2008, Volume 11, Issue S1
- 19-20 Biomechanical analysis of lower limbs for children with cerebral palsy: Gait analysis and musculo-skeletal modelling
by A. Assi - 21-22 Subject specific 3D lower limbs muscle reconstructions for children with cerebral palsy
by A. Assi - 23-24 Strain rate effect and inter-individual variability on mechanical behaviour of beef scapula bone samples
by A. Auperrin - 25-27 Stabilometric study of changes in body posture during mandibular advancement
by C. Bazert - 29-30 Comparison of tendon fiber structures between wild type and TIEG knockout mice using synchrotron microdiffraction
by S. Bensamoun & L. Gumez & J. Hawse & M. Subramaniam & F. Briki & A. Gourrier & J. Doucet & T.C. Spelsberg & C. Pichon - 31-32 Measurement of the liver stiffness with two imaging techniques: magnetic resonance elastography and Fibroscan
by S. Bensamoun & L. Wang & L. Robert & F. Charleux & J.P. Latrive & M.C. Ho Ba Tho - 33-34 Safety review of wheelchair users in road passenger vehicles
by F. Bermond - 35-36 A new experimental set-up for the study of tracer exchange between a network of channels and a diffusive matrix: application to kinetic modelling in PET
by I. Billanou & S. Lorthois & M. Quintard - 37-38 Decrease of strength at ankle joint induces a postural instability in older adults
by M. Billot & E.M. Simoneau & A. Martin & J. Van Hoeocke - 39-40 Analysis of the angular velocity during the propulsive phase of the sprint start
by A. Bonnefoy & J. Slawinski & G. Ontanon & J.M. Leveque & C. Chatain & A. Riquet & Y. Vannicatte & C. Miller - 41-42 Cervical spine 3D kinematics of healthy subjects: a new experimental procedure proposal
by L. Boussion - 43-44 Influence of sporting expertise on the EMG–torque relationship during isometric contraction in man
by B. Bru & D. Amarantini - 45-46 Electrophysiological modifications of reflex excitability, and ankle stiffness after selective soleus lidocaine block, and after selective tibial neurotomy
by K. Buffenoir & P. Decq & C. Perot - 47-48 Outdoor motion analysis system for wheelchair propulsion
by J.C. Cabelguen - 49-50 Passive stiffness of rat soleus muscle from weaning to senescence
by F. Canon & D. Gamet & C. Perot - 51-52 Muscle force simulation by using two motor-unit recruitment strategies
by H. Cao & F. Marin & S. Boudaoud & C. Marque - 53-55 Flow and mass transfer modelling for tissue engineering applications
by B. Carpentier & A. Gautier & P. Paullier & A. Ould-Dris & P. Layrolle & C. Legallais - 57-58 Reliability and sensitivity of an accelerometric device to discriminate between the biomechanical effects of different racetracks in the horse trotting at high speed
by H. Chateau & D. Robin & N. Veniard & S. Falala & P. Pourcelot & J.-P. Valette & B. Ravary & J.-M. Denoix & N. Crevier-Denoix - 59-60 Comparison of the activity of the trunk muscles during walking exercises at spontaneous and maximal velocities on land and in water
by A. Chevutschi - 61-62 Limbs electrogoniometric study in a healthy trotting dog
by A. Colin & T. Lequang & P. Maitre & E. Viguier - 63-65 Trajectories and kinematic characters in temporomandibular joint displacements
by J.Ch. Coutant - 67-68 Non invasive measurement of equine superficial digital flexor tendon loading at high speed trot on different track surfaces
by N. Crevier-Denoix & P. Pourcelot & B. Ravary & D. Robin & S. Falala & J.-P. Valette & J.-M. Denoix & H. Chateau - 69-71 Collagen fibres effect on the mechanical properties of cortical bone. A numerical approach
by J.M. Crolet & M. Racila - 73-74 Computer-aided decision system to diagnose pathologies concerning the musculo-skeletal system of the lower limbs
by T.-T. Dao & F. Marin & M.C. Ho Ba Tho - 75-77 Joint moment determination for ergonomic simulation of reaching movement: PID controllers contribution
by J.-F. Debril & P. Pudlo & P. Gorce & F.X. Lepoutre - 79-80 Variations in expert rower coordination when rate increases on ergometer concept2
by N. Decoufour & P. Pudlo & F. Barbier & P. Gorce - 81-82 A method to individually consider the dermis thickness for skin mechanical analyses
