October 2015, Volume 18, Issue S1
- 2020-2021 Are the head and trunk orientations invariant in a natural driving position?
by J. Peng & X. Wang & L. Dennigner - 2022-2023 3D musculoskeletal finite element analysis of the foot kinematics under muscle activation with and without ankle arthrodesis
by A. Perrier & M. Bucki & V. Luboz & N. Vuillerme & Y. Payan - 2024-2025 Conception and evaluation of a 3D musculoskeletal finite element foot model
by A. Perrier & V. Luboz & M. Bucki & N. Vuillerme & Y. Payan - 2026-2027 Reproducing topography and roughness of osteoconductive biomaterials in a microfluidic device
by E. Perrin & O. Français & B. Le Pioufle & B. David - 2028-2029 How to use the elasticity of a badminton racket to increase its speed by 80%?
by M. Phomsoupha & G. Laffaye & C. Cohen & C. Clanet - 2030-2031 Fracture characterization in cancellous bone specimens via surface difference evaluation of 3D registered pre- and post-compression micro-CT scans
by M. Prot & G. Dubois & T. J. Cloete & D. Saletti & S. Laporte - 2032-2033 Costal cartilage elasticity can be estimated non-destructively using speed of sound
by M. Quesnot & A. Zorgani & F. Bermond & S. Catheline & D. Mitton - 2034-2035 Anaerobic physical evaluation of young national rowers
by A. Rahmani & C. Giroux & A. Ben Abdessamie & F. Chorin & J. Lardy & H. Maciejewski - 2036-2037 An ex vivo experimental study of strain and stiffness of different cadaveric mandible condyle sizes
by A. Ramos & R. Duarte & M. Mesnard - 2038-2039 Friction coefficient analysis during high-heeled gait
by T. Rezgui & K. Ben Mansour & F. Marin - 2040-2041 Relationship between jerk at the L3/L4 intervertebral level and COP mean velocity in bipedal and unipedal standing conditions
by N. Rezzoug & P. Gorce - 2042-2043 Changes in muscle activation during gait of children with duchenne muscular dystrophy
by J. Ropars & M. Lemeur & C. Vuillerot & V. Tiffreau & S. Peudenier & J. M. Cuisset & Y. Pereon & F. Leboeuf & L. Delporte & Y. Delpierre & R. Gross & S. Brochard - 2044-2045 Effects of racket weight distribution on forehand strokes in tennis
by J. Rossi & E. Berton & L. Vigouroux - 2046-2047 Rupture of the muscle-tendon complex in tensile test. Comparison between experimentations and discrete element modeling
by A. Roux & T.-X. Haen & J. Lecompte & I. Iordanoff & S. Laporte - 2048-2049 Estimation of 2D strain in abdominal organs during an impact based on ultrafast ultrasound images: a physical landmark-based approach
by A. Le Ruyet & P. Beillas - 2050-2051 The influence of an arm sling on sit-to-stand of hemiplegic subjects
by A. Saadé & F. Gabrielli & S. Paganelli & P. Pudlo & M. Lempereur & O. Rémy-Néris - 2052-2053 An experimental set-up to assess knee stiffness: a pilot study
by W. Samson & L. Chèze - 2054-2055 On the uncertainty propagation in multiscale modeling of cortical bone elasticity
by V. Sansalone & D. Gagliardi & C. Desceliers & G. Haïat & S. Naili - 2056-2057 Gait synthesis for an anthropomorphic human model with articulated feet
by A.P. Santos & F. Ben Amar & P. Bidaud & E. Desailly - 2058-2059 Cluster analysis to investigate biomechanical changes during learning of manual wheelchair locomotion: a preliminary study
by C. Sauret & V. Siyou Fotso & J. Bascou & H. Pillet & E. Mephu-Nguifo & P. Fodé & P. Vaslin - 2060-2061 Symbolic representation of propulsion cycles in manual wheelchair locomotion
by V. S. Siyou Fotso & E. Mephu Nguifo & Ph. Vaslin - 2062-2063 Contribution of muscle hypertrophy to strength gain after training in elderly adults
by S. Stragier & S. Baudry & J. R. Poortmans & J. Duchateau & A. Carpentier - 2064-2065 Orientation of the intercostal muscle fibers in the human rib cage
by D. Subit & A. Glacet & M. Hamzah & J. Crandall - 2066-2067 An intravascular coronary plaque elasticity reconstruction method using limited depth penetration ultrasound signals
by A. Tacheau & S. Le Floc’h & G. Finet & M. M. Doyley & R. I. Pettigrew & G. Cloutier & J. Ohayon - 2068-2069 Robert Jones bandage pressure range assessment using a pressure mapping system and application to band calibration
by M. Taroni & J. Molimard & T. Cachon & E. Viguier & C. Carozzo - 2070-2071 Anteroposterior compression of the spinal cord leading to cervical myelopathy: a finite element analysis
by M. Taso & L. Fradet & V. Callot & P. J. Arnoux - 2072-2073 Using X-ray computed tomography for quantification of cell proliferation within a perfusion bioreactor
