, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 119-129 Mechanotransduction in cortical bone and the role of piezoelectricity: a numerical approach
by M. Stroe & J. Crolet & M. Racila - 130-140 A novel approach to modelling and simulating the contact behaviour between a human hand model and a deformable object
by D. Chamoret & S. Roth & Z.-Q. Feng & X.-T. Yan & S. Gomes & F. Peyraut - 141-157 A computational model of the cardiovascular system coupled with an upper-arm oscillometric cuff and its application to studying the suprasystolic cuff oscillation wave, concerning its value in assessing arterial stiffness
by Fuyou Liang & Shu Takagi & Ryutaro Himeno & Hao Liu - 158-164 Three-dimensional finite element analysis of the maxillary central incisor in two different situations of traumatic impact
by B. da Silva & J. Moreira Neto & F. da Silva & A. de Aguiar - 165-174 Detection of incoherent joint state due to inaccurate bone motion estimation
by Cédric Schwartz & Fabien Leboeuf & Olivier Rémy-Néris & Sylvain Brochard & Mathieu Lempereur & Valérie Burdin - 175-184 A CaRBS analysis of hip replacement approaches and non-pathology
by G. Whatling & M. Beynon & C. Holt - 185-197 Characterisation of electrophysiological conduction in cardiomyocyte co-cultures using co-occurrence analysis
by Michael Chen & Jonathan Wong & Ellen Kuhl & Laurent Giovangrandi & Gregory Kovacs - 198-216 CFD analysis of the human airways under impedance-based boundary conditions: application to healthy, diseased and stented trachea
by M. Malvè & S. Chandra & J. López-Villalobos & E. Finol & A. Ginel & M. Doblaré - 217-221 Growth characterisation of intra-thoracic organs of children on CT scans
by François Coulongeat & Mohamed-Salah Jarrar & Lionel Thollon & Thierry Serre - 222-234 An integrated diabetic index using heart rate variability signal features for diagnosis of diabetes
by U. Acharya & Oliver Faust & S. Sree & Dhanjoo Ghista & Sumeet Dua & Paul Joseph & V. Ahamed & Nittiagandhi Janarthanan & Toshiyo Tamura
2013, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-5 List of Reviewers
by The Editors - 6-11 Repeatability assessment of functional methods to estimate the glenohumeral joint centre
by Mathieu Lempereur & Sylvain Brochard & Olivier Rémy-Néris - 12-25 In muscle lengthening surgery multiple aponeurotomy does not improve intended acute effects and may counter-indicate: an assessment by finite element modelling
by Can Yucesoy & Zeynep Şeref-Ferlengez & Peter Huijing - 26-32 CAD–CAM prosthetically guided bone regeneration using preformed titanium mesh for the reconstruction of atrophic maxillary arches
by L. Ciocca & M. Fantini & F. De Crescenzio & G. Corinaldesi & R. Scotti - 33-53 Influence of differing material properties in media and adventitia on arterial adaptation — application to aneurysm formation and rupture
by H. Schmid & A. Grytsan & E. Poshtan & P. Watton & M. Itskov - 54-65 Coupled objective function to study the role of abdominal muscle forces in lifting using the kinematics-driven model
by Z. El Ouaaid & A. Shirazi-Adl & N. Arjmand & A. Plamondon - 66-72 An elongation model of left ventricle deformation in diastole
by Yingying Hu & Liang Shi & Dongxing Du & Siva Parameswaran & Zhaoming He - 73-80 Analysis of wind velocity and release angle effects on discus throw using computational fluid dynamics
by Abel Rouboa & Victor Reis & Vishveshwar Mantha & Daniel Marinho & António Silva - 81-94 Interaction of microstructure and microcrack growth in cortical bone: a finite element study
by Susan Mischinski & Ani Ural - 95-102 Analytical modelling of retrograde transport of nerve growth factors in an axon: a transient problem
by A. Kuznetsov - 103-111 Influence of the medial offset of the proximal humerus on the glenohumeral destabilising forces during arm elevation: a numerical sensitivity study
by P. Lemieux & N. Hagemeister & P. Tétreault & N. Nuño - 112-118 Comparison between effects of various partial inferior turbinectomy options on nasal airflow: a computer simulation study
by Heow Lee & Revanth Garlapati & Vincent Chong & De Wang
2012, Volume 15, Issue S1
- 1-1 Editorial
by Pierre Moretto - 2-7 37 Congress of the Société de Biomécanique
by The Editors - 8-9 Biomechanics for computer-assisted surgery
by Yohan Payan - 10-11 Nanoreinforcement of hydroxyapatite coatings on titanium for osseointegration of orthopaedic implants
by S. Facca & D. Lahiri - 12-13 Equine superficial digital flexor tendon force and axial speed of sound: a calibration method under clinical conditions
by C. Vergari & P. Pourcelot & B. Ravary-Plumiöen & M. Camus & L. Holden-Douilly & S. Falala & H. Chateau & N. Crevier-Denoix - 14-16 A purely mechanical model to explore amoeboid cell migration
by R. Allena & D. Aubry - 17-18 Biofluidics of animal morphogenesis: does evolution follow stream lines?
