May 2015, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 377-391 Cultural community-based tourism in Tanzania: Lessons learned and way forward
by John T Mgonja & Agnes Sirima & Kenneth F Backman & Sheila J Backman - 392-406 Ecotourism development in Ghana: A postcolonial analysis
by Gabriel Eshun & Eva Tagoe-Darko - 407-423 Tourism-conservation enterprises for community livelihoods and biodiversity conservation in Kenya
by Rita Wairimu Nthiga & Ren� Van der Duim & Ingrid J Visseren-Hamakers & Machiel Lamers
March 2015, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 131-150 Polycentric development in the Cape Town city-region: Empirical assessment and consideration of spatial policy implications
by Ken Sinclair-Smith - 151-169 Measurements and determinants of multifaceted poverty in South Africa
by Ada Jansen & Mariana Moses & Stanford Mujuta & Derek Yu - 170-192 Did primary healthcare user fee abolition matter? Reconsidering South Africa's experience
by Anna S Brink & Steven F Koch - 193-208 Inequity in inpatient healthcare utilisation 10 years after Apartheid
by Leander R Buisman & Pilar Garc�a-G�mez - 209-228 Decomposing inequality and poverty in post-war Rwanda: The roles of gender, education, wealth and location
by Kade Finnoff - 229-239 Sources of inequality in the cost of transport mobility in the city of Yaound�, Cameroon
by Val�rie Ongolo-Zogo & Boniface Ngah Epo - 240-257 Corporate social responsibility, mining and sustainable development in Namibia: Critical reflections through a relational lens
by David Littlewood - 258-273 The role of politics in the migration of Zimbabwean teachers to South Africa
by Dick Ranga
January 2015, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial: South Africa's emergent middle class
by Grace Khunou - 3-24 Growth of the middle class: Two perspectives that matter for policy
by Justin Visagie - 25-40 The emergent middle class in contemporary South Africa: Examining and comparing rival approaches
by Ronelle Burger & Cindy Lee Steenekamp & Servaas van der Berg & Asmus Zoch - 41-56 Understanding consumption patterns of the established and emerging South African black middle class
by Ronelle Burger & Megan Louw & Brigitte Barbara Isabel de Oliveira Pegado & Servaas van der Berg - 57-75 Life chances and class: Estimating inequality of opportunity for children and adolescents in South Africa
by Asmus Zoch - 76-89 Rethinking Bundy: Land and the black middle class - accumulation beyond the peasantry
by Nkululeko Mabandla - 90-103 What middle class? The shifting and dynamic nature of class position
by Grace Khunou - 104-117 'Growing up' and 'moving up': Metaphors that legitimise upward social mobility in Soweto
by Detlev Krige - 118-129 Food, malls and the politics of consumption: South Africa's new middle class
by Sophie Chevalier
November 2014, Volume 31, Issue 6
- 761-774 Inequities in under-five child nutritional status in South Africa: What progress has been made?
by Julian May & Ian M Timæus - 775-795 The dynamics of household dissolution and change in socio-economic position: A survival model in a rural South Africa
by Kurt Sartorius & Benn KD Sartorius & Mark A Collinson & Stephen M Tollman - 796-811 Service delivery frameworks as instruments of citizen empowerment: A tale of two experiences, India and South Africa
by Samuel Kariuki & Zwelakhe Tshandu - 812-825 The case for gender mainstreaming Botswana's privatisation process
by Emmanuel Botlhale - 826-842 Mineral wealth - 'in the name of morafe '? Community control in South Africa's 'Platinum Valley'
by Sonwabile Mnwana - 843-858 Remaining at the margins: Case study of farmworkers in the North West Province, South Africa
by Stefanie Lemke & Fanie Jansen van Rensburg
September 2014, Volume 31, Issue 5
- 641-641 Editorial
by Najma Mohamed - 642-657 Interpreting the green economy: Emerging discourses and their considerations for the Global South
by Kristy Faccer & Anton Nahman & Michelle Audouin - 658-674 The Green Fund of South Africa: Origins, establishment and first lessons
by Najma Mohamed & Edwin Maitho & Eugenia Masvikeni & Riaan Fourie & Mahommed Tilly & Nomsa Zondi - 675-691 Is urbanisation in South Africa on a sustainable trajectory?
