October 2011, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 579-594 The role of business and cross-sector collaboration in addressing the ‘wicked problem’ of food insecurity
by Ralph Hamann & Stephanie Giamporcaro & David Johnston & Schirin Yachkaschi
September 2011, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 305-306 Sport mega-events and their legacies: The 2010 FIFA World Cup
by Scarlett Cornelissen & Urmilla Bob & Kamilla Swart - 307-318 Towards redefining the concept of legacy in relation to sport mega-events: Insights from the 2010 FIFA World Cup
by Scarlett Cornelissen & Urmilla Bob & Kamilla Swart - 319-332 Tourist displacement in two South African sport mega-events
by Johan Fourie & Krige Siebrits & Karly Spronk - 333-348 South Africa under FIFA's reign: The World Cup's contribution to urban development
by Christoph Haferburg - 349-365 The 2010 FIFA World Cup high-frequency data economics: Effects on international tourism and awareness for South Africa
by Stan du Plessis & Wolfgang Maennig - 367-385 A method for calculating the crowding-out effect in sport mega-event impact studies: The 2010 FIFA World Cup
by Holger Preuss - 387-399 Rural community perceptions of the 2010 FIFA World Cup: The Makhowe community in KwaZulu-Natal
by Urmilla Bob & Mbali Majola - 401-413 Pan-Africanism and the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa
by Sabelo J Ndlovu-Gatsheni - 415-428 A sport and sociocultural legacy beyond 2010: A case study of the Football Foundation of South Africa
by Kamilla Swart & Urmilla Bob & Brendon Knott & Mushfieqah Salie
2011, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 157-176 School effectiveness in Zambia: The origins of differences between rural and urban outcomes
by Ronelle Burger - 177-193 Invasive plants - friends or foes? Contribution of prickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) to livelihoods in Makana Municipality, Eastern Cape, South Africa
by Sheona Shackleton & David Kirby & James Gambiza - 195-208 When is enough, enough? Advocacy, evidence and criticism in the field of urban agriculture in South Africa
by Nigel Webb - 209-223 Irrigation development and its socioeconomic impact on rural communities in Malawi
by Bryson Gwiyani-Nkhoma - 225-240 Marginalising women in politics: Recent trends in KwaZulu-Natal
by Christopher Isike & Ufo Okeke Uzodike - 241-254 Ekaluka Farmers' Association and the Land Reform Programme: Expectations and success factors
by Kevin Mearns - 255-269 Creating job satisfaction in Africa: A case study from Mozambique
by Kurt Sartorius & Andres Merino de la Nuez & Teresa Carmichael - 271-281 Consumer acceptability and perceptions of maize meal in Giyani, South Africa
by Teclah Khumalo & Hettie Schonfeldt & Hester Vermeulen - 283-292 Nutrition education tools for primary school children in the Vaal region
by Wilna Oldewage-Theron & Carin Napier - 293-303 A situational analysis for the implementation of the National School Health Policy in KwaZulu-Natal
by Yoliswa Shasha & Myra Taylor & Siyabonga Dlamini & Colleen Aldous-Mycock
2011, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-17 Poverty, shocks and school disruption episodes among adolescents in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
by Nina Hunter & Julian May - 19-37 Social capital and poverty in Uganda
by Rashid Hassan & Patrick Birungi - 39-59 The impact of cash transfers on household welfare in Namibia
by Sebastian Levine & Servaas van der Berg & Derek Yu - 61-74 Gender-responsive budgeting: The case for Botswana
by Emmanuel Botlhale - 75-85 Poverty, HIV/AIDS and the old age pension in Bhambayi, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa
by Tanusha Raniga & Barbara Simpson - 87-98 The habits of highly effective community development practitioners
by Michael Weyers - 99-119 The development status of women in South Africa: Patterns and progress in the provinces
by Annelize Booysen & Frederick Fourie & Lucius Botes - 121-140 Transport expenditure and affordability: The cost of being mobile
by Christoffel Venter - 141-156 China's impact on South African trade and inflation
by Logan Rangasamy & Jan Abraham Swanepoel
2010, Volume 27, Issue 5
- 627-628 Editorial
by Jennifer Seif & Kate Rivett-Carnac - 629-646 Tourism's contribution to poverty alleviation: A community perspective from Tanzania
by Michael Muganda & Mondher Sahli & Karen A Smith - 647-662 Benefits to the poor from gorilla tourism in Rwanda