by V. Fleury - 19-20 Effect of macroscopic loading on nanoscopic signal for cellular activity
by M. Racila & V. Serchi & J. Crolet - 21-22 A reactive model to predict the periprosthetic healing
by G. Khalil & P. Mansat & K. Søballe & J. Bechtold & P. Swider - 23-24 Numerical analysis of keloid scar in the presternal area
by J. Chambert & L. Zhao & D. Remache & E. Jacquet - 25-26 Discrete model combined with mimetic microfluidic chips to study cell growth in porous scaffold under flow conditions
by M. Chabanon & H. Duval & O. Francais & B. Lepioufle & E. Perrin & B. Goyeau & B. David - 27-29 Inverse problems for the determination of traction forces by cells on a substrate: a comparison of two methods
by R. Michel & V. Peschetola & B. Bedessem & J. Etienne & D. Ambrosi & A. Duperray & C. Verdier - 30-31 On the air permeability of Populus pit
by M. Capron & Ph. Tordjeman & F. Charru - 32-33 Characterisation of membrane elastic properties of capsules flowing in a square-section microfluidic channel
by X.-Q. Hu & A.-V. Salsac & E. Leclerc & D. Barthès-Biesel - 34-35 Shear-induced diffusion in a red blood cell suspension
by A. Srivastav & X. Grandchamp & G. Coupier & T. Podgorski - 36-37 Ultrasonic assessment of arterial wall elasticity: the palpography technique revisited
by F. Deleaval & S. Le Floc'h & A. Bouvier & G. Finet & G. Cloutier & J. Ohayon - 38-40 Patient-specific finite element model of the buttocks for pressure ulcer prevention – linear versus non-linear modelling
by M. Bucki & V. Luboz & C. Lobos & N. Vuillerme & F. Cannard & B. Diot & Y. Payan - 41-43 Using a 3D biomechanical model to improve a light aspiration device for soft tissue characterisation
by A. Deram & V. Luboz & E. Promayon & Y. Payan - 44-45 Patient-specific numerical model of soft tissues in the compressed leg: application to six subjects
by L. Dubuis & S. Avril & J. Debayle & P. Badel - 46-48 Computational flow dynamics based on an intracranial aneurysm animal model
by D. Bresson & Z. Kharboutly & C. Mounayer & C. Couquet & B. Gory & C. Legallais - 49-52 Influence of blood shear-thinning behaviour on flow dynamics in abdominal aortic aneurysm compliant model
by V. Deplano & L. Bailly & E. Bertrand - 53-55 Geometrical orifice area compared to effective orifice area of valvular mitral bioprosthesis: study
by M. Evin & C. Guivier-Curien & D. Tanne & P. Pibarot & R. Rieu - 56-58 Flow and particles deposition in anatomically realistic airways
by T. Xiong & H. Ilmi & Y. Hoarau & P. Choquet & C. Goetz & A. Fouras & S. Dubsky & M. Braza & S. Sainlos-Brillac & F. Plouraboué & D. Lo Jacono - 59-60 Boundary conditions in arterial flows and evaluation of reflection indices
by P. Bokov & P. Flaud & J. Fullana & M. Rossi - 61-62 Comparing different numerical methods for solving arterial 1D flows in networks
by X. Wang & O. Delestre & J.-M. Fullana & M. Saito & Y. Ikenaga & M. Matsukawa & P.-Y. Lagree - 63-65 Non-invasive method for measuring local pulse wave velocity in arteries: part II
by K. Abdessalem & P. Flaud & W. Shtout & R. Salah - 66-68 Control of brain blood flow by capillaries: a simulation study in an anatomically accurate large human vascular network
by S. Lorthois & F. Lauwers - 69-71 Glottal motion and its impact on the respiratory flow
by A. Scheinherr & L. Bailly & O. Boiron & T. Legou & A. Giovanni & G. Caillibotte & M. Pichelin - 72-73 A numerical study on the influence of CT scan orientation for mandible biomechanical simulation
by H. Marques & A. Ramos & M. Mesnard & C. Relvas & A. Completo & J. Simões - 74-75 Image-based patient-specific simulation: a computational modelling of the human left heart haemodynamics
by C. Chnafa & S. Mendez & F. Nicoud & R. Moreno & S. Nottin & I. Schuster - 76-78 3D geometrical modelling of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
by J. Gesbert & Ph. Violas & B. Colobert & J. Dufournet & D. Vervaeke & D. Loiseau & L. Rakotomanana - 79-80 Pressure drop reconstruction in the aqueduct of sylvius from MRI acquisitions
by G. Bardan & F. Plouraboue & M. Zagzoule & O. Baledent