by A. Delalleau & G. Josse & J.M. Lagarde - 83-84 Comparative study of torsional strength of 14 pairs of tibial bones with and without transversal osteotomy of variable size: protocol and results
by Y. Delannis & F. Molinier - 85-86 Muscle–tendon surgery: effect on length and lengthening velocity of rectus femoris in cerebral palsy children gait
by Eric Desailly - 87-88 Isokinetics for neck muscular fatigue assessment
by S. Deslandes - 89-90 New instrumented pedals to quantify 2D forces at the shoe-pedal interface in ecological conditions: preliminary study in elite track cyclists
by S. Dorel & J-M. Drouet & F. Hug & P-M. Lepretre & Y. Champoux - 91-92 Analysis of the mechanisms of idiopathic scoliosis progression using finite element simulation
by X. Drevelle & J. Dubousset & Y. Lafon & E. Ebermeyer & W. Skalli - 93-94 Detailed modelling of the lumbar spine for trauma applications: preliminary results
by M. El-Rich - 95-96 Bone integrity described by resonance frequency signature
by F. Gabrielli & P. Guillemain & E. Ogam & C. Masson - 97-98 ‘Dynamic’ transverse mechanical properties of rat skeletal muscle under compression
by D. Gamet & J. Piscione - 99-100 Considerations in the finite element modelling of vertebrae in children and adults: a preliminary study
by A. Garo - 101-102 Upper limb musculo-skeletal disorders and insert fitting activity in automobile sector: impact on muscular stresses of fitting method and insert position on part
by C. Gaudez - 103-104 Comparative angular variations between adult and elderly in prehension movement with obstacle
by M. Geronimi & P. Gorce - 105-106 Study of cancer cell survival using an anti-adhesive substratum
by O. Goundiam & M.-D. Nagel & M. Vayssade - 107-108 Three-dimensional modal characterisation of the human head–neck system
by K. Guenzel & R. Willinger - 109-111 Development of a methodology for the standardisation of isotonic vs. isokinetic eccentric contraction modes
by G. Guilhem & A. Nordez & A. Lafoux & A. Guével & C. Cornu - 113-114 Experimental study of the prosthetic valve performance in the concomitant presence of a subaortic stenosis
by C. Guivier Curien & V. Deplano & E. Bertrand - 115-116 The intersegmental motion of cervical spine with the measurement and a rigid body model
by N. Hoang & F. Marin & M.-C. Ho Ba Tho - 117-118 Comparative study of scoliotic spines using a fast 3D reconstruction method from biplanar X-rays
by L. Humbert - 119-120 Reach-to-grasp: a comparative study between C6-C7 quadriplegic and healthy subjects
by J. Jacquier-Bret & N. Rezzoug & P. Gorce - 121-123 Validation of body composition measurements in limbs and trunk using eight-electrodes bioimpedance
by Michel Jaffrin & Hélène Morel & Yuliya Lavielle - 125-126 Biomechanical modelling of hip and its soft tissue
by E. Jolivet & W. Skalli & J.D. Laredo - 127-128 Application of a thermodynamic model to mechanical properties of rabbit Achilles tendon
by C.J.F. Kahn & X. Wang & R. Rahouadj - 129-130 A folding ergometer device to assess the neuromechanical properties of children's ankles
by N. Khider & T. Lapole & C. Vanhoutte & C. Perot - 131-133 Age-related decline in rate of torque development during fast contractions is caused by lower neural activation and slower muscle contractile kinetics
by M. Klass & S. Baudry & J. Duchateau - 135-136 3D analysis of cervical spine kinematic: effect of age and gender in healthy subjects
by C. Lansade & S. Laporte & P. Thoreux - 137-138 Spatial, temporal and kinetic evaluation of normal cats at walk, using a pressure walkway
by T. Le Quang & P. Maitre & A. Colin & E. Viguier - 139-140 Assessment of limb segment volume asymmetry
by J. Leboucher & G.A. Dumas & A. Pinti & F.-X. Lepoutre - 141-142 Flow of microcapsules in small pores: determination of the membrane elastic modulus
by É. Leclerc & Y. Lefebvre & J. Walter & D. Barthès-Biesel & F. Edwards-Lévy - 143-144 Are passive ankle stiffness and ROM modified during the menstrual cycle?