by Ivan Turok & Jacqueline Borel-Saladin - 692-710 Concentrating solar power: Improving electricity cost and security of supply, and other economic benefits
by Paul Gauch� & Alan C Brent & Theodor W von Backstr�m - 711-720 Restoration of natural capital: Mobilising private sector investment
by James N Blignaut & Leandri van der Elst - 721-743 Environmental assessments for the greening of public infrastructure in South Africa
by Saphira Patel & Thierry Giordano - 744-758 Green economy transitioning of the South African power sector: A system dynamics analysis approach
by Josephine K Musango & Alan C Brent & Mapula Tshangela
July 2014, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 535-552 Does public expenditure management matter for education outcomes?
by Nana Adowaa Boateng - 553-562 Increasing Block Tariff structures as a water subsidy mechanism in South Africa: An exploratory analysis
by Cobus Burger & Ada Jansen - 563-580 The experience of private investment in the South African water sector: The Mbombela Concession
by Sugen Chetty & John M Luiz - 581-590 Changing the world one systematic review at a time: A new development methodology for making a difference
by Ruth Stewart - 591-605 The impact of trade facilitation factors on South Africa's exports to a selection of African countries
by Andr� C Jordaan - 606-624 Dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation and small and medium enterprise performance in emerging economies
by Ingrid Le Roux & Kenneth M K Bengesi - 625-640 Factors influencing household food security among smallholder farmers in the Mudzi district of Zimbabwe
by Nelson Mango & Byron Zamasiya & Clifton Makate & Kefasi Nyikahadzoi & Shephard Siziba
May 2014, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 363-372 Integrating tourism to rural development and planning in the developing world
by Jarkko Saarinen & Monkgogi Lenao - 373-396 Game ranching inter-sectoral linkages: A structural path analysis for South Africa
by Riaan Rossouw & Philippus C Cloete - 397-411 South Africa's Emergency Housing Programme: A prism of urban contest
by Liza Rose Cirolia - 412-426 Development and gender: Longitudinal entrepreneurial gender effects of the inner-city Johannesburg street-trading context
by Chris W Callaghan - 427-451 Health provider choice and implicit rationing in healthcare: Evidence from Mozambique
by Vincenzo Salvucci - 452-474 Farm households' participation in rural non-farm employment in post-war Rwanda: Drivers and policy implications
by Patrick Hitayezu & Julius Juma Okello & Christopher Obel-Gor - 475-493 Developing a competitive concentrating solar power industry in South Africa: Current gaps and recommended next steps
by Sara Grobbelaar & Paul Gauch� & Alan Brent - 494-514 International trade and agricultural production: Evidence from the Southern African Development Community sub-region
by Nicholas N Ngepah - 515-534 Regional integration in Africa versus higher levels of intra-Africa trade
by Andr� C Jordaan
March 2014, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 195-196 Special Issue: Redistribution for equitable development in South Africa
by Margaret Chitiga Mabugu - 197-218 Inequality, poverty and prospects for redistribution
by Servaas van der Berg - 219-240 Pro-poor growth and social protection in South Africa: Exploring the interactions
by Haroon Bhorat & David Tseng & Benjamin Stanwix - 241-256 Shifting the growth path to achieve employment intensive growth in South Africa
