1998, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 361-377 The identification of towns in the Free State for an urban upgrading and development programme: A proposed method for consideration
by Skip Krige & Michael Schur & Gerd Sippel - 379-398 The financial systems approach to development finance: Origin, evolution and prospects
by Andrie Schoombee - 399-412 Economies of size in sugar cane production in KwaZulu-Natal
by Swaibu Mbowa & Lieb Nieuwoudt - 413-427 A time-series analysis of Zimbabwe's corn sales to the Grain Marketing Board
by Ephias Makaudze & David Bessler & Stephen Fuller - 429-448 A cluster analysis of commercialisation of farmers in developing rural areas of South Africa
by Moraka Makhura & Frank Goode & Gerhard Coetzee - 449-469 Land degradation in South Africa: Conventional views, changing paradigms and a tradition of soil conservation
by William RS Critchley & Escort Netshikovhela - 471-489 Problem-solving strategies for small-scale emerging commercial mango farmers in Venda
by Marijke D'Haese & Johan van Rooyen & Guido van Huylenbroeck & Luc D'Haese - 491-493 Pollution control in the South and North, By OJ Kuik, MV Nadkarni, FH Oosterhuis, GS Sastry & AE Akkeran
by Gerhard Held - 495-498 Change and South African external relations (By Walter Carlsnaes & Marie Muller)/From defence to development: Redirecting military resources in South Africa (By Jacklyn Cock & Penny Mckenzie)
by Timothy Shaw
1998, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 147-149 Editorial
by Chris Heymans - 151-163 Integrated development planning or strategic paralysis? Municipal development during the local government transition and beyond
by Christopher Pycroft - 165-184 Policing the provinces: A budgetary analysis
by Peter Batchelor - 185-200 Aid, development and politics in Southern Africa: A critical look at new conditionalities in official development assistance
by Elling Tjønneland - 201-213 Urban cultivation: Food crops and their importance
by Nigel Webb - 215-233 The potential of and obstacles to agriculture in the Southern African Development Community
by Juliana Rwelamira & Theo Kleynhans - 235-250 A survey of broiler production in the Blantyre Agricultural Development Division, Malawi
by Andrew Safalaoh & Kinsley Jesemani & Richard Phoya - 251-266 Food-aid dependency in Lesotho: Issues and policy implications
by Andrew Makenete & Gerald Ortmann & Mark Darroch - 267-285 A South African national economic and environmental policyframework
by Simon Forster - 289-291 Metropolitan government for the 21st century: Anticipated changes need maximum flexibility
by Crispian Olver - 293-296 Administration at local level: Reflections on the white paper
by Andrew Boraine - 297-306 Response to the white paper by the centre for development and enterprise
by Ann Bernstein - 307-311 The White Paper and the rural poor
by Hildegarde Fast - 313-317 Chiefs and the White Paper
by Khehla Shubane - 319-321 Governing Africa's cities, (edited by Mark Swilling)
by David Mmakola
1998, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-12 The survival of apartheid's last town council in Groblersdal, South Africa
by Maano Ramutsindela - 13-28 Continuity with change: A review of Zimbabwe's public sector urban low-income housing production system
by Amin Kamete - 29-54 Community development and research: Participatory learning and action -a development strategy in itself
by Stephen Wetmore & Francois Theron - 55-65 Savings and loan clubs: Risky ventures or good business practice? A study of the importance of rotating savings and credit associations for poor women
by Gina Buijs - 67-83 The performance and support of food gardens in some townships of the Cape Metropolitan Area: An evaluation of Abalimi Bezekhaya
by ASM Karaan & N. Mohamed - 85-101 Unwrapping a technology package: Burley, fertiliser, and hybrid maize in Malawi
by Alastair Orr - 103-121 Sustainable rural livelihoods? Evaluating the potential of small-scale aquaculture in the Western Cape
by Najma Mohamed & Belinda Dodson - 123-131 The Masakhane campaign: Alice and King William's Town case studies
by Jeremy Timm & Omar Jadwat & Gerd Sippel - 133-141 Public-private partnerships in the health industry
by Jean-Pierre Labuschagne - 143-145 Third World professionals and development education in Europe: Personal narratives, global conversations, By Shanti George
by Pandelani Thomas Mathoma
1997, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 481-503 South African social security under apartheid and beyond
by Servaas van der Berg - 505-512 The level of poverty in South Africa: Consideration of an experiential measure
by Charles Crothers - 513-529 Women, gender and policy-making in the South African context
by Debbie Budlender - 531-545 Defence expenditure and development in South Africa
by Andre Roux - 547-560 Financial reform and credit extension in Lesotho
by Onesmus Ayaya - 561-568 Broadening access to land markets: Financing emerging farmers in South Africa
by MC Lyne & MAG Darroch - 569-589 Sources of capital and income for communal area farmers in Kavango: Implications for agriculture and rural development
by CM Matanyaire - 591-613 The minerals-energy complex and South African industrialisation
by Trevor Bell & Greg Farrell - 615-618 Race, class and the changing division of labour under apartheid, By Owen Crankshaw
by Ian Macun - 619-621 The women's budget and The second women's budget, Edited by Debbie Budlender
by Shireen Hassim
1997, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 307-325 The counter-counterrevolution in development theory on the role of the state in development: Inferences for South Africa?