by R.M.P. Leite - 145-146 Effects of unipedal standing training on mechanical and neuromuscular systems
by M. Levenez & B. Laloux & N. Guissard - 147-148 Upper limb muscle forces: A comparative study
by N. Louis & P. Gorce - 149-150 Influence of shoe midsoles dynamic properties and ground stiffness on the impact force during running
by L.Y. Quoc Hung & Alaoui Amina & Baly Laurent - 151-152 Simulation of coronary fluxes in case of three-vessel disease
by M. Maasrani & J.Ph. Verhoye & H. Corbineau & A. Drochon - 153-154 Hip dysplasia in dogs: correlation between clinical lameness score, radiographic findings and walkway gait analysis
by P. Maitre & T. Lequang - 155-156 Maximal voluntary isometric force is lower during bilateral compared to unilateral quadriceps contractions
by B. Matkowski & A. Martin & R. Lepers - 157-158 Effect of lower limb muscle fatigue induced by high-level isometric contractions on postural maintenance and postural adjustments associated with bilateral upper limb push
by M. Mezaour & E. Yiou & A.M. Heugas & S. Le Bozec - 159-160 What are the biomechanical modifications created by sensorial degradations when stepping up?
by V. Michel-Pellegrino & D.J. Hewson & J. Duchêne - 161-163 Accelerated durability testing of metallic stents used as components for made-to-measure aortic endografts
by J. Molina & F. Koskas & J.D. Singland & B. Pain - 165-166 Identification of mass and mass centre position of body segments
by T. Monnet & C. Vallee & P. Lacouture - 167-169 bicarbonate and urea kinetics during hemodialysis and online hemodiafiltration
by H. Morel & M.Y. Jaffrin & C. Legallais & J. Vienken - 171-172 Modulation of fibroblast behaviour by enzymatically-tailored pectins: PectiCoat
by M.D. Nagel & P. Vigneron & C. Bussy & M. Vayssade & J.L. Duval & M. Gallet & M. Dufresne & R. Verhoef & M. Morra & J.P. Knox & H. Schols & G. Ceccone & C. Della Volpe - 173-175 Characterisation and modelling of the acute effects of cyclic and static stretching on the passive mechanical properties of the musculo-articular complex
by A. Nordez & P. Casari & P.J. McNair & C. Cornu - 177-178 Local kinematics of human walking along a turn
by Anne-Hélène Olivier & Nicolas Fusco & Armel Cretual - 179-180 Mechanical properties of the plantar flexor muscles in malnourished prepubertal children
by M.G. Paiva - 181-182 Pre-operative correlation of femoral amount of bone loss versus patient hip disease using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry
by P. Pouletaut & F. Boucher - 183-184 MRI study of rat cartilage ageing process: knee joint contact sites geometrical assessments
by P. Pouletaut & J.C. Goebel & A. Pinzano & R. Bolbos & O. Beuf & P. Netter & M.C. Ho Ba Tho & P. Gillet - 185-186 Does musculo-skeletal stiffness in frequency-imposed hopping conditions relate to ankle intrinsic stiffness?