by R. Thibeaux & E. Perrin & B. Smaniotto & H. Duval & E. Vennat & D. Neron & B. David - 2074-2075 Influence of the strategies and biomechanical parameters on the capacity to handle balance perturbation: a numerical assessment
by P. Vallée & T. Robert - 2076-2077 Simulation of orthotic treatment in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis using a subject-specific finite element model
by C. Vergari & I. Courtois & E. Ebermeyer & H. Bouloussa & R. Vialle & W. Skalli - 2078-2079 Whole limb push-off work in people with transtibial amputation during slope ascent
by C. Villa & B. Dauriac & J. Bascou & X. Bonnet & P. Fodé & H. Pillet - 2080-2081 A preliminary study suggests that walk-to-run transition is consistent with mechanical optimization
by B. Watier & D. Villeger & A. Costes & P. Moretto - 2082-2083 Influence of temporal pressure constraint on the biomechanical organisation of gait initiation made with or without an obstacle to clear
by E. Yiou & P. Fourcade & R. Artico & T. Caderby - 2084-2085 Homogeneous and heterogeneous finite element models to predict radius bone strength in forward fall configuration
by E. Zapata & H. Follet & D. Mitton - 2086-2087 In vitro study of valve-in-valve performance with the CoreValve self-expandable prosthesis implanted in different positions and sizes within the Trifecta surgical heart valve
by A.-S. Zenses & J. Mitchell & M. Evin & V. Stanova & J.-F. Obadia & P. Pibarot & R. Rieu - 2088-2089 Characterization of dense particle suspensions under flow
by W. Zhu & Y. Knapp & V. Deplano - 2090-2090 Corrigendum
by The Editors
December 2015, Volume 18, Issue 16
- 1737-1743 Localized strain measurements of the intervertebral disc annulus during biaxial tensile testing
by Thomas Karakolis & Jack P. Callaghan - 1744-1752 Zirconia-based dental crown to support a removable partial denture: a three-dimensional finite element analysis using contact elements and micro-CT data
by Eduardo Passos Rocha & Rodolfo Bruniera Anchieta & Erika Oliveira de Almeida & Amilcar Chagas Freitas & Ana Paula Martini & Bruno Sales Sotto-Maior & Marco Antonio Luersen & Ching Chang Ko - 1753-1759 Lamina replacement with titanium plate fixation improves spinal stability after total lumbar laminectomy
by Luming Nong & Dong Zhou & Nanwei Xu & Rui Du & Xijia Jiang - 1760-1767 Effect of intervertebral translational flexibilities on estimations of trunk muscle forces, kinematics, loads, and stability
by Farshid Ghezelbash & Navid Arjmand & Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl - 1768-1774 Determination of the axial and circumferential mechanical properties of the skin tissue using experimental testing and constitutive modeling
by Alireza Karimi & Mahdi Navidbakhsh & Maedeh Haghighatnama & Afsaneh Motevalli Haghi - 1775-1784 Gaussian modeling of the P-wave morphology time course applied to anticipate paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
by Arturo Martínez & Raúl Alcaraz & José Joaquín Rieta - 1785-1796 Comparison of hinge microflow fields of bileaflet mechanical heart valves implanted in different sinus shape and downstream geometry
by Yee Han Kuan & Foad Kabinejadian & Vinh-Tan Nguyen & Boyang Su & Ajit P. Yoganathan & Hwa Liang Leo - 1797-1810 Numerical simulation of wave propagation in a realistic model of the human external ear
by Mohaddeseh Fadaei & Omid Abouali & Homayoun Emdad & Mohammad Faramarzi & Goodarz Ahmadi - 1811-1817 Accuracy of specimen-specific nonlinear finite element analysis for evaluation of radial diaphysis strength in cadaver material
by Yusuke Matsuura & Kazuki Kuniyoshi & Takane Suzuki & Yasufumi Ogawa & Koji Sukegawa & Tomoyuki Rokkaku & Andrew Ryan Thoreson & Kai-Nan An & Kazuhisa Takahashi - 1818-1825 Reasons why dynamic compression plates are inferior to locking plates in osteoporotic bone: a finite element explanation
by Alisdair R. MacLeod & A. Hamish R.W. Simpson & Pankaj Pankaj - 1826-1834 Neuromechanical control of the forearm muscles during gripping with sudden flexion and extension wrist perturbations
by Michael W.R. Holmes & Jimmy Tat & Peter J. Keir - 1835-1845 Transient blood flow in elastic coronary arteries with varying degrees of stenosis and dilatations: CFD modelling and parametric study
by Jianhuang Wu & Guiying Liu & Wenhua Huang & Dhanjoo N. Ghista & Kelvin K.L. Wong - 1846-1855 Examination of the protective roles of helmet/faceshield and directionality for human head under blast waves