by Anna Spenceley & Straton Habyalimana & Ritah Tusabe & Donnah Mariza - 663-678 The impacts of tourism on two communities adjacent to the Kruger National Park, South Africa
by Jennifer Strickland-Munro & Susan Moore & Stefanie Freitag-Ronaldson - 679-696 The economic contribution of tourism in Mozambique: Insights from a Social Accounting Matrix
by Sam Jones - 697-712 Hotel development and tourism impacts in Mauritius: Hoteliers' perspectives on sustainable tourism
by Girish Prayag & Kiran Dookhony-Ramphul & Mootoo Maryeven - 713-724 Local tourism awareness: Community views in Katutura and King Nehale Conservancy, Namibia
by Jarkko Saarinen - 725-739 Community-based natural resource management, poverty alleviation and livelihood diversification: A case study from northern Botswana
by Caitlin Mary Lepper & Jessica Schroenn Goebel - 741-756 Peer-to-peer capacity-building in tourism: Values and experiences of field-based education
by Marina Novelli & Peter Burns - 757-772 Community-based tourism as a sustainable solution to maximise impacts locally? The Tsiseb Conservancy case, Namibia
by Renaud Lapeyre - 773-787 Competing for tourists at Victoria Falls: A historical consideration of the effects of government involvement
by Andrea Arrington
2010, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 465-480 Local economic development in Africa: Global context and research directions
by Christian Rogerson & Jayne Rogerson - 481-495 Local economic development in South Africa: Strategic challenges
by Christian Rogerson - 497-515 Towards a developmental state? Provincial economic policy in South Africa
by Ivan Turok - 517-530 Donor-driven local economic development in peripheral areas of KwaZulu-Natal: The Gijima Programme
by Lochner Marais - 531-546 Beyond local economic development? Exploring municipality-supported job creation in a South African city
by Glen Robbins - 547-562 The role of second homes in local economic development in five small South African towns
by Gijsbert Hoogendoorn & Gustav Visser - 563-576 Cultural heritage routes in South Africa: Effective tools for heritage conservation and local economic development?
by Jeanette Snowball & Sinead Courtney - 577-593 Improving the local business environment of Johannesburg
by Christian Rogerson & Jayne Rogerson - 595-612 Working it out: Labour geographies of the poor in Soweto, South Africa
by Richard Grant - 613-625 Cultivating Kaunda's plan for self-sufficiency: Is urban agriculture finally beginning to receive support in Zambia?
by Alec Thornton & Etienne Nel & Godfrey Hampwaye
2010, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 289-289 Editorial
by Marie Kirsten - 291-308 Production of and trade in African indigenous vegetables in the urban and peri-urban areas of Durban, South Africa
by Charlie Shackleton & Fiona Paumgarten & Thami Mthembu & Lisa Ernst & Margaret Pasquini & Germain Pichop - 309-331 Food product attributes guiding purchasing choice of maize meal by low-income South African consumers
by Sara Duvenage & Hettie Schonfeldt & Rozanne Kruger - 333-352 Reviewing South Africa's marketing and trade policies for genetically modified products
by Guillaume Gruere & Debdatta Sengupta - 353-361 From land rights to environmental entitlements: Community discontent in the 'successful' Dwesa-Cwebe land claim in South Africa
by Zolile Ntshona & Mcebisi Kraai & Thembela Kepe & Paul Saliwa - 363-379 Beyond the crisis in Zimbabwe: Sorting out the land question
by Charles Chavunduka & Daniel Bromley - 381-395 Revitalising and modernising smallholder agriculture: The Aldeia Nova Project in Angola
by Ayal Kimhi - 397-412 Cooperative patronage: The National Smallholder Farmers' Association of Malawi in Kasungu District
by Greenwell Matchaya - 413-427 Agricultural development and the distribution of water resources in Kgatleng District, Botswana
by Ellen Hillbom - 429-445 Node selection for the Integrated Sustainable Rural Development Programme in South Africa
by Alet Harmse - 447-463 Consumer acceptability of a synbiotic version of the maize beverage mageu
by Richard Nyanzi & Piet Jooste & Joseph Abu & Elbie Beukes
2010, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 159-176 The value of Namibia's forest resources: Preliminary economic asset and flow accounts
by Jon Barnes & James MacGregor & Olimpio Nhuleipo & Petrus Muteyauli - 177-191 Infrastructure in South Africa: Who is to finance and who is to pay?