by G. Rabita & F. Metais & D. Lambertz & A. Couturier - 187-188 Quantification of flexor and extensor muscular forces during forearm flexion/extension
by M. Raison & C. Detrembleur & P. Fisette & J.C. Samin - 189-190 Quantification of intervertebral efforts during walking: comparison between a healthy and a scoliotic subject
by M. Raison & C.E. Aubin & C. Detrembleur & P. Fisette & J.C. Samin - 191-192 Variability of speed of sound measurements in loaded equine superficial digital flexor tendons
by B. Ravary-Plumioën & P. Pourcelot & D. Evrard & N. Crevier-Denoix - 193-194 Torque– and power–velocity relationships of trunk muscle during isokinetic conditions in chronic low back pain patients
by M. Ripamonti & J.P. Mariot & D. Colin & A. Rahmani - 195-196 Ground reaction forces in the horse at the walk, trot and gallop measured with an instrumented shoe
by D. Robin & H. Chateau & S. Falala & J.P. Valette & P. Pourcelot & B. Ravary & J.-M. Denoix & N. Crevier-Denoix - 197-198 Tendon jerk, passive stiffness and muscle spindle efficacy in immature rats
by C. Rosant & D. Gamet & F. Canon & C. Pérot - 199-201 Finite element analysis of child head injuries in the field of child abuse
by S. Roth & J.S. Raul & R. Willinger - 203-204 Subject-specific mass and 3D localisation of the mass centre of child body segments using biplanar X-rays
by B. Sandoz & S. Laporte & W. Skalli & D. Mitton - 205-207 Patient specific modelling of the spine affected with congenital malformations: a preliminary study
by J.S. Steffen & L. Humbert & J. Dubousset & R. Vialle & W. Skalli - 209-211 Asymmetric flows in an anatomical-shaped left atrium by 2C-3D+T PIV measurements
by D. Tanne - 213-215 Study of the relationships between electrical and mechanical activities in the pregnant monkey's uterus
by J. Terrien & G. Germain & B. Karlsson - 217-218 Shoulder arthroplasty: drawback of glenoid tilting
by A. Terrier & F. Merlini & A. Farron - 219-220 Computational study on anastomosis size and angle of arterio-venous fistula for hemodialysis
by K. Van Canneyt & C. Guillame & A. Bonnet & T. Pourchez & P. Segers & P. Verdonck - 221-223 Modulation of cell behaviour by fibronectin or collagen adsorption on anti-adhesive biomaterials
by E. Velzenberger & I. Pezron & K. El Kirat & G. Legeay & M.D. Nagel - 225-227 Comparison of scaling techniques for deriving carotid artery pressures from diameter distension waveforms
by S.J. Vermeersch & E.R. Rietzschel & P.R. Verdonck & P. Segers
2008, Volume 11, Issue 6
- 593-593 Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering acceptance in the Science Citation Index Expanded!
by Lorna Morris - 595-607 Nanomechanical strength mechanisms of hierarchical biological materials and tissues
by Markus J. Buehler & Theodor Ackbarow - 609-614 Automatic step-detection algorithm for analysis of sarcomere dynamics
by Chenyang Wang & Ekaterina Nagornyak & Ronnie Das & Gerald H. Pollack - 615-626 Vascular wall flow-induced forces in a progressively enlarged aneurysm model
by Panagiotis Neofytou & Sokrates Tsangaris & Michalis Kyriakidis - 627-639 Evaluation of a combination of continuum and truss finite elements in a model of passive and active muscle tissue
by S. Hedenstierna & P. Halldin & K. Brolin - 641-648 The static accuracy and calibration of inertial measurement units for 3D orientation
by M.A. Brodie & A. Walmsley & W. Page - 649-660 Influence of dilated cardiomyopathy and a left ventricular assist device on vortex dynamics in the left ventricle
by S. Loerakker & L.G.E. Cox & G.J.F. van Heijst & B.A.J.M. de Mol & F.N. van de Vosse
2008, Volume 11, Issue 5
- 433-434 Special issue on computer simulations of mechanobiology
by Ellen Kuhl - 435-441 A novel mouse model for mechanically stimulated bone adaptation – a combined experimental and computational validation study