by Hesam Sarvghad-Moghaddam & Mehdi Salimi Jazi & Asghar Rezaei & Ghodrat Karami & Mariusz Ziejewski - 1856-1861 Results of automatic image registration are dependent on initial manual registration
by Joshua E. Johnson & Kenneth J. Fischer
November 2015, Volume 18, Issue 15
- 1611-1621 Contact of dual mobility implants: effects of cup wear and inclination
by M.S. Uddin - 1622-1631 Effect of disc degeneration on the muscle recruitment pattern in upright posture: a computational analysis
by Young Eun Kim & Hae Won Choi - 1632-1647 Spatiotemporal representation of 3D hand trajectory based on beta-elliptic models
by Houcine Boubaker & Nasser Rezzoug & Monji Kherallah & Philippe Gorce & Adel M. Alimi - 1648-1657 Mathematica numerical simulation of peristaltic biophysical transport of a fractional viscoelastic fluid through an inclined cylindrical tube
by D. Tripathi & O. Anwar Bég - 1658-1673 Registration of 2D histological sections with 3D micro-CT datasets from small animal vertebrae and tibiae
by Oleg Museyko & Robert Percy Marshall & Jing Lu & Andreas Hess & Georg Schett & Michael Amling & Willi A. Kalender & Klaus Engelke - 1674-1679 Technical note: a multi-dimensional description of knee laxity using radial basis functions
by Adam J. Cyr & Lorin P. Maletsky - 1680-1692 Investigation of pediatric neck response and muscle activation in low-speed frontal impacts
by Liqiang Dong & Haojie Mao & Guangyao Li & King H. Yang - 1693-1703 A time–frequency approach to estimate critical time intervals in postural control
by Hongbo Zhang & Maury A. Nussbaum & Michael J. Agnew - 1704-1725 Verification and comparison of four numerical schemes for a 1D viscoelastic blood flow model
by Xiaofei Wang & Jose-Maria Fullana & Pierre-Yves Lagrée - 1726-1736 Finite element assessment of block-augmented total knee arthroplasty
by B. Frehill & A.D. Crocombe & Y. Agarwal & W.N. Bradley
October 2015, Volume 18, Issue 14
- 1495-1499 Validation of an efficient method of assigning material properties in finite element analysis of pelvic bone
by Vickie B. Shim & Mark Battley & Iain A. Anderson & Jacob T. Munro - 1500-1508 Fluid–structure interaction analysis of the left coronary artery with variable angulation
by Jingliang Dong & Zhonghua Sun & Kiao Inthavong & Jiyuan Tu - 1509-1515 Finite element analysis to characterize how varying patellar loading influences pressure applied to cartilage: model evaluation
by Kushal S. Shah & Archana Saranathan & Bharath Koya & John J. Elias - 1516-1524 Numerical analysis of the influence of nucleus pulposus removal on the biomechanical behavior of a lumbar motion segment
by Juying Huang & Huagang Yan & Fengzeng Jian & Xingwen Wang & Haiyun Li - 1525-1534 Estimation of surface heat flux and temperature distributions in a multilayer tissue based on the hyperbolic model of heat conduction
by Haw-Long Lee & Wen-Lih Chen & Win-Jin Chang & Yu-Ching Yang - 1535-1542 An image-based method to automatically propagate bony landmarks: application to computational spine biomechanics
by Marcelo E. de Oliveira & Luiz M.G. Netto & Michael Kistler & Daniel Brandenberger & Philippe Büchler & Carol-C. Hasler - 1543-1554 Stress analysis of a complete maxillary denture under various drop impact conditions: a 3D finite element study
by Emin Sunbuloglu - 1555-1563 Sensitivity of a subject-specific musculoskeletal model to the uncertainties on the joint axes location
by Saulo Martelli & Giordano Valente & Marco Viceconti & Fulvia Taddei - 1564-1573 Analytical and multibody modeling for the power analysis of standing jumps
by G. Palmieri & M. Callegari & S. Fioretti - 1574-1581 A numerical analysis of the aortic blood flow pattern during pulsed cardiopulmonary bypass
by V. Gramigna & M.V. Caruso & M. Rossi & G.F. Serraino & A. Renzulli & G. Fragomeni - 1582-1595 Explicit finite element modelling of heel pad mechanics in running: inclusion of body dynamics and application of physiological impact loads
by Wen-Ming Chen & Peter Vee-Sin Lee - 1596-1605 Simulation of swallowing dysfunction and mechanical ventilation after a Montgomery T-tube insertion
by O. Trabelsi & M. Malvè & A. Mena Tobar & M. Doblaré - 1606-1610 Dynamic simulation of tibial tuberosity realignment: model evaluation
by Tserenchimed Purevsuren & John J. Elias & Kyungsoo Kim & Yoon Hyuk Kim