by Anthony Black & Heinrich Gerwel - 257-274 Can trade liberalisation in South Africa reduce poverty and inequality while boosting economic growth? Macro--micro reflections
by Ramos Mabugu & Margaret Chitiga Mabugu - 275-298 Local municipality productive efficiency and its determinants in South Africa
by Nara F Monkam - 299-321 Impact of employment protection legislation on employment and exporting in select African countries
by Tendai Gwatidzo & Busani Moyo - 322-346 Labour unions and wage inequality among African men in South Africa
by Miracle Ntuli & Prudence Kwenda - 347-362 Social security for young people amidst high poverty and unemployment: Some policy options for South Africa
by Miriam Altman & Zitha Mokomane & Gemma Wright
January 2014, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-15 Getting ahead or falling behind: Findings from the second wave of the National Income Dynamics Study
by Ingrid Woolard & Murray Leibbrandt & Reza Daniels - 16-30 Income mobility in a high-inequality society: Evidence from the first two waves of the National Income Dynamics Study
by Arden Finn & Murray Leibbrandt & James Levinsohn - 31-50 Wealth data quality in the National Income Dynamics Study Wave 2
by Reza C Daniels & Arden Finn & Sibongile Musundwa - 51-64 Self-assessed well-being and economic rank in South Africa
by Dorrit Posel - 65-84 Winners and losers: South African labour-market dynamics between 2008 and 2010
by Paul Cichello & Murray Leibbrandt & Ingrid Woolard - 85-105 New evidence on subjective well-being and the definition of unemployment in South Africa
by Neil Lloyd & Murray Leibbrandt - 106-126 Progress through school and the determinants of school dropout in South Africa
by Nicola Branson & Clare Hofmeyr & David Lam - 127-145 Mortality in South Africa: Socio-economic profile and association with self-reported health
by Cally Ardington & Boingotlo Gasealahwe - 146-167 Evidence of short-term household change in South Africa from the National Income Dynamics Study
by Lloyd Grieger & April Williamson & Murray Leibbrandt & James Levinsohn - 168-194 Microeconomic determinants of spatial mobility in post-apartheid South Africa: Longitudinal evidence from the National Income Dynamics Study
by Rowan Clarke & Katherine Eyal
December 2013, Volume 30, Issue 6
- 701-723 Revisiting unemployment levels and trends in South Africa since the transition
by Derek Yu - 724-742 Fathers' whereabouts and children's welfare in Malawi
by J�rgen Carling & Marianne T�nnessen - 743-759 Stipend-paid volunteers in South Africa: A euphemism for low-paid work?
by Kirsty Hunter & Eleanor Ross - 760-770 The 2008 Food Summit: A political response to the food price crisis in Gauteng province, South Africa
by Susan Jean Taylor - 771-788 Using scenario planning for stakeholder engagement in livelihood futures in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area
by Chaka Chirozva & Billy Billiards Mukamuri & Jeanette Manjengwa - 789-811 Rural--urban differences in parental spending on children's primary education in Malawi
by Richard Mussa - 812-825 Rurality as a choice: Towards ruralising rural areas in sub-Saharan African countries
by Uchendu Eugene Chigbu - 826-829 Non-monetary dimensions of well-being: A comment
by Martin Wittenberg
December 2013, Volume 30, Issue 4-5
- 437-450 Reviewing China and Africa: Old interests, new trends -- or new interests, old trends?