by Duncan J. Webster & Philip L. Morley & G. Harry van Lenthe & Ralph Müller - 443-451 An algorithm for bone mechanoresponsiveness: implementation to study the effect of patient-specific cell mechanosensitivity on trabecular bone loss
by Bríanne M. Mulvihill & Patrick J. Prendergast - 453-461 Periosteal biaxial residual strains correlate with bone specific growth rates in chick embryos
by J.C. Chen & B. Zhao & M.T. Longaker & J.A. Helms & D.R. Carter - 463-476 A new software tool (VA-BATTS) to calculate bending, axial, torsional and transverse shear stresses within bone cross sections having inhomogeneous material properties
by Lampros C. Kourtis & Dennis R. Carter & Haneesh Kesari & Gary S. Beaupre - 477-487 A patient-specific finite element methodology to predict damage accumulation in vertebral bodies under axial compression, sagittal flexion and combined loads
by Yan Chevalier & Mathieu Charlebois & Dieter Pahr & Peter Varga & Paul Heini & Erich Schneider & Philippe Zysset - 489-504 Micromechanical modelling of skeletal muscles based on the finite element method
by Markus Böl & Stefanie Reese - 505-524 Towards an orientation-distribution-based multi-scale approach for remodelling biological tissues
by A. Menzel & M. Harrysson & M. Ristinmaa - 525-538 Computational study of growth and remodelling in the aortic arch
by Patrick W. Alford & Larry A. Taber - 539-551 Normal basilar artery structure and biaxial mechanical behaviour
by B.K. Wicker & H.P. Hutchens & Q. Wu & A.T. Yeh & J.D. Humphrey - 553-567 Numerical modelling of fracture in human arteries
by A. Ferrara & A. Pandolfi - 569-583 Modelling and convergence in arterial wall simulations using a parallel FETI solution strategy
by D. Brands & A. Klawonn & O. Rheinbach & J. Schröder - 585-592 The non-linear mechanical properties of soft engineered biological tissues determined by finite spherical indentation
by Martijn A.J. Cox & Debby Gawlitta & Niels J.B. Driessen & Cees W.J. Oomens & Frank P.T. Baaijens
2008, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 323-334 General patterns and asymptotic dose in the design of coated stents
by Étienne Bourgeois & Michel C. Delfour - 335-350 Development of a MEMS-based sensor array to characterise loads during scoliosis correction surgery
by D. Benfield & E. Lou & W. Moussa - 351-366 Soft tissue modelling for applications in virtual surgery and surgical robotics
by Nele Famaey & Jos Vander Sloten - 367-377 Modelling drug elution from stents: effects of reversible binding in the vascular wall and degradable polymeric matrix
by A. Borghi & E. Foa & R. Balossino & F. Migliavacca & G. Dubini - 379-387 Influence of cortical canal architecture on lacunocanalicular pore pressure and fluid flow
by G.C. Goulet & D.M.L. Cooper & D. Coombe & R.F. Zernicke - 389-395 Micro-finite element simulation of trabecular-bone post-yield behaviour – effects of material model, element size and type
by E. Verhulp & B. Van Rietbergen & R. Müller & R. Huiskes - 397-405 Biodynamics model for operator head injury in stand-up lift trucks
by Mohamad Zoghi-Moghadam & Ali Sadegh & Charles B. Watkins & Dan Dunlap - 407-418 A microstructurally informed model for the mechanical response of three-dimensional actin networks
by R.Y. Kwon - 419-431 Repeated unit cell (RUC) approach for pure bending analysis of coronary stents
by Feng Ju & Zihui Xia & Chuwei Zhou
2008, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 215-222 Numerical modeling of molecular-motor-assisted transport of adenoviral vectors in a spherical cell
by A.V. Kuznetsov & A.A. Avramenko & D.G. Blinov - 223-233 A solution method for the determination of cardiac potential distributions with an alternating current source
by Barbara M. Johnston & Peter R. Johnston & David Kilpatrick - 235-242 Dynamic accuracy of inertial measurement units during simple pendulum motion