by Estian Calitz & Johan Fourie - 193-204 The Child Support Grant and teenage childbearing in South Africa
by Monde Makiwane - 205-224 The limited role of small stock exchanges in economic development: A case study of Mozambique and Swaziland
by Bruce Hearn & Jenifer Piesse - 225-240 Investment challenges in the hotel industry in Kigali, Rwanda: Hotel managers' perspectives
by Josephine Gatsinzi & Ronnie Donaldson - 241-253 The contribution of trout fly fishing to the economy of Rhodes, North Eastern Cape, South Africa
by Mario du Preez & Deborah Lee - 255-272 The Cape Town International Jazz Festival: More than just jazz
by Melville Saayman & Riaan Rossouw - 273-287 Rethinking township tourism: Towards responsible tourism development in South African townships
by Irma Booyens
2010, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Catherine Cross & John Seager - 3-3 Editorial
by Marie Kirsten - 5-20 Skeletons at the feast: A review of street homelessness in South Africa and other world regions
by Catherine Cross & John Seager & Johan Erasmus & Cathy Ward & Michael O'Donovan - 21-37 Towards a demographic profile of the street homeless in South Africa
by Pieter Kok & Catherine Cross & Niël Roux - 39-49 Homeless individuals, families and communities: The societal origins of homelessness
by Monde Makiwane & Tsiliso Tamasane & Marguerite Schneider - 51-62 The homeless in historical context
by Sean Morrow - 63-83 Health and well-being of the homeless in South African cities and towns
by John Seager & Tsiliso Tamasane - 85-100 South African street children: A survey and recommendations for services
by Catherine Ward & John Seager - 101-110 Civil society responses to homelessness
by Diana Sanchez - 111-128 Local metropolitan government responses to homelessness in South Africa
by Jacques du Toit - 129-141 Government responses to street homelessness in South Africa
by Vinothan Naidoo - 143-158 Towards identifying the causes of South Africa's street homelessness: Some policy recommendations
by Catherine Cross & John Seager
2009, Volume 26, Issue 5
- 677-694 A macro-framework for successful development banks
by Janine Thorne & Charlotte du Toit - 695-707 Ethnic bias, favouritism and development in Africa
by Richard Ilorah - 709-719 The importance of being earners: why women in South Africa need well-paid jobs
by John Simister - 721-732 Inequity in poverty: the emerging public health challenge in Johannesburg
by Angela Mathee & Trudy Harpham & Brendon Barnes & Andre Swart & Shan Naidoo & Thea de Wet & Piet Becker - 733-754 Benefits to local communities from community conservancies in Namibia: an assessment
by Sushenjit Bandyopadhyay & Michael Humavindu & Priya Shyamsundar & Limin Wang - 755-777 Aspects of profitability that influence smallholder cash-crop preferences in northern Mozambique
by Gastao Lukanu & J Maryann Green & Steve Worth
2009, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 519-519 Editorial
by Mafaniso Hara & Frank Matose - 521-537 Governance of the commons in southern Africa: knowledge, political economy and power
by Mafaniso Hara & Stephen Turner & Tobias Haller & Frank Matose - 539-553 Common pool resource management in Lake Chilwa, Malawi: a wetland under pressure
by Peter Mathias Mvula & Tobias Haller - 555-567 Managing common pool resources in the Kafue Flats, Zambia: from common property to open access and privatisation
by Tobias Haller & Harry Chabwela - 569-583 Dynamics of common pool resource management in the Okavango Delta, Botswana
by Rachel DeMotts & Tobias Haller & Parakh Hoon & Roland Saum - 585-596 Fragmentation of resource governance along the shoreline of Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe
by Lindah Mhlanga - 597-610 Common pool resource management among San communities in Ngamiland, Botswana
by Lefatshe Magole - 611-626 The 'shrinking commons' in the Lake Ngami grasslands, Botswana: the impact of national rangeland policy
by Lapologang Magole - 627-637 Knowledge, power, livelihoods and commons practices in Dwesa-Cwebe, South Africa
by Frank Matose - 639-648 Policy evolution and dynamics of governance at the Lake Kariba kapenta fishery
by Kefasi Nyikahadzoi & Jesper Raakjær - 649-662 Policy evolution in South African fisheries: the governance of the sector for small pelagics