by Henning Melber - 451-467 Household, community, and policy determinants of food insecurity in rural Malawi
by Monica Fisher & Paul A Lewin - 468-490 Improving food security in the rural areas of KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa: Too little, too slow
by Marijke D'Haese & Nick Vink & Tharcisse Nkunzimana & Ellen Van Damme & Johan van Rooyen & Anne-Marie Remaut & Lotte Staelens & Luc D'Haese - 491-507 The dis-incentive effects of food aid and agricultural policies on local land allocation in developing countries: The case of Malawi
by Stanley Sharaunga & Edilegnaw Wale - 508-524 Exploring social capital of emerging farmers from Eksteenskuil, South Africa
by Henry Jordaan & Bennie Grové - 525-544 The performance of the Child Support Grant: Review and research priorities
by Judith Gomersall - 545-563 Youth unemployment in South Africa revisited
by Derek Yu - 564-579 Micro and small enterprises and employment creation: A case study of manufacturing micro and small enterprises in South Africa
by Christine Bischoff & Geoffrey Wood - 580-595 Enforced informalisation: The case of liquor retailers in South Africa
by Andrew JE Charman & Leif M Petersen & Laurence Piper - 596-615 Enhancing small, medium and micro enterprise development: Exploring selective interventions by the Lesotho government
by Refiloe G Khoase & Krishna K Govender - 616-628 HIV/AIDS in the transport sector of southern Africa: Operational challenges, research gaps and policy recommendations
by Ilaria Regondi & Gavin George & Natashya Pillay - 629-639 Transfrontier parks and development in southern Africa: The case of the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park
by Sandra Bhatasara & Admire M Nyamwanza & Krasposy Kujinga - 640-658 Household spending patterns and flow of ecotourism income into communities around Liwonde National Park, Malawi
by Susan Snyman - 659-673 An application of the extended Technology Acceptance Model in understanding technology-enabled financial service adoption in South Africa
by John P Wentzel & Krishna Sundar Diatha & VSS Yadavalli - 674-686 The regulation of network infrastructure beyond the Washington consensus
by Mike Muller - 687-695 Market-based incentives in South Africa and Zambia: A comparative analysis of the clean development mechanism
by John G Fay - 696-697 Africa's position in the global climate change debate
by Julia Janis - 697-700 Can the producers of policy analysis be trusted?
by Seán M. Muller
September 2013, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 295-314 Non-monetary dimensions of well-being in South Africa, 1993--2004: A post-apartheid dividend?
by Haroon Bhorat & Carlene van der Westhuizen - 315-331 Assessing opportunities and constraints related to different models for supplying wind turbines to the South African wind energy industry
by János Moldvay & Ralph Hamann & John Fay - 332-346 The impact of a labour-intensive road construction programme in the Vhembe District, Limpopo Province
by Eric Nndavheleseni Musekene - 347-366 The determinants of African tourism
by Johan Fourie & María Santana-Gallego - 367-385 Variations in housing satisfaction and health status in four lower socio-economic housing typologies in the eThekwini Municipality in KwaZulu-Natal
by Prishah Narsai & Myra Taylor & Champaklall Jinabhai & Fred Stevens - 386-400 The challenges of policy coordination at a programme level: Why joining-up is hard to do
by Vinothan Naidoo - 401-416 The comparative performance of chartered accountancy students in South Africa: The impact of historical legacies
by Kurt Sartorius & Benn Sartorius - 417-436 Modelling the impact of the ‘fast track’ land reform policy on Zimbabwe's maize sector
by Tinashe Kapuya & Ferdinand H Meyer & Johann F Kirsten
June 2013, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 149-167 A reconsideration of what and who is middle class in South Africa
by Justin Visagie & Dorrit Posel - 168-185 Determinants of life satisfaction among race groups in South Africa
by Amina Ebrahim & Ferdi Botha & Jen Snowball - 186-210 Revisiting wage subsidies: How pro-poor is a South African wage subsidy likely to be?