by M.A. Brodie & A. Walmsley & W. Page - 243-255 Towards a biomechanics-based technique for assessing myocardial contractility: an inverse problem approach
by Cristian A. Linte - 257-262 3D Evaluation of the acetabular coverage assessed by biplanar X-rays or single anteroposterior X-ray compared with CT-scan
by Ludovic Humbert & Henri Carlioz & Aurelien Baudoin & Wafa Skalli & David Mitton - 263-279 Automatic preparation, calibration, and simulation of deformable objects
by Dan Morris & Kenneth Salisbury - 281-290 Volumic patient-specific reconstruction of muscular system based on a reduced dataset of medical images
by E. Jolivet - 291-299 Relative efficiency of abdominal muscles in spine stability
by N. Arjmand & A. Shirazi-Adl & M. Parnianpour - 301-322 Wall stress and flow dynamics in abdominal aortic aneurysms: finite element analysis vs. fluid–structure interaction
by Christine M. Scotti & Jorge Jimenez & Satish C. Muluk & Ender A. Finol
2008, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 105-111 An anatomical subject-specific FE-model for hip fracture load prediction
by L. Duchemin & D. Mitton & E. Jolivet - 113-121 Cryosurgery planning using bubble packing in 3D
by Daigo Tanaka & Kenji Shimada - 123-133 Three-dimensional cerebrospinal fluid flow within the human ventricular system
by L. Howden & D. Giddings & H. Power & A. Aroussi & M. Vloeberghs & M. Garnett & D. Walker - 135-146 Subject-specific non-linear biomechanical model of needle insertion into brain
by A. Wittek & T. Dutta-Roy & Z. Taylor & A. Horton & T. Washio & K. Chinzei & K. Miller - 147-157 Derivation of the mesoscopic elasticity tensor of cortical bone from quantitative impedance images at the micron scale
by Quentin Grimal - 159-167 A new image processing technique for determination of cell-generated deformations on substrata
by Zhaochun Yang - 169-187 Human cortical bone: the SiNuPrOs model
by M. Predoi-Racila & J. M. Crolet - 189-203 Liver injuries in frontal crash situations a coupled numerical—experimental approach
by P. J. Arnoux & T. Serre & N. Cheynel & L. Thollon & M. Behr & P. Baque & C. Brunet - 205-213 The effect of anisotropic systematic errors in estimating helical angles
by Fredrik Öhberg - 214-214 Are coupled rotations in the lumbar spine largely due to the osseo-ligamentous anatomy? – A modelling study
by J. P. Little
2008, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-2 CMBBE special issue on motion analysis and musculoskeletal modelling
by Cathy Holt & Garth Johnson - 3-9 A weighted least squares method for inverse dynamic analysis
by Antonie J. van den Bogert & Anne Su - 11-17 A neurofuzzy inference system based on biomechanical features for the evaluation of the effects of physical training
by G. Vannozzi & F. Pecoraro & P. Caserotti - 19-30 Predicting the shapes of bones at a joint: application to the shoulder
by Yuhui M. Yang - 31-40 Reduction, classification and ranking of motion analysis data: an application to osteoarthritic and normal knee function data
by Lianne Jones & Cathy A. Holt & Malcolm J. Beynon - 41-53 Integrating modelling, motion capture and x-ray fluoroscopy to investigate patellofemoral function during dynamic activity
by J. W. Fernandez & M. Akbarshahi & H. J. Kim & M. G. Pandy - 55-61 Computational biomechanics of knee joint in open kinetic chain extension exercises
by W. Mesfar & A. Shirazi-Adl - 63-71 Evaluation of a patient-specific cost function to predict the influence of foot path on the knee adduction torque during gait
by Benjamin J. Fregly - 73-80 Adaptation of scapula lateral rotation after reverse anatomy shoulder replacement
by Andreas Kontaxis & Garth R. Johnson - 81-93 An estimation of joint kinematics for a standing reach task using ground reaction data
by S. Fioretti & M. Scocco - 95-103 Are coupled rotations in the lumbar spine largely due to the osseo-ligamentous anatomy?—A modeling study
by J. P. Little