by Mafaniso Hara & Jesper Raakjær - 663-676 Governance of Lake Chilwa common pool resources: evolution and conflicts
by Friday Njaya
2009, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 335-336 Editorial
by Marie Kirsten - 337-352 Mega-events and small enterprise development: the 2010 FIFA World Cup opportunities and challenges
by Christian Rogerson - 353-368 Profit efficiency of small- and medium-scale maize milling enterprises in South Africa
by Orefi Abu & Johann Kirsten - 369-382 Gender, rights and the disability grant in South Africa
by Beth Goldblatt - 383-397 Coping: a challenge for guardians of children orphaned by HIV/AIDS in a South African township
by Edith Kiggundu & Wilna Oldewage-Theron - 399-412 Reassessing the concept of 'social capital': considering resources for satisfying the needs of rural communities
by Jaco Vermaak - 413-427 Sustainable social development in the South African mining sector
by Freek Cronje & Charity Chenga - 429-446 Assessing the impact of Transnet's and Eskom's infrastructure investment programmes on the capital goods sector
by Marian Lydall - 447-458 Aspects of environmental quality of life that affect neighbourhood satisfaction in disadvantaged and advantaged Johannesburg communities
by Margaret Westaway - 459-476 Measuring the export capability of South African regions
by Waldo Krugell & Marianne Matthee - 477-497 Public spending and economic growth: evidence from Ghana (1970-2004)
by Edward Nketiah-Amponsah - 499-516 'Learning by importing' in global value chains: upgrading and South-South strategies in the Ugandan pharmaceutical industry
by Stine Jessen Haakonsson - 517-518 Sociological perspectives on organic agriculture: from pioneer to policy
by Sheryl Hendriks
2009, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 171-172 Editorial
by Marie Kirsten - 173-188 All that glisters is not gold: new public management and corruption in Malawi's local governance
by Richard Tambulasi - 189-208 Is a focus on social capital useful in considering food security interventions? Insights from KwaZulu-Natal
by Alison Misselhorn - 209-223 Towards egalitarian inheritance rights in Botswana: the case of Tlokweng
by Faustin Tirwirukwa Kalabamu - 225-239 Support for rural small businesses in Limpopo Province, South Africa
by Watson Ladzani & Godfrey Netswera - 241-254 Nominal and real effective exchange rates for Southern African Development Community countries over the period 1980-2004: implications for the expansion of the Common Monetary Area
by Josue Mbonigaba & Merle Holden - 255-270 Informal financial markets in Botswana: a case study of Gaborone City
by Francis Nathan Okurut & Thuto Botlhole - 271-288 Economic decline and gentrification in a small town: the business sector in Aberdeen, Eastern Cape
by Doreen Atkinson - 289-299 Trends in the age pattern of fertility, 1995-2005, in the context of the child support grant in South Africa
by Eric Udjo - 301-315 Housing for the nation, the city and the household: competing rationalities as a constraint to reform?
by Sarah Charlton - 317-333 'But now I dream about my house': women's empowerment and housing delivery in urban KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
by Catherine Ndinda
2009, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Mogomme Masoga - 3-16 Land politics in the new state organisation in South Africa
by Thorvald Gran - 17-28 Use of public and private health services in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
by Lucia Knight & Pranitha Maharaj - 29-46 Experimental analysis of adoption of domestic mopane worm farming technology in Zimbabwe
by Robert Hope & Peter Frost & Alan Gardiner & Jaboury Ghazoul - 47-58 Factors influencing access to produce markets for smallholder irrigators in South Africa
by Litha Magingxa & Zerihun Alemu & Herman van Schalkwyk - 59-73 The struggle for in situ upgrading of informal settlements: a reflection on cases in Gauteng
by Marie Huchzermeyer - 75-93 Untangling the links between wildlife benefits and community-based conservation at Torra Conservancy, Namibia
by Lauren Scanlon & Christian Kull - 95-109 Caregivers' sacrifices: the opportunity costs of adult morbidity and mortality for female pensioners in rural South Africa