October 2015, Volume 18, Issue 13
- 1377-1385 Validation tool for traction force microscopy
by A. Jorge-Peñas & A. Muñoz-Barrutia & E.M. de-Juan-Pardo & C. Ortiz-de-Solorzano - 1386-1391 ADMET: ADipocyte METabolism mathematical model
by Alessio Micheloni & Gianni Orsi & Carmelo De Maria & Giovanni Vozzi - 1392-1399 Quantification of trabecular spatial orientation from low-resolution images
by L. Lenaerts & A.J. Wirth & G.H. van Lenthe - 1400-1417 Comparison of three artificial models of the magnetohydrodynamic effect on the electrocardiogram
by Julien Oster & Raul Llinares & Stephen Payne & Zion Tsz Ho Tse & Ehud Jeruham Schmidt & Gari D. Clifford - 1418-1426 Measurement of the circumferential mechanical properties of the umbilical vein: experimental and numerical analyses
by Alireza Karimi & Mahdi Navidbakhsh & Taraneh Rezaee & Kamran Hassani - 1427-1435 Numerical simulation of airflow and microparticle deposition in a synchrotron micro-CT-based pulmonary acinus model
by Toshihiro Sera & Kentaro Uesugi & Naoto Yagi & Hideo Yokota - 1436-1444 Anisotropic hyperelastic behavior of soft biological tissues
by Z.-W. Chen & P. Joli & Z.-Q. Feng - 1445-1458 Benchmarking of dynamic simulation predictions in two software platforms using an upper limb musculoskeletal model
by Katherine R. Saul & Xiao Hu & Craig M. Goehler & Meghan E. Vidt & Melissa Daly & Anca Velisar & Wendy M. Murray - 1459-1467 Finite element analysis of Stryker Xia pedicle screw in artificial bone samples with and without supplemental cement augmentation
by Ferris M. Pfeiffer & Theodore J. Choma & Rebecca Kueny - 1468-1473 Effect of cup inclination on predicted contact stress-induced volumetric wear in total hip replacement
by B. Rijavec & R. Košak & M. Daniel & V. Kralj-IgliČ & D. Dolinar - 1474-1484 A three-dimensional approach to pennation angle estimation for human skeletal muscle
by Dongwoon Lee & Zhi Li & Qazi Zain Sohail & Ken Jackson & Eugene Fiume & Anne Agur - 1485-1494 A coupled model of fast axonal transport of organelles and slow axonal transport of tau protein
by I.A. Kuznetsov & A.V. Kuznetsov
September 2015, Volume 18, Issue 12
- 1263-1271 Biomechanical effects of plate area and locking screw on medial open tibial osteotomy
by Chu-An Luo & Shang-Chih Lin & Su-Yang Hwa & Chun-Ming Chen & Ching-Shiow Tseng - 1272-1279 Comparison of an EMG-based and a stress-based method to predict shoulder muscle forces
by Christoph Engelhardt & Valérie Malfroy Camine & David Ingram & Philippe Müllhaupt & Alain Farron & Dominique Pioletti & Alexandre Terrier - 1280-1292 Effects of obesity on occupant responses in frontal crashes: a simulation analysis using human body models
by Xiangnan Shi & Libo Cao & Matthew P. Reed & Jonathan D. Rupp & Jingwen Hu - 1293-1304 Automated generation of tissue-specific three-dimensional finite element meshes containing ellipsoidal cellular inclusions
by Craig J. Bennetts & Scott Sibole & Ahmet Erdemir - 1305-1320 Systolic fluid–structure interaction model of the congenitally bicuspid aortic valve: assessment of modelling requirements
by May Y.S. Kuan & Daniel M. Espino - 1321-1339 A numerical investigation of flow around octopus-like arms: near-wake vortex patterns and force development
by A. Kazakidi & V. Vavourakis & D.P. Tsakiris & J.A. Ekaterinaris - 1340-1348 Biomechanical analysis and comparison of 12 dental implant systems using 3D finite element study
by Rui Liang & Weihua Guo & Xiangchen Qiao & Hailin Wen & Mei Yu & Wei Tang & Lei Liu & Yongtao Wei & Weidong Tian - 1349-1357 Influence of ingrowth regions on bone remodelling around a cementless hip resurfacing femoral implant
by Ifaz T. Haider & Andrew D. Speirs & Paul E. Beaulé & Hanspeter Frei - 1358-1366 Inhalation pressure distributions for medical gas mixtures calculated in an infant airway morphology model
by Laure Gouinaud & Ira Katz & Andrew Martin & Jean Hazebroucq & Joëlle Texereau & Georges Caillibotte - 1367-1376 An enhanced version of a bone-remodelling model based on the continuum damage mechanics theory
by M. Mengoni & J.P. Ponthot
August 2015, Volume 18, Issue 11
- 1143-1159 Finite element formulation and analysis for an arterial wall with residual and active stresses
by Naoki Kida & Taiji Adachi - 1160-1172 An orthotropic viscoelastic material model for passive myocardium: theory and algorithmic treatment
by F. Barış Can Cansız & Hüsnü Dal & Michael Kaliske - 1173-1180 Numerical simulation of fluid–structure interaction in bypassed DeBakey III aortic dissection