by Justine Burns & Lawrence Edwards & Karl Pauw - 211-223 Estimating national economic parameters for Namibia using the shadow pricing approach
by Michael N Humavindu - 224-237 Conceptualising and implementing two community gardening projects on the Cape Flats, Cape Town
by Rachael Tembo & Johann Louw - 238-249 Payment for ecosystem services through renewable energy generation to promote community-based natural resource management in the Blyde in South Africa
by Mirjam de Koning & Frik de Beer - 250-261 Cookie cutter cooperatives in the KwaZulu-Natal school nutrition programme
by Alan Beesley & Richard Ballard - 262-278 Telecentres for sustainable rural development: Review and case study of a South African rural telecentre
by Marthinus C Breitenbach - 279-292 Taxation in the Tanzanian gold sector: Overview of impacts and possible solutions
by Petro Sauti Magai & Alejandro Márquez-Velázquez - 293-293 Corrigendum
by Justin Visagie & Dorrit Ruth Posel
March 2013, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial
by Leila Patel & James Midgley & Marianne Ulriksen - 2-12 Social development and social protection: New opportunities and challenges
by James Midgley - 13-23 Trajectories of social protection in Africa
by Stephen Devereux - 24-38 Social protection, redistribution and economic growth
by David Piachaud - 39-53 The politics of social protection expenditure and financing in southern Africa
by Marianne Ulriksen - 54-68 ‘Growing’ social protection in developing countries: Lessons from Brazil and South Africa
by Armando Barrientos & Valerie Møller & João Saboia & Peter Lloyd-Sherlock & Julia Mase - 69-83 Gender and child sensitive social protection in South Africa
by Leila Patel & Tessa Hochfeld & Jacqueline Moodley - 84-97 The contribution of non-formal social protection to social development in Botswana
by Rodreck Mupedziswa & Dolly Ntseane - 98-110 Social protection in Lesotho: Innovations and reform challenges
by Marius Olivier - 111-120 Are social protection programmes child-sensitive?
by Scelo Zibagwe & Themba Nduna & Gift Dafuleya - 121-134 Tackling child poverty in South Africa: Implications of ubuntu for the system of social grants
by Adam Whitworth & Kate Wilkinson - 135-147 The South African disability grant: Influence on HIV treatment outcomes and household well-being in KwaZulu-Natal
by Lucia Knight & Victoria Hosegood & Ian M Timæus
December 2012, Volume 29, Issue 5
- 615-615 Special issue: Reforming South Africa's public health system
by Ronelle Burger - 616-635 Valuing human resources: Key to the success of a national health insurance system
by Laetitia C Rispel & Peter Barron - 636-656 The role of risk adjustment in the equitable financing of National Health Insurance in South Africa
by Heather McLeod - 657-680 Responding to the challenges of social health insurance in African countries
by Ebenezer Kwabena Tetteh - 681-703 Have public health spending and access in South Africa become more equitable since the end of apartheid?
by Ronelle Burger & Caryn Bredenkamp & Christelle Grobler & Servaas van der Berg - 704-724 What do we know about health service utilisation in South Africa?
by Olufunke A Alaba & Di McIntyre - 725-737 Management in the South African public health sector: An x-inefficiency perspective
by Carmen Sue Christian & Nicholas Crisp - 738-755 The fertility transition in South Africa: A retrospective panel data analysis
by Rulof P Burger & Ronelle Burger & Laura Rossouw - 756-764 Explaining health inequalities in South Africa: A political economy perspective
by John Ele-Ojo Ataguba & Olufunke Alaba - 765-766 Past, present and future: What you need to know about health and health care in South Africa
by Marsha Orgill - 767-769 Exploring ways to improve health system performance in developing countries
by Carmen Sue Christian
October 2012, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 517-518 Theme issue: Sustainable rural development in South Africa: Rethinking theory, policy and practice
by Peter Jacobs - 519-529 Small farms and sustainable rural development for food security: The Brazilian experience
by Cecilia Rocha & Luciene Burlandy & Renato Maluf - 530-547 The trade in Pelargonium sidoides : Rural livelihood relief or bounty for the ‘bio-buccaneers’?
by Jaci van Niekerk & Rachel Wynberg - 548-562 Support for smallholder farmers in South Africa: Challenges of scale and strategy
by Michael Aliber & Ruth Hall - 563-573 How rural land reform policy translates into benefits
by Tim GB Hart - 574-587 Understanding rural livelihoods in the West Coast District, South Africa
by Peter Jacobs & Ephias Makaudze - 588-609 Does conservation make sense to local communities?