by Catherine Ogunmefun & Enid Schatz - 111-129 The impact of exchange rate movements on employment: the economy-wide effect of a rand appreciation
by Stewart Ngandu - 131-155 The NEPAD initiative and the prospects of business opportunities in the rest of Africa for South African firms based in Gauteng
by Oludele Akinboade & Pinky Lalthapersad-Pillay - 157-170 Lessons from Andiamo, Malawi, on grassroots development and globalisation from below
by Margie Booyens & Elsa Crause
2008, Volume 25, Issue 5
- 497-511 Corporate citizenship in the Nigerian petroleum industry: a beneficiary perspective
by Wilson Akpan - 513-530 Citizens, subjects or a dual mandate? Artisanal miners, 'supporters' and the resource scramble in Sierra Leone
by Sylvia Ojukutu-Macauley & Andrew Keili - 531-542 Power as capital: insights from South Africa's commercial forestry sector
by Achieng Ojwang - 543-560 Socio-economic change and natural resource exploitation: a case study of the Zambian copper mining industry
by John Lungu - 561-576 Globalisation and resource development in Africa: assessing the facilitator-protector roles of international law and international institutions
by Engobo Emeseh - 577-588 The influence of tourism on the woodcarving trade around Cape Town and implications for forest resources in southern Africa
by Mikolo Christian & Paxie Chirwa & Cori Ham - 589-600 The evolution of wildlife conservation policies in Tanzania during the colonial and post-independence periods
by Abdallah Mkumbukwa
2008, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 365-365 Editorial
by Mogomme Alpheus Masoga - 367-382 A targeted approach to informal business development: the entrepreneurial route
by Andre Ligthelm - 383-397 Land reforms that exclude the poor: the case of Botswana
by Patrick Malope & Nnyaladzi Batisani - 399-424 Pesticide use among emerging farmers in South Africa: contributing factors and stakeholder perspectives
by Hanna-Andrea Rother & Ruth Hall & Leslie London - 425-435 Aspects of road safety in Botswana
by Christopher Mupimpila - 437-453 Black economic empowerment ownership initiatives: a Johannesburg Stock Exchange perspective
by Kurt Sartorius & Gerhard Botha - 455-468 Gender roles in agricultural knowledge in a land resettlement context: the case of Mupfurudzi, Zimbabwe
by Netsayi N Mudege - 469-479 Debt and household finance: evidence from the Financial Diaries
by Daryl Collins - 481-494 A note on infrastructure quality in South Africa
by Johan Fourie
2008, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 245-258 Using Giddens's theory of 'structuration' and Freirean philosophy to understand participation in the Alexandra Renewal Project
by Luke Sinwell - 259-268 The contribution of business incubators and technology stations to small enterprise development in South Africa
by Lindile Ndabeni - 269-281 Development policy and water services in South Africa: an urban poverty perspective
by Ndodana Nleya - 283-296 Constraints facing tourism entrepreneurs in South Africa: a study in the Gauteng and Mpumalanga provinces, South Africa
by Gideon Nieman & Thea Visser & Rene Van Wyk - 297-315 Public-private partnerships in metropolitan government: perspectives on governance, value for money and the roles of selected stakeholders
by Shakespeare Mzikayise Binza - 317-326 Emerging issues in smallholder organic production and marketing in South Africa
by Joyce Thamaga-Chitja & Sheryl Hendriks - 327-345 Livestock production economics on communal land in Botswana: effects of tenure, scale and subsidies
by Jonathan Barnes & James Cannon & James Macgregor - 347-362 Effects of gender on the performance of micro and small enterprises in Malawi
by Ephraim Chirwa
2008, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 133-133 Editorial
by Mogomme Masoga & Lulama Makhubela - 135-150 Living on the margins: the social dynamics of economic marginalisation
by Andries du Toit - 151-167 The urban informal sector in sub-Saharan Africa: from bad to good (and back again?)
by Deborah Potts - 169-179 Are concepts such as 'margins' and 'marginalisation' useful for analysing rural life in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa?