by Aike Qiao & Wencong Yin & Bo Chu - 1181-1190 Effect of material and structural factors on fracture behaviour of mineralised collagen microfibril using finite element simulation
by Abdelwahed Barkaoui & Ridha Hambli & João Manuel R.S. Tavares - 1191-1199 Approximation of the functional kinematics of posterior stabilised total knee replacements using a two-dimensional sagittal plane patello-femoral model: comparing model approximation to measurement
by Bernard Van Duren & Hemant Pandit & David Murray & Harinderjit Gill - 1200-1216 Numerical simulation of non-Newtonian blood flow dynamics in human thoracic aorta
by A.D. Caballero & S. Laín - 1217-1224 An improved OpenSim gait model with multiple degrees of freedom knee joint and knee ligaments
by Hang Xu & Donald Bloswick & Andrew Merryweather - 1225-1237 A complete structural performance analysis and modelling of hydroxyapatite scaffolds with variable porosity
by Enrique Gallegos-Nieto & Hugo I. Medellín-Castillo & Dirk F. de Lange - 1238-1251 Computed tomography-based joint locations affect calculation of joint moments during gait when compared to scaling approaches
by Ward Bartels & Jan Demol & Frederik Gelaude & Ilse Jonkers & Jos Vander Sloten - 1252-1261 Pedicle screw-based posterior dynamic stabilisation of the lumbar spine: cadaver investigation and a finite element study
by T. Oktenoglu & D.U. Erbulut & A. Kiapour & A.F. Ozer & I. Lazoglu & T. Kaner & M. Sasani & V.K. Goel
July 2015, Volume 18, Issue 10
- 1031-1043 A new dynamic model of the wheelchair propulsion on straight and curvilinear level-ground paths
by Félix Chénier & Pascal Bigras & Rachid Aissaoui - 1044-1055 Implementation and validation of thoracic side impact injury prediction metrics in a human body model
by Adam J. Golman & Kerry A. Danelson & James P. Gaewsky & Joel D. Stitzel - 1056-1065 Comparison between mechanical stress and bone mineral density in the femur after total hip arthroplasty by using subject-specific finite element analyses
by Hiroyuki Ike & Yutaka Inaba & Naomi Kobayashi & Yasuhide Hirata & Yohei Yukizawa & Chie Aoki & Hyonmin Choe & Tomoyuki Saito - 1066-1071 Computational fluid dynamics simulation to evaluate aortic coarctation gradient with contrast-enhanced CT
by Antonino Rinaudo & Giuseppe D'Ancona & Roberto Baglini & Andrea Amaducci & Fabrizio Follis & Michele Pilato & Salvatore Pasta - 1072-1082 Stratification of a population of intracranial aneurysms using blood flow metrics
by Rohini Retarekar & Manasi Ramachandran & Benjamin Berkowitz & Robert E. Harbaugh & David Hasan & Robert H. Rosenwasser & Christopher S. Ogilvy & Madhavan L. Raghavan - 1083-1089 Patellar tendon and hamstring moment-arms and cross-sectional area in patients with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and controls
by Eleftherios Kellis & Evaggelos Karagiannidis & Glykeria Patsika - 1090-1098 Biomechanical behaviour of cancellous bone on patellofemoral arthroplasty with Journey prosthesis: a finite element study
by A.P.G. Castro & António Completo & José A. Simões & Paulo Flores - 1099-1107 Flow pattern analysis in a highly stenotic patient-specific carotid bifurcation model using a turbulence model
by Zhi-Yong Li & Felicia P.P. Tan & Giulia Soloperto & Nigel B. Wood & Xiao Y. Xu & Jonathan H. Gillard - 1108-1116 A novel method to evaluate error in anatomical marker placement using a modified generalized Procrustes analysis
by Sean T. Osis & Blayne A. Hettinga & Shari L. Macdonald & Reed Ferber - 1117-1125 Numerical investigations of the mechanical properties of a braided non-vascular stent design using finite element method
by Xiao-Yu Ni & Chang-Wang Pan & B. Gangadhara Prusty - 1126-1141 Electrocardiogram signal quality assessment using an artificially reconstructed target lead
by H. Naseri & M.R. Homaeinezhad
July 2015, Volume 18, Issue 9
- 923-930 Visualising gait symmetry/asymmetry from acceleration data
by Mitsuru Yoneyama - 931-943 Texture analysis of the 3D collagen network and automatic classification of the physiology of articular cartilage
by Xiaojuan Duan & Jianping Wu & Benjamin Swift & Thomas Brett Kirk - 944-951 A numerical study of muco-ciliary transport under the condition of diseased cilia
by P.G. Jayathilake & D.V. Le & Zhijun Tan & H.P. Lee & B.C. Khoo - 952-960 Merging multi-camera data to reduce motion analysis instrumental errors using Kalman filters