by Judith Streak - 327-353 Trade integration in the Southern African development community: Prospects and problems
by Marina Mayer & Rosalind Thomas - 355-362 Land reform in South Africa: A vehicle for justice and reconciliation, or a source of further inequality and conflict?
by Chris de Wet - 363-376 Exploring income variations across traditional authorities in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
by Robert Klitgaard & Amanda Fitschen - 377-394 Promoting farm/non-farm linkages for employment of the poor in South Africa: A research agenda focused on small-scale farms and agroindustry
by Charles Machethe & Thomas Reardon & Donald Mead - 395-411 Unemployment and urban development in Gauteng
by Peter Hall - 413-423 Restricted electricity use among poor urban households
by Caroline White & Leslie Bank & Sean Jones & Monga Mehlwana - 425-445 Interpreting the risks of AIDS: A case study of long-distance truck drivers
by Tessa Marcus - 447-462 Social development and macroeconomic policy
by Andrew Donaldson - 463-470 Delivery and its discontents: Delivery targets and the development challenge
by Steven Friedman - 471-476 The informal food marketing system in urban environments: Case studies of Kagiso and Orange Farm
by CJ van Rooyen & BF Mavhandu & HD van Schalkwyk - 477-478 Conflicting challenges in development, Edited by P Styger, S Meyer & A Saayman
by S. Winter - 479-480 Scientific communities in the developing world, Edited by J Gaillard, W Krishna & R Waast
by JF Kirsten
1997, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 125-153 Can social security programmes do more with less? General issues and the challenges for Southern Africa
by Lawrence Haddad & Manfred Zeller - 155-168 Reassessing public expenditure priorities: The case of education in South Africa
by Bongani Khuumalo & Anthony Wright - 169-184 Perceptions of service delivery and happiness
by Valerie Møller & Amanda Jackson - 185-209 KwaZulu-Natal's rural institutional environment: Its impact on local service delivery
by JR Barnes & M. Morris - 211-235 Explaining ethnic violence in black Africa: Independence to 1979
by Zwelakhe Tshandu & Elvis Fraser - 237-253 Agriculture and the migration of labour to a capital city: The case of Gaborone, Botswana
by Oludele Akinboade & V. Lekwape - 255-273 The 'alien invasion' in South Africa: Illegal immigrants in Durban
by Brij Maharaj & Rinku Rajkumar - 275-283 An agricultural SAM for the Western Cape
by JB Eckert & GF Liebenberg & DP Troskie - 285-293 Europe's free-trade plans with South Africa: Strategic responses from and challenges to South and Southern Africa
by Dot Keet - 295-306 User participation - a closed dialogue
by Alan Lipman & Howard Harris
1997, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-20 Recent fertility patterns and population policy in South Africa
by Orieji Chimere-Dan - 21-41 Strengthening institutional safety nets in South Africa: Sharing operation hunger's insights and experiences
by Edward Breslin & Peter Delius & Carlos Madrid - 43-60 Transforming South Africa's cities: Prospects for the economic development of urban townships
by Philip Harrison & Alison Todes & Vanessa Watson - 61-77 Mineral resources and economic development: A survey
by S. Mainardi - 79-96 A strategic development management orientation for local authorities
by Johan Burger - 97-120 Financial analysis of the electrification programme
by Mark Davis - 121-124 The 34th annual conference of the Agricultural Economics Association of South Africa, Midrand, 1996
by Nick Vink & Tommy Fenyes