by Patrick Mcallister - 181-198 Livelihoods in the wake of agricultural commercialisation in South Africa's poverty nodes: insights from small-scale irrigation schemes in Limpopo Province
by Barbara Tapela - 199-213 Artisanal gold mining at the margins of mineral resource governance: a case from Tanzania
by Eleanor Fisher - 215-226 Can the state perpetuate the marginalisation of the poor? The socio-economic effects of the state's ban on minibus 'callboys' in Malawi
by Richard Tambulasi & Happy Kayuni - 227-242 The struggle for the streets: processes of exclusion and inclusion of street traders in Durban, South Africa
by Caroline Skinner
2008, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 3-20 Affordable and middle-class housing on Johannesburg's mining sites: a cost-benefit analysis
by Robert Simons & Aly Karam - 21-35 Discourses of privatisation: the case of South Africa's water sector
by Sagie Narsiah - 37-60 Directional trends in selected aspects of rural poverty in the Eastern Cape Province: changes during the first ten years of South African democracy
by Zanele Mfono & Precious Ndlovu & Lilly-Rose Mlisa & Sindiswa Duma - 61-73 Scaling up support for children in HIV-affected families by involving early childhood development workers: community views from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
by Myra Taylor & Jane Kvalsvig - 75-82 Livestock as a buffer against HIV and AIDS income shocks in the rural households of Zimbabwe
by Munyaradzi Mutenje & Cletos Mapiye & Zira Mavunganidze & Marizvikuru Mwale & Violet Muringai & Constance Katsinde & Ivy Gavumende - 83-98 Trade, aid and national development in Africa
by Richard Ilorah - 99-118 Towards collective business action and cross-sector collaboration in responsible competitiveness clusters in southern Africa
by Ralph Hamann & Daisy Kambalame & Sean De Cleene & Nkosithabile Ndlovu - 119-132 A community-based impact assessment of the Wild Coast spatial development initiative, 1997-2004
by Steven Mitchell & Neil Andersson & Ncumisa Ngxowa & Serge Merhi
2007, Volume 24, Issue 5
- 629-648 The KwaZulu-Natal Income Dynamics Study (KIDS) third wave: methods, first findings and an agenda for future research
by Julian May & Jorge Aguero & Michael Carter & Ian Timæus - 649-664 Buzzing too far? The ideological echo of global governance concepts on the local level: the case of the Mafungautsi Forest in Zimbabwe
by Bram Buscher & Tendayi Mutimukuru - 665-680 Women's participation in housing delivery: the case of Ezilweleni, South Africa
by Catherine Ndinda - 681-691 South Africa government's support of the automotive industry: prospects of the productive asset allowance
by Martin Kaggwa & Anastassios Pouris & Jasper Steyn - 693-706 Manufacturing enterprises and marketing planning in a mining area of the North West Province, South Africa: lessons for local business support centres
by Orpha Lotz & Lochner Marais - 707-724 People-centred environmental management and municipal commonage in the Nama Karoo
by Doreen Atkinson - 725-740 Problems and prospects for the development of urban tourism in Gaborone and Maun, Botswana
by Joseph Mbaiwa & Elisha Toteng & Naomi Moswete
2007, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 539-551 Securing small farmer participation in supermarket supply chains in South Africa
by Andre Louw & Hester Vermeulen & Johann Kirsten & Hilton Madevu - 553-573 The influence of smallholder labour demand on cultivation of cash crops in northern Mozambique
by Gastao Lukanu & Maryann Green & Steve Worth - 575-593 The shape of demand for high-level agricultural skills in the South African labour market
by Nicci Earle & Andrew Nm Paterson - 595-606 Down on the farm and barefoot in the kitchen: farm labour and domestic labour as forms of servitude
by Stu Woolman & Michael Bishop - 607-621 Improving the efficiency of monitoring adherence to antiretroviral therapy at primary health care level: a case study of the introduction of electronic technologies in Guguletu, South Africa
by Xanthe Wessels & Nicoli Nattrass & Ulrike Rivett - 623-628 The location of practice: a response to John Forester's 'Exploring urban practice in a democratising society: opportunities, techniques and challenges'
by Ananya Roy
2007, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 361-379 Reviewing Africa in the global tourism economy
by Christian Rogerson - 381-392 Communal land reform and tourism investment in Namibia's communal areas: a question of unfinished business?
by Peter John Massyn - 393-408 Certification in the South African tourism industry: the case of Fair Trade in Tourism
by Karin Mahony - 409-423 The value of wildlife-viewing tourism as an incentive for conservation of biodiversity in the Okavango Delta, Botswana
by Natalie Mladenov & R John Gardner & E Nicholas Flores & E Joseph Mbaiwa & Gagoitseope Mmopelwa & M Kenneth Strzepek - 425-444 The challenges of developing backpacker tourism in South Africa: an enterprise perspective
by Christian Rogerson - 445-464 Holiday package tourism and the poor in the Gambia
by Jonathan Mitchell & Jojoh Faal - 465-474 Is Zimbabwe ready to venture into the cultural tourism market?
by Haretsebe Manwa - 475-490 Route tourism: a roadmap for successful destinations and local economic development
by Marlien Lourens - 491-504 Diversifying Rwanda's tourism industry: a role for domestic tourism
by Joan Mazimhaka - 505-521 The growth and promotion of regional tourism in the developing world: the South African experience
by Christian Rogerson & Wanjiku Kiambo - 523-537 Natives, tourists, and makwerekwere: ethical concerns with 'Proudly South African' tourism
by Kathryn Mathers & Loren Landau