by Cédric Schwartz & Vincent Denoël & Bénédicte Forthomme & Jean-Louis Croisier & Olivier Brüls - 961-973 Conventional and complex modal analyses of a finite element model of human head and neck
by Kwong Ming Tse & Long Bin Tan & Siak Piang Lim & Heow Pueh Lee - 974-980 Development and validation of a human biomechanical model for rib fracture and thorax injuries in blunt impact
by Zhihua Cai & Fengchong Lan & Jiqing Chen - 981-992 Experimental and computational investigation of the patient-specific abdominal aortic aneurysm pressure field
by R. Antón & C.-Y. Chen & M.-Y. Hung & E.A. Finol & K. Pekkan - 993-1002 Improved accuracy in 3D analysis using DLT after lens distortion correction
by Marcel M. Rossi & Amanda P. Silvatti & Fabio A.S. Dias & Ricardo M.L. Barros - 1003-1013 Driving a musculoskeletal model with inertial and magnetic measurement units
by Bart H.W. Koning & Marjolein M. van der Krogt & Chris T.M. Baten & Bart F.J.M. Koopman - 1014-1023 Surface EMG-force modelling for the biceps brachii and its experimental evaluation during isometric isotonic contractions
by Hua Cao & Sofiane Boudaoud & Frédéric Marin & Catherine Marque - 1024-1029 Prediction of globe rupture caused by primary blast: a finite element analysis
by Xiaoyu Liu & Lizhen Wang & Chao Wang & Jie Fan & Songyang Liu & Yubo Fan
June 2015, Volume 18, Issue 8
- 805-815 Validation of numerical flow simulations against phantom measurements in different type B aortic dissection scenarios
by Eduardo Soudah & Paula Rudenick & Maurizio Bordone & Bart Bijnens & David García-Dorado & Arturo Evangelista & Eugenio Oñate - 816-828 Numerical implementation of constitutive model for arterial layers with distributed collagen fibre orientations
by Pavel Skacel & Jiri Bursa - 829-838 Local versus global optimal sports techniques in a group of athletes
by Aurore Huchez & Diane Haering & Patrice Holvoët & Franck Barbier & Mickael Begon - 839-846 Anisotropic post-yield response of cancellous bone simulated by stress–strain curves of bulk equivalent structures
by Alexander Tsouknidas & Georgios Maliaris & Savvas Savvakis & Nikolaos Michailidis - 847-860 An optimisation-based model for full-body upright reaching movements
by Daohang Sha & James S. Thomas - 861-879 Multi-component modelling of human brain tissue: a contribution to the constitutive and computational description of deformation, flow and diffusion processes with application to the invasive drug-delivery problem
by Wolfgang Ehlers & Arndt Wagner - 880-889 The importance of femur/acetabulum cartilage in the biomechanics of the intact hip: experimental and numerical assessment
by R.J. Duarte & A. Ramos & A. Completo & C. Relvas & J.A. Simões - 890-899 Structural parameters determining the strength of the porcine vertebral body affected by tumours
by Francisco Sahli & Jorge Cuellar & Alfonso Pérez & Aaron J. Fields & Mauricio Campos & Jorge Ramos-Grez - 900-913 Computational simulation of the early stage of bone healing under different configurations of locking compression plates
by Saeed Miramini & Lihai Zhang & Martin Richardson & Marinis Pirpiris & Priyan Mendis & Kunle Oloyede & Glenn Edwards - 914-921 Mechanism of lens capsular rupture following blunt trauma: a finite element study
by Xiaoyu Liu & Lizhen Wang & Chengfei Du & Deyu Li & Yubo Fan
May 2015, Volume 18, Issue 7
- 689-696 Three-dimensional finite element analysis of stress distribution in retention screws of different crown–implant ratios
by S.L.D. Moraes & E.P. Pellizzer & F.R. Verri & J.F. Santiago Jr & J.V.L. Silva - 697-710 Finite element analysis of a hemi-pelvis: the effect of inclusion of cartilage layer on acetabular stresses and strain
by Rajesh Ghosh & Bidyut Pal & Debatri Ghosh & Sanjay Gupta - 711-720 Finite element analysis of surgical correction via a minimally invasive approach
by Sara C. Neves & Acm Pinho & Jaime C. Fonseca & Nuno F. Rodrigues & Tiago Henriques-Coelho & Jorge Correia-Pinto & João L. Vilaça - 721-729 Principal component analysis in construction of 3D human knee joint models using a statistical shape model method
by Tsung-Yuan Tsai & Jing-Sheng Li & Shaobai Wang & Pingyue Li & Young-Min Kwon & Guoan Li - 730-739 Modelling hollow organs for impact conditions: a simplified case study
by Anurag Soni & Philippe Beillas - 740-748 Combined finite element and multibody musculoskeletal investigation of a fractured clavicle with reconstruction plate