by Melville Saayman & Riaan Rossouw & Andrea Saayman - 610-613 Sizing up the developmental state and the future of Tanzania's peasantry
by Nancy Andrew
September 2012, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 351-364 South Africa's economics of education: A stocktaking and an agenda for the way forward
by Martin Gustafsson & Thabo Mabogoane - 365-378 Determinants of return migration intentions: Evidence from Zimbabwean migrants living in South Africa
by Daniel Makina - 379-390 Narratives from a wetland: Sustainable management in Lukanga, Zambia
by Everisto Mapedza & Kim Geheb & Barbara van Koppen & Jonathan Chisaka - 391-417 The changing spatial economy of cities: An exploratory analysis of Cape Town
by Ken Sinclair-Smith & Ivan Turok - 418-433 Knowledge-based service industry in a South African university town: The case of Stellenbosch
by Anita Adendorff & Ronnie Donaldson - 434-447 Managing the costs of HIV/AIDS: A case study of a South African contract cleaning company
by Jeff Gow & Gavin George & Bligh Grant - 448-461 The impact of gender on SME characteristics and access to debt finance in South Africa
by David Kudzaishe Garwe & Olawale Fatoki - 462-487 The impact of tourism on poverty in South Africa
by Melville Saayman & Riaan Rossouw & Waldo Krugell - 488-505 Would a single regional visa encourage tourist arrivals in southern Africa?
by Anneli Douglas & Berendien A Lubbe & Elizabeth A Kruger - 506-516 Child-headed households in South Africa: What we know and what we don't
by Akim J Mturi
June 2012, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 193-207 How broad-based is broad-based black economic empowerment?
by Leila Patel & Lauren Graham - 209-223 Profiling emerging contractors for effective transformation in the South African construction sector
by Ludwig Martin & David Root - 225-239 Entrepreneurial values, hybridity and entrepreneurial capital: Insights from Johannesburg's informal sector
by Robert Venter - 241-257 Rhetoric or action: Are South African municipalities planning for climate change?
by Willemien Faling & Johann WN Tempelhoff & Dewald van Niekerk - 259-272 Chieftaincy and democratic local governance in rural South Africa: Natural resources management in QwaQwa
by Herbert Mwalukomo & Zarina Patel - 273-285 Tourism industry reaction to climate change in Kgalagadi South District, Botswana
by Jarkko Saarinen & Wame L Hambira & Julius Atlhopheng & Haretsebe Manwa - 287-301 Comparing the technical efficiency of farms benefiting from different agricultural interventions in Kenya's drylands
by Jacinta Lemba & Marijke D'Haese & Luc D'Haese & Aymen Frija & Stijn Speelman - 303-315 The impact of agricultural innovation system interventions on rural livelihoods in Malawi
by Mariam A T J Mapila & Johann F Kirsten & Ferdinand Meyer - 317-334 Social capability deficits and productivity behaviour of African manufacturing firms: Evidence from Lesotho garment producers
by Abdelrasaq Na-Allah - 335-336 Embracing ICT for development
by Lucky Madikiza - 337-349 Financing climate-friendly energy development through bonds
by John A Mathews & Sean Kidney
March 2012, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-2 Theme issue on poverty and inequality in South Africa
by Isobel Frye & Mari� Kirsten - 3-18 How social security policies and economic transformation affect poverty and inequality: Lessons for South Africa
by Marianne S Ulriksen - 19-34 Describing and decomposing post-apartheid income inequality in South Africa
by Murray Leibbrandt & Arden Finn & Ingrid Woolard - 35-61 Inequality in South Africa: The distribution of income, expenditure and earnings
by Fiona Tregenna & Mfanafuthi Tsela - 63-75 Smoke and mirrors? The science of poverty measurement and its application
by Julian May - 77-96 Estimating a poverty line: An application to free basic municipal services in South Africa
by Haroon Bhorat & Morne Oosthuizen & Carlene van der Westhuizen - 97-113 Gendered trends in poverty in the post-apartheid period, 1997--2006
by Dorrit Posel & Michael Rogan - 115-125 Rural poverty in the Eastern Cape Province: Legacy of apartheid or consequence of contemporary segregationism?