by Marie Cronskär & John Rasmussen & Mats Tinnsten - 749-759 Critical analysis of musculoskeletal modelling complexity in multibody biomechanical models of the upper limb
by Carlos Quental & João Folgado & Jorge Ambrósio & Jacinto Monteiro - 760-768 Numerical investigation of haemodynamics in a helical-type artery bypass graft using non-Newtonian multiphase model
by Jun Wen & Kai Liu & Khashayar Khoshmanesh & Wentao Jiang & Tinghui Zheng - 769-781 Numerical model (switchable/dual model) of the human head for rigid body and finite elements applications
by Stefan Tabacu - 782-789 Objective classification of scapular kinematics in participants with movement faults of the scapula on clinical assessment
by Martin B. Warner & Gemma Whatling & Peter R. Worsley & Sarah Mottram & Paul H. Chappell & Catherine A. Holt & Maria J. Stokes - 790-798 Evaluation of the strain-line patterns in a human left ventricle: a simulation study
by S. Gabriele & P. Nardinocchi & V. Varano - 799-804 A computational model for dynamic analysis of the human gait
by Claysson Vimieiro & Emanuel Andrada & Hartmut Witte & Marcos Pinotti
April 2015, Volume 18, Issue 6
- 571-582 A finite element model of the face including an orthotropic skin model under tension
by Cormac Flynn & Ian Stavness & John Lloyd & Sidney Fels - 583-591 Modelling organelle transport after traumatic axonal injury
by I.A. Kuznetsov & A.V. Kuznetsov - 592-606 Integration of marker and force data to compute three-dimensional joint moments of the thumb and index finger digits during pinch
by Raviraj Nataraj & Zong-Ming Li - 607-617 Optimising muscle parameters in musculoskeletal models using Monte Carlo simulation
by Erik B. Reed & Andrea M. Hanson & Peter R. Cavanagh - 618-627 Isolated effect of geometry on mitral valve function for model development
by Andrew William Siefert & Jean-Pierre Michel Rabbah & Neelakantan Saikrishnan & Karyn Susanne Kunzelman & Ajit Prithivaraj Yoganathan - 628-634 Determining possible thrombus sites in an extracorporeal device, using computational fluid dynamics-derived relative residence time
by N. Gorring & L. Kark & A. Simmons & T. Barber - 635-645 Helmet liner evaluation to mitigate head response from primary blast exposure
by Philip A. Lockhart & Duane S. Cronin - 646-661 Evaluation of the mechanical efficiency of knee braces based on computational modeling
by Baptiste Pierrat & Jérôme Molimard & Laurent Navarro & Stéphane Avril & Paul Calmels - 662-675 Numerical model for intraosseous infusion of the human calvarium for hydrocephalus shunting
by E. Nzekwu & M. Louie & D. Scott & H. Lundgren & J.A. Pugh & L.W. Kostiuk & J.P. Carey - 676-688 Geometric sensitivity of patient-specific finite element models of the spine to variability in user-selected anatomical landmarks
by J.P. Little & C.J. Adam
April 2015, Volume 18, Issue 5
- 457-467 A two-dimensional model for stress driven diffusion in bone tissue
by Gustav Lindberg & Leslie Banks-Sills & Per Ståhle & Ingrid Svensson - 468-476 Effect of membrane stiffness and cytoskeletal element density on mechanical stimuli within cells: an analysis of the consequences of ageing in cells
by Feng Xue & Alex B. Lennon & Katey K. McKayed & Veronica A. Campbell & Patrick J. Prendergast - 477-484 On modelling large deformations of heterogeneous biological tissues using a mixed finite element formulation
by Tim Wu & Alice P.-L. Hung & Peter Hunter & Kumar Mithraratne - 485-491 Identification process based on shear wave propagation within a phantom using finite element modelling and magnetic resonance elastography
by Gwladys E. Leclerc & Fabrice Charleux & Marie-Christine Ho Ba Tho & Sabine F. Bensamoun - 492-505 The influence of yield surface shape and damage in the depth-dependent response of bone tissue to nanoindentation using spherical and Berkovich indenters
by Johann Jakob Schwiedrzik & Philippe Kurt Zysset - 506-513 Muscle moment-arms: a key element in muscle-force estimation
by David Ingram & Christoph Engelhardt & Alain Farron & Alexandre Terrier & Philippe Müllhaupt - 514-526 Computational model of particle deposition in the nasal cavity under steady and dynamic flow
by Paraskevi Karakosta & Aleck H. Alexopoulos & Costas Kiparissides - 527-532 Is a standalone inertial measurement unit accurate and precise enough for quantification of movement symmetry in the horse?