by Ashley Westaway - 127-139 How better targeting of social spending affects social delivery in South Africa
by Servaas van der Berg & Eldridge Moses - 141-156 The fiscal cost of child grants in the context of high adult mortality in South Africa: A simulation to 2015
by Hayley McEwen & Ingrid Woolard - 157-175 Defining and measuring informal employment in South Africa
by Derek Yu - 177-190 The rationale for an employment guarantee in South Africa
by Kate Philip - 191-192 The gospel according to Banerjee and Duflo
by Nicholas Spaull
December 2011, Volume 28, Issue 5
- 595-596 Development, inequality and social justice in southern Africa
by Janis Grobbelaar & Kammila Naidoo - 597-611 The limits of land restitution: Livelihoods in three rural communities in South Africa
by Charles Puttergill & Nolunkcwe Bomela & Janis Grobbelaar & Khumisho Moguerane - 613-626 The changing nature of work: The creation of a ‘working poor’ population in post-apartheid South Africa
by Kolawole E Omomowo - 627-639 Poverty and socio-political transition: Perceptions in four racially demarcated residential sites in Gauteng
by Kammila Naidoo - 641-651 Progress towards Millennium Development Goals? Strategies for housing and informal settlement in Gauteng, South Africa
by Liela Groenewald - 653-668 Between market, state and society: Labour codes of conduct in the southern African garment industry
by Andries Bezuidenhout & Søren Jeppesen - 669-680 HIV-related stigma and access to health care among people living with HIV in Swaziland
by Agostino M Zamberia - 681-689 ‘Resting’, AIDS-affliction and marital constraints: Engendered livelihood issues in the aftermath of Lesotho mineworker retrenchments
by Kammila Naidoo & Rachel Matsie & Angela Ochse - 691-704 Moving beyond xenophobia: Structural violence, conflict and encounters with the ‘other’ Africans
by Cawo Mohamed Abdi - 705-718 Seeking refuge in South Africa: Challenges facing a group of Congolese and Burundian refugees
by Pragna Rugunanan & Ria Smit
October 2011, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 429-430 Theme issue on food security
by Milla McLachlan & Ralph Hamann - 431-444 Adult mortality and household food security in rural South Africa: Does AIDS represent a unique mortality shock?
by Wayne Twine & Lori Mae Hunter - 445-460 A green revolution betrayed? Seed technology and small-scale maize farmers in Zimbabwe
by Anthony Leiman & Alexander Behar - 461-476 Small-scale milling and the feasibility of mandatory fortification of sorghum and maize flour in Botswana
by Tebogo B Seleka & Jos� C Jackson & Letsogile Batsetswe & Pinkie G Kebakile - 477-492 Markets for marama beans in southern Africa: Linking sustainable products with sustainable livelihoods
by Margarida Faria & Edward Mabaya & Danie Jordaan - 493-507 Improving smallholders' market participation: Insights from a business scheme for maize in Limpopo Province, South Africa
by Estelle Bi�nabe & Hester Vermeulen - 509-526 The contribution of community gardens to food security in the Maphephetheni uplands
by Stephen O Shisanya & Sheryl L Hendriks - 527-544 Urban food insecurity and the new international food security agenda
by Jonathan S Crush & G Bruce Frayne - 545-561 Urban food insecurity in Cape Town, South Africa: An alternative approach to food access
by Jane Battersby - 563-578 Assessing the vulnerability of Stellenbosch's food system and possibilities for a local food economy
by Candice Kelly & Jess Schulschenk