by Charlotte Brighton & Emil Olsen & Thilo Pfau - 533-544 Deriving indicators for breast conserving surgery using finite element analysis
by D. Thanoon & M. Garbey & B.L. Bass - 545-555 A finite element evaluation of the moment arm hypothesis for altered vertebral shear failure force
by Samuel J. Howarth & Thomas Karakolis & Jack P. Callaghan - 556-570 Effect of intercostal muscle and costovertebral joint material properties on human ribcage stiffness and kinematics
by Matthew Kindig & Zuoping Li & Richard Kent & Damien Subit
March 2015, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 339-350 Knee joint passive stiffness and moment in sagittal and frontal planes markedly increase with compression
by H. Marouane & A. Shirazi-Adl & M. Adouni - 351-361 Modelling the glycocalyx–endothelium–erythrocyte interaction in the microcirculation: a computational study
by Giuseppe Pontrelli & Ian Halliday & Tim J. Spencer & Carola S. König & Michael W. Collins - 362-375 An improved inverse dynamics formulation for estimation of external and internal loads during human sagittal plane movements
by Wojciech Blajer & Krzysztof Dziewiecki & Zenon Mazur - 376-381 A fast bilateral filter with application to artefact reduction
by Dangguo Shao & Ming Zhong & Dong C. Liu - 382-390 A new training algorithm using artificial neural networks to classify gender-specific dynamic gait patterns
by Andre Andrade & Marcelo Costa & Leopoldo Paolucci & Antônio Braga & Flavio Pires & Herbert Ugrinowitsch & Hans-Joachim Menzel - 391-400 A geometric approach to study the contact mechanisms in the patellofemoral joint of normal versus patellofemoral pain syndrome subjects
by Kamrul Islam & Kajsa Duke & Tanvir Mustafy & Samer M. Adeeb & Janet L. Ronsky & Marwan El-Rich - 401-413 A semi-automated method for patient-specific computational flow modelling of left ventricles
by Vinh-Tan Nguyen & Chong Jia Loon & Hoang Huy Nguyen & Zhong Liang & Hwa Liang Leo - 414-425 Comparative study of flow in right-sided and left-sided aortas: numerical simulations in patient-based models
by Michalis Xenos & Dimitrios Karakitsos & Nicos Labropoulos & Apostolos Tassiopoulos & Thomas V. Bilfinger & Danny Bluestein - 426-437 Quantitative analysis of fall risk using TUG test
by Nor Aini Zakaria & Yutaka Kuwae & Toshiyo Tamura & Kotaro Minato & Shigehiko Kanaya - 438-445 Mathematical modelling of implant in an operated hernia for estimation of the repair persistence
by Izabela Lubowiecka - 446-455 Micro-computed tomography image-based evaluation of 3D anisotropy degree of polymer scaffolds
by Úrsula Pérez-Ramírez & Jesús Javier López-Orive & Estanislao Arana & Manuel Salmerón-Sánchez & David Moratal
February 2015, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 223-232 Behaviour of orthotropic surgical implant in hernia repair due to the material orientation and abdomen surface deformation
by Izabela Lubowiecka - 233-242 A 3D finite element model for hyperthermia injury of blood-perfused skin
by Domoina Ratovoson & Vincent Huon & Franck Jourdan - 243-248 Estimation of ligament strains and joint moments in the ankle during a supination sprain injury
by Feng Wei & Daniel Tik-Pui Fong & Kai-Ming Chan & Roger C. Haut - 249-258 Elucidating the scapulo-humeral rhythm calculation: 3D joint contribution method
by Xavier Robert-Lachaine & Patrick Marion & Véronique Godbout & Jacinte Bleau & Mickael Begon - 259-268 Numerical simulation of load-induced bone structural remodelling using stress-limit criterion
by Ali Marzban & Hamid Nayeb-Hashemi & Ashkan Vaziri - 269-281 Influence of mastication and edentulism on mandibular bone density
by Hsuan-Yu Chou & Devesh Satpute & Ali Müftü & Srinivasan Mukundan & Sinan Müftü - 282-292 Role of differential adhesion in cell cluster evolution: from vasculogenesis to cancer metastasis
by Jaykrishna Singh & Fazle Hussain & Paolo Decuzzi - 293-315 Cross-sectional neck response of a total human body FE model during simulated frontal and side automobile impacts
by Nicholas A. White & Daniel P. Moreno & F. Scott Gayzik & Joel D. Stitzel - 316-324 Numerical investigation of mechanical effects caused by various fixation positions on a new radius intramedullary nail
by A. Çelik & H. Kovacı & G. Saka & İ. Kaymaz - 325-331 Micro-structurally detailed model of a therapeutic hydrogel injectate in a rat biventricular cardiac geometry for computational simulations
by Mazin S. Sirry & Neil H. Davies & Karen Kadner & Laura Dubuis & Muhammad G. Saleh & Ernesta M. Meintjes & Bruce S. Spottiswoode & Peter Zilla & Thomas Franz - 332-337 Mechanical evaluation of a tissue-engineered zone of calcification in a bone–hydrogel osteochondral construct
by Jérôme Hollenstein & Alexandre Terrier & Esther Cory & Albert C. Chen & Robert L. Sah & Dominique P. Pioletti
January 2015, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 107-115 Modelling human eye under blast loading
by L. Esposito & C. Clemente & N. Bonora & T. Rossi - 116-123 Ultrasound-based subject-specific parameters improve fascicle behaviour estimation in Hill-type muscle model
by Pauline Gerus & Guillaume Rao & Eric Berton - 124-129 Microstructural residual stress in particle-filled dental composite
by Ondřej Prejzek & Miroslav Španiel & Tomáš Mareš - 130-140 A review of numerical methods for red blood cell flow simulation
by Meongkeun Ju & Swe Soe Ye & Bumseok Namgung & Seungkwan Cho & Hong Tong Low & Hwa Liang Leo & Sangho Kim - 141-152 Implementation of a gait cycle loading into healthy and meniscectomised knee joint models with fibril-reinforced articular cartilage
by Mika E. Mononen & Jukka S. Jurvelin & Rami K. Korhonen - 153-161 Improving stability of locking compression plates through a design modification: a computational investigation
by D. Anitha & Shamal Das De & Khong Kok Sun & Hitendra K. Doshi & Taeyong Lee